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1 The Interdisciplinary Model of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Program at Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan Dr. Li-yi Huang 2009

2 中壢市中原大學





7 According to Lü Bisong (2006: 9-11) and Lu Jianming (2007), TCSL is an interdisciplinary subject and should be treated as an independent academic subject. TCSL program of CYCU fits their belief and the current needs worldwide.

8 Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (DTCSL) DTCSL is the first program in Taiwan offering BA and MA degrees to students who have completed trainings in TCSL. DTCSL provides the students with diverse and comprehensive basic knowledge in TCSL. DTCSL is a world leader in TCSL, with an innovative vision for applied Chinese departments.

9 The mission of DTCSL is to train Chinese teaching professionals and researchers following the principles of Holistic Education while combining Chinese language and literature, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, foreign languages, education, information technology and communication to promote Chinese language and culture throughout the world, and to establish Chinese studies networks. Mission 9

10 Characteristics The goal of DTCSL is to train Chinese teaching professionals whose prospective students will be both foreigners and overseas Chinese, either in Taiwan or abroad, and who are able to work internationally, cross-culturally, and multilingually.

11 The Bachelor s Degree Program 1. The program of study is divided into 4 categories: Chinese Teaching Pedagogy, Chinese Literature, Instructional Technology and Communication, and Applied Linguistics. 2. Professional training of lower- and medium-level teachers in TCSL 3. Internship training either in Taiwan or abroad for 36 hours 4. Capstone Projects Syllabus

12 Syllabus Master s Degree Program 1. The program of study includes required and elective courses. The elective courses are divided into 3 categories: Chinese Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Chinese Education, and Chinese Society and Culture. 2. Training of professional higher level teachers and researchers in TCSL 3. Internship training either in Taiwan or abroad for 72 hours 4. Master s thesis

13 Based on the program objectives, i.e. cultivating students with the abilities of Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and with a global view, students are trained to incorporate the 3 modes and 5 C goals, thus, the program is constructed as follows:

14 Chinese culture and literature which focus on both classic and modern Chinese literature Chinese linguistics which focuses on developing students analytic and problem solving abilities related to Chinese grammar

15 Applied language studies which cultivate students with the knowledge of 5Cs through the training of foreign languages, and cross-cultural communication courses Chinese teaching pedagogy which assists students to develop the concept of team work through capstone projects and practicum

16 Instructional technology and communication which assist students to develop teaching materials combined with instructional technology, and to become life long learners

17 大學部課程架構 知識體系 知識內容 操作指向 課群類別 學分數 本體論 中國語文基本功 語言教學內涵 中國語文 方法論 教學理論與教學法 語言教學策略 華語文教育 認識論 華語習得與認知及其他外語的學習 語言學習途徑 應用語言學 工具論 現代教育科技應用 教學傳播媒介 資訊傳媒 10-18

18 必修 一年級閱讀與寫作指導一 (2) 閱讀與寫作指導二 (2) 現代文學史 (2) 中國文化導論 (2) 二年級文字學一 (2) 文字學二 (2) 中國文學史一 (2) 中國文學史二 (2) 三年級中國思想史一 (2) 中國思想史二 (2) 西洋文化導論 (2) 四年級古代漢語一 (2) 古代漢語二 (2) 選修 1. 現代文學欣賞及習作 (2) 2. 史傳散文選讀 (2) 3. 諸子散文選讀 (2) 4. 六朝文學選讀 (2) 5. 唐宋散文選讀 (2) 6. 明清散文選讀 (2) 7. 古典詩歌賞析一 (2) 8. 古典詩歌賞析二 (2) 9. 詞曲賞析一 (2) 10. 詞曲賞析二 (2) 11. 古典小說賞析 (2) 12. 戲劇鑑賞 (2) 13. 當代文學理論與批評 (2) 合計 26 學分 26 學分

19 必修 應用語言學類 選修 大一 語言學概論 ( 一 )( 二 ) (4) 華語語音學 (2) 大二 華語詞彙學 (2) 華語語法學 (2) 西洋文化導論 (2) 實用英語 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) (4) 實用德語 (2) 實用法語 (2) 實用韓語 (2) 實用泰語 (2) 第二外語會話 (2) 大三 華語教學英語 (2) 新聞英語 (2) 語言發展心理學 (2) 大四 第二語言習得 (2) 跨文化溝通 (2) 對比分析與教學應用 (2)

20 教育類必修課程 大一 : 教育學 (2) 大二 : 教育心理學 (2) 華語文教學導論 (2) 大三 : 華語文教材教法 (2,2) 畢業專題 (2) 大四 : 華語文測驗與評量 (2) 畢業專題 (2) 華語教學實務 (2)

21 教育類選修課程 華語文教材編寫 (2) 華語文課程與教學設計 (2) 華語聽說教學 (2) 華語閱讀與寫作教學 (2) 初級華語教學 (2) 對比分析與教學應用 (2) 華語教學個案分析 (2) 華語教師專業發展 (2)

22 資訊傳媒類 年級必修選修 大一 電腦資訊處理與網路 導論 (2) 中文資訊處理 (2) 大二 影像與素材設計 (2) 互動式教學設計 (2) 大三 多媒體與華語教學 (3) 電腦排版設計 (2) 資料庫處理 (3) 電子報實務 (2) 大四 線上與遠距教學設計 (2)


24 研究部課程架構 漢語語言學類 年級必修 選修 研一 研二 漢語語言學 漢語語法學 漢語音韻學漢語語意學漢語詞彙學社會語言學語用學心理語言學篇章分析漢語教學語法漢字理論與應用

25 華語文教學類 年級必修 選修 研一 研二 華語文教學概論華語文教材教法 實習 國語語音教學漢字教學華語寫作教學華語閱讀教學與寫作華語文課程發展華語文教學設計華語文測驗與評量華語文教材編寫與分析專業華語文教材與教法文言文教學法華語教學專題研究

26 華人社會與文化類 選修 : 語言與文化華人社會與文化中國文化史中國思想史 中國哲學思想

27 其他 必修 : 研究方法 選修 : 第二語言習得對比分析與錯誤分析中介語研究中文閱讀之心理認知語言與文學 中文資訊處理 媒體與華語教學 華語電腦輔助教學

28 實習活動規劃 僑生華語文輔導課 發音練習 中高級華語教學 海外華裔青年語文研習班 語文活動規劃 一對一口語練習初中級華語教學 印尼地區華文教師研習班 一對多發音課程 協作編寫教材 國防大學華語文教育委訓案 一對一口語練習 零起點華語教學

29 國際學程華語課 交換學生華語課 一對一口語練習 初級華語教學 赴印尼從事華語文教學實習 K-12 華文教學 教師培訓 赴越南從事華語文教學實習 大專華語教學 泰緬華語教學志工團 活動設計 國小華語教學 師資培訓

30 Faculty DTCSL faculty not only have years of Chinese teaching experience, but each member has individual areas of expertise to contribute to specific courses related to TCSL. DTCSL Full-time Faculty Expertise Ratio Years of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Mandarin Teaching Chinese Literature ESL Linguistics IT & Communication 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 5~9 Years 14% 10~30 Years 86%

31 (1) Undergraduate Program Programs and Number of Students Class Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total Number (2) Graduate Program Since September 2007, there are 19 students in the graduate program, including three foreign students. (3) Chinese Language Program Starting from 2006, about 120 foreign students (including exchange students) at CYCU have been enrolled in Chinese language classes (2-12 credits).

32 Admission Requirements for International Graduate Students 1. A copy of official certificate of Chinese language proficiency to show that the applicant s language proficiency is at Level 9 or above of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), or at Level 6 or above of Chinese Proficiency Test-Taiwan (CPTT) 2. A copy of official transcript of all undergraduate academic work

33 Facility DTCSL Office

34 Facility DTCSL Library

35 Facility Multimedia Classroom

36 Facility Language Classroom

37 Facility Computer Classroom

38 Facility Classroom in the Center for Continuing Education

39 Graduate Students Study Room

40 Important Contributions 1. Academic exchange among colleges and universities in Taiwan and other countries 2. Overseas teacher training in TCSL Projects entrusted by the government 3. TCSL Teacher Training Programs offered by the Center of Continuing Education of CYCU 4. Visits of universities and Chinese language schools in the U.S.A., China, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. 5. Hosting the International Conference on Chinese Education and Teaching in Indonesia and the Conference on Chinese Education and Teaching in Asia Pacific Area

41 Important Contributions 6. Internship trainings at elementary and high schools in Indonesia and the U.S.A., and at universities in Taiwan, Vietnam, and the U.S.A. 7. Research and design of elementary Chinese teaching materials for teachers in Indonesia, and intermediate and advanced Chinese teaching materials for teachers in Taiwan and other foreign countries 8. Chinese Education and Teaching in Indonesia and Chung Yuan Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language published

42 Chinese Education and Teaching in Indonesia Published by DTCSL, CYCU in December 2006

43 Chung Yuan Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

44 學理與應用並重

45 畢業專題 王信尊 葉千華 王雯萱 高英展 劉欣宜

46 其他實作成果 印尼初級華語課本 ( 一 ), 出版 環遊印尼學華語 ( 一 ) 出版 華語語法活動小錦囊 出版 教學專題 課成果



49 第一屆大學畢業生就業調查 2007 年 42 名學生畢業有 64% 從事教育相關工作其中 40% 與華語教學有關 10 名在泰國教華語 4 名唸應華研究所 3 名在華語中心教書 3 名在華語中心做行政 規劃課程

50 Future Development 1.Training of teaching professionals and researchers in TCSL 2. Regional studies of TCSL 3. Research and application of technology in TCSL 4. Professional editing and news coverage in Chinese 5. Industrial and governmental collaborations 6. More international academic exchange 7. Internship trainings in key schools worldwide

51 Thus, we believe the TCSL teacher training program at CYCU: 1. could provide a model of establishing a professional Chinese training program worldwide; 2. could establish a better model of Chinese teacher education with the features of holistic education, professionalization, internationalization, and the 3 modes and 5C goals of foreign language education; 4. could push TCSL program to become an independent academic discipline worldwide.

52 Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Chung Yuan Christian University Tel: Fax: asclc@cycu.edu.tw Thank You


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