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1 服務優惠冊 2011 Service Coupon Booklet 2011 健 康 並 肩 廿 載 愛 心 全 球 滿 載 一 站 式 健 康 檢 查 中 心 加拿大 香港 新加坡 馬來西亞 中國 MediFast One-Stop Health Check Centre CANADA HONG KONG SINGAPORE MALAYSIA CHINA

2 An Enriching Life Begins with Health 豐盛人生 由健康開始

3 To : Sincerely From :

4 快驗保 一站式健康檢查中心 銅 鑼 灣 旺 角 MediFast One-Stop Health Check Centre Causeway Bay Mongkok 擁有 20 年國際醫療經驗 全球首間獲取 ISO 9002 品質管理證書的保險驗身公司 地點方便 環境寬敞 舒適衞生 多間驗身室 貴賓房及會客室 備有先進數位化檢測儀器 提供一站式健康檢查服務 多位女醫生專為女性客戶提供健康檢查服務 多名專業及經驗豐富的醫護人員 包括 : 心臟專科醫生 放射科醫生 西醫 脊骨神經科醫生 物理治療師 營養師 體適能教練及註冊護士 8 服務流程快捷方便 1 20 years of international medical experience 2 The first pre-insurance medical check-up company awarded with ISO 9002 Certificate 3 Convenient locations, spacious, comfortable and hygienic environment 4 Variety of examination rooms, VIP rooms and meeting rooms 5 State-of-art equipment to provide one-stop health check services 6 Female doctors are available to provide health check services for female clients 7 A team of qualified medical professionals including cardiologists, radiologists, general practitioners, chiropractor, physiotherapists, dieticians, physical trainers and registered nurses 8 Convenient and efficient check-up procedures

5 目錄 Table of Contents 週年健康檢查計劃 標準健康檢查計劃 特選健康檢查計劃 綜合健康檢查計劃 全面健康檢查計劃 女士健康檢查計劃 女士優越健康檢查計劃 女士尊貴健康檢查計劃 女士至尊健康檢查計劃 女士星級健康檢查計劃 婦科檢查計劃 I 男士健康檢查計劃 男士優越健康檢查計劃 男士尊貴健康檢查計劃 男士至尊健康檢查計劃 男士星級健康檢查計劃 Annual Health Check-up Plans Standard Check-up Plan Selective Check-up Plan Premier Check-up Plan Comprehensive Check-up Plan P 6 P 8 P10 P12 Health Check-up Plans for Women Female Elite Check-up Plan Female Supreme Check-up Plan Female Prestige Check-up Plan Female Royal Check-up Plan Gynaecological Check-up Plan I P14 P16 P18 P20 P24 Health Check-up Plans for Men Male Male Male Male Elite Check-up Plan Supreme Check-up Plan Prestige Check-up Plan Royal Check-up Plan 特別健康檢查計劃 Special Health Check-up Plans 14. 心血管疾病檢查計劃 15. 肝功能檢查計劃 I 16. 婚前檢查計劃 17. 家傭驗身計劃 18. 附加健康檢查項目 I 19. 附加健康檢查項目 II 20. 附加健康檢查項目 III 21. 疫苗注射服務 22. 智叻 BB 疫苗套餐 23. 營養師專業體重管理服務 Cardiovascular Risk Check-up Plan Liver Function Profile I Pre-marital Check-up Plan Domestic Helper Check-up Plan Additional Check-up Items I Additional Check-up Items II Additional Check-up Items III Vaccination Services Infant Vaccine Package Dietitian Weight Management Service P26 P28 P30 P32 P36 P38 P40 P42 P44 P46 P48 P50 P52 P54

6 預防醫學 Preventive Medicine 世界衞生組織對健康的定義為 健康並不單是指沒有疾病或身體虛弱 而是結合身體 精神及社交的良好狀態 定期健康檢查的重要性 1. 及早發現疾病 盡快治療 - 多數慢性疾病與惡性腫瘤在初期可能毫無病徵 透過定期健康檢查及早發現異常情況 從速醫治及正確護理 可防止情況繼續惡化 2. 建立健康檔案 - 定期接受健康檢查可以建立自己的健康檔案 瞭解本身生理狀況的變化 有助於及早發現潛伏於體內的疾病 3. 檢視及改善生活習慣 - 健康檢查報告中可能會有異常數值出現 然而有些異常數值並不表示受檢者患有某種疾病 但我們可以根據此等數值及報告內的健康建議 改善日常生活中的不良習慣 從而減少疾病的發生 World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The Importance of Regular Health Checks: 1. Detect and treat potential diseases at early stage For the majority of chronic diseases and malignant tumours, there are no noticeable symptoms at an early stage. Only by conducting thorough health check will allow early detection, giving clients the opportunity for early treatment to prevent further complications. 2. Establish your own personal health profile A clear and understandable personal health profile offers a complete picture of your current health condition, tracking your yearly differences and keeping you in check with your own health. 3. Review and improve your lifestyle Although a health check report may contain abnormal results, this does not mean the existence of any disease at that moment. Yet through early detection of these readings, our medical professionals can provide you with health recommendations to correct unhealthy habits and maintain a healthy diet, leading to an improvement in your overall health. 5

7 Standard Check-up Plan (適合第一次接受基本健康檢查人士 First-time Health Check) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 心臟檢查 Heart Test 靜態心電圖 Resting E.C.G. D X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 專業醫護人員電話講解報告 Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone 血液分析 Blood Analysis 血型及恆河猴因子 ABO Grouping + Rh-D 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count Special Price HK$ 968 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 (間接) LDL Cholesterol (In-direct) 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose MG001 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor E 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 原價 Original Price HK$1,860 優 惠 價 標準健康檢查計劃 Standard Check-up Plan 標準健康檢查計劃 6

8 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 如遇經期 請與中心職員聯絡再作安排 No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 客戶可約見醫生作深入解釋及跟進 (需另付醫生費) 4. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 5. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 7 有效期至 Valid till 高血壓 Hypertension 心臟收縮時的壓力為上壓 (收縮壓) 舒張 時的壓力為下壓 (舒張壓) 根據世界衞生 組織指引 高血壓被定義為上壓 / 下壓持續 高於 140 / 90 mmhg 它是心臟病和腦血管 病的重要風險因素 大多成因不明 亦沒 明顯病徵 故定期量度血壓能及早作適當 治療 The pressure recorded during heart contraction is "systolic blood pressure" (sbp), and the pressure recorded during heart relaxation is "diastolic blood pressure" (dbp). According to the WHO, hypertension is defined as sbp / dbp persistently higher than 140 / 90 mmhg. It is an important risk factor for heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases. Majority of hypertension has no definite cause and no symptoms. Periodic checks for blood pressure can detect hypertension earlier. 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

9 優 惠 價 Special Price Selective Check-up Plan (適合每年接受健康檢查及已知乙型肝炎狀況人士 Annual Health Check with previous Hepatitis B checking) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 心臟檢查 Heart Test 靜態心電圖 Resting E.C.G. D X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 專業醫護人員電話講解報告 Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone 血液分析 Blood Analysis 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 (間接) LDL Cholesterol (In-direct) 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 988 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 類風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎因子 RA Factor 骨骼 Bone 鈣 Total Calcium MG002 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor E 血液檢驗 Blood Tests HK$ 特選健康檢查計劃 Selective Check-up Plan 原價 Original Price HK$1,975 特選健康檢查計劃 8

10 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 如遇經期 請與中心職員聯絡再作安排 No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 客戶可約見醫生作深入解釋及跟進 (需另付醫生費) 4. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 5. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 9 糖尿病 Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病是因胰島素分泌不正常導致的慢性 疾病 乃本港最常見致命疾病第九位 糖尿病會增加患腦血管病 心臟病 足部壞疽 視網膜病 腎病及神經系統 疾病的機會 現時香港約有 70 萬患者 數目逐漸上升 而且有年輕化的趨勢 Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by insulin malfunction of the pancreas. It was the ninth most common cause of deaths in Hong Kong and increased the risk of cerebrovascular disease, heart diseases, foot gangrene, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. We have in total 700,000 diabetic patients with increasing number and is attacking younger age group. 有效期至 Valid till 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

11 Premier Check-up Plan (適合第一次接受全面健康檢查人士 First-time Comprehensive Health Check) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 心臟檢查 Heart Test 靜態心電圖 Resting E.C.G. D X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 專業醫護人員電話講解報告 Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone 血液分析 Blood Analysis 血型及恆河猴因子 ABO Grouping + Rh-D 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose Special Price HK$ 1,480 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 類風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎因子 RA Factor 癌症指標 Cancer Marker 腸 - 癌胚抗原 Colorectal - CEA 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT MG003 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor E 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 原價 Original Price HK$3,015 優 惠 價 綜合健康檢查計劃 Premier Check-up Plan 綜合健康檢查計劃 10

12 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 如遇經期 請與中心職員聯絡再作安排 No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 客戶可約見醫生作深入解釋及跟進 (需另付醫生費) 4. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 5. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 11 癌症Cancer 癌症是人體細胞的一種疾病 正常細胞會 有秩序地分裂和繁殖 一旦失去控制就會 在身體累積成塊狀 變為 腫瘤 腫瘤 可分為良性和惡性 惡性腫瘤俗稱 癌 初期在原位形成時稱為 原位癌 若得 不到治理 它會破壞周圍組織及擴散至 其他器官 變成侵襲性的癌症 稱為 繼發性癌症或轉移性癌症 Cancer is a disease of the body's cells. Normal cells grow and multiply in an orderly way. However, when cells behave abnormally, they may grow into a lump called tumour. These lumps can be benign or malignant. A malignant tumour is made up of cancer cells. When it first develops, the tumour is confined to its original site. If these cells are not treated, they may spread into surrounding tissues and to other parts of the body called a secondary cancer or metastasis. 有效期至 Valid till 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

13 Comprehensive Check-up Plan (全面心臟病評估 Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 醫生體格檢查 視力 聽覺 心 肺及腹部 Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 大便常規檢查 Stool Test 隱血 Occult Blood 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 專業醫護人員電話講解報告 Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone 運動心電圖 Treadmill E X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray F 心血管風險評估 Cardiovascular Risk Assessment 頸動脈超聲波 Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) Special Price HK$ G 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 血液分析 Blood Analysis 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 脂蛋白電泳分析 Lipoprotein Electrophoresis 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 3,380 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 鹼性磷酸酶 Alk. Phosphatase 總蛋白質 Total Protein 白蛋白 Albumin 球蛋白 Globulin 白蛋白及球蛋白比率 A/G Ratio 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 鈉 Sodium 氯化物 Chloride 心血管疾病危險因子 Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor 丙類反應蛋白 (定量) C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) 同型半胱氨酸 Homocysteine 免費提供營養早餐一份 FREE breakfast is provided MG004 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor D 心臟檢查 Heart Test 原價 Original Price HK$6,640 優 惠 價 全面健康檢查計劃 Comprehensive Check-up Plan 全面健康檢查計劃 12

14 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Please wear sports clothing and shoes for treadmill examination. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Cholesterol Cholesterol is a form of blood lipid. Majority is made by liver, the rest comes from food. Low Density (bad) Cholesterol can stick to walls of blood vessels. High Density (good) Cholesterol helps collect and remove bad cholesterol and returns it to liver. This prevents clogging of blood vessels. Too much bad cholesterol can be trapped in the walls of the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis, which causes stroke and coronary heart disease. 13 Agent s name, contact no. & company name Valid till Source: Department of Health

15 Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Health Questionnaire Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index B Urine Test Urinalysis C Heart Test Resting E.C.G. D X X-Ray Test X Chest X-Ray E Gynaecological Check-up Breast & Pelvis Exam. by Female Doctor Papsmear Female Elite Check-up Plan Basic Female Health Check HK$1,980 Special Price Original Price HK$3,820 F Blood Tests Renal Function Blood Analysis Creatinine Urea Complete Blood Count WBC RBC Thyroid Function Haemoglobin PCV/HCT T4 MCV Platelet Gout MCH MCHC Uric Acid Differential Count Bone Blood Lipids Total Calcium Total Cholesterol Cancer Marker HDL Cholesterol Ovary - CA 125 LDL Cholesterol Breast - CA 15.3 Triglycerides Diabetes Fasting Glucose Liver Function SGPT SGOT GGT Alk. Phosphatase Female Elite Check-up Plan MF001 14

16 15 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline 2272 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 8222 Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Papsmear is only suitable for women with sexual experience. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Valid till Cervical Cancer (HPV) 90% HPV Cervical cancer has been the fifth most common cancer among females in Hong Kong. Cervical Cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. The most common symptom is irregular vaginal bleeding. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an established cause of cervical cancer. HPV vaccines offer more than 90% protection for women against HPV infections and cervical cancer, together with regular papsmears can prevent cervical cancer. Source: Department of Health

17 Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Face to Face Explanation by Doctor Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) Health Questionnaire Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index B Urine Test Urinalysis C Heart Test Resting E.C.G. D X X-Ray Test X Chest X-Ray E Gynaecological Check-up Breast & Pelvis Exam. by Female Doctor Papsmear F Ultrasound Ultrasound Pelvis ( Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) Ultrasound Breast Female Supreme Check-up Plan Comprehensive Female Health Check G Osteoporosis X () DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) H Blood Tests Blood Analysis ABO Grouping + Rh-D Complete Blood Count WBC RBC Haemoglobin PCV/HCT MCV Platelet MCH MCHC Differential Count Blood Lipids Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Triglycerides Diabetes Fasting Glucose Liver Function SGPT Albumin SGOT Globulin HK$3,680 Special Price Original Price HK$7,575 GGT Total Protein Direct Bilirubin A/G Ratio Alk. Phosphatase Total Bilirubin Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Renal Function Creatinine Sodium Urea Chloride Thyroid Function T4 Gout Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Factor Cancer Marker - Liver - AFP - Colorectal - CEA FREE breakfast is provided Female Supreme Check-up Plan MF002 16

18 17 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline 2272 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 8222 Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. Papsmear is only suitable for women with sexual experience. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Valid till Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females in Hong Kong. It is also the third cancer killer. Symptoms may include breast lump, changing in shape or symmetry of the breasts, in-drawing of the nipple, abnormal discharge or bleeding, 'orange-skin' appearance of the breast. Breast cancer is more common among nulliparous women, women having their first child late, early menarche and late menopause. Other risk factors include family history and high fat diet. Source: Department of Health

19 Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Face to Face Explanation by Doctor Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) Health Questionnaire Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index B Urine Test Urinalysis C Stool Test Occult Blood D Heart Test Treadmill E X X-Ray Test X Chest X-Ray F Ultrasound Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen ( Liver Hepatobiliary Duct Gall Bladder Hepatic Portal Vein Spleen Kidneys Common Bile Duct) Female Prestige Check-up Plan Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Cancer Marker Female Health Check HK$5,880 Original Price HK$12,075 Special Price Ultrasound Pelvis Liver Function ( Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) SGPT G Blood Tests SGOT GGT Blood Analysis Alk. Phosphatase ABO Grouping + Rh-D Total Bilirubin Complete Blood Count Direct Bilirubin WBC RBC Total Protein Haemoglobin PCV/HCT Albumin MCV Platelet Globulin MCH A/G Ratio MCHC Differential Count Renal Function Creatinine Blood Lipids Urea Total Cholesterol Sodium HDL Cholesterol Chloride LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol Thyroid Function Triglycerides T4 TSH Diabetes Fasting Glucose Gout Uric Acid Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Hepatitis B Surface Antibody To be continued Female Prestige Check-up Plan MF003 18

20 19 Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Factor Venereal Disease HIV Combo Test (Type I, II, O and P24 antigen) Cancer Marker - NPC - EBV - Liver - AFP - Colorectal - CEA Pancreas - CA Stomach & Colorectal - CA Ovary - CA Breast - CA 15.3 Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor () C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) Homocysteine FREE breakfast is provided HK$5,880 Special Price Original Price HK$12,075 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Agent s name, contact no. & company name Booking and Enquiry Hotline Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Please wear sports clothing and shoes for treadmill examination. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Valid till

21 Female Royal Check-up Plan Female Royal Check-up Plan MF004 20

22 Female Royal Check-up Plan Detailed Female Health Check 21 Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) Health Questionnaire Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index B Urine Test Urinalysis C Stool Test Occult Blood D Heart Test Treadmill E X X-Ray Test X Chest X-Ray X Mammogram F Gynaecological Check-up Breast & Pelvis Exam. by Female Doctor Papsmear G Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) H Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test I Ultrasound Ultrasound Breast Ultrasound Pelvis ( Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen ( Liver Hepatobiliary Duct Gall Bladder Hepatic Portal Vein Spleen Kidneys Common Bile Duct) J Osteoporosis X () DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) K Blood Tests Blood Analysis ABO Grouping + Rh-D Complete Blood Count WBC RBC Haemoglobin PCV/HCT MCV Platelet MCH MCHC Differential Count Blood Lipids Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol Triglycerides To be continued

23 Original Price HK$18,645 Diabetes Fasting Glucose HbA1c Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, IgG Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Liver Function SGPT SGOT GGT Alk. Phosphatase Total Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin Total Protein Albumin Globulin A/G Ratio Renal Function Creatinine Urea Sodium Chloride Thyroid Function T4 TSH Gout Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Factor Bone Total Calcium Venereal Disease HIV Combo Test (Type I, II, O and P24 antigen) Cancer Marker - NPC - EBV - Liver - AFP - Colorectal - CEA Pancreas - CA Stomach & Colorectal - CA Ovary - CA Breast - CA Cervical & Lung - SCC Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor () C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) Homocysteine FREE breakfast is provided HK$8,980 Special Price Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Face to Face Explanation by Doctor Female Royal Check-up Plan MF004 22

24 23 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline 2272 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 8222 Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Fasting of 4 hours prior to Helicobacter Pylori Test. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. Papsmear is only suitable for women with sexual experience. Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Please wear sports clothing and shoes for treadmill examination. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Valid till Osteoporosis X (DEXA) In Hong Kong, 50% of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis. It is a progressive systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in susceptibility to fracture. Postmenopausal women with low body weight, smoking, excessive intake of protein, salt, low intake of calcium and lack of exercise are the risk factors of osteoporosis. Currently the most reliable and accurate test is the DEXA Bone Densitomertry (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry). It usually measures bone density in the spine and hip. Source: Department of Health

25 Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index I Gynaecological Check up Plan I Basic Gynaecological Health Check B Urine Test C Gynaecological Check-up Breast & Pelvis Examination by Female Doctor Papsmear HK$398 Original Price HK$680 Special Price IGynaecological Check up Plan I Other Recommended Items Original Price Special Price Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone Ultrasound Pelvis $900 $580 Ultrasound Breast $950 $620 X Mammogram $1,050 $780 X Bone Densitometry $1,000 $600 Cervical Cancer Vaccine (3 Doses) $1,500 ( per dose) $960 ( per dose) MF005 24

26 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 如遇經期 請與中心職員聯絡再作安排 子宮頸抹片檢查只適合有性經驗的女士 Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Papsmear is only suitable for women with sexual experience. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 客戶可約見醫生作深入解釋及跟進 (需另付醫生費) 4. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 5. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 25 柏氏子宮頸抹片 檢查 Papsmear 柏氏子宮頸抹片檢查可檢測子宮頸細胞 的早期不正常病變 初期病變可能不會有 任何病徵或痛楚 如不加處理 病變細胞 可能會在 5 至 10 年間演變成子宮頸癌 曾有性經驗而年齡介乎 25 歲至 64 歲的 婦女 都應該定期接受子宮頸細胞檢驗 Papsmear is a screening test for detecting early abnormal changes in the cervix. Women with pre-cancerous lesions may not have symptoms. If left untreated, these pre-cancerous cells may change and become cervical cancer in five to ten years. Women who have ever had sexual experience and are between the ages of 25 and 64 should have regular cervical smears. 有效期至 Valid till 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

27 Male Elite Check-up Plan (基本男士健康檢查 Basic Male Health Check) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 心臟檢查 Heart Test 靜態心電圖 Resting E.C.G. D X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 服務特點 Service Highlights 原價 Original Price HK$3,850 優 惠 價 Special Price HK$ E 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 血液分析 Blood Analysis 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 專業醫護人員電話講解報告 Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 鹼性磷酸酶 Alk. Phosphatase 總膽紅素 Total Bilirubin 直接膽紅素 Direct Bilirubin 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 癌症指標 Cancer Marker 肝 - 甲種胚胎蛋白 Liver - AFP 腸 - 癌胚抗原 Colorectal - CEA 前列腺 - 前列腺癌抗原 Prostate - Total PSA MM001 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 1,980 男士優越健康檢查計劃 Male Elite Check-up Plan 男士優越健康檢查計劃 26

28 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 客戶可約見醫生作深入解釋及跟進 (需另付醫生費) 4. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 5. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 27 肺癌 Lung Cancer 肺癌是本港頭號癌症殺手 每 1.2 位患者 中有 1 位死亡 病徵包括咳嗽 胸痛 咳血 氣促 聲音持續沙啞 身體疲倦 食慾不振 體重下降 主要病因是抽煙 和吸入二手煙 另外 吸入某些化學及 放射物質如石棉和氡亦會增加患肺癌的 機會 Lung cancer was the first leading cancer killers in Hong Kong. Symptoms may include cough, chest pain, coughing up blood, breathlessness and continuous hoarseness of voice. One may also experience fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss. Cigarette smoking and environmental tobacco smoking are the most important causes of lung cancer. Some chemical and radiological substances such as asbestos and radon also increase the risk of the cancer. 有效期至 Valid till 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

29 Male Supreme Check-up Plan (全面男士健康檢查 Comprehensive Male Health Check) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 醫生體格檢查 視力 聽覺 心 肺及腹部 Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 心臟檢查 Heart Test 靜態心電圖 Resting E.C.G. D X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 醫生面談講解報告 Face to Face Explanation by Doctor 前列腺超聲波 Ultrasound Prostate F 骨質疏鬆檢查 Osteoporosis 雙重能量 X 光吸收骨質密度檢查 (腰椎及股骨) DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) 血液分析 Blood Analysis 血型及恆河猴因子 ABO Grouping + Rh-D 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 白蛋白 Albumin 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 球蛋白 Globulin Special Price HK$ 3,680 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 總蛋白質 Total Protein 直接膽紅素 Direct Bilirubin 白蛋白及球蛋白比率 A/G Ratio 鹼性磷酸酶 Alk. Phosphatase 總膽紅素 Total Bilirubin 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 鈉 Sodium 氯化物 Chloride 尿素 Urea 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 類風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎因子 RA Factor 癌症指標 Cancer Marker 鼻咽 - 艾柏斯坦氏病毒全面抗體 NPC - EBV 肝 - 甲種胚胎蛋白 Liver - AFP 腸 - 癌胚抗原 Colorectal - CEA 前列腺 - 癌抗原 Prostate - Total PSA 肺 - 鱗狀細胞癌抗原 Lung - SCC 免費提供營養早餐一份 FREE breakfast is provided MM002 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor E 超聲波檢查 Ultrasound G 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 原價 Original Price HK$7,275 優 惠 價 男士尊貴健康檢查計劃 Male Supreme Check-up Plan 男士尊貴健康檢查計劃 28

30 快 驗 保 健 康 檢 查 中 心 MediFast Health Check Centre 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 查 詢 及 預 約 熱 線 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 Mandatory Notes for the Examination 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 檢查盆腔 前列腺 膀胱時須飲大量清水使膀胱充盈 (急小便) No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 4. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另行通知 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 29 肝癌 Liver Cancer 肝癌乃本港第三位致命癌症 病發初期 並無任何症狀 而病發時病徵包括噁心 嘔吐 發燒 黃疸 皮膚 眼白泛 黃 和 尿 液 呈 茶 色 腹 部 腫 脹 和 右 上腹 疼痛 其常見主因為慢性乙型肝炎 本港 約 8-10% 人口是乙型肝炎帶菌者 其他 高危因素包括肝硬化 長期酗酒等 Liver cancer was the third leading cause of cancer deaths in Hong Kong. It is often asymptomatic at early stage. As the tumour grows, symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, fever, jaundice (yellow skin and sclerae, dark urine), abdominal distension and pain in right upper abdomen. Chronic hepatitis B infection is an important risk factor for liver cancer. Approximately 8-10% population is carriers. Other important risk factors include liver cirrhosis, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. 有效期至 Valid till 資料來源 Source: 衞生署 Department of Health

31 Male Prestige Check-up Plan HK$ Special Price (針對心臟病及癌症指標的男士健康檢查 Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Cancer Marker Male Health Check) 醫生體格檢查 視力 聽覺 心 肺及腹部 Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 大便常規檢查 Stool Test 隱血 Occult Blood D 心臟檢查 Heart Test 運動心電圖 Treadmill 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 醫生面談講解報告 Face to Face Explanation by Doctor 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray F 超聲波檢查 Ultrasound 前列腺超聲波 Ultrasound Prostate 上全腹部超聲波 Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen (肝臟 Liver 肝內膽管 Hepatobiliary Duct 膽囊 Gall Bladder 肝門靜脈 Hepatic Portal Vein 脾臟 Spleen 腎臟 Kidneys 總膽管 Common Bile Duct) 雙重能量 X 光吸收骨質密度檢查 (腰椎及股骨) DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) H 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 血液分析 Blood Analysis 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 肝功能 Liver Function 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 鹼性磷酸酶 Alk. Phosphatase 總膽紅素 Total Bilirubin 直接膽紅素 Direct Bilirubin 總蛋白質 Total Protein 白蛋白 Albumin 球蛋白 Globulin 白蛋白及球蛋白比率 A/G Ratio 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 鈉 Sodium 氯化物 Chloride 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 待續 To be continued MM003 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor E X 光檢查 X-Ray Test G 骨質疏鬆檢查 Osteoporosis 男士至尊健康檢查計劃 Male Prestige Check-up Plan 優 惠 價 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 5,880 原價 Original Price HK$11,455 男士至尊健康檢查計劃 30

32 類風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎因子 RA Factor 骨骼 Bone 快驗保健康檢查中心 MediFast Health Check Centre 鈣 Total Calcium 癌症指標 Cancer Marker 鼻咽 - 艾柏斯坦氏病毒全面抗體 NPC - EBV 肝 - 甲種胚胎蛋白 Liver - AFP 腸 - 癌胚抗原 Colorectal - CEA 胰臟 - 癌抗原 19.9 Pancreas - CA 19.9 胃及腸 - 癌抗原 72.4 Stomach & Colorectal - CA 72.4 前列腺 - 癌抗原 Prostate - Total PSA 肺 - 鱗狀細胞癌抗原 Lung - SCC 免費提供營養早餐一份 FREE breakfast is provided 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay 旺角 Mongkok 禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 星期六 Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Mandatory Notes for the Examination 大便樣本須於一日內交到本檢查中心 條款及細則 1. 客戶須於電話預約時表示使用此優惠券 並於登記時出示此券 2. 此優惠券不可兌換現金或與其他優惠 折扣券及現金券同時使用 3. 此計劃內之檢驗項目不可刪除或作任何更改 Special Price HK$ 31 5, 檢查前最少八小時不可進食及飲料 但可飲適量清水 進行運動心電圖時請穿著運動裝束及跑步鞋 如正服用藥物 請於預約時通知 職員 優 惠 價 Booking and Enquiry Hotline 檢查前須知 檢查盆腔 前列腺 膀胱時須飲大量清水使膀胱充盈 (急小便) 原價 Original Price HK$11,455 查詢及預約熱線 4. 快驗保 (香港) 有限公司保留權利修訂優惠券條款及細則或取消此優惠券而毋須另 行通知 No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. Please wear sports clothing and shoes for treadmill examination. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. 從業員姓名 電話及公司名稱 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 有效期至 Valid till

33 男士星級健康檢查計劃 Male Royal Check-up Plan Male Royal Check-up Plan 男士星級健康檢查計劃 MM004 32

34 男士星級健康檢查計劃 Male Royal Check-up Plan (詳細男士健康檢查 Detailed Male Health Check) 檢查範圍包括 Check-up scope includes: A 基本檢查 Basic Items 醫生體格檢查 視力 聽覺 心 肺及腹部 Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) 個人健康分析問卷 Health Questionnaire 量度血壓及脈搏 Blood Pressure and Pulse 量度身高及體重 Body Weight and Height 身高體重比例指數分析 Body Mass Index B 尿液常規檢查 Urine Test 小便微分析 Urinalysis C 大便常規檢查 Stool Test 隱血 Occult Blood 蟲卵 Ova & Parasite D 心臟檢查 Heart Test 運動心電圖 Treadmill E X 光檢查 X-Ray Test 肺部 X 光 Chest X-Ray 33 F 心血管風險評估 Cardiovascular Risk Assessment 頸動脈超聲波 Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) G 幽門螺旋桿菌吹氣測試 Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test H 超聲波檢查 Ultrasound 前列腺超聲波 Ultrasound Prostate 上全腹部超聲波 Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen (肝臟 Liver 肝內膽管 Hepatobiliary Duct 膽囊 Gall Bladder 肝門靜脈 Hepatic Portal Vein 脾臟 Spleen 腎臟 Kidneys 總膽管 Common Bile Duct) I 骨質疏鬆檢查 Osteoporosis 雙重能量 X 光吸收骨質密度檢查 (腰椎及股骨) DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) J 血液檢驗 Blood Tests 血液分析 Blood Analysis 血型及恆河猴因子 ABO Grouping + Rh-D 全血計數 Complete Blood Count 白血球計數 WBC 紅血球計數 RBC 血色素 Haemoglobin 紅血球壓積量 PCV/HCT 平均紅細胞體積 MCV 血小板 Platelet 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量 MCH 平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量濃度 MCHC 白血球五項分類 Differential Count 血脂肪 Blood Lipids 總膽固醇 Total Cholesterol 高密度膽固醇 HDL Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 LDL Cholesterol 極低密度膽固醇 VLDL Cholesterol 三酸甘油脂 Triglycerides 脂蛋白電泳分析 Lipoprotein Electrophoresis 待續 To be continued

35 Special Price HK$ 糖尿病 Diabetes 空腹血糖 Fasting Glucose 糖化血色素 HbA1c 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A 總甲型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, lgg 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗體 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody 丙型肝炎 Hepatitis C 丙型肝炎抗體 Hepatitis C Antibody 肝功能 Liver Function 甲狀腺功能 Thyroid Function 甲狀腺素 T4 促甲狀腺激素 TSH 痛風症 Gout 尿酸 Uric Acid 類風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎因子 RA Factor 骨骼 Bone 鈣 Total Calcium 傳染病 Venereal Disease 愛滋病組合測試 HIV Combo Test (Type I, II, O and P24 Antigen) 癌症指標 Cancer Marker 鼻咽 - 艾柏斯坦氏病毒全面抗體 NPC - EBV 肝 - 甲種胚胎蛋白 Liver - AFP 腸 - 癌胚抗原 Colorectal - CEA 胰臟 - 癌抗原 19.9 Pancreas - CA 19.9 胃及腸 - 癌抗原 72.4 Stomach & Colorectal - CA 72.4 前列腺 - 癌抗原 Prostate - Total PSA 前列腺 - 游離前列腺癌抗原 Prostate - Free PSA 肺 - 鱗狀細胞癌抗原 Lung - SCC 心血管疾病危險因子 Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor 丙類反應蛋白 (定量) C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) 同型半胱氨酸 Homocysteine 免費提供營養早餐一份 FREE breakfast is provided 服務特點 Service Highlights 中文檢查報告 Health Check-up Report in Chinese 醫生健康建議 Health Recommendations by Doctor 醫生面談講解報告 Face to Face Explanation by Doctor MM004 谷丙轉氨酶 SGPT 谷草轉氨酶 SGOT 丙種谷氨酸轉肽酶 GGT 鹼性磷酸酶 Alk. Phosphatase 總膽紅素 Total Bilirubin 直接膽紅素 Direct Bilirubin 總蛋白質 Total Protein 白蛋白 Albumin 球蛋白 Globulin 白蛋白及球蛋白比率 A/G Ratio 腎功能 Renal Function 肌酸酐 Creatinine 尿素 Urea 鈉 Sodium 氯化物 Chloride 8,380 男士星級健康檢查計劃 Male Royal Check-up Plan 原價 Original Price HK$17,415 優 惠 價 34

36 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline Mandatory Notes for the Examination No drinking and eating for minimum 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water. Fasting of 4 hours prior to Helicobacter Pylori Test. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. For Ultrasound Pelvis, Prostate and Bladder, large amount of water intake is required to ensure a full bladder. Please wear sports clothing and shoes for treadmill examination. If on medication, please inform our staff for attention. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 4. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Treadmill Treadmill could detect minor coronary blood vessel congestion which may not be detected by resting ECG accurately. It is used to detect arrhythmia, congenital heart disease and coronary heart disease as well as diagnosing blockages in the coronary arteries. The entire process is monitored by a cardiologist, an abnormal ECG changes or an abnormal heart rate during exercise may also indicate heart problems. 35 Agent s name, contact no. & company name Valid till Source: Department of Health

37 Cardiovascular Risk Check-up Plan Cardiovascular Risk Check-up Plan HK$1,200 Special Price Original Price HK$2,240 Check-up scope includes: A Basic Items Blood Pressure and Pulse Body Weight and Height Body Mass Index B Heart Test Resting E.C.G. C Blood Tests Blood Lipids Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol C/H Ratio Triglycerides Diabetes Fasting Glucose HbA1c Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor () C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) Homocysteine Service Highlights Health Check-up Report in Chinese Health Recommendations by Doctor Report Explanation by Medical Professional via Phone Other Recommended Items Original Price Special Price Treadmill $2,000 $1,500 Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) $1,000 $800 X Chest X-Ray $160 $110 CT Thorax (Low Dose Screening) $1,500 $1, Slice CT Coronary Ca Score $2,200 $2,000 MG013 36

38 37 MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay /F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road Mongkok /F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Booking and Enquiry Hotline 2272 Agent s name, contact no. & company name 8222 Mandatory Notes for the Examination Please contact our staff to re-schedule the examination if during menstrual period. Stool specimen needs to be sent to our centre within one day. Terms & Conditions 1. Clients must indicate the use of this coupon at the time of booking and present this coupon at registration. 2. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons and to redeem cash. 3. Further in-depth explanation or follow-up consultation by doctor can be arranged at an applicable fee. 4. All check-up items included in the examination cannot be deleted or amended. 5. MediFast reserves all rights to change the terms and conditions and to invalidate this coupon without prior notice. Valid till Heart Diseases Heart disease is the second killer disease only next to cancer in Hong Kong. When cholesterol layers deposit on the inner wall of coronary arteries which narrow the lumens of the arteries, it reduces adequate blood supply to the heart muscle and causes exertional chest pain known as angina. Other symptoms include palpitation, dizziness, sweating, nausea and weakness. The risk factors include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity, lack of physical activity and family history. Source: Department of Health


快驗保綜合驗身計劃 Medical Check-up Enrollment Form Name 姓名 : Contact Tel 聯絡電話 : Examination Location 檢驗中心地址 九龍旺角九龍旺角彌敦道 664 號惠豐中心 13 樓全層或 13/F., Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道 91 號雲翠大廈 1 樓全層

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