Hysterectomy - Traditional Chinese

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1 Hysterectomy A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a woman s uterus. The uterus is one of the organs of the female reproductive system and is about the size of a closed hand. You can no longer have children after you have your uterus removed, and you will no longer have periods (menstruate). If your ovaries are not removed, you will continue to make female hormones. If your ovaries are removed, menopause will occur. Fallopian Tube Uterus Ovary Cervix Vagina Labia There are dierent types of hysterectomy surgeries. Ask your doctor what type of surgery you are having and if your cervix, tubes and ovaries are being removed. Vaginal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through the vagina. No incision in the abdomen is needed. Abdominal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through an incision in the abdomen. 1

2 子宮切除術 子宮切除術是摘除婦女子宮的手術 子宮是女性生殖系統的一個器官, 大約有握緊的拳頭那麼大 摘除子宮後, 即喪失生育能力, 也不會再有月經 如果卵巢未摘除, 身體會繼續產生荷爾蒙 如果卵巢摘除, 則會絕經 輸卵管 子宮 卵巢 子宮頸 陰道 陰道口 子宮切除術分不同的種類 請諮詢醫生您要做的手術是哪一種, 以及是否要摘除子宮頸 輸卵管和卵巢 經陰道子宮切除術 經陰道摘除子宮 毋須在腹部作切口 經腹部子宮切除術 在腹部作切口, 透過切口摘除子宮 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 1

3 Laparoscopic hysterectomy several small incisions are made in the abdomen and the doctor works through these small incisions using a laparoscope. This instrument makes it easier for the doctor to see small areas during surgery. Other small instruments are used to detach and remove the uterus. f f Robotic hysterectomy It is very similar to a laparoscopic hysterectomy. Instruments are more flexible and the doctor uses a special camera to guide the instruments during surgery. To Prepare Tell your doctor all the medicines you are taking. Be sure to include any prescription or over the counter medicines, vitamins and herbs. You may be told not to take aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for a few days before your surgery. If you take aspirin daily, do not stop taking it without asking your doctor first. f f If you are taking blood thinners or medicines to prevent clots, check with the doctor who prescribed the medicine to see if you should stop the medicine before surgery. Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of your surgery. If so, take them with small sips of water only. Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight before your surgery. If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other things, tell the sta before your surgery. An adult family member or friend will need to take you home when you leave the hospital. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. 2

4 腹腔鏡子宮切除術 在腹部開幾個小切口, 醫生使用腹腔鏡, 透過這些小切口施行切除術 醫生使用腹腔鏡, 在手術過程中更容易看清小的區域 另外還使用小型的器具來分離和摘除子宮 f f 機器人子宮切除術 與腹腔鏡子宮切除術非常相似 手術器具的靈活性更大, 同時醫生在手術過程中使用攝影機來引導手術器具 準備工作 向醫生說明您目前正在服用的所有藥物 務必要包括任何處方藥物或非處方藥物 維他命和草藥 可能會要求您在手術前數天不要服用阿斯匹靈或布洛芬 (Advil Motrin) 每日服用阿斯匹靈者, 未諮詢醫生的意見之前, 切勿停服 如果正在服用血液稀釋藥物或防止血液結塊的藥物, 請諮詢開處方的醫生, 瞭解是否應在手術前停服藥物 問醫生在手術當天上午是否應照常服藥 如果需要, 服藥時須僅用少量水送服 手術前一天, 午夜後不要進食或飲用飲料 ( 包括水 ) 如果您有任何對藥物 食物或其他物質過敏的情形, 手術前須向醫護人員說明 需要有成年的家屬或朋友接患者出院回家 患者手術後單獨駕車或獨自離開不安全 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 2

5 During Surgery You will wear a hospital gown. An IV (intravenous) tube is put in a vein in your arm for giving medicines and fluids. You will be taken on a cart to the operating room and then helped onto a table. Medicine is given in your IV to keep you asleep and free from pain. You will have a catheter that drains urine from your bladder. This tube is often removed the morning after your surgery. Another tube may be put in through your nose and is passed down to your stomach to remove fluids so that you will not feel sick to your stomach. This tube is often taken out before you leave the recovery room. The surgery area or abdomen is cleaned. Your uterus is removed. Your cervix, tubes and ovaries may also be removed. Any incisions are closed with stitches, staples or special tapes called steri-strips. A bandage is put over the incisions. After Surgery In the Hospital You are taken to the recovery room where you are watched closely until you wake up and are doing well. Your breathing, blood pressure and pulse are checked often. 3

6 手術過程中 會讓您換上醫院的罩衣 在手臂上插入靜脈注射導管, 注射藥物和液體 會讓您躺在推車上推入手術室, 由人協助您上手術台 您會從靜脈注射麻醉藥, 處於睡眠狀態, 感受不到疼痛 您須使用導尿管, 導出膀胱內的尿液 經常會在手術後次日上午拔去導尿管 可能透過鼻腔向體內插入另一根導管, 伸入胃內, 排出胃內的液體, 防止噁心或嘔吐 通常在您離開術後恢復室之前取下這根導管 清潔手術部位或腹部 摘除子宮 此外, 可能一併摘除子宮頸 輸卵管和卵巢 用縫合線 縫合器或特殊膠條 ( 免縫膠條 ) 封閉所有手術切口 使用繃帶包紮手術切口 手術後 住院期間 進入康復室接受密切觀察, 直至醒來而且狀態良好 經常檢查您的呼吸 血壓和脈搏 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 3

7 If you are staying at the hospital, you will be taken to your room. A pad will be placed between your legs in case you have vaginal bleeding. You also may have special stockings on your legs while you are in bed to help prevent blood clots. The sta may teach you how to cough, deep breathe and use an incentive spirometer. An incentive spirometer is a device used to help you take deep breaths. These exercises help open the airways of the lungs and prevent pneumonia. If you have abdominal incisions, place a pillow or a folded blanket over your incisions for support when deep breathing or coughing. Do these exercises every 1 to 2 hours while you are awake. You will be given medicine to control your pain. Tell your nurse if you have pain. The IV is used to give you medicine and fluids until you are able to eat and drink well. You may be given a few ice chips if you are not sick to your stomach. You will be given clear liquids at first and then slowly progress to regular foods. Your bandage will be removed the day after surgery. Your incision may have: Stitches that dissolve on their own. Staples which are often taken out a few days after surgery. Steri-strips that come o on their own in 7 to 10 days. If you have a vaginal hysterectomy, you will not have an incision. For your safety, when you leave the hospital, you will need to have an adult family member or friend take you home. You should have someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours you are home. 4

8 如果需要繼續住院, 離開康復室後會把您送到病房 術後可能發生陰道出血, 因此在兩腿之間舖上墊子 此外, 臥床期間可能讓您穿特殊的襪子, 防止血液結塊 醫護人員可能會教您如何咳嗽 深呼吸和使用激勵式肺量計 激勵式肺量計用於協助您作深呼吸 這些活動可協助打開肺的氣體通道, 防止肺炎 如果腹部有手術切口, 深呼吸或咳嗽時, 在手術切口上放一個枕頭或摺起的毯子 清醒狀態時, 每 1 至 2 小時作一次上述練習 會使用藥物來控制術後疼痛 如果感到疼痛, 請向護士提出 靜脈注射藥物和液體, 直至您能夠正常進食和飲水 如果不感到噁心, 可以含幾片冰塊 進食先從清澈的流食開始, 逐漸過渡到正常的食物 手術後次日拆除繃帶 手術刀口 : 可能使用縫合線, 縫合線會自動消解 可能使用縫合器, 術後幾天取下縫合器 可能使用免縫膠條, 免縫膠條會在術後 7 至 10 日內自行脫落 經陰道子宮切除術沒有手術刀口 為了安全起見, 出院時需要有成年的家屬或朋友接您出院回家 出院回家後, 至少最初 24 小時需要有人陪護 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 4

9 At Home Take your medicine as directed. Schedule a follow-up visit with your doctor. You will need to see your doctor in 4 to 6 weeks. Wash any incisions gently with soap and water and pat dry. You may take a shower or sponge bath, but do not take tub baths. A small amount of vaginal discharge is normal for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. Change the pad every few hours. Wash the vaginal area with soap and water and pat dry. Do not put anything in your vagina until your doctor checks you. Do not douche. Do not have sexual intercourse. Do not use tampons. Activity Limits Limit your activities for 4 to 6 weeks. Do not lift over 10 pounds for at least 2 weeks. You may do light housework such as washing dishes and cooking. Do not do strenuous activities, such as vacuuming or exercising for at least 2 weeks. Do not drive for 2 weeks, but you can ride in a car for short trips. Go up and down stairs slowly, one step at a time. Take walks. Starting with short distances. Slowly increase how long and fast you walk. 5

10 在家中休養期間 遵醫囑服藥 與醫生預約複診 術後 4 至 6 週需要複診 輕輕用肥皂和水清洗任何刀口, 把水拍乾 可以洗淋浴或擦澡, 切勿盆浴 術後 2 至 4 週內, 陰道有少量排出物是正常的 隔幾個小時要更換一次衛生墊 用肥皂和水清洗陰部, 把水拍乾 經醫生檢查之前, 切勿在陰道內放任何物品 f f f f f f 切勿盥洗陰道 切勿性交 切勿使用月經棉條 活動限制 手術後 4 至 6 週內, 限制活動 手術後至少 2 週內, 切勿提舉超過 4.5 公斤 (10 磅 ) 的重物 可以做輕鬆的家務, 例如洗碗碟和煮飯 手術後至少 2 週內, 切勿從事費力的活動, 例如使用吸塵器打掃衛生或進行運動 手術後至少 2 週內, 切勿駕車, 但可短途搭車 上下樓梯動作要慢, 每次跨一級台階 可以散步 先短距離散步 慢慢增加散步距離和散步的速度 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 5

11 Other Issues If your ovaries are taken out, you may have signs of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness or mood changes. It is common to have many feelings after surgery. You may feel sad, fearful, nervous or angry. Share these feelings with your loved ones and friends to help you cope as you recover. If the sadness does not go away after a few weeks, talk to your doctor. Your looks will not change after this surgery. There are no physical changes except that you may have a scar from your incision. Your surgery should not aect your ability to have sex or the way you or your partner feel while having sex. Ask your doctor when you may resume sexual activity and discuss any concerns you may have about sex. Call your doctor right away if you have: Shaking, chills or a temperature over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C An incision that is swollen, red, has drainage or comes apart Bleeding from your incisions Pain, warmth or tenderness in your legs Heavy vaginal bleeding, soaking 2 to 3 pads in one hour Vaginal drainage with an odor Trouble urinating Burning when you urinate or feel a need to urinate often Skin that is itchy, swollen or has a rash Severe mood swings or feel depressed 6

12 其他問題 如果手術時還切除卵巢, 可能會出現停經的症狀, 例如潮熱 陰道乾燥或情緒變化 您在手術後會有許多複雜的感受是正常的 您可能感到悲傷 恐懼 焦躁或憤怒 康復期間若能向親人和朋友訴說這些感受, 有助於您的心理健康 如果數週後仍感到悲傷, 要告訴醫生 手術後, 容貌不會發生變化 除了手術刀口的疤痕外, 身體外表沒有變化 手術不會影響性能力 您或伴侶的性交體驗 應詢問醫生何時可以恢復性生活, 並討論自己對性的擔憂 如果出現以下情況, 立即致電醫生: 顫抖 畏寒或體溫超過華氏 101 度或攝氏 38 度 手術刀口腫脹 發紅 有滲出液或裂開 手術刀口出血 腿部疼痛 發燙或觸痛 嚴重陰道出血, 一小時能浸透 2 至 3 塊衛生墊 陰道排出物有異味 排尿困難 排尿灼痛, 或尿意頻繁 皮膚搔癢 腫脹或出現皮疹 情緒嚴重波動或感到憂鬱 Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 6

13 Call 911 right away if you have trouble breathing all of a sudden or have chest pain. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 7

14 如果突然呼吸困難或胸痛, 立即致電 911 如果有任何疑問或擔心, 請詢問醫生或護士 /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Hysterectomy. Traditional Chinese. 7

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豐 邑 家 族 季 刊 編 者 的 話 2015.02-04 No.07 彼 此 相 愛 總 編 輯 : 邱 崇 喆 主 編 : 戴 秋 柑 編 輯 委 員 : 黃 淑 美 盧 永 吉 王 森 生 趙 家 明 林 孟 姿 曾 淑 慧 執 行 編 輯 : 豐 邑 建 設 企 劃 課 出 版 發 行 : 豐 邑 家 族 季 刊 編 者 的 話 2015.02-04 No.07 彼 此 相 愛 總 編 輯 : 邱 崇 喆 主 編 : 戴 秋 柑 編 輯 委 員 : 黃 淑 美 盧 永 吉 王 森 生 趙 家 明 林 孟 姿 曾 淑 慧 執 行 編 輯 : 豐 邑 建 設 企 劃 課 出 版 發 行 : 豐 邑 專 業 整 合 團 隊 地 址 : 台 中 市 台 灣 大 道 二 段 501 號 20F-1

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