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1 土 壤 (Soils), 2013, 45(3): 苏 南 地 区 净 第 一 性 生 产 力 对 土 地 利 用 变 化 的 响 应 1 2 1* 3 2 ( ) CASA (NPP) NPP NPP 19 NPP ( C ) g/m 2 ( C )70.94 g/m 2 NPP NPP 55.69% 45.74% NPP 3 NPP NPP LUCC NPP CASA K903 CO 2 [1] (net primary productivity NPP) [2] /(land use change/cover LUCC) NPP NPP GIS NPP NPP [3] NPP [4] [5] Miami Thornthwaite-Memorial Chikug 3 NPP Donmez [6] CASA NPP [7] NPP NPP NPP [8] NPP YU [9] NPP NPP GAO [10] NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP / NPP LUCC ( ) (DCPJ ) * ( (1989 )

2 CASA NPP NPP NPP km 2 ( 1) 15 ~ ~ mm % 61.9% GDP 50.39% 6.98% 0.51% 21.25% 20.83% 0.04% km km 2 / VITO/CTIV VGT-S10 NDVI m NPP NPP CASA (NPP) (APAR)(ε) [11-13] NPP( x, t) = APAR( x, t) ε ( x, t) (1) APAR( xt, ) = SOL( xt, ) FPAR( xt, ) 0.5 (2) ε ( xt, ) = Tε1( xt, ) Tε2( xt, ) Wε( xt, ) ε (3) NPP(x, t) x t (g/m 2 C ) APAR(x, t) x t (MJ/m 2 ) ε(x, t) x t ( C g/mj) SOL(x, t) x t (MJ/m 2 ) FPAR(x, t) 0.5 ( 0.38 ~ 0.71 μm)t ε1 T ε2 W ε ε * ( C )0.389 g/mj [14] 图 1 研 究 区 概 况 图 Fig.1 Sketch map of study area

3 Markov [15] P11 P1 n P = Pij = (0<Pij<, 1 Pij = 1) (4) Pn 1 Pnn P n P ij i j i j i LUCC NPP CASA Markov NPP LUCC ArcGIS 9.3 LUCC NPP (zonal statistical) NPP LUCC NPP NPP CASA NPP ( 2) 1999 NPP g/m g/m NPP NPP g/m g/m NPP g/m g/m NPP NPP Fig. 2 图 年 (a) 和 2008(b) 苏 南 地 区 NPP 空 间 分 布 格 局 NPP spatial distribution patterns of south Jiangsu in 1999(a) and 2008(b) NPP 1999 NPP 2008 NPP NPP 0.02 ~ g/m 2 ( 3) NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 NPP 150 g/m 2 90 g/m Markov ( 1) 图 3 区 域 尺 度 下 NPP 变 化 图 Fig. 3 NPP changes on regional scale

4 表 年 土 地 利 用 变 化 转 移 矩 阵 Table 1 Land use change and transfer matrix from 1999 to 2008 (hm 2 ) (%) (hm 2 ) (%) (hm 2 ) (%) (hm 2 ) (%) (hm 2 ) (%) (hm 2 ) (%) km % 18.94% 28.54% 9.53% 6.7% km % 2.9 km 2 [16] 2.3 LUCC NPP NPP LUCC NPP NPP NPP ( 2) 1999 NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m NPP g/m 2 NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP 7.82% g/m g/m % NPP 5.93% 45.74% g/m g/m % 25.69% 8.97% NPP 2.73 g/m 2 表 2 不 同 用 地 类 型 的 NPP 统 计 特 征 (g/m 2 ) Table 2 NPP statistical characteristics of different land use types ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

5 LUCC NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP Zonal Statistical 36 NPP NPP NPP ( 3) 3 表 3 LUCC 与 NPP 变 化 间 的 相 关 性 Table 3 Correlation between LUCC and NPP change (0.523) (0.477) (0.440) ( 0.413) ( 0.373) ( 0.106) NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP NPP ( 4) NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 NPP [17-18] 表 年 LUCC 下 NPP 损 益 矩 阵 (g/m 2 ) Table 4 NPP loss and gain matrix under LUCC from 1999 to NPP NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 NPP NPP g/m g/m 2 NPP g/m 2 [19] 3 CASA NPP NPP NPP (1) NPP 19 NPP NPP NPP (2) (3)

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7 3 571 Net Primary Productivity of South Jiangsu in Response to Land Use Cover/Change DAI Liang 1, PENG Hui 2, WU Shao-hua 1*, LIN Chen 3, HUANG Li-hua 2 (1 School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing , China; 2 Jiangsu Institute of Land Surveying and Planning, Nanjing , China; 3 Nanjing Institute of Geography& Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing , China) Abstract: Net primary productivity (NPP) of South Jiangsu in 1999 and 2008 was estimated through CASA model, the spatial and temporal variations of NPP and its response to land use cover/change (LUCC) was also analyzed. The result showed: 1) from 1999 to 2008, NPP of South Jiangsu changed greatly both in space and time. 2) On regional scale, NPP of all 19 counties decreased: NPP of Kunshan reduced to the maximum of g/m 2, while Yangzhong reduced the minimum of g/m 2. High value area of NPP reduction was in Taihu basin and the low value zone was located in the northwest of South Jiangsu. 3) On land use scale, the average NPPs of six types were in decline: construction land and farmland decreased greatly with decline rates 55.69% and 45.74% respectively. In the high value area of NPP reduction, the conversion between farmland and construction land was most prominent while the NPP reduction in low value area was mainly due to the transformation between forest and grass land. This phenomenon was inconsistent to land use in city group of Taihu basin. The correlation between NPP change and farmland change was highest to NPP loss and gain were great in four conversion modes: forest-water, farmland-water, forest-grassland and farmland-grassland. Key words: South Jiangsu, LUCC, NPP, CASA model

1 GIS 95 Y = F y + (1 F) (1) 0 0 Y0 kg/hm 2 /day F y 0 y c kg/hm 2 /day [12] y m 20 kg/hm 2 /hour Y = cl cn ch G [ F( y ) T m yo + (2) (1 F)(

1 GIS 95 Y = F y + (1 F) (1) 0 0 Y0 kg/hm 2 /day F y 0 y c kg/hm 2 /day [12] y m 20 kg/hm 2 /hour Y = cl cn ch G [ F( y ) T m yo + (2) (1 F)( 24 1 Vol.24 No.1 94 2008 1 Transactions of the CSAE Jan. 2008 2008 1 100094 2 100035 3 100081 4 100081 5 100101 GIS ( ) 65.12 16.82 13.74 15.27 11.07 t/(hm 2 a) 10.93% 41.43% 46.93% 65.4%. Bi Jiye, Zhu

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