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1 A Duet between Culture Heritage and Digital Technology in Taiwan Dr. James Quo-Ping Lin Chief, Division of Education, Exhibition, and Information Services, National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Vice-President, Chinese Association of Museums Vice-President, MCN-Taiwan AAM Museaward Jury Chair Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Museum Technology Foresight: Horizon Report Museum Ed. Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned 1

2 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned First established in 1925 in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. Started evacuating its collections to the south and southwest during the Sino- Japanese War in % of its large collection of cultural artifacts was eventually relocated to Taipei, Taiwan. Re-opened in Waishuangxi, Taipei, merged with the Central Museum ( founded in 1933 at Nanking) and renamed the National Palace Museum. Museum Brief Overview Museum History 2

3 The Museum Today Museum Brief Overview Collections Mainly deals with arts and artifacts of ancient Chinese fine arts, including paintings, calligraphic works, antiquities, rare books and imperial Ch ing Court Archives. 682,061 objects (Dec, 2010) 3

4 文物總量請參見 : 全球資訊網 認識故宮 文物與帳房 4

5 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned Creation of Knowledge Assets through Digitization Projects Facing the trend of the ever changing role of museums Collecting, conservation, education, entertainment, merchandizing Since 2001, the NPM has launched a series of IT related projects which aim to: Digitize the whole collection. Transform digital raw material into knowledge assets. Expand the results of digitization projects into diverse museum functions: registration, conservation, research, exhibition, education, publication, merchandizing. Some of these projects are still running. 5

6 National Projects Digital Archives Program Digital Museum Project UNS Project Cultural Creativity Project E-Learning Program 發展策略 12 6

7 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned The Digital Archives Project Main tasks Digitizing Artifacts Retaining and Managing Constructing databases of digital images and metadata Providing materials for value-added applications and research 7

8 文物數位化流程

9 數位典藏 : 文物 3D 數位 象牙球之 3D 雷射掃瞄 17 故宮文物典藏系統器物處 書畫處 圖書文獻處之 Metadata 系統, 已開放查詢 故宮器物典藏資料檢索 故宮書畫典藏資料系統 清代宮中檔奏摺與軍機處檔摺件資料庫 故宮善本古籍資料庫 18 9

10 數位典藏成果產出 ( 一 ) 器物典藏資料檢索系統 -1 系統首頁 : 檢索功能 : 提供關鍵字查詢 品名 時代 類別 功能 典藏號 ( 文物統一編號 ) 等查詢功能 19 數位典藏成果產出 ( 一 ) 器物典藏資料檢索系統 -2 檢索結果列表 : 顯示品名 尺寸 類別及文物圖例 2005/10/ 結案前一年參訪 20/

11 數位典藏成果產出 ( 一 ) 器物典藏資料檢索系統 -3 文物基本資料頁面 : 提供品名 典藏號 ( 文物統一編號 ) 質材 功能 尺寸 時代 說明及文物數位攝影檔 並提供圖片局部放大功能 2005/10/ 結案前一年參訪 21/7821 數位典藏成果產出 ( 二 ) 書畫典藏資料檢索系統 -1 系統首頁 : 檢索功能 : 提供一般檢索與進階檢索 一般檢索可用書畫名稱或文物編號查詢, 進階檢索則可加入精確 模糊及 AND 或 OR 條件 22 11

12 Database of Painting and Calligraphy 檢索列表頁面 : 顯示文物統一編號 書畫品名 作者 集叢名稱及圖例 The Collection Management System (Internal Use Only) 文物基本資料頁面 : 提供瀏覽文物資料及相關影像檔, 並有高解析度圖檔瀏覽功能, 提供研究人員可以更詳細觀賞文物細部圖像 12

13 數位典藏成果產出 ( 二 ) 圖書文獻處資料庫 圖書文獻處資料庫 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件目錄索引 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件全文影像資料庫 ( 付費使用 ) 清代文獻檔冊目錄資料庫 大清國史人物列傳及史記傳包傳稿目錄索引 大清國史人物列傳及史記傳包傳稿全文影像資料庫 善本古籍目錄索引 善本古籍全文影像資料庫 家族譜牒文獻資料庫 故宮博物院藏佛經附圖索引 海外遺珠 非院藏文物圖片查詢 清代檔案人名權威資料查詢 同人輯清史書目 清宮奏摺檔台灣史料檔 一史館藏清代滿漢文硃批奏摺彙編目錄索引 一史館藏活計檔作名索引 26 13

14 13 Digital Archives Databases Constructed Antiquities Database ( 器物典藏資料檢索 ) Paintings and Calligraphy System ( 書畫典藏資料系統 ) Rare Books Database ( 善本古籍資料庫 ) Database of Ch ing Palace Memorials and Archives of the Grand Council (paid) ( 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件資料庫 ) Ch ing Dynasty Biographies and Academia Historical Biographical Packs and Drafts Index Search Database ( 清代史館檔傳包傳稿目錄索引資料庫 ) The Ming-Ch ing Biographical database ( 清代檔案人名權威資料查詢 ) Database of Genealogical Document ( 家族譜牒文獻資料庫 ) Index to Ch ing Archival Volumes ( 清代文獻檔冊目錄資料庫 ) Bronze Patterns of Early Qin Dynasty Search System ( 先秦銅器紋飾資料檢索系統 ) Index of Qing Palace Memorials Regarding Taiwanese Historical Documents ( 清宮奏摺檔臺灣史料目錄 ) Index of Files in China First Historical Archives ( 一史館藏活計檔作名索引 ) Editorial Contents of Tsou-Che with Emperors Comments in both Manchu and Chinese Collected at China First Historical Archives ( 一史館藏清代滿漢文硃批奏摺彙編目錄 ) Fellow Curators Collections on Historical Books in Qing Dynasty ( 同人輯清史書目 ) 數位典藏成果產出 ( 三 ) 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件資料庫 -3 全文影像檔 ( 需付費使用 ) 2005/10/ 結案前一年參訪 28/

15 數位典藏成果產出 ( 三 ) 善本古籍資料庫 -1 系統首頁 : 29 數位典藏成果產出 ( 三 ) 善本古籍資料庫 -4 書影 ( 免費瀏覽 ) 2009/10/

16 本院對外公開文物典藏資料庫比例 (2009) 公開資料 18,664 筆 (21%) 20,635 筆 (82%) 4,628 筆 (18%) 71,473 筆 (79%) 書畫典藏系統 701,847 筆 (100%) 器物典藏系統 內部資料 典藏系統 31 Accessability of Databases to General Public (March, 2011) Public access Internal database 24,641 pieces (34%) 46,941 pieces (66%) 25,596 pieces (85%) 4,681 pieces (15%) The Paintings and Calligraphy System pieces (100%) The Antiques Database The Collection Management System 16

17 數位典藏成果產出 ( 五 ) 故宮藏品管理系統 ( 供院內使用 ) 為使本系統功能更加完備, 於 2008 進行系統功能擴建, 預計 2009 年底測試完畢正式上線使用 33 數位典藏成果產出 ( 五 ) 故宮藏品管理系統 ( 供院內使用 ) 文物基本資料頁面 : 提供瀏覽文物資料及相關影像檔, 並有高解析度圖檔瀏覽功能, 提供研究人員可以更詳細觀賞文物細部圖像 34 17

18 數位典藏成果產出 ( 五 ) 故宮藏品管理系統 ( 供院內使用 ) 35 數位典藏成果產出 ( 五 ) 故宮藏品管理系統 ( 供院內使用 ) 36 18

19 文物修護記錄系統 ( 已整合至故宮藏品管理系統, 供院內使用 ) 37 文物修護記錄系統 ( 已整合至故宮藏品管理系統, 供院內使用 ) 38 19

20 39 Collection Management System (For Intranet only) 20

21 Collection Profile Choosing the Picture: Taking One Hundred Horses for Instance 21

22 Images from Separate Parts of One Hundred Horses JPG(1000*796 72dpi, about 256kb) Click to enlarge Images iseemedia Flash Viewer 22

23 The Operating Process The Digital Museum Project Background With the help of state-of-the-art multimedia and information technologies, the NPM can present the digital collection in a lively thematic way to the public. 23

24 The Digital Museum Project Main tasks Present the beauty of collections in various ways: 1. WEB 2. E-Newsletter 3. CD/DVD 4. Films/ Movies/ Drama/ 3D animation 5. Interactive Kiosk & VR The Museum Website Concept of Web Design User Oriented Moduralized Quality Efficiency Security Cost 24

25 NPM Global Website (9 Languages) NPM Virtual Museum Demonstrated in Chinese version at present time NPM e-learning Courses NPM Themed Websites 25

26 故宮全球資訊網 : 展場虛擬實境導覽 建置展場虛擬實境導覽系統, 提供策展人簡介 策展理念 策展甘苦談及展場介紹等深入導覽資源 NPM e-newsletters Films & Documentary 26

27 1. Behind the Palace, Beyond the Horizon 2. NPM Drama: Films The Passage 3. In the Golden Age of Chinese Craftsmanship 4. Image Advertizement 5. 3D Animation: Adventure in the NPM 6. INSIDE: the Emperor s Treasure 7. A Museum without Walls 歷史典藏的新生命 拍攝過程照片 54 27

28 經過 時間只是經過, 剛好留在這裡 經過, 以故宮為場景, 在這些場景裡, 導演鄭文堂用蘇軾的 寒食帖 串起了關於時間 記憶 一些流離與情感的故事, 戴立忍 桂綸鎂與日本演員蔭山征彥, 他們在這裡找尋一些遺落很久的東西 55 盛世裏的工匠技藝 技藝, 是人在宇宙中為自己找到的位置 - 法國人類學家李維 史陀 人類文明進程的本質是手工, 雖然有水利 風力 輪軸與槓桿, 但那是為了手工的效率 整個西方工業文明的興起到現在不到五百年, 比起悠久的手工文明, 我們的記憶還是手工的 因為造型的原理 美感的確立 質感的分別, 都是在手工時代逐漸確立和完善的 文明的最高統治者 - 皇帝 擁有享用最高手工工藝品的權利, 他的住 衣 食 行是最宏偉 最精緻的手工製作 所以整個故宮的物品, 是手工藝之集大成 56 28

29 電影 盛世裏的工匠技藝 57 形象廣告導入行銷之概念, 透過電影美學及現代視聽科技的鋪陳, 重新塑造故宮形像 58 29

30 毛公鼎 : 到故宮找流行影片 Mao-Kung Ting: Fashion in NPM 象牙球 : 到故宮找想像力影片 Ivory Ball: Imagination in NPM 橄欖核小舟 : 到故宮找驚喜翠玉白菜 : 到故宮找新鮮 Carved Olive-stone Boat: Surprise Jadeite in NPM Cabbage: Freshness in NPM 到故宮找美夢 1 轉心瓶 The revolving vase 3 貓睡著了 The cat fell asleep 2 當貓遇上轉心瓶 When the cat met the vase 4 貓的美夢 The cat had a wonderful dream Revolving Vase: Dreaming in NPM (Please click here) 30

31 Short Films INSIDE: The Emperor s Treasure National Geographic Channel 31

32 The Museum Without Walls Documentary Film of NPM Digital Archive Program The 3D Animation Orientation Film Adventure in the NPM ( 國寶總動員 ) 32

33 國寶總動員 由國立故宮博物院結合研究人員 教育推廣人員以及高科技數位業界所共同製作的 3D 動畫影片 以故宮收藏的宋代定窯嬰兒枕 玉鴨以及漢代玉辟邪三件精采的藝術品為原型, 創發出頑皮 詼諧及智慧的三位主角人物 引領觀眾對故宮藏品的認識, 同時體驗本院曾經歷的文物遷運歷史

34 得獎訊息 ( 續 ) 國寶總動員 3D 動畫影片 2007 年國際博物館與文化資產多媒體展示及競賽會議 (FI@MP) : 影視類 - 震撼獎 東京動畫影展 : 公開徵選作品類 首獎 67 The 3D Animation Orientation Film Adventure in the NPM ( 國寶總動員 ) 34

35 The Digital Learning Project Background Begun in 2003, this project proposes to present its rich collection in an online teaching format suitable for local and overseas viewers. The Digital Learning Project Main tasks: Building a The Digital Learning Demonstration Center Setting up a Wireless Tour System Establishing museum e-learning network 35

36 RFID-based Guide Visitors are able to acquire the information of the selected artifact immediately via sensor- detecting Digital learning display system II 36

37 故宮 e 學園 37

38 數位課程線上學習 故宮 e 學園 數位課程 2003: 青銅器中英文版系列課程 2004: 陶瓷中英文版系列課程 2005: 中國繪畫中英文版系列課程 2005: 文物的續命中英文版系列課程 2006: 法書及圖書文獻中英文版系列課程 2006: 文物的修護中英文版系列課程 2007: 中國玉器中英日文版系列課程 2007: 文物的新認識中英文版系列課程 75 文物數位學習網 76 38

39 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned Interactive Kiosks Purposes To invite conversations between museum contents and visitors Types Context-aware System Interactive Tabletop System Virtual Display System Virtual Panel System 39

40 Context-aware System A Tang Palace Rhapsody New York Paris Taiwan Interactive Tabletop System Must-see Interactive Tabletop for Paintings & Calligraphy 40

41 Virtual Display System Magic Crystal Ball Interactive virtual display: Magic Crystal Ball 41

42 Virtual Panel System Jumping over the Dragon Gate 2008 NPM Future Museum in the International Airport Passé-Future Special Exhibition 2010 NPM LOHAS Special Exhibition D NPM Special Exhibition 2009 The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times Special Exhibition 2010 Hua-shan Creative Park NPM Digital Special Exhibition NPM Animation Special Exhibition Four Seasons in NPM Special Exhibition Traveling Exhibitions National Treasures of NPM in Chia-yi, Beijing Important Events 2011 AAM Annual Conference & Museum Expo Launched in the First Exhibition Building of NPM Beyond Landscape-Meeting Huang Gong-wang and New Deduction of the Landscape 210 Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy 42

43 NPM - Future Museum Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Terminal Passé-Future Contemporary Interpretation of an Old Masterpiece The Taste of Daily Life 43

44 2010 NPM LOHAS Magic Crystal Ball Turning Rust into Gold Inside D NPM 3D Chinese Paintings 44

45 雍正. 清世宗文物大展 2009 The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times On-site Kiosks of Yongzheng Emperor 45

46 結合受歡迎 公仔 元素設計雍正展教育互動媒體 養心殿 造辦處 軍機處 軍機處 圓明園 圓明園 92 46

47 地 : 雍正宮廷生活 ( 互動流程 ) 以公仔作為觸發裝置, 觸發各場域內相對之展件介紹 93 以公仔作為觸發裝置, 觸發各場域內相對之展件介紹 ( 可播放 M) ( 可播放 N)

48 95 事:雍正年表 ( 互動流程 ) 以年表模型作為觸發裝置, 觸發雍正年間之重要事蹟與文物介紹 96 48

49 Hua-Shan Creative Park NPM Digital Taste of Daily Life Must-see Interactive Tabletop Opening Ceremony in

50 Traveling Exhibitions National Treasures of NPM in Chia-yi Mao-kung Ding Interactive Tabletop of Chinese Characters A Tang Palace Rhapsody Traveling Exhibitions 2011 AAM Museum Expo 50

51 Beyond Landscape Meeting Huang Gong-wang and New Deduction of the Landscape A joint exhibition of the special exhibition: Landscape Reunited- Huang Gongwang and Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains Landscape Reunited Huang Gongwang and Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains Painted and completed by Huang Gongwang ( ), one of the Four Yuan Masters, when he was 82 years old. Passed down through the generations, in 1650 owned by Wu Hongyu who consigned this painting to the flames on his deathbed. Suffered damage and separated into two sections, ''The Remaining Mountain,'' 51.4 centimeters long and now an important work in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum. The latter part, composed of six joined pieces of paper, centimeters long, entered the Qing imperial collection in 1746 and ranks as a national treasure of the National Palace Museum. For more than 360 years, these two sections of the original scroll have never been displayed together. 51

52 The Landscape Transformed ( 山水化境 ) A Legend in Art History ( 畫史傳奇 ) 52

53 Secrets to Depicting Landscapes ( 寫山水訣 ) Listen to the Painting ( 聽畫 ) 53

54 Painting a Dialogue with the Landscape ( 山水對畫 ) Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase an On-site Application The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned 54

55 Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Purposes To make up the gaps of low lighting and high rotation of paintings and calligraphic works To provide brighter, more holistic, and in-depth views to ancient Chinese painting and calligraphic works To help audience to interact with the artifacts and to explore those ingenious details Six Learning Areas The Orientation Film The E-museum Digital Database The Interactive Tables The Themed Exhibition The 3D Multimedia The Paintings and Calligraphy Theater 55

56 The Orientation Film guides our audience through the prized paintings and calligraphy collection. This area aims to promote the collective creative spirits between calligraphy and paintings. The E-museum Digital Database collects and exhibits the sites and CDs of the paintings developed by the NPM. With various thematic databases and sites, this area provides powerful tools for the audience to select, listen, and watch to create a diverse learning environment. 56

57 The Must-see Interactive Table allows the audience to touch the screen to zoom in or out with fingers, allowing detailed inspection. You can also read the guide of the paintings or translation of the calligraphy to experience the joy of E-learning. Paintings Calligraphy High Resolution Image 57

58 High Resolution Image High Resolution Image 58

59 Livening up Paintings on the Tabletop Multi-resolution The Themed Exhibition presents the paintings in a different view with multimedia systems in forms of hand-scroll, hanging scroll, and album leaves. With different framing styles, it takes the audience on a journey to travel through the mountains and rivers, to discover the wonders in quiet valleys, and to visit the city streets to experience the world created by the artists. hanging scroll hand-scroll album leaves 59

60 The 3D Multimedia utilizes the latest 3D experience imaging technology to present a full 3D experience. It puts you amid the concert with Tang Dynasty ladies for tea appreciation, music performance, and playing various literati wine appreciation activities. The Paintings and Calligraphy Theater plays films related to the theme of exhibition to enhance the atmosphere of group learning. With selected films on paintings and calligraphy, it not only creates an atmosphere for group learning, but also brings the paintings and calligraphy appreciation to a new level. 60

61 With the technical support and donation of equipments from Delta Electronics, we are able to promote energy saving while displaying the beauty of our national treasures. 華山 1914 文化創意園區精彩數位故宮 : 花氣薰人特展 非看不可書畫互動桌 61

62 Hua-Shan Creative Park NPM Digital Taste of Daily Life Must-see Interactive Tabletop Opening Ceremony in

63 63

64 64

65 65

66 66


68 四季故宮 68

69 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Museum Technology Foresight: Horizon Report Museum Ed. Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned 2011 Horizon Report Museum Edition 69

70 Acknowledgements The research behind the 2011 Horizon Report: Museum Edition is a collaboration between the New Media Consortium, the Marcus Institute for Digital Education in the Arts (MIDEA), a program of the NMC. The Horizon Report > 2011 Museum Edition is a publication of the New Media Consortium. 18 Editions 24 Translations

71 Higher Education K12 Education Museums Australia/New Zealand Ibero-America Singapore/China/Japan/Korea UK/Central Europe Africa A Global Audience museum.wiki.nmc.org 71

72 2011 Horizon Report Museum Edition 2010 ONE YEAR OR LESS: Mobiles Social Media Final Topics 2011 ONE YEAR OR LESS: Mobile Apps Tablets TWO TO THREE YEARS: Augmented Reality Location Based Services TWO TO THREE YEARS: Augmented Reality Electronic Publishing FOUR TO FIVE YEARS: Gesture Based Computing The Semantic Web FOUR TO FIVE YEARS: Digital Preservation Smart Objects 72

73 ONE YEAR OR LESS: Mobile Apps ONE YEAR OR LESS: Tablets 73

74 TWO TO THREE YEARS: Augmented Reality 74

75 TWO TO THREE YEARS: Electronic Publishing 75

76 FOUR TO FIVE YEARS: Digital Preservation. Installation view of Bjørn Melhus Still Men Out There, FOUR TO FIVE YEARS: Smart Objects cc licensed flickr photo by muscapix.: 76

77 FOUR TO FIVE YEARS: Smart Objects Next Steps museum.wiki.nmc.org 77

78 關鍵性科技 (museum) 2011(museum) 一年內會導入 Timeto-Adoption: One Year or Less 行動裝置 Mobiles 雲端運算 Cloud Computing 行動運算 Mobile Computing 開放式內容 Open Content 行動運算 Mobiles. 社交媒體 Social Media 行動運算 Mobile Apps 平板運算 Tablet Computing 二至三年內將導入 Time-to-Adoption: Two to Three Years 地理資訊 Geo-Everything 電子書 Electronic Books 擴增實境 Augmented Reality 擴增實境 Augmented Reality 個人網頁 The Personal Web 簡易擴增實境 Simple Augmented Reality 位置感知服務 Location-Based Services 電子出版 Electronic Publishing 四到五年內將導入 Time-to-Adoption: Four to Five Years 語意網路應用 Semantic-Aware Applications 姿態感知運算 Gesture-Based Computing 姿態感知運算 Gesture-Based Computing 數位保存 Digital Preservation 聰明物件 Smart Objects 視覺化資料分析 Visual Data Analysis 語意網絡 The Semantic Web 聰明物件 Smart Objects Download the 2011 Report Sign up for 2012 Advisory Board Jump In! cc licensed flickr photo by Marina Cast.: 78

79 Presentation Outline Museum Brief Overview History & Collection National Projects Introducing Innovative Technologies A Quick Look-back What Has been Done Latest Update Focus on Interactivity Showcase The Multimedia Gallery of Paintings & Calligraphy Conclusion, Prospect, and Lesson Learned Conclusion, Lesson Learned, and Prospect Conclusion & Lesson Learned Role of museums is changing Trend of using technology is inevitable In doing so, we need cross-departmental, cross-institutional collaboration Using technology is not just a technical issue, it must combines art, technology, imagination, and creativity Prospects Mobile Computing New service model E-publishing Cloud Computing Storage (images, video, ) Service (art aggregation, educational media,..) Application (virtual tour with hi quality) 79

80 THANK YOU for Listening Come Visit Us at Taipei! 80

博物館科技應用前瞻分析--從Horizon Report談起

博物館科技應用前瞻分析--從Horizon Report談起 23 3 5-15 Horizon Report 1 H o r i z o n R e p o r t 2 009 Horizon Report Memory of the Wo r l d A m e r i c a n M e m o r y Canada National 1 E-mail: jameslin@npm.gov.tw 5 Digital Collections 2009 H o

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