Editors: Ronald van Kempen, Bart Wissink and Si-ming Li 後金融海嘯時期的中國與東亞經濟協作 (Economic Cooperation between China and East Asia Post Financial Tsunami)( 香

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1 Prof. Li Si-ming ( 李思名教授 ) Chair Professor in Geography Director of the David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies Ph.D. Queen's (Canada) Office: AAB1229 / DLB702B Tel : (852) Fax : (852) lisiming@hkbu.edu.hk Education Ph.D., Department of Geography, Queen's University, Canada. M.A., Department of Geography, University of Alberta, Canada. B.S., (Honors) Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin (Madison), U.S.A. Teaching Fields / Courses Taught Urban Development in China Globalization and Economics Activities Research Interests Urban-economic Geography Transport Geography Quantitative Methods Urban Housing, especially China Regional Development, especially China Urbanization and Population Mobility in China Selected Recent Publications Yuling Song, Chiang Nora and Li, S.M. (forthcoming) "The Mobility and Attachment of Displaced Residents under Urban Redevelopment Projects in Shanghai", Issues and Studies. Li, L & Li, S.M. (forthcoming) "Becoming Homeowners: the Emergence and Use of Online Neighborhood Forums in Transitional Urban China," Habitat International. Li, S.M. (forthcoming) "Housing Inequalities under Market Deepening: the Case of Guangzhou, China," forthcoming, Environment and Planning A. Special Issue: Living in Chinese Enclave Cities. Urban Geography, Vol. 33, No. 2. Guest

2 Editors: Ronald van Kempen, Bart Wissink and Si-ming Li 後金融海嘯時期的中國與東亞經濟協作 (Economic Cooperation between China and East Asia Post Financial Tsunami)( 香港 : 三聯書局,2012,17 章,344 頁 ) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishers, 2012) 李思名 黃枝連 薛鳳旋主編 (Edited by Li, S.M., Huang, C. and Sit, V.) 金融海嘯 經濟重心東移 與東亞房地產泡沫: 香港個案研究 (Financial Tsunami, Eastward Shift of Economic Centre of Gravity, and Property Bubbles in East Asia: the Case of Hong Kong) 刊於 後金融海嘯時期的中國與東亞經濟協作 (Economic Cooperation between China and East Asia Post Financial Tsunami)( 香港 : 三聯書局,2012) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishers, 2012) 李思名 黃枝連 薛鳳旋主編 (Edited by Li, S.M., Huang, C. & Victor Sit), 頁 Zhu, Y., Breitung, W. & Li, S.M. (2012) "The Changing Meaning of Neighbourhood Attachment in Chinese Commodity Housing Estates: Evidence from Guangzhou. Urban Studies, Vol. 49, No. 11, August 2012, pp Du, H. & Li, S.M. (2012) "Is It Really Just a Rational Choice? The Contribution of Emotional Attachment to Temporary Migrants' Intention to Stay in the Host City in Guangzhou," China Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring, 2012, pp Li, S.M., Zhu, Y. & Li, L. (2012) "Community Type, Gatedness and Neighbourhood Experience: A Study of Guangzhou, China," Urban Geography,Vol. 33, No. 2, 2012, pp Hui, E., Wong, F. & Li, S.M. (2011) "Integration, identity and conflicts: a cross-border perspective on residential relocation of Hong Kong citizens to mainland China," Habitat International, Vol. 35, No.1, 2011, pp Hou, Q. & Li, S.M. (2011) "Transport Infrastructure Development and Changing Spatial Accessibility in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China, ," Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 19, 2011, pp Hou, Q. & Li, S.M. 香港或廣州誰將成為大珠江三角洲地區的首位城市? 空寗可達性視角的分析 城鄉規劃 , 頁

3 新香港地理 上下冊 ( 香港 : 郊野公園之友 漁農自然護理署 天地圖書有限公司共同出版,2010)A New Geography of Hong Kong. Vol. I and II. (Hong Kong: Friends of Country Park, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, and Cosmos Books Ltd, 2010) 詹志勇 李思名 馮通主編 Edited by Jim, C.Y., Li, S.M. & Fung, T. Li, L., Li, S.M. & Chen, Y. (2010) "Better city, better life, but for whom? The hukou and resident card system and the consequential citizenship stratification in Shanghai," City, Culture and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, pp Du, H. & Li, S.M. (2010) "Migrants, Urban Villages, and Community Sentiments: A Case of Guangzhou, China," Asian Geographer, Vol. 27, Nos. 1 and 2, 2010, pp Li, S.M. (2010) "Mortgage Loan as a Means of Home Finance in Urban China: A Comparative Study of Guangzhou and Shanghai," Housing Studies, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2010, pp Li, S.M. (2010) "Evolving Residential and Employment Locations and Patterns of Commute under Hyper Growth: the Case of Guangzhou, China," Urban Studies, Vol. 47, No. 8, 2010, pp Li, S.M., Hou, Q., Chen, S. & Zhou, C. (2010) "Work, Home and Market: the Social Transformation of Housing Space in Guangzhou, China," Urban Geography. Vol. 31, No. 4, 2010, pp Li, L. & Li, S.M. (2010) "The Impact of Variations in Urban Registration within Cities", in Whyte, Martin K (ed.), One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, pp Li, S.M., Hou, Q., Chen, S. & Zhou, C. (2010) "Work, Home and Market: The Social Transformation of Housing Space in Guangzhou, China", Urban Geography, 31(4): Li, S.M. (2010) "Housing and Urban Development: Political Economy and Space ( 住房與城市發展 : 政治經濟與地理空間 )," in C Y Jim, Si-ming Li and Tong Feng, eds. A New Geography of Hong Kong, Vol. II. ( 新香港地理, 下冊 ) (Hong Kong: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR Government, 2010), pp Li, L. & Li, S.M. (2010) "The Impact of Variations in Urban Registration within Cities." In: Martin K Whyte, ed. One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary

4 China. (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2010), pp Li, S.M. (2009) 在十字路口的香港和珠江三角洲的協作關係 (Economic Coordination between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta at a Crossroads), 載 巨龍的甦醒 : 中國改革開放三十年 港澳回歸 與東亞發展新範式 第十二屆中華經濟協作系統國際會議論文集 (The Awakening of the Dragon: China's Thirty Years of Reform, the Return of Hong Kong and Macau, and New Development Paradigms in East Asia), 李思名 黃枝連 馮氏惠 陳東林主編 (Li, S.M., Huang, C.L., Phung, T.H. & Chen, D.L.), 澳門 : 澳門大學出版中心 (Universidade De Macau), 頁 , Nov 2009 Wang, D. & Li, S.M. (2009) "Transportation and Geography", Proceedings of the 14th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, Volume 1 & 2, Li, S.M., Huang, C.L., Phung, T.H. & Chen, D.L. (2009) 巨龍的甦醒: 中國改革開放三十年 港澳回歸 與東亞發展新範式 第十二屆中華經濟協作系統國際會議論文集, 澳門 : 澳門大學出版中心, 共 336 頁, 2009 年 11 月 Li, S.M. (2009) "Housing Inequality in Urban China: Guangzhou 1996 and 2005", Espaces Populations Sociétés, (3): Wong, K.K. & Li, S.M. (2009) The Changing Aquatic Environment in the PRD Region, in Wong, K.K. (ed), Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., pp Li, S.M. (2009) Hong Kong s Changing Economy in National and Global Contexts, in Wong, K.K. (ed), Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., pp Li, S.M. (2009) The Pearl River Delta: the Fifth Asian Little Dragon?, in Wong, K.K. (ed), Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., pp 持續與變遷: 當代中國的政經 社會和空間發展 (Continuity and Change: The Political Economy, Society and Spatial Development of Contemporary China), 香港 : 香港教育圖書公司,19 章, 共 480 頁

5 Li, S.M. & Song, Y.L. (2009) Redevelopment, Displacement, Housing Conditions, and Residential Satisfaction: A Study of Shanghai, Environmental and Planning A, 41(5): Li, S.M. & Li, L (2008) 中國城鎮住房制度改革: 回顧與評價 (Reform of China's Urban Housing Provision System: Review and Assessments), 載 持續與變遷 : 當代中國的政經 社會和空間發展 (Continuity and Change: The Political Economy, Society and Spatial Development of Contemporary China), 李思名 陳峰 邵一鳴主編, 香港 : 香港教育圖書公司, 頁 (in Chinese) Li, S.M., Chen, F. & Siu, Y.M. (2008) 中國的城市化與城市發展 (Urbanization and Urban Development in China), 載 持續與變遷 : 當代中國的政經 社會和空間發展, (Continuity and Change: The Political Economy, Society and Spatial Development of Contemporary China), 李思名 陳峰 邵一鳴主編, 香港 : 香港教育圖書公司, 頁 (in Chinese) Li, S.M. (2007) Transition to Homeownership: Implications for Wealth Redistribution, in Wu, Fulong (ed.), China s Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism, London: Routledge, pp 王效平 李思名及饒美蛟 (2007) 新世紀東亞經濟合作 (Economic Cooperation in East Asia in the Twenty-First Century), 香港 : 中國評論學術出版社, 第 36 章, 共 465 頁 (in Chinese) 王效平 李思名及饒美蛟 (2007) 泛珠三角 區域化與香港 (Pan Pearl River Delta, Regionalization and Hong Kong), 載 新世紀東亞經濟合作 (Economic Cooperation in East Asia in the Twenty-First Century), 香港 : 中國評論學術出版社,2007 年 8 月, 頁 (in Chinese) Li, S.M. & Zhang, Y. (2007) 中國城市遷居與城市變遷 回顧與前瞻 (Residential Mobility and Urban Change in China: Retrospect and Prospects), 載 轉型與重構 : 中國城市發展多維透視 (Transition and Restructuring: Multi-Dimension Perspectives on Urban Development in China), 吳縛龍 馬潤潮 張京祥主編, 南京 : 東南大學出版社, 頁 (in Chinese) Li, S.M. & Yi, Z. (2007) "The Road to Homeownership Under Market Transition: Beijing,

6 ", Urban Affairs Review, 42(3): Li, S.M. & Wong, K.K. Kenneth (2007) "Urbanisation et risques environnementaux dans le delta de la riviere des Perles ( Urbanization and Pearl River Delta s Changing Aquatic Environment), Herodote: revue de geographie et de geopolitique, 125: (in French). Lau, K.M. & Li, S.M. (2006) "Commercial Housing Affordability in Beijing, ", Habitat International, 30(3): Li, S.M. & Huang, Y (2006) (Journal Guest-edited Issue) "Theme Issue: China s Emerging Housing Market: Housing Behaviours Under Changing Policy Contexts", Housing Studies, 21(5). Li, S.M. (2006) " 泛珠三角 ": 一國之內的經濟區域化? (Pan-Pearl River Delta: Economic Regionalization within a Country?), 載 城市規劃 (City Planning Review), 第 227 期, 頁 Li, S.M. (2006) "China's Changing Urban Space: Review and Synthesis", Issues and Studies, 41(4): Wang, D. & Li, S.M. (2006). "Housing Reform, Socio-economic Differentials, and Stated Housing Preferences in Guangzhou, China", Habitat International, 30(2): Li, S.M., Wang, D. & Law, Y.T. (2005) "Life Course and Residential Mobility in Guangzhou", Urban Geography, 26(7): Li, S.M. (2006) "The Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai Bridge Controversy and Hong Kong's Changing Hub Position", in Anthony Yeh, G.O., Victor Sit, F.S., Chen Guanghan & Zhou Yunyuan (eds.), Developing a Competitive Pearl River Delta in South China under One Country-Two System, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp Nyaw, M.K., Li, S.M. & Shi, Y. (2006) (Editor) 區域經濟合作 -- CEPA 與珠三角及長三角 'CEPA, Greater Pearl River Delta, Yangtze Delta, and Regional Economic Cooperation', 饒美蛟 李思名 施岳群主編, 香港 : 商務印書館,34 章, 共 500 頁 Li, S.M. (2006) 中國區域發展與省際人口遷移: 第四次和第五次人口普查資料分析比較 'Inter-provincial Migration and Regional Development in China: A Comparative Analysis

7 of the 4th and 5th Population Census', 載饒美蛟 李思名 施岳群主編 區域經濟合作 -- CEPA 與珠三角及長三角 (CEPA, Greater Pearl River Delta, Yangtze Delta, and Regional Economic Cooperation), 香港 : 商務印書館, 頁 Li, S.M. & Li, L. (2005) 轉型期中國城市居民生命歴程和住房權屬變化研究 : 以廣州為例 > 'Life Course of Urban Dwellers and Housing Tenure Change in China: The Case of Guangzhou', 載涂肇慶主編, 挑戰與機遇:21 世紀兩岸四地的人口變遷 (Challenges and Opportunities: Population Change in Greater China), 北京 : 中國人口出版社, 頁


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