幻灯片 1

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1 Application of GIS in Rapid Mapping -the Vulnerability and Risk Mapping in China Prof. Wang Yingjie Deaprtment of Cartography Geo-pattern Analysis Institute of Geographical Sciences Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing,

2 Contents 1 Click Main to concepts add Title of rapid mapping 2 Click Inventory add mapping Title 13 Click Disaster to add mapping Title system design 24 Click Practice to add and Title case studies 15 Click Discussions to add Title

3 Concepts Macro mapping national or regional Micro mapping---large scale mapping Direct mapping---image interpretation and field mapping In-direct mapping---based on certain models and other approaches

4 concepts Inventory mapping Susceptibility mapping Hazard Mapping

5 concepts Rapid mapping: Mapping environment, data availability, data accuracy, user demands, map type, data transfer, direct mapping, in-direct mapping, methodology, etc. Urgent mapping: Emergency mapping:

6 Methods for disaster inventory Image interpretation (Semi) automatic classification Based on spectral information Based on historical information Field investigation Archive studies Dating methods Monitoring networks ISL 2004

7 The applications of different resolution images for disaster mapping---image selection and assessment Urban disaster Sub-urban and town Rural disaster QuickBird 0.5 米 P5 2.5 米 ETM 米 urban(hi-density ) Sharp in lane, road, building, green land, garden, cross, drainage, etc. town(medium density ) Sharp in main road,main building main square, lake, landuse, etc. rural(loose density) Sharp in land, hill, mountain main river, lake, field, main road etc.

8 The applications of different resolution images for disaster mapping---image selection and assessment Landslide--large scale landslide medium scale landslide small scale Aerial photograph Spot Landsat TM Large scale Medium scale Small scale Detail landslide distribution, sharp landuse and its surrounding environment Sharp landslide distribution and landuse type Dot distribution and its topographical background

9 Different remote sensing data for landslide Lithology geological structure TM/ETM+ Regional landslide inventory SPOT/ ISR-P5 Detail landslide identification Hazard and risk analysis QUICKBIRD/ AIR PHOTO

10 The approaches and steps for: image +basic geographic information Input image geodata Delineation disaster boundary Specific delineation Coding and attribute built Landuse infrastructure 10

11 Mapping platform design Data gathering Desktop Mapping system PDA data Mapping system C/S based Management analysis system Mapping system Data management analysis Web based mapping system Web based disaster gathering system B/S based Distribution system Data distribution

12 Desktop mapping system Boundary Topology infrastructur e Data inpu print Desktop mapping system 系统用户 Local investigator Town investgator county office Using in remote area disaster mapping without internet connecti on

13 Interface of Mapping system as a case for census block mapping Boundary delineation Attribute construction Topologic checking Map editing and print

14 Web based mapping system topology Boundary infrastructur e data input Data up/down load Web based Mapping system 系统用户 local investigator town county prefecture Online mapping only for those areas having internet connecti on output province

15 Web-based mapping system interface

16 New town New beichuan middle school landslide:the volume was about 5 million m 3 Old town By Tang Chuan Wangjiayan landslide:the sliding mass consisted of about 7 million m3 of metamorhpic rocks

17 PDA(mobile phone)data gathering system PDA ( 手机 ) mapping system GPS based disaster mapping Damage reporting Data reporting 系统用户 Local investig ator Local office Using highly compl icated area for data check ing report ing mobile phones used by the system Field device used by Ministry of Land Resources

18 Online disaster investigation system design Template design Web 在线灾害调查数据采集系统 Data input edit Data input output Data browser User right Office right 系统用户 local investigator Town office county office City office province office Mainly for disaster Investiga tion based the designed table or template

19 Main interface and template design Log in Investigation template design table Data statistics Data input

20 Geohazards inventory sheets (by ministry of Land Resources)

21 C/S based data management system 国国国 national provincial 地地 地地地 prefecture

22 C/S based data management system

23 C/S based statistical mapping software 23

24 Map visualization

25 Online map distribution system 90 Thematic mapping data management analysis Online distribution East West North National office Provincial office Local office 50% 70% 160% 230% 100% 150% 380% 300%

26 Map symbol selection Indicator selection Map parameter editing Symbol editing 26

27 Map distribution system Grid data distribution 点缓冲区分析 以天安门为中心,10 公里为半径建立缓冲区 将缓冲区和北京市 1 公里格网人口数据进行 叠置分析, 得到 : 天安门 10 公里缓冲区内 人口总数为 800 万左右 W e b b a s e d s y s t e m Related background maps Grid Based maps Map navigation GUI Thematic maps Statistic diagram WMS/WFS service KML service 3-D GUI Atlas integration Statistic diagram 线缓冲区分析以北京市北五环为中心,5 公里半径缓冲区内的人口为 : Data atlas publisher 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所

28 Environmental Factors Triggering Factors Disaster Inventory Elements at Risk topography Soil Morphology Geomorphology Land cover (time 0) Land cover (time n) Hydrology (time 0) Hydrology (time n) Earthquake data Weather data (t=0) Weather data (t=n) Time 0 Time n Buildings Roads Land use Essential facilities Cadastral data Census data A Spatial modeling of disaster initiation Magnitude - Frequency analysis susceptibility assessment Scenario development Population (time 0) B Initiation hazard (Type a) (Type n) Runout hazard (Type a) (Type n) Magnitude loss relationships Population (time n) C Hazard X Vulnerability X Amount Specific Risk Total Risk Loss (type) / time Loss (type) / time All disaster types All disaster volumes All triggering events All elements at risk D

29 Main methods for hazard assessment Inventory based Historic studies Multi-temporal images Validation Input With event-based inventories Input Validation Probabilistic methods Parameter uncertainty Temporal probability Size/volume probability Runout probability Validation Best link Knowledge driven/heuristic Direct Mapping Geomorphological hazard maps Indirect Mapping Boolean Logic Fuzzy logic Multiclass overlay Spatial multi criteria evaluation Data driven: Bivariate statistics Weights of evidence Information value Frequency ratio Multi-variate statistics Logistic regression Discriminant analysis Cluster analysis Artificial Neural Networks Physically based models Static methods Infinite slope based Profile based Dynamic methods Initiation models Groundwater Seismic acceleration Runout models 2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional Qualitative methods ISL 2004 (by Cees van Western) Quantitative methods

30 Practice and case studies Project: National Scale of Vulnerability and Risk Zonation and Mapping of Natural Hazards in China Budget: 90 millions RMB Duration: Support: Ministry of Science and Technology of China Chinese Academy of Sciences Implementation: Institute of Geographical Sciences Natural resources Research with others

31 Main structure of the project Indicators, models and 1:1 millions vulnerability and risk map database in China P2:Indicators models for typhoon,storm,floods and drought P1:vulnerable environment zonation P6:indicators and models for natural hazard risk assessment in China P3:indicators models for earthquake P5:indicators and models for vulnerability P4:indicators models for landslide debris flow P7:indicators and models for natural hazard risk assessment in Yangtze delta P8:Natural hazard fighting measures 课题内容主要产出 课题 1 课题 2 课题 3 课题 4 课题 5 课题 6 课题 7 课题 8 中国重大自然灾害孕险区划 气象水文灾害 ( 台风 暴雨 洪涝 ) 风险评价指标体系与模型 重大地震灾害风险评价指标体系与模型 重大滑坡 泥石流风险评价指标体系与模型 承险脆弱性综合评估指标体系与模型 重大自然灾害风险损失等级评估指标体系与模型 长三角地区自然灾害风险等级评估指标体系与模型 自然灾害风险防范评价体系 自然环境与社会经济数据库, 背景灾害风险数据库 1:100 万重大气象水文致险因子危险性综合评估图 1:100 万强震致险因子危险性等级分布图 强震灾害危险等级分布图 强震灾害风险等级分布图 1:100 万综合重大滑坡 泥石流致险因子危险性综合评估图 1:100 万综合灾害风险脆弱性等级评估图 1:100 万综合灾害风险损失等级评估图 1:10 万综合灾害风险损失等级评估图 指标体系模型

32 Physical Environment data 32

33 Database construction Geological database(1:50 万 1:250 万和 1:500 万 ) Hydro-geologic database(1:600 万 ) Soil database(1:100 万 ) Landuse(1:100 万,1: 25 万 ) DEM(GTOPO30,SRTM3) Social economic database Geomorphology databse (1:100 万 ) Climate database(grid based) MODIS database Population database (polygon and grid based) Vegetation database(1:100 万 ).. 中国数字地貌

34 Database construction Data gathering and database consrtuction: 1: ,1: ,1: basic geographical data preparation 1:50000 DEM based slope, drainage and other geo-fissure generations Grid based Slope steepness

35 Terrain roughness grid based

36 Input geo-factors for hazard mapping

37 1km*1km datasets for hazard mapping

38 Settlement Prefecture-village

39 50000 townships villages

40 1km*1km settlement data generation 1km*1km landuse for stettlement County house area House area per 1km*1km

41 Historical disaster maps 41

42 Social economic data Different scales of administration database County map Provincial,prefecture, county,town social economic database for more than 100 indexes town Spatial scales By county indicator 地区生产总值 人均地区生产能总值 全社会固定资产投资 地方财政收入 地方财政支出 社会消费品零售总额 农林牧渔业总产值 常用耕地面积 农作物总播种面积 粮食作物播种面积 粮食总产量 规模以上工业总产值 按行政级别自上而下切分 village Natural village 自下而上标绘成果的审核 农村居民人均纯收入 城镇职工平均工资 By prefecture 农村人均住房面积 By province 油气田数量与油产量原煤 焦炭生产量矿山企业数量 建筑物 building

43 landuse

44 Forest Cultivated land

45 Road

46 Vulnerable element database Vulnerable element indicators 1 Pop 2 Finance 3 Economy 4 Agri 5 Remains 6 7 Infra sustaina bility Company Logo

47 Population indicators 统计数据库树状指标 Indicator tree 学教育 消费支出 户数 人口数表地名总户数 ( 户 ) 家庭户数 ( 户 ) 集体户数 ( 户 ) 总人口数 ( 人 ) 男性人口数 ( 人 ) 女性人口数 ( 人 ) 男女性别比 (%) 县级 / 省级 人口 Population 就业 住房 家庭 Employment, housing, household 经济 Economy 综合 能源 交通 Energy, transporta tion 建设 Construction 设施 住宅 用水 Facility, residence, water 教育 Education 学生 学校 机构 Schools, organization, student n 个叶结点 N leaf nodes n 个叶结点 N leaf nodes n 个叶结点 N leaf nodes n 个叶结点 N leaf nodes n 个叶结点 N leaf nodes

48 Population and population density

49 Population data

50 Economic indicators We consider: GDP, Per capital GDP,GDP density, total income of industry, total income of tertiary industry, etc GDP P-GDP GDP density Value Of industry Value of service GDP:

51 Social-economic data 51

52 Assessment model construction Concepural model: R=H Ve Vs P include:h Hazard;Ve Exposure;Vs Susceptibility; P Probability Multi risk model Single hazard intensity Multi risk matrix Multi hazard intensity Regional vulnerability Multi risk map

53 Landslide in China Debris flow in Southwest China Mapped by Inst.of Mountain Research

54 Flood risk assessment in the lower reaches of Yangtze River A 十堰市 襄樊市 随州市 神农架林区 孝感市 武汉市!. 鄂州市--黄冈市 黄石市 荆门市 宜昌市 恩施市 荆州市 怀化市 岳阳市!. 鹰潭市 上饶市 抚州市 图!. 张家界市 例 省会城市 怀化市 低度损失区 吉安市!.!. 湘潭市 黄山市 图 景德镇市 南昌市 鹰潭市 杭州市 上饶市 地级市 抚州市 长江 宜春市 新余市 湖泊 - - 株洲市 萍乡市 低度损失区 吉安市 衡阳市 较轻损失区 中度损失区 郴州市 赣州市 较度损失区 极高损失区 中度损失区 郴州市 赣州市 较度损失区 极高损失区 十堰市 襄樊市 400 Km 例 省会城市!. 永州市 较轻损失区 永州市 九江市 岳阳市 邵阳市 湖泊 衡阳市 长沙市 娄底市!. 安庆市 益阳市 吉首市 地级市 咸宁市 常德市 荆州市 长江 宜春市 - 株洲市 萍乡市 新余市 邵阳市 孝感市 武汉市!. 鄂州市--黄冈市 黄石市 荆门市 宜昌市 恩施市 黄山市 景德镇市 南昌市!. 湘潭市 九江市 长沙市 娄底市 随州市 神农架林区 益阳市 吉首市 咸宁市 常德市 B 襄樊市 张家界市 ± 扬州市 南通市 滁州市 - 镇江市 南京市 常州市!. 无锡市 合肥市 苏州市 上海市!. 六安市 巢湖市!. 芜湖市 湖州市 宣城市 嘉兴市 铜陵市 杭州市 安庆市!. ± 扬州市 - 镇江市 南通市 滁州市 南京市 常州市!. 无锡市 合肥市 苏州市 上海市!. 六安市 巢湖市!. 芜湖市 湖州市 宣城市 - 嘉兴市 铜陵市 十堰市 Km 孝感市 武汉市!. 鄂州市--黄冈市 黄石市 宜昌市 恩施市 荆州市 张家界市 怀化市!.!. 湘潭市 上饶市 抚州市!. 湖州市 - 嘉兴市 杭州市 图!. 例 省会城市 地级市 长江 宜春市 新余市 湖泊 - - 株洲市 萍乡市 邵阳市 鹰潭市 ± 黄山市 景德镇市 南昌市 长沙市 娄底市 南通市 宣城市!. 九江市 无锡市 苏州市 上海市 安庆市 岳阳市 益阳市 吉首市 咸宁市 常德市 铜陵市 - C 随州市 荆门市 A: for GDP risk B: for agricultural risk C: for house risk 合肥市!. 六安市 巢湖市 芜湖市 神农架林区 扬州市 滁州市 - 镇江市 南京市 常州市!. 低度损失区 吉安市 衡阳市 较轻损失区 永州市 中度损失区 郴州市 赣州市 较度损失区 极高损失区 Mapped by Beijing Normal University Km

55 Flood hazard maps in Beijiang(left:300Y returns;right:500y retruns) (Mapped by Chinese Academy of Meteorology)

56 Susceptibility maps of floods in lower reaches of Yangze River

57 Susceptibility maps of earthquake in Shanxi Province 57

58 Case studies in typhoon and tsunami influence assessment 数据管理主界面 广东省年均降雨量广东广东人口公里格网 2000 年 1kmGDP 格网广东省年均气温 海平面上升 1 米广州风暴潮淹没区域叠加行政区划图海平面上升 3 米广州风暴潮淹没区域叠加遥感影像海平面上升 5 米广州风暴潮淹没区域叠加遥感影像 海平面上升 5 米广州风暴潮淹没区域叠加遥感影像

59 Thank you and questions!

1556 地 理 科 学 进 展 30 卷 他 关 于 农 村 住 房 结 构 与 抗 震 性 能 的 研 究, 则 多 是 从 工 程 抗 灾 的 角 度, 研 究 某 种 构 造 类 型 的 房 屋, 力 图 找 到 传 统 房 屋 的 结 构 失 误 和 新 建 房 屋 中 存 在 的 问 [

1556 地 理 科 学 进 展 30 卷 他 关 于 农 村 住 房 结 构 与 抗 震 性 能 的 研 究, 则 多 是 从 工 程 抗 灾 的 角 度, 研 究 某 种 构 造 类 型 的 房 屋, 力 图 找 到 传 统 房 屋 的 结 构 失 误 和 新 建 房 屋 中 存 在 的 问 [ 第 30 卷 第 12 期 2011 年 12 月 地 理 科 学 进 展 PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY Vol.30, No.12 Dec., 2012 中 国 农 村 地 区 住 房 结 构 的 区 域 差 异 及 其 影 响 因 素 1, 2, 李 方 一 3 1,, 高 晓 路 2 2, 王 英 杰 (1. 中 国 科 学 院 区 域 可 持 续 发 展 分 析 与 模 拟 重

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