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1 操作使用说明书 胶囊蜡香熏机 魔法罐 CN

2 目录 / Table of Contents 简中 使用说明书 03 魔法罐胶囊蜡香熏机 胶囊香熏机系列 04 / 产品与配件介绍 05 / 使用说明 06 清洁保养 07 / 安全注意事项 08 / 障碍排除 10 / 产品规格 11 EN Instruction Manual 13 Magic Jar Serene Pod Scent Diffuser Serene Pod Scent Diffuser 14 / Product & Accessories 15 Operating lnstructions 16 / Cleaning & Maintenance 17 Safety Precautions 18 / Troubleshooting 20 / Specifications 21

3 重要安全措施 注意! 每当使用电器具, 必须按照下列次序的安全警惕基础而实行 : A. 使用此产品前请细阅使用守则 B. 请勿将手或手指置于此产品之内 C. 为避免危险, 幼童须在成人监督下使用产品 D. 当电源线损坏时, 请勿继续使用本产品 E. 错误使用本产品, 将可能导致火灾的意外, 请依指示使用本产品, 若使用其他介质将可能引发中毒或火灾的危险 ; 请勿将本产品侵入水中, 本产品仅供室内使用 简体中文 03 使用本产品之前, 请务必详阅此使用说明书! 说明书阅读后, 请保存于可随时取用的场所 请勿让幼童独自使用, 要放在幼童触及不到的地方, 否则有可能造成触电 受伤 儿童应当受到监督以确保安全

4 胶囊香熏机系列 产品与配件介绍 本机器仅能使用 SERENE HOUSE 胶囊香熏蜡, 胶囊香熏蜡为单独贩卖商品 顶盖 魔法罐 让香味营造出室内的空间氛围, 就如同魔法罐本身的名字一样, 为居家带来魔法般的情调 点起漫漫薰香扩散在整个空间内, 令人心情瞬间平静舒缓 不妨读一本好书, 听一曲爵士乐, 让香氛环绕左右, 恣意享受这慵懒时光 胶囊香熏蜡 彩色膜盖透气膜香熏蜡铝箔碗定位卡榫加热槽电源指示灯 主体 电源开关 4 5

5 使用说明 使用前请去除所有包装 1 3 撕开胶囊香熏蜡彩色膜盖, 请勿撕开内层透明透气膜 利用定位卡榫将顶盖与主体平稳的盖合 清洁保养 在每次清洁保养前, 请务必先关闭开关, 并将插头自插座上移除 清洁保养时请特别小心, 请勿直接浸泡或冲洗本产品, 以避免造成机器故障及危险 请勿使用酸性清洁剂, 否则有可能导致产品故障 请至少每周清洁保养一次, 疏于保养时, 有可能引起故障, 请务必定期保养 清洁完毕, 请待完全干燥后, 再使用本产品 将产品插头插入电源插座 关闭电源开关 移除胶囊香熏蜡 注意 : 将胶囊香熏蜡平放在加热槽中 打开电源开关 1. 本产品仅能使用 SERENE HOUSE 胶囊香熏蜡 Serene Pod, 勿将液体或其他物品放入加热槽内加热 2. 胶囊香熏蜡可重复加热使用, 若香味变淡或效果降低时建议更换新的胶囊香熏蜡 ; 胶囊香熏蜡为耗材, 请洽各地代理商购买 3. 请勿于机器运作时任意移动及碰触本产品, 待香熏蜡冷却成固态时方可取出 4. 非使用时, 请先关闭电源, 并将插头自插座上移除 5. 请在稳固 平坦 水平的地方使用本产品 自电源插座上移除插头 请使用以温水浸湿的软布及中性清洁剂清洁加热槽直到清洁干净 加热槽干燥后, 将胶囊香熏蜡放回加热槽并盖紧顶盖, 清洁保养步骤完成 6 7

6 使用注意事项 使用本产品前, 请仔细阅读本说明书, 安全正确地使用 请小心使用本产品, 避免碰撞及摔落 如果您有任何身体上的特殊情况, 例如怀孕 肺衰竭 癌症或癫痫等症状, 使用前建议咨询您的医师 胶囊香熏蜡使用注意事项 使用时, 请勿撕开或破坏透明透气膜, 避免加热中的蜡液流出 使用中请勿用手碰触胶囊香熏蜡, 以免烫手 请远离儿童及宠物, 避免误食 胶囊香熏蜡非食品, 请勿食用 使用期间, 感觉不舒服或身体不适时, 请立即停止使用, 并打开窗户使空气流通 胶囊香熏蜡的铝箔碗底部如有变形, 易导致加热效果不佳, 香味无法扩散 ; 请立即更换新品, 以确保正常的扩香效果 安全注意事项 为了保障使用安全, 请务必遵守以下事项 : 本使用说明书的注意事项, 是为了让使用者能安全正确的使用本产品, 防止对使用者或他人造成危害及财产损失 警告事项均为有关安全方面的重要内容, 请务必遵守 万一出现冒烟 异味 杂音等异常现象时, 仍继续使用的话, 可能会导致火灾 触电等, 请立即将电源移除, 停止使用 请依产品规格使用正确电压 产品在长期不使用时, 一定要关闭电源, 拔下插头, 取出加热槽内的胶囊香熏腊, 否则有可能造成触电或故障 在清洁保养之前, 电器必须远离电源 电源关闭后, 请在香熏蜡完全冷却凝固的状态下, 才可取出胶囊香熏蜡及进行清洁保养 万一不小心将香熏蜡液滴到机器或地板等物体上, 请立即用布擦拭干净 ; 如不做处理, 有可能导致外观部分褪色 当电源线或插头破损时, 或是产品不小心于摔落或受到撞击而受损或破裂时, 不得继续使用本产品, 否则有可能造成触电 短路等问题 请勿用湿手操作本产品, 或让水等其他液体沾附 溅洒到上面, 否则有可能造成触电受伤 在加热槽内没有胶囊香熏蜡的情况下, 请勿将电源接通, 否则可能导致产品故障 使用过程中, 勿将手指与异物放到加热槽内, 否则有可能造成受伤或产品故障 请勿让儿童独自使用, 请放在儿童触及不到的地方, 否则有可能造成触电 受伤 儿童应当受到监督以确保安全 请勿将本产品放置于以下地方, 否则有可能引起火灾 触电 受伤 故障 : - 阳光直射或高温的环境, 并远离火源 - 高压物及易燃物周围 请勿将电源线过度弯折 加热或上方放置重物, 否则有可能引起火灾或故障 请勿擅自对本产品进行改造 修理或拆解, 否则有可能造成火灾 触电 故障或受伤 本体消耗配件废弃时, 请依照各国指示废弃 8 9

7 障碍排除 疑似发生故障时, 请在委托维修前确认以下事项 : 机器无法工作 电源插头未确实插在插座上 请确认电源插头正确的安插到插座上 主体开关未正确开启 请确认主体开关是否正确开启 香味散发效果不佳 胶囊香熏蜡香味变淡, 或透气膜有破损 请更换新的胶囊香熏蜡 产品规格 扩香效果会因空间通风度 温湿度及空间大小而有所变化 魔法罐 产品型号 : 气质白 / 沉稳黑 建议使用空间 : 2 15 ~ 35 米 电源输入 : AC 220 V, 50 Hz, 8 W 产品尺寸 : 长 10.9 x 宽 10.9 x 高 12.0 厘米 产品重量 : 460 克 ±5 % 运作模式 : 连续模式 配件 : 保修卡 设计师 : Cheng-Yen Chou 设计监制 : Carsten Jörgensen 设计 : 中国台湾地区 产地 : 中国 / 广东 / 东莞 加热槽过于脏污 请依照本说明书的清洁保养规范进行保养 舍宁豪室 ( 上海 ) 贸易有限公司地址 : 上海市徐汇区斜土路 1223 号 701 室电话 : 邮箱 2015 年第一版 如出现其它故障请登录舍宁豪室官方网站 的支持服务专区查阅使用说明, 或请与经销商联系, 请勿动手拆解或维修本产品 多国专利商品 10 11

8 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION PERTAINING TO A RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK OR INJURY TO PERSONS WARNING When using electric products, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following: A. Read all instructions before using the product. B. The appliance has hot surfaces to evaporate the active ingredients and these surfaces should not be touched during use. C. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilites or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazatds involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. D. Do not use the appliance when the power cord was damaged. E. Failure to follow instructions could result in a fire hazard. The appliance is only to be used with the Serene Pod. The use of other substances may give rise to a toxic or fire risk. Do not immerse this appliance in water. This appliance is for household use only. English 13 Please read this manual carefully before using the product. After reading this manual, please keep it in a readily accessible place. FOR ADULT USE ONLY. THIS IS NOT A TOY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

9 Serene Pod Scent Diffuser Product & Accessories Serene Pod is required to be used with this product. Serene Pod is sold separately. Top cover Magic Jar Let your favorite fragrance define the interior ambiance; just as its name suggests, the Magic Bottle aims to introduce a magical atmosphere to your home. Turn on the aroma diffuser to swathe your home in an enchanting fragrance that instantly brings serenity and tranquility to your mood. Why not read a good book in the company of melodious jazz music and pleasant ambient aroma to enjoy a laidback, leisurely time. Serene Pod Color sealed film Micro perforated film Scented wax Aluminum foil cup Positioning latch Heating plate Power indicator light Power switch Main unit 14 15

10 Operating Instructions Please remove all packaging before use. 1 Peel away the color 3 film seal only on the Serene Pod. Do not remove the transparent micro perforated film on the inner layer. 2 4 Place the top cover back onto the main unit. Cleaning & Maintenance Always disconnect the product from its power source prior to cleaning & maintenance. Never soak or wash this product directly as it may cause mechanical malfunction or danger. Never use acidic cleansing agents as it may cause malfunction to the product. Please perform cleaning & maintenance at least once a week; failing to do so may cause the product to malfunction. Please maintain it on a regular basis. 1 3 Plug into power source. Turn off the power switch. Remove Serene Pod. 5 Place Serene Pod onto the heating plate. Turn on the power switch. Caution: 1. Only Serene Pod from SERENE HOUSE can be used with this product; do not heat liquids or other objects in the heating plate. 2. Serene Pod can be heated repeatedly. If the scent fades or the diffusing performance drops, please consider replacing the Serene Pod. The Serene Pod is a consumable item; please contact your local distributor for purchase. 3. Do not move or touch when this product is in use. Allow the wax inside Serene Pod to cool thoroughly into a solid form before handling the device or Serene Pod. 4. Unplug from power source when not in use. 5. Always place this wax warmer on a firm, flat and level surface. 2 unplug from power source. 4 Please use a damp cloth moistened with warm water and neutral cleaning agents to clean the heating plate until it is clean. Place the Serene Pod back onto the heating plate and Place back the top cover. This completes the cleaning and maintenance process

11 Precautions for Use 18 Please read all instructions before using the product. Use it safely and correctly. Be sure to handle this product with care to avoid impacts or drops. If you have any special physical conditions, such as pregnancy, lung failure, cancer, epilepsy, or other illnesses, please consult your doctor before use. Precautions for Use of Serene Pod Do not remove or damage the transparent micro perforated film of the Serene Pod in order to avoid spillage of melted scented wax. Please do not touch Serene Pod when it is being heated to avoid accidental burns. Please keep children and pets away from Serene Pod to prevent accidental ingestion. Serene Pod is not edible; please do not eat it. Stop using the product and open the windows for ventilation if you start to feel uncomfortable. Replace with a new Serene Pod to ensure best scent ability if the aluminum foil cup of Serene Pod is deformed in any way ( including the bottom ). Safety Precautions Make sure to follow the instructions below to ensure safe usage: The precautions listed in this manual are to ensure safe and proper use of this product by the user, and to avoid any danger or loss that might occur to the user or others. WARNING contains important safety instructions. Be sure to follow these instructions. Stop using the product immediately and unplug the AC adapter once smoke, smell, unusual sounds or other anomalies occur. Do not modify, fix, or dismantle this product, as fire, electric shock, damage or injuries may occur. When the product is at the end of its life, we recommend disposal at a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment, rather than with household waste. The symbols on the product, instruction manual and packaging allow for proper sorting and disposal. Please use the proper voltage as required by the product. When this product is not used for long periods of time, make sure to unplug it from the power source and remove Serene Pod from the heating plate; failure to do so may result in electric shocks or malfunction. The product must be disconnected from the power source prior to cleaning and maintenance. Once all power sources are disconnected, allow Serene Pod to cool thoroughly into a solid form before handling, cleaning and maintenance. If the liquid wax accidently dripped onto objects such as the device or the floor, wipe clean with a damp cloth immediately to avoid discoloration of the exterior of the product or the furniture. Do not use the product when cord or plug is damaged or the product has been accidently hit, dropped, broken or damaged in any way as such actions may cause problems such as electrical shocks or short circuiting. Do not operate this product with wet hands, or allow water or other liquids to drip or spill onto the product as these may cause electric shock or injuries. Do not power on the device when there is no Serene Pod in the heating plate, doing so may cause the product to malfunction. Do not put your finger or any other objects into the heating plate while the product is in use, doing so may cause personal injuries or product malfunction. This product is not a toy. Do not let children use this product. Keep out of reach of children as electric shock and injury may occur. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the product. To avoid fire, electric shock, personal injuries or product damage, do not place the product in the areas listed below : Under direct sunlight or high temperature environments, and keep away from fire sources Places with high pressures or around combustible objects. Do not bend, heat, or place heavy objects on the power cord as fire or m alfunction may occur. 19

12 Troubleshooting When the product is suspected of malfunctioning, please confirm the following items before sending it in for maintenance : Machine does not operate Plug is not properly inserted into the power source Please make sure that plug is properly inserted into the power source. The power switch is not properly switched on Please check and make sure the power switch is properly switched on. Poor Fragrance Emission The scent fades or the transparent micro perforated film is damaged Please replace the Serene Pod with a new one. The heating plate is dirty Perform maintenance according to the Cleaning & Maintenance section of this manual. Specifications Fragrance results may vary depending on ventilation, temperature, humidity, and the size of space. Magic Jar Model code: White / Black Suggested room size: 15 ~ 35 m² Power input: AC 220 V, 50 Hz, 8 W Product size: 10.9 cm L x 10.9 cm W x 12.0 cm H ( 4.3 in L x 4.3 in W x 4.7 in H ) Main unit weight: 460 g ± 5 % ( 16.2 oz ) Operation mode: Continuous mode Accessories included: Warranty card Designer: Cheng-Yen Chou Design supervised by: Carsten Jörgensen Design: Taiwan Made in China Do not attempt to dismantle or repair the product by yourself. If the unit still does not operate satisfactorily, please visit our website and click link "Support", or contact our customer service. Patent Product 20 21 WARNINGS Note: Read ALL the following BEFORE using this product. Follow all Guidelines at all times while using this product. CAUTION This warning indicates possibility of personal injury and material

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