1 使用原始块的自由报警信号该解决方案中, 电机电流限值信号在 CFC 中生成 该信号如何生成并没有在这里进行介绍 该信号可以连上 "MOTOR" 块的一个报警信号 实际的电流值也可以作为一个消息相关的过程值连到消息中 检查将要扩展的块 ("MOTOR" FB66) 是否有可以自由扩展的消息信号 然

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Download "1 使用原始块的自由报警信号该解决方案中, 电机电流限值信号在 CFC 中生成 该信号如何生成并没有在这里进行介绍 该信号可以连上 "MOTOR" 块的一个报警信号 实际的电流值也可以作为一个消息相关的过程值连到消息中 检查将要扩展的块 ("MOTOR" FB66) 是否有可以自由扩展的消息信号 然"


1 在面板中, 如何附加显示另外一个块的组显示消息? 显示订货号 6ES ES SIMATIC PCS7, Batch and Options SIMATIC PCS7 SW-Packages (BLE, ES, OS) 描述 : PCS 7 中,AS 块的数据 / 消息会缺省显示在它的面板上 然而可能有这样的需求 : 另外一个 AS 块的数据 / 消息也需要同时显示在这个面板上 例程 : 一个功能需要由多个块来实现, 例如, 一个需要电流显示的电机 Fig. 01 "MOT" 块 ( 块类型 "MOTOR", FB66) 用于控制一个电机 另外使用 "MOT_IMEAS" 块 ( 块类型 "MEAS_MON",FB65) 来显示和监控电机的电流 当电流值超过一个特定的限值之后, 需要触发一条报警 "MOT_IMEAS" 的 " 限值监控 " ("Limit value monitoring") 功能可用于此 "MOT_IMEAS" 块的数据在缺省情况下是不会显示在 "MOT" 块的面板上的 我们的目标是在 "MOT" 功能块的面板上显示功能块 "MOT_IMEAS" 的数据 ( 电机电流, 电流监控限值, 报警和消息 ) 注意 : 该条目描述了在 "MOT" 的面板上," 消息 " 视图 ("Message" view) 中显示另外 AS 块的报警消息的几种不同方法 因此, 我们仅仅处理面板的 " 消息 " 视图 PCS 7 面板在 " 消息 " 视图中使用 WinCC Alarm Control 来显示一个块的所有消息 当您打开一个块的 "Message" 视图时, 会自动设置消息的过滤条件, 因此只有和该块相关的消息才会被显示 条目 中显示了如何在 OS 面板的其它视图中显示其他 AS 块的数据 所有的解决方法都不仅限于 "MOTOR" 和 "MEAS_MON" 块类型, 您可以将它们使用在其它的块类型上 该条目也描述了如何配置显示组显示 (group display) No. 步骤 ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P1-13

2 1 使用原始块的自由报警信号该解决方案中, 电机电流限值信号在 CFC 中生成 该信号如何生成并没有在这里进行介绍 该信号可以连上 "MOTOR" 块的一个报警信号 实际的电流值也可以作为一个消息相关的过程值连到消息中 检查将要扩展的块 ("MOTOR" FB66) 是否有可以自由扩展的消息信号 然而,"MOTOR" (FB66) 块并没有任何输入信号可用于触发额外的 ( 用户自定义的 ) 消息 因此, 这个解决方案对已这一特例并不适用 当您创建您自己的块时, 必须确认你将 "ALARM_8P" 块没有使用的消息信号引脚连至块的接口引脚 这种情况下, 之后您可以非常方便地组态额外的消息 条目 描述了这个原则 关于组显示的附加组态步骤 检查一下该图标块的的组显示是否需要扩展块的组显示既用于显示原始 AS 块的消息, 又用于显示附加块的消息 确保组显示可以显示所有使用的消息类别 如果 "MOTOR" 块的组显示还需要显示块 "MEAS_MON" 的消息, 那么组显示需要被进行扩展 "MOTOR" 块缺省情况下仅显示消息类型 "AS Process Control Error" 和 "AS Process Control Fault" 该组显示需要被扩展成可以显示超限的消息类别 ( 例如,"Alarm High","Warning High" ) 2 通过外部块来触发消息, 并改变块消息中的 "Origin" 文本在这个解决方案中, 电机电流的超限消息通过 "MOT_IMEAS" ("MEAS_MON") 块来触发 在 "PCS7 Message Configuration" 对话框中, 相应地改变 "Origin" 域的文本 此例中,"Origin" 域中, 您需要用 "MOT" 块的完整块名来替换字符串 "$$AKZ$$" Fig. 02 注意 : 在 CFC 中, 如果该区域被锁,"origin" 中的消息文本不能修改 可以在 CFC 中使用如下步骤来释放 "Origin" 区域 在 SIMATIC Manager 的组件视图下, 打开 block folder 下相应块的 "PCS7 Message Configuration" 对话框 取消锁定 这里不要改变 "Origin" 的实际文本值 ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P2-13

3 Fig. 03 更新 Block type 使这些改变生效 组显示的其他组态步骤当编译 OS 时, 每个报警兼容块都会在 OS 的变量管理器中创建一个变量, 该变量包含了所有报警块 (ALARM_8P, NOTIFY_8P) 的组值 "MOT" 块和附加的块 "MOT_IMEAS" 都会创建组变量 "*.EventState" 在过程画面中, 每个组变量必须连到组显示, 以便消息可以显示在 overview 区域和导航窗口的组显示上 功能 "Create/Update block icons" 合并过程画面中所有连接着组显示的块图标 连接画面中附加块的组显示附加块的组显示变量 ( "MOT_IMEAS" 块的变量 "*.EventState") 必须连接到过程画面中的组显示, 以便当前的监视消息会显示在 overview 区域和导航窗口的组显示上 通常可以通过合并附加块 "MOT_IMEAS" 的面板来实现 ( 通过 "Create/Update block icons" 功能 ) 如果您不需要在过程画面中显示电机电流 ("MEAS_MON"), 那么你不能简单地删除这个块, 因为这样的话将导致组层级的配置不完整 这种情况下, 您可以设置块的 "Visible" 属性为 "no" 来隐藏该块 检查一下该块图标的的组显示是否需要扩展如果显示电流 ("MEAS_MON") 的块图标在过程画面中不显示, 为了在过程画面中进行电流监视, 您必须组态一个组显示 因此, 您可以为 "MOT" 块 ( 块类型 "MOTOR") 的块图标显示增加另外一个组显示用于显示电流的监控 这个组显示必须连至 "MOT_IMEAS" 块的 group value 3 使用其他块触发消息并在面板中设置 "MULTI_INSTANCE" 属性为 "yes" 警告! 需要注意该解决方案后面所列出来的限制 在画面编辑器中, 为了在 OS 面板上显示多个 AS 块的数据, 需要把属性 "MULTI_INSTANCE" 设置为 "yes" 属性 "MULTI_INSTANCE" 的缺省值是 "no" 属性 "MULTI_INSTANCE" 位于面板的模板画面 "@pg_motor.pdl" 中对象 "@Faceplate" 的属性组 "Miscellaneous" 内 Fig. 04 打开块的 "Alarm" 视图时, 依据属性 "MULTI_INSTANCE", 消息的过滤条件会设置到报警控件中 : "MULTI_INSTANCE = no" 只有来源和面板中测量点名完全一致的消息才会被显示 这意味着只有来自 "MOT" 块的消息才会被显示到报警控件中 附加块 "MOT_IMEAS" 的消息不会被显示到报警控件中 "MULTI_INSTANCE = yes" ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P3-13

4 这些测量点名的文本会经过进一步的处理, 因此, 测量点名后面的文本, 也就是 AS 块的名字会被截掉 这个经过修改的测量点名作为过滤条件 报警消息, 如果其来源以修改后的测量点名开头, 才会被显示 这意味着 "MOT" 块的附加消息, 和其它块的消息, 例如 "MOT_IMEAS", 都会被显示在报警控件中 局限 如果你改变已存在的面板的 "MULTI_INSTANCE" 选项为 "yes", 那么你必须更改整个面板 必须检查所有模板画面中的动态 ( 变量连接, 脚本 ) 并做必要的修改, 因为当前是修改后的测量点名称 ( 没有块名的测量点名称 ) 因此, 这一解决方案原理上可行, 可是非常复杂并容易出错 o 所有块必须全部修改 所有功能必须完整分析修改 修改过的块必须经过完整测试 o 关于 PCS 7 标准块的用法有完整的文档 然而, 关于块的内部函数和编程并没有完整文档 用户需要花费大量时间自己这些更改内部函数 o 出错概率大 关于 "Configuring multi-instances" 的帮助信息可在 "PCS 7 - Programming Instructions for Blocks" 手册中找到 如果使用 OS project editor 或软件更新 ( 安装 WinCC 新版本, 一个 service pack 或 hotfix), 对模板画面或标准函数所作的改变可能会丢失 仅适用于 PCS 7 V7.0 SP1 在 PCS 7 V7.0 SP1, 即使使用了 "MULTI_INSTANCE=yes", 但只有源块的报警才能被显示 条目 中给出了补救方法 组显示的附加组态步骤同上面第二步的解决方法 4 通过附加块触发消息并改变报警过滤条件的脚本缺省情况下,PCS 7 面板使用画面 "pcs7_alarm.pdl" 用于显示这些消息 当您打开这个画面时, 消息显示的过滤条件会被设置 您可以改变这些消息过滤条件的脚本来使其它块的消息也显示出来 下图中显示了当打开 " 消息 " 视图时所执行脚本的更变部分 ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P4-13

5 Fig. 05 当编写 SQL 过滤条件时,"=" 被字符串 "like" 替换, 这将会做如下改变 : 如果属性 "MULTI_INSTANCE = no" ( 缺省 ), 并且面板类型是 "MOTOR", 那么如果消息的 "origin" 文本是以和 "MOT" 块消息同样的字符串开头的话, 这些消息将会被显示 因此, 用于显示电流和电流监视的附加块的名字叫做 "MOT_IMEAS" 警告! 注意运行 OS project editor 后, 这些改变会被覆盖 为了阻止这些情况的发生, 您必须在 OS project editor 的模板画面中做这些脚本的改变 对模板画面或标准函数所作的改变会在使用 OS project editor 或软件更新 ( 安装 WinCC 新版本, 一个 service pack 或 hotfix) 时丢失 组显示的附加组态步骤同上面第二步的解决方法 5 创建一个 AS 块, 内部包含 "MOTOR" 和 "MEAS_MON" 块这种方法创建一个新块, 包含 "MOTOR" 和 "MEAS_MON" 块 这种方法下 "MEAS_MON" 的消息和 "MOTOR" 块一样, 在运行时收到相同的 origin text 电流监控消息因此会缺省显示在 "MOTOR" 块的面板中 您使用 "SCL","STL" 或 CFC 编辑器来创建这个块 下图显示了如何在 CFC chart 中创建一个新块 所有 MOTOR" 和 "MEAS_MON" 块的连接都被重新创建为外部连接, 并和原始块相联系 Fig. 06 CFC 图通过 "Chart > Compile > Chart as Block Type..." 编译 下图显示了如何使用新创建的块 用于显示电机电流的 "MEAS_MON" 被加到了 "MOTOR" 块上 注意 : 该块以字符串 "MEAS_" 开头的内部连接至了 "MEAS_MON" 块, 其它的连接至了 "MOTOR" 块 ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P5-13

6 Fig. 07 条目 描述详细描述了该块的设置 组显示的额外组态步骤当编译 OS 时,Tag management 会为该新块创建一个变量, 该变量包含了所有 "ALARM_8P" 消息块 (" 包括 MOTOR" 和 "MEAS_MON") 的 请参考 No.1 中关于块图标中组显示的指导和配置 条目号 : 日期 : Scroll down for English: How can you display the messages of another block in addition in a PCS 7 faceplate? Display part number 6ES ES SIMATIC PCS7, Batch and Options SIMATIC PCS7 SW-Packages (BLE, ES, OS) Description: In PCS 7, the data/messages of an AS block (function block, FB) are displayed by default in a faceplate. The case might arise, however, that the data/messages of other AS blocks are to be displayed in a faceplate. This entry describes how to display messages of an additional block in your PCS 7 faceplate. Sample application: A technological function, e.g. motor with current display, is to be realized with several blocks. ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P6-13

7 Fig. 01 The "MOT" block (block type "MOTOR", FB66) is used to control a motor. In addition, the motor current is to be displayed and monitored with the "MOT_IMEAS" block (block type "MEAS_MON", FB65). When the current value exceeds a specific limit, an alarm is supposed to be triggered. The "Limit value monitoring" function of the "MOT_IMEAS" block is used for this. The data of the "MOT_IMEAS" block is not displayed by default in the faceplate of the "MOT" block of the motor. The aim is to display the data of the "MOT_IMEAS" block (motor current, current monitoring limits, alarms and messages) in the faceplate of the "MOT" block of the motor. Notes: This entry describes different ways of how the messages of the additional AS block "MOT_IMEAS" can be displayed in the "Message" view of the OS faceplate "MOT". Therefore, we are only dealing with the "Alarm" view of a faceplate. PCS 7 faceplates use the WinCC Alarm Control in the "Alarm" view to display the messages of a block. When you open the "Message" view of a block, the message filter is set by default so that only the block-relevant messages are displayed. Entry ID describes how you can also have the other views of an OS faceplate supplied with the data of additional AS blocks. The various solutions are not exclusively for the "MOTOR" or "MEAS_MON" block type and you can use them also for other block types. This entry also gives instructions on how to configure and display the group display. No. Procedure 1 Use the free alarm signal of the "original" block In this solution the signal for limit value monitoring of the motor current is formed in the CFC. How this signal is formed is not dealt with here. This signal could be interconnected with an alarm signal of the "MOTOR" block. The actual current value could also be interconnected as a message-associated value. Check whether the block to be extended ("MOTOR" FB66) has freely available message signals. However, the "MOTOR" (FB66) block does not have any input signal with which an additional (user-defined) message can be triggered. Therefore, this solution cannot be used in this special case. ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P7-13

8 When you create your own blocks, you should make sure that you interconnect unused message signals of "ALARM_8P" blocks with the interface of the block. In this way, you can later configure additional messages with a minimum of effort. Entry ID describes this principle. Additional configuration steps for the group display Check and if necessary, extend the group display of the block icon The group display of the block icon is used both for displaying the messages of your own AS block and also for displaying the messages of the additional AS block. Make sure that the group display can display the messages of all the message classes used. If the group display of the block icon of the "MOTOR" block were to be used to display the messages of the "MEAS_MON", the group display would have to be extended. The group display of the "MOTOR" block displays by default only messages of the types "AS Process Control Error" and "AS Process Control Fault". The group display would have to be extended to be able to display message types for limit value monitoring (e.g. "Alarm High", "Warning High" ). 2 Trigger message through the additional block and change the user text block "Origin" In this solution, the message for limit violation of the motor current is triggered by the "MOT_IMEAS" ("MEAS_MON") block. In the "PCS7 Message Configuration" dialog, change the "Origin" field (user text block of a message) accordingly. For this, in the "Origin" field you replace the character string "$$AKZ$$" with the complete measuring point designation of the "MOT" block. Fig. 02 Note: It might be that the message text for the origin cannot be changed in the CFC, because there is no release. Proceed as follows to release change of the "Origin" in the CFC. Open the "PCS7 Message Configuration" dialog of the block from the block folder of the Component View of the SIMATIC Manager. Remove the lock. At this point, do not yet change the actual text for the "Origin". Fig ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P8-13

9 Update the Block Type to make the change effective. Additional configuration steps for the group display When compiling the OS, a tag is created for each alarm-compatible block in the Tag Management of the OS, which contains the group value of all the alarm blocks included (ALARM_8P, NOTIFY_8P). A group tag, "*.EventState", is created for the "MOT" block and the additional block "MOT_IMEAS". Both group tags must be interconnected with a group display in the process picture so that the messages are displayed in the group displays of the overview area and the navigation window. The "Create/Update block icons" function incorporates the block icons with the interconnected group displays automatically in the process picture. Interconnect group display of the additional block in the picture The group value of the additional block (tag "*.EventState" of the "MOT_IMEAS" block) must be interconnected with a group display in the process picture so that the current monitoring messages are displayed in the group displays of the overview area and the navigation window. This is achieved usually by incorporating the faceplate of the additional block "MOT_IMEAS" in the picture ("Create/Update block icons" function). If you do not need the block icon for displaying the motor current ("MEAS_MON") in the process picture, then you should not just simply delete this icon, because this would make the configuration of the group hierarchy incomplete. In this case you can set the "Visible" property of the block to "no". Check and if necessary, extend the group display of the block icon If the block icon for the display of the current ("MEAS_MON") is not visible in the process picture, you should configure a group display for displaying the current monitoring in the process picture. For this, you can add another group display for displaying the current monitoring to the block icon of the "MOT" block (block type "MOTOR"). This group display must be interconnected with the group value of the "MOT_IMEAS" block. 3 Trigger message by the additional block and set the property "MULTI_INSTANCE" to "yes" in the faceplate Warning! It is absolutely necessary to observe the restrictions at the end of this proposed solution. In the Graphics Designer you can set the "MULTI_INSTANCE" property to "yes" in a faceplate in order to display the data of multiple AS blocks in one OS faceplate. The property "MULTI_INSTANCE" has the default value "no". The "MULTI_INSTANCE" property of the object "@Faceplate" is located in the template picture "@pg_motor.pdl" of the faceplate in the property group "Miscellaneous". Fig. 04 When you open the "Alarm" view of a block, the message filter in the Alarm Control is set according to the property "MULTI_INSTANCE": "MULTI_INSTANCE = no" Only those messages are displayed whose origin exactly matches the measuring point ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P9-13

10 designation of the faceplate. This means that only the messages of the "MOT" block are displayed in the Alarm Control. The messages of the additional block "MOT_IMEAS" are not displayed in the Alarm Control. "MULTI_INSTANCE = yes" The text of the measuring point designation is prepared for further processing in that the end of the measuring point designation, the name of the AS block, is truncated. This modified measuring point designation is then used as a filter criterion. Only those messages are displayed whose origin begins with the text of the modified measuring point designation. This means that in addition to the messages of the "MOT" block, also the messages of other blocks, e.g. "MOT_IMEAS", are displayed in the Alarm Control. Restrictions If you change the "MULTI_INSTANCE" option of an existing faceplate to "yes", then you must change the complete faceplate. All the dynamizations in all the template pictures (tag interconnections, scripts) must be checked and if necessary changed, because the modified measuring point designation (measuring point designation without the block names) applies. Therefore, this proposed solution is possible in principle, but is very complicated and prone to errors. o The existing block must be completely revised. Here, the function of the whole block must be completely analyzed and changed. The changed block must be completely tested. o The PCS 7 standard blocks are fully documented with regard to their use. However, the blocks are not fully documented with regard to internal function and programming. Users have the option of determining the internal function themselves. This involves a great deal of time. o The error probability is relatively high. General information on the topic of "Configuring multi-instances" is available in the manual "PCS 7 - Programming Instructions for Blocks". Changes in the template pictures or standard functions might be lost when the OS project editor is run or the software updated (installation of a new version of WinCC, a service pack or a hotfix). Only for PCS 7 V7.0 SP1 In PCS 7 V7.0 SP1, only the messages of the original block are display despite using the "MULTI_INSTANCE=yes" option. Entry ID provides are remedy. Additional configuration steps for the group display The same applies here for configuration of the group display as described in Point 2. 4 Trigger message by the additional block and change the script for setting the message filter By default, PCS 7 faceplates use the picture "pcs7_alarm.pdl" for displaying the messages. When you open this picture, among other things the filter for displaying the messages is set. You can change the script for setting the message filter so that the messages of other blocks are also displayed. The following figure shows the changed section of the script that is executed when the "Message" view is opened. ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P10-13

11 Fig. 05 When composing the SQL filter criterion, the "=" is replaced by the character string "like". This changes the behavior as follows: if the property "MULTI_INSTANCE = no" (default) and if the faceplate is of the type "MOTOR", then there is display of all the messages whose "origin" begins with the same character string as the messages of the "MOT" block. For this reason the additional blocks for displaying the current and current monitoring is called "MOT_IMEAS". Warning! Note that this change is undone by default when the OS project editor is run. To prevent this, you can make the change in the script in the template picture of the OS project editor. Changes in the template pictures or standard functions might be lost when the OS project editor is run or the software updated (installation of a new version of WinCC, a service pack or a hotfix). Additional configuration steps for the group display The same applies here for configuration of the group display as described in Point 2. 5 Create new AS block that internally contains the "MOTOR" and "MEAS_MON" blocks With this method you create a new block that contains the "MOTOR" and "MEAS_MON" blocks. In this way the messages of the "MEAS_MON" block receive the same origin text at Runtime as the messages of the "MOTOR" block. The current monitoring messages are therefore displayed by default together with the messages of the "MOTOR" block in the faceplate. You can create this block in the "SCL", "STL" or CFC editor. The following figure shows the overview of a CFC chart that was used to create the new block. All the block connections of the "MOTOR" and "MEAS_MON" blocks have been created as new block connections and interconnected with the original block connections. ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P11-13

12 Fig. 06 The CFC chart was compiled via "Chart > Compile > As block...". The following figure shows how the newly created block is implemented. The "MEAS_MON" block for displaying the motor current has been added to the "MOTOR" block. Note: The block connections that begin with the character string "MEAS_" or interconnected internally with the "MEAS_MON" block, the others with the "MOTOR" block. Fig. 07 Entry describes the settings of this block in detail. Additional configuration steps for the group display When compiling the OS, precisely one tag is created for the new block in the Tag Management of the OS, which contains the group value of both "ALARM_8P" message blocks ("MOTOR" and "MEAS_MON"). Refer to the instructions for configuring the group display in the lock icon as in Point 1. Entry ID: Date: ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P12-13

13 ( 填写文档类型 : 常问问题 ) P13-13

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