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1 Declaration I accept that I should read and, fully understand the Terms & Conditions shown on the website of Chinese Visa Services Limited (Hereafter referred as the Centre), before signing this declaration I am aware that if I do not understand any of the Terms and Conditions, I can ask any counter staff at the Centre, telephone [ ]or [ ] I am fully aware that the Centre has no involvement in the visa assessment and decision- making process. Whether a visa is to be issued or not, and what type of visa to be issued as well as its period of validity, number of entries and duration of stay shall be wholly up to the discretionary decision of the Chinese Embassy or the Consulate General and I will fully accept any decision made by the Chinese Embassy or the Consulate General. I agree to pay the service fee, which is non-refundable, to the Centre according to its published tariff, regardless of whether my visa is granted or not by the Chinese Embassy or the Consulate General. I am aware that I might have to provide additional supporting documentation or come to the Chinese Embassy or the Consulate General for an interview for the Visa Application purpose according to their request. I understand that I could apply for the Visa about one month in advance of my entry into China. No application more than 3 months before my entry into China is allowed. I accept that if I wrongly apply more than three months before my entry the visa may expire too soon and be invalid on my date of travel. I am fully aware that a Chinese visa is valid from the date of issue, not from the Date of your first entry as shown in the Application Form. I agree that I will carefully check all the information on the Visa when I collect my passport. I am aware that any queries about the Visa should be addressed to the counter staff immediately. I understand that if I apply by post, or request return delivery by post of my processed application, the Centre shall not be responsible or liable for any delay, delivery to a wrong address, or damage to or loss of the documents as a result of the negligence of any mail service or company. I agree that the Centre shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences as shown below: a) The visa becoming invalid and cannot therefore be used as a result of my own fault or any act by a third party acting on my behalf; or, b) In the event that I am refused to board an aircraft or to enter China due to my failure to check all the information printed on my Visa; or, c) My Visa can t be used due to any other reasons of my own doing. d) In the event that I am refused to board an aircraft or to enter China due to reasonable denial made by the authority concerned or an immigration officer. Printed Name (in capital) : Signature: Date (YYYY-MM-DD):

2 中华人民共和国签证申请表 Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China Form V.2011A 申请人必须如实 完整地填写本表格 请逐项在空白处用中文或英文大写字母打印填写, 或在 打 选择 如有更多需要声明事项, 请附另纸说明 Applicant should fill out this form truly and completely. Please type your answer in capital English letters in the space provided or cross the appropriate box to select. If there is more information to declare, please type on a separate sheet. 如申请到中国工作 留学, 或与护照偕行人同行, 或不在国籍国申请签证, 你还需填写签证申请表附表 (Form V.2011B) If you are applying to work or study in China, or if someone else travelling with you shares the same passport, or if you are applying for a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your current nationality, you should fill out the Supplementary Visa Application Form(Form V.2011B). 一 个人信息 Section 1: Personal information 姓 Surname: 1.1 英文姓名 Full English name as in 名 Given name: passport 1.3 中文姓名 ( 如有, 请用汉字 ) Name in Chinese character ( if applicable) 1.4 别名或曾用名 Other names you are, or have been known by 1.5 用本国语言书写的名字 Name in ethnic script 1.2 性别 Sex 男 M 女 F 照片 / Photo 请将 1 张近期正面免冠 浅色背景的彩色护照照片粘贴于此 Please affix one recent identical color photo ( full face, front view, unmounted and against a plain light background ). 1.6 现有国籍 Current nationality 1.8 同时具有的国籍 Other nationality(ies) 1.10 出生地点 ( 国 省 / 市 ) Place of birth (city, province/state, country) 1.12 婚姻状况 Marital status 1.13 当前职业 ( 可选多项 ) Current occupation(s) 1.14 护照种类 Passport type 1.15 护照号码 Passport number 1.17 签发地点 ( 省 / 市及国家 ) Place of issue (city, province/state, country) 1.7 曾有国籍 Former nationality 1.9 出生日期 Date of birth 1.11 当地身份证号码 Local ID card number 已婚 Married 未婚 Never Married 离婚 Divorced 丧偶 Widowed 其他 ( 请说明 )Other (Please specify):. 商人 Businessman 公司职员 Company employee 教师 Teacher 学生 Student 家庭主妇 Housewife 无业 Unemployed 国会议员 Member of national parliament 政府官员 Government official 新闻从业人员 Staff of media 宗教人士 Religious worker 现役军人 Active duty military personnel 退休 Retired 乘务人员 Crew member 外交 Diplomatic 普通 Ordinary 公务 官员 Service or official 其他证件 ( 请说明 ) Other (Please specify): 办理签证通常需要 4 个工作日 如需加急, 请注明, 但须另外缴费 Normally visa processing takes 4 working days. Extra fees are charged for express service 签发日期 Date of issue 1.18 失效日期 Expiration date 普通 (4 个工作日 ) Regular for 4 working days; 加急 (3 个工作日 ) Express for 3 working days; 第 1 页共 4 页 / Page 1 of 4

3 二 赴华旅行信息 Section 2: Travel information 2.1 赴中国主要事由 ( 可选多项 )Major purpose(s) of your visit(s) to China 2.2 计划入境次数 Intended number of entries 旅游 Tourism 探亲 Family visit 访友 Visiting friends 商务 Business trip 会议 Meeting 过境 Transit 任职就业 Employment 记者常驻 As resident journalist 记者临时采访 As journalist for temporary news coverage 常驻外交 领事官员 As resident diplomat or consul 商业演出 Commercial performance 执行乘务 As crew member 留学 Study 官方访问 Official visit 一次入境 ( 自申请日起 3 个月内有效 ) One entry valid for 3 months from application 二次入境 ( 自申请日起 3-6 个月内有效 ) Two entries valid for 3 to 6 months from application 半年多次入境 ( 自申请日起半年内有效 )Multiple entries valid for 6 months from application 一年多次入境 ( 自申请日起一年内有效 )Multiple entries valid for 12 months from application 2.3 首次行程抵达中国的日期 Date of your first entry 2.4 预计行程中单次在华停留的最长天数 Your longest intended stay among all entries of your intended visits in China 详细邮政地址 Detailed mailing address 2.5 在中国逗留期 1. 间的住址及电话 ( 按时间顺序 ) Residence(s) and 2. phone number(s) during your stay in China (in a time 3. sequence) 4. Days 电话 2.6 谁将承担往返中国及在中国的费用?Who will pay for your cost of travelling and living during your stay in China? 你本人 Yourself 邀请单位或个人 Inviter 父母或法定监护人 Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) 2.7 在华期间有无医疗保险? 如有, 请填写保险公司名称及保险账号 Do you have medical insurance covering your visit in China? If Yes, please fill out the name of the medical insurance company and your account number. 2.8 在华邀请 联系的单位名称 地址及电话 Name, address and phone number of your inviter or contact unit in China 2.9 在华亲友 联系人的姓名 地址 电话 Name, address, phone number of your relative, friend or contact person in China 第 2 页共 4 页 / Page 2 of 4

4 三 家庭 工作或学习信息 Section 3: Information about your family, work or study 3.1 详细家庭邮政住址 Detailed home mailing address 3.2 家庭电话 Home phone number 3.4 电子信箱 address 3.3 手机号码 Mobile phone number 3.5 工作单位或学校 Current employer or school 名称 Name 邮政地址 Mailing address 电话 姓名 Name 国籍 Nationality 职业 Occupation 关系 Relationship 3.6 主要家庭成员 Major family members 3.7 紧急情况下的联系人 Contact person in case of emergency 3.8 电话号码 Contact person s phone number 四 其他情况 Section 4: Other information 4.1 是否曾经访问过中国? 如果是, 请说明最近一次情况 Have you ever visited China before? If Yes, please specify date, places and purpose of the recent visit. 4.2 在过去的 12 个月里是否访问过其他国家或地区 如果是, 请说明 Have you ever visited other countries or territories in the last 12 months? If yes, please specify date, name of countries or territories and purpose of the visits. 4.3 是否曾在中国超过签证或居留许可允许的期限停留? Have you ever overstayed your visa or residence permit in China? 4.4 是否曾经被拒绝颁发中国签证, 或被拒绝进入中国? Have you ever been refused a visa for China, or been refused entry into China? 4.5 是否在中国或其他国家有违法记录? Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? 4.6 是否患有以下任一种疾病 Are you affiliated with any of the following diseases? 1 严重精神疾病 Serious mental disorder 2 传染性肺结核病 Infectious pulmonary tuberculosis 3 可能对公共卫生造成危害的其他传染病 Other infectious disease of public health hazards 4.7 近 30 日内是否前往过流行性疾病传染的国家或地区? Did you visit countries or territories infected by infectious diseases in the last 30 days? 第 3 页共 4 页 / Page 3 of 4

5 4.8 如果对 4.3 到 4.7 的任何一个问题选择 是, 请在下面详细说明 If you select Yes to any questions from 4.3 to 4.7, please give details below. 五 有关声明 Section 5: Relevant declaration 5.1 如计划赴中国工作 留学, 或使用的护照上有一同旅行的携行人, 或是在非国籍国申请签证, 请填写签证申 请表附表 (Form V.2011B), 与本表一同递交 If you are seeking to work or study in China, or if someone else travelling with you shares the same passport with you, or if you are making this visa application in a country or territory other than the country of your nationality, please fill out the Supplementary Visa Application Form (Form V.2011B) and submit with this application form. 5.2 如果有本表未涉及而需专门陈述的其他与签证申请相关的事项, 请在此说明 If you have more information about your visa application other than the above to declare, please give details below. 六 签名 Section 6: Signature 6.1 我已阅读并理解此表所有内容要求, 并对照片及填报情况的真实性和准确性负责 I have read and understood all the questions in this application. I shall be fully responsible for the answers and the photo, which are true and correct. 6.2 我理解, 能否获得签证 获得何种签证 入境次数以及有效期 停留期等将由领事官员决定, 任何不实 误导或填写不完整均可能导致签证申请被拒绝或被拒绝进入中国 I understand that whether to issue a visa, type of visa, number of entries, validity and duration of each stay will be decided by consular officers, and any false, misleading or incomplete statement may result in the refusal of a visa for or denial of entry into China. 申请人签名 日期 Applicant s signature: Date :. 注 : 未满 18 周岁的未成年人可由父母或监护人代签 Note: Parent or guardian may sign on behalf of a minor aged less than 18 years. 七 他人代填申请表时填写以下内容 Section 7:If the application form is completed by another person on the applicant s behalf, please fill out the following: 7.1 代填申请表人的姓名 7.2 与申请人关系 Name of the person Relationship to completing this form on the applicant the applicant s behalf 7.3 地址 Address 7.4 电话 7.5 所持身份证件种类 7.6 证件号码 Type of ID document Number of ID 7.7 声明 Declaration 我声明本人是根据申请人要求而协助填表, 并证明申请人理解并确认表中所填写内容准确无误 I declare that I have assisted in the completion this form at the request of the applicant and the applicant understands and agrees that the information provided is correct. 代填人签名 /Signature: 日期 /Date :. 以下仅供领事官员填写 Official use only 签证种类有效期停留期 审核人日期备注 第 4 页共 4 页 / Page 4 of 4

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Form V.2013 中华人民共和国签证申请表 Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China (For the Mainland of China only) 申请人必须如实 完整 清楚地完整 清楚地填写本表格 请逐项在空白处用中文

Form V.2013 中华人民共和国签证申请表 Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China (For the Mainland of China only) 申请人必须如实 完整 清楚地完整 清楚地填写本表格 请逐项在空白处用中文 if CHINA VISA CHECKLIST FOR UNON-US CITIZENS UREQUIRED 1. PASSPORT You will submit actual passport to our office. Also, any other passports with previous visas for China, even if expired, must be submitted.

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