力 高創新效益 若國際會展產業 ( 如高雄市政府之 2009 世界運動會 ) 搭配良好之外語人才, 召開良好之籌備會議, 作適當之多媒體簡報, 更可增加附加價值 發展成長潛力 提高創新效益 本特色教學研究計畫擬結合英語簡報 英語會議 及高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業, 讓 << 應用英語研究所

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1 97 學年度第二學期國立高雄師範大學 特色教學研究計畫成果 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練 張玉玲 / 英語學系 t1225@nknucc.nknu.edu.tw 摘要本特色教學研究計畫擬結合英語簡報 英語會議 及高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業, 讓 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生從做中學習, 發展專業英文閱讀 寫作 及口說之能力, 並幫忙推動高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業 本特色教學研究計畫目標為 ( 一 ) 培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機 ( 二 ) 強調英語簡報與會議技巧 ( 三 ) 變化英語簡報與會議主題 ( 四 ) 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序 ( 五 ) 擴展學生視野 就培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機而言, 本計畫透過一般課堂授課向學生傳達成功之英語簡報及會議始於良好之動機, 向外擴展 (STRETCH) 表達簡報之型態 就強調英語簡報及會議技巧而言, 本計畫之教師鼓勵學生對英語簡報及會議之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及簡報編輯下功夫, 並提出二十三項高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地讓學生練習用英語簡報報導運動項目 就變化英語會議主題方面而言, 本特色教學研究計畫規劃國內外會議 (Meeting) 獎勵旅遊 (Incentive Travel) 國際活動 (Convention) 及展覽 (Exhibition) 四大主題, 以及 23 項次主題, 包括運動賽程 註冊 旅館 餐飲 運輸 售票 印刷 觀光 廣告 燈光 精彩賽事報導 等次主題 就落實英語簡報與會議進行程序而言, 本特色教學研究計畫分別參照張一慈 ( 民 94) 之四項英語簡報之程序及 Goodale (1987) 之十五項英語會議進行程序, 並設計評量表以評量學生之表現 此外, 本特色教學研究計畫邀請專員演講, 並安排師生參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄現代綜合體育館 及蓮潭會館, 會後皆繳交心得報告, 學生皆擴展視野 壹 緒論隨著電腦多媒體之發展, 許多企業家使用多媒體英語簡報與會議達成有效之企業溝通 ; 行銷人員藉由多媒體之動畫及適當之音效, 在有限的時間內, 呈現簡潔有力的英語簡報, 獲得商機 在專業英語教學上, 越來越多的教師使用多媒體英語簡報系統傳達專業英語之特色, 亦安排學生作專題報告介紹, 不僅讓學生學習介紹專題報告內容, 也讓學生練習英文寫作 閱讀及演說技巧, 培養帶著走的能力, 為日後職場增加競爭力 近年來, 會展產業日益蓬勃興盛, 會展產業 (MICE) 涵蓋國內外會議 (Meeting) 獎勵旅遊(Incentive Travel) 國際會議(Convention) 及展覽 (Exhibition), 結合貿易 交通 金融 旅遊 等多項相關產業之服務業 游文宏 ( 民 98) 表示會展產業不僅可促進對外貿易, 更可帶動旅館 餐飲 運輸 零售 印刷 娛樂 廣告 設計裝潢, 以及其他周邊相關產業成長, 具有高附加價值 高成長潛 1

2 力 高創新效益 若國際會展產業 ( 如高雄市政府之 2009 世界運動會 ) 搭配良好之外語人才, 召開良好之籌備會議, 作適當之多媒體簡報, 更可增加附加價值 發展成長潛力 提高創新效益 本特色教學研究計畫擬結合英語簡報 英語會議 及高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業, 讓 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生從做中學習, 發展專業英文閱讀 寫作 及口說之能力, 並幫忙推動高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業 本特色教學研究計畫目標為 ( 一 ) 培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機 ( 二 ) 強調英語簡報與會議技巧 ( 三 ) 變化英語簡報與會議主題 ( 四 ) 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序 ( 五 ) 擴展學生視野 一 培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機本計畫透過一般課堂授課向學生傳達成功之英語簡報及會議始於良好之動機, 即要有正向之驅動力, 且要向外擴展 (STRETCH) (Oxford, 2004) 表達簡報之型態, 其要素包括 S: Stretching styles / 擴展表現型態 T: Triggering listening interest / 激發觀眾聆聽興趣 R: Reinforcing the content / 加強變化簡報內容 E: Empowering / 強化全語言技巧 T: Timing / 掌握時間 C: Changing roles / 變化角色 以及 H: Hypermedia / 以超媒體呈現簡報內容 在多媒體英語簡報系統之使用過程中, 演講者亦不要侷限自己的表現型態而要擴展 (Stretch) 表現型態 進而, 以多媒體呈現簡報及會議內容, 活潑生動, 又符合人類多感官學習之趨向, 可以獲得事半功倍之效果 基於以上之動機, 使用英語簡報已成為二十一世紀資訊傳輸及提升專業之典範 二 強調英語簡報與會議技巧在繁忙之資訊時代, 如何用有限空間換取無限資訊, 並以有限的語言獲得無 限回音, 是許多人關心之議題 ; 進而, 如何將無限資訊作短時間之呈現, 並取得 與會者之共識, 亦是許多人的希望 就英語簡報而言, 簡報之大綱簡潔有力, 內 容明確, 可達傳輸資訊之效 以下就英語簡報與會議之 ( 一 ) 結構與內容 ( 二 ) 溝通 技巧 ( 三 ) 發音及表達 以及 ( 四 ) 簡報編輯作說明 英語簡報之結構和英文寫作結 構相似, 以呈現主題, 強調三特色 特色說明 及結論為主 簡報之大綱簡潔有 力, 內容明確, 可達傳輸資訊之效探討 英語簡報結合英文閱讀 寫作 及口說 三合一 之語文表現 ( 史宗玲, 民 94), 無論是閱讀 寫作 及口說, 其終極目標 在於與文本 與讀者 或與聽眾溝通 在英語簡報過程中, 正確之發音及流暢之 表達可以傳達正確訊息, 使用口語表達修詞技巧亦可以強調關鍵字 (A great improvement/ A major problem) 及委婉陳述關鍵字 (A slight improvement/ A minor problem) 進而, 適當的簡報編輯可以加強溝通效果, 如文字編輯之七七定律 ( 每 張簡報之文句在七句一以內, 每句之文字在七字以內 ) 或如適當地加入音效或動 2

3 畫 綜言之, 若發表人對英語簡報之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及 簡報編輯下功夫, 則可事半功倍 三 變化英語簡報與會議主題 2009 年高雄市政府將主辦 2009 世界運動會, 屆時將帶動會展產業 若業界能與學界結合, 將會產生實質經濟及無形經濟效益, 如建立友誼的橋樑 與國際接軌 大量建築展覽會館 提升都市形象 或創造就業機會等 進而言之, 若能訓練學生用模擬參與高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展工作, 召開主題式英語會議, 用英語簡報加強會議進行程序及討論內容, 其無形經濟效益將無遠弗界 根據 2009 高雄世運會 官方網站 ( index.php), 2009 世界運動會 分為 14 項主題 : 1. 世運百科 2. 高雄世運 3. 世界世運 4. 比賽項目 5. 比賽日程 6. 選手資訊 7. 選手資訊 8. 媒體專區 9. 文化觀光 10. 下載專區 11. 高雄世運志工團 12. 世運商品 13. 參賽國家 14. 諮詢服務 每一項主題下又分為五項至八項次主題, 包括運動賽程 註冊 旅館 餐飲 運 輸 售票 印刷 娛樂 廣告 設計裝潢 精彩賽事報導 評鑑 等次主題, 可見 2009 世界運動會 組織之完備及分工之縝密 教師可以依照 2009 世界運動會 分為 14 項主題或次主題, 讓學生分組報告亦可以變化英語簡報與會議主題, 有時以 2009 世界運動會 口號為主軸, 有時以 2009 世界運動會 為主軸, 或有時以 2009 世界運動會 會展產業為主軸, 讓學生分組報告, 發揮創意 四 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序教學為一雙向互動活動, 若教師只傳道 授業 及解惑, 學生多數一知半解 若教師提供學生反思之機會, 學生多能內化吸收及應用 英文有三句教學名言 : Tell me, and then I will forget it. Show me, and then I will learn it. Involve me, and then I will learn it. 正說明了參與學習的中要性 為落實英語簡報與會議進行程, 本特色教學研究計畫擬參照張一慈 ( 民 94) 之四項英語簡報之程序 : 呈現主題 => 強調三特色 => 特色說明 => 結論 同時也參照 Goodale (1987) 之十五項英語會議進行程序 : 主席報告 => 報告上次會議執行情況 => 報告開會程序 => 報告議題 => 問與會者有何意見或建議 => 結束議題 => 提示討論方向 => 指示發言程序 => 提出議題 => 討論議題 => 臨時動議 => 付諸表決 => 達成共識 => 其他事項 => 宣佈會議結束 3

4 期望透過有系統有組織之程序, 讓學生獨自立展開英語簡報及會議 五 擴展學生視野近年來許多國際都會都加入國際會議及會展協會 (International Congress & Convention Association)(ICCA)( 以提升知名度舉辦大型國際活動, 積極建設, 重新整頓市容, 帶動光觀產業, 一舉數得 如倫敦世界運動會 南韓世界足球賽 北京奧運奧林匹克運動會 上海博覽會 等 若將國際會議及會展協會議題納入課程, 讓學生知道國際會展之規模組織架構及價位 ( 如建立國際友誼 與國際接軌 大量建築展覽會館 提升都市形象 或創造就業機會等 ), 可以擴展學生視野 2009 年高雄市政府將主辦 2009 世界運動會, 若將 2009 世界運動會 及會展協會議題那入課程, 讓學生了解如何結合貿易 交通 金融 旅遊等多項相關產業之服務業, 必要時, 支援協助高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展工作, 意義非凡 貳 研究目的本特色教學研究計畫 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練 目的在於訓練 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生作以高雄 2009 世界運動會 之會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議 本計畫亦配合多元化社會的發展趨勢, 開設 英語簡報與會議 之課程, 傳授英語簡報與會議技巧, 並配合業界需求, 以培育跨領域人才 本課程最大特點乃藉由業界實務經驗豐富之師資及教學參觀, 提供學生了解高雄 2009 世界運動會 產業環境現況, 並了解國內及國際未來的發展趨勢 期望學生能做中學習達到 三高 ( 英語簡報技巧高 英語表達能力高 及創新效益高 ) 之特色教學研究目標 參 研究方法雖然多媒體英語簡報系統在業界及學界已廣受肯定, 但如何在 2009 世界運動會 之會展產業使用得巧, 使用得妙, 仍有待琢磨 本特色教學研究計畫規劃主題式教學, 提出二十三項高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地讓學生練習用英語簡報報導運動項目 進而, 本計畫依據國內外會議 (Meeting) 獎勵旅遊 (Incentive Travel) 國際活動 (Convention) 及展覽 (Exhibition) 四大主題, 提出 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 英語會議次主題, 包括運動賽程 註冊 旅館 餐飲 運輸 售票 印刷 娛樂 廣告 設計裝潢 精彩賽事報導 等次主題 讓學生練習用英語召開會議, 討論相關次主題之世界運動會項目 為落實英語會議進行程序, 本參照計畫參照分別參照張一慈 ( 民 94) 之四項英語簡報之程序及 Goodale (1987) 之十五項英語會議進行程序, 並設計評量表以評量學生之表現 此外, 本計畫邀請專員演講, 並安排師生參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄現代綜合體育館 及蓮潭會館, 會後皆繳交心得報告 本特色教學研究計畫 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練 為期 18 週 ; 開學後七週以英語簡報為主題, 中間四週以充實課程為主題, 課程結束前七週以英語會議為主題 開學後七週以英語簡報為主題, 教師先講授英語簡報之中要性及技巧, 然後分配 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動給學生, 要求每位學生依所分配到之次主題用英語簡報報導世界運動會場地及其運動項目 : 4

5 ID 運動會場地運動項目 01 Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park Air Sports 02 Main Stadium of The Word Games Rugby 03 Lotus Pond Dragon Boat 04 Gymnastics in Kaohsiung Arena Rhythmic 05 Chengchin Lake in Chengchin Lake Archery 07 Chengchin Lake & Museum of Fine Arts Orienteering 08 Chung Cheng Martial Arts Stadium Squash 10 Sizihwan Bay Lifesaving 11 Happy Bowling Center Bowling 12 Kaohsiung County Stadium Wushu Memorial Park Boules 15 Gymnasium in National Sun Yat-sen U. Karate 16 Gymnasium in NSYSU Laboratory School Tug of War 17 Yangming Skating Rink Roller sport 19 Kaohsiung-Swimming Pool Fin Swimming 20- Lide Baseball Stadium Softball 21 Gymnasium in Cultural Center Jhihde Hall Aerobic 22 Shou-shan Junior High School Climbing 23 Sun Yat-sen Hall Powerlifting 24 Chung Cheng Stadium Fistball 25 Yangming Skating Rink Powerlifting 26 Gymnasium in National Kaohsiung Normal U. Korfballl 教師先以高雄雄師大體育館之合球項目為例 ( 附件七 ), 親自示範英文簡報, 以下三週讓每位學生作五分鐘之英語簡報, 然後教師依其英語簡報之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及簡報編輯技巧, 給予評分 ( 附件一 ) 及回應 課程結束前七週以英語會議為主題, 教師先講授英語簡報之重要性及技巧, 然後分配 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 英語會議次主題給學生, 以下三週讓每位學生依所分配到之次主題主持八分鐘之英語會議, 其次主題如下所示 : 四大主題 相關活動主題 會 議 (Meeting) 25-May 18 Program Or agenda 24-May 18 Coordination 23-May 18 Reception 22-May 18 Registration 獎勵旅遊 (Incentive Travel) 21-May 18 Incentive Tour I (Sea, lake, pond, river, water) 20-May 18 Incentive Tour II (Dream Mall, Empire Skyline, etc.) 19-May 18 Incentive Tour III (museum, temples, churches, etc.) 17-May 25 Incentive Tour IV (Night markets, traditional art perf, etc.) 5

6 四大主題 相關活動主題 國際活動 (Convention) 16-May 25 Opening Ceremony 15-May 25 Closing Ceremony 13-May 25 Dinning Service 12-May 25 Accommodation 展覽 (Exhibition) 11-May 25 Exhibitions (Lanterns, truck arts, etc.) 07-June1 Lightening 10-May 25 Ticketing 05-June1 Advertisements 09-May 25 Emergency Management 04-June1 Commercials 08-June1 Transportation 03-June1 Souvenirs 02-June1 Sports Event Reports 01-June1 Insurance 每位學生主持八分鐘之英語會議, 然後教師依關於英語會議之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及講義 ( 附件七 八及九 ) 編輯技巧, 給予評分 ( 附件二 ) 及回應 為擴展學生視野充實, 讓學生知道國際會展之規模組織架構及價位, 如何結合貿易 交通 金融 旅遊等多項相關產業之服務業, 必要時, 支援協助 2009 年高雄 世界運動會 會展工作, 本特色教學研究計畫特地安排四週充實課程 邀請專員演講 ( 附件四及五 ), 並安排師生參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄巨蛋體育館 及蓮潭會館, 會後皆繳交心得報告 ( 附件十及十一 ), 以了解學生學習效益 大體而言, 本特色教學研究計畫目標在 英語簡報與會議 課程中訓練 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生作以高雄 2009 世界運動會 之會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議, 其教學程序如下 : 教學程序教師先講授英語簡報之中要性及技巧 教師分配 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動主題給學生 每位學生用英語簡報報導世界運動會場地及其運動項目 ( 五分鐘 ) 教師講評 教師邀請專員一演講 & 學生回應 教師邀請專員二演講 & 學生回應 師生參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄巨蛋體育館 及蓮潭會館 學生繳交心得報告 6

7 教師先講授英語會議之中要性及技巧 教師分配 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 英語會議次主題給學生 每位學生依所分配到之次主題主持英語會議 ( 八分鐘 ) 教師講評 學生繳交心得報告 蒐集及分析資料 肆 研究結果基本上, 本特色教學研究計畫 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練 採用 拼圖式教學, 每一 2009 世界運動會 會展主題可比擬為一塊拼圖, 待個別完成會展主題之英語簡報與會議, 加以組合, 即可成為一項多元之 世界運動會 會展拼圖 仔細觀察之, 學生在此項計畫之學習可歸納出四項成果 ( 一 ) 培養良好之英語簡報與會議動機,( 二 ) 強調英語簡報與會議技巧,( 三 ) 變化英語簡報與會議主題,( 四 ) 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序, 及 ( 五 ) 擴展學生視野 ( 附件三 ) 一 培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機本計畫透過一般課堂授課向學生傳達成功之英語簡報與會議始於良好之動 機, 向外擴展 (STRETCH) 表達簡報之型態 原本一些學生不敢用英語作簡報介紹 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動, 但參與後, 漸漸變得勇敢及自信 原本一些 學生對英語簡報結合英文閱讀 寫作 及口說 三合一 之語文表現 ( 史宗玲, 民 94) 沒概念, 但參與後, 漸漸體會語文技巧是可以相互激勵發展的 若語言使用者 明白語言使用之目的及功能, 則會盡量使用語言達到其目的, 如使用問候語與拉 近他與聽眾之距離, 如使用祈使句請聽眾注意 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動 之特色, 如在簡報後提出問題喚起觀眾對簡報內重點之注意, 如在提案討論後作 舉手表決已討論之結果, 皆可引起興趣 取得認同 或達成協定 故透過本計畫, 可向學生傳達成功之英語簡報與會議之使用動機 依據學生之期末心得報告, 學 生將在多項會議應用英語及簡報, 如中英雙語教學會議 外貿協會會議 國際工 商會議 等, 皆為實務英語之應用 二 英語簡報與會議技巧本計畫 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練, 在開學後七週以英語簡報為主題, 在課程結束前七週以英語會議為主題, 教師皆講授英語簡報與會議之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及簡報編輯, 並做教學示範, 然後教師提出和高雄 2009 世界運動會 相關之主題或次主題讓學生作英語簡報 ( 附件十三 ) 或主持英語會議 ( 附件十四 ) 依據學生之實作表現, 原本一些學生忽略英語簡 7

8 報與會議之結構與內容, 因評鑑之要求, 皆一一落實 ; 原本一些學生忽略溝通知能及溝通技巧, 在和同學互動中慢慢地體會溝通之重要性及各項溝通技巧, 如口語結構技巧及遣詞用字技巧 ; 肢體語言技巧諸如注目 光臉部表情 及手勢皆可表現 ; 至於口語表達技巧, 其涉及說話者如何強調關鍵字 如何委婉陳述 如何解釋文意 或如何解說世界運動會場地及其運動之特色 原本一些學生習慣用文字傳達簡報內容, 但後都加入音效及動畫, 如學生 A 用圖片 影片 及動作區分三種舉重 (Powerlifting):Squat, Bench Press, Dead Lift ( 例一 ) 最後再提二問題作有獎徵答 ( 例二 ), 讓與會之觀眾都很投入其簡報及回應中 例一 Disciplines of Powerlifting 1. Three disciplines (in sequence): Squat. Bench Press. Dead Lift. 2. Three opportunities to lift their maximum weight 例二 Q & A 1. How many countries will be in The Powerlifting Game in Kaohsiung? How many disciplines are used in the Powerlifting Game? 3(Squat, Bench Press, Dead Lift) 例三 A Meeting for the Lighting by Student B Subject 1: Choosing a Light Company 1) Purpose: To make the opening ceremony fascinating with the service of an optimal company. 2) Date: July 16 3) Time: From 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm 4) Place: World Games Main Stadium 5) Light companies Company Genius Great Galaxy Representative Work The Golden Melody Awards Ceremony The Golden Horse Awards Ceremony The Golden Bell Awards Ceremony Cost 199, , ,000 free snow-making machine No Extra Service free bubble-making machine 例四 A Meeting for the Lighting by Student B Subject 2: Setting off fireworks with lighting effects 1) Purpose: To decide if it is necessary to set off fireworks while playing lighting effects during the performances 2) Date: July 16 3) Place: World Games Main Stadium 4) Timing of setting off fireworks: A No B The athletes march into the arena C The governme nt officials are introduced D The performers are performing E Set off fireworks when B C and D happen 又如學生 B 用提案格式及表格區分高雄 2009 世界運動會 相關之開幕晚會燈光 公司 ( 例三 ) 及開幕晚會中啟動光效之時間點 ( 例四 ), 十分具模擬狀態 三 變化英語會議主題方面本特色教學研究計畫規劃主題式教學, 提出 23 項高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地讓學生練習用英語簡報報導運動項目 進而, 本計畫依據國內外會議 (Meeting) 獎勵旅遊 (Incentive Travel) 國際活動 (Convention) 及展覽 (Exhibition) 四大主題, 以及 23 項次主題, 包括運動賽程 註冊 旅館 餐飲 運輸 售票 印刷 觀光 廣告 燈光 精彩賽事報導 評鑑 等次主題 每一位學生認領一項主題, 舉行英語簡報與會議 由於不同主題具不同焦點, 故影響到英語簡報與會議之不同表現方式 ( 附件十四 ) 多數學生都了解高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動項目, 故在英語簡報中表現較強, 但在英語會議中表現較弱 其原因可推及該群學生對國內外英語會議產業不熟, 缺乏經驗 期望 一回生, 二回熟, 經過多次 8

9 之實際英語會議及教學觀摩, 該學生們會累積經驗 為了加強 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生了解專業英語簡報之結構與內容 溝通技巧 及發音及表達 本特色教學研究計畫邀請國立工藝科學博物館李曉雯專員演講 Museum Tours in English ( 博物館英文導覽 )( 附件四 ) 為了幫助學生了解英語會議主題 2009 世界運動會 及程序, 活用英語, 將來亦能應用英語主持國際會議 邀請高雄世運新聞部及行銷公關部黃域城專員演講 Introduction to the World Games: We are Ready ( 附件五 ), 學生皆受益良多, 有些學生提出建議讓該專題演講變得更富變化及建設性 如學生 A 建議李曉雯專員採用影片及動化讓科工館之導覽更活潑生動 ; 另外, 他希望黃域城專員用小禮物給答對題目之觀眾作為回饋, 鼓勵參與 In the concept of story marketing, Catherine could take more touching examples to enhance the importance of tour guide and the function of National Science and Technology Museum so as to inspire the audiences more motivation to visit the museum. Furthermore, in the 2-hour speech, she also could apply the short films or animation to catch the audiences attention. On the other hand, in Mr. Huang s attractive and rich presentation, he could earn more appreciation and interaction if using the incentive treats. And Mr. Huang could also get close to the audiences while explaining the sport items and discipline so as to have the audiences deep impression. ( 學生 A) 學生 B 則希望國立工藝科學博物館及高雄世運新聞部及行銷公關部多派像李曉雯 專員及黃域城專員之中英口譯人員為外國人作即時口譯, 如此將可行銷國立工藝 科學博物館及高雄世運 A lot of people including Taiwanese and foreigners might be interested in the Museum and the World Game. Therefore, I think more translators for the organizations are required without any doubt. Consequently, we may not only promote the Museum and the World Game to the foreigners who live here in Taiwan, but also we may further promote Taiwan to the other people all over the world through the foreign audiences who have ever been to the presentation of the Museum or the World Game. ( 學生 B) 以上之建議皆很具體, 由此可見學生之學習成果 四 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序為落實英語簡報與會議進行程, 本特色教學研究計畫擬參照張一慈 ( 民 94) 之 四項英語簡報之程序, 同時也參照 Goodale (1987) 之十五項英語會議進行程序, 期望透過有系統有組織之程序, 讓學生獨自立展開英語簡報及會議 依據學生之 期末心得報告, 多位學生認為報告議題 (agenda) 提出議題 (Subjects) 及付諸表 決 (Moving to a vote) 三項程序很重要, 如學生 C 認為報告議題讓與會者知道開會 9

10 流程, 提出議題讓與會者知道開會重點, 而付諸表決可讓與會者表示支持或反對 意見, 達成共識 The agenda is very important because it let the members of the meeting know what are going to be discussed in the meeting. The subject is also important because the members of the meeting can get further information by looking at the detail content, including the appendixes, to know and decide what to do in the following procedures. Moving to the vote is the critical procedure to decide what to do and reach a consensus to do something. Participants can raise their hands to show their support or opposition in voting. ( 學生 C) 此外, 也有多數學生表示, 詢問與會者有何意見或建議 (Giving the Floor) 提示討論方向 (Keeping Order) 及討論議題 (Postponing Discussion) 三項程序很重要, 如學生 D 認為主席問與會者有何意見或建議, 可以集思廣義, 主席提示討論方向可以維持發言順序, 以免讓人打斷會議進行程序, 又主席延遲討論議題, 以便蒐集更多資料延至下次會議再作充分之討論 A successful chairperson should involve participants ideas or suggestions, keep order while someone is interrupting the meeting, and postpone discussion for gathering more information. Those were what I have learned most from our meetings, and now I believe I have the ability to use the procedures well for conducting meetings in the future. ( 學生 D) 語言是社會進展的一面鏡子, 社會互動亦帶動語言之發展及變化, 在英語會 議進行中, 主席要針對某議題或提案詢問與會者有何意見或建議, 他亦要針對提 議進行表決, 故產生人際互動, 從而發展及變化語言 總而言之, 多數學生在本 計畫中肯定英語簡報與會議技巧及程序, 他們亦從人際互動及做中學習, 實事求 是, 敬業樂業 五 擴展學生視野本特色教學研究計畫將 2009 世界運動會 及會展協會議題納入課程, 讓學生了解如何結合貿易 交通 金融 旅遊等多項相關產業之服務業, 必要時, 支援協助高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展工作 為達成以上目的, 本特色教學研究計畫安排 << 應用英語研究所 >> 師生參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄現代綜合體育館 及蓮潭會館, 會後皆繳交心得報告, 學生皆獲益良多 學生 E 驚歎世界運動會主題館之多功能建築, 也為賞心悅目之作 I was impressed by the amazing construction of the Main Stadium. The design of it is admirable. It proves to us that it is not simply a stadium that hosts many different kinds of competitive games but also designed for the spectators to enjoy the games. ( 學生 E) 10

11 此外, 學生 F 強調高雄巨蛋體育場之多功能設計, 除運動功能外, 亦提供大眾住宿 比賽 表演 會議 會展 休閒 逛街等功能, 相信必能帶動觀光產業提高高雄國際地位 Kaohsiung Arena is another indoor arena for the upcoming international events. In addition to be a competition arena, it serves multipurposes for housing competitions, performances, conferences, exhibitions, recreation, shopping, etc. in the future. Along with the convenient transportation, accommodation, dining and shopping, the industry of tourism in Kaohsiung will greatly be promoted. ( 學生 F) 以上之意見皆很有內容, 由此可見學生之宏觀及支持 2009 世界運動會 及會展之信念, 並擴展國際視野 然而, 參訪高雄世運主場館 高雄巨蛋體育場 及蓮潭會館之學生亦提出具體之意見, 以改善該會場 ( 附件十三 ) 如學生 G 及學生 H 分別就世界運動會主場地之公共藝術設計及 2009 世界運動會 之傳宣各提出建議 以公共藝術設計而言, 學生 G 希望高雄市政府能將一些外國人之公共藝術設計改為高雄在地人之公共藝術設計 若此建議能被採納, 高雄市政府將提拔更多在地藝術家, 亦行銷高雄市藝術及文化 Artistic work conveys, aside from the meaning of itself, also the culture valuation and symbolism of art-collectors. From the above perspectives, I urged that some of the foreign artistic works displayed at the Main Stadium should be replaced by local ones. ( 學生 G) 以加強 2009 世界運動會 之傳宣而言, 學生 H 希望學校教師能給學生 2009 世界運動會 之傳宣品, 如夾子, 或帶學生參觀世界運動會主場地 或許日後學生會邀請家人一起為 2009 世界運動會 加油, 他們將以高雄市為榮 School teachers should be provided with related materials, for example, the clips or even a tour to the Main Stadium, to trigger students enthusiasm for World Games And they may further encourage their family to get involved in it, which will eventually make them proud of Kaohsiung city. ( 學生 H) 此外,<< 應用英語研究所 >> 學生在高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地 運動項目簡報中沿用高雄市政府口號 (We are Ready!) 也創造許多活潑生動之 2009 世界運動會 口號, 為高雄 2009 世界運動會 增加無比之活力與信心 Rhythmic Climbing Powerlifting Fistball Powerlifting Enjoy the Beauty and the Beat! Let s Go Climbing! Show You the Power! Let s make a good Fist of it!! Lift Your Dream 11

12 結 論 本特色教學研究計畫結合英語簡報 英語會議 及高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業, 讓 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生從做中學習, 發展專業英文閱讀 寫作 及口說之能力, 並協助推動高雄 2009 世界運動會 會展產業 本特色教學推展十八週學生不但反應良好並發展五方面之學習 :( 一 ) 培養學生良好之英語簡報與會議動機,( 二 ) 強調英語簡報與會議技巧,( 三 ) 變化英語簡報與會議主題,( 四 ) 落實英語簡報與會議進行程序, 及 ( 五 ) 擴展國際視野 一旦學生鑽研英語簡報之結構與內容 溝通技巧 發音及表達 以及簡報編輯, 他們的英語表達能力及創新效益將可大大地提高, 成為英語簡報高手 由於本特色教學之大部份學生從事不同行業, 故期望他們在個別專業上能學以致用簡報英語及會議英語, 並擴展國際視野 參考文獻 史宗玲,( 民 94) 簡報英語簡訓練 文鶴出版有限公司 張一慈,(Ed.) ( 民 94). 簡報英文 文鶴出版有限公司 空軍機械學校英語教室研究室 ( 民 74) 中華民國第五屆英語文教學研討會論文集 Bowen, B. M. (1990). Look here! Visual aids in language teaching. Hong Kong: Modern English. Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. (4 th Ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Clark, B. L. (1992). American children s literature: Background and bibliography. American Studies International, 30(1), Goodale, M. (1987). The language of meeting. Taipei: Crane. Hooks, B. (1999). Remembered rapture: the writer at work. 1st ed. New York: Henry Holt. Merrill Prentice Hall. Oxford, R. (2004). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. Payne, J. & Carlin, D. P. (1994). Getting started in public speaking. Lincolnwood: National Textbook. Powell, M. (2002). Presenting in English. Croatia: Language Teaching Publications. Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Press. Rigy, R. P. (1980). Audio-visual aids and techniques in managerial and supervisory learning. London: Hamial Hamiton. Smagorinsky, P., (2002). Teaching English through principled practice. New York: 12

13 附件一 英語簡報評量表 An Evaluation Form of Presentation in English Topic: Student: Date: 1. Categories Items Percentages Score Comments/Sugge stions Structure & Content 1. Greetings 2. Self-introduction 3. Highlighting the purpose 4. An overview the procedure 30% 2. Communication Skills 3. Pronunciation & Speaking 5. Three to five points in the outline 6. Conclusion 7. Q-and-A 1. Talking about the needs and interests of audience 2. Using verbal language, nonverbal language, or audio-visual aids 3. Responding to audience 1. Variation of the voice 2. Language accuracy 3. Language fluency 30% 10% 4. PowerPoint Slide Composing Total Score 1. No more than 7 lines per slide 2. Less than 7 words per line 3. Key phrases/clauses instead of full sentences 4. Applying hypermedia 30% 13

14 附件二 英語會議評量表 An Evaluation Form of Meeting in English Topic: Student: Date: Categories Items Score Comments/Suggestions 1. Structure & Content (30%) 1. Opening 2. The minutes 3. The agenda 4. The subject 5. Giving the Floor 6. Finishing a Point 7. Directing 8. Keeping Order 9. Moving to a New Point 10. Postponing Discussion 11. Proposing 12. Moving to a vote 13. Consensus 14. Any Other Business 15. Closing 1. 主席報告 2. 報告上次會議執行情況 3. 報告開會程序 4. 報告議題 ( 一 二.....) 5. 問與會者有何意見或建議 6. 結束議題 7. 提示討論方向 8. 指示發言程序 9. 提出議題 10. 討論議題 11. 臨時動議 ( 提案 ) 12. 付諸表決 13. 達成共識 14. 其他事項 15. 宣佈會議結束 2. Communicatio n Skills 4. Talking about the needs and interests of audience 5. Using verbal language, nonverbal language, or audio-visual aids 6. Responding to audience 3. Pronunciation & Speaking 4. Variation of the voice 5. Language accuracy 6. Language fluency 4. PowerPoint Slide Composing Total Score 5. No more than 7 lines per slide 6. Less than 7 words per line 7. Key phrases/clauses instead of full sentences 8. Applying hypermedia 14

15 附件 三 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練 略影 徐同學 用英文簡報 報告高雄世運 陳同學 之英文簡報 The Fistball Game in Chung Cheng Stadium Presented by YenYen-Mei Chen (No.24) Manager of Chung Cheng Stadium khh.travel/en/theme/worldgame.aspx 教學參觀-高雄世運主題館 教學參觀-高雄巨蛋體育館 高雄科工館李曉雯小姐 演講 高雄世運新聞部及行銷公關部特派員 黃域城先生 演講

16 附件 四 特色教學研究計畫專題演講 Museum Tours in English 李曉雯 專員 國立工藝科學博物館 于翠蘭記錄 98 年 3 月 16 日 為了加強<<應用英語研究所>>學生了解專業英語簡報之結構與內容 溝通 技巧 及發音及表達 張教授特地邀請國立工藝科學博物館李曉雯專員演講 Museum Tours in English 李曉雯 專員以博物館專業導覽人員角色 說明導 覽前應了解外賓人數 年齡及喜好背景 引導參觀動線規劃及設計解說腳本等 步驟 完成以英語引導外賓參觀工藝科學博物館的任務 導覽人員要使外賓在 有限參觀時間內對台灣工藝科學留下無限豐富及深刻印象 以有效傳達訊息 此外 導覽人員應觀察聽眾種類 以調整英語解說技巧及儀表 李曉雯專員以其多年英語自我訓練及導覽工作經驗 讓同學了解如何應用 英語進行專業簡報 並展現運用肢體動作及互動溝通等各類技巧 讓在座的同 學們獲益良多 16

17 附件五 特色教學研究計畫專題演講 :Introduction to the World Game: We are Ready 黃域城專員 高雄世運新聞部及行銷公關部 于翠蘭記錄 98 年 3 月 23 日 為了幫助 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生了解英語會議主題 高雄世運 2009 及程序, 活用英語, 將來亦能應用英語主持國際會議 張教授特地邀請高雄世運新聞部及行銷公關部黃域城專員演講 Introduction to the World Games: We are Ready 透過專業之簡報及 DVD, 黃域城專員介紹 2009 年高雄世界運動會運動各項賽事特色, 輔以高雄市政府為迎接世運所作各項基礎建設說明及圖片 影片播放解說, 而簡報所提出說服觀眾的具體聲光及影像內容, 搭配講者適度的模擬運動項目肢體動作, 立刻讓同學感受到世運震撼人心的魅力, 讓同學們學習如何將平面簡報藉由講者流利的英語及多媒體工具豐富化, 將其具體呈現貼近群眾, 引起聽者產生共鳴並激發參與感 高雄市政府整合大高雄地區各類官 民及工商資源, 藉由高雄世運大型賽 事 - 會展產業開始向世界發聲, 藉高雄嶄新城市風貌向國際行銷及推銷高雄市, 未來舉辦高雄世運 - 會展產業, 將為大高雄地區帶來服務 觀光等相關行業帶來 利基 商機及就業契機, 而辦理世界級賽事所呈現的各類成果, 更是高雄市對 會展產業發展 Yes, We are ready. 的信心展現 對於會展產業在高雄的紮根工作 未來推展及各類綜效, 也經由本次簡報產生進一步了解, 賽事舉辦期間或日後, 也可將此生動的簡報方法或內容善加運用在工作或外賓接待上, 對同學而言, 更是一舉數得, 獲益良多 17

18 附件 六 特色教學研究計畫參訪三項高雄世運場所 于翠蘭 記錄 98 年 4 月 11 日 為了讓<<應用英語研究所>>學生擴展學生視 野 知道國際會展之規模組織架構 了解如何結合 貿易 交通 金融 旅遊等多項相關產業之服務業 必要時 支援協助 2009 年高雄 世界運動會 會 展工作 張教授特地為同學安排參訪高雄世運主場 館 高雄現代綜合體育館 及蓮潭會館 首站到達高雄世運主場館 由高雄市政府文化 局安排一位隨隊人員及導覽志工 高雄大學學生 進行解說 同學一下車即為兼具 美感及流暢造型的主場館所吸引 主場館為全球第一個綠建築導向的運動場地 經 志工解說後 更對太陽能板設置及考量自然風 觀眾及運動成績的流線體造型等印 象深刻 裝置藝術作品美化及原有綠景生態保留 與現代化主場館綠建築互相呼應 引發自己家鄉-高雄能擁有此一媲美世界頂級建築的驕傲 同學更期待能夠入場來觀 賞各國體育精英選手精采的演出 第二站到訪高雄現代綜合體育館 亦稱為高雄巨蛋 屬於高雄市政府 BOT 建 築 由漢威公司管理營運 為綠建築導向之綜合性多用途場地 可供運動 休閒娛 樂及小型經貿展覽會等活動使用 第三站參訪蓮潭會館 蓮潭會館為高雄市政府 ROT 案 重新裝修後 由立德管 理學院籌設經營 供該校餐旅管理學系學生實習 目前配合高雄會展產業發展策略 規劃 提供周邊相關住宿 餐飲及各型專業會展廳服務 目前已是高雄地區各類室 內會議熱門租借場所 世運期間亦將配合提供國外選手餐飲及住宿 會展產業 不僅需要爭取大型會議 展覽或活動來台舉辦 更需要相關餐飲 住宿 休閒 採購及交通等各項設施之配合 此外 專業人士 志工及觀眾熱情參與更是 不可或缺的一環 本次活動除參訪高雄世運硬體建設外 也對 周邊交通 都市景觀改善及住宿餐飲之提供也印 象深刻 此外對於蓮池潭整治 歷經抽乾潭水 清除污泥 注入乾淨水源及環潭步道景觀的改善 工程 煥然一新的蓮池潭 更佐證高雄市政府對 高雄未來會產產業推動之用心用力 18

19 附件七 高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地及其運動項目簡報樣本 : 以高雄雄師大體育館之合球項目為例 By 張玉玲 首頁 - 高雄雄師大體育館之合球項目大綱 - 含四重點 The Korfball Game in Gymnasium of National Normal University Presented by Ye-ling Chang Manager of Gymnasium of National Normal University 1. Korfball (1902) Outline 2. International Korfball Federation (IKF) (1933) 3. Members of IKF 4. IKF Gym in Kaohsiung 合球賽 - 含三特色 合球賽參賽國家 - 含國名及照片 Three features of the Korfball Game meter high post and a plastic basket 2. gender 3. Players need all round skills because after every two goals in a match the attackers become defenders and vice versa." Qualified Countries AUS BEL CZE GBR NED POR RUS TPE (Taipei, Taiwan) 高雄雄師大體育館 - 地理位置及交通 IKF Gym in Kaohsiung National Kaohsiung Normal University next to the Kaohsiung Cultural Center. 合球賽口號 We are Ready We are Ready!! Welcome to Visit the Korfball Game in Gymnasium of National Normal University By Bus:0South 0North KMRT: Cultural Center Station Phone: (~2500) Manager: Ye-ling Chang 19

20 附件八特色教學期末英語會議講義樣本 以紀念商品為主題 Meeting in English On Souvenirs for World Games 2009 By 于翠蘭 Part I: Minutes Subject 1 The keynotes for designing souvenirs Executions Localization and the images of Kaohsiung are the themes of the design. With all attendants agreement, the general affairs department should be responsible for collecting detail information for further discussion at the next meeting. 2 Selling channels Besides selling at the realistic stores, online shopping function. Part II: Subjects should be added to our official website. The IT department should be in charge of the task; next meeting we will discuss the matter further. Subject 1: Choosing Souvenirs 1 Purpose: To promote Kaohsiung city and make our souvenirs best sellers 2 Production budget: NT$1,000,000 3 The maximum quantity: 10,000 units 4 The date of delivery: 1 st June Features of souvenirs: Localization and the images of Kaohsiung 6 Expected effect: To boost local gift service industries and create ten times or so indirect output value 7 Objects: (Please refer to Appendix A) Subject 2: Press conference for souvenirs launch event 1 Purpose: Drawing consumers attention and promoting our product in public 2 Date: 21 st June Time: 10 A.M. 4 Place: City hall 5 Budget: NT$500,000 6 Performance: (Please refer to Appendix B) 20

21 Subject 3: selling outlets 1 Purpose: Make our goods easier to be seen and bought by local and foreign tourists 2 Special condition: 3 Expected effect: Massive and efficient selling 4 The ceiling of service charge: 10% on the selling price 5 The periods of selling: From 21 st June 2009 to 31 st July 2009 Appendix A Description of Souvenirs Goods Cost Virtual sample Material T-shirt NT$ % cotton Poker NT$ 50 Paper Cell phone strap NT$ 50 Metal and plastic Appendix B Performance on Souvenirs Launch Event A B C 21

22 附件九特色教學期末英語會議腳本樣本 A Sample Script for Meeting in English On Souvenirs for World Games 2009 By 于翠蘭 June 1, 2009 翠蘭 : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am today s chairperson, Yu Tsui-lan from the gift department. Since the two thirds of people are all here. Now I declare the meeting open. Has everyone received a copy of agenda? The first part on the agenda is the minutes of the previous meeting. I ll read the minutes for you. Subject Executions 1 The keynotes for Localization and the images of Kaohsiung are the themes of the designing design. With all attendants agreement, the general affairs souvenirs department should be responsible for collecting detail information for further discussion at the next meeting. 2 Selling channels Besides selling at the realistic stores, online shopping function should be added into our official website. The IT department should be in charge of the task; next meeting we will discuss the matter further. Can we take the minutes as read? 大家說 Yes. 翠蘭 : Ok, thanks you. The next item to cover is about choosing souvenirs for our sports event. First, I would like to thank the general affairs department. They have listed 3 options for us. Now please refer to the appendix 1. There are 3 products. The first one is T-shirt. The key concept of design is localization. We put the picture of mascots or Kaohsiung main stadium on T-shirts to make our products unique. That will impress consumers and draw their attentions. People would want to buy it and put it on. When local or foreign people wear our T-shirts it 22

23 helps us to promote Kaohsiung city. By selling the product we make a profit and gain international reputation at the same time. That makes a good bargain. The second one is poker. Poker appeals to all ages and social groups. It made of recycled paper. It is a green product. By using this product, consumers could also hear an echo of environmental protection. Small size is easy to take and the price is cheap. The most impressive design is on the backside of each card. On reverse side of each card we put different picture of Kaohsiung famous landmark on it. That will remind visitors of the happy memory at Kaohsiung and drive them to visit our city again. The last one is cell phone strap. Now everyone has one or more than one cell phone, so cell phone strap is useful and popular. The main part of the strap is our mascot, 雄哥 or 高妹. Our selling strategy is to create a distinctive feeling, so the products can be bought only at shopping center of Kaohsiung main stadium and only during the period of sports event. Those are the basic introduction about the 3 products. The further information such as cost and material please refer to the appendix 1. 翠蘭 : Does anyone have any thoughts about this issue? ( 大家沒人反應 ) 翠蘭 : Student A, I think you know something about it. I would like to give the floor to Student B. Student B: Those designs are excellent. Frankly speaking, we want people to buy our product. Since our target market is foreign people, highlighting localization is very important. That would make our products best sellers in market. 翠蘭 : Thank for your opinion, who would like to comment further? We haven t heard from Student B, and he is a senior staff in PR section. What are your views on this, Student B? Student B: Our best choice is to diversify our product line. We can make use of color and picture to meet every consumer s need. However, because our goal for hosting the sports event is to boost local economic growth, I propose that those products must be made in Kaohsiung city. 翠蘭 : You ve made an excellent point. Let our souvenirs being made in Kaohsiung can provide employment and bring in business.would anyone like to second this motion? 23

24 大家 : I am second to Mr. 林. 翠蘭 : With everyone s approval, made in Kaohsiung would be a condition in production contract. (Student E and Student E are chatting.) 翠蘭 : I should call you to order. We can t speak all at once. Anyone wants to address your remark, please raise your hand. Student E (Raising her hand) : Could I just make a point about the commercials? 翠蘭 : This isn t relevant to our discussion. Could you stick to the subject? Please. Who would like to comment further? 大家 : No. 翠蘭 : Since we spent a lot of time and had a heated discussion on this matter. Could we take a vote on it? Everyone has 2 votes. Who is in favor of T-shirt? OK. There are 10 people. Who is in favor of poker? (Counting the votes) OK. There are 11 people. Who is in favor of cell phone strap? (Counting the votes) OK. There are 10 people. In the event of a tie, I would like to remind you that I have the casting vote. I vote for T-shirt and poker. It seems that we reach a consensus. The souvenirs for our sports event are T-shirt and poker. Has anyone anything further they want to add before we move on to the next subject? 大家 : No. 翠蘭 : Now let us move on to subject 2 on the agenda, the Press conference for Souvenirs launch event? In order to draw consumer s attention and promote our souvenirs we will host the press conference for our souvenirs launch event. The activity will be held on June 21 st 10 A.M. at Kaohsiung city hall. We are going to invite domestic and foreign Medias to cover the event. The activities department will give us a detail report on this. 24

25 翠蘭 : Student B the leader of activities department. I would like to give the floor to Student B. Student B: Because our staff didn t finish the report on time, I would like to propose that we defer this matter until we have more information at our disposal. 翠蘭 : Who would like to second the motion? 翠蘭 : According to Student B s statement, we can t resolve this issue right now. Would anyone like to second the motion? 大家 : I am second to. 翠蘭 : Our discussion on the issue will have to wait until next meeting. Student D: Excuse me, Ms. Chairperson. May I say something please? 翠蘭 : I would like to give the floor to 正. Student D: In order to speed up our further discussion, I propose to form a committee, made up of people from PR, marketing, finance and general affairs to preview this problem first. 翠蘭 : Would anyone like to second the motion? 大家 : I am second to Student D. 翠蘭 : Ok thank you. Now I would like to move on to the last subject on our agenda. It is to decide our selling outlets. The place to sell our souvenirs is every important and it will affect our selling figure and promoting fee. In other words, it related to our income and profit. We got online shopping system, but we still need realistic stores to help. The ceiling of service charge: 10% on the selling price. Does anyone have any thoughts about this issue? (Nobody respond.) 翠蘭 : Since we run out of time, further discussion on this matter will have to wait until next meeting. Is there any other business? 大家 : No. 翠蘭 : To summarize, I would like to highlight that we have to make a decision about the popularity and suitability of our souvenirs. Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. I declare the meeting closed. I appreciate your attention tonight as well as your contribution. Thank you and good-night. 25

26 附件十 特色教學期中報告樣本 高雄世運主題館 & 高雄巨蛋體育館參觀報告 Student E Two comments: First of all, it was really a great opportunity for me to visit the Main Stadium and Kaohsiung Arena with my professor and my classmates on a beautiful sunny Saturday. The Kaohsiung government is indeed putting a lot of effort into getting ready for the World Games, and even tour guides are available for those who want to visit the stadium. For us, having the tour guide to show us the extraordinary construction was really helpful for us to know more about the background and the future of the stadium. And it was great to know that the materials of the construction were mostly made in Taiwan. Seeing the thoughts the government put into it makes me believe that Kaohsiung is definitely ready for any kind of international games! Secondly, I was impressed by the amazing construction of the Main Stadium. The design of it is admirable. It proves to us that it is not simply a stadium that hosts many different kinds of competitive games but also designed for the spectators to enjoy the games. The seats are also especially arranged so that the view of the spectators will not be blocked. Besides, to provide a comfortable environment for the spectators, the ventilation system was also put into consideration to ensure the steady air flow in the stadium. Just looking at the two parts, we see that the city government doesn t only care about hosting the games but also has thought about those who are going to be watching the games. From the design of the seats and the ventilation system, we can see that the government is very considerate of all the details. Suggestion: It was quite a pleasant visit to the Main Stadium and Kaohsiung Arena and we can see that the government is really ready for the World Games. However, the government spent so much money on building the stadium especially to host the World Games. I can t help wondering what the substantial public value of the stadium is. The arena is sponsored by the private organization while the stadium the government. Therefore, the substantial management of the stadium after the World Games would be more concerned. I suggest that the government acknowledge the public about the substantiality and the management of the stadium (it is not clear how the government will manage the stadium after the World Games, we only know it will be contracting-out) and also be considerate of the residents of the area and the noise pollution while hosting events. My second suggestion is that there should be more tours open to visitors from other countries. After visiting the Main Stadium and Kaohsiung Arena, we all feel very proud of our own country. However, I could not see any foreigners visiting. It is really a shame that we can t share our pride with the world. If 26

27 the government could invite more foreign friends to visit and to admire before and after the World Games, it would enable the world to see Kaohsiung, Taiwan with different appreciation. Also, it might bring some income to the government to subsidize the monthly expenses. 27

28 附件十一 特色教學期末報告樣本 Student F 1. Choose the top three interesting or impressive topics above, and then tell the reason why in 100 words. (25%) The top three interesting topics to me include (1) incentive travel (all tours from I to IV); (2) both opening and closing ceremonies; and (3) emergency management. The incentive travels during the World Games 2009 is a brilliant idea because it can promote the sightseeing industry of Kaohsiung City. Even the hosting countries of Olympic Games are trying their best to impress the visitors as well as the athletes by beautiful local sceneries with the hope that they will visit again and again in the future.the opening and closing ceremonies are usually the dual climaxes of any sport activity, because usually they will gather all the athletes and celebrities which can always attract the attention of the world. Last but not least, the emergency management or plan is indispensable to the World Game 2009, especially when there is a looming threat of swine flu outbreak at Taiwan which may postpone the coming Game anytime. 2. Refer the 15 procedures of a meeting, which three procedures are significant to you, and then tell the reason why in 100 words. (25%) What I learned from acting as the chairman of the Meeting for the Contingency Plan of the World Games 2009 is that the three procedures significant are: (1) giving the floor and finishing a point (2) directing and keeping order (3) moving to a vote and consensus. To illustrate, chairperson of any meeting must rely on giving the floor as well as finishing a point to gather the opinions of the attendee and summarize their opinion is the important step for the chairperson to do. Directing and keeping order are usually the major two means which can guarantee the smooth going of the meeting. The most important part of a meeting is moving to a vote and attaining a consensus, otherwise, we achieve nothing from holding a meeting. 3. There are four criteria on the evaluation forms for the individual meetings on the World Games Make two comments (in two sentences) on each criterion. 28

29 (25%) (1) The quality of a meeting is often assessed or judged by its structure & content. If a chairperson can perform better at this part, it will benefit all the attendee joining the meeting. Of course, a better structure will usually induce a better content of a meeting, and vice versa. (2) Although the communication skills is important to all the attendee in a meeting, it is most crucial to the chairperson. The communication skills of a chairperson in a meeting encompasses the ability of finishing a point, directing, keeping order, and etc. (3) The clear pronunciation & speaking for anyone during a meeting is simply a must. Imagine how difficult it will be if a chairperson can not speak or pronounce clearly. Pardon me, will you say it again? The meeting time will be wasted or prolonged by all these words. (4) PowerPoint Slide is a very effective and powerful instrument for a meeting or useful for any presentation occasion. An excellent PowerPoint Slide composing will greatly help a smooth-going meeting. The PowerPoint Slide Composing becomes an essential part for assessing the ability to hold a meeting. 4. How to apply the skills of Meeting in English in your career or in the other career? Please write your opinions in 100 words. (25%) Although we have seldom (almost impossible) chance to chair a large- scale global meeting, but as an attendee, if we are acquainted with the 15-procedure applicable to most formal meeting, we will be encouraged to participate with more active and confident mindset. In the steel industry, there are also many international conferences or meetings held each year. To name just a few, the next Annual Conferences & Meetings to be held by International Iron and Steel Association: Worldsteel-43: October 2009, Beijing, China Worldsteel-44: 2-6 October 2010, Tokyo, Japan Steel Survival Strategies XXIV, co-sponsored by American Metal Market and World Steel Dynamics, will be held at New York, USA, on June 22-24, 2009, which is the steel industry's leading forum for the presentation and discussion of controversial ideas. 29

30 附件十二 高雄 2009 世界運動會 場地 運動項目簡報及口號 << 應用英語研究所 >> 學生 ID 運動會場地運動項目口號 01 Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park Air Sports We are ready to jump! 02 Main Stadium of The Word Games Rugby We are Ready! 03 Lotus Pond Dragon Boat Join us and Enjoy 04 Gymnastics in Kaohsiung Arena Rhythmic Enjoy the Beauty and the Beat! 05 Chengchin Lake in Chengchin Lake Archery We are Ready! 07 Chengchin Lake & Museum of Fine Arts Orienteering Join us now!! 08 Chung Cheng Martial Arts Stadium Squash We are Ready! 10 Sizihwan Bay Lifesaving Come and Join us!! 11 Happy Bowling Center Bowling Get Rolling! 12 Kaohsiung County Stadium Wushu We are Ready! Memorial Park Boules Yes, We Can!!! 15 Gymnasium in National Sun Yat-sen U. Karate Dreams get us together! 16 Gymnasium in NSYSU Laboratory School Tug of War Let s Roll and Rock! 17 Yangming Skating Rink Roller sport We are Ready! 19 Kaohsiung-Swimming Pool Fin Swimming We are Ready! 20 Lide Baseball Stadium Softball We are Ready! 21 Gymnasium in Cultural Center Jhihde Hall Aerobic Dreams come true. 22 Shou-shan Junior High School Climbing Let s Go Climbing! 23 Sun Yat-sen Hall Powerlifting Show You the Power! 24 Chung Cheng Stadium Fistball Let s make a good Fist of it!! 25 Yangming Skating Rink Powerlifting Lift Your Dream 26 Gymnasium in National Kaohsiung Normal U. Korfballl We are Ready! 30

31 附件十三 特色教學 - 高雄世運主題館 & 巨蛋球場參觀報告 特色教學 - 高雄世運主題館 & 巨蛋球場參觀報告 Responses to the Field Trip to The World Games 2009 Main Stadium & the Kaohsiung Arena 夜應用英語碩一 By M 林錦男 The Main Stadium: The design of the Main Stadium makes us Kaohsiung citizens proud of ourselves. Under the unique and magnificent surface lies the dream and vision of people in Kaohsiung and Taiwan. We prove ourselves and to the world that although we suffer a lot from economic downturn, we still hold the most precious assets: our spirit and creativity. All of the people in Kaohsiung, from government officials to the ordinary people, work hard to let the whole world see Kaohsiung by making use of the concepts representing Kaohsiung in the design of the stadium. The public art surrounding the stadium adds an esthetic touch to a stadium. Its green concepts show that we care about not only the welfare of the athletes but also the benefits of the Earth. It is an architectural miracle. It is the symbol of Kaohsiung people as world citizens. Such a magnificent and creative architecture as the Main Stadium serves as a perfect educational resource for all citizens to learn from. For children and teenagers, the future of our country, it is important to offer them the chance to get in touch with world class design to widen their view. The government should seize the chance to offer students free tour of the Main Stadium and teachers can take the opportunity to educate students. The schools can also train students as voluntaries in the World Games 2009 or 31

32 guides of the Main Stadium. It is quite important for the younger generation to have a global vision. The Kaohsiung Arena: Compared with the open space of the Main Stadium, the Kaohsiung Arena is suitable for the indoor sports and cultural activities. Being one of the sports venues in the World Games 2009, the Kaohsiung Arena in the future will be a perfect place for exhibitions and concerts. For the citizens of Kaohsiung, it is good news to have more opportunities to have cultural contact. With the convenience of the MRT, it is easy for the Kaohsiung Arena to congregate people doing leisure activities and shopping in the nearby department store. Adults, children, and families have a chance to spend time conducting meaningful and interesting activities together. Although the location of the Kaohsiung Arena makes it easy to cooperate with the department store and create economic benefits, there is still space for improvement in the surrounding environment. For the visitors from other cities, there should be more hotels near the arena and the department store. For the citizens of Kaohsiung, more outdoor space and facilities such as parks in the area are needed for attracting more families. The government should be able to think of ways to promote the tourism by bringing more people to Kaohsiung. 32

33 特色教學 - 高雄世運主題館 & 巨蛋球場參觀報告 Responses to the Field Trip to The World Games 2009 Main Stadium & the Kaohsiung Arena 夜應用英語碩一 By M 林水汪 It is my great pleasure to visit Main Stadium and other arenas of the Word Games 2009 Kaohsiung with my graduate classmates and professor Chang, the dean of College of Humanities of NKNU. The Main Stadium is an amazing place to visit. I think every visitor would be attracted by its unique outer configuration, like a huge crown on the ground. What impressed me most is the environment-friendly design of the stadium, including the usage of solar energy, the ecological pool and the reusing of the waste soil from the building construction of the main structure of the stadium. I think the Main Stadium is multifunctional. It contains educational function besides athletic applications. For instance, we can take children there, showing them the modern high quality running track and teaching them to love and protect our living environment. The second place we visited is Kaohsiung Arena. The designers of 2009 World Games are very considerate to prepare a large indoor arena with ceiling for some indoor games, the gymnastic and dance sports. Let s talk about the marvelous and admirable design inside the arena is the retractable seats that can be flexibly changed in number and arrangement depending on the nature of the event. As a resident of Kaohsiung city, I am very proud that we own such a wonderful indoor stadium. Although nearly everything in this trip is fine, I still have two suggestions. For one thing, I think it is better to provide each visitor of the Main Stadium an introduction booklet to let him get a whole image of the stadium at the mean time of entering it, and 33

34 there should be an information center near entrance for the visitors to acquire the information of the opening time, the introduction of the building and so on. The other is that it is very hard to find a parking lot near the Kaohsiung Arena. Therefore, the manager of Kaohsiung Arena should arrange a large nearby parking lot to meet the demand of a great deal of visitors. I think it may be a good way for the arena to have a contract with private parking company to solve the problem. 34

35 特色教學 - 高雄世運主題館 & 巨蛋球場參觀報告 Responses to the Field Trip to The World Games 2009 Main Stadium & the Kaohsiung Arena By M 于翠蘭 In order to make a presentation on 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung, I collected related information from Internet. I don t like doing exercise, so I felt that the sports event was held in Kaohsiung coincidently and I had no desire to take part in at all. After the field trip, it gave me a chance to experience those efforts made by city government. Now I am proud of being a citizen of Kaohsiung and looks forward to viewing the mega event. With these splendid buildings and related infrastructure, now I really anticipate the coming of those foreign athletes and visitors and want say to them with confidence that we are ready for the internationalization. In order to host the world sports event, city government did many things. During the field trip we saw energetic progress in Kaohsiung. The most important one is the greenest stadium. There are many famous stadiums worldwide, but Kaohsiung world games stadium is the first green sports facility in the world. The environment, the affect at the athletes and the comfort of the audience were considered when they started to build it. The dome, officially known as Kaohsiung Arena, was built and operated by private company, in consideration of government financial burden. It is a multifunctional place to provide space for sports competitions, entertainment and even local small trade show. It is located beside a huge department store in the town and the advantage of the site and transportation can motivate more people to visit there. In the old day people, there is no 35

36 available indoor space to hold relaxed activities in Kaohsiung. People consider Kaohsiung an industrial city or icy cement jungle because there were a few leisure activities to take part in. The dome might break the previous fossilized image and provides us a quality life in the near future. The third part of infrastructure for the games is Lotus pond innovation plan. The pond was drained in order to remove mud and make it deep enough to held the dragon boat games. My two comments are stated below. The first thing is that those advanced buildings upgrade the image of both Taiwan and Kaohsiung city. The environment-friendly modern stadium is a landmark on the architecture and people. Foreigners will know where Kaohsiung is and make a trip. The convenience of the infrastructure and facilities will attract a variety of activities to be here to enrich our global insight. Those solid achievements will root in our young generations. The second comment is that those facilities provide people space for outdoor activities. I believe that more sports games and show performances will be held in Kaohsiung in the near future. There are two suggestions I want to provide. First one is to invite more people to experience the splendid of the stadium. Without being there, people would feel like outsiders. Seeing by himself or herself is much persuasive than any other forms of advertisement. The proper authorities should encourage students and teachers to visit there and ignite their passion to participant. The second one is to provide free shuttle buses from the KMRT to the venue for viewers. Make the transportation easier to arrive at the sports venue is quite important for people. 36

37 特色教學 - 高雄世運主題館 & 巨蛋球場參觀報告 Responses to the Field Trip to The World Games 2009 Main Stadium & the Kaohsiung Arena By M 方婷儀 Two comments: First of all, it was really a great opportunity for me to visit the Main Stadium and Kaohsiung Arena with my professor and my classmates on a beautiful sunny Saturday. The Kaohsiung government is indeed putting a lot of effort into getting ready for the World Games, and even tour guides are available for those who want to visit the stadium. For us, having the tour guide to show us the extraordinary construction was really helpful for us to know more about the background and the future of the stadium. And it was great to know that the materials of the construction were mostly made in Taiwan. Seeing the thoughts the government put into it makes me believe that Kaohsiung is definitely ready for any kind of international games! Secondly, I was impressed by the amazing construction of the Main Stadium. The design of it is admirable. It proves to us that it is not simply a stadium that hosts many different kinds of competitive games but also designed for the spectators to enjoy the games. The seats are also especially arranged so that the view of the spectators will not be blocked. Besides, to provide a comfortable environment for the spectators, the ventilation system was also put into consideration to ensure the steady air flow in the stadium. Just looking at the two parts, we see that the city government doesn t only care about hosting the games but also has thought about those who are going to be watching the games. From the design of the seats and the ventilation system, we can see that the 37

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