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1 Solaris Shell awk gawk vi emacs OK mode 1

2 tty: return user's terminal name, ex: tty. echo: echo arguments, ex: echo "$USER's current directory is $PWD\c". who: who is on the system, ex: who. whoami: display the effective current username, ex: whoami. w: display information about currently logged-in users, ex: w. passwd: change login password and password attributes, ex: passwd. tty tty /dev/pts/2 echo echo " I am OK" I am OK who whoami w passwd who whoami guykiko w passwd ls: list contents of directory, ex: ls al. cd: change working directory, ex: ch ~. mkdir: make directories, ex: mkdir temp. rm: remove directory entries, ex: rm readme, \rm r temp. rmdir: remove directory entries, ex: \rm r temp. cp: copy files, ex: cp test obsinfo. mv: move files, ex: mv test obsinfo, source: shell built-in functions to execute other commands, ex: source ~/.cshrc. ls cd ls -al cd ~ mkdir mkdir temp rm \rm r temp rmdir rkdir temp cp cp test obsinfo mv source mv test obsinfo (x) Source ~/.cshrc 2

3 man: find and display reference manual pages, ex man ls. info: Return information about the state of the Tcl inter-preter. whatis: display a one-line summary about a keyword man info whatis man ls script: make record of a terminal session, ex: script. clear: clear the terminal screen, ex: clear. tput: initialize a terminal or query terminfo database. uname: print name of current system, ex: uname a. sript cear tut uname clear Umane -a tar: create tape archives and add or extract files, ex below. 1. -ctf tar tar cvf /d43/software/gmt-solaris-3.4.tar GMT tvf tar tar tvf /d43/software/gmt-solaris-3.4.tar 3. -xvf tar tar xvf /d43/software/gmt-solaris-3.4.tar GMT3.4 gzip: compress files, ex: gzip, and then file convert to gunzip: expand files, ex: gunzip tar gip gnzip tar *gz *gz tar xvf obs.tar gzip gunzip 3

4 more: browse or page through a text file, ex: more wc: display a count of lines, words and characters in a file, ex: wc od: octal dump. pr: print files. cmp: compare two files, ex: cmp diff: display line-by-line differences between pairs of text files, ex: diff cut: cut out selected fields of each line of a file. paste: merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files. sort: sort, merge, or sequence check text files, ex: sort -r -o outfile -k 2.2,2.2 infile1 infile2. tr: translate characters, ex: tr -cs "[:alpha:]" "[\n*]" <file1 >file2. uniq: report or filter out repeated lines in a file, ex: uniq -d uniq.test. dos2unix: convert text file from DOS format to ISO format, ex: dos2unix dosfile unixfile. unix2dos: convert text file from ISO format to DOS format, ex: unix2dos unixfile dosfile. tail: deliver the last part of a file, ex:/ tail 30 log.1 head: display first few lines of files, head log.1. cat: concatenate and display files, ex: cat readme. touch: change file access and modification times, ex: touch testfile. grep: search a file for a pattern, ex: ps elf grep R. egrep: search a file for a pattern using full regular expressions. sed: stream editor. more more readme wc wc od pr cmp diff diff cut paste sort tr uniq dos2unix dos unix dos2unix dosfile unixfile unix2dos unix dos unix2dos unixfile dosfile tail head cat tail 30 1.log head ray.c cat ray.c 4

5 touch touch temp grep Ps elf grep guykiko egrep sed textedit shelltool suntools cmdtool defaultsedit mailtool perfmeter lookscreen textedit shelltool suntools cmdtool defaultsedit mailtool perfmeter telnet: user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol, ex: telnet sun2. rlogin: remote login, ex: rlogin sun2. logout: shell built-in function to exit from a login session, ex: logout. ftp: file transfer program, ex: ftp sun2/ ping: send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts, ex: ping xhost: server access control program for X, ex: xhost +. telnet telnet sun2 rlogin rlogin sun2 logout logout ftp ping xhost ftp 5 ftp sun2 ping x xhost +

6 bg (&):control process execution, ex: job &. fg: control process execution. nohup: run a command immune to hang-ups, ex: nohup command1. ps: report process status, ex: ps elf. kill: terminate or signal processes, ex: kill nice: invoke a command with an altered scheduling priority. at: execute commands at a later time. batch: execute commands at a later time. cron: clock daemon. time: time a simple command. bg(&) job & fg nohup ps ps elf kill kill nice at batch cron time Xwindow xhost: server access control program for X. rsh: remote shell. xterm: terminal emulator for X. xclipboard: X clipboard client. xclock: analog / digital clock for X. xload: system load average display for X. xkill: kill a client by its X resource. xrdb: X server resource database utility. 6

7 xhost rsh xterm xclipboard xclock xload xrdb x date: write the date and time, ex: date. cal: display a calendar. calendar: reminder service. lpstat: print information about the status of the print service, ex: lpstat, lpstat -a. lpr: submit print requests, ex: lpr readme. lprm: remove print requests from the print queue. date date cal cal calendar calendar lpstat lpstat a lpr lpr readme lprm lprm 354 7

8 pwd: return working directory name, ex: pwd. ls: list contents of directory, ex: ls al. cd: change working directory. mkdir: make directories. rmdir: remove directory entries, cp: copy files, mv: move files, ex: text readme. rm: remove directory entries, ex: rm test. cat: concatenate and display files, cat readme. file: determine file type. lp: submit print request. cancel: cancel print request. df: displays number of free disk blocks and files, ex: df -k. du: summarize disk usage, ex: du -ks. touch: change file access and modification times, ex: touch test. find: find files, ex: find / -print *log* pwd ls Pwd Ls cd Cd mkdir Mkdir rmdir Rmdir cp Cp mv Mv rm Rm cat Cat file File lp cancel df du Df k Du -ks touch Touch test find Find / -print *readme* 8

9 chmod: change the permissions mode of a file,ex: chmod 755 *su. umask: get or set the file mode creation mask, ex: umask 022. chown: change file ownership, ex: chown user dirs. chgrp: change file group ownership, chgrp grp files. chmod umask chown chgrp chmod *su 755 umask 022 chown guykiko Rayex chgrp student Rayex mount: mount file systems and remote resources, ex: mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 /home2. umount: unmount file systems and remote resources, ex: umount /d43. mountall: mount multiple file systems, ex: mountall. umountall: unmount multiple file systems, ex: umountall. swap: swap administrative interface. format: disk partitioning and maintenance utility, ex: format. newfs: construct a new UFS file system, ex: newfs, ex: newfs /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6. mount umount mountall umountall format newfs mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 /home2 umount /d43 mountall umountall format newfs /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 mkdir /cdrom; mount r F hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom share F nfs o r0 /cdrom/cdrom0; share F nfs o r0 /cdrom cd /etc/dfs; shareall 9

10 talk talk to another user, ex: talk guest. message: puts its arguments on FMLI message line. finger: display information about local and remote users, ex: finger guykiko. telnet: user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol, ex: telnet sun2. rlogin: remote login, ex: rlogin sun2. ftp: file transfer program, ex: ftp sun2. rcp: remote file copy. rsh: remote shell. talk message finger telnet rlogin ftp rcp rsh talk guest finger guykiko telnet sun2 rlogin sun2 ftp ftp sun2 ifconfig: configure network interface parameters, ex: ifconfig a. ping: send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. route: manually manipulate the routing tables netstat: show network status, ex: netatat a. inetd: Internet services daemon. ifconfig ping route netstat ifconfig a ping port netatat a inetd 10

11 mail: read mail, ex: mail. rmail: send mail to users. elm: an interactive mail system, ex: elm. tin: A Netnews reader. mail mail rmail elm elm tin 11

12 useradd: administer a new user login on the system, ex: useradd d /home/guest u 301 s /bin/csh userdel: delete a user's login from the system, ex: userdel r guest. passwd: change login password and password attributes, ex: passwd. useradd userdel passwd useradd d /home/guest u 301 s /bin/csh userdel r guest passwd groupadd: add (create) a new group definition on the system, ex: group g 301 student. groupdel: delete a group definition from the system, ex: groupdel student. groupadd groupdel group g 301 student groupdel student 12

13 boot cdrom make: maintain, update, and regenerate related programs and files, ex: make. gcc: GNU project C and C++ Compiler, ex: gcc o ray ray.c lm. f77: FORTRAN 77 compiler, ex: f77 o rec_ascii rec_ascii.f. install: install commands. boot s format newfs /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2 lpadmin plp2 s ; accept lp2; enable lp2 lp2 file1; lpq Plp2; lprm Plp2 584 lpadmin plp3 s ;accept lp3; enable lp3; lp3 file1; lpq Plp3; lprm Plp

14 /etc/init.d /etc/inittab /etc/rc*.d sync: update the super block, ex: sync. shutdown: shut down system, change system state, ex: shutdown. halt: stop the processor, ex: halt. reboot: restart the operating system, ex: reboot. init(0~6): process control initialization, ex: init 3. sync sync shutdown halt halt shutdown reboot reboot init init 3 14

15 Shell Bource Shell (sh) C shell (csh) Bource Again Shell (bash) Korn Shell (ksh) 15

16 awk gawk a; dd; dr; o; X; I save vi emacs OK mode Banner CPU,,hostid,EtherNet probe-scsi SCSI probe-scsi-all SCSI probe-ide IDE ( U10,U5) devalias cdrom,disk,disk0,disk1 printenv printenv auto-boot? Setenv setenv auto-boot? false set-default auto-boot? set-defaults boot device [option] device : cdrom,disk,net Ultra60 CDROM /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1/disk@6,0:foption : -r -s eject [cdrom floppy] cdrom floppy reset probe-fcal-all Fiber-Channel auto-boot? =true =false PROM diag-switch? =false boot-device=true diag-device boot-device =disk diag-device =net tpe-link-test? =true ( 16

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