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1 A CopyRight: 2003, Mahler Works C << >> 1.1 C (5 min) 1.1.1C ANSIAmerican National Standards InsituteISO International Standards Organzation 1.1.3C/C++C C C JAVA PLATFORM C 1.2 (5 min) (5 min) 1.3.1Input Device 1.3.2Output Device 1.3.3Memory Unit 1.3.4Arithmetic Unit 1.3.5Central processing Unit (CPU) 1.3.6Secondary storage Unit 1.4 (5 min) 1.4.1Machine Language Assembly Language ADD AX,2 MOV dx,ax 1.4.3High-level Language 1 44

2 Ex1.4 DOS DEBUG a 100 add ax,2 ENTER u100 Q 1.5 C (5 min) 1.5.1C.cpp ;.cxx ;.c 1.5.2C C Editor DISK Preprocessor DISK Compiler DISK Linker DISK Loader Primary Memory CPU Primary Memory 1.6 Microsoft Visual C++ (5 min) MS VC (15~30 min) //Prg : prg1.7.1.cpp // int main() cout << I love u all baby!! ; return 0; // // int main() int MAIN 1.7.3cout \n \t 2 44

3 \r \a \\ \ (15~30 min) //Prg : prg1.8.1.cpp // int main() cout << ; return 0; // cin (Memory Concept)(5~30 min) (Arithmetic)(5~30min) C C + F+7 F p-c P c * Bm B * m / X/y X / y % R mod s R % s ( ) *, /, % 3 44

4 +, y = ax + b y = a * x + b 1.11 (Equality and Relational Operator)(5~30min) C == X==Y X Y!= X!=Y X Y > > X > Y X Y < < X < Y X Y >= X >= Y X Y <= X <= Y X Y if //Prg : prg cpp // int main() int x,y; cout << Input X: ; cin >> x; cout << Input Y ; cin >> y; if (x>y) cout << First is BIG ; if(x<y) cout << Second is BIG ; return 0; //

5 5 44

6 2.1 if/else (20 min) if/else if else //Prg : prg2_1_1 //if / else int grad; cout << ; cin >> grad ; if (grad >=60) cout << ; else cout << ; 2.2 (20 min) if 90 A else if 80 B else if 70 C else if 60 D else 2.3 while (20 min) 2.3.1while while int product = 2; 6 44

7 while ( product <= 1000 ) product = product + 1 ; WHILE * 1 = 2 2 * 2 = * 9 =

8 3.1 (20~40 min) = C += 7 C = C + 7 -= D -= 4 D = D 4 *= E *= 5 E = E * 5 /= F /= 3 F = F / 3 %= G %=9 G = G % / ++ A++ A = A A A = A B-- B = B B B = B 1 //Prg : prg3_1_2.cpp //++ int main() int c ; c = 5 ; cout << c << endl ; cout << c++ << endl ; cout << c << endl << endl ; c = 5 ; cout << c<< endl; cout << ++c << endl ; cout << c << endl ; return 0; // (10~20 min) (int counter;) 2. (counter = 1;) 3. (++counter;) 4. while (counter <= 10) 8 44

9 //Prg : prg3_2_1.cpp // int main() int counter ; counter = 1; while (counter <= 10) cout << counter << endl ; ++counter; return 0; //

10 4.1for (20~60 min) 4.1.1for for (expression1; expression2; expression3) statement expression1 while (expression2) statement expression for //Prg : prg4_1_1.cpp // FOR int main() for (int counter = 1 ; counter <=10 ; counter++ ) cout << counter << endl ; return 0; // for (20~60 min) 4.2.0FOR for( int number = 2; // number <= 100 ; // sum += numbner, number += 2) // for(int i = 1; i <= 100 ; i++) for(int i = 100; i >= 1 ; i--) FOR ,5,8,11,14,17, ,88,77,66,55,44,33,22,11,0 4.3switch (20~60 min) 4.3.1switch switch ( ) case 1 break; case

11 break; 4.3.2switch if/else 90 A80 B.. 4.4do/while (20~60 min) while while( condition) 4.4.2do / while do statement while(condition); do statement while (condition); //Prg : prg4_2_2.cpp //do/while int main() int counter = 1; do cout << counter << ; counter ++ ; while (counter <= 10) ; cout << endl ; return 0 ; AND if 20 if age >= 20 && sex = 1 ; OR 11 44

12 if age >= 20 or age <=

13 5.1 5min 5.2 (5~10 min) math.h ceil( x ) ceil( 9.2 ) is 10.0 cos( x ) Cosine cos( 0.0 ) is 1.0 exp( x ) e exp( 1.0 ) = pow( x, y ) X pow( 2, 3 ) is (10~30min) //Prg : prg5_3_1.cpp // int square( int ) ; // int main() for ( i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i ++) cout << square ( i ) << \t ; cout << endl ; return 0; // 0 int square( int y) return y * y ; int square( int ) ; int square () int return-value-type function-name( parameter-list) declarations and statements 13 44

14 5.3.4return return expression; 5.4 a,b,c C

15 C++ long double double float unsigned long int long int unsigned int int unsigned short int short int unsigned char char 6.2 (Header File) (Random Number Generation) i = rand() ; rand() stdlib.h rand() Rand //Prg : prg6_3_3.cpp // #include <stdlib.h> int main() for(int i = 1; i <= 20 ; i ++) cout << (1 + rand() % 6) << \t ; if ( i % 5 == 0 ) cout << endl ; // 15 44

16 return 0; // srand() srand( x ), x unsigned int //Prg : prg6_3_5.cpp // #include <stdlib.h> int main() unsigned seed ; cout << ; cin >> seed ; srand ( seed ) ; for(int i = 1; i <= 20 ; i ++) cout << (1 + rand() % 6) << \t ; if ( i % 5 == 0 ) cout << endl ; // return 0; // C

17 7.1 overloading C C C C int add_values(int a, int b) return (a + b) ; int add_values(int a, int b,int c) return ( a + b + c) ; cout << = << add_values(200,100) << endl; cout << = << add_values(200,100, 2) << endl; 7.2 Recursion (Recursion) n * ( n-1 ) * (n-2). * 1 n! FOR n n! 7.2.4(Recusion) N unsigned long n( unsigned long) 17 44

18 for (int i=1 ; i <=10 ; i++) cout << \t << i <<! = << n(i) << endl ; unsigned long n( unsigned long i) if (i<=1) return 1 ; else return i * n(i 1) 7.3 (call by value, or, call by refrerence) (call by value) int add_value(int a, int b) return (a + b) ; int x, y ; x = 2, y = 3; cout << add_value(x,y) << endl ; cout << x << endl; cout << y << endl; Add_valuec MAIN x,y VALUE add_value AB CALL BY VALUE MAIN XY (call by reference) void add_value(int &a, int &b) a = (a + b) ; int x, y ; x = 2, y = 3; add_value(x,y) ; cout << x << endl; cout << y << endl; X C DEFAULT 18 44

19 void show(int a=1, int b=2, int c=3) cout << a << a << b << b << c << c << endl; show(); show(1001); show(1001,2002); show(1001;2002;3003); 19 44

20 C[0] 2 C[1] 3 C[2] 0 C[3] -123 C[4] 3 C[5] 1310 C[6] 41 C[7] 23 C[8] 54 C[9] 467 C[10] cout << c[0] << c[1] << c[10] ; x = x[3] / 10; int b[10] ; int x[9], y[9] ; int a, n[10] ; for (a = 0; a< 10 ; a++) n[a] = a ; cout << Elements Value ; for (a=0 ; a<10 ; a++) cout << a << \t << n[a] << endl; FOR int n[10] = 32, 26, 54, 12, 23, 44, 56, 78, 77, 88; 20 44

21 for (int j=0 ; j<10 ; j++) cout << no. << j << is << n[j] << endl ; 8.3constant varible const int x = 7 ; cout << const variables x is : << x ; const int x ; x=7; cout << const variables x is : << x ; const int arraysize = 12 ; int a [ arraysize ] = 1, 3, 5, 7, 4, 12, 24, 44, 54, 53, 98, 12; int total = 0 ; for (int k=0; k< arraysize; k++) total += a [ k] ; cout << The sum is: << total ; const int responsesize = 40, frequencysize = 11; int responses[ responsesize ] 21 44

22 = 1, 2, 6, 4, 8, 5, 9, 7, 8,10, 1, 6, 3, 8, 6,10, 3, 8, 2, 7, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 4, 8, 6, 8,10; int frequency[ frequencysize ] = 0 ; for (int answer = 0; answer < responsesize ; answer++) ++frequency[ responses[ answer ] ]; cout << "Rating" << "\t" << "Frequency" << endl; for (int rate=1 ; rate <frequencysize ; rate++) cout << rate << "\t" << frequency[rate] << endl; 22 44

23 10.1 const int arraysize = 10 ; int a [ arraysize ] = 2,6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 ; int i, hold ; cout << " \n"; for (i=0 ; i<arraysize; i++) cout << " " << a [ i ] ; for (int pass = 0 ; pass < arraysize - 1; pass++) for (i=0 ; i<arraysize ; i++) if ( a[i] > a[i+1] ) hold = a[i] ; a[i] = a[i+1]; a[i+1] = hold ; cout << "\n \n"; for (i=0 ; i<arraysize; i++) cout << " " << a [ i ] ; 23 44

24 10.2 C MEAN MEDIAN MODE C 24 44

25 25 44

26 10.3 (linear Search) CUSTOM Linear Search C int linearsearch( const int array[], int key, int sizeofarray ); const int arraysize = 100; int a[ arraysize ], searchkey, element; for(int x=0; x<arraysize; x++) a[x] = 2 * x; cout << " (Search Key" ; cin >> searchkey ; element = linearsearch( a, searchkey, arraysize ) ; if( element!= -1 ) cout << " :" << element << endl ; else cout << " " << endl ; int linearsearch( const int array[], int key, int sizeofarray ) for(int n=0; n<sizeofarray; n++) if( array[n] == key ) 26 44

27 return n ; return -1 ; 10.4 Colum0 Colum1 Colum2 Column3 Row0 A[0][0] A[0][1] A[0][2] A[0][3] Row1 A[1][0] A[1][1] A[1][2] A[1][3] Row2 A[2][0] A[2][1] A[2][2] A[2][3] void printmarray(int a[][3]); int array1[2][3] = 1,2,3,4,5,6, array2[2][3] = 1,2,3,4,5,6, array3[2][3] = 1,2,4; cout << " array1 " << endl ; printmarray( array1 ); cout << " array2 " << endl ; printmarray( array2 ); cout << " array3 " << endl ; printmarray( array3 ); void printmarray(int a[][3]) for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) cout << a[i][j] << ' ' ; cout << endl; 27 44

28 11.0 #include <string.h> char x[] = "Happy Birthday to You" ; char y[25], z[15]; cout << "The string in array x is:" << x << "\nthe string in array y is:" << strcpy(y,x) << '\n' ; strncpy(z,x,14); // NULL z[14] = NULL; cout << "The String in array z is: " << z << endl ; 11.1 C int *countptr, count; int Float *xptr, *ypter; 28 44

29 11.2 Int y =5; Int *yptr; yptr = &y ; y yptr int a; //a int *aptr; //aptr a=7; aptr = &a; //a aptr cout << "a " << &a ; cout << "\naptr " << aptr; cout << "\n\na " << a ; cout << "\n*aptr " << aptr; cout<< "\n\n " << "\n&*aptr = " << &*aptr << "\n*&aptr = " << *&aptr << endl ; 29 44

30 11.3 (Call-By-Reference) void bubblesortr(int *array, const int size); const int arraysize = 10; int a[ arraysize ] = 2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 ; int i; cout << "Data Item in origrinal order\n" ; for(i=0;i<arraysize;i++) cout << " " << a[i] ; bubblesortr(a, arraysize); cout << "\ndata items in ascending order\n" ; for(i=0;i<arraysize;i++) cout << " " << a[i] ; cout << endl ; void bubblesortr(int *array, const int size) void swap(int *,int *); for(int pass=0;pass<size-1;pass++) for(int j=0;j<size-1;j++) if(array[j] > array[j+1]) swap(&array[j],&array[j+1]); void swap(int *element1ptr, int *element2ptr) int hold = *element1ptr; *element1ptr = *element2ptr; *element2ptr = hold; 30 44

31 11.4 suit[0] = H e a r t s \0 suit[1] = D i a m o n d s \0 suit[2] = C l u b s \0 suit[3] = S p a d e s \0 Heart 0 Diamonds 1 Clubs 2 Spades 3 Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Night ten Jack Queen King Deck[2][12] CLUB KING Club King deck DECK suit face suit[row]face[column] 2 9 suit face deck deck ^_^ 31 44

32 32 44

33 12.1 struct ; ; ; struct Time int hour; int minute; int second; ; void printstandard( const Time &t ); void printmilitary( const Time &t ); Time dinnertime; // TIME dinnertime dinnertime.hour = 18; // dinnertime.minute = 30; dinnertime.second = 0; cout << "The dinner will br held at "; printmilitary( dinnertime ); cout << "mlitary time, \nwhich is "; printstandard( dinnertime ); cout << "standard time.\n"; // dinnertime dinnertime.hour = 29; dinnertime.minute = 73; cout << "\ntime with invalid values: " ; printmilitary( dinnertime ); cout << endl ; void printmilitary( const Time &t ) cout << ( t.hour < 10? "0" : "") << t.hour << ":" << ( t.minute < 10? "0" : "") << t.minute ; 33 44

34 void printstandard( const Time &t ) cout << ((t.hour == 0 t.hour == 12 )? 12 : t.hour % 12 ) << ":" << (t.minute < 10? "0" : "" ) << t.minute << ":" << (t.second < 10? "0" : "" ) << t.second << (t.hour < 12? "AM" : "PM" ) ; 12.2 CLASS class struct CLASS STRUCT CLASS STRUCT class TimeClass public: TimeClass(); void settime(int,int,int); void printmilitary(); void printstandard(); private: int hour; int minute; int second; ; CLASS PUBLIC C PRIVATE CLASS CONTRUCTOR CLASS class STUDENT // STUDENT public: int no; int age; ; STUDENT curtis; cout << " "; cin >> curtis.no ; 34 44

35 cout << " " ; cin >> curtis.age ; cout << curtis.no << endl << curtis.age ; globale function & member function C CLASS STRUCT MEMBER FUNCTION class STUDENT // STUDENT public: void print(); int no; int age; ; // PRINT void STUDENT::print() cout << "[" << no << "," << age << "]" << endl ; STUDENT curtis; cout << " "; cin >> curtis.no ; cout << " " ; cin >> curtis.age ; curtis.print(); // 35 44

36 12.2.3public private PUBLIC PUBLIC PRIVATE PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTION class STUDENT // STUDENT public: void print(); void input(int,int); private: int no; int age; ; // PRINT void STUDENT::print() cout << "[" << no << "," << age << "]" << endl ; // // no age PRIVATE // MEMBER void STUDENT::input(int i_no, int i_age) no = i_no; age = i_age; STUDENT curtis; int age,no ; cout << " "; cin >> no ; cout << " " ; cin >> age ; curtis.input(no, age); curtis.print(); // input // print 36 44

37 12.2.4constructor constructor constructor 0 contructor class STUDENT // STUDENT public: STUDENT(); // constructor void print(); void input(int,int); private: int no; int age; ; // // //private STUDENT::STUDENT() no = 0; age = 0; // PRINT void STUDENT::print() cout << "[" << no << "," << age << "]" << endl ; // // no age PRIVATE // MEMBER void STUDENT::input(int i_no, int i_age) no = i_no; age = i_age; STUDENT curtis; int age,no ; 37 44

38 cout << " "; curtis.print(); cout << " "; cin >> no ; cout << " " ; cin >> age ; curtis.input(no, age); curtis.print(); // input // print 12.3 CLASS CLASS class TimeClass public: TimeClass(); void settime(int, int, int); void printmilitary(); void printstandard(); private: int hour; int minute; int second; ; TimeClass::TimeClass() hour=minute=second=0; void TimeClass::setTime(int h,int m,int s) hour = (( h>=0 && h<24)? h : 0); minute = ( m>=0 && m< 60 )? m : 0; second = ( s>=0 && s< 60 )? s : 0; void TimeClass::printMilitary() cout << ( hour < 10? "0" : "") << hour << ":" << ( minute < 10? "0" : "") << minute ; void TimeClass::printStandard() cout << ((hour == 0 hour == 12 )? 12 : hour % 12 ) << ":" << (minute < 10? "0" : "" ) << minute 38 44

39 << ":" << (second < 10? "0" : "" ) << second << (hour < 12? "AM" : "PM" ) ; TimeClass t; // t cout << "The initial militay time is: "; t.printmilitary(); cout << "\nthe initial standard time is: "; t.printstandard(); t.settime(13,27,6); cout << "\n\nthe militay time after set is: "; t.printmilitary(); cout << "\nthe standard time after set is: "; t.printstandard(); t.settime(99,99,99); cout << "\n\nthe militay time after invalid set is: "; t.printmilitary(); cout << "\nthe standard time after invalid set is: "; t.printstandard(); cout << endl ; 12.4CLASS CLASS GOOD private no price quan 1. constructor 2. input no,quan,price 3. print 4. cal

40 13.1CONSTCONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTION OBJECT C const Time noon(12,0,0); TIME NOON C CONST #include "time5.h" // Time::Time(int hr,int min,int sec)settime(hr,min,sec); void Time::setTime(int h,int m,int s) sethour(h); setminute(m); setsecond(s); void Time::setHour(int h) hour = ( (h>=0 && h<=24)? h:0 ); void Time::setMinute(int m) minute = ( (m>=0 && m<60)? m:0); void Time::setSecond(int s) second = ( (s>=0 && s<60)? s:0); int Time::getHour() const return hour; int Time::getMinute() const return minute; int Time::getSecond() const return second; void Time::printMilitary() const cout << ( hour < 10? "0" : "") << hour << ":" << ( minute < 10? "0" : "") << minute ; void Time::printStandatd() 40 44

41 cout << ( (hour == 12)? 12: hour % 12) << ":" << ( minute < 10? "0" : "") << minute << ":" << ( second < 10? "0" : "") << second << ":" << ( hour < 12? "AM" : "PM" ); // Time wakeup(6,45,0); const Time noon(12, 0, 0); //non-constant object //constant object //Member Function Object wakeup.sethour(18); //non-const non-const noon.sethour(12); //non-const const wakeup.gethour(); //const non-const noon.getminute(); //const const noon.printmilitary(); //const const noon.printstandatd(); //non-const const Compiling... paper13_1.cpp D:\C++\taiwan\test_for_paper13\paper13_1.cpp(52) : error C2662: 'sethour' : cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const class Time' to 'class Time &' Conversion loses qualifiers D:\C++\taiwan\test_for_paper13\paper13_1.cpp(58) : error C2662: 'printstandatd' : cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const class Time' to 'class Time &' Conversion loses qualifiers Error executing cl.exe. test_for_paper13.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) noon.sethour CONST sethour NON-CONST noon.printstandard() CONST CONST MEMBER FUNCTION 41 44

42 13.2 (operator overloading) #include <string.h> class string public: string(char *); //Constructor void str_append(char *); void chr_minus(char); void show_string(void); private: char data[256]; ; string::string(char *str) strcpy(data,str); void string::str_append(char *str) strcat(data,str); void string::chr_minus(char letter) char temp[256]; int i,j; for(i=0,j=0;data[i];i++) if(data[i]!= letter) temp[j++] = data[i]; temp[j] = NULL; strcpy(data,temp); void string::show_string() cout << data << endl ; 42 44

43 string title("rescued By C++"); string lesson("understanding Operator Overloading"); title.show_string(); title.str_append(" rescued me!"); title.show_string(); lesson.show_string(); lesson.chr_minus('n'); lesson.show_string(); #include <string.h> class string public: string(char *); //Constructor void operator +(char *); void operator -(char); void show_string(void); private: char data[256]; ; string::string(char *str) strcpy(data,str); void string::operator +(char *str) strcat(data,str); void string::operator -(char letter) char temp[256]; int i,j; for(i=0,j=0;data[i];i++) if(data[i]!= letter) temp[j++] = data[i]; temp[j] = NULL; strcpy(data,temp); void string::show_string() cout << data << endl ; 43 44

44 string title("rescued By C++"); string lesson("understanding Operator Overloading"); title.show_string(); title + " rescued me!"; title.show_string(); lesson.show_string(); lesson - 'n'; lesson.show_string(); 13.3 struct XY void setvalue(int,int); ; int x; int y; void XY::setValue(int a,int b) x=a; y=b; ostream &operator <<(ostream &ooo,const XY &t) ooo << "[" << t.x << "," << t.y << "]" << endl ; return ooo ; XY test1; test1.setvalue(1,1); cout << test1; 44 44


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