(Foucault) Michel Foucault, Dicipline and Punish, Penguin Books, 1977, p Foucault, p

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1 (state) (the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force) Max Weber, Economy and Society, University of California Press, p Anthony Giddens Christopher Dandeker, War and the Military Establishment, in War, ed. Lawrence Freedman, Oxford University Press, p

2 (Foucault) Michel Foucault, Dicipline and Punish, Penguin Books, 1977, p Foucault, p

3 W. G. Beasley 71

4 Barrington Jr.Moore 11 Beasley 12 Meirion &Susie

5 Meirion &Susie Meirion &Susie

6 (national population census) Christopher Dandeker, The Bureaucratization of Force, in War, ed. Lawrence Freedman, Oxford University Press, p Edward O Reischauer & A. M. Craig, Japan: Tradition and Transformation, Harvard University Press, p Martin Van Creveld, The Rise and Decline of the Modern State, Cambridge University Press, p

7 Meirion &Susie 36 75

8 (in the saddle) % % Edwin O. Reischauer, in Japan : Militarism, Fascism, Japanism? Ed. Ivan Morris, D. C. Heath and company, p.3 24 Reischauer, Japan : Militarism, Fascism, Japanism?. p Meirion &Susie

9 Meirion &Susie R. J. Smethurst ,26 77

10 20% % % 20% 1920 Smethurst 32 Smethurst 78

11 Smethurst Leonard A. Humphrey, The Way of the Heavenly Sword, Stanford University Press, p &

12 (a Japanese company) (regimentation) (Ballila) 8 17 (formation) 1929 (pre-military) Edward R. Tannenbaum, The Fascist Experience, Basic Books, p Philip Morgan, Italian Fascism: , MacMillan Press, p.95,

13 (martial culture) 42 (lover) (fighter) (the structure of meaning through which men give shape to their experience) Gwynne Dyer, War, Dorsey Press, p Tannenbaum, p Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Culture, Basic Books, p



16 % 4% % 61% % 71.17% 83.38%



19 ,

20 (tools of education) Toshio Iriyani, Group Psychology of the Japanese in Wartime, Kegan Paul International, p

21 (incremental rationality) 1941 ( 0.8%) % % 29.2% (10.1%) (39.4%) % (selective conscription) , ,



24 Stanley Frank, How Far is the Draft?, in Universal Conscription for Essential Service, ed. Wilson Marx, The H. W. Wilson Company, p Philip K. Lawrence,. Modernity and War, NY: St. Martin s Press, p

25 (to get prepared) (Be prepared) % 80% 93 M. Foucault, Technology of the Self in his Essential Works, New Press, p ( )

26 (communal) (associative) (feeling of belonging together) (polar types) (consequences) (discipline) Iritani, p Weber, p Arthur Marwick, Problems and Consequences of Organizing Society for Total War, in Mobilizing for Total War, ed. by N. F. Dreisziger, Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, p

27 (procedure) (scattered technologies) (to live dangerously) 1928 (disintegration) 105 (local militarization) Michel De Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, University of California Press, p Quoted from Danniel W. Conway, Nietzsche and the Political, Routledge Press, p Conway, p Lloyd E Eastman, et. al The Nationalist Era in China: , Cambridge University Press, p John K. Fairbank, The Great Chinese Revolution: , New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, p

28 &


30 (in politics) A. Vagts, The Military and Politics, in War, ed. Lawrence Freedman, Oxford University Press, p

31 Jonathan D. Spence


33 Eastman, p Eastman, p

34 (context) Reihard Bendix, Kings or People, University of California Press, p

35 124 (militarization of politics) Edward A. Mccord, The Power of the Gun, University of California Press, p Mccord, p

36 (initiation) Eastman, P Spence Spence

37 (country) James E. Sheridan, China in Disintegration, New York: The Free Press, p

38 Eastman. p Christopher Dandeker, The Bureaucratization of Force, in War, ed. Lawrence Freedman, Oxford University Press, p Gianfranco Poggi, The State, Stanford University Press, p Eastman. p





43 (unified) (princely absolutism) 154 (early modern) (dependent) 155 (privilege) (monarchical court) 156. (charismatic legitimation) (warlord) (relief) Weber Max Weber, Weber: Selections in Translation, ed. by W. G. Runciman, Cambridge University Press, p Michael Mann, States, War and Capitalism, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, p Poggi, p Max Weber, Economy and Society, University of California Press, p

44 158 (cultural capital) A. Giddens

45 ( public personage) (dynasty) (the French state) % Poggi, p MacGregor Knox

46 James E. Sheridan, China in Disintegration, New York: The Free Press, p




50 (starvation) % % 1.3% 2.4% 3.8% % % 179 Paul Kennedy 180 Theodore H. White & Annalee Jacoby, Thunder out of China, William Sloane Associations Inc p Jonathan D. Spence

51 Stanley Frank, How Far is the Draft?, in Universal Conscription for Essential Service, ed. Wilson Marx, The H. W. Wilson Company, p

52 (A. Von Roon) Dennis E. Showalter / Gwynne Dyer, War, Dorsey Press, p

53 Dennis E. Showalter, Mass Warfare and the Impact of Technology, in Great War, Total War, ed. by R. Chickering & S. Förster, Cambridge university Press, p Knox, Peter M. Blau, Bureaucracy in Modern Society, New York: Random House, p

54 (knowledge) (Junker) 199 (tasks)



57 % % 13% 2%

58 Sheridan, p

59 Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., p



62 % %

63 , , ,

64 228 (political base) % % 85% 63% Lloyd E. Eastman, et. al The Nationalist Era in China: , Cambridge University Press, p

65 62% % W. Richard Scott, Organization, Prentice Hall International, Inc p ( )


67 % % %

68 243 (informal) (Pax KMT) James E. Sheridan, China in Disintegration, New York: The Free Press, p

69 137

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