<#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 一 物品與廠商資料 產品鑒別 物品中英文名稱 : MAKROLON OD 2015 物質或混合物的建議用途與使用限制

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1 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 一 物品與廠商資料 產品鑒別 物品中英文名稱 : MAKROLON OD 2015 物質或混合物的建議用途與使用限制 建議用途及使用限制 : 模鑄塑膠物品的生產 物質安全資料表供應商的詳細資料 : Bayer MaterialScience AG BMS-IO-S&T-PSRA-PSI Product Safety Leverkusen, Germany Tel: Fax: productsafety@bayerbms.com 緊急聯絡電話號碼 : 或 ( 僅限化學品洩漏 火災或人員中毒 ) 緊急傳真 : (03) 或 (03) 台灣拜耳材料科技股份有限公司 高雄市林園區北汕里石化三路 1 號電話 :(02) 傳真 :(02) 二 危害辨識資料 物質或混合物的分類 物品危害分類 : 依據 GHS 分類不屬於危害物質 危害圖式依據 GHS 分類不屬於危害物質 三 成分辨識資料 產品類型 : 混合物 雙酚 A 聚合之聚碳酸酯 1/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW

2 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 四 急救措施 急救措施說明 若接觸皮膚 : 接觸到熱的熔化物 : 立即用大量水冷卻 切勿強行拔除熱熔物在皮膚上形成的硬皮或塗抹溶劑於受傷的皮膚上 應立即送醫, 處理可能的灼傷及做適當的皮膚照顧 以下資訊與室溫下運作本產品有關 若接觸皮膚, 以肥皂及大量清水徹底清洗受影響部位 五 滅火措施 適用滅火劑 : 噴灑水柱, 滅火乾粉, 二氧化碳 (CO2), 泡沫, 化學乾粉 物質或混合物的特殊危害 : 燃燒會釋放出一氧化碳, 二氧化碳, 氮的多種氧化物和微量的氰化氫. 在著火或爆炸情況下, 請勿吸進濃煙 消防人員注意事項 :: 消防員應穿著自攜式呼吸器具 勿讓受污染的消防水流進土壤 地下水 或地表水 六 洩漏處理方法個人預防 保護裝備與緊急程序 : 小心滑倒! 污染與清理方法與材料 : 用機械設備搬運 防止粉塵的生成 其他章節參照 : 進一步廢棄措施參見章節 13 七 安全處置與儲存方法 安全操作的預防措施 : 在建議的製程情況下可能會釋出少量殘存的單體及殘留的溶劑 提供良好的通風及 / 或使用局部抽排氣系統, 以使不致超過第 8 章節所規範工作場所之恕限值 2/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW

3 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 粉塵應使用有效率的抽排氣設備予以移除 勿飲食及抽煙 休息前或工作結束後須洗手並使用皮膚防護軟膏 更換受污染衣物 安全儲存的條件 ( 包括任何不相容性 ): 對儲存條件無特殊要求 八 暴露控制及個人防護措施 當運作本產品, 特別是在高溫下運作時, 應遵守與下列物質相關之法規 依據我們的經驗, 於蒸氣可能生成處, 提供有效的新鮮空氣與抽排氣設備, 將能確保符合下列的容許限值 控制參數 純物質 化學文摘社登記號碼 (CAS-No.) 酚 phenol TW OEL 八小時日時量平均容許濃度 (TW 基準 類型 值 最高容許濃度 (CEILIN G) 5 ppm 19 mg/m3 備註 酚 phenol TW OEL 可能經皮膚吸收 氯苯 chlorobenzene TW OEL 八小時日時量平均容許濃度 (TW 75 ppm 345 mg/m3 暴露控制 呼吸防護 : 當有粉塵生成時, 依據 EN 143 使用含有 P1 微粒過濾呼吸器 手部防護 : 合適的安全手套材料 ;EN 374: 聚氯乙烯 - PVC(>= 0.5 毫米 ) 若手套被污染和 / 或損壞了則必須更換 眼睛防護 : 配戴眼睛防護具 / 防護面罩 3/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW

4 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 皮膚及身體防護 : 穿合適的防護服 九 物理及化學性質 基本物理與化學屬性相關資訊 物質狀態 : 顆粒 顏色 : 依據染色而不同 氣味 : 無臭味 ph 值 : 不適用 軟化點 : > C 較高 / 較低易燃性或爆炸界限 : 不適用 蒸氣壓 : 不適用 密度 : 大約 g/cm³ 容積密度 : kg/m3 水溶性 : 實際上不溶 自燃溫度 : 不適用 燃點 : > 450 C 分解溫度.. : >= 380 C 動態黏度 : 不適用 十 安定性及反應性化學穩定性 : 不適當製程或燃燒所導致的過度加熱, 可能釋出對健康有害的燻煙 危險反應的可能性 : 未發現有危害性反應危害性分解物 : 因悶燒或不完全燃燒, 可能會生成主要由一氧化碳和二氧化碳所組成的毒性燻煙 十一 毒性資料 依據我們的經驗與資訊, 若適當地運作, 本產品不會對健康有危害 4/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW

5 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 十二 生態資料 勿讓溢出之本品進入水道, 廢水或土壤 更多關於生態毒性的資訊 : 本產品幾乎不溶於水 因其堅硬度及不溶於水的特性, 若適當地運作本產品, 則預期並不會有生態問題 本產品不易被生物分解 十三 廢棄處置方法 應依國際 國家及當地適用的法律 法令與法規廢棄 在歐盟國家廢棄處置, 應依據歐洲廢棄物分類 (EWC) 編碼採用合適之分類編碼. 廢料處理方法容器儘可能地清空後 ( 如傾倒 切削或排空直到 " 滴乾 "), 將其送至化學業現行回收系統所設置的合適回收點回收 容器應依照國家法令及環境相關法規回收 本產品可採機械式回收 在經過適當處理後, 本產品可以再熔化, 並再重新製作為新的模塑製品 但僅在材質已被選擇性分類回收並依據其種類仔細區隔情況下, 才可採機械式回收再利用 十四 運送資料 臺灣 IATA IMDG 非危險貨物 非危險貨物 非危險貨物 使用者特殊預防措施 : 非危險貨物. 保持乾燥 十五 法規資料 專門針對物質與或混合物為主的安全 健康與環境規定 / 立法 5/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW

6 <#####> 物質安全資料表依 GHS MAKROLON OD 2015 版本號 2.6 修訂日期 印出日期 > 適用法規 : 勞工安全衛生法危險物與有害物標示及通識規則道路交通安全規則廢棄物清理法 十六 其他資料此物質安全資料表也適用於對應的 MAS... 類型 製表單位 : 台灣拜耳材料科技股份有限公司地址 : 台北市信義路五段 7 號 54 樓電話 : (02) 製表人 : 職稱 : 品質暨環保部經理姓名 ( 簽章 ): 黃元隆 其他相關訊息此安全技術說明書提供的信息在其發布之日是準確無誤的, 所給出的信息僅作為安全搬運, 儲存, 運輸, 處理等的指導, 而不能被作為擔保和質量指標 此信息僅適用於指定的物質而不能用於其它相關的物質, 除非特別指明 6/6 BMS_SDS_TW / TW























29 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SILVER TARGET SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MSDS Name Silver Target Manufacturer/Supplier SOLAR APPLIED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CORP. Using suggestion and restrictions Sputtering Targets Add NO.1, Gongye 3rd RD., Annan Dis., Tainan City 70955, Taiwan. Emergency Number: Fax: SECTION 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazardous Material Category Hazard Symbols Sing War Hazard Statements Solid. No related harmful information available SECTION 3 - COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Pure material CAS-No: Silver EC-Index-No: Percen 100wt EC-No: Formula Hill: Silver Mixtures: Chemical properties: Chinese and English names of the hazardous ingredients Concentration or concentration ranges (ingredient percentage) SECTION 4 -First-aid measures The first aid measures for different exposure routes: inhalation: 1. remove to places for fresh air. 2. If breathing is stopped, execute artificial respiration. 3. Keep the injured person warm and rest. 4. Seek for medical treatment immediately. skin contact: 1.Remove contaminated clothing immediately 2. Flush with water as least 15 minutes. eye contact: 1. Flush eyes with Plenty of water. 2. Seek for medical treatment immediately. ingestion: Seek for medical treatment immediately. SECTION 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable fire extinguishing media: In the light of the around fire, choose Suitable fire extinguishing media. Specific hazards may be encountered during fire-fighting: 1.Non-combustible If existence by massive form. 2.If the fine powder contacts fire, there is the risk of having fire.3. May produce the noxious gas during combustion. Need to wear 1/4

30 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SILVER TARGET appropriate protective clothing and breathing apparatus. Specific fire-fighting methods: 1. In the condition of safety, remove containers from scene on fire. 2. Cool the storage tank or the vessel in scene on fire by mist or water. Special equipment for the protection of firefighters: SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions: Avoid skin contact. Need to wear breathing apparatus if there is dust. Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Containment of the leakage of material. Deal with the leakage of material by Appropriate containers SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND USE Handling Wear personal protective suit when operation. Avoid inhalation of dust. Avoid contacting with skin or eyes. Storage: Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. Keep away from incompatible material. SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering control 8 hours time weighted average exposure limits TWA Short-term exposure limits STEL Control parameters: maximum exposure limits biological standards CEILING BEIs Personal protective equipment: Exposed in the state of pulverulence Respiratory protection: Respiratory apparatus Hand protection: Protective gloves Eye protection: Chemical protective glasses or safety goggles Skin and body protection: Aprons, work shoes Hygiene measures: 1.Take off the contamination clothes as soon as possible after operation. 2.No smoking or the diet in the workplace. 3. After processing this thing, wash hands thoroughly with soap4. Maintain the workplace clean. SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES physical state: Soli white Odor: Odor threshold N/E or N/A Melting point: ph value Boiling point/boiling point range: Flammability (solid, gas N/E or N/A Flash point: F Test method: 2/4

31 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SILVER TARGET Decomposition temperature N/E or N/A Explosion limits Auto-ignition temperature N/E or N/A Vapor density Vapor pressure N/E or N/A Solubility Density Evaporation rate Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water,log Kow) SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Under the normal condition Possible hazardous reactions under specific conditions: Conditions to avoid: Avoid generating dust Materials to avoid: Strong acid Alkali. If getting wet, powder will turn up self-heating. Hazardous decomposition products: SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Routes of exposure:.eyes injury. 2.Lead skin into blue. 3.Excessive inhalation of the silver vapor will cause damage to lungs. Symptoms: LD50 mg/kg LC50 mg/m 3 /4H LDL0 mg/kg Chronic toxicity or long term toxicity: SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: Persistence and degradability: Bioaccumulative potential: Mobility in soil: Other adverse effects: SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Methods of waste disposal: Disposal in accordance with the present laws and regulations. SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION United Nations number(un No):No information available UN Proper shipping name: No information available Transport hazard class(es): No information available Packing group: No information available Marine pollutant(yes/no):no SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION Applicable regulations: In accordance with the present laws and regulations. 3/4

32 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SILVER TARGET SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATION Issued By: SOLAR APPLIED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CORP. Creation Date: December 2011 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information which is currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no way shall the company be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 4/4




36 Safety Data Sheet KAYAKU CHEMICAL(WUXI) CO.,LTD. Date of issue :30. June 2009 Trade name : KAYARAD DVD Identification of the product and of the company. 1.1 Product name : KAYARAD DVD Company name : KAYAKU CHEMICAL(WUXI) CO.,LTD. Address : XIBEI TOWN,XISHAN,WUXI,JIANGSU,CHINA Emergency phone number : (CHINA) FAX number : (CHINA) 2. Composition / information on ingredients 2.1 Substance/Mixture Mixture 2.2Chemical name Mixture of acrylate monomers, acrylate oligomers, photoinitiators, and additives 2.3 Ingredients and composition wt% CAS registry Acrylate monomers 40~80 Trade secret Acrylate oligomers 20~60 Trade secret Photoinitiators 3~10 Trade secret Additive 0~5 Trade secret 3. Hazards identification 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Yellowish liquid Skin irritant 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: INHALATION : Mist or vapour are irritating to the eye, nose, throat and lungs. EYE CONTACT SKIN CONTACT INGESTION May cause cough and may cause health effects such as inflammation of the lungs and infection of the bronchi. : May cause irritation. : Maybe harmful by skin absorption, or cause irritation. : Maybe harmful

37 4. First aid measures 4.1 Eye contact: First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then take to a doctor. 4.2 Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin with water and soap. Refer for medical attention. 4.3 Inhalation of aerosol /vapour /dust : Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical attention. 4.4 Ingestion or accident: Rinse mouse. Do NOT induce vomiting. Rest. Refer for medical attention. 5. Fire fighting measures 5.1 Extinguishing media: Alcohol-resistant foam, powder, AFFF, foam, carbon dioxide. 5.2 Special advice in case of fire: Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and eye protection in fighting significant fires in which this material is involved. Keep Drums, etc., cool by spraying with water. 6. Accidental release measures 6.1 After spillage, leakage, gas leakage Extra personal protection: Self-contained breathing apparatus Collect leaking and spilled liquid in sealable containers as far as possible. Absorb remaining liquid in sand or inert absorbent and remove to safe place. DO NOT wash away into sewer. Avoid breathing vapors and remove ignition sources. 7. Handling and storage 7.1 Handling Avoid contact with skin and eyes, protective goggles, aprons etc... No open flames, No sparks, and No smoking. 7.2 Storage Fireproof. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated location. No open flames and No sparks. Separated from strong oxidants, strong acid.

38 8. Exposure controls and personal protection 8.1Exposure control No data 8.2 Personal protective equipment Respiratory Inhalation Eyes Skin Ingestion : Industrial canister gas masks : Ventilation, local exhaust, or breathing protection. : Safety spectacles, face shield, or eye protection in combination with breathing protection. : Protective gloves. Protective clothing. : Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work. 9. Physical and chemical properties Flash point : 155 ( Cleaveland open cup) Viscosity Solubility in water : 330~530 mpa s at 25 oc : insoluble 10. Stability and reactivity 10.1 Stability Stable (under suitable condition) Conditions to avoid Open flames and Sparks. Strong oxidants, Strong acid. Heat Sunlight 10.3 Materials to avoid Acids, alkaline, amines, peroxides, oxidizing agents. 11. Toxicological information No data 12. Ecological information No data 13. Disposal considerations Local regulations should be adhered to. Disposal of empty containers.

39 14. Transport information UN Number : Not applicable IMDG Code : Not applicable ICAO/IATA : Not applicable Keep away from oxidizing materials and source of ignition. Follow all regulations in your country. Confirm containers have no rent or leak before loading. 15. Regulatory information Follow all regulations in your country. CAS No. TSCA EINECS ENCS Acrylate monomers Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Acrylate oligomers Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Photoinitiators Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Additives Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg Other information This product is intended for industrial use only. Should it ever be applied for medical or other purposes, this is completely the responsibility of the purchaser. Ingesting or injecting this product or using it in such a manner that some of it might remain within the body is forbidden. Do not do this under any circumstances. This information is based upon the latest data available to us, but should not be read as a guarantee of the contents, physical properties or danger and harmfulness levels. Since all chemicals may have hitherto unknown deleterious properties, care should always be taken during use. It is the responsibility of every user to establish the necessary safety precautions before employment. In addition, the present information is intended for normal usage; however, if special usage is contemplated, then the appropriate safety precautions and application conditions should be carefully prepared.

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