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1 會議報告 ( 會議類別 : 其他 ) 3GPP RAN Plenary #64 Meeting 會議報告 出席人員 : 陳瓊璋派赴地區 : 法國 Sophia Antipolis 會議期間 :103 年 6 月 8 日至 6 月 15 日報告日期 :103 年 6 月 30 日

2 摘要 本次 3GPP RAN Plenary #64 會議於 6 月在法國的 Sophia Antipolis ETSI 總部舉行, 本團隊依規劃有一位成員出席, 此行主要任務包括參與 CA LTE-U SDL 等議案討論, 並關注新的 SI 和 WI, 以掌握 3GPP 標準現況與技術發展趨勢 本次會議針對 LTE-U 議題, 特別於周五下午舉辦半天的 workshop, 討論非常熱烈, 預計將成為 R13 SI/WI, 值得提前佈局 另外針對近來非常熱門的 NFV/SDN 技術, 本次會議有提案建議成立新的工作項目來探討, 討論後 3GPP 目前決定先由 SA5 從網管的觀點來評估 NFV/SDN 技術對網路的影響與衝擊, 再來決定後續的行動方案, 值得後續觀察 本次會議另一個爭議較大的議題是 TDD SDL 技術, 提案建議增加 TDD 10:0:0 的組態, 討論後決議至下次會議繼續討論, 有機會成為 R13 的新 feature, 對於 LTE FDD-TDD CA 的運作與營運方式有重大影響, 值得後續觀察 1

3 目 錄 摘要 一. 會議名稱 :... 3 二. 參加會議目的及效益 :... 3 三. 會議時間 :... 3 四. 會議地點 :... 3 ( 一 ) 會議議程... 4 ( 二 ) 會議紀要... 5 六. 心得及建議 七. 未來標準會議規劃

4 一. 會議名稱 : 3GPP RAN Plenary Meeting #64 會議 二. 參加會議目的及效益 : 此次參加在法國 Sophia Antipolis 所舉辦的 3GPP RAN Plenary #64 會議, 其目的在於推動本團隊之技術提案, 以及與國際大廠之共同技術提案納入標準技術報告 (TR) 中 同時確保已納入標準之提案完整性, 並與其他公司密切合作包括 LTE-U SDL 等相關工作項目的標準制定 本次出國主要完成任務如下 : 參與 Rel-13 技術討論, 包括 CA LTE-U SDL 議案討論, 並關注新的 SI 和 WI, 以掌握 3GPP 標準現況與技術發展趨勢 報告本團隊所發表之文章 與其他大廠接觸以討論合作項目 追蹤 3GPP 會議相關工作項目的規格制定方向及進度 三. 會議時間 : 2014/6/10 ~ 2014/6/13 四. 會議地點 : 法國 Sophia Antipolis ETSI 650 Route des Lucioles Sophia Antipolis Cedex FRANCE Phone:

5 五. 會議摘要 : 會議議程及會議紀要 ( 一 ) 會議議程 3GPP RAN Plenary Meeting #64 法國 Sophia Antipolis, 10 Jun 13 Jun 2014 ITU-R AI 7 Come Backs Reports & LSs (AI 5, 6)9 am WG Reports (AI 8) SRs (AI 9-13) SRs (AI 9-13) AI Lunc break Lunch break Lunch break Lunc break 2 pm UE cap. (AI 15) WG Reports (AI 8) SRs (AI 9-13) workshop 5.30 pm Come Backs New items AI 14) 7 pm Charity run ( 二 ) 會議議程 : 議程時間分配本次會議探討的議題主要包括 : R10/R11/R12 既有議題討論 ITU-R/GSMA/FCC 以及其他 3GPP TSG 寄來的 Liaison Statement (LS) 討論處理 CA LTE-U SDL 等 New SI/WI 討論 部分議題會議紀要如下 4

6 ( 三 ) 會議紀要 Liaison from Outside 3GPP Group 會議開始先討論外部單位給大會的 Liaison, 包括有 NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks) BBF (Broadband Forum) TDIA (Telecommunication Development Industry Alliance) GTI (Global TD-LTE Initiative) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) GSMA (Global System for Mobile Communications Association) FCC (Federal Communications Commission) 等, 摘要說明如下 : RP : `` LS on the proposal of new Supplemental Downlink for LTE TDD from TDIA TDIA 組織建議 3GPP 暫不要通過 TDD-LTE SDL (Supplemental Downlink) 10:0:0/9:1:0 的組態, 主要的原因包括 : SDL 0:0:0/9:1:0 組態因為沒有 uplink subframe, 因此沒有 Duplexing 的概念, 與 ITU 定義的 FDD/TDD 不符合 SDL 0:0:0/9:1:0 組態因為 uplink subframe, 因此會與 TDD 業者產生嚴重 inter-operator 干擾 3.5GHz LTE TDD ecosystem 尚未成熟, 此時推動將影響既有 TDD 系統的發展 RP : `` LS on proposal of Supplemental Downlink for TD-LTE from GTI from GTI 本 LS 由 GTI 所提的 contribution 與上一件類似, 都是建議 3GPP 暫不要通過 TDD-LTE SDL (Supplemental Downlink) 10:0:0/9:1:0 的組態, 其所持的理由也類似, 除了以上所列理由外, 並增加 : TDD-LTE SDL (Supplemental Downlink) 10:0:0 組態無法單獨存 5

7 在, 因此可能有 backward compatibility 問題 RP : `` LS on Priority Development of 3GPP Mobile Location Accuracy Standards from FCC 本 LS 是美國 FCC 寫給 3GPP, 說明 FCC 對於 Public Safety 與緊急狀況用戶位置定位在法規上的需求, 包括室內定位的需求在內, 因此希望 3GPP 能持續並加速訂定相關的 Public Safety 與戶位置定位相關技術規格 RP : `` LS on Areas of Mutual Interest to 802 LMSC and 3GPP from IEEE 本 LS 是 IEEE 組織給 3GPP 的一封信, 希望雙方能召開 Tele Conference, 探討在行動領域雙方有無進一步合作的機會 但有些公司傾向認為既有的 Liaison 制度已經可以達到雙方溝通的效果, 毋須召開電話會議 : RP : `` LS on Publication of GSMA HD Voice Logo Technical Annex F for Mobile Networks and Terminals for the usage of the HD voice logo with LTE from GSMA 本 LS 是 GSMA 組織給 3GPP 的一份參考文件, 內容是 GSMA 最近出版, 統計目前全球有關 LTE 網路與終端支援 HD Voice 的現況, 僅供參考並於特別需求 RP : `` LS on consolidated operator view on ecomp standardization from NGMN 本 LS 是 NGMN 組織給 3GPP 的一份文件, 內容是表達 NGMN 組織內對於 Non-Ideal Backhaul (NIB) inter-enb CoMP 的看法和需求 本文件說明 NGMN 的 operator 有很大的共識, 希望能盡速於 R12 完成 NIB inter-enb CoMP 的技術規制定, 希望 3GPP 能加速完成 6

8 Time units TSG RAN WG Status Report 此部分分別由 RAN1~RAN5 的主席報告各自工作群組的工作進度, 摘要說如下 : RP : `` Status Report RAN WG1 from WG1 RAN1 主席報告 RAN1 主要 SI/WI 的工作進度如下 : Title Completion level % Target completion date RAN1 Overall Agreed Proposed Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced WI RAN#64 RAN#64 RP Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation WI RAN#64 RAN#64 RP Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE WI RAN#65 RAN#65 RP LTE TDD-FDD Joint Operation WI RAN#64 RAN#64 RP LTE Coverage Enhancements WI RAN#64 RAN#64 RP Small Cell Enhancements Physical-layer Aspects WI RAN#64 RAN#65 RP LTE Device to Device Proximity Services WI RAN#65 RAN#65 RP Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE WI RAN#65 RAN#65 RP Study on 3D-channel model for Elevation Beamforming and FD-MIMO SI RAN#65 RAN#65 RP SR RAN1 主席並統計幾個主要議題在過去兩個會議所占用的 time unit 如下, 可看出 D2D 與 SCE 是過去兩個 RAN1 會議最熱烈討論的議題 Request 76bis % Actual 76bis Request 77 Actual % Request 76bis+77 Actual 76bis % +46% +96% +118% +171% -10% 0 eimta MTC TDD-FDD DC SCE D2D CoMP NAICS RAN1 主席並預估下次 RAN1 會議將占用的 time unit 如下, D2D 與 SCE 仍是主要議題 7

9 78 Available TU for Rel Already-approved SI/WIs TU 3.5 New request in RAN #64 RAN1-led RAN2-led SI/WI extension/update SI/WI extension/update Total request in RAN # Deficit 0.0 WI Title SI/WI App WID 78 RAN1-led - LTE TDD-FDD CA joint operation WI 1 RP SCE Physical Layer WI 1 RP D Channel Model SI 1 RP MTC Low Cost WI 1 RP eimta WI 1 RP D2D WI 1 RP NW assisted IC for LTE WI 1 RP RAN2-led - SCE Higher Layer WI 1 RP 最後 RAN1 主席結論如下 : RAN1 規格在 R11 與 R11 以前已相當穩定 RAN1 R12 規格的進度持續在規劃中進展 預計在今年第三季可順利完成 R12 相關規格 RP : `` Status Report RAN WG2 from WG2 RAN2 主席報告 RAN2 主要 SI/WI 的工作進度如下 : SI/WI Name Status Target Status report WID WI: WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking 80% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: MTC Enhancements (SDDTE & UEPCOP) 90% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: Dual Connectivity 50% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: Het-Net mobility enhancements 97% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: MBMS Operations Support 80% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: Smart Congestion Mitigation 20% Sep. 14 RP RP WI: Further EUL 78% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: SIB Enhancements 70% Jun. 14 RP RP WI: UMTS HNETNET Mobility Enh. 100% Jun. 14 RP RP

10 RAN2 主席結論如下 : ProSe 與 Dual Connectivity 對於 RAN2 規格有很大的影響 其他為數不少的 WI 也占用相當可觀的會議時間 預計在今年第三季可順利完成 R12 相關規格 有些從 RAN1 來的 WI 有些延遲 要在今年 12 月前完成 stage 3 的規格制定是相當挑戰的, 特別是 ProSe 與 Dual Connectivity 依目前進度,RAN2 要在 2015 年 Q1 前啟動 R13 的標準制定工作是不太可能的 RP : `` Status Report RAN WG3 from WG3 RAN3 主席報告 RAN3 主要 SI/WI 的工作進度如下 : Name WI/SI Status TCD Status report Further enhancements for HeNB mobility-x2-gw WI 100% RAN#64 RP Public Warning System - Reset/Failure/Restart in Warning Message Delivery in LTE WI 100% RAN#63 RP LTE-HRPD Inter RAT SON WI 100% RAN#64 RP Inter-eNB CoMP for LTE WI 65% RAN#64 RP Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in E-UTRA WI WI 100% RAN#64 RP Study on Mobile Relay for E-UTRA SI 100% RAN#64 RP Study Item on next-generation SON for UTRA and LTE SI 100% RAN#64 RP Study on Energy Saving Enhancement for E-UTRAN SI 100% RAN#64 RP RAN Aspects of RAN Sharing Enhancements SI 100% RAN#64 RP Study on Multi-RAT Joint coordination SI 30% RAN#66 RP Status = reported completion level to RAN TCD = target completion date (given in target RAN meeting number) TCD Updated Status Report discussion needed or WI/SI update RAN3 主席並統計幾個主要議題在過去會議所占用的 time unit 如下, 可 看出 X2-GW ES NSON 是 RAN3 會議最熱烈討論的議題 9

11 TU for active WI/SI Only Other MRJC RANSh ES NSON MRn HetNet-E ESIB EUL MTC2 DC 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% %TU Consumption %Completion %Contributions 40% 20% Completed extension 0% X2-GW PWS HSON-W ecomp RFPM MRn NSON ES RANSh MRJC RAN3 主席結論如下 : RAN3 原則每次會議只有 12 TI 的空間 由於許多公司代表只有一人, 因此 parallel meeting 並不受歡迎 目前 RAN3 workload 處於可控制的狀態 預計在今年第三季可順利完成 R12 相關規格 RP : `` Status Report RAN WG4 from WG4 10

12 RAN4 主席報告 RAN4 主要 Spectrum-Related SI/WI 的工作進度如 下 : Name (revised finish dates by red font, green highlights for completed WIs) Start_Date Finish_Date Status Report Completion Rel-12 WI (Inter-band CA for 2DL) Red = new WI Performance WI Core / Performance Core/Perf LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 3 12/ /2014 RP /30 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7 09/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 11 09/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 28 12/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 20 03/ /2014 RP /- % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 12 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 27 12/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 13 03/ /2014 RP /10 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 20 03/ /2014 RP /- % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 22 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 11 09/ /2014 RP /60 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 27 12/ /2014 RP /10 % LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 41and Band 42 03/ /2014 RP /0 % Rel-12 WI (Intra-band contiguous CA) LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 7 (2DL/2UL) 12/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 27 (2DL/1UL) / Core part closed 12/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 40 for 3DL 03/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3DL 09/ /2014 RP /30 % LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 (2DL/2UL) 12/ /2014 RP /100 % Rel-12 WI (Intra-band non-contiguous CA) LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 2 for 2DL 09/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 23 for 2DL / Core part closed 06/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 25 for 2DL 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 41 for 3DL 12/ /2014 RP /30 % LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 42 for 2DL 12/ /2014 RP /100 % Rel-12 WI (2UL inter-band CA ) LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A1 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A2 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A3 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A4 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced dual uplink inter-band Carrier Aggregation Class A5 03/ /2014 RP /0 % Rel-12 WI (2UL intra-band non-contiguous CA ) LTE Advanced Non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work requirements 06/ /2014 RP /- % LTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 4 06/ /2014 RP /0 % Name (revised finish dates by red font, green highlights for completed WIs) Start_Date Finish_Date Status Report Completion Rel-12 WI (Inter-band CA for 3DL) Red = new WI Performance WI Core / Performance Core/Perf Additional BW combinations for LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation to support 3DL fallback 03/ /2104 RP /- % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 5 12/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 8 12/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 20 12/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 3 and Band 26 03/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 5 and Band 7 12/ /2014 RP /80 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 7 and Band 20 12/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 18 and Band 28 03/ /2015 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 1, Band 19 and Band 21 03/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 2 and Band 5 03/ /2014 RP /10 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 2 and Band 13 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4 and Band 4 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4 and Band 5 12/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 4 and Band 13 06/ /2014 RP /95% LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /40% LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 13 03/ /2014 RP /10% LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 5 and Band 30 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 12 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 12 and Band 30 12/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 2, Band 29 and Band 30 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 3 and Band 7 03/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 7 and Band 7 03/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 7 and Band 20 12/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 3, Band 8 and Band 27 12/ /2014 RP /25 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 4 and Band 5 03/ /2014 RP /10 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 4 and Band 12 03/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 4 and Band 13 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /40 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 13 03/ /2014 RP /10 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 5 and Band 30 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 12 and Band 12 12/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 12 and Band 30 12/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 4, Band 29 and Band 30 06/ /2014 RP /95 % LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 7, Band 8 and Band 20 12/ /2014 RP /0 % Rel-12 WI (bands) LTE in the MHz Band for the United States on hold 03/ /2015 RP /5 % L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UTRA 06/ /2014 RP /100 % Rel-12 SI (bands) LTE FDD in the bands MHz and MHz 09/ /2014 RP % 2GHz FDD for UTRA and LTE in Region 1 ( MHz and MHz Bands) 12/ /2014 RP % Study on Expansion of LTE_FDD_1670_US to include MHz Band for LTE in the US 03/ /2014 RP % Non Spectrum-Related SI/WI 的工作進度如下 : 11

13 Name (revised finish dates by red font, green highlights for completed WIs) Start_Date Finish_Date Status Report Completion Rel-12 WI Red = new WI LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements (Core) 12/ /2014 RP /- % Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS) 03/ /2014 RP /20 % Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA 12/ /2015 RP /0 % Performance requirements of interference cancellation and suppression receiver for SU-MIMO (Perf) 03/ /2015 RP /35 % Rel-12 SI Study on Positioning enhancements for E-UTRA 06/ /2014 RP % Name (revised finish dates by red font, green highlights for completed WIs) Start_Date Finish_Date Status Report Completion Rel-11 WI Red = new WI Perf. WI Core/Perf Core/Perf Network-Based Positioning Support in LTE / Core part closed already 03/ /2014 RP /100 % LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements Core part closed 03/ /2014 RP /96 % Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE / Core part closed already 12/ /2014 RP /100 % Rel-12 WI Further Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced 09/ /2014 RP /60 % Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation 12/ /2014 RP /10 % Support for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA and LTE (Perf parts) 03/ /2014 RP / /100 % Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE 06/ /2015 RP /20% LTE TDD FDD CA and joint operation 06/ /2014 RP /0% Further MBMS Operations Support for E-UTRA 09/ /2014 RP /0 % UMTS Mobility enhancements for Heterogeneous Networks 09/ /2014 RP /0% Small Cell Enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN Physical-layer Aspects 12/ /2014 RP /5 % LTE Device to Device Proximity Services 03/ /2015 RP /0 % Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE 03/ /2015 RP /0 % Dual Connectivity for LTE (SCE Higher layer) 12/ /2014 RP /0 % LTE Coverage Enhancements 06/ /2014 RP /40 % DCH Enhancements for UMTS 09/ /2014 RP /30 % Further EUL enhancements for UMTS 12/ /2014 RP /20 % RAN4 主席結論如下 : 共有 93 R11/R12 WI/SI 影響 RAN4, 其中 RAN4 主導的有 76 個, 其他 WG 主導的有 17 個 17 個 WI/SI 待完成, 其中 14 個是與頻譜相關的 15 個新的 WI/SI 成立, 其中 10 個是與頻譜相關的 今年第三季前的目標是完成 R12 相關議題 RP : `` Status Report RAN WG5 from WG5 RAN5 主席報告 RAN5 主要 SI/WI 的工作進度如下 : 12

14 Work Item Rapporteur status TCD change status report Enhanced ICIC for non-ca based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE (eicic_lte- UEConTest) UE Over The Air (Antenna) - Laptop mounted eqpt Free Space test (UEAnt_FSTest-UEConTest) Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTE (COMP_LTE-UEConTest) Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE (LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-UEConTest) Uplink Transmit Diversity (ULTD) for HSPA (HSPA_UL_TxDiv-UEConTest) Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTE (eicic_enh_lte-uecontest) Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: Interference Rejection (LTE_Interf_Rej- UEConTest) LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements (LTE_CA_enh-UEConTest) Qualcomm 100% Jun-14 RP ZTE 95% Dec RP Samsung 75% Sep-14 RP Huawei 90% Sep RP Qualcomm 100% Jun-14 RP ZTE 95% Sep RP Broadcom 85% Sep RP Nokia 75% Sep RP Work Item Rapporteur status TCD change status report Further Enhancements to CELL_FACH (Cell_FACH_enh-UEConTest UID: ) Further REL-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation (LTE_CA_Rel12-UEConTest UID:610013) Split TTCN Test Models for IMS testing in TS (IMS-CCR_Test2 UID:620015) HSDPA Multiflow Data Transmission (HSDPA_MFTX-UEConTest UID:620016) UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom (LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-UEConTest UID:630011) Ericsson 45% Sep RP Nokia 40% Dec RP Spirent 90% Sep RP Qualcomm 35% Dec-14 RP ZTE 5% Jun-15 RP New SI/WI RP : `` Proposal for a configuration for Supplemental Downlink for TD-LTE from DoCoMo 本提案是是希望增加 TDD-LTE SDL (Supplemental Downlink) 10:0:0 的組態 ( 如下表組態 7): 13

15 Uplink-downlink Downlink-to-Uplink Subframe number configuration Switch-point periodicity ms D S U U U D S U U U 1 5 ms D S U U D D S U U D 2 5 ms D S U D D D S U D D 3 10 ms D S U U U D D D D D 4 10 ms D S U U D D D D D D 5 10 ms D S U D D D D D D D 6 5 ms D S U U U D S U U D 7 - D D D D D D D D D D 其好處是 10:0:0 組態可以將 DL 的傳輸速度最大化, 對於日漸增加的 DL 訊務助益最大 RP : `` New SI proposal: Study on Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE from Ericsson, Qualcomm, Huawei 本提案是希望增加 LTE 應用在 5GHz unlicensed band 的研究 如下 圖所示, 利用既有 LTE CA 的技術框架, 將 CA 延伸至 5GHz unlicensed band, 可以有效的提高系統 throughput ( 如下圖 ) 14

16 LTE over unlicensed band 主要的應用情境如下所示, 在主要 Licensed LTE 載波的協助下進行 Small Cell (indoor or outdoor) capacity improvement 的應 用 RP : `` New SI proposal: Study on E-UTRAN and WLAN aggregation from Qualcomm 本提案是希望能增加 LTE 與 WiFi 在 RLC level 做 Channel Aggregation 的研究項目 如下圖所示, 雖然現存有一些在 application layer 與 TCP layer 做 LTE+ WiFi Channel Aggregation 的技術, 但 RLC layer 的 15

17 LTE+ WiFi Channel Aggregation 具有更多的好處, 包括 : 可以根據 RF 狀況來做資源調度 可以做 load balance 可以達到更高的系統 throughput 對既有的核網與應用幾無影響 與既有網路的整合度最高 支持 handoff 本提案也比較 RLC Aggregation 與其他在 higher layer Aggregation 的系統效能如下圖, 約有 20~30% 的系統 throughput gain. RP : `` New Work Item on Low Complexity and Enhanced Coverage LTE UE for MTC from Ericsson, NSN 為因應未來大量低成本的 M2 應用, 本提案希望增加低成本與具增強涵蓋能力之終端的研究 如下表所示, 本提案希望研究低頻寬 (1.4MHz) Feature Cat-4 Cat-1 16 Rel-12 Low Complexity Rel-13 Low Complexity

18 UE UE UE RF Bandwidth 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 1.4 MHz DL Peak Rate 150 Mbps 10 Mbps 1 Mbps ~200 kbps Max No of DL Layers UL Peak Rate 50 Mbps 5 Mbps 1 Mbps ~200 kbps No of RF Rx chains Max UE Tx power 23 dbm 23 dbm 23 dbm ~20 dbm Duplex Mode Full Full Half (optional) Half (optional) Relative BOM Cost 125% 100% 50% 20-25% 低傳輸速度 (~200kbps) 低成本的終端 ( 只有 Cat-1 手機的 20~25%), 並考慮 使用 half duplex 方式以降低成本 另外增加涵蓋也是 MTC 終端的重要需求, 根據下表的分析, 透過一些 repetition subframe bundling HARQ retransmission 等技術, 有機會可增加 20dB 的鏈路預算增益 Physical channel name PUCCH PRACH PUSCH PDSCH SCH PBCH EPDCCH Transmitter Max Tx power (dbm) (1) Actual Tx power (dbm) Receiver (2) Thermal noise density (dbm/hz) (3) Receiver noise figure (db) (4) Interference margin (db) (5) Occupied channel bandwidth (Hz) (6) Effective noise power = (2) + (3) + (4) + 10 log((5)) (dbm) (7) Required SINR (db) (8) Coverage enhancement technique Repetition and/or PSD boosting Relaxed requirement HARQ retransmission 3.0 (9) Receiver sensitivity = (6) + (7) - (8) (dbm) (10) MCL = (1) - (9) (db) RP : `` Discussion on Necessity of the Study on RAN Virtualization from CMCC 由於 ETSI 去年啟動 NFV(Network Function Virtualization) 計畫, 本提案建議 RAN 可考慮啟動 RAN Virtualization 相關研究, 特別包括 : Virtualized RAN 網路管理 Front-haul 介面定義 RP : `` Introduction of new UE categories from Huawei, HiSilicon, KDDI 17

19 目前 UE categories 已增加 Cat 9 與 Cat 10, 支持 DL 峰值速度至 450Mbps 本提案進一步建議增加 Cat 11 ~ Cat 14, 將未來 MIMO 與 CA 的需求考慮進去, 將支援 DL 峰值速度提升至 900Mbps ( 如下表 ) UE Category Maximum number of DL-SCH transport block bits received within a TTI (Note) Maximum number of bits of a DL-SCH transport block received within a TTI Total number of soft channel bits Category Category Category Category Category Category (4 layers) or (2 layers) Category (4 layers) or (2 layers) Category Category (4 layers) (2 layers) or 4 Maximum number of supported layers for spatial multiplexing in DL Category (4 layers) (2 layers) or 4 Category 11 [603008] [149776] (4 layers) [ ] 2 or 4 [75376] (2 layers) Category 12 [603008] [149776] (4 layers) [ ] 2 or 4 [75376] (2 layers) Category 13 [898656] [149776] (4 layers) [ ] 4 Category 14 [898656] [149776] (4 layers) [ ] 4 六. 心得及建議 (1) 本次會議針對 LTE-U 議題, 特別於周五下午舉辦半天的 workshop, 討論非常熱烈, 預計將成為 R13 SI/WI, 值得提前佈局 (2) 針對近來非常熱門的 NFV/SDN 技術, 本次會議有提案建議成立新的工作項目來探討, 討論後 3GPP 目前決定先由 SA5 從網管的觀點來評估 NFV/SDN 技術對網路的影響與衝擊, 再來決定後續的行動方案, 值得後續觀察 (3) 本次會議另一個爭議較大的議題是 TDD SDL 技術, 提案建議增加 TDD 10:0:0 的組態, 討論後決議至下次會議繼續討論, 有機會成為 R13 的新 feature, 對於 LTE FDD-TDD CA 的運作與營運方式有重大影響, 值得後 18

20 續觀察 七. 未來標準會議規劃 未來幾次會期會議時間與地點暫定如下 : 會議 時間 地點 RAN # Sep 2014 Edinburgh RAN # Dec 2014 Maui RAN # Mar 2015 China RAN # Jun 2015 Malmo RAN # Sep 2015 US RAN # Dec 2015 Sitges 19

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