zh 目录 5 安全说明 16 信息和设置 6 配套提供 16 显示信息 16 显示设置 6 电器及其零部件 17 设置每杯容量 18 调节研磨装置 18 检查水的硬度 18 节能技巧 7 控件和显示屏 7 电源开关 O/I 7 菜单和显示信息 8 显示信息 9 展开系统 9 附件 9 操作 9 常

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Download "zh 目录 5 安全说明 16 信息和设置 6 配套提供 16 显示信息 16 显示设置 6 电器及其零部件 17 设置每杯容量 18 调节研磨装置 18 检查水的硬度 18 节能技巧 7 控件和显示屏 7 电源开关 O/I 7 菜单和显示信息 8 显示信息 9 展开系统 9 附件 9 操作 9 常"


1 zh 祝贺 祝贺您购买本产品 有了这台展开式全自动咖啡机, 厨房里就多了一台品质精良的现代电器, 电器设计新颖, 功能繁多, 操作简单 您可以轻松利落地煮制各色美味的热饮可以根据自己的心情, 来一杯传统咖啡 一杯滑滑的牛奶咖啡或一杯拿铁玛琪朵咖啡, 也可以来一杯奶油卡布奇诺咖啡或一杯令人精神振作的意式浓咖啡 同时, 电器具有丰富的选项, 您可以按照自己的口味进行调整 为了确保您能安全 可靠地充分发挥这款全自动咖啡机的功能和特点, 建议您熟悉一下电器的各个组件 功能 显示信息以及控件 本说明手册正是为帮助用户熟悉电器而设计 因此, 在开启电器之前, 请先抽点时间阅读本手册 如何使用本说明 展开本说明手册的封面, 可以看到电器图示, 电器部件标有编号 全文都使用这些编号, 例如 水箱 (12) 只要一直展开封面, 不管您正在阅读手册的哪一部分, 都可以随时参考封面 显示信息和按钮上的字母均以不同于文本内容的字体显示, 这样一来, 您就可以轻松地识别出显示或印刷在电器上的内容 实例 : Espresso 常用控件以符号显示 : 旋钮按钮本电器配备快速参考指南, 方便查找最重要的功能 可以将指南存放在电器右侧的外部储物箱内 3

2 zh 目录 5 安全说明 16 信息和设置 6 配套提供 16 显示信息 16 显示设置 6 电器及其零部件 17 设置每杯容量 18 调节研磨装置 18 检查水的硬度 18 节能技巧 7 控件和显示屏 7 电源开关 O/I 7 菜单和显示信息 8 显示信息 9 展开系统 9 附件 9 操作 9 常规 9 节能模式 10 安装电器 11 制作饮品 11 饮品选择 11 aromadoubleshot( 加倍香浓 ) 12 实例 12 使用预磨咖啡制作 13 使用牛奶制作 14 一次两杯 14 个性咖啡 15 制作奶沫和温牛奶 15 分装热水 19 日常维护和清洁 19 日常维护 19 清洁牛奶系统 20 清洁冲泡装置 21 保养程序 22 除垢 23 清洁 24 钙化清洁 25 附件 存储 处置 保修 25 附件 25 存储 25 处置 ) 25 保修 26 简单的故障检修 27 技术参数 4

3 zh 安全说明 使用本电器之前, 请仔细阅读操作说明书, 请保存说明书, 以备将来参考 另外, 本电器还有随附的快速参考指南, 也应注意查阅 这款全自动咖啡机设计用于配制少量咖啡, 可供家庭或类似于家庭环境的非商业场所使用, 如商店 办公室 农业和其他小型业务的员工厨房, 或供 床 早餐 旅馆 小型旅馆和类似住宿设施的客人使用 仅可加入干净的水和本说明手册中提及的物质 ( 咖啡 清洁剂 / 除垢剂 ) 仅可在室内及在室温下使用 身体 感官或精神能力低下的人或缺乏经验和知识的人 ( 包括小孩 ) 不得使用本电器, 但在有安全负责人进行监护或就电器的使用给予了充分指导的情况下则可以使用 让儿童远离本电器 必须监管好儿童, 确保他们不玩耍本电器 有电击危险 只能按照铭牌上的规定连接和操作本电器 若电源线或电器发生损坏, 请不要使用 如果发生故障, 请立即通过电源开关关断电器 然后拔下电源插头 不要打开或拆开电器 切勿将电源线浸入水中 为避免发生危险, 只能由我们的维修人员执行修理工作, 如更换损坏的电源线等 有受伤危险不要将手伸入研磨装置 有灼伤危险装牛奶和热水的牛奶打泡器会变得非常烫 使用之后, 要等它冷下来才能触摸 有受伤危险在将电器拉出和推回嵌入装置时一定要小心, 以免夹住手指 5

4 zh 配套提供 参见本说明手册开始处的图示 a 全自动咖啡机 TK76K573 b 说明手册 c 过滤器说明 d 安装说明 e 量匙 f 导奶管 g 快速参考指南 h 牛奶容器 i 水过滤器 j 油脂 ( 管路 ) k 水硬度测试条 l 牛奶打泡器 电器及其零部件 ( 参见本说明手册折叠式封面上的图示 ) 1 电源开关 O/I 2 on off 开关按钮 ( 节能模式 ) 3 选择按钮 < > 4 显示信息设置旋钮 5 显示屏 6 展开按钮 7 i 按钮 ( 信息 / 设置 ) 8 start stop 启动停止按钮 9 咖啡出口 ( 高度可调 ) 10 牛奶打泡器, 可拆卸 ( 装牛奶 / 热水 ) 11 咖啡出口 / 牛奶打泡器盖 12 可拆卸水箱 13 导奶管 14 量匙 15 带香料盖的豆箱 16 调整研磨度的选择开关 17 抽屉 ( 装咖啡粉 / 清洁片剂 ) 18 冲泡装置的门 19 开门按钮 20 滴水盘装置 21 快速参考指南 22 牛奶打泡器支架 23 冲泡装置 a) 冲泡装置锁 b) 冲泡装置按钮 24 格栅 25 滴水盘 26 咖啡粉容器 27 滴水盘面板 28 牛奶容器 ( 保温 ) 6

5 zh 控件和显示屏 电源开关 O/I 电源开关 O/I (1) 的作用是开启电器, 使电器进入 节能模式, 或彻底关断电器 ( 关断电源 ) 在 节能模式 下, 只有 on off 开关按钮 (2) 点亮, 发出白光 菜单和显示信息 该电器有用户友好的菜单导航, 确保操作尽可能简单, 同时提供各种功能 这样, 一旦熟悉后, 你仅需几步就可以在多重选项中进行选择 显示屏显示已选中的功能, 指示您什么时候给电器加水或咖啡, 或运行哪个保养程序 下面几页介绍基本菜单操作 5 1 on off Coffee 1x 1x - - start stop 重要 : 在电器运转期间, 不要按下电源开关 只有在电器处于 节能模式 时, 才可关闭电器, 这样才可以自动清洗 on off 开关按钮 (2) : 本按钮用于打开电器或将其置于 节能模式 然后电器进行冲洗, 但下列情况例外 : 打开时电器仍然温热 在切换至 节能模式 之前, 未分装咖啡 当饮品选择菜单出现在显示屏 (5) 上时, 便可以使用本电器了 即使在 节能模式 下, 电器也能识别滴水盘 (20) 已取下 < > (3) : 使用这些按钮在显示屏 (5) 的左侧和右侧进行导航 当前激活的菜单项以白色高亮显示 7

6 zh 旋钮 (4) : 转动此旋钮选择和更改显示屏上的设置 ( 如咖啡浓度或每杯容量 ) 显示屏 (5) : 显示屏上的符号和文字用于指示设置 正在进行的步骤和信息 使用 (6) 可以使电器自动伸出嵌入装置 ( 参见 展开系统 ) i (7) : 如果按下 i (7), 在显示屏上出现信息 ( 参见 显示信息 ) 如果按住 i (7) 3 秒以上, 将打开设置菜单 ( 参见 显示设置 ) 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8), 将启动饮品制作过程或启动保养程序 在饮品制作期间, 再次按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 将停止分装过程 显示信息 显示屏不仅显示当前的运行状态, 还显示各种消息, 向用户提示状态或告知操作时机 在您采取必要的措施之后, 消息便消失, 然后再次显示饮品选择菜单 信息 : 显示消息 Water tank almost empty ( 水箱几乎为空 ) 含义 Bean containeralmost empty ( 豆箱几乎为空 ) Please wait... ( 请等待...) Drink is ready. ( 饮品制备完成 ) 必须尽快为水箱补充水 必须尽快为豆箱补充咖啡豆 电器正在工作 ; 请稍等 现在可以取出饮品 提示 : 显示消息 您需要进行的操作 Refill water tank 为水箱补充水 ( 为水箱补充水 ) Replace water 更换水箱 tank ( 更换水箱 ) Check water 拆下水箱 tank ( 检查水箱 ) 并正确更换 Replace drip 更换滴水盘 tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) Empty drip tray 排空并清洁滴水盘 ( 排空滴水盘 ) Refill bean 为豆箱补充咖啡豆 contrainer ( 为豆箱补充咖啡豆 ) Set up milk 设置牛奶打泡器 frother ( 设置牛奶打泡器 ) Replace 更换冲泡装置并关闭门 brewing unit ( 更换冲泡装置 ) Close door ( 关闭门 ) Clean 清洁冲泡装置 brewing unit ( 清洁冲泡装置 ) Service - 更换水过滤器 change filter ( 保养 - 更换过滤器 ) Service - descale 运行除垢保养程序 ( 保养 - 除垢 ) Service -clean 运行清洁保养程序 ( 保养 - 清洁 ) Service - 运行钙化清洁保养程序 Calc n Clean ( 保养 - 钙化清洁 ) Short rinse for 清洗加奶系统 milk system ( 短暂清洗加奶系统 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 8

7 zh 展开系统 可以自动将电器从嵌入装置中拉出 为此可如 下操作 : 按下 (6) ( 必须开启电器才可进行 ) 或 拆除格栅, 这时可以触及下方的把手, 拉 动把手 : 这时电器自动移入展开位置 1 在此位置可以加水 咖啡豆 咖啡粉和清洁 / 除垢片剂, 并且可以拆除电器右侧的附件 如要将电器完全拉出, 再次按下 (6), 用手将电器拉出至 位置 2, 或者 使用把手将电器完全拉出 在展开位置 2 时, 可以拆除冲泡装置和调节 研磨装置 附件 全自动咖啡机有专用存储箱, 用于存储电器的附件和快速参考指南 (21) 它们位于右侧面 (13,14), 在电器被拉出至展开位置 1 时可取用 操作 一般常识 只能在水箱中加入不含碳酸的新鲜水, 最好只使用专用于全自动咖啡机和意式浓缩咖啡机的咖啡豆 请勿使用以其它含糖的添加剂包裹 焦化或处理过的咖啡豆, 这会堵塞冲泡装置 如果是初次使用本电器, 或使用时间不长, 第一杯咖啡将不会香气四溢 第一次使用咖啡机时, 只有在已经分装过最初几杯后, 才能得到浓稠合适的稳定 奶沫 全自动咖啡机的出厂设置已经过编程, 可实现最佳性能 本电器在一个小时后自动切换至 节能模式 和其它许多设置一样, 该设置可以更改 ( 参见 显示设置 下的 自动关闭时间 ) 展开位置 1 展开位置 2 然后将电器完全推回至嵌入装置中 节能模式 如果滴水盘没有放好, 则无法打开电器, 不会有水从咖啡口流出 信息更换滴水盘出现 在电器处于 节能模式 时, 如果取下滴水盘, 也会出现该信息 更换滴水盘后该信息消失 禁止在冲泡过程中使用自动展开功能 9

8 zh 电器回到 节能模式 安装电器 在电器运转期间, 不要按下电源开关 只有在电器处于 节能模式 时, 才可关闭电器, 这样才可以自动清洗 1. 按下电源开关 (1) 4. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 所选语言被保存, 电器处于 节能模式 您随时可以更改语言设置 ( 参见 显示设置 ) 5. 展开电器 ( 参见 展开系统 ) 6. 向上提拉水箱 (12), 将其卸下, 用干净的冷水冲洗 加满 加水时不要超过 max ( 最高 ) 标记 更换水箱, 向下用力按到位 每天向水箱加入干净水 水箱中必须始终有足够的水才能使用电器 2. 显示屏中显示语言选项 : Sprache: Deutsch Start drücken 3. 按下收回的旋钮 (4), 旋转按钮, 选择 文本显示语言 可选择以下几种语言 : Deutsch Português ( 德语 ) ( 葡萄牙语 ) English Dansk ( 英语 ) ( 丹麦语 ) PYCCKИЙ Norsk ( 俄语 ) ( 挪威语 ) Nederlands Suomi ( 荷兰语 ) ( 芬兰语 ) Français Česky ( 法语 ) ( 捷克语 ) Italiano Türkçe ( 意大利语 ) ( 土耳其语 ) Svenska Magyar ( 瑞典语 ) ( 马札尔语 ) Español Ελληνικά ( 西班牙语 ) ( 希腊语 ) Polski Български ( 波兰语 ) ( 保加利亚语 ) 8. 向豆箱 (15) 中加入咖啡豆 ( 使用咖啡粉时的准备工作参见第 39 页 ) 9. 将电器推回嵌入装置 10. 按下 on off 开关按钮 (2) 公司标志在显示屏中亮起 这时电器进行加热并冲洗 咖啡出口处会有一些水流出 饮品选择菜单出现在显示屏中 : 1x Coffee > > 1x 11. 设置水硬度 ( 参见 显示设置 ) 10

9 zh 制作饮品 饮品选择 在安装好电器后, 或在打开电器并按下 on off 开关按钮 (2) 后, 显示屏中将显示饮品选择菜单, 您可以转动旋钮 (4), 在显示屏上的白亮选项中选择以下某个选项 : Espresso > 1x > 1x Espresso ( 意式浓咖啡 ) Coffee ( 咖啡 ) Latte Macchiato ( 拿铁玛琪朵咖啡 ) 等量的意式浓咖啡和奶沫 ; 用牛奶加满 ; 用高玻璃杯饮用最佳 Cappuccino ( 卡布奇诺咖啡 ) 1/3 意式浓咖啡 1/3 牛奶 1/3 奶沫 ; 用杯子饮用最佳 White coffee ( 白咖啡 ) 1/2 咖啡 1/2 牛奶 ; 用敞口杯饮用最佳 My coffee ( 个性咖啡 ) Milk froth ( 奶沫 ) Warm milk ( 温牛奶 ) Hot water ( 热水 ) Short rinse for milk system ( 快速冲洗牛奶系统 ) 针对每种饮品, 可以使用 < 和 > (3) 选择其他选项, 例如咖啡浓度和每杯容量 可用选项总是显示在饮品类型的右侧 在用 < 和 > (3) ( 高亮显示为白色 ) 选定的选项中, 你可以用旋钮 (4) 更改其他设置 咖啡制作有以下选项 : 浓度 : 大小 : 2x 2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 1x 1x 1x aromadoubleshot strong aromadoubleshot regular strong regular mild large medium small large medium small 2x 1x aromadoubleshot ( 加倍香浓 ) 咖啡冲泡的时间越长, 释放出的苦味物质和意外异味越多 这会影响口味, 并使咖啡更不易消化 所以对于超浓咖啡,TK76 有专门的 aromadoubleshot 功能 在准备了一半用量时, 再次对咖啡进行研磨和冲泡, 这样只会释放出宜人的香浓味道 对于下列饮品提供 aromadoubleshot 功能 : 11

10 zh 咖啡 (1 杯 ) 卡布奇诺咖啡 (1 杯 ) 拿铁玛琪朵咖啡 (1 杯 ) 白咖啡 (1 杯 ) 个性咖啡 (1 杯 ) 意式浓咖啡 (1 杯, 中杯和大杯 ) 实例 假设您想喝一大杯用咖啡豆制作的淡味咖啡 1. 将杯子放在咖啡出口 (9) 下 9 6. 向右转动旋钮 (4), 直到三个方框都显示为黑色 ( 大 杯设置 ): Coffee < 1x < 1x 7. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 您选择的咖啡到此制作完备 按照相同的方式制作其它浓度和每杯容量的咖啡 使用预磨咖啡制作 本款全自动咖啡机还提供了使用预磨咖啡粉制作咖啡的选项 随电器配备量匙 1. 展开电器, 取出量匙 2. 打开抽屉 (17) 转动旋钮 (4), 直到 Coffee ( 咖啡 ) 出现在显示屏的左侧 : 1x Coffee > > 1x 3. 按下 > (3) 一次, 进入浓度设置 这时浓度设置以白色高亮显示 : 3. 倒入不超过两平匙的咖啡粉 不要使用整豆或即溶咖啡 Coffee < 1x > 1x 4. 向左转动旋钮 (4), 直到只有左侧的方框显示为黑色 ( 淡味 设置 ): Coffee < 1x > 1x 4. 再次关闭暖碟抽屉 5. 推回电器 6. 使用旋钮 (4) 设置所需要的饮品和每杯容量 : Espresso Coffee powder > 5. 再次按下 > (3), 进入每杯容量设置 这时每杯容量设置以白色高亮显示 : Coffee < 1x < 1x 12

11 zh 7. 将杯子放在咖啡出口 (9) 下 : 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 机器冲泡咖啡, 然后分装到杯子里 如果想再来一杯, 则倒入更多咖啡粉, 重复该过程 如果在 90 秒内不取用咖啡, 冲泡室会自动排空, 以免充注过量 电器清洗 4. 推回电器 5. 将装有牛奶的牛奶容器放在牛奶打泡器旁边 将导奶管插入牛奶容器 导管的槽口端应完全浸入牛奶中 使用牛奶制作 为了获得最好的奶沫, 请尽可能使用脂肪含量至少为 1.5 % 的冷牛奶 1. 放低牛奶打泡器的盖子 (11); 这时可操作牛奶打泡器 (10): 6. 将茶杯或玻璃杯放在咖啡出口下 7. 转动旋钮 (4), 选择拿铁玛琪朵咖啡 卡布奇诺咖啡 牛奶咖啡或个性咖啡 ( 采用自己专用的咖啡 / 牛奶比 ) 显示屏上显示所选饮品 咖啡浓度以及每杯容量设置 : 10 Cappuccino > 1x > 1x 展开电器 ( 参见 展开系统 ) 3. 将电器随附的导奶管与牛奶打泡器 (10) 上的连接部位相连 重新关闭盖子 8. 选择您期望的浓度和每杯容量设置 9. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 首先吸入牛奶, 调制并分装到杯子里 随后立即开始冲泡咖啡, 然后流入杯子里 13

12 zh 在浓度设置为 2x (aromadoubleshot) 时, 电器会接连冲泡两次 ; 等待程序全部结束 干掉的奶渍很难清除, 因此请在使用后立即清洁牛奶系统 ( 参见 清洁牛奶系统 ) 个性咖啡 利用 My coffee ( 个性咖啡 ) 设置, 您可以根据自己的口味确定咖啡和奶沫的混合比 1. 将导奶管连接至牛奶打泡器 ( 参见 使用牛奶制作 ) 2. 将装牛奶的容器放在格栅上 将导奶管插入牛奶容器 导管的槽口端应完全浸入牛奶中 一次两杯 1. 将两个杯子分别放在左右两个咖啡出口处 : 3. 将杯子放在咖啡出口 (9) 下 4. 使用旋钮 (4), 选择 My coffee ( 个性咖啡 ) 2. 使用旋钮 (4), 选择意式浓咖啡或咖啡 按下 > (3) 并转动旋钮 (4), 设置所需要的浓度 3. 按下 > (3), 切换至每杯容量选项 在每杯容量选项中, 向右转动旋钮 (4), 直到显示屏上的杯子符号前出现 2 x: Coffee < < 2x 4. 转动旋钮 (4), 为两个杯子设置所需要的量 ( 小 中 大 ) 5. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 咖啡分装到两个杯子里 电器会接连冲泡两次 ; 请等待整个过程完成 My coffee > 1x > 5. 按下 > (3), 切换至咖啡浓度选项 使用旋钮 (4), 设置所需要的浓度 My coffee < 1x > 6. 按下 > (3), 进入每杯容量选项 使 用旋钮 (4), 设置所需要的每杯容量 < 1x < > 7. 按下 > (3), 切换至咖啡 / 牛奶比选项 转动旋钮 (4), 设置所需要的比例, 递增幅度为 20% 14

13 zh < 1x < Espresso Milk 8. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 按照所需要的咖啡 / 牛奶比制作饮品 您所作的改变自动保存 不必另外确认这些改变 当制作温牛奶时, 电器可能会发出啸声 这是由牛奶打泡器 (10) 的技术原因引起的 干掉的奶渍很难清除, 因此在使用后应立即清洁牛奶打泡器 ( 参见 清洁牛奶打泡器 ) 制作奶沫和温牛奶 有灼伤危险牛奶打泡器 (10) 变得非常灼热 使用之后, 要等它冷下来才能触摸 分装热水 有灼伤危险有热水流出的牛奶打泡器 (10) 会变得很热, 使用之后, 要等它冷下来才能触摸 为了获得最好的奶沫, 请尽可能使用脂肪含量至少为 1.5 % 的冷牛奶 1. 取出导奶管, 连接到牛奶打泡器上 ( 参见 使用牛奶制作 ) 2. 将杯子放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 出口的下方 3. 转动旋钮 (4), 选择所需的奶沫或温牛奶设置 Milk froth 4. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 奶沫或温牛奶从牛奶打泡器出口流出 ( 分别需要大约 40 秒或 60 秒 ) 再次按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8), 暂时中断过程 电器也可用于分装热水, 例如泡茶 1. 将茶杯或玻璃杯放在咖啡出口下 2. 用旋钮 (4) 选择热水 : Hot water > 3. 按下 > (3), 切换至温度选择 用旋钮 (4) 设定所需要的温度 : Hot water > 4. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 热水从牛奶打泡器出口流出, 大约持续 40 秒 再次按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8), 暂时中断过程 使用前用热水暖杯子, 尤其是小而厚的意式浓咖啡杯 15

14 zh 信息和设置 使用 i (7) 显示信息 ( 短时按下 ), 并调节设置 ( 按住至少 3 秒 ) 显示信息 在信息菜单中 ( 短时按下 i (7) ), 您可以调用以下信息 : 必要时, 为电器除垢 必要时, 清洁电器 必要时, 更换过滤器 自首次使用电器起, 已分装了多少咖啡 已分装了多少牛奶饮品 已经准备了多少热水... Informations / Service Descale after 100 cups on off 显示设置 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒钟 ; 这时显示不同的设置选项 : Default settings Language: English Per-cup quantities 使用 < 和 > (3) 在不同的设置选项之间进行切换 当前的有效设置总是高亮显示为白色 旋转旋钮 (4), 可改变当前显示的设置 要退出菜单, 再次按下 i (7) start stop 您所作的改变自动保存 不必另外确认这些改变 为您提供以下设置选项 : >Language ( 语言 ): 转动旋钮 (4) 选择显示语言 > Per-cup quantities ( 每杯容量 ): 每种饮品的每杯容量可以单独设置 ( 参见第 44 页上的 每杯容量 ) > Water hardness ( 水硬度 ): 转动旋钮 (4) 选择期望的水硬度 (1 2 3 或 4) ( 另请参见 检查和设置水硬度 ) > Coffee temperature ( 咖啡温度 ): 转动旋钮 (4) 设置咖啡温度 > Auto off after ( 自动关闭时间 ): 转动旋钮 (4) 输入时间段, 在此时间之后, 电器在完成前一次饮品制备后应自动切换至 节能模式 时间段可设置为 5 分钟至 8 小时 默认时间为 1 小时, 但可以缩短, 以便节约能量 > Contrast ( 对比度 ): 显示屏对比度可以用旋钮 (4) 在 -20 至 20 之间设置 缺省设置为 0 > Illumination ( 照明 ): 照明可以设置为 Off ( 关闭 ) On ( 开启 ) 或 Off after 5 min (5 分钟后熄灭 ) ( 出厂设置 :On) > Water filter ( 滤水器 ): 每当在水箱 (12) 内插入新滤水器, 都必须清洗 : 1. 将滤水器放在水箱 (12) 中, 给水箱加水, 直至 max ( 最高 ) 标记 2. 转动旋钮 (4) 选择 Press start ( 按下启动 ), 然后按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 3. 将一个容量为 0.5 升的容器放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 下 4. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 水将首先流过过滤器, 进行清洗, 然后流入容器 16

15 zh 排空容器 电器再次准备就绪 冲洗过滤器的同时会启动 Service - change filter ( 保养 - 更换过滤器 ) 显示设置 当 Service - change filter ( 保养 - 更换过滤器 ) 显示信息出现时, 或最迟两个月后, 过滤器不再有效 由于净化装置的原因, 需要进行更新, 以免水垢沉积 ( 这可能损坏电器 ) 过滤器替换件可从零售商或客户服务处获得 ( 参见 附件 ) 在每次更换过滤器后, 必须首先冲洗过滤器 按照本章节开始处的说明进行操作 如果没有新过滤器可用, 则将滤水器设置为断开 可以在随附的过滤器说明中找到有关水过滤器的详细信息 如果电器已有很长时间未使用 ( 例如您外出度假 ), 则在再次使用之前应进行清洗 为此, 分装一杯热水即可 设置菜单中的更多条目 : > Descaling program ( 除垢程序 ): 如果想进行电器除垢, 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 并运行除垢程序 ( 参见 除垢 ) > Cleaning program ( 清洁程序 ): 如果想进行电器清洁, 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 并运行清洁程序 ( 参见 清洁 ) > Calc n Clean ( 钙化清洁 ): 如果想同时进行电器除垢和清洁, 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 并运行钙化清洁程序 ( 参见 钙化清洁 ) > Factory settings ( 出厂设置 ): 可以取消自己的设置, 恢复为出厂设置 如要激活出厂设置, 按下 Start Stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 还可以按照下述步骤将电器复位至出厂设置 : 1. 用电源开关 O/I (1) 完全关闭电器 2. 同时按住 < 和 > (3), 不要放开, 用开关 O/I (1) 再次接通电器 出厂设置被重新激活 设置每杯容量 可以根据自己的杯子单独调整每杯容量 可以根据每种饮品和每种杯子的大小单独设置 1. 如要调用默认设置, 将 i (7) 按下至 少 3 秒钟 2. 用 > 选择 Per-cup quantities ( 每 杯容量 ) 3. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 4. 用旋钮 (4) 选择饮品类型 5. 按下 > 6. 使用旋钮 (4) 选择杯子大小 7. 按下 > 8. 使用旋钮 (4), 设置每杯容量 < 使您回到杯子大小和饮品选择上 如要 退出缺省设置, 按下 i (7) 显示已保存 的设置 在选择杯子大小时, 变化的每杯容量用图形显示 : Coffee < 1x < 1x 降低的每杯容量和标准设置比较增加的每杯容量和标准设置比较标准 17

16 zh 调节研磨装置 重要 : 选择的毫升量为大概值, 可能会由于奶泡形成 研磨设置或所用的牛奶类型等而发生显著变化 使用电器顶部的旋转选择钮 (16), 可按照要求从粗磨到细磨调整研磨度 16 检查水的硬度 本电器可对水硬度设置进行调节 正确设置水硬度非常重要, 这样才能让电器精确显示应何时运行除垢程序 水硬度的出厂设置为 4 您可以使用电器附带的测试条检查水硬度, 或可咨询当地水供应商 将测试条短暂浸入水中, 轻柔地抖落滴液, 一分钟后检查结果 水硬度等级和设置 : 等级 水硬度德语 ( dh) 法语 ( fh) 警告 : 只能在研磨装置运行时调节研磨装置 否则, 电器可能会损坏 1. 完全展开电器 ( 参见 展开系统 ) 2. 在饮品选择菜单中, 选择 Espresso ( 意式浓咖啡 ) 3. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 4. 当研磨装置运行时, 根据需要将旋转选择钮 (16) 从精细调节至粗磨, 或根据需要调回原设置 新的设置在第二杯咖啡后才会变得明显 为深色烘烤咖啡豆选择细磨, 为浅色咖啡豆选择粗磨 节能技巧 全自动咖啡机在 1 小时后自动切换至 节能模式 ( 出厂设置 ) 电器在 节能模式 下耗电极小, 但却可以监控所有与安全相关的功能, 从而避免损坏 1 小时的默认时间可缩短 ( 参见 显示设置 下的 自动关闭时间 ) 然后电器可使用更少的功率 如果当前不使用电器, 则用电源开关将电器关闭 尽量不要中断咖啡或奶沫分装过程 提前停止一个过程会增加能量消耗, 同时滴水盘更快装满 当显示 Service descale ( 保养 : 除垢 ) 时, 务必为电器除垢 ( 参见 除垢 ), 以免水垢蓄积 水垢残渣会增加能量消耗 18

17 zh 日常维护和清洁 有电击危险在清洁电器前, 用电源开关将电器关 断 请勿使用蒸汽清洁器 日常维护 1. 用柔软的湿布擦拭电器的外部 请勿使用砂布或清洗剂 2. 不要在极其光泽的表面上使用酒精或酒精溶液清洗剂 3. 一定要立即去除水垢 咖啡 牛奶或除垢液残留物 这种残留物会导致腐蚀 4. 仅用水清洗水箱 (12) 5. 拆下格栅 (24) 拉出滴水盘 (25) 拆下滴水盘面板 (27) 排空水和咖啡渣 (26) 清洁滴水盘或将它放在洗碗机中 不要将格栅 (24) 或滴水盘面板 (27) 放在洗碗机中 清洁牛奶系统 重要 : 咖啡出口的滴水盘 (25) 和咖啡粉容器 (26) 应每天倒空并清洁, 以免发霉 在用 on off 开关按钮 (2) 开启电器时, 如果电器是冷的, 或如果在分装咖啡后将电器设置为 节能模式, 则电器将自动清洗 换句话说, 电器内部的管路由机器自身进行清洁 重要 : 如果电器长期未用 ( 如假期后 ), 则要彻底清洁整个电器, 包括牛奶系统和冲泡装置 有灼伤危险牛奶打泡器 (10) 变得非常灼热 使用之后, 要等它冷下来才能触摸 牛奶容器的盖子和保温外罩只能使用湿布轻轻擦拭 请勿将它们置于洗碗机中 7. 擦干净滴水盘支架的内部 8. 清洁牛奶打泡器 ( 步骤如下所述 ) 9. 再次更新所有的零部件 10. 器具不得浸入水中 信息 Short rinse for milk system ( 短暂清洗加奶系统 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 在下列情况下出现 : 在用后未进行清洁 用 on off 开关按钮切换至 节能模式, 而此前未进行清洁 电器即将自动切换至 节能模式, 而此前未进行清洁 如果此信息出现, 启动 短暂清洗加奶系统 下的步骤 2 使用之后立即清洁牛奶系统 19

18 zh 所有零部件也可以放进洗碗机 快速冲洗牛奶系统 : 1. 在饮品选择菜单中, 选择短暂清洗加奶系统 2. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 3. 将一个茶杯放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 下, 导奶管末端放在茶杯中 4. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 电器自动给茶杯加水, 然后再次用导奶管吸入, 用于清洗 清洗步骤大约需要 1 分钟 5. 清空茶杯并清洁导奶管 清洁冲泡装置 除了自动清洁程序外, 应定期拆下冲泡装置进行清洁 警告 : 清洁冲泡装置时不要使用洗涤剂, 也不要放进洗碗机 1. 完全展开电器 ( 参见 展开系统 ) 2. 用 on off 开关按钮 (2) 将电器切换至 节能模式 3. 用电源开关 O/I (1) 完全关闭电器 ; 不应有任何按钮亮起 4. 抓紧门开关 (19), 打开冲泡装置 (23) 的门 (18) a 将冲泡装置上的红色锁 (23 a) 向前滑到底 : 10b 清洁牛奶系统 : 1. 拆下牛奶打泡器进行清洁 为此, 放低盖子 (11), 抓紧牛奶打泡器 (10), 将其向前拉出 2. 用软布清洁牛奶打泡器 (22) 的支架 3. 拆下牛奶打泡器 (10a 和 10b) 4. 手动或在洗碗机中清洁部件 ( 将部件放在餐具筐中 ) 5. 重装各个部件并在电器中替换它们 按回原位 23a 6. 按下红色按钮 (23 b), 抓紧冲泡装置 (23) 的凹进把手, 小心拆下 23 23a 23b 20

19 zh 7. 在流水下冲洗冲泡装置 (23) 注意 : 在彻底清洁后, 应定期用油脂润滑冲泡装置的密封处, 这样保养效果最佳 围绕密封处涂抹一薄层专用的润滑脂 ( 订购号 ) 8. 用湿布彻底擦净电器内部, 并去除咖啡残余物 9. 晾干冲泡装置和电器内部 10. 重新将冲泡装置 (23) 完全插入电器中 完全滑回红色锁 (23 a), 关上门 (18) 23 保养程序 根据电器的使用情况, 显示屏将以特定的时间间隔显示以下文本之一, 代替咖啡选择 : 18! Service - change filter i-button 3 sec. 23a! Service - clean i-button 3 sec.! Service - descale i-button 3 sec.! Service - Calc n Clean i-button 3 sec. 然后, 应立即更换滤水器, 或使用相应的程序清洁电器或给电器除垢 ( 在下一页进行说明 ) 否则, 电器可能会损坏 21

20 zh 也可在设置菜单中手动启动保养程序 ( 参见 显示设置 ) 请勿饮用各种液体 切勿使用醋 以醋为基底的产品 柠檬酸或以柠檬酸为基底的产品除垢 进行清洁和除垢时, 只能使用专用片剂 它们是专门为这款全自动咖啡机开发的, 零售商或客户服务处有替换件提供 ( 参见 附件 ) 切勿将除垢片剂或任何其它除垢介质放在装咖啡粉 / 清洁片剂的抽屉中 重要 : 如果在水箱 (12) 内有过滤器, 在运行保养程序前需要将其取出, 只能在程序结束后才能将其装回 切勿中断保养程序 如果某个保养程序中断, 例如, 由于断电而中断, 则按如下步骤操作 : 1. 清洗水箱 (12), 加入干净水至 max ( 最高 ) 标记处 2. 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 清洁程序将运行大约 3 分钟 Cleaning ( 清洁 ) 除垢 如果显示提示信息 Service - descale ( 保养 - 除垢 ), 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒钟 显示屏显示 :Please press Start/Stop to begin... Descaling program ( 请按下 Start/Stop 开始... 除垢程序 ) 或如要在未提示的情况下启动 ( 参见 显示设置 ) 则按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒并选择 Please press Start/Stop to begin...descaling program ( 请按下 Start/Stop 开始... 除垢程序 ) 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 显示屏将指导您完成该程序 Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 (20) Replace drip tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) 更换滴水盘 如果未插入牛奶打泡器, 则显示以下信息 : Set up milk frother ( 设置牛奶打泡器 ) 插入牛奶打泡器 (10) Place container under milk frother ( 将容器放在牛奶打泡器下 )ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 将一个容量为 0.5 升的容器放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 下 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 如果启动了滤水器, 则显示以下信息 : Remove filter ( 拆下过滤器 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 拆下水过滤器并按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) Add 0.5 l water and descaler ( 加入 0.5 l 水和除垢器 )ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 将温水倒入空水箱 (12), 直到水位到达 calc (0.5 l) 标记处, 然后在其中溶入两片除垢片剂 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 除垢程序运行大约 20 分钟 : Descaling ( 除垢 ) 22

21 zh 如果水箱中没有足够的除垢液, 则显示以下信息 : Not enough descaling fluid ( 除垢液不足 )Refill fluid ( 重新加注除垢液 ) 将温水倒入空水箱 (12), 直到水位到达 calc (0.5 l) 标记处, 然后在其中溶入两片除垢片剂 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 除垢程序将继续执行 Clean and refill water tank ( 清洁水箱, 并向水箱内重新加水 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 清洗水箱, 然后添加干净水, 至 max ( 最高 ) 标记处 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 除垢程序将运行大约 1 分钟 : Descaling ( 除垢 ) Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 Replace drip tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) 更换滴水盘 更换正在使用的过滤器 电器再次准备就绪 清洁 如果显示提示信息 Service - clean ( 保养 - 清洁 ), 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒钟 显示屏显示 : Please press Start/Stop to begin... Cleaning program ( 请按下 Start/Stop 按钮开始... 清洁程序 ) 或在未提示的情况下启动 ( 参见 显示设置 ), 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒并选择 Please press Start/Stop to begin... Cleaning program ( 请按下 Start/Stop 按钮开始... 清洁程序 ) 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 显示屏将指导您完成该程序 Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 (20) Replace drip tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) 更换滴水盘 Clean ( 清洁 ) Open drawer ( 打开抽屉 ) 展开电器, 打开抽屉 (17) Insert cleaning tablet! Close drawer! ( 插入清洁片剂!)Close drawer! ( 关闭抽屉!) 将一片清洁片剂放入抽屉中, 再次关闭抽屉 Press start ( 按下启动按钮 ) 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 清洁程序将运行大约 7 分钟 Cleaning ( 清洁 ) Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 Replace drip tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) 更换滴水盘 电器再次准备就绪 23

22 zh 钙化清洁 钙化清洁将除垢和清洁两个独立的功能结合起来 如果两个程序的运行时间均很快就要到来, 则全自动咖啡机会自动建议采用此保养程序 如果显示提示信息 Service - Calc n Clean ( 保养 - 钙化清洁 ), 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒钟 显示屏显示 :Please press Start/ Stop to begin... Calc n Clean ( 请按下 Start/Stop 开始... 钙化清洁 ) 或在未提示的情况下启动 ( 参见 显示设置 ), 按住 i (7) 至少 3 秒并选择 Please press Start/Stop to begin...calc n Clean ( 请按下 Start/ Stop 开始... 钙化清洁 ) 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 显示屏将指导您完成该程序 Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 (20) Replace drip tray ( 更换滴水盘 ) 更换滴水盘 如果水箱中没有足够的除垢液, 则显示以下信息 : Set up milk frother ( 设置牛奶打泡器 ) 插入牛奶打泡器 (10) 将容器放在牛奶打泡器下 ˆ 启动将一个容量至少 1 升的容器放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 下 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 电器清洗两次 : Cleaning ( 清洁 ) Open drawer ( 打开抽屉 ) 展开电器, 打开抽屉 (17) Insert cleaning tablet! ( 插入清洁片剂!)Close drawer! ( 关闭抽屉!) 将一片清洁片剂放入抽屉中, 再次关闭抽屉 如果启动了滤水器, 则显示以下信息 : Remove filter ( 拆下过滤器 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 拆下水过滤器并按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) Add 0.5 l water and descaler ( 加入 0.5 l 水和除垢器 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 将温水倒入空水箱 (12), 直到水位到达 calc (0.5 l) 标记处, 然后在其中溶入两片除垢片剂 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 除垢程序运行大约 20 分钟 : Descaling ( 除垢 ) 如果水箱中没有足够的除垢液, 则显示以下信息 : Not enough descaling fluid ( 除垢液不足 )Refill fluid ( 重新加注除垢液 ) 将温水倒入空水箱 (12), 直到水位到达 calc (0.5 l) 标记处, 然后在其中溶入两片除垢片剂 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 除垢程序将继续执行 Clean and refill water tank ( 清洁水箱, 并向水箱内重新加水 ) ˆ Start ( 启动 ) 清洗水箱, 然后添加干净水, 至 max ( 最高 ) 标记处 按下 start stop 启动停止按钮 (8) 这时, 除垢程序将运行大约 1 分钟 : Descaling ( 除垢 ) 然后, 清洁程序运行大约 7 分钟, 并清洗电器 : Cleaning ( 清洁 ) Empty drip tray ( 排空滴水盘 ) 排空滴水盘 更换滴水盘更换滴水盘 更换正在使用的过滤器 电器再次准备就绪 24

23 zh 附件 存储 处置 保修 附件 以下附件可从零售商或客户服务处获得 清洁片剂除垢片剂 附件 零售 订货号 客户服务 TZ TZ 水过滤器 TZ 油脂 ( 管装 ) 处置 ) 本电器根据涉及废弃电气和电子设备 WEEE 的欧洲指令 2002/96/EG 贴有标签 该指令提供了在欧盟范围内回收和处置使用寿命到期的电器的框架 有关当前的处置机构, 请询问您的专业零售商 保修 本电器的保修条款由电器售出国的代表处确定 具体条款可在售出电器的零售商处获取 当根据保修条款进行任何索赔时, 必须出具销售凭证或收据 保留修改的权利 存储 为避免在运输和存储过程中因霜冻导致损坏, 必须先完全清空电器 在按照下述步骤清空本电器之前, 电器必须准备就绪, 水箱 (12) 必须加满 1. 将一个又大又窄的容器放在牛奶打泡器 (10) 下 2. 在显示屏上选择 Milk froth ( 奶沫 ) 设置, 按下 Start Stop 启动停止按钮 (8), 散发蒸汽约 15 秒 Milk froth 3. 用电源开关 O/I (1) 关闭电器 4. 排空水箱 (12) 和滴水盘 (20) 25

24 zh 简单的故障检修 问题原因解决方案 显示屏显示补充豆箱 虽然豆箱是满的, 电器却并不研磨咖啡豆 咖啡豆未落入研磨装置 ( 咖啡豆过于油腻 ) 如有必要, 改变咖啡的类型 用干布擦干净空豆箱 不分装茶水 牛奶打泡器或其支架堵塞 清洁牛奶打泡器或其支架 奶沫不足或过于松软 牛奶打泡器不吸入牛奶 牛奶打泡器或其支架堵塞 牛奶打泡器支座上的气阀堵塞 电器中有水垢蓄积 清洁牛奶打泡器或其支架 如用湿棉签小心地清洁气阀, 参见快速参考指南中的 清洁牛奶系统 内容 去除电器水垢 牛奶不适合进行打泡 使用低脂牛奶 (1.5 % 脂肪 ) 咖啡分装缓慢, 至涓涓细流, 或完全停止 牛奶打泡器 (10) 没有正确装配 咖啡打磨过于精细 预打磨咖啡过于精细 电器中有水垢蓄积 将牛奶打泡器部件弄湿, 并用力一起下压 将研磨装置调节至粗磨设置 使用粗磨预打磨咖啡 去除电器水垢 咖啡没有奶泡 咖啡类型不合适 所用咖啡含有较高比例罗布斯 塔咖啡豆 咖啡太 酸 咖啡豆已不再新鲜 研磨设置对咖啡豆不合适 研磨设置太粗或者预研磨咖啡太粗 咖啡类型不合适 使用新鲜的豆 将研磨设置调整为精细 将研磨装置调整至精细设置, 或使用更加精细的预研磨咖啡 使用稍深颜色的烘烤 26

25 zh 简单的故障检修 问题原因解决方案 咖啡太 苦 研磨设置太精细或者预研磨咖啡太精细 咖啡类型不合适 将研磨装置调整至粗磨设置, 或使用更加粗糙的预研磨咖啡 改变咖啡类型 显示屏显示 Error ( 错误 ) Please contact hotline ( 请致电服务热线 ) 电器出现故障 拨打热线 ( 见封底 ) 水过滤器没有在水箱中定位 滤水器安装不正确 首先将水过滤器垂直向下用力 压入水箱接口 咖啡粉不紧实而且太湿 显示屏显示 Clean brewing unit ( 清洁冲泡装置 ) 研磨设置太细或太粗, 或使用的咖啡粉不够 冲泡装置脏 冲泡装置中预磨咖啡太多 将研磨装置调至更粗或更细设置, 或使用两平匙的咖啡粉 清洁冲泡装置 清洁冲泡装置 ( 倒入不超过两平匙的咖啡粉 ) 冲泡装置机构活动不灵活 取出冲泡装置并用特殊的专用油脂进行处理 ( 订购号 ), 参见 日常维护和清洁 咖啡或奶沫质量变化很大 电器中有水垢蓄积 按照说明, 使用两片除垢片剂 为电器除垢 在拆下滴水盘时, 水滴在电器的内部底板上 滴水盘拆下太早 拆下滴水盘前, 在分装最后一份饮品后, 等待几秒钟 如果您无法解决问题, 不要试图自行找出故障或拆卸电器或自行修理 拨打热线 ( 见后壁 ) 27

26 zh 技术参数 电源接口 ( 电压 / 频率 ) 加热器功率最大静态泵压力最大水箱容积 ( 不带过滤器 ) 咖啡豆容器的最大容量电源线的长度尺寸 (H x W x D) 重量, 空载研磨装置类型 V / Hz 1700 W 19 bar 2.5 l 1000 g 150 cm 454 x 594 x 535 mm 25.9 kg 陶瓷表面 28

27 en Congratulations... How to use these instructions... on purchasing this product. With this deployable fully automatic espresso machine you have acquired a high-quality modern kitchen appliance of innovative design which combines a multitude of functions with easy operation. It will enable you to prepare a variety of delicious hot drinks quickly and simply whether you re in the mood for a traditional cup of coffee, a smooth milk coffee or latte macchiato, a creamy cappuccino or an invigorating espresso. At the same time the appliance offers you a wide range of options for adapting it to your individual taste. To ensure that you can use this fully automatic espresso machine with all its functions and features reliably and safely, we would like you to familiarize yourself with its components, functions, displays and controls. These instructions are designed to help you. So please take the time to read them before you switch on the appliance. If you unfold the front cover of these instructions you will fi nd illustrations of the appliance with numbered parts. These numbers are referred to throughout the text, e.g. Water tank (12). If you leave the cover page unfolded, you can always refer back to it quickly, wherever you are in the instructions. Displays and lettering on buttons are always shown in a different font from the text of the instructions so that you can easily recognize what is displayed or printed on the appliance. Example: Espresso Frequently used controls are shown as symbols: Rotary knob Button The appliance comes with a quick reference guide on which you can fi nd the most important functions at a glance. It can be stored in the outer compartment on the right of the appliance. 29

28 en Contents 31 Safety instructions 42 Information and settings 32 Included in delivery 42 Displaying information 42 Displaying settings 32 The appliance and its parts 43 Set per-cup quantity 44 Adjusting the grinding unit 44 Checking the water hardness 44 Tips on energy saving 33 Controls and display 33 Power switch O/I 33 Menu and display 34 Display messages 35 Deployment system 35 Accessories 35 Operation 35 General 35 Energy saving mode 36 Setting up the appliance 37 Preparing drinks 37 Drink selection 37 aromadoubleshot 38 Example 38 Preparation using pre-ground coffee 39 Preparation using milk 40 Two cups at once 40 My coffee 41 Preparing milk froth and warm milk 41 Dispensing hot water 48 Daily maintenance and cleaning 45 Daily maintenance 45 Cleaning the milk system 46 Cleaning the brewing unit 47 Service programmes 48 Descaling 49 Cleaning 50 Calc n Clean 51 Accessories, storage, disposal, guarantee 51 Accessories 51 Storage 51 Disposal ) 51 Guarantee 52 Simple troubleshooting 54 Technical data 30

29 en Safety instructions Please read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance and keep them for future reference. You should also note the enclosed quick reference guide. This fully automatic espresso machine is designed for preparation of small amounts of coffee for domestic use or for use in noncommercial, household-like environments, such as staff kitchens in shops, offices, agricultural and other small businesses or for use by guests at bed-and-breakfast establishments, small hotels and similar residential facilities. It should only be filled with fresh water and the substances described in these instructions (coffee, cleaning/descaling agents). Use indoors and at room temperature only. Do not allow persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, to use this appliance, unless they are being supervised or have been given instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Keep children away from the appliance. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Risk of electric shock Connect and operate the appliance only in accordance with the specifications on the rating label. Do not use if either the power cord or the appliance is damaged. In the event of a malfunction, switch off the appliance immediately by the power on/ off switch. Then pull out the power plug. Do not open the appliance or dismantle it. Never immerse the power cord in water. To avoid potential hazards, repairs such as replacing a damaged power cord should only be performed by our service personnel. Risk of injury Do not reach into the grinding unit. Risk of burns The milk frother for milk and hot water gets very hot. After use, allow to cool down first before touching. Risk of injury Be careful when pulling the appliance out of the built-in unit and pushing it back in, so that fingers are not trapped. 31

30 en Included in delivery See the illustration at the beginning of this instruction manual. a Fully automatic espresso machine TK76K573 b Instruction manual c Filter instructions d Installation instructions e Measuring spoon f Milk tube g Quick reference guide h Milk container i Water filter j Grease (tube) k Water hardness testing strip l Milk frother The appliance and its parts (See illustration on the fold-out front cover of these instructions) 1 Power switch O/I 2 on off button ( energy saving mode ) 3 Selection buttons < > 4 Rotary knob for settings on the display 5 Display 6 Deployment button 7 i button (information/settings) 8 start stop button 9 Coffee outlet (height-adjustable) 10 Milk frother, removable (for milk/hot water) 11 Cover of coffee outlet/milk frother 12 Removable water tank 13 Milk tube 14 Measuring spoon 15 Bean container with aroma cover 16 Selector for adjusting the grind 17 Drawer (for ground coffee/cleaning tablet) 18 Door to brewing unit 19 Door opener 20 Drip tray unit 21 Quick reference guide 22 Holder for milk frother 23 Brewing unit a) Lock for brewing unit b) Button for brewing unit 24 Grate 25 Drip tray 26 Coffee grounds container 27 Drip tray panel 28 Milk container (insulated) 32

31 en Controls and display Power switch O/I The power switch O/I (1) is used to switch the appliance on into energy saving mode or to switch it off fully (power supply off). In energy saving mode only the on off button (2) is lit in white. 1 Menu and display The appliance features user-friendly menu navigation to ensure that operation is as easy as possible while at the same time offering a wide range of functions. It allows you to select from a multitude of options in only a few steps once you know how. The display shows which programme you have selected and lets you know when you need to top up the appliance with water or coffee, or run one of the service programmes. Basic menu operation is described in the following pages. 5 on off Coffee 1x 1x - - start stop Important: Do not press the power switch while the appliance is operating. The appliance should only be switched off when it is in energy saving mode, so that it can rinse automatically on off (2): This button is used to switch on the appliance or put it into energy saving mode. The appliance then rinses, unless it is still warm when switched on. no coffee was dispensed before it was switched to energy saving mode. The appliance is ready for use when the drink selection menu is shown in the display (5). Even when in energy saving mode the appliance recognizes when the drip tray unit (20) has been removed. < > (3): These buttons are used to navigate left and right in the display (5). The currently active menu item is highlighted in white. 33

32 en Rotary knob (4): This is turned to select and change settings in the display (e.g. coffee strength or per-cup quantity). Display (5): The display uses symbols and texts to indicate settings, ongoing processes and messages. Use (6) to deploy the appliance automatically out of the built-in unit (see Deployment system ). i (7): If you press i (7), information is shown on the display (see Displaying information ). If you keep i (7) pressed for longer than 3 seconds, you open the settings menu (see Displaying settings ). Press start stop (8) to start drink preparation or to start a service programme. Press start stop (8) again during drink preparation to stop the dispensing process. Display messages The display shows not only the current operating status, but also various messages that give you status information or let you know when you need to take action. As soon as you have taken the necessary action, the message disappears and the menu for drink selection is displayed again. Information: Display message Meaning Water tank almost empty Water tank must be refi lled soon Prompts: Display message What you need to do Refill water tank Replace water tank Check water tank Replace drip tray Empty drip tray Refill bean container Set up milk frother Replace brewing unit Close door Clean brewing unit Service - change filter Service - descale Service - clean Service - Calc n Clean Short rinse for milk system ˆ Start Refi ll water tank Replace water tank Remove water tank and replace correctly Replace drip tray Empty drip tray and clean Refi ll bean container Set up milk frother Replace brewing unit and close door Clean brewing unit Change water fi lter Run Descaling service programme Run Cleaning service programme Run Calc n Clean service programme Rinse milk system Bean container almost empty Please wait... Drink is ready. Bean container must be refi lled soon Appliance is working; please wait a moment You can now remove your drink 34

33 en Deployment system The appliance can be pulled out of the builtin unit automatically. To do this, press (6) (appliance must be switched on for this) or remove grate and pull on the handle underneath which is now accessible: The appliance now moves automatically into deployment position 1. In this position it can be fi lled with water, coffee beans, ground coffee and cleaning/descaling tablets, and the accessories on the right of the appliance can be removed. To pull the appliance out fully, press (6) again and pull the appliance out by hand into position 2 or pull the appliance out fully by the handle. In deployment position 2 the brewing unit can be removed and the grinding unit adjusted. Deployment position 1 Deployment position 2 Then push the appliance back fully into the built-in unit. During the brewing process, automatic deployment is prevented. Accessories The fully automatic espresso machine has special compartments for storing the accessories and quick reference guide (21) with the appliance. These are located on the right side (13, 14) and are accessible when the appliance is pulled out into deployment position 1. Operation General Fill the water tank with fresh, uncarbonated water only, and preferably use only beans for fully automatic coffee and espresso machines. Do not use coffee beans that have been glazed, caramelised or treated with other additives containing sugar, since they will block the brewing unit. If the appliance is being used for the first time or has not been operated for a long period, the fi rst cup of coffee will not have the full aroma. When using the espresso machine for the fi rst time, you will achieve a suitably thick and stable crema only after the fi rst few cups have been dispensed. The factory settings of the fully automatic espresso machine are programmed for optimal performance. The appliance switches to energy saving mode automatically after one hour. This setting, like many others, can be changed (see Auto off after under Displaying settings ). Energy saving mode If the drip tray is not in place, the appliance cannot be switched on and no water fl ows out of the coffee outlet. The message Replace drip tray appears. This message also appears if the drip tray is removed while the appliance is in energy saving mode. The message disappears when the 35

34 en drip tray is replaced. The appliance reverts to energy saving mode. Do not press the power switch while the appliance is operating. The appliance should only be switched off when it is in energy saving mode, so that it can rinse automatically. Setting up the appliance 4. Press start stop (8). The language you selected is saved and the appliance is in energy saving mode. You can change the language setting at any time (see Displaying settings ). 5. Deploy the appliance (see Deployment system ). 6. Remove the water tank (12) by pulling it upward, rinse and fi ll it with fresh cold water. Do not fi ll above the max mark Press the power switch (1). 7. Replace the water tank and push it fi rmly downward into place. 2. The language selection is shown in the display: Sprache: Deutsch Start drücken 3. Press the retracted rotary knob (4) and turn it to select the language in which you want the display texts to appear. The following languages can be selected: Deutsch Português English Dansk PYCCKИЙ Norsk Nederlands Suomi Français Česky Italiano Türkçe Svenska Magyar Español Ελληνικά Polski Български Fill the water tank with fresh water every day. The tank should always contain suffi cient water for operating the appliance. 8. Fill the bean container (15) with coffee beans (for preparation using ground coffee, see page 39). 9. Push the appliance back into the built-in unit. 10. Press on off (2). The company logo lights up in the display. The appliance now heats up and rinses. Some water will run out of the coffee outlet. The menu for drink selection is shown in the display: 1x Coffee > > 1x 11. Set the water hardness (see Displaying settings ). 36

35 en Preparing drinks Drink selection In the menu for drink selection, which appears in the display after setup or after you have switched on the appliance and pressed on off (2), you can turn the rotary knob (4) to select one of the following in the section of the display that is highlighted in white: Espresso > 1x > 1x Espresso Coffee Latte Macchiato equal quantities of espresso and milk froth; topped up with milk; best served in a tall glass Cappuccino 1/3 espresso 1/3 milk 1/3 milk froth; best served in a cup White coffee 1/2 coffee 1/2 milk; best served in a wide cup My coffee Milk froth Warm milk Hot water Short rinse for milk system For every type of drink you can use < and > (3) to select further options, e.g. coffee strength and per-cup quantity. The available options are always shown on the right next to the type of drink. Among the options you have selected with < and > (3) (highlighted in white) you can change other settings with the rotary knob (4). Under coffee preparation you have the following options: Strength: Size: 2x 2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 1x 1x 1x aromadoubleshot strong aromadoubleshot regular strong regular mild aromadoubleshot large medium small large medium small 2x 1x The longer the coffee is brewed, the more bitter substances and undesired aromas are released. This has a negative effect on the taste and makes the coffee less easily digestible. So for extra strong coffee the TK76 has a special aromadoubleshot function. When half the quantity has been prepared, coffee is ground and brewed again so that only the pleasant, aromatic scents are released. The aromadoubleshot function is available for the following drinks: 37

36 en Coffee (1 cup) Cappuccino (1 cup) Latte Macchiato (1 cup) White coffee (1 cup) My coffee (1 cup) Espresso (1 cup, medium and large) Example Let s assume you would like a large cup of mild coffee made from coffee beans. 1. Place the cup under the coffee outlet (9) 9 2. Turn the rotary knob (4) until Coffee appears on the left of the display: 1x Coffee > > 1x 3. Press > (3) once to get to the strength setting. The strength setting is now highlighted in white: Coffee < 1x > 1x 4. Turn the rotary knob (4) to the left until only the box on the left is shown in black ( mild setting): Coffee < 1x > 1x 5. Press > (3) again to get to the percup quantity setting. The per-cup quantity setting is now highlighted in white: 6. Turn the rotary knob (4) to the right until all three boxes are shown in black ( large cup setting): Coffee < 1x < 1x 7. Press start stop (8). The coffee you have selected is prepared. Proceed in the same way to prepare other types of coffee in different strengths and per-cup quantities. Preparation using preground coffee This fully automatic espresso machine also offers the option of making coffee with preground coffee. A measuring spoon is included with the appliance. 1. Deploy the appliance and remove the measuring spoon. 2. Open the drawer (17) Pour in no more than two level spoons of ground coffee. Do not use whole beans or instant coffee. 4. Close the drawer again. 5. Push the appliance back in. 6. Set the required drink and per-cup quantity with the rotary knob (4): Coffee < 1x < 1x Espresso Coffee powder > 38

37 en 7. Place a cup under the coffee outlet (9): Press start stop (8). The coffee is brewed and then dispensed into the cup. For another cup of coffee, pour in more ground coffee and repeat the procedure. If no coffee is taken within 90 seconds, the brewing chamber empties automatically to avoid overfi lling. The appliance rinses. 4. Push the appliance back in. 5. Place the container with milk next to the milk frother. Introduce the milk tube into the container. The notched end of the tube should be fully immersed in the milk. Preparation using milk For optimal milk froth, use cold milk with a fat content of at least 1.5 % if possible. 1. Lower the cover of the milk frother (11); the milk frother (10) is now accessible: Deploy the appliance (see Deployment system ). 3. Take the milk tube supplied with the appliance and connect it to the attachment point on the milk frother (10). Close the cover again. 6. Place a cup or glass under the coffee outlet. 7. Turn the rotary knob (4) to select Latte Macchiato, Cappuccino, White coffee or My coffee (your own special coffee/milk mix). The display shows the selected drink along with the setting for coffee strength and per-cup quantity for this drink: Cappuccino > 1x > 1x 8. Choose your settings for strength and per-cup quantity. 9. Press start stop (8). First milk is drawn in, prepared and dispensed into the cup or glass. Immediately after that the coffee is brewed and then runs into the cup or glass. 39

38 en In the case of the strength settings 2x (aromadoubleshot), the appliance brews twice in succession. Wait until the procedure is fully completed Dried milk residue is diffi cult to remove, so clean the milk system immediately after use (see Cleaning the milk system ). My coffee The My coffee setting allows you to defi ne the exact mix of coffee and frothed milk that suits your own individual taste. 1. Connect the milk tube to the milk frother (see Preparation using milk ). 2. Place container with milk on the grate. Introduce the milk tube into the container. The notched end of the tube should be fully immersed in the milk. Two cups at once 1. Place two cups under the two coffe e outlets left and right: 3. Place a cup under the coffee outlet (9). 4. Select My coffee with the rotary knob (4). 2. Select Espresso or Coffee with the rotary knob (4). Press > (3) and turn the rotary knob (4) to set the required strength. 3. Press > (3) to switch to the per-cup quantity selection. In the per-cup quantity selection, keep turning the rotary knob (4) to the right until the display shows 2 x in front of the cup symbol: Coffee < < 2x 4. Set the required quantity for the two cups by turning the rotary knob (4) (small, medium, large). 5. Press start stop (8). Coffee is dispensed into the two cups. The appliance brews twice in succession; wait for the complete process to fi nish. My coffee > 1x > 5. Press > (3) to switch to the coffee strength selection. Set the required strength with the rotary knob (4). My coffee < 1x > 6. Press > (3) to go on to the per-cup quantity selection. Set the required percup quantity with the rotary knob (4). < 1x < > 7. Press > (3) to switch to selection of the coffee/milk ratio. Set the required mix by turning the rotary knob (4) in 20% steps. 40

39 en < 1x < Espresso Milk 8. Press start stop (8). The drink is prepared in the required coffee/ milk ratio. The changes you have made are saved automatically. It is not necessary to confi rm them additionally. Preparing milk froth and warm milk Risk of burns The milk frother (10) gets very hot. After use, allow to cool down first before touching. For optimal milk froth quality, use cold milk with a fat content of at least 1.5 % if possible. 1. Take the milk tube and connect it to the milk frother (see Preparation using milk ). 2. Place a cup or glass under the outlet of the milk frother (10). 3. Select the required Milk froth or Warm milk setting by turning the rotary knob (4): The appliance may make a whistling noise when warm milk is being prepared. This is caused by the milk frother (10) for technical reasons. Dried milk residue is diffi cult to remove, so clean the milk frother immediately after use. (see Cleaning the milk system ) Dispensing hot water Risk of burns The milk frother (10), from which the hot water flows, gets very hot. After use, allow to cool down first before touching. The appliance can also be used to dispense hot water, e.g. for tea. 1. Place a cup or glass under the coffee outlet. 2. Select Hot water with the rotary knob (4): Hot water > 3. Press > (3) to switch to the temperature selection. Set the required temperature with the rotary knob (4): Milk froth 4. Press start stop (8). Milk froth or warm milk runs out of the milk frother outlet (takes about 40 or 60 seconds respectively). Press start stop (8) again to cut the process short. Hot water > 4. Press start stop (8). Hot water runs out of the milk frother outlet for about 40 seconds. Press start stop (8) again to cut the process short. Warm up cups before use, especially small, thick espresso cups, with the hot water. 41

40 en Information and settings Use i (7) to display information (press briefl y) and adjust settings (hold down for at least three seconds). Displaying information In the Info menu (press i (7) briefl y) you can call up the following information: when it is necessary to descale the appliance when it is necessary to clean the appliance when it is necessary to change the fi lter how much coffee has been dispensed since the appliance was fi rst put into operation how many milk drinks have been dispensed how much hot water has been prepared... Informations / Service Descale after 100 cups on off Displaying settings Hold down i (7) for at least 3 seconds; the different setting options are then displayed: Default settings Language: English Per-cup quantities Use < and > (3) to switch between the different setting options. The currently active setting is always highlighted in white. You can change the setting that is currently displayed by turning the rotary knob (4). To exit the menu, press i (7) again. start stop The changes you have made are saved automatically. It is not necessary to confi rm them additionally. The following setting options are available to you: > Language: Turn the knob (4) to select the display language. > Per-cup quantities: The per-cup quantity can be set separately for each type of drink and each cup size (see Set percup quantity on page 44). > Water hardness: Turn the knob (4) to select the required water hardness (1, 2, 3 or 4) (refer also to Checking and setting the water hardness ). > Coffee temperature: Turn the knob (4) to set the coffee temperature. > Auto off after: Turn the knob (4) to enter the time span after which the appliance should automatically switch to energy saving mode following the last drink preparation. A time between 5 minutes and 8 hours can be set. The default time is one hour, but this can be shortened to save energy. > Contrast: The display contrast can be set from 20 to 20 with the rotary knob (4). The default setting is 0. > Illumination: The lighting can be set to Off, On or Off after 5 min. (factory setting: On). > Water filter: Each time a new water fi lter is inserted in the water tank (12), it must be rinsed: 1. Place the water fi lter in the water tank (12) and fi ll the tank with water up to the max mark. 2. Turn the rotary knob (4) to select Press start and press start stop (8). 3. Place a container with a capacity of 0.5 litres under the milk frother (10). 4. Press start stop (8). Water will now run fi rst through the fi lter to rinse it and then into the container. 42

41 en Empty the container. The appliance is ready to use once more. Rinsing the fi lter simultaneously activates the setting for the Service - change filter display. The fi lter is no longer effective when the Service - change filter display appears, or at the latest after two months. It needs to be replaced for reasons of hygiene and so that there is no build-up of limescale (this could damage the appliance). Replacement fi lters can be obtained from retailers or customer service (see Accessories ). After every fi lter change the fi lter must fi rst be rinsed. Proceed as described at the beginning of this section. If no new fi lter is used, turn the water fi lter setting to Off. You can fi nd detailed information about the water fi lter in the enclosed fi lter instructions. If the appliance has not been used for a prolonged period (e.g. during your vacation) the fi lter should be rinsed before the appliance is used again. To do this, simply dispense a cup of hot water. Further entries in the Settings menu: > Descaling program: If you want to descale the appliance, press start stop (8) and run the descaling programme (see Descaling ). > Cleaning program: If you want to clean the appliance, press start stop (8) and run the cleaning programme (see Cleaning ). > Calc n Clean: If you want to descale and clean the appliance at the same time, press start stop (8) and run the Calc n Clean programme (see Calc n Clean ). > Factory settings: You can cancel your own settings and reset the factory settings. To activate the factory settings, press start stop (8). The appliance can also be reset to the factory settings as follows: 1. Switch the appliance off fully at the power switch O/I (1). 2. Press < and > (3) at the same time, hold them down, and switch the appliance on again at the power switch O/I (1). The factory settings are reactivated. Set per-cup quantity The per-cup quantity can be adjusted individually to suit your cups. It can be set separately for each type of drink and each cup size. 1. To call up the default settings, keep i (7) depressed for at least 3 seconds. 2. Select Per-cup quantities with > 3. Press start stop (8). 4. Select the type of drink with the rotary knob (4). 5. Press >. 6. Select the cup size with the rotary knob (4). 7. Press >. 8. Set the per-cup quantity with the rotary knob (4). < returns you to cup size and drink selection. To quit the default settings, press i (7). The settings are stored. When the cup size is selected, the changed per-cup quantity is shown graphically: Coffee < 1x < 1x Per-cup quantity reduced compared with standard setting Per-cup quantity increased compared with standard setting Standard 43

42 en Important: The selected amount in ml is an approximate value and can vary signifi cantly as a result of crema forming, the grind setting or the type of milk used, etc. Adjusting the grinding unit The rotary selector (16) on the top of the appliance adjusts the degree of grinding from coarse to fi ne as required. 16 Warning: Adjust the grinding unit only while it is running. Otherwise the appliance may be damaged. 1. Deploy the appliance fully (see Deployment system ). 2. In the drink selection menu, select Espresso. 3. Press start stop (8). 4. While the grinding unit is running, adjust the rotary selector (16) from fi ne to coarse or back as required. The new setting will not become apparent until after the second cup of coffee. For dark roast coffee beans, choose a fi ner grind, for lighter beans a coarser grind. Checking the water hardness The water hardness setting can be adjusted on this appliance. It is important to set the water hardness correctly, so that the appliance indicates accurately when the descaling programme should be run. The factory setting for the water hardness is 4. You can check the water hardness using the enclosed test strip or by asking your local water supplier. Dip the test strip briefly in water, gently shake off any drips, and check the result after one minute. Water hardness levels and settings: Level Water hardness German ( dh) French ( fh) Tips on energy saving The fully automatic espresso machine switches to energy saving mode automatically after one hour (factory setting). The appliances uses very little power when in energy saving mode, but monitors all safety-relevant functions so as to avoid damage. The default time of one hour can be shortened (see Auto off after under Displaying settings ). The appliance then uses even less power. If the appliance is not being used, switch it off at the power switch. If possible, do not interrupt coffee or milk froth dispensing. Stopping a process prematurely results in higher energy consumption and the drip tray fills up more quickly. Always descale the appliance when Service - descale is displayed (see Descaling ) to avoid a build-up of limescale. Limescale residue results in higher energy consumption. 44

43 en Daily maintenance and cleaning Risk of electric shock Before cleaning the appliance, switch it off at the power switch. Do not use a steam cleaner. Daily maintenance 1. Wipe the outside of the appliance with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cloths or cleaning agents. 2. Do not use alcohol-based or spiritbased cleaning agents on the highgloss surfaces. 3. Always remove any limescale, coffee, milk or descaling fl uid residue immediately. Such residue can cause corrosion. 4. Rinse out the water tank (12) with water only. 5. Take off the grate (24). Pull out the drip tray (25). Take off the drip tray panel (27). Empty out any water and coffee grinds (26). Clean the drip tray or put it in the dishwasher. Do not put the grate (24) or the drip tray panel (27) in the dish washer The lid and the insulating cover of the milk container should only be wiped gently with a damp cloth. Do not put them in the dish washer. 7. Wipe out the inside of the tray holders. 8. Clean the milk frother (procedure described below). 9. Replace all the parts again. Important: Drip tray for coffee outlet (25) and coffee grounds container (26) should be emptied and cleaned daily to prevent mould from developing. If the appliance is cold when switched on with on off (2), or if it is set to energy saving mode after dispensing coffee, it rinses automatically. In other words the pipework inside the appliance is cleaned by the machine itself. Important: If the appliance has not been used for a prolonged period of time (e.g. after a vacation), clean the entire appliance thoroughly, including the milk system and brewing unit. Cleaning the milk system Risk of burns The milk frother (10) gets very hot. After use, allow to cool down first before touching. The message Short rinse for milk system ˆ Start appears if cleaning has not been performed after use if the appliance has been switched to energy saving mode with the on off button and has not previously been cleaned shortly before the appliance automatically switches to energy saving mode without fi rst having been cleaned If this message appears, start with Step 2 under Short rinse for milk system. Clean the milk system immediately after use. 45

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