KBank, HK Br. - Fin Disclosure Jun 2018 (signed).xls

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1 KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Hong Kong Branch For the period ended 30 June 2018 開泰銀行 ( 大眾 ) 有限公司 香港分行 主要財務資料披露報表 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月

2 for the Period Ended 30 June 2018 This disclosure of the financial information as at 30 June 2018 of Kasikornbank Public Company Limited, Hong Kong Branch and the Bank as a whole is pursuant to the Banking (Disclosure) Rules ("the Rules"). General Information Kasikornbank Public Company Limited is a company incorporated in Thailand with limited liability. ("the Branch") was granted by HKMA with a restricted banking licence. The Branch provides banking and financial related services. Chief Executive's Declaration of Compliance We enclose herewith the for the financial period ended 30 June 2018, that are prepared under the Rules made pursuant to Sections 60A of the Banking Ordinance, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is not false or misleading in any material respect. 本報告是根據 銀行業 ( 披露 ) 規則 披露及銀行整體在二零一八年六月三十日的財務資料 一般資料開泰銀行 ( 大眾 ) 有限公司乃一間在泰國成立的有限公司 ( 本行 ) 獲金管局發出有限制持牌銀行牌照 本行提供銀行及金融相關服務 行政總裁遵從披露指引的聲明本行現附上截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月財政年度的主要財務資料披露報表 本聲明的內容是根據 銀行業條例 第 60A 條所訂立的 銀行業 ( 披露 ) 規則 編制, 並且就本人所知及相信, 乃真確無誤, 亦不具誤導成分 Mr. Niasinn Lamsam 伍耐新先生 Chief Executive and General Manager 行政總裁及總經理 Hong Kong Branch 香港分行 28-September-2018 二零一八年九月二十八日

3 Disclosure Statement Available to The Public 披露報表可供公眾索閱 Copies of the Disclosure Statement may be obtained from the reception of Kasikornbank Public Company Limited, Hong Kong Branch at Room 3316 & 3318, 33 Floor, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, No Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong. To comply with the Rules, the Disclosure Statement can be found in the Oversea Performance section of the website A copy of the Disclosure Statement has been lodged with the HKMA's Public Registry for public inspection. 如欲索取本披露報表的副本, 可於的接待處查詢, 地址 : 上環干諾道中 號信德中心招商局大廈 33 樓 3316 及 3318 室 為符合 銀行業 ( 披露 ) 規則, 本披露報表可於此網站 內 海外業績 項下瀏覽 本披露報表的副本已存放於金管局的銀行查冊組, 供公眾查閱

4 Section A - Branch Information (Hong Kong office only) 1. Profit and Loss 1. 收益表 For the period ended For the period ended 30 June June 2017 截至 2018 年 6 月 30 日止 截至 2017 年 6 月 30 日止 六個月 六個月 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 Income 收益 Interest income 236, ,429 利息收入 Interest expenses (219,813) (177,211) 利息支出 Net interest income 16,321 12,218 淨利息收入 Fees and commission income 3,006 2,669 服務費及佣金收入 Net fees and commission income 3,006 2,669 淨服務費及佣金收入 Gains less losses arising from trading in foreign currencies 外匯買賣收益減虧損 Gains less losses arising from non-trading activities in foreign currencies 非外匯買賣收益減虧損 ,922 3,222 Other income 9 10 其他收入 Operating income 21,862 19,079 營業收入 Expenses 支出 Staff and rental expenses (7,183) (6,569) 職員薪酬及租金支出 Other expenses (1,808) (1,414) 其他支出 Net (charge) / credit for debt provision (3,374) - 債務準備金 ( 支出 )/ 收入淨額 Total expenses and other charges (12,365) (7,983) 總支出及其他費用 Profit before taxation 9,497 11,096 稅前盈利 Tax expense (1,530) (1,831) 税項支出 Profit after taxation 7,967 9,265 稅後盈利 3

5 Section A - Branch Information (Hong Kong office only) 2. Balance sheet 2. 資產負債表 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 ASSETS 資產 Cash and balances with banks (except those included in amount due from overseas offices of the institution) 27,074 55,126 現金及銀行餘款 ( 不包括存放於海外辦事處的金額 ) Placements with banks maturing of more than one month but not more than twelve months - - 超逾一個月但不超逾十二個月的銀行存款 Amount due from overseas offices of the institution 9,746,994 10,448,372 存放於海外辦事處的金額 Trade bills 4, ,375 貿易匯票 Loans and advances and receivables 825, ,927 客戶貸款及應收款 Collectively assessed impairment allowances (8,246) (4,847) 整體減值撥備 Certificates of deposit held 235, ,905 持有存款證 Investment securities 2,406,443 - 投資證券 Tangible fixed assets 有形固定資產 Other assets 121, ,474 其他資產 Total assets 總資產 13,360,146 12,093,601 LIABILITIES 負債 Deposits and balances from banks (except those included in amount due to overseas offices of the institution) 392, ,897 銀行存款及結餘 ( 不包括結欠海外辦事處的金額 ) Deposits from customers 客戶存款 - time, call and notice deposits 1, ,165 - 定期 短期通知及通知存款 Amount due to overseas offices of the institution 6,017,084 3,836,221 海外辦事處結欠金額 Issued debt securities 6,279,130 7,036,137 已發行債務證券 Other liabilities 216, ,116 其他負債 Total liabilities 總負債 12,906,279 11,647,536 EQUITY 股東權益 Reserves 445, ,243 儲備 Current profit 7,967 23,822 本年度盈利 Total equity 股東權益總額 453, ,065 Total equity and liabilities 股東權益及負債總額 13,360,146 12,093,601 4

6 3. Additional balance sheet information 3. 附加資產負債表資料 3.1 Loans and advances to customers 3.1 客戶貸款 (a) Impaired loans and advances to customers (a) 個別評估已減值客戶貸款 30 June 年 6 月 30 日 Individually assessed Collectively assessed Net advances Gross Advance impairment allowances impairment allowances to customers 各類貸款 個別減值撥備 整體減值撥備 已減值貸款 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 Advances to Customers 824,615 - (8,246) 816,369 客戶貸款 Advances to Banks 對銀行貸款 Accrued Interest 應計利息 Other Accounts 其他帳目 Total 825,451 - (8,246) 817,205 總計 31 December 年 12 月 31 日 Individually assessed Collectively assessed Net advances Gross Advance impairment allowances impairment allowances to customers 各類貸款 個別減值撥備 整體減值撥備 已減值貸款 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 Advances to Customers 484,712 - (4,847) 479,865 客戶貸款 Advances to Banks 對銀行貸款 Accrued Interest 應計利息 Other Accounts 其他帳目 Total 484,927 - (4,847) 480,080 總計 There was no repossessed asset of the Branch as at 30 June 2018 and 31 December As there is no impaired or overdue loans and advances to customers, Banks or Financial Instutitions in Hong Kong Branch, therefore, no individually assessed impairment allowance was made at the Branch level as at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 於二零一八年六月三十日及二零一七年十二月三十一日, 本行並無已收回資產 本行於二零一八年六月三十日半年度止及二零一七年十二月三十一日年度止均沒有對客戶, 銀行或其他金融機構減值或過期貸款, 故本行均沒有提撥個別減值撥備 5

7 3. Additional balance sheet information (Cont'd) 3. 附加資產負債表資料 ( 續 ) 3.1 Loans and advances to customers 3.1 客戶貸款 (b) Analysis of advances to customers by industry sector based on categories and definitions used by the HKMA. (b) 根據金管局所用類別及定義按行業分析客戶貸款 Gross amount of loans and advances to customers for use in Hong Kong 在香港使用之客戶貸款總額 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 Amount of Amount of Gross Loans covered by Gross Loans covered by and Advances collateral and Advances collateral 受抵押品覆 受抵押品覆 貸款總額 蓋的金額 貸款總額 蓋的金額 HK$' 000 HK$' 000 HK$' 000 HK$' 000 千港元 千港元 千港元 千港元 All others 474, , , ,712 其他 Total loans and advances for use in Hong Kong 474, , , ,712 在香港使用之貸款總額 Total loans and advances for use outside Hong Kong 350, , 在香港以外使用之貸款總額 Gross advances to customers 824, , , ,712 貸款總額 (c) Analysis of advances to customers by geographical areas according to the location of counterparties, after recognized risk transfer. (c) 根據交易對手所在地按地區分析客戶貸款 ( 已計及認可風險轉移 ) 30 June 2018 Percentage of total 31 December 2017 Percentage of total 2018 年 6 月 30 日 advances to customers 2017 年 12 月 31 日 advances to customers HK$' 000 佔客戶貸款 HK$' 000 佔客戶貸款 千港元 總額的百分比 千港元 總額的百分比 Hong Kong % - 0.0% 香港 Thailand 824, % 484, % 泰國 Total 824, % 484, % 總計 6

8 3. Additional balance sheet information (Cont'd) 3. 附加資產負債表資料 ( 續 ) 3.1 Loans and advances to customers 3.1 客戶貸款 (d) Overdue and Rescheduled Assets (d) 逾期及重組資產 At 30 June 2018 To customers To Banks 於 2018 年 6 月 30 日 對客戶 對銀行 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 Rescheduled Loans and Advances - - 重組貸款 Overdue Advances 逾期貸款 More than 3 months but not more than 6 months - - 超逾 3 個月但不超逾 6 個月 More than 6 months but not more than one year - - 超逾 6 個月但不超逾 1 年 More than one year - - 超逾 1 年 At 31 December 2017 To customers To Banks 於 2017 年 12 月 31 日 對客戶 對銀行 HK$' 000 千港元 HK$' 000 千港元 Rescheduled Loans and Advances - - 重組貸款 Overdue Advances 逾期貸款 More than 3 months but not more than 6 months - - 超逾 3 個月但不超逾 6 個月 More than 6 months but not more than one year - - 超逾 6 個月但不超逾 1 年 More than one year - - 超逾 1 年 7

9 3. Additional balance sheet information (Cont'd) 3. 附加資產負債表資料 ( 續 ) 3.2 International claims 3.2 國際債權 The country risk exposures in the table below are prepared in accordance with the HKMA s Return of International Banking Statistics - (MA(BS)21) guidelines. International claims are on-balance sheet exposures to counterparties based on the location of the counterparties after taking into account the transfer of risk, and represent the sum of crossborder claims in all currencies and local claims in foreign currencies. 下表為債務國風險乃根據金管局 國際銀行業務統計資料申報表 ( 表格 MA(BS)21) 的指引而編製 國際債權指根據交易對手所在地劃分, 已計及風險轉移的資產負債表內交易對手風險承擔, 反映以各種貨幣計值的跨國債權加上以外幣計值的本土債權之總和 Countries or geographical area constituting 10% or more of the aggregate amount of international claims after taking into consideration any transfers of risk are disclosed. 下表顯示佔國際債權總額不少於百分之十的個別國家或地區之債權 ( 已計及認可風險轉移 ) At 30 June 2018 於 2018 年 6 月 30 日 Non-bank financial institutions Official Banks Sector 銀行 政府部門 非銀行金融機構 非金融私營機構 其他 總計 Non-financial private sector Others Total Developed countries 17 2, ,423 已發展國家 / 地區 of which France 其中法國 of which Japan - 2, ,406 其中日本 of which United Kingdom 其中英國 of which United States 其中美國 Developing Asia and Pacific 10, ,930 亞太區發展中國家 / 地區 of which China 其中中國 of which Thailand 10, ,683 其中泰國 8

10 3. Additional balance sheet information (Cont'd) 3. 附加資產負債表資料 ( 續 ) 3.2 International claims (Cont'd) 3.2 國際債權 ( 續 ) The country risk exposures in the table below are prepared in accordance with the HKMA s Return of International Banking Statistics - (MA(BS)21) guidelines. International claims are on-balance sheet exposures to counterparties based on the location of the counterparties after taking into account the transfer of risk, and represent the sum of crossborder claims in all currencies and local claims in foreign currencies. 下表為債務國風險乃根據金管局 國際銀行業務統計資料申報表 ( 表格 MA(BS)21) 的指引而編製 國際債權指根據交易對手所在地劃分, 已計及風險轉移的資產負債表內交易對手風險承擔, 反映以各種貨幣計值的跨國債權加上以外幣計值的本土債權之總和 Countries or geographical area constituting 10% or more of the aggregate amount of international claims after taking into consideration any transfers of risk are disclosed. 下表顯示佔國際債權總額不少於百分之十的個別國家或地區之債權 ( 已計及認可風險轉移 ) At 31 December 2017 於 2017 年 12 月 31 日 Non-bank financial institutions Official Banks Sector 銀行 政府部門 非銀行金融機構 非金融私營機構 其他 總計 Non-financial private sector Others Total Developed countries 已發展國家 / 地區 of which France 其中法國 of which Japan 其中日本 of which United Kingdom 其中英國 of which United States 其中美國 Developing Asia and Pacific 10, ,737 亞太區發展中國家 / 地區 of which China 其中中國 of which Thailand 10, ,725 其中泰國 3.3 Non-bank Mainland Exposures 3.3 非銀行的中國內地風險承擔 There are no non-bank mainland exposures as at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 截至二零一八年六月三十日及二零一七年十二月三十一日期內並無內地非銀行風險 9

11 4. Off-balance sheet exposures 4. 資產負債表外風險承擔 (a) Contingent liabilities and commitments (a) 或有負債及承諾 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 HK$' 000 HK$' 000 千港元 千港元 - other commitments 280, 其他承諾 Total 280,004 - 總計 (b) (b) Derivative transactions 衍生工具交易 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 HK$' 000 HK$' 000 千港元 千港元 - exchange rate contracts 匯率合約 - interest rate contracts 3,139,565 3,127,172 - 利率合約 Total 3,140,469 3,127,172 總計 The notional contract amounts of derivatives held indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date. They do not represent amounts at risk. 所持衍生工具之名義合約金額顯示於結算日尚未平倉交易的名義價值, 並不代表風險金額 10

12 5. Currency risk 5. 貨幣風險 30 June 年 6 月 30 日 USD JPY EUR RMB Others Total 美元 日元 歐元 人民幣 其他 總計 Spot assets 14,047 2, ,484 現貨資產 Spot liabilities (13,558) (2,406) - (9) (20) (15,993) 現貨負債 Forward purchases 遠期買入 Forward sales 遠期賣出 Net options position 期權淨持倉量 Net long/(short) position 長 /( 短 ) 盤淨額 31 December 年 12 月 31 日 USD JPY EUR RMB Others Total 美元 日元 歐元 人民幣 其他 總計 Spot assets 14, ,210 現貨資產 Spot liabilities (13,911) - (803) (10) (2) (14,726) 現貨負債 Forward purchases 遠期買入 Forward sales 遠期賣出 Net options position 期權淨持倉量 Net long/(short) position 長 /( 短 ) 盤淨額 11

13 6. Liquidity information 6. 流動資金相關資料 For the quarter ended For the quarter ended For the six months ended 31 March June June 2017 二零一八年 二零一八年 截至 2017 年 6 月 30 日止 第一季度 第二季度 六個月 Average Liquidity Maintenance Ratio for the financial period 期内平均流動性維持比率 897% 365% 2815% Note: The drop of average liquidity maintenance ratio from the first quarter 897% to the second quarter 365% was mainly due to the maturity of investment held during the second quarter. 註:平均流動性維持比率從第一季度的 897% 下降至第二季度的 365%, 主要的原因是由於所持有的投資已於第二季度到期 Liquidity risk is the risk that the Branch is unable to meet its payment obligations when due, or that it is unable, on an ongoing basis, to borrow funds in the market on an unsecured, or even secured basis at an acceptable price to fund actual or proposed commitments. The purpose of liquidity management is to ensure sufficient cash flows to meet all financial commitments and to capitalise on opportunities for business expansion. To manage liquidity risk, the Branch has established a liquidity risk management policy which is reviewed by management and approved by our Head Office on annual basis. The Branch measures liquidity through statutory Liquidity Maintenance Ratios ("LMR") and maturity mismatch within its portfolio. The management of the Branch is responsible for day-to-day monitoring of LMR, liquidity projection, maturity mismatch, cash flow projection and other applicable risk assessment tools to detect early warning signal and identify vulnerabilities to potential liquidity risk on forward-looking basis with the objective of ensuring that different types of liquidity risks of the Group are appropriately identified, measured, assessed and reported. Management Information System ("MIS") reports are generated and sent to the Branch s management, Head Office Group Treasury and Group Enterprise Risk Management Department. The funding strategies of the Branch are to (i) diversify funding sources for containing liquidity risk exposures, (ii) minimise disruptions due to operational issues such as transfer of liquidity across group entities; and (iii) maintain sufficient liquidity cushion to meet critical liquidity needs such as loan commitments and deposits withdrawals in stressed situations. The management of the Branch takes up the function of daily liquidity risk monitoring. The management closely monitors the liquidity, stress-testing, liquidity cushion, liquidity projection and deposit concentration of the Branch during monthly meeting, or adhoc meeting in case of necessary, to ensure that the liquidity structure of Branch's assets, liabilities and commitments can meet its funding needs and that the statutory LMR is always complied with. The Branch's average liquidity maintenance ratio for the current financial period was well above the statutory minimum requirement of 25%. The LMR for the financial period is the arithmetic mean of each calendar month's average liquidity maintenance ratio as reported in the return relating to the liquidity position submitted to the HKMA pursuant to section 63 of the Banking Ordinance in respect of the reporting period. 流動資金風險乃指本行未能滿足償還到期債務款項, 或以繼續運作為基礎下, 不能在市場上在可接受價格下借取無擔保或擔保資金來提供實際或提議承擔之風險 流動資金管理目的為確保有足夠現金量以應付一切財務承擔及商務發展機會 為達致管理流動資金風險, 本行已設立流動資金風險管理政策 ; 此政策每年經由管理層履查及由本行總行審批並透過法定流動性維持比率和資產及負債年期安排來衡量流動資金 管理層負責本行的流動性維持比率 流動資金預測 流動資金錯配 現金流量預測, 和其他適用風險評估工具及指標的日常監控, 以檢測早期警告訊號及以前瞻基準識別潛在流動資金風險的漏洞, 旨在確保本行的各種流動資金風險妥為識別 計量 評估及報告 已編制的信息系統報告會被分發到本行的管理層, 總行的司庫部和集團的風險管理部 本行的資金策略為 (i) 擴闊資金來源, 以控制流動資金風險 ;(ii) 盡量減少因營運問題 ( 例如集團實體間轉移流動資金 ) 而產生的營運中斷 ; 及 (iii) 保持充裕的流動資金緩衝以應付關鍵流動資金需求 ( 例如在緊急情況下的貸款承擔及存款提取 ) 本行的管理層負責包括流動性風險監管, 並在每月會議 ( 如有需要在其他特設會議 ) 中密切監察本行的流動資金 壓力測試 流動資金緩衝 流動資金預測和存款集中, 確保公司資產 負債及承擔之流動資金架構可應付資金需要及符合流動性維持比率 本行的本財政年度的每個曆月的平均流動性維持比率遠超於法定百分之二十五之最低要求 本行之期内平均流動性維持比率乃按香港 銀行業條例 第 63 條, 將已提交予金管局流動資金月報内之每月平均流動性維持比率, 以算術平均法計算而成 12

14 7. Remuneration system Information 7. 薪金制度資料 Since our Head Office has already disclosed the remuneration information of the directors and key personnel in its annual report, in accordance with the Supervisory Policy Manual CG-5 "Guideline on a Sound Remuneration System" issued by the HKMA, we do not make separate disclosure of such information of the Branch. 根據金管局刊載於 監管政策手冊 企業管治第五章 穩健的薪酬制度指引, 由於本行總行已經披露有關董事及主要行政人員的報酬資料在年期上, 所以本行將不會披露相關資料 13

15 Section B - Bank Information (Consolidated Basis) 乙部 - 銀行資料 ( 綜合數字 ) 1. Capital and capital adequacy 30 June December 資本及資本充足比率 2018 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 Capital adequacy ratio 18.05% 17.96% 資本充足比率 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 Total amount of shareholders' funds 94,940 92,774 股東資本總額 The computation of the above consolidated capital adequacy ratio is consistent with the Basel III Capital Accord. 上述綜合資本充足比率的計算與 巴塞爾協定 III 一致 30 June December 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 12 月 31 日 2. Other financial information 2. 其他財務資料 Total assets 715, ,931 總資產 Total liabilities 620, ,157 總負債 Total loans and advances 409, ,325 總貸款 Total customer deposits 450, ,411 總客戶存款 For the period ended For the period ended 30 June June 2017 截至 2018 年 6 月 30 日止 截至 2017 年 6 月 30 日止 六個月 六個月 Pre-tax profit 7,320 6,219 税前溢利 The conversion rates of HKD/THB as of 30 June 2018, 31 December 2017 and 30 June 2017 were , and respectively. 二零一八年六月三十日, 二零一七年十二月三十一日及二零一七年六月三十日, 港幣兌換泰銖匯率分別是 1 港元兌換 , 及 泰銖 14

Microsoft PowerPoint - FY Q Results.ppt [互換モード]

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