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1 Digital Circuits and Systems 数字电路与系统 1

2 自我介绍 姓名 : 龚晓峰地址 : 创新园大厦 B509 邮件 :xfgong@dlut.edu.cn 科研 : 1. 阵列信号处理 2. 盲信号处理网页 : 课程邮箱 :u: digicircuits@126.com p: woyaokao100fen 2

3 Introduction 绪论 自然界存在各种各样的物理量, 按其变化规律可分为两类 : Analog signal:continuous values varying continuously with time. 模拟信号 : 在数值和时间上均连续 Digital signal:discrete-time signals whose values are drawn from a limited set of discrete numbers or symbols. 数字信号 : 时间上离散, 数值取为有限个离散的数或符号 Analog Sound 声音 Pressure 压力 Velocity 速度 Scent 气味 Temprature 温度 Voltage value 电压值 Digital Digital form of analog quantities 模拟量的数字形式 Language and text 语言和文字 Codes 编码 3

4 Digital system 数字系统 Analog system:the system in which information is represented in processed in analog forms. 模拟系统 : 以模拟信号的形式表示和处理信息的系统 Digital signal:the system in which information is represented and processed in digital forms. 数字系统 : 以数字信号的形式表示和处理信息的系统 Although digital systems are generally associated with modern electronics, they are actually ancient, and need not be electronic. 尽管数字系统通常同现代电子技术相联系, 它实际上是一个古老的概念 4

5 Examples of digital systems 数字系统实例 Books 书 Chinese abacus 算盘 Digital watch 数字手表 Traffic lights 交通灯 DNA sequence Compact disc player 影碟机 Non-electronic Consumer electronics 消费电子 Electronic Computers 计算机 5

6 Advantages of digital systems over analog ones 数字系统相对于模拟系统的优势 1. Less sensitive to noise. Easier and more reliable for information storage and transmission. 对噪声不敏感, 信息的保存与传输更加简便可靠 Analog: Digital: Channel 信道 Noise 噪声 Channel 信道 Noise 噪声

7 Advantages of digital systems over analog ones 数字系统相对于模拟系统的优势 2. Greater precision and range for the representation of numerical information. 表征数学量时精度更高 范围更大 Analog system:the range and precision are limited by its linearity and noise characteristics. 模拟系统的范围和精度受到其线性区域的范围及噪声抑制能力的限制 Digital system:the range and precision could be improved by using more digits for the representation of numerical information. 可以通过增加信息表示的位数来改善数字系统的范围和精度 VS 寿命 :10 年 VS 50 年 音质 : 大量噪声 VS 高保真 Analog Digital 7

8 Advantages of digital systems over analog ones 数字系统相对于模拟系统的优势 3. Some digital systems are programmable. 一些数字系统可进行编程 Microcontroller 单片机 FPGA 现场可编程门阵列 Language:C, Assembler, VHDL, Computer 计算机 编程语言 :C, 汇编,VHDL 等 8

9 Advantages of digital systems over analog ones 数字系统相对于模拟系统的优势 4. Simple structure in unit circuit, easy for integration. 单元结构简单 易于集成 Analog system:accumulated error caused by noise when integrated. 模拟器件噪声累加, 使得集成后的模拟系统对噪声更加敏感 Digital system:noise error does not accumulate, low power, simple structure for each elemental logic unit, suitable for integration. 由基本逻辑门组成, 功耗低, 单元结构简单, 噪声不累积, 适合于电路集成 1958: The 1st IC a simple oscillator; 5 Components 1964: The 1st MOS IC 20-bit shift register; 120 transistors 1979: MAC 4 Bell Labs one chip computer 1985: The 1st 32 bit processor 80386; 275,000 transistors; die size 104mm : Pentium III; 28,000,000 transistors; die size 140mm : Intel CORE II; 410,000,000 transistors; die size mm 2 9

10 2012: Intel CORE i3/i5/i7; 1,400,000,000 transistors, die size 160mm 2 10

11 Coding and transmittion 信息编码与传输 Data processing 数据处理 Controller 控制器 Chips, circuit boards 芯片 电路板 Programming 编程 It should not be expected that this course deals with everything related to digital systems. 不能指望通过学习这门课能够掌握同数字系统相关的全部知识 The purpose of this course is to set up the basic framework of digital systems: the basic concepts, theory, and methodology everything that all digital systems share in common. 课程的目的是帮助大家建立起数字电路系统的基本知识框架 : 基本概念 理论及方法 即所有数字系统的共性部分 11

12 Structure of digital systems 数字系统的结构 Control input 控制输入 Controller 控制器 Memory 存储器 A/D Digital signals 数字信号 Analog output 模拟输出 D/A 1. 如何用数字表示信息?( 第一章 ) 数字间的逻辑运算关系 ( 第三章 ) 如何用模拟电路实现基本逻辑单元?( 第二章 ) 2. 数字电路系统 : 组合逻辑电路 ( 第四章 ) 基本时序器件 触发器 ( 第五章 ) 时序逻辑电路 ( 第六章 ) 脉冲( 第七章 ) 数字系统设计( 第八章 第十一章 ) 3. 模拟与数字信号的相互转换 ( 第九章 ) 半导体存储器( 第十章 ) 可编程逻辑器件 ( 第十章 ) 12

13 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 1. Fundamentals of digital systems: Chapter 1 ~ 3 数字系统基础 : 第一章 ~ 第三章 Representation with digits. 信息的数字表示 ( 第一章 ) Logical relationship among digits. 数字的逻辑代数关系 ( 第三章 ) Circuits of logic gates. 逻辑门电路 ( 第二章 ) 1. Chapter one. Number systems and codes 数制与代码 Topic:How to represent a numerical quantity with digits? 如何用数字表示一个数学量? Contents: Number systems and their conversions 数制及相互转换 Contents: BCD and Grey Codes 编码 (BCD 码 格雷码 ) Contents: Signed binaries 带符号的二进制数 13

14 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 3. Chapter two. Logic gates 逻辑门电路 Topic:How to realize logic gates with analog devices? 如何用模拟器件实现逻辑门? Contents: Basic and integrated logic gates 基本及复合逻辑门 Contents: Switching operations of diodes and transistors 二极管和三极管的开关特性 Contents: TTL and MOS gates 两类常见门电路 :TTL 和 MOS 2. Chapter three. Logic algebra 逻辑代数基础 Topic:What s the logic algebraic relationship between digits? 数字逻辑代数关系 Contents: Basic operations and rules 基本操作及规则 Contents: Standard forms of logic functions 逻辑函数的标准形式 Contents: Minimization of logic functions 逻辑函数的化简 14

15 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 2. Analysis and design of digital systems: Chapter 4 ~ 8 数字系统的分析与设计 : 第四章 ~ 第八章 Combinational logic circuit. 组合逻辑电路 ( 第四章 ) Sequential logic relevant. 时序逻辑电路 ( 第五章 ~ 第七章 ) Design of digital systems. 数字系统设计 ( 第八章 ) 4. Chapter four. Combinational logic circuit 组合逻辑电路 Topic:Combinational logic circuit and its applications 组合逻辑电路及其应用 Contents: Analysis of combinational logic 组合逻辑电路分析 Contents: Design of combinational logic 组合逻辑电路设计 Contents: Common combinational logic circuits 常用组合逻辑电路 Contents: Race-hazard 竞争冒险 15

16 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 5. Chapter five. Flip-flop 触发器 Topic:The basic sequential units flip-flop (FF). 基本时序单元 触发器 (FF) Contents: Basic RS-FF and gated FF 基本 RS 触发器及时钟触发器 Contents: Edge-triggered FF 边沿触发器 Contents: Coversions and applications 触发器相互转换及应用 6. Chapter six. Sequential logic circuits 时序逻辑电路 Topic:Sequential logic circuit and its applications. 时序逻辑电路及其应用 Contents: Analysis of sequential logic 时序逻辑电路分析 Contents: Design of sequential logic 时序逻辑电路设计 Contents: Common sequential logic circuits 常用时序逻辑电路 16

17 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 7. Chapter seven. Pulse circuits 脉冲电路 Topic:How to generate the clock pulses used in sequential logic. 时序逻辑电路中时钟脉冲的产生和变换 Contents: Schmitt trigger 施密特触发器 Contents: One-shots 单稳态触发器 Contents: Astable multivibrators 多谐振荡器 8. Chapter eight. Design of digital systems 数字系统设计 Topic:How to design a digital system. 如何设计数字系统. Contents: Structure of digital systems 数字系统结构 Contents: Algorithmic state machine 算法状态机 Contents: Logic design 逻辑设计 17

18 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 3. Other related issues (Chapter 9 ~ 11) 其他相关问题 ( 第九章 ~ 第十一章 ) Digital analog conversions. 数模与模数转换 (Chapter 9) Memory and programmable logic device. 半导体存储器及可编程逻辑器件 (Chapter 10) Hardware description language 硬件描述语言 (Chapter 11) 9. Chapter nine. Digital analog conversions 数模与模数转换 Topic:The interface of digital systems and the analog world 数字系统和模拟世界间的接口 Contents: Digital-to-analog convertor 数模转换 Contents: Analog-to-digital convertor 模数转换 18

19 Arrangement of the course 课程安排 10. Chapter ten. Memory and programmable logic device 半导体存储器及可编程逻辑器件 Contents: Random Access Memory 随机存储器 Contents: Read Only Memory 只读存储器 Contents: Programmable logic device 可编程逻辑器件 11. Chapter eleven. Hardware description language 硬件描述语言 VHDL Contents: Structure 程序结构 Contents: Variables 数据类型 Contents: Statements 描述语句 Contents: Examples 应用举例 19

20 Assessment 考核 Total mark (100) = regular (20) + exam (80) 总分 (100 分 ) = 平时成绩 (20 分 ) + 期末考试 (80 分 ) Regular grade 平时成绩 : Attendance (10) 出勤 (10 分 ) : Ten in-class tests. 十次课堂练习, 交条 Homework (10) 作业 (10 分 ) : Students should hand in the homework of the previous chapter at the beginning of a new chapter. 每一章结束后的下一次课提交本章作业, 逾期补交的不计入作业成绩 20

21 Teaching material and references 教材及参考书 21

22 Teaching Resources 教学资源 MOOC (Massive Open Online Cources): Personal Website: 22

23 How to study this course 学习方法 1. Aware of the importance. 意识到课程的重要性 The basis of your future study and work: Microcontroller, computer, FPGA, coding, 未来学习和工作所必备的基础知识 ( 单片机 计算机 FPGA, 编码理论等 ) 2. Systematic viewpoints of each chapter in the hierachical structure of digital systems. 各章节在数字电路系统层次结构中所处的位置 The connection among chapters, the structure of each chapter. 各章内容之间的联系, 每一章内容的结构 ; What is important, and what is not. 知道哪些内容是课程的重点 3. Understand the technical details. 理解 掌握技术细节 Attend the class, listen and think. 认真听讲 Exercise: in-class, homework, experiment. 练习 ( 课堂练习, 作业, 实验 ) 23


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