目錄 Contents 前言 Introduction 一般安全指引 General Safety Guidelines... 4 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand...15 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircr

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1 安停全機手冊坪S25 Ramp Safety Handbook S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25

2 目錄 Contents 前言 Introduction 一般安全指引 General Safety Guidelines... 4 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand...15 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 預防雀鳥風險 Bird Hazard Prevention...41 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 在行李處理大堂內 Inside Baggage Hall 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Points Scheme 個人防護裝備 Personal Protective Equipment

3 前言 Introduction 停機坪安全手冊適用於在停機坪及行李處理大堂內工作之所有人員 為保障飛機及工作人員的安全, 各員工必須遵守下文載列的香港國際機場停機坪及行李處理大堂範圍內的工作守則 指引及建議事項 與此同時, 各工作人員亦必須遵守 機場運作手冊 飛行區運作 機場禁區駕駛手冊 各相關公司之工作程序 飛行區通告及安全 保安及運作持續部通告所列之安全守則及指引 This Ramp Safety Handbook is applicable to all personnel working within the airside and the Baggage Hall. For safety of aircraft and personnel, the rules, guidelines and recommendations in this Handbook must be observed. All ramp personnel must at the same time refer to the Airport Operations Manual Airfield Operations, Airside Driving Handbook, the standard operation procedures of each individual company, Airfield Circulars and Safety, Security and Business Continuity Circulars for the applicable safety rules and guidelines. 3

4 一般安全指引 General Safety 一般安全指引 General Safety Guidelines 致電機場中央控制中心 停機坪控制中心或行李管理辦事處報告任何潛在危險及安全事故 Report to IAC Apron Control Centre / Baggage Management Office of any potential hazards and safety incidents 停機坪控制中心 Apron Control Centre / 行李管理辦事處 Baggage Management Office

5 一般安全指引 General Safety 緊急電話設置於登機橋控制室及登機橋下 Emergency Phones are installed inside airbridge cabin and under the airbridge 消防安全 Fire Safety 所有停機位高桅杆旁均設有手提滅火器 Fire Extinguishers are installed in all parking stands near the high mast 5

6 一般安全指引 General Safety 如遇火警, 應該保持冷靜及盡快疏散, 協助其他員工走到指定火警集合點 In case of fire, you should stay calm and evacuate immediately to the designated Fire Assembly Point. 6

7 一般安全指引 General Safety 預防外來物損壞飛機 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention 外來物的源頭 : 飛機及引擎的緊固件 ( 例如 : 螺帽 螺栓 墊圈 ) 飛機零件 ( 例如 : 燃油箱蓋 金屬片 輪胎碎片 ) 塑膠袋及包裹貨物用的膠紙 機械工具 建築廢料 ( 例如 : 木塊 石塊 金屬件 ) 停機坪物品 ( 例如 : 源自飛機膳食及空運貨板的紙張及塑膠碎片 行李箱部件 ; 以及停機坪設備的碎件 ) Sources of debris Debris includes objects that are made from different materials and come in various sizes and colours. Common sources of debris: Aircraft and engines fasteners (e.g. nuts, bolts, washers) Aircraft parts (e.g. fuel caps, metal sheets, tire fragments) Plastic and polyethylene sheets Mechanics tools Construction debris (e.g. wood, stones, metal objects) Apron items (e.g. paper and plastic debris from catering and freight pallets, luggage parts, and debris from ramp equipment) 7

8 一般安全指引 General Safety 為何必須防止 FOD? Why is FOD prevention important? FOD 飛機受損 人命傷亡 FOD poses a significant threat to aviation safety Damage of aircraft Loss of human life 怎樣預防外來物損壞飛機? How to prevent foreign object damage to the aircraft? 清除飛機運作範圍內的外來物 Keep the aircraft maneuvering area clear of FODs. 開車前檢查車輛及設備, 確保沒有外來物 Check the vehicle / equipment before use. 確保車上或車內物件不會被吹走, 以免產生外來物 Ensure the objects inside / on the vehicle will not be blown away. 8

9 一般安全指引 General Safety 你可以怎樣出一分力? How can you help? FOD Small debris can cause great catastrophes. FOD prevention is everyone s responsibility. Your cooperation is critical to help us build a safe airport with zero FOD. Simply follow the steps below whenever you work on the apron: A) 看管 KEEP 在停機坪工作時, 看管你的工具及物料 Keep an eye on your tools and materials while working on the apron. B) 檢查 CHECK 離開停機坪前, 全面檢查是否已經妥善收拾所有工具及物料 Check thoroughly to ensure you have all your tools and materials before leaving. C) 清理 CLEAN 離開停機坪前, 清理工作地點, 並將外來物放於 FOD 收集箱內 Clean and put debris into FOD bins. D) 報告 REPORT / Report instantly to Apron Control Centre at / of large debris found on the apron which you cannot remove. 9

10 1 1.4 一般安全指引 General Safety 橫過或沿着停機位前方道路行走時, 必須留意交通情況 Beware of traffic while walking along / crossing the head-of-stand road. 設計者 Designer : Helen LO 公司 Company : SATS 2012 飛行區及行李大堂安全運動海報設計比賽參賽作品 Participant of 2012 Airfield & Baggage Hall Safety Campaign Poster Competition 10

11 一般安全指引 General Safety 當走近充電設備時, 慎防被電動車或設備的充電電線絆倒 Beware of electric vehicles / equipment charging cables when walking near charging facilities to prevent trip and fall hazards. 1.6 在停機坪或行李處理大堂內工作時, 必須穿着反光背心或顯眼衣服 Wear reflective vest / highly conspicuous clothing when working on the apron or inside Baggage Hall. 11

12 1 1.7 一般安全指引 General Safety 任何車輛在機場禁區及行李處理大堂行駛時, 駕駛員及乘客均須繫上安全帶 Drivers and passengers must wear Seat Belts while driving / travelling in airside and inside Baggage Hall. 1.8 乘坐任何車輛或行李牽引車時, 請勿將身體任何部分伸出車外 Do not place any parts of the body out of the baggage tractor or vehicle. 12

13 一般安全指引 General Safety 除指定範圍外, 嚴禁吸煙 No smoking other than at designated area 指定吸煙範圍的位置 Location of designated smoking areas C10 停機位前方 In front of Stand C10 機場中央控制中心後方 Behind IAC E3 停機位前方 In front of Stand E3 13

14 一般安全指引 General Safety 上落樓梯及梯子時, 保持三點接觸 Maintain 3-Point Contact while climbing steps / ladders. 14

15 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 如非履行職責, 不可進入停機位 Do not enter parking stand if it is not required by your job duties. 2.2 如非履行職責, 不得於機身下走過 Never walk under aircraft fuselage if it is not required by your job duties. 15

16 2 2.3 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 不可跨行於拖卡之間 Never walk between dollies 16

17 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 小心飛機噴流 Beware of Jet Blast 設計者 Designer : CHAN Chi Hung 公司 Company : HAS 2012 飛行區及行李大堂安全運動海報設計比賽參賽作品 Participant of 2012 Airfield & Baggage Hall Safety Campaign Poster Competition 當飛機的防撞燈號閃亮時, 不可走近機身 Do not walk near aircraft with anticollision beacon lights flashing. 17

18 2 2.5 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 不可阻擋或濫用緊急止動按鈕 Do not block / misuse Emergency Stop Buttons 緊急止動按鈕 Emergency Stop Button 機場禁區旅客專車的緊急逃生門按鈕 Emergency Door button on passenger buses 18

19 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 不可阻擋飛機加油系統的緊急停止供油掣 Do not block the emergency stop button of Aircraft Refueling System 19

20 2 2.6 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 妥善保存備用的地勤設備 Properly secure unused ground equipment 20

21 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 停放的地勤設備必須啟動制動裝置 Apply braking device for idle ground equipment 藍色拖桿向上為啟動制動裝置 Lift up the blue tow bars for activation of braking system 一般拖桿向下為啟動制動裝置 Lower down the normal tow bars for activation of braking system 21

22 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 妥善保存集裝箱 Proper storage of Unit Load Devices (ULDs) 未經許可, 不可將集裝箱放置地上 ULD must not be put on ground without authorization. 22

23 在停機位內 Inside Parking Stand 備用飛機輪擋和交通圓錐筒必須妥善放置於指定範圍內 Proper handling and storage of idle chocks and safety cones at designated areas. 23

24 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 不論任何時間, 飛機停泊後須以接地電纜接駁停機坪的接地點 Earth the aircraft at all times. 24

25 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 於距離地面兩米以上的高空工作時, 必須採取安全措施 Apply safety measures while working at height over 2m. 拉起保護欄杆 Raise the safety guard rail 25

26 3 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 設計者 Designer : HUI Chun Ryan 公司 Company : JATS 2013 飛行區及行李大堂安全運動海報設計比賽得獎作品 Winner of 2013 Airfield & Baggage Hall Safety Campaign Poster Competition 26

27 3.3 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 採取正確的人力提舉方法 Manual lifting by proper method 3 27

28 3 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 設計者 Designer : CHENG Yiu Pong 公司 Company : HAECO 2013 飛行區及行李大堂安全運動海報設計比賽得獎作品 Winner of 2013 Airfield & Baggage Hall Safety Campaign Poster Competition 28

29 3.4 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 接駁拖卡時, 務必小心, 以免手部 / 手指受傷 Exercise caution when connecting dollies to prevent hand / finger injury. 3 29

30 3 3.5 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 於飛機貨艙內工作時, 務須小心, 以防頭部 / 腳部受傷 Exercise caution when working inside cargo holds to prevent head/leg injury. 3.6 於飛機客艙內工作時, 務須小心, 以防頭部受傷 Exercise caution when working inside aircraft cabins to prevent head injury. 30

31 進行飛機相關服務時 When Servicing Aircraft 3 31

32 3 進行飛機相關服務時 3.7 When Servicing Aircraft 當飛機艙門就任何飛機相關操作正在開啟 打開或正在關上時, 不可移除登機橋 高台升降車或梯 Do not remove airbridge, high-lift platform or step from aircraft cabin door while the cabin door is being opened, remains opened or is being closed for any operational aircraft. 32

33 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 務須參照及遵守機管局與所屬公司的指引及運作程序 Refer to and follow instruction contained in AA documentation and respective company operating procedures. 33

34 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 登機橋 Airbridge 警告燈閃亮時, 請勿站近登機橋 Please do not stand near the airbridge when the warning lights are flashing. 在緊急情況下, 須緊握登機橋下的安全環剎停登機橋 In an emergency, hold the airbridge safety hoop beneath to stop the airbridge from moving. 警告燈 Warning Lights 安全環 Safety Hoop 34

35 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 登機橋移動時, 請勿使用服務梯 Do not use the airbridge service step while the airbridge is moving. 4.3 妥善收回固定地面供電系統電線及預調節空氣系統喉管 Proper retrieval of FGP cables and PCA hoses. 35

36 4 4.4 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 充電設施 Charging Facilities 電動車普通充電站 EV Normal Charger 電動車快速充電站 EV Quick Charger 電動地勤支援設備充電站 egse Charger (PosiCharge) 36

37 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 為電動車 / 電動設備充電時, 務必依照每座充電裝置的使用指南 1 及操作指引 2 Follow respective User Guides 1 and Operating Procedures 2 to charge Electric Vehicle / Equipment. 1. 使用指南貼於每座充電設施的控制板上 User Guides stick on each charging facilities panels. 2. 操作指引已上載機管局外聯網 Operating Procedures already uploaded to the Airport Authority s extranet. â Procedure Manual â AD Procedures 37

38 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 不論任何時候, 請勿嘗試關掉充電站的電源 Do not attempt to turn off the chargers at any time. 38

39 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 妥善收回使用後的充電電線 Proper retrieval of charging cables after used. 在電動地勤支援設備充電站充電後, 充電電線必須放回吊架上, 並將插頭放回鐵盤內 For egse charger, charging cables should be hanged on the hangers and plugs should be placed in the stowage box. 39

40 使用機管局設備時 When Using AA Facilities 在電動車快速充電器充電後, 充電電線必須掛回吊架上, 確保插頭完全放回插座內, 並鎖上黑色保險柄 For EV Quick charger, charging cables should be hanged on the hangers; make sure the plugs are fully plugged with black triggers locked. 40

41 預防雀鳥風險 Bird Hazard Prevention 5 5 預防雀鳥風險 Bird Hazard Prevention 5.1 你可以怎樣出一分力? : 1. 避免吸引雀鳥 未經批准, 切勿於機場禁區或非禁區範圍栽種植物 保持機場禁區及非禁區的環境清潔衞生 2. 報告潛在雀鳥撞擊事故 如果定期觀察到大群雀鳥出沒, 請致電 / , 向機場中央控制中心 - 停機坪控制中心報告 How can you help? Bird strike prevention is the responsibility of everyone. As part of airport community, you should always cooperate to minimize bird strike occurrence at HKIA: 1. Reduce Attractions to Birds Do not carry out unauthorized planting in landside or airside areas Maintain a clean & hygienic landside & airside environment 2. Alert for Potential Bird Strike Report flocks of birds regularly observed to IAC-Apron Control Centre at /

42 5 5.2 預防雀鳥風險 Bird Hazard Prevention 為何必須防止雀鳥撞擊? : 飛機受損 人命傷亡 Why is bird strike prevention important? Bird strikes pose a significant threat to aviation safety: Damage of aircraft Loss of human life 5.3 請勿在停機坪留下任何食物殘渣, 以免吸引雀鳥覓食 Do not leave any food residue on the apron to avoid attraction of bird foraging. 42

43 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 機場閃電警告系統 Airport Lightning Warning System (ALWS) 機場閃電警告系統的預警程序 Alerting Procedures of the ALWS 機場閃電警告系統 ALWS - A 區及 B 區 Airport Lightning Warning System - Zone A & B B 區 Zone B A 區 Zone A 43

44 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 機場閃電警告系統警報之定義 Definition of ALWS alert A 區 Zone A ( 涵蓋客運停機坪及貨運停機坪 Include Passenger & Cargo Apron) B 區 Zone B (A 區以外, 但機場島以內範圍 All area other than Zone A) 10 * 15 5 Lightning* detected within 10 km radius with intense echoes within 15 km from the airport, or forecasted to strike within the 5 km radius from the airport but outside the airport 1 km boundary. 黃色 Amber 1 A 1 Lightning is detected within 1 km domain surrounding the airport island, or lightning is forecast to be within 1 km domain surrounding the airport island but outside Zone A. 黃色 Amber 紅色 Red A 1 Lightning is detected within 1 km domain surrounding Zone A, or lightning is forecast to be within 1 km domain surrounding Zone A. 紅色 Red * 雲對地面的閃電 * Cloud to ground lightning 44

45 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 機場閃電警告系統生效時的警號 Signal of ALWS 視覺警號 Visual Signal 黃色閃電警告 ( ) AMBER LIGHTNING WARNING (Changed from Nil Signal) 紅色閃電警告 ( 黃色 紅色 ) RED LIGHTNING WARNING (Changed from Nil/Amber Signal) 黃色閃電警告 ( 紅色 黃色 ) AMBER LIGHTNING WARNING (Changed from Red Signal) 取消警告 ( 紅色 ) WARNING CANCELLED (Cancelled from Red Signal) 取消警告 ( 黃色 ) WARNING CANCELLED (Cancelled from Amber Signal) 聽覺警號 Audio Signal 5 A horn will be sound out in a 5-second duration at one time 紅色 A continuous 5-second horn will be sound out at a 25-second interval until Red signal stands down. (1 1 ) 10 An intermittent horn (1-second horn, 1-second silent) will be repeated in 10 consecutive duration. (1 1 ) 10 An intermittent horn (1-second horn, 1-second silent) will be repeated in 10 consecutive duration. Silent 45

46 6 6.2 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 當機場紅色閃電警報發出時, 必須馬上到安全地方暫避 Take shelter when the Red Airport Lightning Warning is issued. 機場內的安全地方 避雷亭 Lightning Shelter 客運大樓內 Inside the Terminal Building 客運大樓附近 Near the Terminal Building 在車輛或飛機內 Inside Vehicles or Aircrafts 46

47 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 6 47

48 6 6.3 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 各停機坪上各個避雷亭位置 Location of Lightning Shelters 客運停機坪上的避雷亭 Lightning Shelter at Passenger Apron 48

49 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 6 貨運停機坪上的避雷亭 Lightning Shelter at Cargo Apron 維修停機坪 長期停機坪及西貨運停機坪的避雷亭 Lightning Shelter at Maintenance Apron, Long Term Parking Apron and West Cargo Apron 49

50 6 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 6.4 機場紅色閃電警告發出時的安全指引 Safety Procedures when the Red Airport Lightning Warning is issued 立即到安全地方暫避, 切勿在露天地方停留 Take shelter (do not stay in open areas) 切勿站近登機橋轉台立柱 Do not stand near an airbridge rotunda 切勿站近飛機引擎 Do not stand around aircraft engines 切勿聚集 Do not stay as a group 50

51 機場閃電警告 Airport Lightning Warning 切勿站近獨立大型的金屬構築物, 例如維修平台 梯子 鐵絲網或金屬網 欄杆或管道, 例如燈柱 Do not stand near isolated large metallic structures, such as maintenance platform, steps, wire or metal fence, rail or pipe such as lamppost 切勿站近飛機機輪或站在機腹下 Do not stand near aircraft wheels or beneath an aircraft belly 切勿站近高桅杆 Do not stand close to a high mast 51

52 在行李處理大堂內 Inside Baggage Hall 在行李處理大堂內 Inside Baggage Hall 如非工作需要, 切勿攀上或坐在運輸帶或分揀器轉盤上 Never climb/sit on the conveyor belts or tilt trays if not required by your job duties. 7.2 嚴禁將行李膠盤掉進行李帶或行李轉盤內 Do not throw the baggage tubs into area between laterals or inside baggage carousels. 52

53 在行李處理大堂內 Inside Baggage Hall 請留意行李大堂設備突出部分, 以免撞向物件 Beware of any protruding parts of the baggage facilities to avoid tripping. 7.4 行李處理大堂安全指引已上載機管局外聯網 Baggage Hall Safety Guide already uploaded to the Airport Authority s extranet 53

54 8 8 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Points Scheme 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Point Scheme a. 違反機場禁區安全規例將會記分 Airside Safety Demerit Point 任何人員在機場禁區內 ( 包括行李處理大堂 ) 違反安全規例, 將會累積記分 Any person committing an offence within the airside area, including the Baggage Hall, will accumulate Airside Safety Demerit Point (Point). 違例行為 OFFENCES 1 / Failure to secure debris / objects in aircraft maneuvering area resulting in potential FOD generation 2 Failure to properly secure ground equipment when it is idle For dollies, the following situations are considered as offence: a. for any loose dolly: the tow bar head is not at locked position b. for any chain of connected dollies: the 1st dolly is not at locked position c. for any chain of disconnected dollies: either the first or the last unit of dollies is not at locked position 3 記分 POINTS / 3 Disposing objects at other than designated locations 4 Working at or above 2 meters height without engaging proper safety measures 5 Causing aircraft damage 5 6 Littering in baggage hall or in airside other than aircraft maneuvering area 7 Failure to properly earth the aircraft at parking stand when the earthing point is available and serviceable PLUS IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF ARA PERMIT

55 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Points Scheme 8 8 違例行為 OFFENCES / Failure to fasten seatbelt whilst travelling on airside vehicular route or in baggage hall 9 Placing cargo or baggage Unit Load Device ( ULD ) on ground without AA permission 10 / ( ) / Failure to comply with AA s and/or company s operating procedure when operating apron/baggage hall facilities including but not limited to airbridge, fixed ground power ( FGP ) unit, pre-conditioned air ( PCA ) unit, charging facility and baggage handling system 11 Removal of airbridge, high-lift platform or step from aircraft cabin door while the cabin door is being opened, remain opened or being closed for any aircraft of active operations / Failure to properly retrieve fixed ground power ( FGP ) cables / pits or precondition air ( PCA ) hoses after use when the retrieval facility is available and serviceable / ( ) Walking across / over connected towbars between dollies, except for the purpose of performing ramp handling services as per company s operating procedure 記分 POINTS 14 Smoking other than at designated areas 3 15 Causing obstruction to fire system or emergency button 3 16 Misuse of emergency button / / / Causing 3 rd parties and/or self injury due to failure to comply with AA s and/or company s operating procedure and/or statutory requirements / / Failure to provide information as appears on the ARA Permit to authorized representatives of AA Airfield Department in relation to incident/accident investigation and/or in enforcement of AA s rules and regulations 19 Access to Level 3 of the baggage handling system without AA permission

56 8 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Points Scheme 違例行為 OFFENCES 20 Leave the idle aircraft chocks or safety cones unattended otherwise than at designated areas 21 Failure to wear proper personal protective equipment ( PPE ) required by AA: ( ) High conspicuous clothing or reflective safety vest in parking stand, except for access to the aircraft via the airbridge service steps; ( ) High conspicuous clothing or reflective safety vest in the baggage hall, except walking on the pedestrians along the down ramps and in office block; Safety helmet in designated areas in the baggage hall 22 ( ) Walking across under the fuselage of aircraft, except for the purpose in connection with aircraft servicing per company s operating procedure 記分 POINTS 23 Throwing baggage tubs inside baggage carousels or into area between laterals 每項違例行為不論是否屬同一事故, 均須逐項累積記分, 所記分數有效期為 12 個月 The Points are accumulated independently for each offence committed irrespective of whether the offences arise from the same incident, and will last for a period of 12 months. b. 暫時撤銷機場禁區通行證 Suspension of ARA Permit 違例者於過去 12 個月內若累積至 10 分或以上, 將被暫時撤銷所持有的機場禁區通行證 7 天 當違例者累積記分至 10 分或以上, 其所屬公司將接獲書面通知, 要求於指定期間暫時撤銷違例者的機場禁區通行證 暫時撤銷機場禁區通行證可跟其他措施, 例如違例駕駛被記分, 暫時撤銷 D 字批註及技術評級等, 同時執行 The ARA Permit of an offender will be suspended for a period of 7 days upon accumulation of 10 or more Points in the previous 12 months. The company concerned will be notified in writing when its staff has accumulated 10 or more Points and be required to withhold the offender s ARA Permit for the specified suspension period. Suspension of ARA Permit will be executed concurrently with other actions, such as driving offence points given, suspension of D endorsement or suspension of technical rating. 56

57 違反機場禁區安全規例記分制 Airside Safety Demerit Points Scheme 8 c. 領回機場禁區通行證 Resumption of ARA Permit 違例者所屬公司必須以書面方式, 通知機管局其所執行的改善措施, 包括安排再培訓或其他措施, 以便違例者明白公司的有關安全程序, 並須提供暫時撤銷違例者機場禁區通行證的證明, 方可獲批機場禁區通行證重新生效 The company concerned has to inform AA in writing the remedial measures, including but not limited to re-training, to make offender aware of relevant company safety procedures and provide proof of executing the suspension period against the offender before resumption of his / her ARA Permit. d. 屢次違規 Repeated Offender 若違例者於 12 個月內再次被暫時撤銷機場禁區通行證, 撤銷期將延長至 14 天 The suspension period will be increased to 14 days for offender having repeated suspensions of ARA Permit within 12 months. e. 上訴程序 Appeal Procedure 如欲提出上訴, 有關員工所屬公司須由員工被記分日期起計兩周內, 以書面向機管局飛行區運作助理總經理提出, 並列明上訴理由 The company of the staff concerned must submit in writing the justifications of appeal to AGM, Airfield of Airfield Department of the Airport Authority within 2 weeks from the date of Point given. 57

58 個人防護裝備 Personal Protective Equipment 個人防護裝備 Personal Protective Equipment 安全鞋 Safety Shoes Ramps may be slippery due to moisture, oil and fuel spills. Wear slip resistant shoes with impact protection. 9.2 耳塞 / 耳套 Ear Plug / Earmuffs Please wear ear plug / earmuffs for hearing protection from noise of aircraft engines. 9.3 防撞帽 Bump Cap Please wear bump cap when working on the apron or in Level 3 of the Baggage Handling System to prevent scraping or bumping of head. 58

59 個人防護裝備 Personal Protective Equipment 9 設計者 Designer : CHEUNG Kat Wing 公司 Company : AVSECO 2013 飛行區及行李大堂安全運動海報設計比賽得獎作品 Winner of 2013 Airfield & Baggage Hall Safety Campaign Poster Competition 59

60 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 香港國際機場 HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 香港大嶼山香港國際機場 翔天路 1 號機場行政大樓 HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong 電話 Telephone : (852) 傳真 Facsimile : (852) 網址 Website : 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline : (852) 年 8 月印製 Printed in August 2014 S25 S25 飛行區運作部及安全 保安及運作持續部製作 Published by AIRFIELD DEPARTMENT & SAFETY, SECURITY AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY DEPARTMENT 機場管理局已盡力確保本手冊所載全屬最新及最正確的資料 因應運作上的需要, 有關設施的服務可能須更新或更改, 因此本手冊出版後, 實際情況可能有變, 不便之處, 敬請原諒 Every effort has been made to include the most up-to-date and accurate information in this handbook. As facilities may be updated and revised due to operational requirements, we apologise for any inconvenience caused by changes not shown in this handbook at the time of distribution.


LH_Series_Rev2014.pdf REMINDERS Product information in this catalog is as of October 2013. All of the contents specified herein are subject to change without notice due to technical improvements, etc. Therefore, please check

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