MESSAGE FROM the CEO 行政總裁的話 The solid momentum throughout the first half of 2015 carried forward for Hong Kong International Airport in August, as we

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1 ISSUE 088 第 88 期 September 九月 2015 Secretary for Transport and Housing Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung (right) and AA CEO Fred Lam officiate at the opening ceremony of the HKIA Technovation Conference and Exhibition. 運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授 ( 右 ) 與機管局行政總裁林天福一同主持 香港國際機場科技創新研討會暨展覽會 開幕儀式 empowering our AIRPORT FOR THE FUTURE The AA inaugurates its first HKIA Technovation Conference & Exhibition to explore potential applications of the latest technology in airport operations. 開創機場未來機管局舉辦首屆 香港國際機場科技創新研討會暨展覽會, 發掘可應用於機場運作的最新科技 Turn to Page 4 下續第四頁 P03 P08 P11 Mutual collaboration 衷誠合作 AA Chairman Jack C K So exchanges views with the CAAC chief. 機管局主席蘇澤光與中國民航局局長會面 Creative recollections 創意分享 Students share their experience through artwork following visits to HKIA. 學生參觀香港國際機場後, 以畫筆分享他們的體驗 AA s got Talent 員工歌藝較量 AA staff showcase their vocal prowess in a singing contest. 機管局員工在歌唱比賽中盡顯才華 1

2 MESSAGE FROM the CEO 行政總裁的話 The solid momentum throughout the first half of 2015 carried forward for Hong Kong International Airport in August, as we scaled to new record heights in passenger traffic and air traffic movements. For the month, the airport serviced 6.3 million passengers and facilitated 34,870 flight movements, up 8.8% and 3.4% year-on-year respectively. On the heels of this encouraging news, we continued to expand our global network by welcoming the launch of two new direct passenger services to Europe. With these new additions to the HKIA family, travellers can now fly with greater convenience to Düsseldorf in Germany and Stockholm in Sweden. In the face of the sustained upward trend in air traffic alongside the addition of new flights departing to and from HKIA, we are continuously exploring the adoption of the latest sophisticated technology that enhances our operation and boosts our efficiency. We have just inaugurated our first Technovation Conference and Exhibition. It was fascinating to see a wide range of new practical innovations such as video analytics, next generation WiFi and beacon technology being showcased by some 20 IT companies, technology solutions providers and universities. The event also provided an excellent platform for the aviation industry and the technology community to freely exchange ideas and together explore how these innovations can be applied to airport operations. Many of these technologies have been successfully used in the retail sector and have re-shaped the industry, allowing retailers to better understand their customers and design their products accordingly to their preferences. It is now up to us to ascertain how these technologies can be adopted in the context of the airport to better cater to the needs of passengers. There is a wide range of possible applications: from managing the replenishment of resources such as luggage trolleys and indoor navigation to sending push notifications of shopping and dining promotions offered by nearby stores. Through identifying and adopting the latest technologies, we strive to stay ahead amidst intensifying competition and leverage its power to fully understand our passengers needs and deliver a seamless and more engaging airport experience for all. HKIA does not need to be the biggest airport in the world, but we certainly can be the world s smartest. We will continue to work closely with both the airport and technology communities to build a futuristic airport for Hong Kong. Fred Lam Chief Executive Officer 香港國際機場延續 2015 年上半年的佳績,8 月份客運量及飛機起降量創新高 月內, 客運量同比增加 8.8% 至 630 萬人次, 飛機起降量則上升 3.4% 至 架次 取得這個令人鼓舞的紀錄後, 我們加緊努力擴展全球航空網絡, 新增兩條歐洲客運航線, 現時旅客可從香港國際機場直接飛往德國杜塞爾多夫及瑞典斯德哥爾摩, 方便快捷 為應付航空交通量持續上升, 以及有更多飛機在香港國際機場升降, 我們不斷研究採用最先進的技術, 以改善並提升機場營運效率 我們剛舉辦首屆 香港國際機場科技創新研討會暨展覽會, 共有約 20 間資訊科技公司 技術方案供應商及大學參與, 展出多種令人讚嘆的創新實用科技, 例如視頻分析 新一代 WiFi 及信標 (beacon) 技術 是次活動亦為航空界及科技界人士提供理想的交流平台, 讓他們交換意見, 共同探討如何應用這些創新技術於機場運作中 這些技術有很多已經成功地應用於零售業, 為其帶來新面貌及加深對客戶的了解, 並根據客戶的喜好設計產品 現在我們需要努力研究如何在機場環境應用這些技術, 以更有效地滿足旅客的需要 相關技術可應用在多個範疇, 包括手推行李車等資源的補給管理 室內導航, 以至發出推送訊息, 提供附近商店給予的購物及餐飲優惠資料 我們致力透過物色及採納最新技術, 務求在激烈的競爭環境中, 保持領先優勢, 並藉此充分了解廣大旅客的需求, 為他們帶來更順暢 更具吸引力的機場體驗 香港國際機場並不需要成為全球最大的機場, 但可以肯定的是, 我們能成為全球具備最尖端科技的智能機場 我們將繼續與機場同業及科技界緊密合作, 為香港建設一個引領未來的機場 行政總裁林天福 2

3 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 Bolstering aviation ties 推進航空合作 Airport Authority (AA) Chairman Jack C K So recently met with Director General of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) Li Jiaxiang in Beijing. During the meeting, Li commended Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for being a world-class airport and air cargo centre for Asia, and added CAAC s full support for HKIA s planned expansion into a three-runway system. He also noted the CAAC will proactively implement various airspace management initiatives across the Pearl River Delta region. In addition, So met with management of Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited (BCIA) to learn more about BCIA s airport operations. His visit included a tour to the airport control centre, terminals and retail facilities. So was also updated on the construction progress of Beijing s second airport in Daxing district, the first phase of which is scheduled to commence operations by 機場管理局主席蘇澤光早前於北京拜會中國民用航空局局長李家祥 李家祥在會面期間讚揚香港國際機場已發展為國際一流的機場及亞洲空運中心, 並表示中國民航局將全力支持香港國際機場擴建成為三跑道系統的計劃 此外, 李家祥指出中國民航局將積極推進珠江三角洲地區空域的各項空管措施 此外, 蘇澤光亦與北京首都國際機場股份有限公司的管理層會面, 了解北京首都機場的營運情況, 包括參觀機場控制中心 航站樓及零售商鋪 他亦聽取有關位於大興區的北京第二個機場的最新施工進展, 預期這個機場首階段將於 2019 年投入運作 Exploring true potential of retail 發揮零售潛力 to discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities prevailing in the industry. In his opening remarks, Lam highlighted the potential of the retail industry in Hong Kong. With demand growth for aviation services, the future of airport retailing remains bright, Lam said. I hope you [retailers] will take advantage of the rich opportunities in Hong Kong, and HKIA will continue to provide a strong foundation for businesses to thrive and expand in today s competitive retail environment. HKIA recently hosted the three-day Trinity Forum 2015 at the InterContinental Hotel Hong Kong between 16 and 18 September. The event was a collaboration between The Moodie Report, Airports Council International (ACI) and ACI Asia- Pacific. As the world s leading airport commercial revenues conference, the forum attracted around 400 delegates from the airport, concessionaire and brand communities. This year s theme was Putting the Consumer at the Heart of the Trinity, which focused on the changing needs of consumers and explored the benefits of true industry stakeholder collaboration in the world of retail. AA CEO Fred Lam and AA Executive Director, Commercial Cissy Chan joined fellow practitioners 香港國際機場與 The Moodie Report 國際機場協會及國際機場協會亞太區攜手合作, 於 9 月 16 日至 18 日在香港洲際酒店舉行為期三天的 Trinity Forum 2015 Trinity Forum 是一個全球具有領導地位的機場商業會議, 吸引了約 400 名來自機場 特許經營商及不同品牌的代表出席 今年會議主題為 以消費者為本, 探討消費者不斷轉變的需求, 以及全球零售業持份者相互協作帶來的益處 機管局行政總裁林天福及商務執行總監陳正思均出席會議, 與其他與會者一同討論當前零售業的最新趨勢 挑戰及機遇 林天福在致開幕辭時強調零售業在香港的潛力 他說 : 隨着航空服務需求持續增長, 機場零售業的前景依然明朗 希望大家 ( 零售商 ) 抓緊香港的良好發展機遇 香港國際機場將繼續提供穩健的根基, 協助零售業在目前競爭激烈的環境中蓬勃發展 3

4 COVER STORY 封面故事 Tapping into top technology 善用尖端科技 To provide services that match travellers expectation and travel trends, the Airport Authority (AA) constantly looks into leveraging new technology to improve operational efficiency and provide a hassle-free airport experience at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). On 15 September, the airport launched its inaugural HKIA Technovation Conference & Exhibition, providing an incubating platform for suppliers to engage the airport community and to match with the latter s demands on technology. Centred on the theme of Smart Airport Object Tracking, the event highlighted different tracking applications and related technologies that have successfully been integrated into retail and other industries. Around 500 airport community members and business partners attended the Conference and Exhibition. During the conference, AA senior management, representatives from the airport community and IT sector gave presentations on the future airport experience empowered by cutting edge technologies. The panel discussion, moderated by Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies CEO Simon Wong and featured AA CEO Fred Lam, Cathay Pacific Chief Executive Ivan Chu, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation CEO Allen Ma and Legislative Council member Charles Mok, explored in depth the trends and outlook of applying the latest innovations in the aviation sector. Meanwhile, at the exhibition, 20 participating exhibitors comprising local and international IT companies, universities and research institutes showcased their latest products and potential solutions for indoor and outdoor tracking applications. Highlights included video analytics, tracking devices to better manage airport resources such as luggage trolley distribution and manpower deployment, and indoor path finding solutions for passengers. AA Executive Director, Airport Operations C K Ng highlights the different applications of technology at HKIA over the years. 機管局機場運行執行總監吳自淇闡述香港國際機場近年採用各種新技術的情況 為提供合符旅客期望及旅遊趨勢的服務, 機場管理局一直研究利用嶄新科技, 提升香港國際機場的運營效率, 以及為旅客帶來方便舒適的機場體驗 9 月 15 日, 機管局舉行首屆 香港國際機場科技創新研討會暨展覽會, 藉以提供溝通平台, 讓供應商了解機場同業對技術的需求 活動以 全方位智慧機場 實物追蹤 為主題, 介紹已成功獲零售及其他行業採納的不同追蹤應用及相關技術, 吸引了約 500 名機場同業及業務夥伴的代表參與 研討會上, 機管局管理層及來自機場同業與資訊科技界的代表, 講解機場未來如何藉着引入先進技術, 提升旅客的機場體驗 當中的專題討論深入探討航空界應用最新科技的趨勢及前景 這個環節由香港物流及供應鏈管理應用技術研發中心行政總裁黃廣揚主持, 成員包括機管局行政總裁林天福 國泰航空公司行政總裁朱國樑 香港科技園公司行政總裁馬錦星及立法會議員莫乃光 此外, 來自本地及國際的資訊科技公司 大學及研究中心的 20 個參展單位亦在展覽會內展示它們的最新產品, 以及探討可行的室內及室外追蹤技術應用方案 展覽更重點介紹視頻分析技術 有利機場資源管理 ( 如手推行李車分布及人員調配 ) 的追蹤裝置, 以及旅客室內導航方案 4

5 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 All eyes on HKIA 聚焦香港國際機場 Touching farewell embraces, the signature high-arched rooftops, moments of flights soaring over the horizon even if you are not travelling these days, you will get to see these splendid airport scenes across the city. The AA launched its first roving photo exhibition entitled HKIA In Focus, which takes visitors beyond the sights of HKIA. Premiered in Pacific Place, the roving exhibition is being held in major shopping malls on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon between now and 1 November. Major highlights of the showcase are the winning photos and selected entries from over 4,200 submissions of the HKIA In Focus competition and photo collection campaign. The display further takes visitors down memory lane with images taken since 1998 when HKIA moved to Chek Lap Kok. There are also postcard giveaways to visitors. MONTHLY THROUGHPUT 每月客貨運量 臨別依依的場面 獨特的拱形天花建築 航機飛越 地平線的一刻 即使並非身處機場 以上一幕幕 的動人情景 亦會在市區各處呈現大家眼前 機管局首次舉辦 相 飛 巡迴攝影展 讓參觀 者細味機場的不同面貌 攝影展於即日起至11月1日 在港九數個大型商場舉行 首站為金鐘太古廣場 這次攝影展重點展出從 我看我機場 攝影比賽 及相片徵集活動超過4 200張參選作品中 選出的 得獎相片及優異之作 攝影展亦展出香港國際機場 自1998年遷往赤鱲角運作至今的珍貴相片 參觀者 更可索取明信片以作紀念 MONTHLY safety PERFORMANCE 每月安全表現 PASSENGER TRAFFIC Cargo TRAFFIC 客運量 貨運量 Injury rate ( 000 passengers 千人次) ( 000 tonnes 千公噸) 受傷比率 (per million passengers 每百萬旅客) 6月 Jun 7月 Jul 5

6 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 Corporate Excellence Awards 企業團隊卓越獎 All in to help out 齊心協力助旅客 HKIA News continues its feature on Customer Service Excellence Programme award winners by spotlighting outstanding teams who displayed teamwork in saving the day of passengers. 翱翔天地 繼續介紹 優質顧客服務計劃 的優秀得獎者, 發揮團隊精神協助有需要旅客的故事 Best Customer Service of the Year 年度最佳顧客服務獎 Outstanding Customer Service Awards 傑出顧客服務獎 Cathay Pacific Airways 國泰航空公司 Kat Lo 盧芷淳 Monica Kwong 鄺嘉儀 John Singh One day, Cammy noticed a young Lagardère Services Hong Kong Limited girl looking lost in front of the 樺捷零售 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 RELAY store. Kenny Ng 吳家輝 The toddler Cammy Li 李麗儀 was too young SaSa Yeung 楊雅晴 to communicate clearly and only indicated that her mother was not with her. Cammy saw she was carrying a doll with a RELAY price tag. Deducing that the mother was a recent customer, Cammy scanned the tag s barcode and discovered that her colleague Kenny had facilitated the transaction. Kenny recalled the mother asked for directions to the Singapore Airlines lounge and immediately took off. Along the way, he spotted the mother at an airline counter who was shocked when she found out the news. She was soon reunited with her daughter thanks to the swift action of the RELAY team. 某日, 李麗儀發現一名小女孩在經緯店鋪外迷路, 仍然牙牙學語的她只懂得表達媽媽不見了 李麗儀看見她拿着貼有店鋪價錢牌的洋娃娃, 估計她的母親剛剛在店內購物, 於是掃描價錢牌的條碼, 並找到處理交易的同事吳家輝 吳家輝記起那位媽媽曾詢問新加坡航空公司貴賓室的位置, 於是他馬上向那方向直奔, 途中他在航空公司的櫃檯認出了那位女士 當她醒覺自己與女兒失散後十分驚慌, 隨即與女兒團聚, 並十分感謝經緯團隊的快速行動 Over the holiday season, a lady took a flight from Vancouver to Bangkok via Hong Kong. However, she suddenly felt nauseous on the flight and experienced difficulty walking upon arriving at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). Kat assisted the lady to the clinic, and contacted her family in Canada and her healthcare insurer. The ill passenger was nursed at a hospital where colleagues John and Monica helped with the paperwork and retrieved her luggage. The lady was highly appreciative of the Cathay Pacific Airways staff throughout her ordeal. A Spanish passenger approached the counter where Liujie was on duty to report his missing wallet. Speaking limited English and with little money on hand, the passenger could no longer continue his journey to Xian via Express Rail. Liujie contacted the passenger s host but was unsuccessful. As it was a late hour, Liujie asked her colleagues Zhuohua and Bijun to arrange accommodation for the passenger and lend him money for the trip. Liujie even accompanied the man to the Express Rail herself on the following morning. The passenger was touched by the acts and he returned a week later with a fruit basket for the team. 一位女士從溫哥華途經香港, 準備轉飛曼谷歡度佳節, 可是她在飛機上突然感到噁心, 抵達香港國際機場後, 更舉步維艱 盧芷淳陪伴這位旅客到醫療中心, 並聯絡她在加拿大的家人及保險公司 她及後到醫院接受治療, 盧芷淳的同事 John 及鄺嘉儀則協助她辦理入院手續及取回行李 這位女士十分感激在身體不適時, 得到國泰職員體貼的照料 Donguan Humen Hong Kong Macau Passenger Ferry Company 東莞市虎門港澳客運有限公司 Hu Zhuohua 胡卓華 Li Bijun 李碧筠 Su Liujie 蘇柳潔 一名西班牙旅客走到蘇柳潔當值的櫃檯求助, 表示遺失了錢包 那位旅客本來計劃乘坐高鐵前往西安, 然而在不諳英語及手上現金不足的情況下, 無法繼續旅程 蘇柳潔於是嘗試致電給他在西安的朋友, 可惜無人接聽 那時已經很晚, 蘇柳潔找來同事胡卓華及李碧筠幫忙, 為旅客安排當晚的住宿, 並借錢給他購買車票 第二天早上, 蘇柳潔更親自送他到高鐵站 那名旅客深受感動, 一周後, 他親自回到碼頭櫃檯送上果籃, 以示謝意 6

7 Cross-Company Excellence Awards 合作團隊卓越獎 Lagardère Services Hong Kong Limited 樺捷零售 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Ken was on duty on Michael Fung 馮嘉偉 Christmas Ken Tai 戴健文 Day when Man Chu 朱慧敏 Eva Yuen 袁淑儀 he noticed a man suspiciously following a lady with a baggage into the RELAY store. When she eventually put down her baggage, the man grabbed it and left hastily. The lady was unaware that her baggage was missing until Ken enquired if she knew the man who took her belongings. Deducing that he was a thief, Ken and Michael took off in hot pursuit and eventually pinned him down on the ground. The lady was highly appreciative of their efforts and returned to the store a week later with a souvenir for Ken and his team. 戴健文於聖誕日當值時, 察覺到一名男子可疑地跟隨着一位拖着行李的女士, 來到經緯店內 當那位女士放下行李, 那名男子匆匆把她的行李取走 戴健文上前詢問她是否認識那名男子, 她才發現行李已不知所終 戴健文及馮嘉偉推斷那男子是一名小偷, 隨即追上前, 最後把他制伏 那位女士非常感激, 一星期後再次到訪店鋪, 向戴健文及其他同事送上手信, 感謝他們的協助 Best Customer Service of the Year 年度最佳顧客服務獎 A mother drove to HKIA with her toddler to pick up her parents who were arriving in Hong Kong. As she exited the car, she accidentally locked the doors with her son and keys inside. AA staff on duty and Serco Control were informed of the situation and rushed to the scene right away. Numerous attempts to break the car window failed. Serco colleagues shielded the car from the scorching sun with cardboard and played cartoons Airport Authority Hong Kong 香港機場管理局 Nixon Cleaning Co Limited 力新清潔有限公司 Serco Group (HK) Limited 信佳集團管理有限公司 on a tablet to distract the child. Meanwhile, an AA colleague received the mother s parents at the Arrival Hall. The window was eventually hammered down by the Fire Services Department, and the child emerged safe. Nixon Cleaning Co. then removed the broken glass inside the car, while the broken door window was also temporarily fixed. 一位母親駕車載着幼兒前往香港國際機場, 迎接即將抵港的父母 當她離開車廂時, 不慎把車匙及兒子鎖在車內 機管局當值職員及信佳集團的交通督導員接獲通知, 迅速前往協助 趕抵現場的人員多次嘗試打破車窗不果 信佳的同事找來紙板, 為男童遮擋着烈日的照射, 並在平板電腦上播放卡通片, 分散他的注意力 同時, 另一位機管局同事則前往接機大堂, 代為迎接事主的父母 最後消防員到場打破車窗, 將男童安全救出 力新清潔公司的同事隨即清理現場的玻璃碎片, 並臨時修補了受損的車窗 Outstanding Customer Service Awards 傑出顧客服務獎 Last Christmas Eve, Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited collaborated to surprise passengers with a Flash Mob Christmas Song, handed out Christmas gifts and set up festive decorations at the Hong Kong Airlines check-in counters. Hong Kong Airlines 香港航空 Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited 香港航空地面服務有限公司 去年平安夜, 香港航空及香港航空地面服務有限公司合力籌劃 快閃唱出無限聖誕驚喜, 在香港航空旅客登記櫃檯前向旅客派發聖誕禮物, 並且將櫃檯布置得別具節日氣氛 One early morning, a passenger notified staff at the Club Bauhinia of Hong Kong Airlines Lounge that she had lost contact with her brother. They were travelling from Bangkok to Sanya but encountered Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited 香港航空地面服務有限公司 Select Service Partner Hong Kong Limited issues with his travel documents and had to go through immigration again. The siblings agreed to meet at the baggage reclaim area but her brother failed to show up. It was an early hour and the lady turned to Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services and Select Service Partner Hong Kong instead. After an extensive search, she was finally reunited with her brother and they continued on their journey together. 某天清晨, 一名旅客向香港航空貴賓室紫荊堂的員工求助, 表示她與弟弟失去聯絡 事緣兩人正從曼谷前往三亞, 但弟弟因旅遊證件問題, 須在香港再次辦理入境手續 兩姊弟相約在行李認領大堂會合, 但她的弟弟沒有出現 當時正值清晨, 那名女士向香港航空地面服務及 Select Service Partner Hong Kong 的人員求助 在四處搜尋後, 終於找到弟弟, 二人得以重聚繼續旅程 7

8 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 Painting an airport experience 畫筆下的機場 Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) always provides opportunities for our younger generation to broaden their horizons, particularly by hosting educational visits for students. During the 2014/15 academic year, HKIA hosted around 60 secondary school tours and welcomed over 2,000 students, who were encouraged to form teams and share their experience after the visits by means of writing, drawing or photos through the HKIA Educational Visit Sharing Programme. Selected entries will stand a chance to display their works at HKIA. This year, the 20 winning teams were rewarded with a return trip on 31 August to the heart of HKIA s operations. They were taken beyond the terminals and into various behind-the-scenes operations and airport developments, including the Integrated Airport Centre, airport apron, Fixed Ground Power and Preconditioned Air systems, in addition to viewing the electric vehicle charging stations and the Midfield development. 香港 國 際機 場 一直為年 輕一代提供擴闊視野的 機會 尤其致力為學生舉 辦饒富教育意義的機場 參觀活動 於2014/15 學 年間 機場舉辦了約60場 中學生參觀活動 共接待 了超過 名學生 機 場亦通過舉辦 參觀機場 分享見聞 活動 鼓勵學生組成隊 伍 以文字 圖畫或相片形式分享他們參觀期間的所見所聞 獲選 的作品更有機會在機場展出 今年 機場管理局共選出了20支優勝隊伍 他們獲邀於8月31日 重訪機場 深入機場內部 了解各項設施的背後運作與機場發展 包括參觀機場中央控制中心 停機坪 固定地面供電系統及預調 空氣系統 以及電動車充電站和中場範圍發展計劃 Highlights of this year s winning entries (excerpt): 本年度的部分優勝作品 節錄 HKIA has implemented green practices that help environmental protection and waste reduction. We have gained a better understanding of the environmental protection initiatives of HKIA such as using cutting-edge electric vehicles. HKIA also converts leftover food into soil to support sustainable development of the ecology. Pang Pui Lam, Chau Cho Yi (F.5) 彭沛霖 周楚怡 中五 香港國際機場貫徹了現時最重要的理念 環保 減少污染及廢物 利用 經過今次的參觀 更加了解到香港國際機場的環保工作 不但有着先進的電動車 為環保盡一分力 而且還會有計劃 把 剩餘的食物收集並造成有用土壤 使生態得以良好持續發展 Tak Oi Secondary School 德愛中學 After the tour, we have a more thorough understanding of HKIA. We were in awe of the scale and precision of its passenger transport system. We hope to explore more of the lesser known facts about the airport in the future! 經過工作人員講解和參觀後 我們更深入了解機場 我們欣賞機 場的客運系統規模完善 希望將來有更多機會探索香港國際機場 其他不為人知的秘密 Ho Hau Man, Yu In Hei (F.4) 何考雯 余妍熹 中四 Concordia Lutheran School 路德會協同中學 No matter how many times we have visited HKIA, South Perimeter Road remains our favourite spot as we see planes banking into the azure skies one after the other, and families and couples enjoying a moment of tranquility by the beautiful airport seashore. This is the unique beauty of our HKIA! Chow Kit Hang, Sun Yuk Hin (F.5) 周傑恒 忻鈺軒 中五 Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College 陳瑞祺 喇沙 書院 8 無論我們到過機場多少次 我們最喜歡的地方 依然是南環 路 在路上看着一架架飛機起飛降落 也見證着不同的家 庭 情侶享受在機場海濱共度的時光 這就是我們的香港國 際機場

9 Strengthening airport safety 加強機場安全 For its continuous efforts to foster a safe environment for all, HKIA was recognised during the 14th Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Award Forum and Award Presentation Ceremony on 11 September. Organised by the Occupational Safety & Health Council, the event saw 414 entries from 152 different organisations compete for nine award categories up for grabs. HKIA was awarded with the Safety Performance Award for overall safety performance in the past year. In addition, the Airport Authority s (AA) year-round Safety 2014 campaign, which aimed at boosting safety awareness throughout the airport community, was recognised with a Bronze award under the Safety Promotion Award category. Representatives of the AA were also invited to highlight the campaign in a 10-minute presentation. 9月11日 香港國際機場在職業安全健康局 舉行的第14屆 香港職業安全健康大獎 分 享會暨頒獎典禮上獲得嘉許 肯定其一直為 提供安全環境所作出的努力 是項活動今年 共收到152間機構的414個參賽項目 角逐九 A A General Manager, Safety, Security & Business Continuity John Lamond (third left) receives the award during the ceremony. 機管局安全 保安及持續運作總經理莊奕文 左三 在頒獎典禮中接受獎項 The AA presents its Safety 2014 campaign through a TV drama-inspired performance. 機管局透過以電視劇為靈感的表演介紹 2014安全年 運動 個類別的獎項 憑藉過去一年的整體安全表現 機場獲得 安全表現大獎 此 外 機管局為提高所有機場同業安全意識而推行為期一年的 2014 安全年 運動 獲頒發 宣傳推廣大獎 銅獎 機管局代表更獲邀上 台 以十分鐘的短劇介紹 2014安全年 運動 Colourful cultural experiences 多姿多采的文化體驗 To further enrich travellers airport experience, HKIA has set up a series of Cultural Kaleidoscope Workshops near Gate 34, Departures Level, Terminal 1 on weekends and public holidays until March next year. Passengers can drop by and try their hand at traditional Chinese art forms including tai chi, Chinese lantern making, miniature fa pai, Wing Chun martial arts, lion dance and Cantonese opera. The workshops are guided by seasoned practitioners to ensure an authentic cultural experience for all. 為進一步豐富旅客的機場體驗 由現在直至明年3月每逢周末及公眾 假期 香港國際機場在一號客運大樓離港層34號登機閘口附近 舉 行名為 文化萬花筒 的一系列工作坊 旅客可親身體驗多種中國傳 統藝術 包括太極 中國花燈製作 迷你花牌 詠春武術 舞獅和粵 劇 工作坊由資深導師教授 讓參加者感受地道特色文化 9

10 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 Direct to Düsseldorf 直航杜塞爾多夫 Cathay Pacific Airways now operates the only non-stop services between Hong Kong and Düsseldorf in Germany for passengers four times a week. Located by the famed Rhine River, Düsseldorf is a dynamic and stylish city for travellers to explore. Tourists can indulge themselves in traditional treats on the captivating River Rhine Promenade or shop for the latest fashion in the Königsallee area, as well as immerse themselves in the iconic architecture of different eras. 國泰航空現提供全港唯一直航德國杜塞爾多夫的航班服務, 每周四班 杜塞爾多夫座落著名的萊茵河畔, 是一個充滿活力的多元化城市, 旅客可在景致迷人的萊茵河畔品嘗當地傳統美食, 在國王大道區選購時尚服裝, 並欣賞不同時代的獨特建築, 感受這個城市的醉人魅力 AA CEO Fred Lam (centre) presents Best Action Learning Group awards to outstanding participants of the Airport Ambassador Programme. 機管局行政總裁林天福 ( 中 ) 向表現出色的機場大使頒發 最佳互動學習工作坊 獎項 Grooming future aviation leaders 培育新一代航空領袖 A ceremony was held on 26 August for the changeover of Hong Kong International Airport s (HKIA) Airport Ambassador Programme (AAP). The event bid a fond farewell to 34 outgoing Airport Ambassadors, Leaders and Supervisors, and extended a warm welcome to 43 new Airport Ambassadors, who will undergo 12 months of on-the-job training at HKIA. Launched in 2002, the initiative is a collaboration between the Airport Authority (AA), the Labour Department and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to open doors for young people and gain first-hand experience in the aviation industry. Over the years, more than 900 youngsters have graduated from the AAP with flying colours, with about 70% of them joining aviation-related companies and organisations, including the AA. 香港國際機場 機場大使計劃 交接典禮於 8 月 26 日舉行, 除了歡送 34 名剛卸任的機場大使 領袖大使及督導大使外, 亦歡迎 43 名新任機場大使, 他們將會在香港國際機場接受為期 12 個月的在職培訓 由機場管理局 勞工處及香港青年協會合辦的 機場大使計劃, 為青少年提供投身航空業及汲取工作經驗的機會 計劃自 2002 年推行以來, 已有超過 900 名青年學員成功完成培訓, 當中接近七成加入了機管局等與航空業相關的公司及機構 10

11 Going Green 關注環保 Keeping waste in check 惜物減廢 Underscoring its green commitment, the AA recently signed the Waste Check Charter initiated by the Environmental Protection Department. The charter is an 18-month programme to encourage waste reduction throughout the commercial and industrial sector. Nearly 70 companies and organisations comprising shopping malls, hotels, academia, and government institutions have joined the programme. As a signatory, the AA pledges to monitor the amount of disposed waste and recyclables collected in the terminal buildings and the HKIA Tower, as well as to formulate strategies to achieve its waste reduction goals. The AA has set a long-term target to recycle 50% of all waste by Recyclables now being collected at HKIA include cardboard, paper, plastic, scrap metal, glass bottles, wood and more. In particular, the AA has implemented a comprehensive programme to recycle the food waste and used cooking oil from airport caterers and business partners, converting them into fish feed, soil conditioner or biofuel. It has also worked with Food Angel to collect surplus food and transformed it into hot meals for distribution to the underprivileged. Currently, the AA is conducting a study to improve its waste management practices, which includes on-site surveys to quantify the different waste streams and determine HKIA s waste composition. The data received will be used to review the AA s existing waste management process to better prepare it for the introduction of a quantity-based solid waste charging scheme. 機管局最近簽署了由環境保護署發起的 惜物 有 計 約章計劃, 進一步實踐綠色承諾 這個為期 18 個月的約章計劃旨在鼓勵工商界共同減廢, 吸引了約 70 間公司及組織, 如商場 酒店 學校及政府機構一起參與 作為簽署約章的機構之一, 機管局承諾監控客運大樓及機場行政大樓廢棄物及回收物的數量, 並制定策略以達至減廢目標 機管局已訂立長期目標, 於 2021 年年底前循環再造 50% 的廢物 現時機場回收的廢物種類包括硬紙板 紙張 塑料 金屬廢料 玻璃瓶及木製品等等 機管局更設有完善計劃, 從機場膳食供應商及業務夥伴回收廚餘及廢食油, 並轉化成魚糧 土壤改良劑或生物柴油 同時, 機管局與惜食堂合作回收剩餘食物, 再烹調成熱飯餐, 派發予社會上有需要人士 機管局現正研究如何改善廢物管理措施, 包括進行實地調查, 定量分析香港國際機場的廢物源頭及組合, 所得資料會用作檢討機管局現時的廢物管理程序, 為日後實施的固體廢物按量收費計劃作好準備 HAPPY HOURS 工餘時光 AA stars shine in the limelight 聲星之夜 AA staff sang their hearts out at the AA s Got Talent singing contest organised by the Staff Club on 28 August. Eleven solo singers and a duet performance competed for the crown. Rings of fans cheered them on as their beautiful voices filled the air. AA Executive Director, Engineering and Technology John Chai and General Manager, Strategic Planning and Development Julia Yan also graced the stage as guest performers. Excitement levels rose when CEO s wife, Ivy Lam, made a surprise debut for AA staff. Eventually, Edmond Ho from the Procurement Department was crowned champion for his outstanding rendition, while Jenny Mok from the Terminal 1 Department and Alan Yeung of the Information Technology Department snatched the first and second runners-up respectively. Appreciation awards were presented to other talented contenders for their performances. 機管局職員康樂會於 8 月 28 日舉辦 機管局員工歌藝大比拼, 當天共有 11 名獨唱歌手, 以及一隊兩人組合參賽, 他們在台上以動人的歌聲, 演繹多首流行歌曲, 獲得觀眾的熱烈歡呼和掌聲 機管局工程及科技執行總監蔡新榮與策略規劃及發展總經理閻宇明亦粉墨登場, 擔任表演嘉賓 機管局行政總裁林天福的太太陳燕嫺更上台獻唱, 為機管局員工帶來驚喜 經過一輪激烈比賽後, 採購部何仲恒以精湛歌藝勇奪冠軍, 一號客運大樓運作部莫瑞娟及資訊科技部楊頌陞分別獲得亞軍和季軍 其他參加者亦獲頒發感謝獎, 表揚他們傾力演出 Edmond Ho from the Procurement Department claimed first place in the competition. 採購部何仲恒以 傷信 一曲成功奪魁 11

12 NEWS & EVENTS 每月要聞 Did You Know? 你知道嗎? Terminal 1 s spacious environment is created in part by the 1,318 units of triangular-shaped skylights integrated into its ceiling. These skylights enable natural light to shine through, reducing the need for artificial lighting which helps save energy. The resulting light effect also creates a more relaxing ambience for travellers. 一號客運大樓環境寬敞軒朗, 部分歸功於大樓頂部的 組三角形天窗 天窗引入自然光, 能減少使用人工照明裝置, 有助節約能源, 而產生的光效更讓旅客感到輕鬆舒適 For rules and regulations, please visit 規則詳情請瀏覽 com/hkianews/ world_t&c.pdf Winner: Charlie Tse Wing Kit 得獎者 :Charlie Tse Wing Kit Caption: Barcelona, Spain 圖片說明 : 西班牙巴塞隆拿 Winner: Jacqueline Chung 得獎者 :Jacqueline Chung Caption: Naruto whirlpools (Shikoku, Japan) 圖片說明 : 鳴門漩渦 ( 日本四國 ) Share your most thrilling adventures throughout the world and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. Simply send us your photos with your bilingual name and caption on or before 16 October 2015 at Winners will receive an HKIA cash coupon worth HK$100, with the winning photos published in the next issue of HKIA News. 將旅途中拍攝到的精采照片與讀者分享, 有機會獲取豐富獎品! 請於 2015 年 10 月 16 日或之前, 將照片連同中英文姓名及圖片說明發送至 hkianews@hkairport. com 得獎者可獲得 100 港元的香港國際機場現金券, 而得獎作品更會於下期 翱翔天地 刊登 12 Have a great idea for HKIA News? Contact us via and tell us what you re thinking. HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, HONG KONG 香港大嶼山香港國際機場翔天路一號機場行政大樓 HKIA News is published by Airport Authority Hong Kong. All rights reserved. This publication may not be sold. No part of this publication may be otherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process without the prior authorisation of Airport Authority Hong Kong. Airport Authority Hong Kong 2015 Printed on environmentally-friendly paper

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