前菜 老北京拍黄瓜 28 老醋凉茄子 58 东北秋耳拌豆干 58 芝麻菠菜 58 山菌酱花生 58 黑腐竹炝拌芥兰 58 家常烤麸 58 SMALL PLATE Beijing Cucumber Salad, Garlic Vinegar, Sesame 28 Marinated Eggplant,

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Download "前菜 老北京拍黄瓜 28 老醋凉茄子 58 东北秋耳拌豆干 58 芝麻菠菜 58 山菌酱花生 58 黑腐竹炝拌芥兰 58 家常烤麸 58 SMALL PLATE Beijing Cucumber Salad, Garlic Vinegar, Sesame 28 Marinated Eggplant,"



2 前菜 老北京拍黄瓜 28 老醋凉茄子 58 东北秋耳拌豆干 58 芝麻菠菜 58 山菌酱花生 58 黑腐竹炝拌芥兰 58 家常烤麸 58 SMALL PLATE Beijing Cucumber Salad, Garlic Vinegar, Sesame 28 Marinated Eggplant, Vinegar 58 Chilled Black Fungus, Smoked Tofu 58 Spinach Leaves, Sesame Sauce, Rice Vinegar 58 Wild Mushroom, Peanut, Dark Soy Sauce 58 Marinated Kale, Black Bean Curd 58 Family Style Braised Bran Dough 58 重庆口水鸡 68 芥末蕨粉酱牛腱 68 夫妻肺片 68 老北京猪蹄冻 68 红油海蜇头 68 Poached Chicken, Peanut, Sesame, Spicy Sauce 68 Spicy Beef Shank, Mung Bean Noodle, Mustard Sauce 68 Sliced Beef Tripe, Ox Tongue, Chilli Sauce 68 Beijing Style Pork Trotter Jelly 68 Chilled Jellyfish, Chilli Oil 68 汤 海鲜疙瘩汤 50 小白菜汆丸子汤 65 乌鸡山药汤 70 冬瓜文蛤汤 70 松茸菌汤 90 铁锅 小铜锅炖圆蹄 210 野菌烩牛尾 230 小铜锅煎蛋炖鲫鱼汤 350 生炖野菌鸽子汤 680 SOUP Ge Da Tang - Dough Drop, Seafood 50 Baby Cabbage, Crab and Pork Meat Ball 65 Black Chicken, Yam 70 Clam, Winter Melon 70 Pine Mushroom, Chicken Broth 90 IRON POT Stewed Pork Trotter 210 Braised Oxtail, Ginger, Leek, Forest Mushroom 230 Stewed Carp Soup, Pan Fried Egg 350 Stewed Pigeon Soup, Tea Mushroom 680

3 烧烤 小厨烤鸡 180 香烤牛肋 270 烤羊排 340 北方风味烤羊腿 450 失而复得的美味 1950 年前, 炉灶肉是老北京人钟爱的节庆美味, 文革前期如此珍馐美味熄火失传 今天乡味小厨为您重新呈现这香飘四溢, 酥脆香浓 失而复得的美味 老北京炉灶肉 150 砂锅酸菜炉灶肉 190 三鲜白菜炉灶肉 310 果木精选传统北京烤鸭 320 鸭架椒盐或香辣 45 炒锅 猪肉末烧鲜辽参 每位 180 剁椒蒸鱼头 200 腊八蒜烧大黄鱼 210 炸烹大虾 240 松鼠桂鱼 320 香辣豆豉烧鳕鱼 400 宫保鸡丁 120 蒜香排骨 140 京葱爆羊肉 140 咔嗞牛肉 150 烧汁雪龙牛肉粒 680 ROAST Country Kitchen Roasted Chicken 180 Beef Short Rib 270 Roasted Rack of Lamb 340 Mongolian Lamb Leg 450 LU ZAO ROU - LOST RECIPES Recipes with braised and crispy pork were very popular amongst wealthy people in Beijing in 1950s. In the mean time, most of these recipes were lost and have not been cooked since then. Today, you can experience the crispy, tender braised pork belly of these Lost Recipes in our Country Kitchen. Roasted Pork Belly 150 Clay Pot Roasted Pork Belly, Sour Cabbage, Glass Noodle 190 Qing Dynasty Roasted Pork Belly, Braised Cabbage 310 DUCK OVEN Beijing Roast Duck 320 second serving Wok Fried with Salt and Pepper or Dried Chilli 45 WOK Braised Liaoning Sea Cucumber, Minced Pork 180 per person Steamed Fish Head, Hunan Chopped Chilli 200 Braised Yellow Croaker, Preserved Garlic 210 Simmered Prawn, Tomato Sauce 240 Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish 320 Braised Cod Fish, Black Bean, Chilli 400 Shunyi Farm Gong Bao Chicken, Dried Chilli, Ginger, Peanut 120 Wok Fried Pork Rib, Crispy Garlic 140 Wok Fried Lamb, Scallion 140 Sizzling Beef, Chilli, Coriander 150 Snow Dragon Beef, Sugar, Soy Sauce 680

4 砂锅 米粉蒸肉 120 牛肉焖油豆角 120 蟹粉豆腐 140 番茄炖牛腩 150 川 香辣大明虾 230 香辣蟹钳 320 金汤酸菜桂鱼 330 豆花鱼片 360 水煮桂鱼 420 回锅肉 80 重庆辣子鸡翅 80 麻婆豆腐 88 鱼香肉丝 120 水煮牛肉 120 鱼香茄子 60 麻辣素香锅 70 干锅土豆片 70 炝炒莲花白 70 蔬菜, 豆腐 红烧豆腐 80 肉末雪菜蒸豆腐 85 应季蔬菜 85 干煸四季豆 85 干锅娃娃菜 85 豆豉鱼烧秋葵 85 炝炒土豆丝 85 主厨豆腐 8 8 京葱爆松茸云耳 90 CLAY POT Steamed Pork, Crushed Glutinous Rice 120 Braised Beef, Snap Bean 120 Braised Tofu, Crab Roe 140 Stewed Beef Brisket, Tomato 150 SICHUAN Wok Fried Prawn, Chilli, Sichuan Pepper 230 Wok Fried Crab Claw, Spicy Sauce 320 Poached Mandarin Fish, Pickled Chinese Cabbage, Chicken Broth 330 Poached Sliced Turbot, Tofu Pudding Sichuan Style 360 Boiled Mandarin Fish Fillet, Chilli Oil 420 Hui Guo Rou - Wok Fried Sliced Pork, Chilli Sauce 80 Chongqing Style Fried Chicken Wing, Chilli, Sichuan Pepper 80 Ma Po Tofu - Braised Tofu, Minced Beef, Spicy Sauce 88 Yu Xiang Rou Si - Sautéed Shredded Pork, Chilli, Garlic Sauce 120 Boiled Beef, Chilli Oil, Enoki Mushroom, Lettuce Root 120 Yu Xiang Qie Zi - Braised Eggplant, Sweet Chilli Sauce 60 Wok Fried Mixed Vegetable, Dry Chilli 70 Spicy Potato, Chilli, Pork 70 Stir Fried Cabbage, Chilli 70 VEGETABLE, TOFU Braised Tofu, Bell Pepper, Soy Sauce 80 Steamed Tofu, Minced Pork, Preserved Vegetable 85 Wok Fried Market Vegetable 85 Wok Fried String Bean, Chilli, Minced Pork 85 Wok Fried Baby Cabbage, Chilli 85 Wok Fried Okra, Dace, Black Bean 85 Wok Fried Potato, Shaanxi Vinegar, Dry Chilli 85 Steamed Tofu 88 Wok Fried Pine Mushroom, Fungus, Scallion 90

5 麻辣烫牛肉丸每串 8 牛肚鱼豆腐虾肉丸 MALATANG - SKEWER IN SPICY STOCK Beef Ball Beef Tripe Fish Tofu Shrimp Ball 8 per skewer 西兰花平菇西葫芦 Broccoli Oyster Mushroom Zucchini 鹌鹑蛋豆腐泡豆皮 Quail Egg Bean Curd Puff Bean Curd Sheet 烤串儿杏鲍菇每串 8 土豆西葫芦茄子 CHUAN`ER GRILLED SKEWER Wild Mushroom Potato Zucchini Eggplant 8 per skewer 羊腿肉每串 18 大虾生蚝鸡翅鱼豆腐 Mutton Leg Prawn Oyster, Garlic Chicken Wing Fish Tofu 18 per skewer 红柳枝羔羊腿肉每串 25 Lamb Leg on Tamarisk Branch 25 per skewer 每日精选请咨询服务员 Please ask server for daily selection

6 精选面条 75 担担面炸酱面油泼面 FAVORITE NOODLE 75 Dan Dan Mian - Pulled Noodle, Minced Pork, Scallion, Chilli Oil Zha Jiang Mian - Hand Cut Noodle, Pork Belly, Fried Soy Bean Paste You Po Mian - Belt Noodle, Braised Pork, Chilli Oil 手工面条 75 拉面猫耳朵手切面空心挂面刀削面扯面莜面卷精选面类浇头卤类传统木须卤酸辣肉丁卤茄子扁豆卤番茄鸡蛋卤汤类羊汤土豆卤红烧猪大排山西私房红烧牛肉 CHOICE OF NOODLE 75 Pulled thin, long Cat Ear Shape shell shaped Hand Cut thin, long Hollow Noodle thin tube Knife Sliced thin, short Belt Noodle wide, long Buckwheat Roll rolled tube, short CHOICE OF YOUR FAVORITE TOPPING Gravy Traditional Beijing Sauce, Pork, Black Fungus, Daylily, Egg Spicy and Sour Tomato, Cured Pork Belly Eggplant, String Bean Egg, Tomato Soup Stewed Mutton, Potato Braised Pork Spare Rib Shanxi Style Braised Beef 饺子 6 个 个 75 煮猪肉韭菜猪肉豆角牛肉西葫芦素三鲜蒸乡味素蒸饺馄饨老北京鸡汤馄饨 6 个 个 75 DUMPLING 6 pieces pieces 75 Boiled Pork, Chive Pork, Long Bean Beef, Zucchini Cabbage, Glass Noodle, Fungus, Mushroom Steamed Steamed Vegetable Dumpling, Carrot, Cabbage, Fungus, Egg, Glass Noodle Wonton Beijing Wonton, Chicken Broth 6 pieces pieces 75

7 锅贴 猪肉大葱 7 个 60 米饭 牛肉蔬菜炒饭 75 香葱蛋炒饭 75 松茸鲜虾烩饭 每位 75 饼类 褡裢火烧 6 块 75 京东肉饼 6 块 75 经典红糖饼 6 块 75 门钉肉饼 4 块 85 老北京葱油饼 6 块 75 蒸包 红豆沙包 3 个 50 甜品 时令水果 30 宫廷奶酪, 北京果脯 30 莲蓉藕盒, 桂花酱 40 绿豆冰激凌, 绿豆蛋糕 50 北京果脯蛋糕, 混合浆果 50 红枣薄饼, 红枣酸奶冰激凌 50 自制冰淇淋 2 球 60 甜品拼盘 2 位 位 230 POT STICKER Pork, Spring Onion 7 pieces 60 RICE Fried Rice, Beef, Vegetable 75 Fried Rice, Egg, Spring Onion 75 Stewed Rice, Pine Mushroom, Shrimp, Vegetable 75 per person BING - CHINESE PANCAKE Da Lian Huo Shao 6 pieces 75 Pan Fried Pancake filled with Pork and Scallion Jing Dong Rou Bing 6 pieces 75 Pork and Scallion Flat Bread Jing Dong Hong Tang Bing 6 pieces 75 Flat Bread filled with Brown Sugar and Sesame Sauce Men Ding Rou Bing 4 pieces 85 Doornail Pancake filled with Minced Beef, Onion, Soy Paste Lao Beijing Cong You Bing 6 pieces 75 Scallion and Oil Pancake STEAMED BUN Red Bean Paste Steamed Bun 3 pieces 50 DESSERT Fresh Fruit 30 Beijing Traditional Yoghurt, Dried Fruit 30 Fried Lotus Fritter Filled with Lotus Seed Paste, Osmanthus Sauce 40 Green Bean Ice Cream, Green Bean Cake 50 Beijing Dried Fruit Layer Cake, Mixed Berries 50 Chinese Date Pancake, Date Yoghurt Ice Cream 50 Homemade Ice Cream 2 Scoops 60 Dessert Platter persons persons

8 中国茶精选生普洱特别定制西双版纳易武茶区野生古树乔木 年易武红印 年复原昌 98 熟普洱 特制定制熟普洱 年小绿印 年版纳春 108 红茶 紫娟红 265 正山小种 ( 烟熏 ) 110 祁门红茶 98 乌龙茶 特别定制大红袍 ( 岩茶 ) 430 正岩水仙 128 安溪铁观音 110 白茶 2010 年太姥银针 年白牡丹 年寿眉 130 绿茶 明前特级西湖龙井 240 洞庭碧螺春 120 太平猴魁 120 黄山毛峰 100 花草茶 茉莉香片 110 黄山贡菊 108 TEA unfermented pu er House Special - Ancient Wild Growing 450 Yiwu Red Stamp, Vintage Fu Yuan Chang, Vintage fermented pu er House Special 120 Small Green Stamp, Vintage The Spring Of Banna, Vintage black Zi Juan Hong 265 Lapsang Souchong, Smoked 110 Keemun 98 oolong House Special Dahongpao 430 Zhengyan Narcissus 128 Anxi Tieh-Kuan-Yin 110 white Taimushan Silver Needles, Vintage White Peony, Vintage Shoumei, Vintage green West Lake Long Jing, Special Grade 240 Dongting Biluochun 120 Taiping Houkui 120 Yellow Mountain Maofeng 100 flower Jasmine 110 Yellow Mountain Tribute Chrysanthemum 108

9 香槟及起泡酒杯瓶 150 毫升 750 毫升 夏桐起泡酒, 宁夏, 中国 夏桐桃红起泡酒, 宁夏, 中国 路易王妃香槟, 兰斯, 香槟, 法国 240 1,200 CHAMPAGNE Glass Bottle 150ml 750ml Chandon Brut, NingXia, China Chandon Rosé NingXia, China Louis Roederer Brut Premier, Reims, Champagne, France 240 1,200 白葡萄酒杯瓶 150 毫升 750 毫升 提亚提诺斯, 甜麝香甜白, 西班牙 蒙特斯欧法, 霞多丽, 卡萨布兰卡谷, 智利 德拉特酒庄, 桑赛尔, 卢瓦尔河谷, 法国 婷芭克世家, 琼瑶浆, 阿尔萨斯, 法国 安东尼世家, 萨拉堡鹿鸣, 霞多丽, 翁布里亚, 意大利风之语珍藏, 托伦特斯, 门多萨, 阿根廷 500 尼古拉斯佩兰酒庄, 维安尼亚, 罗纳河谷, 法国 600 拉格德, 灰皮诺, 上阿迪杰, 意大利 750 杜荷夫雷司令, 那赫, 德国 750 云雾之湾长相思, 马尔伯勒, 新西兰 850 拉方家族传奇, 马贡于希济干白, 勃艮第, 法国 900 约瑟夫杜鲁安酒庄, 拉佛瑞霞多丽, 勃艮第, 法国 960 乔丹圣文森特, 老藤霞多丽, 勃艮第, 法国 1,280 丽斐, 灰皮诺, 弗留利, 意大利 1,400 普朗格拉齐仙境园, 雷司令, 摩泽尔, 德国 1,800 雷米酒, 霞多丽, 俄罗斯河, 美国 1,910 WHITE WINE Glass Bottle 150ml 750ml Bodegas Purísima Concepción, Teatinos, Muscat, Spain Montes Alpha, Chardonnay, Casablanca Valley, Chile Domaine Vincent Delaporte, Sancerre, Loire Valley, France Maison Trimbach, Gewürztraminer, Alsace, France Castello della Sala, Bramito del Cervo, Chardonnay, Umbria, Italy Trivento, Reserve Torrentés, Mendoza, Argentina 500 Famille Perrin, Côte du Rhône Blanc, Rhône Valley, France 600 Alois Lageder, Pinot Grigio, Alto Adige, Italy 750 Dönnhoff, Riesling, Nahe, Germany 750 Cloudy Bay, Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand 850 Les Héritiers du Comte Lafon, Mâcon Milly-Lamartine, Burgundy, France 900 Joseph Drouhin Laforet Bourgogne Blanc, Burgundy, France 960 Domaine Vincent Girardin, Vieilles Vignes, 1,280 Saint Romain, Burgundy France Livio Felluga, Pinot Grigio, Colli Orientali del Friuli, Friuli, Italy 1,400 Joh. Jos. Prüm Graacher Himmelereich Kabinett Riesling, 1,800 Mosel, Germany Ramey, Chardonnay, Russian River Valley, United States 1,910

10 红葡萄酒杯瓶 150 毫升 750 毫升 丽芙干红, 罗纳河谷, 法国 凤都奇安蒂经典红, 托斯卡纳, 意大利 赫斯庄园精选, 赤霞珠, 北部海岸, 加州, 美国 天塞, 经典马瑟兰, 新疆, 中国 杰士古庄园, 泽思红, 上梅多克, 波尔多, 法国 210 1,050 罗尔派雷斯酒庄, 乌特亚干红, 西班牙 750 吉佳乐世家, 罗纳山麓, 罗纳河谷, 法国 750 珊瑚酒园, 精选干红, 罗纳河谷, 法国 850 帕西雍酒庄, 上夜丘红, 勃艮第, 法国 900 托布雷酒园, 伐木工西拉, 巴罗莎山谷, 澳大利亚 980 唐蓓蕾庄园, 勃艮第干红, 勃艮第, 法国 1,000 汉恩家园赤霞珠, 巴罗莎山谷, 澳大利亚 1,020 嘉雅, 普罗密干红, 托斯卡纳, 意大利 1,050 贾科萨兄弟, 芭芭拉斯克干红, 皮德蒙特, 意大利 1,080 皮欧凯撒, 巴贝拉, 皮德蒙特, 意大利 1,190 约瑟夫杜鲁安酒庄, 夜丘村庄级, 勃艮第, 法国 1,560 烟囱石酒庄, 赤霞珠, 纳帕谷, 美国 2,050 爱士图尔庄园, 波尔多, 法国 3,950 欧纳拉雅酒庄, 托斯卡纳, 意大利 4,200 约瑟夫菲尔普斯酒园, 勋章, 纳帕谷, 美国 4,780 碧尚男爵酒庄, 波尔多, 法国 5,300 RED WINE Glass Bottle 150ml 750ml Les Deux Clos, Luc Baudet, Rive Droite, Côtes du Rhône, Rhône Valley, France Mazzei, Fonterutoli, Chianti Classico, Tuscany, Italy Hess Collection, Select, Cabernet Sauvignon, North Coast, United States Tiansai Vineyards, Skyline of Gobi, Marselan, Xinjiang, China Haut-Médoc de Giscours, Château Giscours, Haut-Médoc, 210 1,050 Bordeaux, France Raúl Pérez, Ultreia Saint Jacques, Mencía, Ribeira Sacra, Spain 750 E.Guigal, Côtes du Rhône Rouge, Rhône Valley, France 750 J.L. Chave Sélection, Côtes du Rhône, Mon Coeur, Rhône Valley, France 850 Domaine Geantet Pansiot, Hautes Côtes de Nuits, Burgundy, France 900 Torbreck, Woodcutter s Shiraz Unfiltered, Barossa Valley, Australia 980 Domaine Cécile Tremblay, Bourgogne Rouge, La Fontaine, 1,000 Burgundy, France J.J. Hann Homestead Cabernet Sauvignon, Barossa Valley, Australia 1,020 Gaja, Promis,Tuscany, Italy 1,050 Giacosa Fratelli, Babaressco, Piedmonte, Italy 1,080 Pio Cesare, Barbera d Alba, Piedmont, Italy 1,190 Joseph Drouhin, Côte de Nuits-Village, Burgundy, France 1,560 Chimney Rock, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley, United States 2,050 Château Cos d Estournel, St. Estèphe, Bordeaux, France 3,950 Tenuta dell Ornellaia, Ornellaia, Bolgheri, Tuscany, Italy 4,200 Joseph Phelps, Insignia, Napa Valley, United States 4,780 Château Pichon-Longueville, Pauillac Bordeaux, France 5,300

11 白酒 飞天茅台 53 度 2, 年珍藏 53 度茅台酒 11,270 五粮液 39 度 1,500 五粮液 52 度 2,070 五粮液 15 年 50 度 4,485 牛栏山珍品 30 年 46 度 780 青花瓷 20 年 53 度 990 西凤酒六年 52 度 510 泸州老窖特曲 52 度 750 CHINESE LIQUOR Mao Tai 53%vol 2,990 Mao Tai 15 Years 53%vol 11,270 WuLiangYe 39%vol 1,500 WuLiangYe 52%vol 2,070 WuLiangYe 15 Years 50%vol 4,485 NiuLanShan 30 Years 46%vol 780 Qinghuaci 20 Years 53%vol 990 XiFeng 6 Years 52%vol 510 LuZhouLaoJiao 52%vol 750 梅酒 朝香梅酒 300 梅乃宿梅酒 510 清酒 獭祭 50 纯米大吟酿 300ml 350 啤酒精选 扎啤 悠航猴拳淡色艾尔扎啤 80 悠航皮尔森扎啤 80 瓶装 青岛啤酒 60 雪花花旦啤酒 60 燕京啤酒 600ml 60 喜力啤酒 70 福佳白啤酒 70 PLUM WINE ChaoXiang 300 MeiNaiSu Umenoyado 510 SAKE Dassai 50 Junmai Daiginjo 300ml 350 BEER draft Slow Boat Monkey s Fist IPA 80 Slow Boat Pilsner 80 bottle Tsing Tao 60 Snow Peking Opera 60 YanJing 600ml 60 Heineken 70 Hoegaarden 70

12 清新特饮 老北京酸奶 60 酸梅汁 60 本地酸枣汁 60 可口可乐, 健怡可乐, 雪碧, 芬达 65 汤力水, 苏打水, 干姜水 65 冰红茶, 绿茶, 冰金橘茶, 冰菊花茶, 冰洛神花茶 75 荔枝苏打 75 鲜榨果汁 75 REFRESHERS Beijing Old Style Yoghurt 60 Sour Plum Juice 60 Jujube Local Red Date Juice 60 Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta 65 Tonic Water, Soda Water, Ginger Ale 65 Iced Tea - Black, Green, Kumquat, Chrysanthemum, Hibiscus 75 Lychee Soda 75 Fresh Juice 75 矿泉水 375 毫升 800 毫升 芙丝不含气 芙丝含气矿泉水 MINERAL WATER 375ml 800ml Voss Still Voss Sparkling


1 Half Whole Barbecue Peking Duck Stir-fried Minced Duck Meat with Fresh Lettuce 12-18 Stir-fried Duck Meat with Ginger and Scallion.12-18 Braised Ee Fu Noodle with Shredded Duck Meat and Chives......12-18

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点 心 Dim Sum 脆 皮 叉 烧 包 Crispy Barbeque Pork Bun 极 酱 罗 卜 糕 Wok Fried Turnip Cake with Spicy XO Sauce 上 海 煎 饺 子 Shanghai Pan Fried Pork and Cabbage Dumpl 点 心 Dim Sum 广 东 三 色 笼 Cantonese Steamed Three Dim Sum Combination 四 喜 蒸 饺 Four Seasons Flavored Dumpling 黑 椒 火 鸭 饺 Minced Duck with Black Pepper Dumpling 菠 菜 肉 丝 饺 Minced Pork Spinach Dumpling 鸿 艳 彩 虾

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