2016/17 學年收取香港中學文憑考試校外中六重讀生的學校 Schools admitting HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools (2016/17 school year) 註釋 Explanatory Notes 縮寫 Abbreviations

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1 2016/17 學年收取香港中學文憑考試校外中六重讀生的學校 Schools admitting HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools (2016/17 school year) 註釋 Explanatory Notes 縮寫 Abbreviations 類別 Category 甲類 Category A [ 核心科目或選修科目 core subjects or elective subjects] 乙類 Category B [ 應用學習科目 Applied Learning subjects] 縮寫 Abbreviation 英文全稱 Full Name in English 中文全稱 Full Name in Chinese 類別 Category 縮寫 Abbreviation 英文全稱 Full Name in English 中文全稱 Full Name in Chinese BAFS Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 企業 會計及財務概論 FS Film and ideo Studies 電影及錄像 DAT Design and Applied Technology 設計與應用科技 HCP Health Care Practice 健康護理實務 ERS Ethics and Religious Studies 倫理與宗教 H Hotel perations 酒店營運 HMSC Health Management and Social Care 健康管理與社會關懷 HSP Hospitality Services in Practice 酒店服務營運 ICT 科目 Subjects Information and Communication Technology 資訊及通訊科技 InD Interior Design 室內設計 LIT ENG Literature in English 英語文學 IntC Introduction to Cantonese pera 由踐入藝 : 粵劇入門 MAD Mobile and nline Apps Development 流動及網上程式開發 SCI (INT) Science: Integrated Science 科學 : 綜合科學 NMCS New Media Communication Strategies 新媒體傳播策略 TL Technology and Living 科技與生活 PCA Practical Computerised Accounting 實用電腦會計 THS Tourism amd Hospitality Studies 旅遊與款待 PCH Practical Chinese in Hospitality 款待實務中文 ABR Applied Business Research 應用商業研究 RHPP Radio Host and Programme Production 電台主持與節目製作 AP Applied Psychology 應用心理學 SFC Sports and Fitness Coaching 運動及體適能教練 AT Automotive Technology 汽車科技 TCD Taking a Chance on Dance 舞出新機 - 舞蹈藝術 AvS Aviation Studies 航空學 WC Western Cuisine 西式食品製作 BT Building Technology 屋宇科技 FRENCH French 法語 CCA Commercial Comic Art 商業漫畫設計 GERMAN German 德語 CCE Child Care and Education 幼兒教育 HINDI Hindi 印地語 CFT Computer Forensic Technology 電腦鑑證科技 JAPANESE Japanese 日語 CGAD Computer Game and Animation Design 電腦遊戲及動畫設計 SPANISH Spanish 西班牙語 CSI Chinese for the Service Industry 服務業中文 URDU Urdu 烏爾都語 EDA The Essentials of Dramatic Arts 由戲開始 劇藝縱橫 科目 Subjects EEE Electrical and Energy Engineering 電機及能源工程縮寫 Abbreviation 英文全稱 Full Name in English 中文全稱 Full Name in Chinese EP Exploring Psychology 探索心理學 AIDED Aided School 資助學校 ESHF Exercise Science and Health Fitness 運動科學及體適能 C Co Educational School 男女校 ESME Entrepreneurship for SME 中小企創業實務 CAPUT Caput School 按額資助學校 FB Food and Beverage perations 餐飲業運作 DIRECT Direct Subsidy Scheme School 直資計畫學校 FCM Foundation in Chinese Medicine 中醫藥學基礎 GT Government School 官立學校 FHC Foundamental Health care 基礎健康護理 MEM Memorial 紀念 FID Fashion and Image Design 時裝及形象設計 PRIATE Private School 私立學校 FM Financial Markets and perations 金融市場及運作 SEC Secondary School 中學 FuC Fundamental Cosmetology 美容學基礎 TECH Technical 工業 註 : 1. 科目詳情, 請瀏覽香港考試及評核局網頁 ( 2. 註釋資料由學校提供 有關各校的詳細資料, 請透過教育局網頁 ( 瀏覽它們的網頁或直接向學校查詢 Note : 1. For details of subjects, please visit the Homepage of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority ( 2. The contents of the explanatory notes are based on the information supplied by schools concerned. For detailed information about the schools, please visit their web pages through the Education Bureau Homepage ( or contact the school direct. 乙類 Category B [ 應用學習科目 Applied Learning subjects] MATHS M1 Mathematics Module 1 數學 - 延伸部份單元一 JAD Jewellery Arts and Design 珠寶藝術與設計 MATHS M2 Mathematics Module 2 數學 - 延伸部份單元二 LEHK Law Enforcement in Hong Kong 香港執法實務 MUSIC Music 音樂 MEP Magazine Edi ng and Produc on 雜誌編輯與製作 PE Physical Education 體育 MLS Medical Laboratory Science 醫務化驗科學 SCI (CM) Science: Combined Science 科學 : 組合科學 MP Marketing and nline Promotion (1) BI & CHEM 市場營銷及網上推廣 (1) 生物及化學 (2) BI & PHY (2) 生物及物理 (3) CHEM & PHY (3) 化學及物理 丙類 Category C [ 其他語言科目 ther Language subjects] 其他

2 2016/17 學年收取香港中學文憑考試校外中六重讀生的日校 Day schools admitting HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools (2016/17 school year) 註.. (1) 以下只列出學校提供的科目 在新高中學制下, 所有新學制中六班均提供中國語文 英國語文 通識教育及數學科的必修部份 (2) 我們假設大部份中學考慮校外中六重讀生時,(a) 要求面試及格 操行和考勤良好,(b) 對兩科語文水平沒有特定要求 ; 因此, 備註一欄只會列出個別學校其他較為重要的校本收生條件 (3) Notes: (1) 資料由學校提供, 只作參考之用, 如欲獲得最新資訊, 學生可直接向學校查詢 nly subjects offered by schools are listed. Under the NAS, Chinese Language, English Language, Liberal Studies and compulsory part of Mathematics are core subjects offered in all NAS S6 classes. (2) We assume most secondary schools (a) require interview pass, Good in Conduct and attendance records, (b) do not have specific requirements on the two language subjects in their considering of S6 repeaters from other schools; hence, only key school-based admission requirement(s) other than the above would be listed in the "Remarks" column. (3) The information contained in this list is provided by the schools concerned and intended for reference only. To obtain the most updated information, students may check with schools direct. LK SIN TNG LEUNG KAU KUI CLLEGE 28 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Poon 樂善堂梁銶琚書院西營盤醫院道 28 號 中西區 ( 香港 ) Central and Western (HK) C AIDED (1) 中 英逹 3 級及數 通達 2 級 東區 ( 香港 ) Eastern (HK) CARITAS CHAI WAN MARDEN FDN SEC 330 San Ha Street 明愛柴灣馬登基金中學新廈街 330 號 C AIDED ERS () HMSC () DAT () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. FUKIEN SECNDARY (SIU SAI WAN) 福建中學 ( 小西灣 ) 2 Fu Yee Road, Siu Sai Wan, Chai Wan 柴灣小西灣富怡道 2 號 C AIDED (1) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website.

3 HN WAH CLLEGE 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan 漢華中學小西灣富欣道 3 號 C DIRECT 學校於 2016 年 8 月 2 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 2 Aug 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. ISLAMIC KASIM TUET MEMRIAL CLLEGE 22 Tsui Wan Street, Chai Wan 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學柴灣翠灣街 22 號 C AIDED (3) PE() LIT ENG 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請致電學校查詢 please phone school direct. KIANGSU-CHEKIANG CLLEGE 20 Braemar Hill Road 蘇浙公學寶馬山道 20 號 C DIRECT 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang MAN KIU CLLEGE 81 Cloud iew Road 閩僑中學雲景道 81 號 C AIDED TCD () InD() SFC() 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識及一科選修科須達二 /E 級或以上 Level 2/Grade E or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths, Liberal Studies & 1 elective subjects 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. PUI KIU MIDDLE 190 Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point 培僑中學北角天后廟道 190 號 C DIRECT B B B B 中國語文 英國語文及另外兩科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang and 2 other subjects

4 SKH LI FK HING SECNDARY Tsui Wan Estate, Tsui Wan Street, Chai Wan 聖公會李福慶中學柴灣翠灣街翠灣邨 C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. ST JAN F ARC SECNDARY 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point 聖貞德中學北角寶馬山道 55 號 B AIDED CCC KWEI WAH SHAN CLLEGE 62 Cloud iew Road, North Point 中華基督教會桂華山中學北角雲景道 62 號 C AIDED DAT () HMSC () CARITAS CHNG YUET MING SEC Wah Fu Estate, 53 Wah Fu Road, Pokfulam 明愛莊月明中學薄扶林華富邨華富道 53 號 南區 ( 香港 ) Southern (HK) C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. HKUGA CLLEGE 9 Nam Fung Road, Wong Chuk Hang 港大同學會書院黃竹坑南風道 9 號 C DIRECT For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. 學校於 2016 年 7 月 19 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 19 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled.

5 HNG KNG SEA Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley 香港航海學校赤柱東頭灣道 號 B AIDED 海事 Maritime Studies ( 非香港中學文憑科目 not for HKDSE) 學生必須為寄宿生 Student must be boarder. 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. PUI YING SECNDARY 55 Wah Fu Road, Pokfulam 培英中學 薄扶林華富道 55 號 C AIDED B B B B CCC KUNG LEE CLLEGE 17 Tai Hang Drive, Causeway Bay 中華基督教會公理高中書院銅鑼灣大坑徑 17 號 C DIRECT 灣仔區 ( 香港 ) Wanchai (HK) TL () CNCRDIA LUTHERAN - NRTH PINT 20 Cloud iew Road 北角協同中學雲景道 20 號 C AIDED CNFUCIUS HALL SECNDARY 77 Caroline Hill Road 孔聖堂中學加路連山道 77 號 C DIRECT 九龍城區 ( 九龍 ) Kowloon City (KLN)

6 DICESAN BYS' 131 Argyle Street, Mongkok 拔萃男書院旺角亞皆老街 131 號 B DIRECT PE () NEW ASIA MIDDLE 6 Farm Road, Tokwawan 新亞中學土瓜灣農圃道 6 號 C AIDED 中國語文及英國語文須達三級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang NTRE DAME CLLEGE 51 Shing Tak Street, Ma Tau Wai 聖母院書院馬頭圍盛德街 51 號 C AIDED 中五及中六兩年的操行必須良好或以上 Good or above in Conduct in S5 and S6 請致電學校查詢開辦科目及收生成績 For details of the subjects offered and admission levels/grades, please phone school direct. 請參考學校網頁有關收取校外中六重讀生的最低要求 Please browse school homepage for minimum admission requirements. P LEUNG KUK NGAN P LING CLLEGE 26 Sung n Street, Tokwawan 保良局顏寶鈴書院土瓜灣崇安街 26 號 C DIRECT B (1) (2) (3) FRENCH RHENISH CHURCH PANG HK-K MEMRIAL CLLEGE 30 Hereford Road, Kowloon Tong 禮賢會彭學高紀念中學九龍塘禧福道 30 號 C AIDED 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct.

7 SKH HLY CARPENTER SECNDARY 10 Tai Wan Road, Hunghom 聖公會聖匠中學紅磡大環道 10 號 C AIDED (1) DAT () HMSC () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. SKH TSI KUNG P SECNDARY 101 Chung Hau Street, Homantin 聖公會蔡功譜中學何文田忠孝街 101 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B PE() ERS() ST. TERESA SECNDARY 21 Sheung Shing Street, Homantin 德蘭中學何文田常盛街 21 號 G AIDED ERS () TL() 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. WRKERS' CHILDREN SECNDARY 14 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin 勞工子弟中學何文田公主道 14 號 C DIRECT 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識當中三科及一科選修科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in 1 elective subject and any 3 subjects from Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies YU CHUN KEUNG MEMRIAL CLLEGE 27 Man Fuk Road, Waterloo Hill, Homantin 余振強紀念中學何文田窩打老道山文福道 27 號 C AIDED ERS() HMSC() PE() 中六只收取男生 Admit boys only for S6 classes 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識及一科選修科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths, Liberal Studies and 1 elective subject 觀塘區 ( 九龍 ) Kwun Tong (KLN)

8 BUDDHIST H NAM KAM CLLEGE 3 Ko Chiu Road, Kwun Tong 佛教何南金中學油塘高超道 3 號 C AIDED (3) ERS () DAT () DELIA MEMRIAL (HIP W) 221 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong 地利亞修女紀念學校 ( 協和 ) 觀塘協和街 221 號 C DIRECT LIT ENG 中國語文及英國語文須達一級或以上 Level 1 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang DELIA MEMRIAL (MATTE RICCI) 223 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong 地利亞修女紀念學校 ( 利瑪竇 ) 觀塘協和街 223 號 C DIRECT 非華語學生可修讀綜合中等教育證書 (GCSE) ( 中國語文科 ) 或普通教育文憑 ( 高級補充程度 ) (GCE (AS)) ( 中國語文科 ) Non-Chinese speaking students can study General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) (Chinese) or General Certificate of Education (Advanced Supplementary) (GCE (AS)) (Chinese) ECF SAINT T CANAAN CLLEGE 6 Lee n Lane, Kwun Tong 基督教中國佈道會聖道迦南書院觀塘利安里 6 號 C DIRECT X2 X1 X1 X1 X1 X2 X1 Account Major + Business Studies Major X1, X2 組別各選一科 Select 1 subject from group X1 and 1 from group X2. FUKIEN SECNDARY 83 Chun Wah Road, Kwun Tong 福建中學 觀塘振華道 83 號 C DIRECT 中國語文及英國語文達 3 級 ; 數學及通識達 2 級, 另外 2 科選修科達 2 級或以上 ;4 科必修科及 2 科選修科共達 16 分或以上 ; 校內操行良好 (B+) Level 3 in Chi Lang & Eng Lang respectively; Level 2 in Maths, Liberal Studies and 2 electives; 16 points or above totally in 4 core subjects and 2 electives; Good in Conduct (B+) 註 :5** 級 =7 分,5* 級 =6 分, 如此類推 Note: Level 5** = 7 points, Level 5* = 6 points, and so on

9 HKTA CHING CHUNG SECNDARY 4 Hiu Yuk Path, Sau Mau Ping, Kwun Tong 香港道教聯合會青松中學觀塘秀茂坪曉育徑 4 號 C AIDED 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths and Liberal Studies For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. HKWMA CHU SHEK LUN SECNDARY 11 Kai Lok Street, Kowloon Bay 香港布廠商會朱石麟中學九龍灣啓樂街 11 號 C AIDED SCI(INT) () DAT() Level 2 or above in 4 core subjects and 1 elective subject with at least Level 3 in English Language or Chinese Language. 4 科主科及 1 科選修科達 2 級或以上 其中, 中文科或英文科最少達 3 級 K LUI SECNDARY 9 Wo Hong Path, Kwun Tong 高雷中學觀塘和康徑 9 號 C AIDED PE () 四科須達二級或以上, 包括中國語文 英國語文及數學 Level 2 or above in 4 subjects, including Chi Lang, Eng Lang & Maths KWUN TNG LUTHERAN CLLEGE 2 Horse Shoe Lane, Kwun Tong 路德會官塘書院觀塘馬蹄徑 2 號 C PRIATE B B For details of the subjects, please browse school website/phone school direct. MARYKNLL SECNDARY 45 Choi Ha Road, Ngau Tau Kok 瑪利諾中學牛頭角彩霞道 45 號 C AIDED DAT() PE()

10 MISSIN CENANT CHURCH HLM GLAD CLLEGE 26 Hiu Ming Street, Kwun Tong 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學觀塘曉明街 26 號 C AIDED (1) (2) (3) 操行良好 Good in Conduct 學校於 2016 年 7 月 15 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 15 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. MU KUANG ENGLISH 55 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong 慕光英文書院觀塘功樂道 55 號 C DIRECT PE () 最少四科達二級或以上, 包括中國語文或英國語文 Level 2 or above in at least 4 subjects, including Chi Lang or Eng Lang 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. NING P CLLEGE 7 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong 寧波公學觀塘功樂道 7 號 C AIDED B 操行及出席率良好 Good in Conduct and Attendance Rate NING P N.2 CLLEGE Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong 寧波第二中學觀塘順天邨 C AIDED (1) (2) (3) NLSI LUI KWK PAT FNG CLLEGE 102 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學觀塘翠屏道 102 號 C AIDED 有關資料已上載學校網頁 The information had been uploaded on school website. 學校於 2016 年 7 月 21 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 21 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled.

11 UNITED CHRISTIAN CLLEGE (KWLN EAST) 2 Lee n Lane, Kwun Tong 滙基書院 ( 東九龍 ) 觀塘利安里 2 號 C DIRECT PE () 五科須達二級或以上, 包括中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識 Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies YAN CHAI HSPITAL LAW CHAN CHR SI CLLEGE 10 Kai Lai Road, Kowloon Bay 仁濟醫院羅陳楚思中學九龍灣啓禮道 10 號 C AIDED B B BEACN CLLEGE (KWLN BAY) Shop , 104A & , 2/F, Amoy Plaza Phase 2, 77 Nagu Tau Kok Road, Kowloon Bay 遵理學校 ( 九龍灣 ) 九龍灣牛頭角道 77 號淘大商場二期二樓 , 104A & 號鋪 C PRIATE (1) (2) (3) JAPANESE CHAN SHU KUI MEMRIAL 10 Tat Chee Avenue, Yau Yat Chuen 陳樹渠紀念中學又一村達之路 10 號 C DIRECT 深水埗區 ( 九龍 ) Sham Shui Po (KLN) B B B B B B B B B 四科達二級 ; 操行良好 Level 2 in 4 subjects; Good in Conduct CHINA HLINESS CLLEGE 18 Wai Wai Road, Shamshuipo 中聖書院深水埗懷惠道 18 號 C DIRECT X2 (3) X1 X1 X2 X1 X1 X2 X2 X1, X2 組別各選一科或於其中 X1 或 X2 選一科 Select 1 subject from group X1 and 1 from group X2, or select 1 subject only in either group X1 or group X2. For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website.

12 CMA SECNDARY 298 Nam Cheong Street, Pak Tin 廠商會中學白田南昌街 298 號 C AIDED PE() HMSC() DAT() 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請瀏覽學校網頁或致電學校查詢 please browse school website/phone school direct. DELIA MEMRIAL (BRADWAY) Broadway, Mei Foo Sun Chuen 地利亞修女紀念學校 百老匯 美孚新邨百老匯街 號 C DIRECT 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識當中兩科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in any 2 subjects from Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies DELIA MEMRIAL (GLEE PATH) 1-3 Glee Path, Mei Foo Sun Chuen 地利亞修女紀念學校 ( 吉利徑 ) 美孚新邨吉利徑 1-3 號 C DIRECT B B B B B B B B B B 各修讀科目須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in all subjects taken 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. HEUNG T MIDDLE 33 To Yuen Street, Tai Hang Tung 香島中學大坑東桃源街 33 號 C DIRECT PE() 校外重讀生名額 :2 名 Quota for S6 repeaters from other schools: 2 中國語文及英國語文達 3 級或以上 ; 數學及通識達 2 級或以上, 另外 1 科選修科達 3 級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Level 2 or above in Maths, Liberal Studies and Level 3 or above in 1 elective subject 學校於 2016 年 8 月 16 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 16 Aug 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. KWLN TECHNICAL Cheung Sha Wan Road, Shamshuipo 九龍工業學校深水埗長沙灣道 號 C GT DAT()

13 MARIA CLLEGE G/F- 2/F, Castle Peak Road 瑪利亞書院青山道 號地下至 2 樓 C PRIATE HMSC(B) 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. NAM WAH CATHLIC SECNDARY 5 Wing Ming Street, Shamshuipo 天主教南華中學深水埗永明街 5 號 C AIDED ERS () SKH ST MARY'S CHURCH MK HING YIU CL 1 Hoi Lai Street, Sham Shui Po 聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學深水埗海麗街 1 號 C AIDED ST MARGARET'S C-EDU ENG SEC & PRI 33 Sham Mong Road, Shamshuipo 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學深水埗深旺道 33 號 C DIRECT FRENCH LIT ENG () GERMAN 中國語文及英國語文須達三級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang 操行須達乙 + 等或以上 B+ or above in Conduct TSUNG TSIN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 8 Lai Hong Street, Shamshuipo 基督教崇真中學深水埗荔康街 8 號 C DIRECT

14 TSUNG TSIN MIDDLE 11 Kwong Lee Road, Shamshuipo 崇正中學深水埗廣利道 11 號 C PRIATE B B B B B B (1) B (2) B (3) B B B B B HMSC () WAI KIU CLLEGE 17 Wai Chi Street, Shek Kip Mei 惠僑英文中學石硤尾偉智街 17 號 C DIRECT B B B B B B B B 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識及一科選修科須達二級或以上 ; 選修科須與學校開設科目相關 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths, Liberal Studies & 1 elective subject; elective subject(s) should be relevant to those offered by the school 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. 黃大仙區 ( 九龍 ) Wong Tai Sin (KLN) BUDDHIST HUNG SEAN CHAU MEMRIAL CLLEGE 10 Ping Ting Road, Hammer Hill 佛教孔仙洲紀念中學斧山平定道 10 號 C AIDED ERS () CCC KEI HEEP SECNDARY 161 Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Wong Tai Sin CCC RTARY SECNDARY 157 Lung Cheung Road 中華基督教會基協中學黃大仙東頭村道 161 號 中華基督教會扶輪中學龍翔道 157 號 C AIDED 學生須提交 : 及 兩年成績表 2016 年中學文憑考試成績通知書及學生學習概覽 (SLP) Applicants should hand in: academic reports in and school years, 2015 HKDSE report and Student Learning Profile (SLP) 文憑試四科達二級或以上 ( 包括中文及英文 ) Level 2 or above in 4 HKDSE subjects (including Chi Lang and Eng Lang) 選修科須與學校開設科目相關 Elective(s) should be relevant to those offered by the school 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B DAT (B) HMSC (B)

15 CHI HUNG ESTATE CATHLIC SEC 1 Tse Wai Avenue, Choi Hung Estate 彩虹邨天主教英文中學 彩虹邨紫葳路 1 號 B AIDED ERS () 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website directly. LEE KAU YAN MEMRIAL 596 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong 李求恩紀念中學新蒲崗太子道東 596 號 C AIDED 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. LK SIN TNG WNG CHUNG MING SEC 161 Lok Sin Road 樂善堂王仲銘中學樂善道 161 號 C AIDED (1) (3) 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. LK SIN TNG YU KAN HING SEC 3 Fu Yue Street, Wang Tau Hom 樂善堂余近卿中學橫頭磡富裕街 3 號 C AIDED 中國語文或英國語文須達三級或以上, 一科選修科須達二級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang, level 2 or above in 1 elective LUNG CHEUNG GT SECNDARY 1 Ma Chai Hang Road, Wong Tai Sin 龍翔官立中學黃大仙馬仔坑道 1 號 C GT DAT () 學校於 2016 年 7 月 15 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 15 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled.

16 SALATIN ARMY WILLIAM BTH SEC 100 Yuk Wah Street, Tsz Wan Shan 救世軍卜維廉中學慈雲山毓華街 100 號 C AIDED SHENG KUNG HUI ST BENEDICT'S 聖公會聖本德中學 Choi Hung Estate, 11 Lam Chung Avenue, Wong Tai 黃大仙藍鐘道 11 號彩虹邨 Sin C AIDED HMSC () PE () 四科須達二級或以上, 包括中國語文及英國語文 Level 2 or above in 4 subjects, including Chi Lang, Eng Lang For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website directly. BEACN CLLEGE (MNG KK) 1/F-5/F & 7/F, Ginza Square, Nathan Road, Kowloon. 遵理學校 ( 旺角 ) 九龍彌敦道 號銀座廣場 1-5 樓及 7 樓 C PRIATE 油尖旺區 ( 九龍 ) Yau Tsim Mongkok (KLN) (1) (2) (3) JAPANESE ELCHK LUTHERAN SECNDARY 52 Waterloo Road 基督教香港信義會信義中學窩打老道 52 號 C AIDED 請於七月瀏覽學校網頁查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website direct in July. HK EFFECTIE CAREERS INSTITUTE (DAY) 5/F, Mongkok City Building, 154 Prince Edward Road 香港精英專業學校 ( 日校 ) 太子道 154 號旺角城大廈 5 樓 C PRIATE B B B B B B B (1) B (2) B (3) B B B B B B LIT ENG () SCI(INT) (B) 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. -

17 KWLN SAM YUK SECNDARY 14 Sycamore Street 九龍三育中學詩歌舞街 14 號 C DIRECT B B B B HMSC() WC() H() 任何四科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in any 4 subjects. NEWMAN CATHLIC CLLEGE 2 Cliff Road 天主教新民書院石壁道 2 號 C AIDED B B B ERS () ( 基督教 Christianity) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. PLK ICWD KT CHNG SIXTH FRM CLLEGE 12 Willow Street, Tai Kok Tsui 保良局莊啓程預科書院大角咀柳樹街 12 號 C AIDED HMSC () 所有科目須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in all subjects For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. 學校於 2016 年 7 月 20 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 20 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. SIR ELLIS KADRIE SEC (WEST KLN) 22 Hoi Fan Road, Tai Kok Tsui 官立嘉道理爵士中學 ( 西九龍 ) 大角咀海帆道 22 號 C GT PE () 應考科目須與學校開設科目相同 Subjects taken in HKDSE should be the same as those offered by the school. SKH ALL SAINTS' MIDDLE 11 Pak Po Street, Homantin 聖公會諸聖中學何文田白布街 11 號 C CAPUT (3) 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 ; 數學及通識須達一級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Level 1 or above in Maths and Liberal Studies

18 ST. GLRIA CLLEGE (KWLN) G/F-1/F, Tai Chuen Building, Ivy Street, Taikoktsui 聖迦利亞書院 ( 九龍 ) 大角咀埃華街 號大全樓地下至 1 樓 C PRIATE B B B B B B B (1) B (2) B (3) B B B B B B B BUDDHIST FAT H MEMRIAL CLLEGE 99 Tai Road, Lantau Island 佛教筏可紀念中學大嶼山大澳道 99 號 C DIRECT 離島區 ( 新界 ) Islands (NT) B B B B B B B B LIT ENG () PE (B) 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. BUDDHIST WAI YAN MEMRIAL CLLEGE 25 Tai Hing Tai Road, Cheung Chau 佛教慧因法師紀念中學長洲大興堤路 25 號 C AIDED ERS () CARITAS CHARLES ATH CLLEGE 4 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung, Lantau Island 明愛華德中書院大嶼山東涌松逸街 4 號 C DIRECT DAT () HKFEW WNG CH BAU SECNDARY Fu Tung Estate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island 香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標中學大嶼山東涌富東邨 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B B

19 LING LIANG CHURCH E WUN SEC 37 Man Tung Road, Tung Chung 靈糧堂怡文中學 東涌文東路 37 號 C AIDED B B B B B 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. YMCA F HNG KNG CHRISTIAN CLLEGE 2 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung 港青基信書院東涌松逸街 2 號 C DIRECT FRENCH PE () CHINESE() SPANISH LIT ENG() ENGLISH() IGCSE Chinese () ( 非香港中學文憑科目 not for HKDSE) CARITAS ST JSEPH SEC SCH 10 Fung Shue Wo Road, Tsing Yi 明愛聖若瑟中學青衣楓樹窩路 10 號 葵青區 ( 新界 ) Kwai Tsing (NT) C AIDED B B B B B B B B B DAT (B) 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. CARMEL ALISN LAM FUNDATIN SEC 4 Wah King Hill Road, Kwai Chung 迦密愛禮信中學葵涌華景山道 4 號 C AIDED 五科十分 ( 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 ) 註 : 五級 =5 分, 四級 =4 分, 如此類推 10 points in 5 subjects (Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang) Note: Level 5 = 5 points, Level 4 = 4 points, and so on CCC YENCHING CLLEGE Nga Ying Chau, Tsing Yi 中華基督教會燕京書院青衣牙鷹洲 C AIDED FB () 四科核心科目須達二級或以上 ; 而中國語文或英國語文及一科選修科目須達三級或以上 Level 2 or above in 4 core subjects including Level 3 or above in Chi Lang or Eng Lang; and Level 3 or above in one elective subject

20 CTTN SPINNERS ASSCIATIN SEC 350 Kwai Shing Circuit, Kwai Chung 棉紡會中學葵涌葵盛圍 350 號 C AIDED DAT () PE () HMSC () HKSYC&IA CHAN NAM CHNG MEMRIAL CLLEGE 12 King Cho Road, Cho Yiu Chuen, Kwai Chung 香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學葵涌祖堯邨敬祖路 12 號 C AIDED HMSC () DAT() Design and Applied Technology 核心科目和一科選修科中, 四科須達二級或以上, 另外一科達一級或以上 Consider 4 core subjects and 1 elective subject: Level 2 or above in 4 subjects and level 1 or above in the remaining subject HKTA THE YUEN YUEN INT N.1 SEC 42 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第一中學葵涌和宜合道 42 號 C AIDED (1) 學校亦有開辦其他應用學習課程, 詳情請致電學校查詢 ffers other Applied Learning subjects as well. For details, please contact the school direct. For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. JU CHING CHU SEC (KWAI CHUNG) 1-11 n Chit Street, Kwai Chung 裘錦秋中學 ( 葵涌 ) 葵涌安捷街 1-11 號 C AIDED DAT () PE () TL () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. KWAI CHUNG METHDIST CLLEGE Lai Yiu Estate, Ha Kwai Chung 葵涌循道中學下葵涌麗瑤邨 C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct.

21 LINGNAN DR CHUNG WING KWNG MEM SEC Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung 嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學葵涌荔景邨 C AIDED 五科共達十分, 中國語文及英國語文不低於二級 註 : 五級 =5 分, 四級 =4 分, 如此類推 10 points in 5 subjects, Chi Lang and Eng Lang should have Level 2 or above. Note: Level 5 = 5 points, Level 4 = 4 points, and so on LINS CLLEGE 90 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Fong 獅子會中學葵芳興盛路 90 號 C AIDED (1) DAT () HMSC () 應考科目需有六科與學校開辦科目相同, 當中五科 ( 包括中國語文及英國語文 ) 須達二級或以上 6 subjects taken in HKDSE should be the same as those offered by school, in which 5 subjects (including Chi Lang and Eng Lang) should have Level 2 or above METHDIST LEE WAI LEE CLLEGE 2-4 Kwai Yip Street, Kwai Chung 李惠利中學葵涌葵葉街 2-4 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B PE () QUEEN'S CLLEGE LD BYS' ASSN SEC Cheung n Estate Phase I, Tsing Yi 皇仁舊生會中學青衣島長安邨第一期 C AIDED 其中四科必須有 3322 ; 最多只可以一科為一級 Level 3, 3, 2 and 2 in 4 subjects; Level 1 in 1 subject at most SALESIANS F DN BSC NG SIU MUI SEC 30 Kwai Hop Street, Kwai Chung 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學葵涌葵合街 30 號 B AIDED B B B B B SCI(INT) B B B B B DAT (B)

22 TWGHs SC GAW MEMRIAL CLLEGE Tsing Sum Street, Town Centre, Tsing Yi 東華三院吳祥川紀念中學青衣市中心清心街 C AIDED HMSC() CARITAS FANLING CHAN CHUN HA SEC 28 San Wah Road, Fanling 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學粉嶺新運路 28 號 北區 ( 新界 ) North (NT) C AIDED MUSIC () CCC KEI SAN SECNDARY 8 Wu Tip Shan Road, Fanling 中華基督教會基新中學粉嶺蝴蝶山路 8 號 C AIDED DAT () DE LA SALLE SECNDARY N T Kam Tsin illage, Sheung Shui 新界喇沙中學上水金錢村 C AIDED B B B B B B (1) B B B B B B 最少四科 ( 包括中國語文及英國語文 ) 須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in at least 4 subjects, including Chi Lang & Eng Lang FANLING LUTHERAN SECNDARY 270 Jockey Club Road, Fanling 基督教香港信義會心誠中學粉嶺馬會道 270 號 C DIRECT (1) (3) PE ()

23 FUNG KAI LIU MAN SHEK TNG SEC 6 Fung Nam Road, Sheung Shui 鳳溪廖萬石堂中學上水鳳南路 6 號 C AIDED FUNG KAI N.1 SECNDARY 17 Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui 鳳溪第一中學上水馬會道 17 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B PE () HMSC () HHCKLA BUDDHIST MA KAM CHAN MEM ENG SEC 9 Luen Yick Street, Luen Wo Market, Fanling 香海正覺蓮社佛教馬錦燦紀念英文中學粉嶺聯和墟聯益街 9 號 C AIDED ERS () PLK MA KAM MING CLLEGE 38 Wah Ming Road, Fanling 保良局馬錦明中學粉嶺華明路 38 號 C AIDED SHEUNG SHUI GT SECNDARY 21 Pak Wo Road, Sheung Shui 上水官立中學上水百和路 21 號 C GT DAT () (Students taking 所有核心科目須於 2015 年文憑試達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in all core subjects in 2015 HKDSE. this subject need 當修讀本校提供的科目並在文憑試一級或以上 to go to Fanling Government Secondary Level 1 or above in subjects that offered by the school. School to attend the lessons) 西貢區 ( 新界 ) Sai Kung (NT)

24 CATHLIC MING YUEN SECNDARY Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan 天主教鳴遠中學將軍澳厚德邨 C AIDED 最少兩科核心科目成績符合大學收生要求 (3322); 不符合要求的科目的成績, 只能較入學要求低一級 At least 2 core subjects meet the minimum university admission requirements (3322); For subjects not meeting the universitiy admission requirements, 1 level lower than the requirements is acceptable CHENG CHEK CHEE SEC F SK&HH DIST NT 8 Chuk Kok Road, Sai Kung 新界西貢坑口區鄭植之中學西貢竹角路 8 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B G. T. (ELLEN YEUNG) CLLEGE 10 Ling Kwong Street, Tseung Kwan 優才 ( 楊殷有娣 ) 書院將軍澳嶺光街 10 號 C DIRECT MUSIC () 任何六科共獲得二十分註 : 五 ** 級 = 7 分, 五 * 級 = 6 分, 五級 =5 分, 四級 =4 分, 如此類推 Totally 20 points in any 6 subjects Note: Level 5** = 7 points, Level 5* = 6 points, Level 5 = 5 points, Level 4 = 4 points, and so on HEUNG T SEC (TSEUNG KWAN ) 4 Kan Hok Lane, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan 將軍澳香島中學 將軍澳調景嶺勤學里 4 號 C DIRECT 五科 ( 包括中國語文及英國語文 ) 須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in 5 subjects, including Chi Lang & Eng Lang HHCKLA BUDDHIST CHING KK SEC 香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺中學 將軍澳調景嶺翠嶺路 38 號 38 Chui Ling Road, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan C AIDED B B B B B (1) B B B B B ERS(B) ImD() CGAD()

25 HKTA THE YUEN YUEN INT N 3 SEC Sheung Tak Estate, 2 Tong Ming Street, Tseung Kwan 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學將軍澳唐明街 2 號尚德邨 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B B B 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識當中三科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in any 3 subjects from Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies MKMCF MA CHAN DUEN HEY MEM CLLEGE 2 Wan Lung Road, Tseung Kwan 馬錦明慈善基金馬陳端喜紀念中學將軍澳運隆路 2 號 C AIDED 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 ( 寫作須達三級或以上 ) Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang (Level 3 or above in writing) 學校於 2016 年 7 月 18 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 18 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. PH 80TH ANNIERSARY TANG YING HEI CLLEGE 2 Tong Yin Lane, Tseung Kwan 博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜中學將軍澳唐賢里 2 號 C AIDED HMSC () 操行須達乙 + 等或以上 B+ or above in Conduct QUALIED CLLEGE 2 Kan Hok Lane, Tseung Kwan 匯知中學將軍澳勤學里 2 號 C DIRECT 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies 學校於 2016 年 7 月 18 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 18 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. TWGHs LUI YUN CHY MEMRIAL CLLEGE 8 Yuk Nga Lane, Tseung Kwan 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學將軍澳毓雅里 8 號 C AIDED

26 WELLINGTN ED RG CHANG PUI CHUNG MEM 3 Wan Lung Road, Tseung Kwan 威靈頓教育機構張沛松紀念中學將軍澳運隆路 3 號 C AIDED DAT () 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang YCH LAN CHI PAT MEMRIAL SECNDARY 10 Yuk Nga Lane, Tseung Kwan 仁濟醫院靚次伯紀念中學將軍澳毓雅里 10 號 C AIDED 四科核心科目中, 至少三科文憑試成績逹二級或以上 Four Core subjects, level 2 or above in at least 3 subjects. YCH WNG WHA SAN SECNDARY 8 Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan 仁濟醫院王華湘中學將軍澳唐俊街 8 號 C AIDED (1) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. BUDDHIST KK KWNG SECNDARY Sha Kok Estate, Shatin 佛教覺光法師中學沙田沙角邨 C AIDED B B 沙田區 ( 新界 ) Shatin (NT) B B B ERS() MUSIC() 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識及兩科選修科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths, Liberal Studies & 2 elective subjects BUDDHIST WNG WAN TIN CLLEGE Mei Lam Estate, Shatin 佛教黃允畋中學沙田美林邨 C AIDED ERS () ( 佛教 Buddhism) 5 科 10 分 10 points for 5 subjects 中國語文及英國語文須達二級或以上 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Good in Conduct

27 CARITAS MA N SHAN SECNDARY 2 Kam Ying Road, Ma n Shan, Shatin 明愛馬鞍山中學沙田馬鞍山錦英路 2 號 C AIDED SCI(INT) () DAT () ERS() 學校亦開辦部分應用學習科目, 詳情請向學校查詢 ffers some Applied Learning subjects as well. For details, please contact the school direct. 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. GCC&ITKD LAU PAK LK SEC 1 Chik Tai Lane, Tai Wai, Shatin 東莞工商總會劉百樂中學沙田大圍積泰里 1 號 C AIDED (1) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. HKBUAS WNG KAM FAI SEC & PRI 6 n Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學沙田石門安睦里 6 號 C DIRECT 五科達 或以上 ; 操行良好 Grades in 5 subjects; good in Conduct LAM TAI FAI CLLEGE 25 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin 林大輝中學沙田銀城街 25 號 C DIRECT HMSC () PE () LCK TA SECNDARY Mei Lam Estate, Shatin 樂道中學沙田美林邨 C AIDED 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies; Good in Conduct

28 LK SIN TNG YUNG K HSIA LIN SEC Lung Hang Estate, Sha Tin 樂善堂楊葛小琳中學沙田隆亨邨 C AIDED B B (1) (3) B B 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies MA N SHAN TSUNG TSIN SECNDARY 5 Hang Shun Street, Ma n Shan, Shatin 馬鞍山崇真中學沙田馬鞍山恆信街 5 號 C AIDED HMSC () 中國語文及英國語文須達三級或以上 ; 數學 通識及最少兩科選修科須達二級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Level 2 or above in Maths, Liberal Studies & at least 2 elective subjects NG YUK SECNDARY Sun Chui Estate, Shatin 五育中學沙田新翠邨 C AIDED DAT () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. PK I HSPITAL CHAN KAI MEMRIAL CLLEGE Lung Hang Estate, Shatin 博愛醫院陳楷紀念中學沙田隆亨邨 C AIDED PUI KIU CLLEGE 1 Tai Wai New illage Road, Tai Wai, Shatin 培僑書院沙田大圍大圍新村路 1 號 C DIRECT 中國語文及英國語文須達三級或以上 ; 另三科須達二級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang and Eng Lang; Level 2 or above in 3 other subjects

29 ST MARGARET'S GIRLS' CLLEGE, HNG KNG Mei Tin Road, Mei Lam Estate, Tai Wai, New Territories 香港聖瑪加利女書院 新界大圍美林邨美田路 G DIRECT TI SHAN ASSCIATIN CLLEGE 10 Yuen Chau Kok Road, Shatin 台山商會中學沙田圓洲角路 10 號 C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. TSANG PIK SHAN SECNDARY 12 Hang Kwong Street, Ma n Shan, Shatin 曾璧山中學沙田馬鞍山恆光街 12 號 C AIDED PE () HMSC () TWGHs WNG FUNG LING CLLEGE 208 Ma n Shan Road, Ma n Shan, Shatin 東華三院黃鳳翎中學沙田馬鞍山路 208 號 C AIDED PE () 五科須達二級或以上, 包括中國語文及英國語文 ; 操行達乙等或以上 Level 2 or above in 5 subjects, including Chi Lang and Eng Lang; Grade B or above in Conduct TWGHs YW KAM YUEN CLLEGE City ne, Shatin 東華三院邱金元中學沙田第一城 C AIDED (1) DAT () PE () 中國語文 英國語文及一科選修科須達二級或以上 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang and 1 elective subject; Good in Conduct

30 YCH TUNG CHI YING MEM SEC 210 Ma n Shan Road, Shatin 仁濟醫院董之英紀念中學沙田馬鞍山路 210 號 C AIDED DAT() PE() BUDDHIST TAI KWNG CHI HNG CLLEGE 4 Chui Yi Street, Tai Po 佛教大光慈航中學大埔翠怡街 4 號 大埔區 ( 新界 ) Tai Po (NT) C AIDED B B B (3) B B B B B B B ERS () CCC FUNG LEUNG KIT MEMRIAL SEC 22 Plover Cove Road, Tai Po 中華基督教會馮梁結紀念中學大埔寶湖道 22 號 C AIDED DAT() 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. CHINA HLINESS CHURCH LIING SPIRIT CLL 1 Tung Leung Lane, Tai Po 中華聖潔會靈風中學大埔棟樑里 1 號 C AIDED B B B B B (1) B B B B B 孔教學院大成何郭佩珍中學 大埔富善邨 C AIDED (1) CNFUCIAN TAI SHING H KWK PUI CHUN CLLEGE Fu Shin Estate, Tai Po

31 HK & KLN KFWA SUN FNG CHUNG CLLEGE 4643 Tai Po Road, Tai Po Kau, Tai Po. 港九街坊婦女會孫方中書院 大埔大埔公路大埔滘段 4643 號 C AIDED DAT() HSP() WC () 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識及最少一科選修科須達二級或以上 ; 操行須達乙等或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths, Liberal Studies and at least 1 elective subject; Grade B or above in Conduct HK TEACHERS' ASSN LEE HENG KWEI SEC Wan Tau Tong Estate, Tai Po 香港教師會李興貴中學大埔運頭塘邨 C AIDED B B (3) B B B B B B B DAT (B) PE (B) HKRSS TAI P SECNDARY Fu Heng Estate, Tai Po 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學大埔富亨邨 C AIDED (3) PE() 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. 學校於 2016 年 7 月 15 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 15 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. LAW TING PNG SECNDARY 8 Ma Chung Road, Tai Po 羅定邦中學大埔馬聰路 8 號 C DIRECT SPANISH LING LIANG CHURCH M H LAU SECNDARY 3 Yung Yi Road, Tai Po 靈糧堂劉梅軒中學大埔雍宜路 3 號 C AIDED DAT ()

32 TAI P SAM YUK SECNDARY 2 Tai Po Tau Drive, Tai Po 大埔三育中學大埔大埔頭徑 2 號 C DIRECT HMSC () 中國語文 英國語文及另外一科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang and another subject AD&FDPHL LEUNG SING TAK CLLEGE Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德中學荃灣石圍角邨 C AIDED 荃灣區 ( 新界 ) Tsuen Wan (NT) 中國語文及英國語文須達二 /E 級或以上 ; 操行須達乙等或以上 Level 2/Grade E or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Grade B or above in Conduct 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請瀏覽學校網頁 please browse the school homepage. LUI MING CHI LUTHERAN CLLEGE Cheung Shan Estate, Tsuen Wan 路德會呂明才中學荃灣象山邨 C AIDED TL () 中國語文 英國語文及另外兩科須達二級或以上 ; 選修科目必須配合學校之開科組合 ; 操行須達乙等或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang & 2 other subjects; elective subjects should correspond to the subject combinations of school; Grade B or above in Conduct 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. PLK LEE SHING PIK CLLEGE n Yin Street, Tsuen King Circuit, Chai Wan Kok, Tsuen Wan 保良局李城璧中學荃灣柴灣角荃景圍安賢街 號 C AIDED B B B B B 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. PLK YA LING SUN CLLEGE Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan 保良局姚連生中學荃灣石圍角邨 C AIDED SCI (INT) () For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website.

33 SKH LI PING SECNDARY 450 Wo Yi Hop Road, Tsuen Wan 聖公會李炳中學 荃灣和宜合道 450 號 C AIDED (1) (3) 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. TEXTILE INT ACC W HN FAI SEC 7 n Yin Street, Tsuen Wan 紡織學會美國商會胡漢輝中學荃灣安賢街 7 號 C AIDED YCH LIM PR YEN SECNDARY Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan 仁濟醫院林百欣中學荃灣荃景圍 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B B DAT (B) 5 科達 9 分, 包括中文及英文, 而中文及英文須達一級或以上 ( 註 : 五級 =5 分, 四級 =4 分, 如此類推 ) 9 points in 5 subjects, including Level 1 or above in both Chin Lang and Eng Lang (Note: Level 5 = 5 points, Level 4 = 4 points, and so on) BUDDHIST SUM HEUNG LAM MEMRIAL CLLEGE Tai Hing Estate, 3 Leung Choi Lane, Tuen Mun 佛教沈香林紀念中學屯門良才里 3 號大興邨 屯門區 ( 新界 ) Tuen Mun (NT) C AIDED B B B B ERS () For details of the subjects, please browse school website direct. CARITAS TUEN MUN MARDEN FDN SEC 3 Wong Yin Street, Tuen Mun 明愛屯門馬登基金中學屯門旺賢街 3 號 C AIDED URDU 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct.

34 CARMEL BUNNAN TNG MEMRIAL SEC Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun 迦密唐賓南紀念中學屯門湖景邨 C AIDED For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. CCC HH FUK TNG CLLEGE 28 Castle Peak Road, San Hui, Tuen Mun 中華基督教會何福堂書院屯門新墟青山公路 28 號 C AIDED B B B CCC TAM LEE LAI FUN MEMRIAL SEC 10 San Wo Lane, San Hui, Tuen Mun 中華基督教會譚李麗芬紀念中學屯門新墟新和里 10 號 C AIDED (1) DAT() PE() For details of the subjects, please browse school website/phone school direct. CHING CHUNG HAU P WN SEC 21 Hang Fu Street, Tuen Mun 青松侯寶垣中學屯門恒富街 21 號 C AIDED 中國語文及英國語文須達三級或以上 Level 3 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. CMA CHI CHEUNG KK SECNDARY 1 Tsing Hoi Circuit, Tuen Mun 廠商會蔡章閣中學屯門青海圍 1 號 C AIDED DAT() HMSC() 於香港中學文憑考試 5 科達二級或以上 ( 必須包括中國語文及英國語文 ) Five HKDSE subjexts with at least Level 2 (Chinese Lang. and English Lang. must be included). 操行達 B 級或以上 Conduct: grade B or above.

35 CSBS MRS AW BN HAW SEC 20 Siu Lun Street, Tuen Mun 鐘聲慈善社胡陳金枝中學屯門兆麟街 20 號 C AIDED TL() 五科 ( 包括中國語文 英國語文及數學 ) 須達二級或以上 ; 選修科目語言須與學校相同 Level 2 or above in 5 subjects, including Chi Lang, Eng Lang & Maths; Language of elective subjects must be the same as that of the school 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. HHCKLA BUDDHIST LEUNG CHIK WAI CLLEGE Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun 香海正覺蓮社佛教梁植偉中學屯門湖景邨 C AIDED ERS () ( 佛教 Buddhism) 四科核心科目及一科選修科達 22222; 操行良好 ; 必須面試 All the 4 core subjects and 1 elective subject levels meet 22222; Good in Conduct; Interview is required. H NGAI CLLEGE (SPNSRED BY SIK SIK YUEN) 8 i Ming Lane, Tuen Mun 嗇色園主辦可藝中學屯門愛明里 8 號 C AIDED B B B B DAT() PE() TL() ImD() 四科須達二級或以上 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in 4 subjects; Good in Conduct PAC KA CHI SECNDARY 273 Wu Chui Road, Tuen Mun 加拿大神召會嘉智中學屯門湖翠路 273 號 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B TL (B) SAN WUI CMMERCIAL SCIETY SEC Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun 新會商會中學屯門良景邨 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B HMSC(B) 中國語文 英國語文 數學 通識當中三科須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in any 3 subjects from Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct.

36 SEMPLE MEMRIAL SECNDARY 18 Siu Lun Street, Tuen Mun 深培中學屯門兆麟街 18 號 C AIDED SKH ST SIMN'S LUI MING CHI SEC 85 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun 聖公會聖西門呂明才中學屯門鄉事會路 85 號 C AIDED (1) DAT () TL () TWGHs MR & MRS KWNG SIK KWAN CLLEGE Chung Ling Path, Tuen Mun 東華三院鄺錫坤伉儷中學屯門松齡徑 C AIDED (1) FB () FS () TWGHs SUN HI DIRECTRS' CLLEGE Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun 東華三院辛亥年總理中學屯門湖景邨 C AIDED (3) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. TWGHs YAU TZE TIN MEM CLLEGE Siu Hong Court, Tuen Mun 東華三院邱子田紀念中學屯門兆康苑 C AIDED HMSC ()

37 YAN CHAI HSPITAL N. 2 SECNDARY Yeung Tsing Road, Area 31, Tuen Mun 仁濟醫院第二中學 屯門第 31 區楊青路 C AIDED HMSC () JAPANESE 五科須達二級或以上 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in 5 subjects; Good in Conduct 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. YT CHAN WNG SUK FNG MEM SEC 2 Wong Yin Street, Tuen Mun 仁愛堂陳黃淑芳紀念中學屯門旺賢街 2 號 C AIDED YPI&CA LEE LIM MING CLLEGE Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun 恩平工商會李琳明中學屯門山景邨 C AIDED HMSC () PE() 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. ABRAHAM CLLEGE Room , 4/F, Yuen Long Centre, 55 Sau Fu Street, Yuen Long 學信書院 元朗壽富街 55 號元朗中心 4 樓 室 元朗區 ( 新界 ) Yuen Long (NT) C PRIATE 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. - BEACN CLLEGE G/F-4/F, Shing Shun Building, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long 遵理學校元朗青山道 號誠信大廈地下至 4 樓 C PRIATE (1) (2) (3) JAPANESE

38 CARITAS YL CHAN CHUN HA SEC 66 Sai Yu Street, Yuen Long 明愛元朗陳震夏中學元朗西裕街 66 號 C AIDED DAT () ERS () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct. 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. CUHKFAA THMAS CHEUNG SECNDARY Tin Shui Estate, Tin Shui Wai 香港中文大學校友會聯會張煊昌中學元朗天水圍天瑞邨 C AIDED HMSC () 五科達二級或以上 ( 包括中國語文及英國語文 ) Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including Chi Lang & Eng Lang CUMBERLAND PRESBYTN CH YA DA SEC 28 Hong Yip Street, Yuen Long 金巴崙長老會耀道中學元朗康業街 28 號 C AIDED PE () ERS () 學校於 2016 年 7 月 13 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 13 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. ELCHK LUTHERN ACADEMY 25 Lam Hau Tsuen Road, Yuen Long, New Territories 基督教香港信義會宏信書院新界元朗欖口村路 25 號 C DIRECT 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. HEUNG T MIDDLE (TIN SHUI WAI) Area 101, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 天水圍香島中學元朗天水圍第 101 區 C DIRECT B B B B B 中國語文及英國語文須達 2 級或以上 ; 數學 通識及一科選修合共達 4 分 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang & Eng Lang; Maths, LS and one elective grade 4.

39 HKFYG LEE SHAU KEE CLLEGE 12 Tin Kwai Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 香港青年協會李兆基書院元朗天水圍天葵路 12 號 C DIRECT H DA CLLEGE (SPNSRED BY SIK SIK YUEN) 11 Hung Shun Road, Yuen Long 可道中學 ( 嗇色園主辦 ) 元朗洪順路 11 號 C AIDED 四科達二級或以上 ( 包括中國語文及英國語文 ) Level 2 or above in 4 subjects including Chi Lang & Eng Lang For details of the subjects, please browse school website/phone school direct. JCKEY CLUB EDUYUNG CLLEGE Area 31, Phase 1, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 賽馬會毅智書院元朗天水圍 31 區第一期 C AIDED PE() JU CHING CHU SEC SCH (YUEN LNG) 5 Tin Wu Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 裘錦秋中學 ( 元朗 ) 元朗天水圍天湖路 5 號 C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. PAK KAU CLLEGE 51 Tin Wah Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 伯裘書院元朗天水圍天華路 51 號 C DIRECT PE () 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 please contact the school direct.

40 QESSA TNG KWK WAH SECNDARY 57 Tin Wah Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 伊利沙伯中學舊生會湯國華中學元朗天水圍天華路 57 號 C AIDED 中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識須達二級或以上 Level 2 or above in Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies ( 自行下載申請表 ) For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website. (Download the application form) 學校於 2016 年 7 月 22 日通知教育局, 學校於 2016/17 年度收取校外中六重讀生的學位已額滿 The school informed the Education Bureau on 22 Jul 2016 that all vacancies for S6 repeaters from other schools in 2016/2017 school year have been filled. TWGHs CY MA MEMRIAL CLLEGE 3 Yau Shin Street, Au Tau, Yuen Long 東華三院馬振玉紀念中學 元朗坳頭友善街 3 號 C AIDED (1) TL () PE () 五科達二級或以上 ( 包括中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識 ) Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies TWGHs KWK YAT WAI CLLEGE 3 Tsui Sing Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 東華三院郭一葦中學元朗天水圍聚星路 3 號 C AIDED (1) PE () DAT () 六科須達二級或以上, 包括中國語文 英國語文 數學及通識 ; 操行良好 Level 2 or above in 6 subjects including Chi Lang, Eng Lang, Maths & Liberal Studies; Good in Conduct TYYI MFBM NEI MING CHAN LCT MEM CLLEGE Tin Shui Estate Phase I, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long 圓玄學院妙法寺內明陳呂重德紀念中學 元朗天水圍天瑞邨第一期 C AIDED 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct. WIZARD CLLEGE ffice 1, 4/F, Yuen Long Trade Centre, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long 學銘書院 元朗青山公路 號元朗貿易中心 4 樓 1 室 C PRIATE -

41 YUEN LNG CATHLIC SECNDARY 201 Castle Peak Road, Shui Pin Wai Tsuen, Yuen Long 元朗天主教中學元朗青山道 201 號水邊圍邨 C AIDED B B B B B B B B B B B B DAT (B) ERS (B) 請致電學校查詢開辦科目詳情 For details of the subjects offered, please phone school direct.

42 註.. (1) 以下只列出學校提供的科目 在新高中學制下, 所有新學制中六班均提供中國語文 英國語文 通識教育及數學科的必修部份 (2) 我們假設大部份中學考慮校外中六重讀生時,(a) 要求面試及格 操行和考勤良好,(b) 對兩科語文水平沒有特定要求 ; 因此, 備註一欄只會列出個別學校其他較為重要的校本收生條件 (3) 下列學校願意收取中學文憑考試校外中六重讀生, 但會否於 2016/17 學年開辦中學文憑考試中六課程, 要視乎收生情況決定 (4) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) 2016/17 學年收取香港中學文憑考試校外中六重讀生的夜校 Evening schools admitting HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools (2016/17 school year) 資料由學校提供, 只作參考之用, 如欲獲得最新資訊, 學生可直接向學校查詢 nly subjects offered by schools are listed. Under the NAS, Chinese Language, English Language, Liberal Studies and compulsory part of Mathematics are core subjects offered in all NAS S6 classes. We assume most secondary schools (a) require interview pass, Good in Conduct and attendance records, (b) do not have specific requirements on the two language subjects in their considering of S6 repeaters from other schools; hence, only key school-based admission requirement(s) other than the above would be listed in the "Remarks" column. The schools listed below are willing to admit HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools. However, whether they would operate HKDSE S6 class(es) in 2016/17 school year depends on the number of students admitted. The information contained in this list is provided by the schools concerned and intended for reference only. To obtain the most updated information, students may check with schools direct. CNCRDIA LUTHERAN TEACHING CENTRE (KING'S CLLEGE) 63A Bonham Road, Hong Kong 路德會協同教學中心 ( 英皇書院 ) 香港西環般咸道 63A 號 科學 : 組合科學 SCI: SCI(CM) 香港 Hong Kong C PRIATE B B B B B B B B 學校為 指定夜間成人教育課程資助計劃 指定中心, 學生可透過該計劃申請學費資助 The school is the designated centre of EDB "Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses". Students can apply for tuition fee subsidy through the scheme. 學校考慮根據學生個別情況收取中六重讀生 欲知詳情, 請向學校查詢 The school considers admitting S6 repeaters on individual merits. For more information, please contact the school direct. For details of the subjects offered, please browse school website/phone school direct. HKCT ADULT EDUCATIN CENTRE (H TUNG SEC ) 5 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay 港專成人教育中心 ( 何東中學 ) 銅鑼灣東院道 5 號 C PRIATE B B B B B B B 學校為 指定夜間成人教育課程資助計劃 指定中心, 學生可透過該計劃申請學費資助 The school is the designated centre of EDB "Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses". Students can apply for tuition fee subsidy through the scheme.

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