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25 InternationalRelationsinSunYat-SenUniversityandaResearchFelowat theinstituteofsouth ChinaStrategy StudiesofSun Yat-Sen University; LuoYifuisaPhD StudentintheSchoolofInternationalStudiesatRenmin UniversityofChina National Strategic Options for Foreign Oil Dependence: Energy IndependenceorInterdependence LiBing Abstract:Energystrategiesarecentraltoastate seconomicdevelopmentand haveimplicationsfornationalwelfareandpopularlivelihood.ifdomesticresources failtomeetenergyneedsenergyimportofastatebecomesanimportantoption fornationalenergystrategy.ingeneraloilrepresentsamajorproportionofoveral energyimports.asnetquantityofoilimportsincreaseastatebeginstoface uncertainties in energy security as external oil dependency increases.in consequenceimportingoilthenevolvesintoatrade-ofbetweenstrategiesof energyindependenceandinterdependence.thearticleweighsthosetwostrategies andthrough areview and comparison oftheirstrategic backgroundcurent statusesandrelated measuresitarguesthatchinashouldcontinuetopromote energycooperationtoexitthe utopia ofenergyself-suficiency.regardlessofthe preferenceforthe abovechoicesboth strategiesrequirecarefulcoordination betweenpolicydesignandimplementationandmeanwhilepossesstheirrespective advantagesanddisadvantagesthereforeastateshouldselectanoptimalenergy systemincompliancewithitsnationalcharacteristicswhichisthebestwayfor statestoensuretheirenergysecurity. Key Words: Energy Strategy; Foreign Oil Dependence; Energy Independence;EnergyInterdependence;InternationalEnergyCooperation AbouttheAuthor:LiBingisaPhDStudentoftheZhouEnlaiSchoolof GovernmentatNankaiUniversity PoliticalMistrustandPathsforEnergyCooperation:TheBeltand RoadInitiativeandRegionalEnergyCooperationinNortheastAsia PiaoGuangjiGuoXiaandLiFang Abstract:Thedistributionofresourcesacross NortheastAsiaandthe levelofeconomicdevelopmentofthevariousstatescomplementoneanother suchthattheconditionsareripeforenergycooperation. Whatneedstobe 157

26 exploredisthepathforadvancingregionalenergysecuritythroughenergy cooperationintheabsenceofpoliticaltrust.inthispaperwedevelopa theoreticalframework forregionalenergy cooperation which we useto considertheprocessthateuropeandnorth Americawentthroughinterms ofestablishing mechanismsforsuchcooperation.theframeworkidentifies three foundational conditions for cooperation: availability of energy resourcessupply and demandand politicaltrustand appliestheseto analyzethecharacteristicsofenergycooperationineachcase.basedonthis analysisthis paper turns next to exploring why progress on energy cooperationhasbeensoslowinnortheastasia.itisarguedthattheenergy channelsandinfrastructureproposed bythe Beltand RoadInitiativecan aleviateorevenresolvetheproblemofregionalenergysupplyshortage.in realityitisrelativelysmal-scalemodesofbilateralcooperationwhichbuild spaceandtimeforregionalenergycooperationandmutualtrusttotakeroot. Progress incooperation is gradualy accumulated and region-wide cooperationcanbecomepossible.inthiswaynortheastasiacangradualy establishaplatformforregionalenergycooperationeveninthefaceofa lackofpoliticaltrust. Key Words:NortheastAsia;Energy Cooperation;Political Mistrust; BeltandRoadInitiative AbouttheAuthors:PiaoGuangjiisaResearcherintheInstituteofAsia- PacificandGlobalStrategyoftheChineseAcademyofSocialSciences;Guo Xiaisa Post-DoctoralFelow intheinstituteof Asia-Pacificand Global Strategyofthe Chinese Academy of SocialSciences;Li Fangisa PhD StudentinAsiaPacificStudiesattheChineseAcademyofSocialSciences AnAnalysisoftheDynamicEvolutionofPost-WarJapan sforeign Aid and International Strategy: A Comparison with Euro- AmericanPerspectives ZhaoJianzhiandOuyangZhe Abstract:Thecomparisonandevolutionoftheapproachofinternational aidhavelong beencriticaltopicsofresearchinthefield ofinternational political economy.an equaly important question is the state strategy underlyingtheselectionofdiferentpolicypaths.withtherapidincreasein China sforeignaidthequestionofhowtoborrowfrom thelessonsand 158

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