冻 干 盐腌或盐渍的软体动物 Frozen, dry, salted or in salt molluscs 冻 干 盐腌或盐溃的海参 Frozen, dry, salted or in salt sea cucumber 脂肪

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1 跨境电子商务零售进口商品清单 ( 第二批 ) Updated April 2016 China Approved Cross Border Product List *translated version by 序号 No. 税则号列 Tariff Line 货品名称 Name 干 熏 盐制的其他猪肉 dry, smoked, salted pork 干 熏 盐制的牛肉 dry, smoked, salted beef 鳌龙虾 ( 鳌龙虾属 ) Lobster (Homarus spp.) 其他冻蟹 Other frozen crabs 冻其他冷水小虫下 Other frozen shrugs 其他鳌龙虾 ( 鳌龙虾属 ) Other lobster (Homarus spp.) 未冻的其他蟹 Other unfrozen crabs 活 鲜或冷的其他牡蛎 ( 蚝 ) Other live, fresh, or cold oysters (oysters) 其他活 鲜 冷贻贝 Other live, fresh or chilled mussels 冻 干 盐腌或盐溃的鸟蛤及舟贝 Frozen, dry, salted or in salt collapse of cockles and ark shells 活 鲜或冷的其他软体动物 Other live, fresh or chilled molluscs 备注 Remarks

2 冻 干 盐腌或盐渍的软体动物 Frozen, dry, salted or in salt molluscs 冻 干 盐腌或盐溃的海参 Frozen, dry, salted or in salt sea cucumber 脂肪含量未超 1% 未浓缩及未加糖的乳 及奶油 Fat content not exceed 1%, not concentrated and unsweetened milk and cream 脂肪含量在 1-6% 未浓缩及未加糖的乳及 奶油 Fat content of 1-6%, not concentrated and unsweetened milk and cream 按重量计脂肪含量超过 6%, 但不超过 10% 的未浓缩哿物逆慨及奶 a: Fat content by weight exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other 按重量计脂肪含量超过 10% 的未浓缩及未加糖或其他 Fat content by weight exceeding 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other 脂肪含量 <1. 5% 固状乳及奶油 Solid milk and cream with fat content less than 1.5% 脂肪量 >1. 5% 未加糖固状乳及奶油 Unsweetened solid milk and cream with fat content more than 1.5% 脂肪量 >1. 5% 的加糖固状乳及奶油 Sweetened solid milk and cream with fat content more than 1.5% 鲜蜂王浆 Fresh royal jelly 鲜蜂王浆粉 Fresh royal jelly powder 蜂花粉 Bee pollen 其他蜂产品 Other bee 其他编号未列名的食用动物产品 Other edible animal, nes 珊瑚及水产品壳 骨的粉末及废料 Coral and powder and waste of aquatic shell and bone 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 ; Except for the goods listed in import and export of wildlife species catalog;only online bonded goods 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 ; Except for the goods listed in import and export of wildlife species catalog;only online bonded goods

3 其他鲜椰子 Other fresh coconuts 仅限网购保税 P4I 品 Only P41 online bonded goods 鲜或干的其他香蕉 Other fresh or dry bananas 鲜或干的椰枣 Fresh or dry dates 鲜或干的无花果 Fresh or dry figs 鲜或干菠萝 Fresh or dry pineapples 鲜或干鳄梨 Fresh or dry avocados 鲜或干番石榴 Fresh or dry guavas 鲜或干芒果 Fresh or dry mangos 鲜或干山竹果 Fresh or dry mangosteens 鲜或干橙 Fresh or dry oranges 鲜或干的葡萄柚, 包括柚 Fresh or dry grapefruits, including shaddocks 鲜或干的柠檬及酸橙 Fresh or dry lemons and limes 其他鲜或干的柑桔属水果 Other fresh or dry citrus fruits 鲜葡萄 Fresh grapes 鲜苹果 Fresh apples 仅限网购保税簡品

4 其他鲜樱桃 Other fresh cherries 鲜梅及李 Fresh plums 鲜蔓越桔及越桔 Fresh cranberries and bilberries 鲜榴莲 Fresh durians 鲜蕃荔枝 Fresh cherimoya 其他鲜果 Other fresh fruits 其他未磨的肉桂及肉桂花 Other ungrounded cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers 己磨肉桂及肉桂花 Grounded cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers 已磨豆蔻 Ground cardamon 已磨八角茴香 Ground star anise 姜黄 Turmeric 混合调味香料 Mixed spices 其他调味香料 Other spices * 其他稻谷 Other rice * 籼型糙米 Indica brown-rice 每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 ; No more than 20kg total imports of , , , per year for one people; 每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 No more than 20kg total imports of , , , per year for one people

5 * 籼型精米 Indica white-rice 每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 No more than 20kg total imports of , , , per year for one people * 其他精米每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 Other white-rice No more than 20kg total imports of , , , per year for one people * 小麦或混合麦的细粉每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 ; No more than 20kg total imports of , Wheat or maslin flour per year for one people * 玉米细粉每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 ; 仅限网购保 税商品 No more than 20kg total imports of , Corn fine powder per year for one people; Only online bonded goods * 其他大米细粉 每人每年进口合计不超过 20 公斤 Other rice fine powder 其他谷物细粉 No more than 20kg total imports per year for one people Other cereal powder * 小麦粗粒及粗粉每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 ; 仅限网购保税問品 Wheat groats and meal No more than 20kg total imports of , per year for one people;only online bonded goods * 经其他加工的玉米每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 20 公斤 ; No more than 20kg total imports of , Corn processed by other ways 鲜或干的西洋参 per year for one people; Only online bonded goods Fresh or dry American ginseng 其他鲜人参 Other fresh ginseng 其他干人参 Other dry ginseng 鲜或干的当归 Fresh or dry angelica 鲜或干的菊花 仅限网购保税两品 Fresh or dry chrysanthemum 其他主要用作药料的鲜或干的植物 ; 罂粟 罂粟壳 大麻 古柯 恰特草除外 Other fresh or dry plants major used as spice 主要用作香料的植物列入 两用物项和技术进出口许可证管理目录 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 ; Plants major used as seasoning Except for the goods listed in Dual-use items and technology import and export license management directory and import and export of wildlife species catalog;

6 鲜 冷 冻或干的其他主要供人食用的 其他税号未列明的果核 果仁及植物产 品 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 ; Except for the goods listed in import and export of wildlife species catalog; 银杏的液汁及浸膏 The extract and juice of ginkgo biloba 其他植物产品 Other plant 鱼肝油及其分离品 Cod liver oil and its separating 其他鱼油 脂及其分离品 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除 Other fish oil lipid and its separating 外 ; flora, Only Online bonded goods 海生哺乳动物的油 脂及其分离品 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除 fish oil lipid and its separating of Marine mammals 其他动物油 脂及其分离品 Other animal oil lipid and its separating 精制的豆油及其分离品 refined soybean oil and its separating 初榨花生油的分离品 The separating of virgin peanut oil 精制的花生油及其分离品 Refined peanut oil and its separating 初榨棕榈油的分离品 separating of the virgin palm oil 初榨葵花油或红花油的分离品 separating of the virgin sunflower oil or safflower oil 精制的葵花油或红花油及其分离品 Refined sunflower oil or safflower oil and its separating 初榨低芥子酸菜子油及其分离品 Crude low erucic acid rape of colza oil and its separating 初榨菜子油及其分离品 virgin cole seed oil and its separating 初榨芥子油及其分离品 virgin canola oil and its separating 外 ; flora, Only Online bonded goods 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 ; flora, Only Online bonded goods

7 其他菜子油或芥子油及其分离品 Other cole seed oil or canola oil and its separating 初榨亚麻子油及其分离品 Virgin flaxseed oil and its separating 精制的亚麻子油及其分离品 Refined flaxseed oil and its separating 初榨玉米油的分离品 The separating of virgin corn oil 精制的玉米油及其分离品 Refined corn oil and its separating 其他固定植物油 脂及其分离品 Other fixed vegetable oils lipid and its separating 混合制成的食用油脂或制品 fiat massa edible fat and oil or 化学改性的动 植物油 脂及其制品 ; 其他税号未列名的非食用油 脂或制品 chemically-modified animal and vegetable oil lipid and its ; other unedible oil lipid and its not listed in Tariff line * 其他甘蔗糖 Other cane sugar * 加有香料或着色剂的糖 Sugar with perfume and color additive 每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 2 公斤 No more than 2 kgs of the goods and are exported each person, each year. 每人每年进口 的商品合计不超过 2 公斤 No more than 2 kgs of the goods and are exported each person, * 砂糖每人每年进口 granulated sugar 的商品合计不超过 2 公斤 No more than 2 kgs of the goods and are exported each person, each year * 其他精制糖每人每年进口 Other affination sugar 甘蔗糖蜜 molasses 其他供婴幼儿食用的零售包装食品 的商品合计不超过 2 公斤 No more than 2 kgs of the goods and are exported each person, each year. Other retail packaging food for children 非用醋制作的未冷冻马铃薯 Unfrozen potato prepared otherwise than by vinegar Only Online bonded goods

8 蜂王浆制剂 royal jelly preparation 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 flora 海豹油胶囊 Seal Oil capsule 其他税号未列名的食品 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除 Other food not illustrated in the tariff 外 line flora 加味 加糖或其他甜物质的水 Water with ingredient sugar and other sweet substance 其他磷酸钙 Other Calcium phosphate 碳酸氢钠 ( 小苏打 ) 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 flora sodium bicarbonate 序 税则号列 货品名称 备注 号 碳酸钙 Calcium carbonate 其他无机化合物 液态空气 压缩空 列入 中国严格限制进出口的有毒化学品目录 气, 汞齐, 但贵金属汞齐除外 的商品除外 Other nomenclature of inorganic Except the goods listed in the Chemical compound liquid air compressed Management Regulations on Existing Chemicals air, amalgam, except precious metal in China amalgam 其他不饱和无环烃 Other unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbon 木糖醇 Xylitol 辅酶 Q10 coenzyme Q 油酸 亚油酸或亚麻酸及其盐和酯 Oleic acid linoleic acid or α- Linolenic acid and its salt and ester 卵磷脂及其他磷氨基类脂 列入 农药进出口管理目录 的商品除外 Except the goods listed in the management catalogue of imported and exported pesticide Lecithin and other phospho-aminolipid 其他季铵盐及季铵碱 列入 农药进出口管理目录 中国严格限制 Other quatemary ammonium salt and quaternary ammonium base 其他内酯 Other Lactone 进出口的有毒化学品目录 的商品除外 Except the goods listed in the management catalogue of imported and exported pesticide and the Chemical Management Regulations on Existing Chemicals in China 列入 农药进出口管理目录 的商品除外 Except the goods listed in the management catalogue of imported and exported pesticide

9 其他仅含氧杂原子的杂环化合物 Other heterocyclic compound only witheteroatomh 未混合的维生素 A 及其衍生物 列入 农药进出口管理目录 中国严格限制进出口的有毒化学品目录 的商品除外 ; 麻醉药品和精神药品除外 Except the goods listed in the management catalogue of imported and exported pesticide and the Chemical Management Regulations on Existing Chemicals in China; and Unmixed Vitamin A and its derivative 未混合的维生素 B1 及其衍生物 Unmixed Vitamin B1 and its derivative 未混合的 D 或 DL- 泛酸及其衍生物 Unmixed D or DL-pantothenic acid and its derivative 未混合的维生素 B12 及其衍生物 Unmixed Vitamin B2 and its derivative 未混合的维生素 C 及其衍生物 Unmixed Vitamin C1 and its derivative 未混合的维生素 E 及其衍生物 Unmixed Vitamin E and its derivative 其他未混合的维生素及其衍生物 Other Unmixed Vitamin and derivative 列入 农药进出口管理目录 的商品除外 Except the goods listed in the management catalogue of imported and exported pesticide 维生素 AD3 Vitamin AD 其他维生素原 混合维生素及其衍生物 Other provitamin mixed Vitamin and derivative 橡皮膏 ( 经药物浸涂或制定零售包装供医疗 外科 料械部 c 川 )rubber plaster(after drug dip or setting retailing packing for medicine surgery and Material mechanical portion c) 其他胶粘敷料及有胶粘涂层的物品 ( 经药物浸涂或制七装幻 ;' 外枓 p 域.m 明 ) Other Adhesive Dressing and the materials with Adhesive Dressing(after drug dip or settingqizhuanghuan, surgery p,m ) 药棉 纱布 绷带 ( 经药物浸涂或制定零售包装供医疗 外科 牙科或兽疾用 ) Absorbent cotton, gauze, bandages(after drug dip or setting retailing packing for medicine surgery dentist or animal disease) 其他医用软填料及类似物品 ( 经药物浸涂或制定零售, 賴 m. 外科 德 1J::) Other medicine soft packing seal and Similar items (after drug dip or setting retailing packing, lai m; de 1j)

10 无菌外科肠线 ; 无菌昆布 无菌粘合胶 布 无菌吸收性止血材料 外科或牙科用无菌抗粘连阻隔材料及类 Sterile surgical catgut; asepsis kunbu asepsis single-coated foam 专用于人类或作兽药用的凝胶制品, 作 为外科手术或体检时躯体部位的润滑剂, 或者作为躯体和医疗器械 Gel for human and animal, lubricant for surgery or human body whe n in check, or as the body and medical apparatus and instruments 提取的油树脂 Redined. oleoresin 其他工业用混合香料及以香料为基本成 分的混合物和制品 Other industrious mixed perfume and mixtures and with perfume 非离子型有机表面活性剂 Non-ionic organic surface-active agents 附于衬背上的诊断或实验用试剂, 但税目 Attached to a backing of diagnostic or laboratory reagent 硫化橡胶制避孕套 列入 进出口野生动植物种商品目录 的商品除外 flora 列入 中国严格限制进出口的有毒化学品目录 的商品除外 Except for the goods listed in The precursor chemicals directory which China has strict restricted on the import and export Condoms of vulcanized rubber 硫化橡胶制其他卫生及医疗用品 Other health and medical supplies of vulcanized rubber 硫化橡胶制其他手套 Other gloves of vulcanized rubber 其他黄金制首饰及其零件 Other gold jewelery and parts 序号 税则号列 货品名称 备注 未列名的电气设备及装置 Electrical equipment and apparatus, nes 隐形眼镜片 Remarks 列入密码产品和含有密码技术的设备除外 Except for the encryption and equipment containing encryption technology Contact lenses 牙科用其他仪器及器具 Other dental instruments and appliances 血压测量仪器及器具 Blood pressure measuring instruments and apparatus 机械疗法器具 心理功能测验装置 Mechano-therapy appliances and psychological aptitude-testing apparatus 臭氧治疗器 氧气治疗器等器具 Ozone therapy device, Oxygen therapy unit and other appliances

11 其他呼吸器具及防毒面具 Other breathing appliances and gas masks 矫形或骨折用器具 Orthopedic or fracture appliances 可直接读数的液体温度计 Direct reading liquid thermometer 非液体的其他温度计 高温计 Other non-liquid thermometer and pyrometer 备注 1: 上述商品免于向海关提交许可证件, 检验检疫监督管理按照国家相关法律法规的规定执行 ; 直购商品免于验核通关单, 网购保税商品 一线 进区时需按货物验核通关单 二线 出区时免于验核通关单备注 2: 依法需要经过注册或备案的医疗器械 特殊食品 ( 包括保健食品 特殊医学用途配方食品等 ), 按照国家相关法律法规的规定执行 备注 3: 加 * 的税目属于国家关税配额管理商品, 需对这些商品作数量限制 根据实施情况将适时调整 备注 4: 表中货品名称为简称, 具体范围以税则号列为准 Remark 1: The above goods exempted from submitting the license to the Customs, Inspection and quarantine supervision and management carried out in accordance with national laws and regulations; Direct purchase of commodities exempted from auditing Customs Clearance, Online shopping bonded goods need audited Clearance when the goods into the market from line 1,when from line 2, the audited Clearance is freed. Remark 2: The medical equipment, special food registered or recorded comply with the law (including health food, recipe food) for special medical purposes. Remark 3: the tariff lines with * belong to National tariff quota management, they are needed to be limited to the quantity. According to the condition of implementation, make timely adjustment. Remark 4: Goods name referred to in the table is in the shorter form. Use tariff line in the specific scope as standard. >>End of Translation. Please note this is a translated version (only) of na approved cross border product list published online in April 2016 and that this list does-not form a legally binding or advisory document nor does it include or detail other required import tariffs, logistics, or China custom import, e- commerce and product regulations. China Sales Co. advises all exporters to consult with PRC Customs and/or logistics providers for updates or amendments. Further amendments and updates to this list and to China cross border e-commerce laws are to be expected.

China tariff rates

China tariff rates 1 08011100 Coconuts, desiccated 15 干的椰子 2 08011200 Coconuts, fresh, in the inner shell 15 (endocarp) 未去内壳的鲜椰子 3 08011990 Coconuts, fresh, other 15 其他鲜椰子 4 08012100 Brazil nuts, in shell 15 鲜或干的未去壳巴西 5

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LH_Series_Rev2014.pdf REMINDERS Product information in this catalog is as of October 2013. All of the contents specified herein are subject to change without notice due to technical improvements, etc. Therefore, please check

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