竹炭耐隆絲 Bamboo Charcoal/Nylon Yarns 竹炭耐隆絲 竹炭纖維是以台灣四至五年生的孟宗竹為原料, 經燒製 研磨成奈米竹炭粉末, 由聚合段添加製成竹炭粒, 其生產性與一般抽絲相當, 竹炭應用於不同需要有黑 灰 白三種竹炭耐隆絲, 其織物經認證測試效果如下 : Bamboo C

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1 機能性耐隆纖維 :Functional Nylon Yarn 特性 (Characteristics) 1. 耐隆 機能性纖維 (Nylon Functional Yarn). 光澤 (Luster): 半光 (SD) 鈍光 ( 消光 FD). 全延伸絲 (FDY):Full Drawn Yarn 半延伸絲 (POY):Partially Oriented Yarn 假撚加工 (False Twist). 成型 (Package): 絲餅 (Cake) 雙錐筒紗 (Bi-cone Cheese) 用途 (Applications) 1. 經用 (Warp). 緯用 (Weft). 圓編針織 (Circular Knitting). 經編針織 (Tricot). 襯衫 (Shirt). 內衣 (Underwear). 襪子 (Socks). 絲襪 (Pantyhose) 機能性耐隆絲項目 (Functional Nylon Yarn Item) 1. 竹炭耐隆絲 (Bamboo Charcoal Nylon Yarn). 奈米遠紅外線能量絲 (Far Infrared Ray Nylon Yarn). 鍺離子絲 (Germanium Ions Nylon Yarn). 涼感絲 (Cooling Nylon Yarn). 椰炭耐隆絲 (Coconut Charcoal Nylon Yarn). 其他配合客戶開發項目 (Other R&D can be custom-made) 14

2 竹炭耐隆絲 Bamboo Charcoal/Nylon Yarns 竹炭耐隆絲 竹炭纖維是以台灣四至五年生的孟宗竹為原料, 經燒製 研磨成奈米竹炭粉末, 由聚合段添加製成竹炭粒, 其生產性與一般抽絲相當, 竹炭應用於不同需要有黑 灰 白三種竹炭耐隆絲, 其織物經認證測試效果如下 : Bamboo Charcoal/Nylon Yarns Bamboo charcoal fiber is made of ~-yearold Taiwanese Moso bamboo. The bamboo is first kilned and ground into nano-sized bamboo charcoal powder which is then added to the raw material during polymerization to produce bamboo charcoal chips. Subsequent spinning process using bamboo charcoal chips is similar to those using regular chips. To cope with different applications, these bamboo charcoal/nylon yarns are available in three colors: black, grey and white. The functional performances of fabrics made of them, as being tested and certified, are listed below: NH 除臭率 滅菌率 區別 規格 負離子數 平均放射率 Deodorization Rate of NH Bacterial Reduction Rate Performance Specification Number of Anion Average Emission Rate HR 葡萄球菌 肺炎桿菌 Staphylococcus Klebsiella Pneumoniae 標準值 Standard Value 0/cc 0. 約 Around0% >0 >0 測試值 Test Value 0/ SD % >0 >0 FDY:0D/10f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f POY:0D/10f 0D/f D/f D/f D/f DTY:1D/10f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 丹尼 條數可依客戶需求調整 (Denier & Filament can be custom-made) 15

3 奈米遠紅外線能量耐隆絲 Nano Far-infrared Energy Nylon Filament 奈米遠紅外線能量耐隆絲 1. 係由 0 種天然礦石材料組成, 經過研磨 改質與高分子共振 礦石粒徑達到 100 奈米以下 奈米礦石均勻分散於纖維內部及表面, 使分子共振釋出磁波能量 ( 此共震波共振頻率與人體接近, 易被人體吸收 ) 提升人體能量. 主要機能 : 蓄熱保溫 提升能量 負離子 抑菌 除臭 Nano Far-infrared Energy Nylon Filament 1. Modification of 0 sorts nano mineral, mineral Chip radius 100 nano,can go deep into the skin and the hypoderm, produce the effect of resonant vibration with the far-infrared ray within the human body; improves body circulation, energy.. Function: heat-stored and warm-kept, improves energy, anion emitting; antibacterial odor-resistant. FDY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f POY:0D/f D/f D/f D/f DTY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 丹尼 條數可依客戶需求調整 (Denier & Filament can be custom-made) 16

4 鍺離子絲 Germanium Ion Nylon Filament 鍺離子絲 1. 鍺是一種半導體元素, 不含毒性, 因為鍺最外側的軌道有 個電子, 攝氏 度以上的溫度就會釋放出其中 1 個負電子脫離軌道, 因此很容易就可驅動此功能發揮作用 滲入到表皮組織內部的毛細血管, 負電子在血液裡移動, 具有淨化血液驅向正常化, 且能降低疼痛得到減緩或解除. 主要產品機能 : 抗靜電 除臭 負離子 遠紅外線 促進血液循環 Germanium Ion Nylon Filament 1.Germanium is a non-toxic semi-conductor element. There are electrons in the outermost orbit of germanium ; once the temperature exceeds, one of the negatrons will de-orbit. Human body can easily trigger such function and enable them to permeate the blood capillaries inside epidermis. Negatrons moving in the blood can purify blood, neutralize abnormal acidic cations and in turn normalize blood ; they can also lessen or relieve pain..function:antistatics,deodorization,anion-emitting,farinfrared,improves blood circulation. FDY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f POY:0D/f D/f D/f D/f DTY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 丹尼 條數可依客戶需求調整 (Denier & Filament can be custom-made) 17

5 涼感耐隆絲 Cooling Nylon Yarns 涼感耐隆絲 利用高奈米孔隙度之介孔材料作為母材, 將相變化材料分散後填入孔隙之中, 並添加高比熱材料混合後添入纖維製作而成, 當人體熱傳導至纖維時, 表面相變化材料可吸附水蒸氣, 並帶走體熱, 而高比熱材料可阻礙熱傳導避免人體熱快速導入纖維, 因此具有長效性 降溫材經不斷改進, 已可由聚合段生產成涼感切片, 大大改進生產性, 因而能商業化 Cooling Nylon Yarns The base materials of these cooling nylon yarns are mesoporous materials full of numerous nano-sized micro-pores. First, phase change materials (PCMs) are dispersed and filled into the micro-pores of the base materials. Then, materials with high specific heat are added to and mixed with the base materials to produce the cooling fiber. In this way, when human body heat is transmitted to the fiber, the PCMs on fiber surface can absorb water-vapor and carry away the body heat while the high-specific-heat materials can hinder heat transmission and avoid human body heat from rapidly getting into the fiber. Therefore, the functions of these cooling nylon yarns are permanent. The continuous improvement in cooling materials has enabled us to produce cooling chips during the process of polymerization. Subsequent spinning process is thus significantly eased, facilitating the commercialization of these products. FDY: 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f POY:1D/10f D/10f 0D/f D/f D/f D/f DTY: 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 丹尼 條數可依客戶需求調整 (Denier & Filament can be custom-made) 18

6 椰炭耐隆絲 Coconut Charcoal/Nylon Yarns 椰炭耐隆絲 1. 椰炭絲使用廢棄椰殼以 1,0 高溫燒成多孔性椰炭, 充分做到廢棄物再回收利用, 其具有超大比表面積 000m/g. 主要機能 : 負離子 遠紅外線 除臭 抗靜電經認證測試織物效果如下 : Coconut Charcoal/Nylon Yarns 1.Porous coconut charcoal is an eco-friendly textile material derived from kilning discarded coconut husks at temperatures over 1,0. Its specific surface area is as large as 000 m2 /g. The Nylon Division uses this eco material to produce its coconut charcoal/nylon yarns, fully demonstrating its commitment to the recycling and reuse of waste materials..major functions: Deodorization, static resistance as well as the emission of anion and FIR (Far Infrared). The functional performances of fabrics made of these coconut charcoal/nylon yarns, as being tested and certified, are listed below: NH 除臭率 抗靜電 Static Resistance 區別 規格 負離子數 平均放射率 Deodorization 棉 羊毛 Performance Specification Number of Anion Average Emission Rate Rate of NH Cotton Wool HR 經 緯 經 緯 Warp Weft Warp Weft 標準值 Standard Value 0/cc 0. 約 Around0% <1000 <1000 測試值 Test Value 0/ SD 0 0. % 1 1 FDY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f POY:0D/f D/f D/f D/f DTY:0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 0D/f 丹尼 條數可依客戶需求調整 (Denier & Filament can be custom-made) 19

第一节 基本情况

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