姓名 _ 手术日期 医生 _ 门诊护士 电话 手术时报到地点 如您是在周一至周五 请到此报到 : 外科大楼 (Pavilion Surgery Center) 华大医疗中心外科大楼 2 楼 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 罗

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1 UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION ABOUT YOUR SURGERY EXPERIENCE CHINESE 手术须知华大医疗中心 (UWMC) 手术前准备须知 您有疑问吗? 我们希望与您合作 以便为您提供最优质的护理 参与医疗的病人会有较佳的医疗效果 且较少出现问题 我们很重视您的提问 若您对您所接受的医疗有任何疑问 都可向您的医护人员提问 如您有任何的不满请告诉我们的职员或致电病人公关组 : 这本手册及到麻醉预备科的约谈, 可协助您为您的手术做准备, 并了解将要经历的过程及原因 我们的宗旨是与您合作以达到手术的安全, 您也可上华大医学网站览阅书写的指南或看手术前的视频 : 华大医疗中心的职员可随时为您服务 华大医疗中心 University of Washington Medical Center About Your Surgery Experience - CH Published PFES: 11/2003, 05/2010, 02/2013, 06/2015, 01/2016, 03/2016, 05/2016; Clinician Review: 05/2016 Translation by UWMC Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online: 手术须知 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 第 1 /24 页 手术须知

2 姓名 _ 手术日期 医生 _ 门诊护士 电话 手术时报到地点 如您是在周一至周五 请到此报到 : 外科大楼 (Pavilion Surgery Center) 华大医疗中心外科大楼 2 楼 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 罗斯福门诊手术中心 (Roosevelt Ambulatory Surgery Center) 华大罗斯福诊所 1 楼 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle, WA 如您的手术是周六 请到此报到 : 华大医疗中心住院部 (UWMC Admitting) 华大医疗中心 UWMC 3 楼 ( 大厅 ) 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 报到时间 麻醉预备科的护士会在手术前一天的下午 2 点到 5 点之间打电话通知您何时来医院, 及提醒您手术前的一些准备须知 如您是星期一动手术, 那前星期五的下午护士会打电话给您 如下午 5 点后乃未接到我们的电话 请您致电 : 备注 第 2 /24 页 手术须知 第 23 / 24 页 手术须知

3 翻译服务 如有需要在手术前及手术后 华大医疗中心 UWMC 有为病人提供翻译的服务 如您希望有位翻译 请告诉您的病人护理联系人或麻醉预科的护士 或致电 翻译服务部要求一位翻译 手术前核对清单 请遵照每一项的指示做您手术前的准备 : 遵照手术前禁食的指示 遵照手术前淋浴及剃体毛的指示 手术的当天请勿使用化妆品 腋下除臭剂 润肤剂 美发产品 或香水 如手术后当天回家, 必须安排一位能负责的成年人载您回家 不可自己驾车或坐计程车 公交车回家 华大医疗中心位于 5 号公路的东边 520 公路的北边 取下手饰或生体上穿孔带的各类饰物 携带您的健保卡及有相片的身份证 携带您的药物保险卡 劳工局 (L&I) 索赔号码及劳工卡 如有联邦健保卡或州政府健保补助卡也一起带来 请携带您所服药物的清单及剂量 包括维生素 补品 及各种自购的非处方药 请带一些现金或信用卡以便支付手术后所需药物的自付款部分 第 22 / 24 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 3 / 24 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

4 - 外科大楼接受现金 支票或信用卡 - 罗斯福门诊手术中心仅接受 VISA 或万事达信用卡 如您要将您的医疗指示及 / 或医疗法定授权人的文件存入您的病历则请您带一副本来 如您晚上睡时使用呼吸机 (CPAP) 以帮助呼吸 请将它带来 请勿带需要人看顾的儿童来 17 岁以下的儿童需要有一负责的成人全时间的陪同在候诊室及医院其他的地区 调整您的药物 : 停止服用 : 手术前 天停止服用以下这些药物 : 勿服用 : 手术当天勿服用以下这些药物 : 到华大医疗中心的驾驶方向 到华大医疗中心 : 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98195: 由 5 号公路 : B 出口 ( 接 Bellevue 520 公路 ) 向东行 - 再由 Montlake Boulevard 出口 - 顺着指标可到华大医疗中心 由 I 405 公路 : - 14 号出口 (520 公路去 Seattle 的方向 ) 西行 - 再由 Montlake Boulevard 出口 - 顺着指标到华大医疗中心 到华大罗斯福诊所 : 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105: 由 5 号公路 : - 由 N.E. 45 街出口 经 N.E. 45th 向东行 - 在罗斯福路右转向南行 2 一条半街 - 罗斯福诊所在您的右边 请参看第 22 页的地图 服用 : 手术当天以 2 盎司的水 (4 汤匙 ) 送服以下这些药物 第 4 /24 页 手术须知 麻醉预科 Box 第 21 /24 页 手术须知 麻醉预科 Box

5 华大医疗中心 UWMC 的地址及停车场 华大医疗中心 UWMC 位于华盛顿大学的南端 地址是 :1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle. 有两处停车场 ( 请看下列地图 ): 三角停车场 ( 在医院 N.E. Pacific St. 街对面的地下停车场 ) 外科大楼停车场 ( 医院的东端 ) 华大医疗中心罗斯福诊所 UWMC Roosevelt 华大医疗中心罗斯福诊所是在华大医疗中心的西北边约 1 英里外 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattle 有地下停车场 会见您的外科医生 在您见麻醉预科前 先会见华大医疗中心 UWMC 外科的外科医生 您将与外科医生 及其他医护人员会谈 : 审核您的病历 目前服用的药物 体检 与您解说手术的细节 请您签手术的同意书 在麻醉预科 我们需要在您手术前知道您的健康状况 您来麻醉预科时 我们会请您填写您健康状况的问卷及您目前所服药物的清单 您来麻醉预科时请携带 : 所有药物的清单及每一药物的剂量 在其他医院或诊所所做的检查及测试的结果 特别是心脏或肺部诊断性的测试如心电图 负荷测试 超音心动图 肺功能测试等等 我们会将这些记录归入您手术资讯的档案夹内 如您需要协助从您的医生或诊所那取得这些资讯 则请告诉我们 ; 我们可以协助您 星星的记号是指三角停车场及外科大楼停车场 我们需要在手术前得到这些资讯 因为它们可能会影响到您手术的护理及手术后的恢复 第 20 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 5 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

6 经过麻醉评估训练的护士会审查您的健康状况 病历 及所服的药物 如有需要会为您做血液的测试 心电图 及胸部的 X 光 基于您手术的种类可能还需要做其他的测试 在此次门诊 您并不会见到手术时麻醉组的医生 但在手术当天会与他们见面 手术前的药物 在您手术前务必告诉您的外科医生或麻醉预科的职员您目前所服用的药物 因为您可能需要在手术前一天或前几天停止服用某些药物 这些需要停止的药物有 : 口服的糖尿病药物及胰岛素 华法林 (Coumadin) 阿司匹林及其他会影响血凝的药物如布洛芬 (Advil Motrin 及其他 ) 萘普生 (Aleve Naprosyn 及其他 ) 某些减肥药 中草药及补药 护士会告诉您手术当天上午您可以服用那些药物 ( 请参看第 4 页 ) 麻醉 在您的手术过程中 有一组麻醉师会在您身边照顾您的舒适 他们同时监测您的呼吸 心率 血压及任何可能发生的医疗问题 在麻醉预科约见时可能将讨论一种或多种的麻醉方式 : 重要的电话号码 以下这些电话号码对您将会很有帮助 如您已在医院, 如要拨 598 开始的电话号码时, 只需拨后面五个号码 住院报到处 (Admitting) 帐单 (Bills) 财务辅导 (Financial counseling) 医生收费 ( 华大医生 UW Physician) 华大医疗中心收费 (UWMC billing) 急诊室 (Emergency Medicine Service: ER) 健康资讯室 (Health Information Resource Center 翻译办公室 (Interpreter Services) TTY 失物待领处 (Lost and Found) 开刀房 (Operating Room) 病人公关部 (Patient Relations) 外科大楼 (Pavilion Surgery Center) 麻醉预科 (Pre-Anesthesia Clinic) 罗斯福门诊外科中心 (Roosevelt Ambulatory Surgery Center) 社工及居住服务社工 (Social Work and Care Coordination Housing Services) 您外科医生的诊所也会给您电话号码在您手术后有任何的疑问或顾虑时便于联系 第 6 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 19 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

7 跌倒的风险 您在医院的期间跌倒的风险较高 这是因为 : 您不是在一个熟习的地方 您可能会因为健康状况或疾病而导致虚弱及疲劳 您可能会感到头晕 眼花 或手术后或因为您的病情感到混乱 有些药物可影响您思考的能力 有些药物可导致尿急 在医院时上厕所的习惯会与居家时不同 有些药物可影响您肌肉的劲力 您的腿可能会肿 胀 手术后您的脚可能会移动得缓慢或蹭拖 可能因为不是自己的家 所以睡得不好 一些导管及医疗器材 可能妨碍身体移动 如果在住院期间 您对我们实施防范跌倒的措施有任何问题或疑虑 请向您的护士询问 全身麻醉 - 您会失去知觉, 手术时完全没有知觉 区域性麻醉 - 麻药注射到一组神经, 使身体的某一部分失去知觉同时给您一些镇静剂, 使您神经松弛或进入睡眠状态 局部麻醉 - 将麻药直接注射到要动手术部位周边的皮肤及组织内, 只有被动手术的部位被麻醉, 就如牙医就如牙医给的局部麻醉相似, 也可能给您一些镇静剂使您神经松弛或进入睡眠状态 如您有其他特别的顾虑需要与医生讨论 请在麻醉预科约见时告诉护士 手术前 24 小时 电话通知您报到时间 麻醉预备科的人员会在手术前一天的下午打电话给您 : 我们会 : 确认报到的地点及时间 核对您手术前的注意事项 如您是星期一动手术, 在前周星期五的下午护士会打电话给您 请把正确电话号码交给麻醉预备科以便连络 如在下午 5 点还没接到电话, 请致电 向麻醉预备科查询 禁食 禁饮的规则 除非您的医生吩咐您要做清肠的准备 在手术前一天及前晚 可正常进食 服药 但在午夜后 您必须准照特别的禁食规则 第 18 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 7 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

8 手术前务必遵照禁食 禁饮的规则 这些规则是为减少在手术期间呕吐 防范将胃里的食物吸入肺部 为了您的安全如您忘记或没有遵照此禁食的规则 您的手术则可能要改期 基于他们的健康情况及手术的类型 某些病人在午夜及手术前的某时段可以喝饮料 有的病人则不可在午夜及手术前吃 / 喝任何东西 麻醉预科的护士将为您解释您当遵守的规则 每一位病人 : 午夜后不可进食 午夜后不可喝酒 午夜后不可喝不透明的饮料 如加奶的咖啡 茶 牛奶 或橘子汁 被告知午夜后不可喝任何饮料的病人 : 为了防范您跌倒 我们可能会采取以下的措施 : 警铃会告诉我们您下床了 床边的地下铺软垫 下床后或走路时使用腰带来辅助您 当您使用洗手间或床边马桶时有一位职员在您近旁 您自己做事情的能力可能每天不同 因此我们可能还需要调整我们对您设下的安全措施 您可能连接有导管或医疗器材 工作人员将每天数次来查问您的状况 我们会请您参与一些测试 当您躺在床上的时候 可能会套上挤压您小腿的护套 这些护套有助于防止血栓的形成 午夜后不可喝任何饮料 麻醉预科的护士将告诉您是否可以喝 2 盎司 (4 汤匙 ) 的水来服送药物 第 8 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 17 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

9 如您是手术的当天即可回家 如您是手术的当天即可回家 那带您回家的人必须能协助您进入家里 为您安置妥当 手术后您会有些疼痛或恶心 也可能一直想睡 为了您的安全 我们强烈地建议您需要有一位能负责的成年人在手术后至少陪伴您 24 小时 使用麻醉后 24 小时内请勿 : 驾车 饮酒 独自旅行 使用机械 签署任何法律文件 负责照顾他人 如儿童 询问您的外科医生手术后需要限制哪些活动 及多久 如此就可仔细为手术后您的需要预作安排 例如如何上洗手间 上下楼梯 预备饮食 及照顾自己 在您离开医院前 会收到如何在家护理的资讯 如尚未安排复诊的预约 则会为您提供联系的电话号码以安排复诊的预约 如您手术后需要住院 您可能需要穿医院的袍子 在我们保持您的安全的同时 也会竭力维护您个人的尊严 因为您的安全是我们第一考量 被告知午夜后可以喝饮料的病人 : 从午夜至到医院报到前 2 小时, 您可以不限量的喝透明饮料 即指水 清的果汁 ( 不含果渣 ) 汽水 运动员饮料 (Gatorade 佳得乐 ) 及清茶 到医院报到前 2 小时即不可再喝任何饮料 淋浴指南 使用特殊的消毒皂葡萄糖酸氯已定 Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) 在手术前晚及手术当天的早上洗澡或淋浴 您可在各大药房购买 CHG 其浓度有 2% 及 4% 两者均可 最常见的品牌是 Hibiclens, 但任何品牌均可 请遵照厂商的指南使用 1. 以 CHG 肥皂清洗胫部以下, 尤其是将要动手术的部位 2. 切勿以 CHG 洗脸或洗发 ( 您可用平日的洗脸皂 洗发液 洗面洗发 ) 3. 请洗干净, 并要重复清洗 4. 用请洁毛巾擦干, 穿上清洁衣服 5. 早上洗澡后 勿使用化妆品 体香剂 ( 腋下除臭剂 ) 润肤油 喷发胶或喷香水 剃体毛须知 为了减少感染的风险 请不要在日常没习惯剃体毛的部位开始剃体毛 如您日常剃手术部位的体毛 在手术前两天 即 (48 小时 ) 停止剃该部位的体毛 第 16 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 9 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

10 停车指南 华大医疗中心停车有停车减价的优惠 停车指南及停车场位置请参照第 20 页 详情请看 : 有关校园停车及收费请致电 医疗中心停车请致电 驾车方向, 请上网 : to_uw/visitors/index.php 术后回家时的安排 如手术后当天回家 : 有下列数种止痛方式 : 口服药 ( 药丸 胶囊 或液体 ) 由静脉注射的止痛药 如您需住院 则可能使用下列止痛方式 : 在背部以一很细的导管为您输送止痛药 ( 脊椎硬膜外麻醉 ). 病人自控止痛机 (PCA) 它是一种仪器 当您手按键钮时此仪器就会将一剂量的止痛药注入您的输液管 止痛药的剂量由您的医生决定 所以使用自控止痛机器后您就不必等待护士, 可由您自己来控制您的疼痛 如您依照医生的处方只在疼痛时使用这仪器, 是不会上瘾的 必须安排能负责的成年人带您回家 不可自驾车或由计程车司机带您回家 如您来医院报到时没有能负责的成年人带您回家 将您安顿好 照顾您 ; 那您的手术可能被取消 负责带您回家的人必须在您办好出院后 30 分钟内到达 来医院前的准备 来做手术前的准备 : 请勿使用化妆品 体香剂 ( 腋下除臭剂 ) 润肤乳液 喷发剂或香水 请穿宽大舒适容易穿脱的家常衣服 请勿携带贵重物品 请勿穿戴任何手饰 病人自控止痛机 (PCA) 由您自己控制止痛药的剂量 警告 : 只有您可以按您病人自控止痛机 (PCA) 的按钮 不可让您的房客按病人自控止痛机 (PCA) 的按钮 第 10 页 24 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 15 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

11 如要做手术或开刀的部位需要作记号时, 您的手术医生会在那部位签他 / 她的名字 如要做手术或开刀的部位是在身体的左边或右边时, 我们将会特别留意 但请您自己不要在身上做任何记号或写字 如某些手术或开刀的部位不需要作记号时, 我们会与您确认手术或开刀的性质 准备静脉输液 我们会先为您在手背或手臂上注射局部麻药, 然后在静脉插针及置入很小的输液针管 药物及输液可以很容易又很快速地由输液管输入体内 手术后输液管仍需留一段时间 有时在进手术室前会由输液管给您注入镇静剂使您放松或入睡 在手术恢复室 大多数的病人手术后将在恢复室又称 PACU- 麻醉恢复室内监测 1-2 小时 麻醉苏醒后 我们会悉心地照顾您 当情况开始稳定 且疼痛已被控制时 如您愿意 您的亲属可到恢复室看望您 但因为恢复室地方不宽大, 又因要维护其他病人隐私的关系, 每次只能容许一位访客 护士会经常监测您的呼吸 心率及血压 您的护士亦会为您止吐或止痛 我们很重视您的舒适 在您疼痛加剧前 您必须向护士索取止痛药 您的护士会问您痛的程度如 0 是不痛 10 是不能忍受的剧痛 请告诉您疼痛的程度 请携带 : 除非麻醉预科的护士要您带药来 否则只带您的药单即可 不必带药来 身份证 保险卡 药物保险卡 及出院时处方药的自付款 如您要将您的医疗指示 / 持久性医疗授权书归入您的病历则请您将它们一并带来 如有劳工局索赔的案件号码 请您将它们带来 如您有睡眠窒息症 请将您的呼吸机 CPAP 带来以助您夜间睡眠时呼吸 报到 手术的当天 请您按照第 2 页打勾的地点报到 大多数的时间我们会请您在手术前 1½ 小时来报到 如此我们有充分的时间为您的手术做准备 在这段时间需要做的事项 : 签入院表格 查看您的健康状况有否改变 与您的麻醉组员见面 为您安置静脉导管 (IV) 是以很细的针及很细的导管置入静脉以便在手术时为您输入药物及液体 您可以带本书或其他手工来, 以打发时间 如手术的时间有任何变动, 我们会尽快与您联系 请注意 : 女性病人在手术前可能会收到有关怀孕测试的资料 如您希望做这测试请告诉您的护士 第 14 / 24 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 11 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box

12 手术前的准备 手术 预备室 里有很多等候做手术的病人 我们会请您在私人的房间内将衣服脱去包括内衣裤 换上医院的袍子 您需要除下眼镜 隐形眼镜 助听器 您可能需要取下假牙, 如您有自己的假牙盒 请将盒子带来以便存放假牙 在手术室照顾您的护士及麻醉人员会来与您见面 如您对手术过程或手术后的护理有什么疑问可在这时向他们提出 为减低您被感染的风险 我们在您等待进入手术室前为您盖保温毯 以保持您的身体暖和 如您没有保温毯清向医护人员索取 在手术部位作记号 我们将竭力为您提供最佳 最安全的护理 我们会向您或您的家人提出这类问题 : 您的姓名? 您的生日? 您要作何种手术? 请不要因此紧张 我们知道您是谁 我们所以重复提问为的是要确定一切无误 您的医生将核对您的病历 与您或您的家人确认您将作手术的部位 通常您的医生在您进手术室或开刀前 会用笔在您要做手术或开刀部位作一个记号 以确保您的安全 您的陪伴者 在做 准备 的时间我们欢迎您有一位成年的扶持者陪伴您 在必要的时候我们会请他 ( 她 ) 回避一下 在您进手术室后您的陪伴者可到等候室等您 您的陪伴者可带一些阅读资料在等候时阅读 如他们带电脑来 可在等候室上无线互联网 我们不能提供照顾孩童的服务 如您必需带 17 岁以下的孩童来医院 ; 请多带一位成年人在等候室 及医院其他的地方全时照顾 外科医生在病人要做手术的部位签他 / 她的名字 第 12 /24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box 第 13 / 24 页 手术须知麻醉预科 Box N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA

13 UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Questions? We want to partner with you to give you our best care. Patients who are involved in their care have better results and fewer problems. Your questions are important. Ask your caregiver any questions you may have about the care you receive. If you have concerns, tell a staff member or call UWMC s Patient Relations at Other UWMC staff are also available to help. About Your Surgery Experience Getting ready for your surgery at University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) This booklet and your visit with your surgeon and Pre-Anesthesia Clinic staff will help you get ready for surgery. It is important that you understand what will happen and why. We are committed to working with you for a safe surgery experience. You can also read written instructions and watch a pre-surgery video on the UW Medicine website: University of Washington Medical Center University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 11/2003, 05/2010, 02/2013, 06/2015, 01/2016, 03/2016, 05/2016; Clinician Review: 05/2016 Reprints on Health Online: About Your Surgery Experience Page 1 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

14 Name Date of Surgery _ Surgeon Clinic Nurse Phone Checking in for Your Surgery If your surgery is on a weekday, check in at: Pavilion Surgery Center 2nd floor, Surgery Pavilion, UWMC 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA Roosevelt Ambulatory Surgery Center 1st floor, UWMC-Roosevelt 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle, WA If your surgery is on a Saturday, check in at: UWMC Admitting 3rd floor, UWMC (main floor lobby) 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA Arrival Time A staff member from the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic will call you between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. the day before your surgery. They will tell you where to check in, what time to arrive, and review your pre-surgery instructions. If your surgery is on a Monday, this call will be on the Friday afternoon before. If you have not heard from us by 5 p.m., you are welcome to call Notes Page 2 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 23 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

15 Interpreters UWMC has interpreters to help you, if needed, before and after surgery. Please tell the patient care coordinator or Pre-Anesthesia Clinic nurse if you would like an interpreter. Or, call Interpreter Services at to ask for an interpreter. University of Washington Medical Center is just east of Interstate 5 and north of State Route 520. Your Pre-Surgery Checklist Please follow the instructions on each of these topics as you prepare for surgery: Follow your pre-surgery fasting guidelines. Follow your pre-surgery shower and shaving instructions. Do not use makeup, deodorant, lotions, hair products, or fragrances on the day of surgery. If you will be going home the same day as your surgery, you must have a responsible adult drive you home. You cannot drive yourself home or take a taxi or bus by yourself. Remove all jewelry and body piercings. Bring your medical insurance card and a photo ID with you. Bring your pharmacy insurance card, Labor and Industry (L&I) claim number and card, and your Medicare or Medicaid information, if you have them. Bring a list of all the medicines you take, and the doses of each one. This includes vitamins, supplements, and anything else you buy without a prescription. Page 22 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 3 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

16 Bring a method of payment for any co-pays for medicines needed after surgery. - Pavilion Surgery Center accepts cash, check, or credit card. - Roosevelt Ambulatory Surgery Center accepts only Visa or MasterCard. Bring a copy of your healthcare directive and/or durable power of attorney for healthcare so they can be placed in your medical record. If you use a CPAP machine at night to help you breathe, bring it with you. Do not bring unattended children with you. Children age 17 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times in the waiting room and other areas of the hospital. Adjust your medicines: Stop taking these days before surgery: Do NOT take these on the day of surgery: Take these on the day of surgery with 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of water: Driving Directions To University of Washington Medical Center, 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98195: From Interstate 5: Take Exit 168B (Bellevue, State Route 520) heading east. Take the first exit (Montlake Blvd.). Follow the signs to University of Washington Medical Center. From Interstate 405: Take Exit 14 (to Seattle via State Route 520) heading west. Take the first exit (Montlake Blvd.). Follow the signs to University of Washington Medical Center. To UWMC-Roosevelt, 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105: From Interstate 5: Take the N.E. 45th St. exit and go east on N.E. 45th St. Turn right heading south on Roosevelt Way N.E. Go 2½ blocks. UWMC-Roosevelt is on the right. Please see the area map on page 22. Page 4 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 21 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

17 Locations and Parking UWMC UWMC is at the south end of the University of Washington campus, at 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle. Parking is available in 2 places (see map below): Triangle Parking Garage (underground and across N.E. Pacific St. from the hospital) Surgery Pavilion Parking Garage (at the east end of the hospital) UWMC Roosevelt UWMC Roosevelt is about 1 mile northwest of UWMC, at 4245 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle. The parking garage is under the building. Stars on this map show the entrances to the Triangle Garage and the Surgery Pavilion Parking Garage. Meeting with Your Surgeon Before your visit to the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic, you will meet with your surgeon in a UWMC specialty clinic. At this meeting, your surgeon and other care providers will: Review your medical history and home medicines Do a physical exam Talk with you about the surgery Have you sign a consent form Your Pre-Anesthesia Clinic Visit We need information about your health before your surgery. At your Pre-Anesthesia Clinic visit, we will ask you to fill out a health survey and a list of medicines you take at home. When you come to the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic, be sure to bring: A list of all the medicines you take and the doses of each one. The results of tests you have had at any other hospital or clinic, especially heart or lung diagnostic testing such as an electrocardiogram (EKG), stress test, echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, etc. We will include copies of these records in your surgical information packet. If you need help getting test results from your doctor or clinic, please ask us and we can help you. It is important for us to have this information before your surgery. It will help your doctors know about things that may affect your care and recovery. Page 20 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 5 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

18 Nurses trained in anesthesia assessment will review your health survey, medical history, and home medicine list. If needed, blood tests, an EKG, and a chest X-ray will be done. Depending on your type of surgery, other tests may also be needed. You will not meet your anesthesia team at this visit, but will meet them the day of your surgery. Medicines Before Surgery It is important to tell your surgeon and Pre-Anesthesia Clinic staff what medicines you are taking. You may need to stop taking some of them for a day or more before your surgery. Some medicines you may need to stop taking are: Oral diabetes medicines and insulin Warfarin (Coumadin) Aspirin and other medicines that affect blood clotting, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn, and others) Certain diet medicines Herbal remedies and supplements A nurse will tell you which of your medicines you can take the morning of surgery (also see page 4). Anesthesia A team of anesthesia providers will be with you during your surgery to keep you comfortable. They will also manage your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and any medical issues that might arise. At your Pre-Anesthesia visit, your providers may talk with you about 1 or more of these types of anesthesia: Helpful Contacts You may find these phone numbers helpful. If you are using a phone inside the hospital, press only the last 5 digits of numbers that start with 598. Admitting Bills Financial counseling Doctor fees (UW Physicians) UWMC billing Emergency Medicine Service (Emergency Room or ER) Health Information Resource Center Interpreter Services TTY Lost and Found Operating Room Patient Relations Pavilion Surgery Center Pre-Anesthesia Clinic Roosevelt Ambulatory Surgery Center Social Work and Care Coordination Housing Services Your surgical clinic will also give you numbers to call if you have questions or concerns after surgery. Page 6 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 19 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

19 Risk of Falling While you are in the hospital, your risk of falling is higher. This is because: You are not in a familiar place. You may be weak and tired from changes in your health or illness. You may feel dizzy, lightheaded, or confused after surgery or because of your illness. Some medicines can affect your ability to think clearly. Some medicines can cause bathroom urgency. Your bathroom habits are different in the hospital than they are at home. Some medicines can affect your muscle strength. You may have swollen legs. You may move more slowly or shuffle your feet after surgery. You may not sleep well away from home. Tubes and machines can get in the way of moving easily. Please ask your nurse if you have any questions or concerns about how we help keep you from falling while you are staying in the hospital. General you are unconscious and have no awareness of the surgery. Regional a numbing medicine is injected into a cluster of nerves, so you do not have sensation (feeling) in a large area of your body. You may also be given medicine to relax you or help you sleep. Local a numbing medicine is injected into the skin and tissues near the surgery area. This numbs only the area of surgery, like a local anesthetic that is given for dental work. You may also be given medicine to relax you or help you sleep. During your Pre-Anesthesia visit, please tell your nurse if you would like to talk with an anesthesiologist about any special concerns. 24 Hours Before Surgery Your Arrival-Time Phone Call A staff member from the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic will call you the afternoon before your surgery day. We will: Confirm your arrival location and time Review your pre-surgery instructions. If your surgery is on a Monday, this call will be on the Friday before. Please make sure we have the correct phone number where you can receive this pre-surgery phone call. If you do not receive this call by 5 p.m., call the Pre- Anesthesia Clinic at Fasting Guidelines Unless you have instructions from your doctor about bowel cleansing, eat normally and take your usual medicines the day and evening before surgery. But, Page 18 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 7 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

20 starting at midnight, you will need to follow special fasting guidelines. It is very important to follow these guidelines about not eating or drinking before surgery. These guidelines reduce your chance of vomiting and inhaling stomach contents into your lungs during surgery. For your safety, if you do not follow these fasting guidelines, your surgery may need to be rescheduled for another day. Some patients may drink liquids after midnight the night before surgery. Other patients will not be able to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. This is based on your medical condition and type of surgery. The Pre-Anesthesia nurse will explain the guidelines that you need to follow. For ALL patients: Do NOT eat after midnight, unless you were told otherwise. Do NOT drink alcohol after midnight. Do NOT drink liquids after midnight that are not clear, unless you were told otherwise. This includes coffee or tea with cream or milk, lattes, milk, or orange juice. For patients who are told NOT to drink liquids after midnight: Do NOT drink ANY liquids after midnight. The Pre-Anesthesia nurse will tell you if you may have up to 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of water for taking the medicines you are allowed to take. For patients who are told they MAY drink liquids after midnight: If You Are Staying Overnight in the Hospital After Your Surgery You may need to wear a hospital gown. We will do everything we can to protect your modesty while keeping you safe. Your safety is our first priority. To keep you from falling, we may use: An alarm that tells us when you are getting out of bed Mats on the floor near your bed A belt around your waist when you get out of bed and when you are walking A staff member to stay nearby when you use the bathroom or commode Your ability to do things by yourself may change day to day. This means that we may also need to change the things we do to keep you safe. You may be connected to tubes and machines. Staff will check how you are feeling many times a day. We will ask you to take part in tests. You may have wraps that squeeze your lower legs while you are in bed. These wraps help prevent blood clots. Page 8 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 17 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

21 If You Are Going Home After Surgery If you go home the day of surgery, the person who takes you home must be able to get you into your home and help you settle in. This is for your safety. You can expect to have some pain and maybe some nausea after surgery. You may also be sleepy for the rest of the day. For your safety, we strongly advise that you have a responsible adult stay with you for at least 24 hours after surgery. For 24 hours after having anesthesia, DO NOT: Drive Drink alcohol Travel alone Use machinery Sign any legal papers Be responsible for taking care of another person, such as a child Ask your surgeon how your activity might be limited after surgery and how long these limits will last. Think carefully about what help you will need and arrange for this help before your surgery. Work out things like how you will get to the bathroom, go up and down stairs, prepare your meals, and care for yourself. Before you leave the hospital, you will receive information about how to care for yourself at home. You will also be given a phone number to call to set up your follow-up visit, if this appointment is not scheduled already. From midnight until 2 hours before you arrive for your surgery, you may drink as much CLEAR liquid as you want. This means you may have liquids such as water, clear juices (no pulp), carbonated drinks, Gatorade, and clear tea. Starting 2 hours before you arrive for your surgery, do not drink anything. Shower Instructions Use a special soap called Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) to shower or bathe, both the night before and the morning of surgery. You can buy CHG at most large drugstores. It comes as a 2% and a 4% solution. Either one is OK. A common brand is Hibiclens, but you may use any brand. Follow the instructions it comes with for using it. 1. Use the CHG soap FROM THE NECK DOWN. Wash well, especially around the area of your surgery. 2. DO NOT use CHG to wash your face or hair. (Use your regular soap and shampoo to wash your face and hair.) 3. Rinse well and wash again the same way. 4. Pat dry with a clean towel. Put on clean clothes. 5. After your morning shower or bath, DO NOT put on makeup, deodorant, lotions, hair products, or fragrances. Shaving To lower the risk of infection, do not shave any part of your body that you do not already shave every day. If you normally shave near your surgical site, DO NOT shave that area for 2 days (48 hours) before the morning of your surgery. Page 16 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 9 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

22 Parking and Directions Parking at the hospital is validated for a reduced rate. See page 20 for a map and directions to parking areas. For more information on: UW campus parking and fees, call Hospital parking, call Driving directions, visit admin/commuterservices/get_to_uw/ visitors/index.php Your Ride Home If you are leaving the hospital the same day that you have surgery: You cannot drive a car, take a taxi, or ride a bus by yourself. You must have a responsible adult take you home or to your recovery facility. This person must also help you settle in and make sure you are safe and comfortable. If your driver is not present when you check in, we will ask for their name and phone number. If you do not have a driver, your surgery may be cancelled. Your driver must pick you up at the hospital within 30 minutes of your discharge. Coming to the Hospital When you come for surgery: Do not use any makeup, deodorant, lotions, hair products, or fragrances. Wear loose clothing that will be easy to take off and comfortable to wear home. pain on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain. You may receive pain relief by: Mouth (pills, capsules, or liquid) Medicine put into your IV tube If you are staying overnight in the hospital, you may also receive pain relief by: Medicine given through a small tube in your back (epidural). Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). This machine puts a dose of pain medicine into your IV tube when you push a button. Your doctors will prescribe the correct amount of medicine for you. With PCA, you do not have to wait for a nurse. You are in control of your pain relief. You will not become addicted to these medicines if you use the machine as prescribed. With PCA, you control the amount of pain medicine you receive. WARNING: Only you should push the button on your PCA. Do NOT let your visitors push the PCA button. Page 10 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 15 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

23 If your site needs to be marked, your surgeon will mark the site with his or her initials. Special care is taken if you are having surgery or a procedure on the right or left side of your body. Please do not mark yourself or write anything on your body. If your site does not need to be marked, you will be asked to confirm what surgery or procedure you are having. Starting Your IV After a numbing solution is put on your skin, an IV will be placed in a vein in your arm or in the back of your hand. Medicine and fluids can be given to you quickly and easily through the IV. It will be in place for a while after surgery. Sometimes, you will be given medicine through this IV to help you relax, or even sleep, before going into the operating room. In the Recovery Room The recovery room is sometimes called the PACU, which stands for Post-Anesthesia Care Unit. Most patients are in the recovery room for 1 to 2 hours after their surgery. Most times, your loved ones will be able to visit you in the PACU, if you wish. This will be after you have received the care you need to ensure your safety as you wake up from anesthesia and have your pain treated, if needed. There is limited space in the PACU area, so you may have only 1 adult visitor at a time. A nurse will check your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure often. Your nurse will help you with any nausea or pain you may feel. It is important for you to be comfortable. Be sure to ask your nurse for pain medicine before your pain gets too bad. Your nurse will ask you to rate your Please do not bring valuables with you. Remove all jewelry and body piercings. Bring with you: A list of your medicines and the doses of each one. Do not bring the actual medicines unless the Pre- Anesthesia Clinic nurse tells you to. A photo ID, your health and pharmacy insurance cards, and co-payment for discharge medicine. A copy of your healthcare directive and/or durable power of attorney for healthcare, so they can be placed in your medical record. Your L&I claim number, if you have one. Your CPAP machine if you have sleep apnea and use the machine at night to help you breathe. Checking In On the day of your surgery, come to the location that is checked on page 2 of this booklet. Most times, we ask you to come in 1½ hours before your surgery. This gives us time to prepare you for your surgery. During this time, you will: Sign admission forms. Be checked for any changes in your health. Meet your anesthesiology team. Have your intravenous line (IV) started. An IV is a small needle and thin tube that is used to give you medicines and fluids during surgery. Bring a book or a project to help pass the time. We will tell you about any changes that might affect your surgery start time. Page 14 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 11 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

24 Note: Female patients may receive information about a urine pregnancy test before surgery. Tell your nurse or an anesthesia staff person if you want to be tested. Getting Ready for Surgery The surgery prep area has many patients who are being prepared for surgery. In a private space, we will ask you to remove your clothes, including underwear. You will put on a hospital gown. You will need to remove glasses, contact lenses, and hearing aids. You may be asked to remove dentures if you wear them. Please bring cases to store these items, if you have them. You will meet the nurses and anesthesia team who will care for you during your surgery. You will be able to ask them any questions you have about your care. To reduce your risk of infection, you will be covered with a heating blanket to keep your body warm while you wait to go into the operating room. Ask for a heating blanket if you do not receive one. Your Support Person An adult support person is welcome to be with you during your prep time. They may be asked to step out of the prep space, if needed. Your support person may wait in the waiting room when you are taken to surgery. They may want to bring something to read while they wait, or a laptop computer or other electronic device to use. Wireless internet access is available in most areas of the hospital. We cannot provide child care. If you must bring a child age 17 or under to the hospital, please bring an adult to be with them at all times in the waiting room and other areas of the hospital. Surgical Site Marking We are committed to making sure you receive highquality and safe care. While you are here, you or your family will be asked such questions as: What is your name? What is your date of birth? What surgery are you having done? Please do not be alarmed by these questions. We know who you are. We ask some or all of these questions over and over again for your own safety. Your doctor will check your medical record and talk with you or a family member to confirm your surgery or procedure site. Most times when you have surgery or a procedure, your doctor will mark the site in pen to help ensure your safety. A surgeon writing their initials on a patient s surgery site. Page 12 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience Page 13 of 24 About Your Surgery Experience

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Microsoft Word - 十月號.doc 沙 田 培 英 中 學 二 零 零 五 年 十 月 十 月 號 地 址 : 沙 田 禾 輋 邨 豐 順 街 9 號 電 話 :2691 7217 傳 真 :2602 0411 電 郵 :stpyc@school.net.hk 主 筆 : 邱 譪 源 校 長 張 敏 芝 小 姐 親 愛 的 家 長 同 學 和 校 友 : 新 學 年 已 開 始 了 幾 個 星 期, 今 天 剛 收 到 教 統 局 發

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高考成绩统计 爬 梳 剔 抉 整 体 观 照. 高 三 教 学 工 作 简 报 2016 第 1 期 ( 总 第 34 期 ) 爬 梳 剔 抉 整 体 观 照 人 物 传 记 探 究 题 摭 谈 爬 梳 剔 抉 整 体 观 照. 人 物 传 记 阅 读 将 在 2016 年 新 高 考 中 以 选. 肯 定 与 否, 赞 成 与 否, 我 们 必 须 有 自 己 鲜 明 考 题 的 形 式 亮 相, 其 中, 第

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