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1 使用说明书 Operating Instructions ( 家用 ) 离子蒸汽美容器 (Household) Facial Ionic Steamer 型号 Model No. EH SA60 中文 2 English 21 本产品使用前, 请仔细阅读此说明书并妥善保管, 以备将来参考 Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:52

2 中文 感谢您购买 Panasonic 离子蒸汽美容器 使用前请仔细阅读说明书所有内容 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 和 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 标记为松下电工株式会社商标 安全注意事项为确保您正确使用本产品, 请在使用前认真阅读所有安全注意事项 该安全注意事项能帮助您正确安全使用本产品, 以免伤及您和他人以及带来财产损失 安全注意事项内容如下 请谨遵该安全注意事项之相关规定! 警告 : 表示可能发生的危险情况, 如不及时避免, 严重时可能导致严重伤害甚至死亡 注意 : 表示可能发生的危险情况, 如不及时避免, 严重时可能导致人身伤害或财产损失 蒸汽模式和 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式共有的注意事项使用蒸汽模式或 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式时请小心谨慎 警告! 不要在盛水的浴缸 洗脸盆或其它器皿附近使用本产品 如感觉皮肤或身体出现疼痛或异常, 请立即停止使用 以下人士不宜使用本产品 孕期或经期妇女 ( 可能因激素失调而导致皮肤问题 ) 过敏症人群 有皮肤病 异位性皮炎或皮肤敏感者 皮肤存在问题的人群, 包括皮炎 严重晒伤等 有皮肤损伤 湿疹 肿胀等情况的人群 有引发皮肤 身体不适的可能性 如果感到疼痛或不适, 请马上停止使用 否则将可能导致皮肤或健康问题 本产品仅供面部 胸肩部和头发使用 否则, 将可能导致灼伤 烫伤 触电 身体损伤或健康损害 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:52

3 拔电源插头和电源线连接器时, 应握住电源插头和电源连接器的外壳部分 ( 不要触碰电源插头的任何金属部位 ) 否则可能导致事故甚至人身伤害 请务必确保本产品的工作电压符合其额定电压 确保电源插头和电源线连接器完全插入 否则可能导致火灾 触电 灼伤或烫伤 不使用本产品时或使用本产品之后, 请关闭电源并拔出电源插头 否则可能导致火灾或燃烧 应当定期清洁, 以避免电源插头和电源线连接器上聚集灰尘 湿气等因素可能会导致绝缘失效 请务必使用本产品的专用电源线组件 此外, 请勿将该电源线组件用于任何其他器具 否则可能导致火灾 请勿用湿手在家用电源插座和机身上插拔电源插头和电源线连接器 此外, 请勿用湿手使用本产品 否则, 将可能导致触电或短路 存放于婴幼儿接触不到的位置 请勿让婴幼儿使用本产品 请勿让儿童舔电源线连接器 否则, 将可能导致灼伤 触电或烫伤 如下情况时, 请不要使用本产品 当电源线或电源插头损坏或变热时 当家用电源插座上的电源插头出现松动时 请勿损坏 改造 过度弯曲 拉扯或扭曲电源线 请勿在电源线上面放置重物, 请勿挤压电源线 请勿让别针或污垢附着在电源线连接器的末端 否则可能导致火灾 触电 短路 灼伤或烫伤 存放时, 请勿将电源线缠绕在本产品上 否则可能会使电源线变形和功能失常 请勿将本产品浸入水中或往上浇水 请使用加水箱为本产品供水, 并确保加水时不弄湿器具和操作显示面板 否则, 可能会导致火灾 触电 短路 灼伤或烫伤 中文 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

4 中文 请勿在易燃物品附近使用本产品 ( 酒精 稀释剂 汽油 指甲油去除剂 喷雾剂等 ) 否则, 将可能导致爆炸或火灾 尽可能避免在浴室或其他湿度较大的房间内存放本产品 尽可能避免在容易沾水的地方 ( 如靠近浴池 ) 放置本产品 否则, 可能会因为绝缘性降低, 而导致触电或火灾 请勿在蒸汽喷出口或 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 出口处塞入别针 金属丝等金属物品或其他任何异物, 请勿堵塞这些出口 否则可能导致触电 请勿跌落或敲打本产品 如果因摔落或碰撞等使本产品受损时, 切勿再使用 否则, 可能会导致触电或火灾 请勿自行改造 拆解或修理本产品 有关维修事宜, 请与您购买本产品的商店或 Panaonic 认定维修店联系 否则, 可能会因火灾或运行异常而导致人身伤害 如果电源线组件损坏, 必须使用专用电源线或从其制造商或维修部买到专用的电源线组件来更换 注意! 移动时请握住提手 否则将可能导致意外事故或其他问题 本品不宜供肢体 感官或精神上有残疾者 或缺乏经验和知识者 ( 包括儿童 ) 使用, 必须有监护者从旁监督并对本品的使用加以指导, 且对使用者的安全能承担责任 请避免儿童将本品视为玩具, 从而引发危险 请妥善处理本产品的包装袋, 避免婴幼儿窒息等意外发生, 请置于儿童触摸不到的地方 本产品使用后应清洁, 避免油脂及其它残余物的积聚 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

5 蒸汽模式注意事项使用蒸汽模式时请小心谨慎 警告! 请注意高温蒸汽, 有烫伤的危险 对热度感觉迟钝者请勿使用 否则, 将可能导致灼伤或烫伤 注意! 使用后倾倒剩水时, 请握住器具, 以防热水洒到手上 使用后须注意加水箱的温度 打开 / 关闭喷嘴盖或调节角度时, 请握住喷嘴盖上左右两侧凹处位置进行调节 否则将可能导致烫伤 操作开关或者调节喷嘴角度时, 请勿接触蒸汽 请勿让您的脸 胸肩部或手直接接触蒸汽及保持距离喷嘴盖边缘 20cm 以上 蒸汽模式使用期间, 不要接触蒸汽喷出口或往蒸汽喷出口里面看 因为即使关闭电源后, 仍然会有蒸汽放出 ( 大约 1 分钟 ), 因此请不要靠近蒸汽喷出口 蒸汽模式使用期间或用后 10 分钟内, 不能倾斜 摇晃或移动本产品 否则可能导致热水溢出, 或者从蒸汽喷出口冒出大量蒸汽 将本产品放置于平坦的地方使用 请勿拿在手中使用 除清洁时以外, 器具内装有水时, 请勿晃动机身 请勿从蒸汽喷出口进行排水 请勿在睡眠时使用蒸汽模式 在蒸汽模式中请勿关闭喷嘴盖 高温蒸汽将从喷嘴盖的排气孔或周围溢出 蒸汽模式使用期间或用后 10 分钟内, 请勿安装或拆卸加水箱 请勿从蒸汽喷出口直接排水 否则, 由于蒸汽喷出口积聚了水滴, 打开电源时可能会溅出热水滴 使用蒸汽之后请勿接触喷嘴盖顶部的排气孔 否则, 水滴聚集在蒸汽喷出口, 打开电源时可能会溅出热 中文 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

6 中文 水, 导致灼伤或烫伤 仅使用蒸馏水或纯净水 否则可能导致设备故障, 严重时甚至可能导致灼伤或烫伤 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式注意事项使用 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式时请小心谨慎 警告! 以下人员不宜使用本产品 哮喘患者 否则将可能导致皮肤或健康问题 注意! 请勿使蒸汽直接吹向动物或植物 否则将可能带来不利影响 关于皮肤的警告 过度使用可能会损伤皮肤 初期使用时, 本产品只能每周使用 2 到 3 次 适应本产品后, 可以每天使用一次 请根据自己的皮肤状况调整使用频率 时间等 如果在蒸汽模式或 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式使用时发生皮肤问题, 请停止使用本产品 使用蒸汽后需要进行基础皮肤护理 如果在使用蒸汽后不做皮肤护理, 可能会使皮肤内的水分易于蒸发, 导致皮肤干燥 6 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

7 部件名称 A B : ; 中文 < C D C E = A B D E F G? A 机身 1 喷嘴盖 2 喷嘴 3 蒸汽喷出口 4 操作显示面板 5 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 出口 6 加水箱 7 提手 8 过滤器 9 防倾斜开关 B 背面 : 排水口 ; 排气孔 < 电源线连接口 C 操作显示面板 蒸汽指示灯 ( 红 ) 电源开关? nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯 ( 蓝 ) 检测指示灯 ( 红 ) A 停止 / 开始开关 B 模式转换开关 D 加水箱 C 加水盖 D 注满位置 E 电源线组件 E 电源插头 F 电源线 G 电源线连接器 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

8 中文 当您首次使用本产品时, 可能会发现加水箱周围有残留水 这是工厂用于出荷检查时残留的蒸馏水, 不会产生任何卫生问题 蒸汽模式准备 仅使用蒸馏水或纯净水 由于水质不同, 可能会缩短本产品的使用寿命, 所以建议您使用蒸馏水或纯净水 蒸馏水和纯净水一般可以在超市等买到 下列类型的水含有较高的矿物质, 因此不能使用 自来水 矿泉水 地热水 酸性水 地下水 离子化碱性水 请勿掺入任何其他物质请勿在水中掺入任何其他物质, 例如洗液 芳香油等 否则可能导致灼伤 故障或缩短机身的使用寿命 1 将机身放在平坦的表面上 使用时, 将机身放在诸如桌子等平坦 坚固的表面上 请勿用手握住本产品使用 2 从机身中取出加水箱 向上拔出加水箱 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

9 3 转动并打开加水盖 4 将加水箱的水加到 满水位, 然后拧紧加水盖 5 擦净加水箱表面的水份 中文 6 将加水箱安装到机身上 将加水箱推入机身, 直至其发出咔嗒声 加水箱装入机身后, 将会向机身供水, 加水箱内的水会减少 反复安装和拆卸加水箱时, 可能导致水从排水口渗出 如何在蒸汽模式中使用 1 将电源线连接器插入机身 2 将电源插头插入家用电源插座 3 完全打开喷嘴盖 打开时您会听 咔嗒 声 4 按下电源开关开启本产品 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯闪烁 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:53

10 中文 5 按住模式转换开关 ( 约 3 秒 ) 蒸汽指示灯红灯闪烁 喷嘴盖关闭时不可切换至蒸汽模式 6 随后, 在 10 秒内按下停止 / 开始开关 蒸汽指示灯红灯开启 如果您在按模式转换开关之后的 10 秒内未按下停止 / 开始开关, nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯将闪烁 此时, 要重复从步骤 5 开始的操作 可能会听见 嘘嘘 声 这是放电声, 属正常现象 移动喷嘴盖以调节喷嘴角 要打开 / 关闭喷嘴盖或调度 节角度, 请握住喷嘴盖上左右两侧凹处位置进行调节 10 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

11 7 将蒸汽对准面部和胸肩部 使您的面部和胸肩部距离喷嘴盖边缘至少 20cm 以上 当您首次使用本产品或感觉难以确定合适距离时, 请使用随附的距离测试卡确定您接受蒸汽的部位到喷嘴盖边缘的距离 为确保蒸汽覆盖整个脸部, 应当让蒸汽对准下巴的顶端 20cm 中文 本产品会在大约 12 分钟后自动停止工作 [ nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯将闪烁 ] 如果希望中途停止蒸汽喷出, 请在操作时按停止 / 开始开关, 蒸汽将会停止 若要再次使用蒸汽, 请重新装满水, 重复第 10 页步骤 5 开始的操作 如果在操作中喷嘴盖关闭, 操作将自动停止 操作开关时, 请勿接触蒸汽 蒸汽可能导致烫伤 在操作时关闭喷嘴盖可能导致操作停止, 并且蒸汽还会从喷嘴盖的排气孔或周围溢出, 导致烫伤 8 按下电源开关关闭本产品 所有指示灯关闭 11 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

12 中文 使用后 蒸汽模式完成后 10 分钟内, 不能倾斜 摇动或移动机身 每次使用后, 请务必倒掉加水箱和机身中的残留水 否则可 能会产生水痕或异味 1 冷却本产品至少 10 分钟以上 2 从家用电源插座上拔出电源插头 3 从机身上拔出电源线连接器 确保电源线捆扎正确, 不得将其缠绕在本产品上 4 关闭喷嘴盖 确认听到 咔嗒 声 5 从机身中取出加水箱 向上拔出加水箱 在一个不怕水的地方取出加水箱, 因为加水箱可能会滴水 6 倒出加水箱中的水 擦净加水箱表面的水分 12 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

13 7 倒出机身中的水 按下机身底部的防倾斜开关, 水从排水口排出 将本产品放回水平位置, 重复排水步骤 2-3 次以上, 确保器具内的水完全排净 加水箱安装位置 中文 如果本产品过度倾斜, 水会从加水箱安装位置流出 倒水时, 应握住机身, 避免双手接近热水 否则可能导致烫伤 8 安装加水箱 将加水箱推入机身, 直至其发出咔嗒声 9 将机身上面的水擦拭干净 长期不使用机身时 ( 几个星期或更长时间 ), 应彻底除去加水箱和机身中的水 待机身充分干燥后方可存放 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式 何谓 nanoe ( 细微水离子 )? nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 的产生方法 : 高压放电 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 是通过施加高电压来分离水分子而产生的带电净水粒子 肉眼无法看见 虽然 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 是由收集空气中的水分而产生, 但在某些情况下由于环境不同, 可能难以产生 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) ( 在寒冷干燥的地方较难收集空气中的水分 ) 13 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

14 中文 如何在 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式中使用 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式中, 本产品使用空气中收集的水分产生 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ), 因此, 无需水源 ( 不会耗用加水箱中的水 ) 无需打开喷嘴盖, 便可使用 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式 1 将机身放在平坦的表面上 使用时, 将机身放在诸如桌子等平坦 坚固的表面上 请勿用手握住本产品使用 如果将其置于某些垫子和地毯上, 本产品可能无法工作 使用本产品时, 请与您的面部保持约 50cm 的距离 将 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 出口对准您的面部, 与面部大约等高 如果吹风令您或者您的皮肤或身体其他地方感觉不舒服, 请调节本产品的方向或高度, 使风不会直接吹着面部 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 扩散范围很大, 因此不影响使用效果 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式可在您未睡眠时使用, 但是, nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 出口的方向可能无法对准您的面部, 建议您只在睡眠时使用 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 您和儿童一起睡眠时可安全使用本产品, 但是请将本产 品置于您的一侧, 这样儿童不会碰到本产品或电源线 2 将电源线连接器插入机身 3 将电源插头插入家用电源插座 4 按下电源开关开启本产品 关闭喷嘴盖时, 从上往下是看不到 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯的 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯闪烁 14 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

15 5 请按下停止 / 开始开关 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯开启 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 从 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 出口排出 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 肉眼看不到 中文 本产品大约 8 小时后自动停止工作, 此时,[ nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯蓝灯闪烁 ] 建议每天使用本产品不超过 8 小时 重新按下停止 / 开始开关, 可停止操作 ( 此时, 蓝色指示灯闪烁 ) 本产品是为睡眠使用而设计, 但在使用过程中您可能会听到风扇和产生 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 的声音 ( 吱吱声和嘶嘶声 ) nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯在启动后大约 1 分钟会渐渐变暗, 但不会完全熄灭 在明亮的室内, 难以看出其亮度变化 6 请在使用之后按下电源开关关闭本产品 7 从家用电源插座上拔出电源插头, 然后从机身上拔出电源线连接器 确保电源线捆扎正确, 不得将其缠绕在本产品上 15 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:54

16 中文 清洁不要在水中清洗或浸泡机身 清洁机身内部 每月清洁一次 为了清除和防止水垢沉淀, 在使用蒸汽模式之后, 应该让器 具冷却至少 10 分钟以上, 然后依下列步骤进行清洁 1 将加水箱的水加到 满水位, 然后拧紧加水盖 2 将加水箱安装到机身上 3 水平晃动机身 3 至 4 次 轻轻晃动器具, 不要发生倾斜 4 从机身中取出加水箱 5 按下机身底部的防倾斜开关, 将水从排水口排出 将本产品放回水平位置, 重复排水步骤 2 至 3 次以上 如果本产品过度倾斜, 水会从加水箱安装位置流出 加水箱安装位置 6 重复进行 2-5 步骤 2-3 次以上 7 擦净机身和加水箱上的水 即使排水之后, 器具中也仍会有残留水 这不会带来卫生问题, 因为下次使用时, 水将被煮沸 16 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:55

17 清洁机身 使用浸有肥皂水的抹布, 擦拭机身 绝不可使用酒精 稀释剂 汽油或指甲油去除剂等 这样做可能会导致仪器功能异常或导致开裂或变色 清洁过滤器 每月清洁一次 将水从机身排出之后, 使用吸尘器将过滤器上面的粉尘清除 吸尘器 中文 清洁电源线组件 每月清洁一次 从家用电源插座上拔出电源插头, 从机身上拔出电源线连接器 用干燥的布擦掉灰尘等 如果加水盖的密封脱落 1 用食指推加水盖的中央部分 过滤器 2 轻按加水盖密封的外缘 (A), 找到加水密封上面的凸起边缘 (B) 3 用手转动密封的同时, 让加水盖密封保持浮动, 使加水密封上的凸起边缘 (D) 与加水盖上的凹槽 (C) 相吻合 17 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:55

18 显示灯提示 中文 指示灯状态 灯亮 闪烁 在蒸汽模式中指示 待机模式 [ 闪烁 ] 蒸汽指示灯 ( 红 ) 指示灯状态 工作中 [ 灯亮 ] 蒸汽指示灯 ( 红 ) 在 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 模式中指示指示灯状态 待机模式 [ 闪烁 ] nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯 ( 蓝 ) 工作中 [ 灯亮 ] nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 指示灯 ( 蓝 ) 18 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:56

19 检测指示 指示灯状态可能原因采取措施 [ 灯亮 ] 检测指示灯 ( 红 ) 加水到 满水位 加水箱没水 位置 ( 在蒸汽模式中 ) ( 参见第 8 页 ) 本产品未在水平置于水平面 面上 本产品置于垫子或地毯上 置于坚固 平坦的表面, 如桌面或台面 中文 故障指示指示灯状态 可能原因 采取措施 [ 闪烁 ] 所有指示灯 关闭本产品电源, 然后再次开启 如果安全装置反内部安全装置引复故障, 请联系起 购买本产品的商 店或者 Panasonic 认定 维修店 19 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:56

20 规格 中文 产品名称 离子蒸汽美容器 产品型号 EH SA60 额定电压 220V 50Hz 额定功率 产生 nanoe ( 细微水离子 ) 时 : 5W 释放蒸汽时 : 290W 重量 约 1.7kg 蒸汽释放率 约 6ml / 分钟 热蒸汽及冷喷雾排放时间 约 12 分钟 蒸汽温度 约 40 ( 大约距离喷嘴盖边缘 20cm 处 ) 蒸汽释放等待时间 约 1 分钟 加水箱容量 约 95ml 原产地 中国 生产日期 请见商品上刻印 执行标准 中国国家标准 企业标准 Q/SXDGWB 9 GB GB GB GB 本产品仅适合家庭使用 紧急处理方法 发生异常时 ( 有烧焦味等 ) 须立即停止使用并拔下电源插头 若在异常状态下继续使用, 会因发热等情形, 造成火灾及触电的发生, 请速与 Panasonic 认定维修店或经销商咨询 20 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:56

21 Thank you for choosing a Panasonic Facial Ionic Steamer. Please read all instructions before use. nanoe and the nanoe mark are trademarks of Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. Safety precautions To ensure proper operation of this appliance, please read carefully all the safety precautions before use. The safety precautions are provided to help you with the correct and safe operation of this appliance so that you may avoid injuries to yourself and others as well as damage to property. The safety precautions are defined as follows. ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS! WARNING: This message indicates potentially hazardous actions and situations, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION: This message indicates potentially hazardous actions and situations, which, if not avoided, could result in personal injury or property damage. Precautions common to the steam mode and the nanoe mode Be careful when using the steam mode or the nanoe mode. WARNING! Do not use this product near a full bath, sink, or any vessel containing water. Immediately stop using if you experience any pain or abnormalities on your skin or throughout your body. The following persons should not use this appliance. Women who are pregnant or currently in a menstrual period (May cause skin problems due to hormone imbalance.) Persons who have allergies 21 English EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

22 English Persons with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or sensitive skin Persons with skin problems, such as dermatitis, severe sunburns, etc. Persons with skin injuries, eczema, swelling, etc. Failure to do so may result in problems with skin or body. Immediately stop using if pain or discomfort is experienced. Failure to do so may result in skin or health problems. Use the appliance only for your face, décolleté (breast) and hair. Doing so may result in burns, scalding, electric shock, injury or health problems. When unplugging the plug or appliance plug, hold the plug or appliance plug by its outer casing. (Do not touch any metal part on the plug.) Failure to do so may result in accident or injury. Always ensure the appliance is operated on an electric power source matched to the rated voltage indicated on the appliance. Ensure that the plug and appliance plug are plugged in completely. Failure to do so may result in fire, electric shock, burns or scalding. Turn the power off and unplug when not using or after using the appliance. Failure to do so may result in fire or ignition. Periodically clean to ensure dust does not accumulate on the plug and appliance plug. Humidity, etc., may cause the insulation to fail. Always use the power cord specific to the appliance. In addition, do not use the power cord with any other appliance. Failure to do so may result in fire. 22 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

23 Do not plug or unplug the plug and appliance plug into power outlets and the main unit with wet hands. In addition, do not use the appliance with wet hands. Doing so may result in electric shock or short circuit. Store in a location that is out of the reach of infants. Do not allow infants to use the appliance. Do not allow a child to lick the appliance plug. Doing so may result in burns, electric shock or scalding. Do not use the appliance under the following conditions. When the cord or plug is damaged or becomes hot. When the plug is loose in the power outlet. Do not damage, modify, unreasonably bend, pull, or twist the cord. Do not place anything heavy on the cord and do not pinch the cord. Do not let pins or dirt get attached to the end of the appliance plug. Doing so may result in fire, electric shock, short circuit, burns or scalding. When storing, do not wrap the power cord around the appliance. This may put strain on the power cord causing disconnection, electric shocks, or short circuits. Do not immerse the appliance into water. Use the water supply tank to supply water to the appliance and make sure that the appliance and the operation display panel do not get wet. Doing so may result in fire, electric shock, short circuit, burns, or scalding. Do not use the appliance near flammable substances (alcohol, thinner, benzine, enamel remover, aerosol sprays, etc.). Doing so may result in explosion or fire. English 23 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

24 English Do not store the appliance in bathroom or in other rooms with high humidity. Do not place the appliance where it may get wet (such as next to wash basin). Doing so may result in electric shock or fire due to insulation deterioration. Do not insert metal objects such as pins, wires, or any other foreign objects in the steam outlet or nanoe outlet, and do not block them. Doing so may result in electric shock. Do not drop or hit the appliance. If this appliance sustains damage from being dropped or hit, please do not continue to use it. Doing so may result in electric shock or fire. Do not attempt to modify, disassemble, or repair the appliance by yourself. Contact the store where the appliance was purchased or the authorized service center for repairs. Doing so may cause injury due to fire or abnormal operation. If there is any damage to any component of the power cord, replace it with a dedicated power cord or with a new component of a dedicated power cord bought from the manufacturer or maintenance department. CAUTION! Hold onto the handle when carrying. Failure to do so may result in accidents or other problems. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 24 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

25 Properly dispose the package of the appliance, keep the package away from infants to prevent suffocation of infants from happening. After use, the appliance should be cleaned to avoid the accumulation of grease and other residues. Precautions in the steam mode Be careful when using the steam mode. WARNING! Be careful of the high-temperature steam that may cause scalding. Do not use the appliance by persons who are unable to feel heat. Doing so may result in burns or scalding. CAUTION! When disposing of the water after use, hold the appliance so that your hands are not exposed to the hot water. Exercise caution with the hot temperature of the water supply tank after use. To open/close the cover or to adjust the angle, hold the left and right indented parts and adjust. Failure to do so may result in burns. Do not touch the steam when operating the switches or adjusting the angle of the nozzle. Do not allow your face, décolleté (breast) or hands to come into direct contact with the steam and within 20 cm from the edge of the cover. Do not touch or look into the steam outlet during use in the steam mode. Because steam is still released (for about 1 minute) even after the power has been cut off, do not approach the steam outlet. Do not tilt, shake, or transport the appliance during use in the steam mode or within 10 minutes after use in the steam mode. Doing so may cause hot water to spill, or a lot of steam to be emitted from the steam outlet. English 25 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

26 English Use on a flat surface. Not for handheld use. Except when cleaning, do not shake the main unit when it contains water. Please do not drain the water through the steam outlet. Do not use the steam mode while asleep. Do not close the cover while in the steam mode. Hightemperature steam will exit from the ventilation hole of the cover or surroundings. Do not attach or remove the water supply tank during use in the steam mode or within 10 minutes after use in the steam mode. Do not drain the water from the steam outlet. Doing so may cause hot water to splatter when the power is turned on, as water droplets pool in the steam outlet. Do not touch the ventilation hole on the top of the cover after using steam because it will be hot. Doing so may cause hot water to spray out when the power is turned on, as water droplets collect in the steam outlet. This can cause burns or scalding. Use only distilled water or purified water. Failure to do so may result in equipment malfunction, or in serious cases, burns or scalding. Precautions in the nanoe mode Be careful when using the nanoe mode. WARNING! The following persons should not use the appliance. Persons with asthma Failure to do so may result in skin or health problems. CAUTION! Do not let the air stream blow directly on animals or plants. Doing so may cause adverse effects. 26 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

27 Warnings regarding your skin Excessive use is detrimental to the skin. Initially, the device should only be used 2 to 3 times a week. Once you become accustomed to using it, the device can be used daily. Adjust frequency, time, etc., while observing the condition of your skin. Stop using the appliance if skin troubles occur while using in the steam mode or in the nanoe mode. Basic skin care is required after using the steam. Not performing skin care after using the steam may cause the moisture in your skin to evaporate easily, drying out your skin. English 27 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

28 Parts identification A B : ; < C D C E = A B D E F G? English A Main unit C Operation display panel 1 Cover 蒸汽 (steam) lamp (red) 2 Nozzle 电源关 / 开 (power) switch 3 Steam outlet? 细微水离子 (nanoe ) 4 Operation display panel lamp (blue) 5 nanoe outlet 检测指示灯 (check) lamp (red) 6 Water supply tank A 停止 / 开始 (stop/start) switch 7 Handle B 切换 (mode change) switch 8 Filter D Water supply tank 9 Inclination switch C Water supply cap B Back side D Full mark : Water outlet E Power cord ; Ventilation hole E Plug < Appliance socket F Cord G Appliance plug 28 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

29 When the appliance is used for the first time, some water may remain around the water supply tank. This is residual water used for inspection in the factory, and does not cause any sanitation problems. Steam mode Preparation Use only distilled water or purified water. Since the service life of the appliance may shorten depending on water quality, the use of distilled water or purified water is recommended. Distilled water and purified water are usually available at supermarkets, etc. The following types of water cannot be used due to its high mineral content. Tap water Mineral water Geothermal water Acidulated water Groundwater Ionized Alkaline water Do not mix with anything Do not mix the water with any other substance, such as lotion, aromatic oil, etc. Doing so may cause burns, malfunctions, or shorten the life of the main unit. 1 Place the main unit on a flat, level surface. Place the appliance on a flat, level and solid surface, such as a desk, etc., when using. Do not hold the appliance in your hands during use. English 29 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

30 2 Remove the water supply tank from the main unit. Pull up on the water supply tank. 3 Turn and open the water supply cap. 4 Fill the water supply tank with water up to 满水位 (FULL) and close the water supply cap. 5 Wipe away any water on the surface of the water supply tank. 6 Attach the water supply tank to the main unit. Push the water supply tank into the main unit until it clicks. Water is supplied to the main unit and the water in the tank decreases when the water supply tank is attached the main unit. Water may leak from the water outlet when the water supply tank is repeatedly attached and removed. English 30 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

31 How to use with the steam mode 1 Insert the appliance plug into the main unit. 2 Plug in the plug into the power outlet. 3 Open the cover fully. You will hear a click when opening. 4 Press the 电源关 / 开 (power) switch to turn on the appliance. The 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) blinks. 5 Press and hold the 切换 (mode change) switch (for approximately 3 seconds). The 蒸汽 (steam) lamp (red) blinks. You cannot switch to the steam mode when the cover is closed. English 31 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

32 6 Next, Press the 停止 / 开始 (stop/start) switch within 10 seconds. The 蒸汽 (steam) lamp (red) turns on. If you do not press the 停止 / 开始 (stop/start) switch within 10 seconds after pressing the 切换 (mode change) switch, the 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) will blink. Now, Repeat the procedure from Step 5. A whizzing may be heard. This is the sound of electric discharge which is normal. Move the cover to adjust To open/close the cover the nozzle angle. or to adjust the angle, hold the left and right indented parts and adjust. English 32 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:57

33 7 Direct the steam toward your face and neckline. Keep your face and décolleté (breast) at least 20 cm away from the edge of the cover. When using the appliance for the first time or it is difficult to find the appropriate distance, use the attached Distance guide to confirm the distance between the area you want to expose to the steam and the cover edge. To ensure that the steam covers your entire face, direct the steam to the top of your chin. It will stop automatically after approximately 12 minutes. [The 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) will blink.] When you wish to stop the steam partway through, press the 停止 / 开始 (stop/start) switch during operation, and the steam will stop. To use the steam again, refill and repeat the procedure from Step 5 on page 31. If the cover is closed during operation, the operation will stop automatically. 20cm When operating the switch, do not touch the steam. The steam may cause scalding. English 33 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:58

34 Closing the cover during operation will cause the operation to stop, but steam may still leak from the ventilation hole of the cover or surroundings causing scalding. 8 Press the 电源关 / 开 (power) switch to turn off the appliance. All lamps turn off. After use Do not tilt, shake, or transport the main unit within 10 minutes after the steam mode is complete. Be sure to discard the water in the tank and the main unit every time after use. Failure to do so may cause adhering of water stains or unusual odors. 1 Leave the appliance alone to cool for at least 10 minutes. 2 Remove the plug from the power outlet. 3 Remove the appliance plug from the main unit. Ensure that the power cord is properly bundled and not wound around the appliance. English 4 Close the cover. Confirm the click. 34 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:58

35 5 Remove the water supply tank from the main unit. Pull up on the water supply tank. Remove the tank in a water-safe location as water droplets may drip from the tank. 6 Discard the water in the water supply tank. Wipe away any water on the surface of the water supply tank. 7 Discard the water in the main unit. Discard the water from the Water supply tank water outlet while pushing attachment part the inclination switch on the bottom of the main unit. Return the appliance to a flat position and repeat the steps above 2 to 3 times to ensure that all water is completely drained from the appliance. There is a risk that water will spill from the water supply tank attachment part when the appliance is tilted too much. When disposing of the water, hold the main unit so that your hands are not exposed to the hot water. Failure to do so may result in burns. English 35 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:58

36 8 Attach the water supply tank. Push the water supply tank into the main unit until it clicks. 9 Wipe off any water from the appliance. Remove all the water in the water supply tank and main unit when not using the main unit for extended periods of time (several weeks or more). Store the main unit only after sufficiently drying the main unit. nanoe mode What is nanoe? (nanoe generation method: High-voltage discharge) nanoe is charged fine water particles, generated by applying high voltage in order to split water. It cannot be seen with the naked eye. Since nanoe is generated by collecting water in the air, it may be difficult to generate in certain cases depending on the environment. (It is harder to collect water in the air when it is cold and humidity is low.) How to use with the nanoe mode In the nanoe mode, nanoe is generated using moisture collected from the air, so a water supply is not required. (Water in the water supply tank will not be depleted). You can use the nanoe mode without opening the cover. English 36 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:58

37 1 Place the main unit on a flat, level surface. Place the appliance on a flat, level and solid surface, such as a desk, etc., when using. Do not hold the appliance in your hands during use. It may not operate when placed on certain mats and carpets. Use the appliance approximately 50 cm away from your face. Aim the nanoe outlet toward your face at approximately the same height as your face. If the breeze bothers you or you feel discomfort on your skin or elsewhere in your body, adjust the orientation and/or height of the appliance so the breeze does not hit your face directly. The nanoe diffuse widely so the effect will be same. The nanoe mode can be used when you are not sleeping, however, the direction of the nanoe outlet may not align with your face, so we do not recommend using nanoe other than when you are asleep. The appliance is safe to use while asleep together with a child, but please position yourself between the appliance and the child so that he or she cannot touch the appliance or power cord. 2 Insert the appliance plug into the main unit. 3 Plug in the plug into the power outlet. English 37 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:58

38 English 4 Press the 电源关 / 开 (power) switch to turn on the appliance. When the cover is closed, you cannot see the 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp from above. The 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) blinks. 5 Press the 停止 / 开始 (stop/ start) switch. The 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) turns on. nanoe is emitted from the nanoe outlet. nanoe is not visible to the naked eye. This device will stop automatically after approximately 8 hours. At this time, [The 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp will blink.] It is recommended to use the appliance for less than 8 hours a day. Pressing the stop/start switch again during operation stops the operation. (at this time, the blue lamp will blink.) The appliance is designed for use while you are asleep, but you may hear the sound of the fan and nanoe generation (squeaking and whooshing) when it is used. Over the course of roughly one minute after starting, the 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp will gradually dim. It will not go out completely. In a bright room, it may be difficult to see this change in brightness. 38 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:59

39 6 Press the 电源关 / 开 (power) switch to turn off the appliance after use. 7 Remove the plug from the power outlet, and the appliance plug from the main unit. Ensure that the power cord is properly bundled and not wound around the appliance. Cleaning Do not wash or soak the appliance in water. Cleaning inside the main unit Clean once a month. To remove and prevent water scale deposits, let the appliance cool for at least 10 minutes after use in the steam mode and then clean according to the following steps. 1 Fill the water supply tank with water up to 满水位 (FULL) and close the water supply cap. 2 Attach the water supply tank to the main unit. English 39 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:59

40 English 3 Shake the appliance horizontally 3 to 4 times. Shake the appliance gently without tilting it. 4 Remove the water supply tank from the main unit. 5 Discard the water from Water supply tank attachment part the water outlet while pushing the inclination switch on the bottom of the main unit. Return the appliance to a flat position and repeat the step above 2 to 3 times. There is a risk that water will spill from the water supply tank attachment part when the appliance is tilted too much. 6 Repeat the steps 2 to 5 above 2 to 3 times. 7 Wipe off the water on the main unit and the water supply tank. Even after draining the water, some water remains in the appliance. This does not cause any sanitary problems since the water is boiled when used the next time. Cleaning the appliance Wipe the appliance with a cloth moistened with soapy water. Never use alcohol, thinner, benzine, enamel remover, etc. Doing so may result in malfunction or part cracks or discoloration. 40 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:59

41 Cleaning the filter Clean once a month. After discarding the water from the main unit, vacuum dust from the filter with an electric vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaner Cleaning the power cord Clean once a month. Remove the plug from the power outlet and the appliance plug from the main unit. Wipe away any dust, etc., using a dry cloth. If the water supply cap seal detaches 1 Use your index finger to push up on the center of the water supply cap. Filter 2 Press lightly along the outer rim of the water supply cap seal (A) and find the raised edge on the water supply seal (B). 3 Allow the water supply cap seal to float while turning the seal by hand and match the raised edge on the water supply seal (D) with the groove on the water supply cap (C). English 41 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:59

42 Lamp indication Lamp action Lit Blinking Indication in the steam mode Standby mode [Blinking] 蒸汽 (steam) lamp (red) Lamp status In operation [Lit] 蒸汽 (steam) lamp (red) Indication in the nanoe mode Lamp status Standby mode [Blinking] 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) In operation [Lit] 细微水离子 (nanoe ) lamp (blue) English 42 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:17:59

43 Check indication Lamp status Possible cause Remedy [Lit] 检测指示灯 (check) lamp (red) Fault indication Water supply tank empty. (In the steam mode) Appliance is not on a level surface. Appliance is sitting on a mat or a carpet. Fill the water supply tank with water up to 满水位 (FULL). (See page 29.) Place on a level surface. Place on a solid, flat surface such as a table or a tray. Lamp status Possible cause Remedy [Blinking] All lamps Switch the appliance off and on again. If the safety device triggers Internal safety repeatedly, device has contact the triggered. store where the appliance was purchased or an authorized service center. English 43 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:18:00

44 Specifications Product name Facial Ionic Steamer Product model EH SA60 Power source 220V 50 Hz Power consumption When generating nanoe : 5 W When discharging steam: 290 W Weight Approx. 1.7 kg Steam discharge rate Approx. 6 ml/min Steam mist discharge time Approx. 12 min. Approx. 40 C Steam temperature (at a distance of approx. 20 cm from the edge of the cover) Steam waiting time Approx. 1 min. Water supply tank volume Approx. 95 ml Place of origin China Date of production See engraving on the commodity. Execution standard Chinese standard Company standard GB GB GB GB Q/SXDGWB 9 English This product is intended for household use only. Emergency treatment When something abnormal happens (burnt smell, etc.), the appliance must be stopped from operation and the plug must be pulled out. If continue using the appliance in case of abnormal situations, overheat of the appliance may cause fire or shock. Please contact an authorized service center as soon as possible. 44 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:18:00

45 离子蒸汽美容器 中国 EH-SA60 EH-SA60 EH-SA60 EH-SA60 EH-SA60 EH-SA60 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:18:00

46 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:18:00

47 EH-SA60_CH.indb /06/29 18:18:00 47

48 EH9210SA S WARNINGS Note: Read ALL the following BEFORE using this product. Follow all Guidelines at all times while using this product. CAUTION This warning indicates possibility of personal injury and material

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