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1 2001,


3 NIINational Information Infrastructure 1999

4 exploratory analysis


6 Castells 1996 Thomas and Young Teen Talk Barbie Myers 1994

7 Dyrkton 1996 space of flow space of places Rodney King 1994 Chiapas Schulz 1998 Froehling 1997 Howard 1999 Frederick 1993; Hamelink 1991 Weston 1997 Pino 1998

8 BBS Mele Wilmington 95% Jervay Mele 1999 Myers 1994 McAdam and Paulsen 1997 Thomas and Young 1997 Harasim 1993:33

9 Calhoun Taiwan Academic Network, TANet 1992 BBS 1993

10 1994 HiNet NII NII % 38.8%30.8% % % %

11 access 26.1% 16.9% 12.5% 8.7% 7.7% 41% 51.9% 37.6% 23.8% 4.9%

12 41.8% 38.6% 36.3% BBS BBS 36.3% 24.7% 22.6% 11.1% 78.5%53.9% 24.4%

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16 1998 Alpha Call

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18 1998:145 / legitimacy BBS sex motss sex motss queer GAY T

19 BBS BBS BBS IP DN BBS guest ID guest BBS BBS anonymous ID ID 1997 ID

20 70.2% BBS BBS BBS

21 50

22 Mike Davis (marginal communities)

23 (Davis 1992:155) H I J

24 H

25 BBS [ ] BBS

26 1998 / BBS

27 XX?

28 [ ] BBS

29 /

30 G:11 B:17 C:1 100

31 / /


33 -- / / / TO-GET-HER G&L -- Motss UCOM - BBS

34 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

35 1997/7~1999/9 97/7 97/7 97/8 97/9 9/27 97/10 10/26 97/12 98/1 98/3 3/7 98/4 98/5 98/8 98/12 99/1 99/1 99/2

36 99/2 99/2 99/2 3/8 99/3 99/5 99/5 99/5 99/5 99/5 Alpha Call call 99/ /9

37 BBS Calhoun, C Community Without Propinquity Revisited: Communications Technology and the Transformation of the Urban Public Sphere. Sociological Inquiry 68 (3): Castells, Manuel The Rise of The Network Society. Oxford: Blackwell. Davis, Mike Fortress Los Angeles: The Militarization of Urban Space. in Variations on a Theme Park edited by Michael Sorkin. New York: Noonday Press. Dyrkton, Joerge Cool Runnings: The Contradictions of Cybereality in Jamaica. Pp in Real Histories Culture of Internet: Virtual Spaces, Living Bodies edited by Rob Shields. London: SAGE Publications. Frederick, Howard Computer Networks and The Emergence of Global Civil Society in Global Networks: Computers and International Communication edited by Linda M. Harasim. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Froehling, O The Cyberspace War of Ink and Internet in Chiapas, Mexico. Geographical Review 87 2: Hamelink, C.J Communication: The Most Violated Human Right. Stockholm: Inter Press

38 Service Dispatch. Harasim, Linda M Networlds: Network as Social Space. in Global Networks: Computers and International Communication edited by Linda M. Harasim. Cambidge, MA: MIT Press. Howard, A Pacific-Based Virtual Communities: Rotuma on the World-Wide-Web. Contemporary Pacific 11 1: McAdam, Doug and Ronnelle Paulsen "Specifying the Relationship Between Social Ties and Activism." Pp , in Mobilization Social Movements: Readings on Their Emergence, and Dynamics edited by Doug McAdam and David A. Snow. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company. Mele, C Cyberspace and Disadvantages Communities: the Internet as a Tool for Collective Action. Pp in Communities in Cyberspace edited by Marc A. Smith and Peter Kollock. London: Routledge. Myers, D. J Communication Technology and Social Movement: Contributions of Computer Networks to Activism. Social Science Computer Review 122 : Pino, JA Information Access for a Deep Democracy. Proceedings of the Asis Annual Meeting 35: Schulz, M.S Collective Action Across Borders - Opportunity Structures, Network Capacities, and Communicative Praxis in the Age of Advanced Globalization. Sociological Perspectives 413: Thomas, J.E and S. Young 1997 Midwives, grassroots activism and the internet. American Sociological Association, Toronto. Weston, J Old Freedoms and New Technologies: The Evolution of Community Networking. Information Society 132: c

39 Social Movement Goes Online: An Exploratory Analysis on the Internet Experience of Taiwan s Social Movements ABSTRACT Social movements lie at the kernel of social changes. They are collective responses toward societal transformation and represents human efforts to control their social environments. If information society is as epochal as it is enthusiastically claimed, the great transformation after industrial revolution, the internet experience of social movements must not be overlooked. This article examines internet experience of social movements in Taiwan in the country s early informationalization. We emphasize the interplays among social differences, information technologies, and various social movements. The article is composed of two parts. In the first half, with reference to foreign experience, we demonstrate the promise of information technology to social movements and then, given the local technological and social infrastructures, pinpoint in a clear contrast the underutilization of information technology among social movements in Taiwan. In the second half, we focus on the differential experiences of social movements and show how existing social differences mediated through information technology could facilitate and/or constrain the expansion of social movements. Five related issues are empirically examined and theoretically discussed to grasp the complex reality of information transformation as it is witnessed by social movements in Taiwan. Keyword: Social Movement, Information Society, Internet

Keywords: social movement, resource mobilization theory, the logic of Clausewitzian action, democratization, opposition movement The Semisovereign People The Other Taiwan

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