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1 聚焦全球共享活 市场 Qingdao Import Expo 岛进 博览会 中国 ( 岛 ) 国际进 产业博览会 China(Qingdao)International ImportIndustryExpo01 品 / 饮料 FOODS/DRINKS 葡萄酒 / 烈酒 WINE / SPIRITS 家居 品 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 时尚消费品 FASHION CONSUMER GOODS 美妆 化 COSMETICS 服务贸易配套 SERVICE TRADE 01 年 June01 中国 岛世界博览城 ChinaQingdaoCosmopolitanExposition 01 C H I N A Q I N G D A O

2 30,000m 展览 积 Exhibition Area 标准展位 100 个 100 Standard Booths 6,000+ 观展 次 Professional Buyers 预计专业观众占 7% 以上 Professional Visitors are Expected to Account for More Than 7% 80+ 参展企业 Exhibitors 预计参展国家与地区 45 个 45 Countries and Regions are Expected to Participate FocusonaVibrantGlobalMarket 聚焦全球 共享活 市场 40+ 线上线下论坛活动 Activities QIIE 岛进 博览会作为优质的进 产业贸易盛会, 是 前国内北 地区进 业 综合性品牌盛会之 所有参展商或来 国外企业或是在华机构 进 商及代理商 上届展会总展出 积达到 0000 平, 共吸引来 45 个国家及地区的 600 家展商 与 次观众参加此次盛会 01 岛进 博览会全新升级打造六 主题产品板块 各个特 主题展区及 系 列商贸活动将共同打造精彩纷呈的舞台, 商贸对接 论坛活动等互动交流渠道也将 更好地满 国内观众在 QIIE 展会上对全球供应链 服务和市场拓展的需求 为进 业品牌与国内优质买家构建 效 质 精准的 站式专业商贸平台 QIIE01 邀您聚 进 产业升级, 共享全球商品资源! Asahigh-qualitytradeevent,QIIEQingdaoImportExpoisoneofthecomprehensive exhibitionoftheimportindustryinnorthernchinaatpresent.theexhibitorsare comprisedofforeignenterprises,foreigninstitutionsinchina,importersandagents. Thelastyear'seditionin00coveredatotalexhibitionareaof0,000square meters,whichattracted600exhibitorsfrom45countriesandregionsand33,583 visitors. TheQingdaoImportExpo01willbeupgradedtosixsectorswithfeaturedtheme exhibitionareasandaseriesofactivitieslikebusinessmatchmakingandforums, whichwillcreateawonderfulstageandmeetthedomesticaudience'sdemandfor globalsupplychain,servicesandmarketexpansioninciiesoastobuilda professionalone-stoptradingplatformwithhighefficiency,highqualityandhigh accuracyforimportedbrandsanddomesticbuyers.let'smeetinqiie01towork togetherforupgradingtheimportindustryandshareglobalresources!

3 Internationalization 与全球供应商同台 More opportunities 洞悉 业先机 Iran Japan Korea Russia Myanmar Thailand 寻找新的经销商合作伙伴代理商 Finding new partners 线下最 限度的曝光发布最新产品 Enhancing the of ine exposure Malaysia Mongolia India Indonesia Pakistan Syria 获取新的潜在客 Getting potential customers 直 业的专业 收集市场信息 Collecting industry information Vietnam Bulgaria Denmark France Serbia Czech Republic Greece Germany Latvian Ukraine Lithuania Moldova 提 品牌及产品的市场认知度 Improving brand awareness 拓展国内市场业务获取新渠道 Expanding business channels England Spain Armenian Italy Portugal Switzerland Poland South Africa Togo Uganda Angola Australia New Zealand Vanuatu Canada America Uruguay Chile 3% 19% 15% 进 商经销商零售商制造商商场 / 超市 餐饮业电商顾问及管理服务贸易服务机构其他 5% 3% 6% 11% 4% 5% 专业观众 业分析 Visitors Sector 9% Importers Distributors Retailers Manufacturer Shoppingmalls/ supermarkets Catering Networkbusiness Consultancyand managementservices Tradeserviceagency Other 11% 14% 活 品美妆 化 Dailynecessities Cosmetics 19% 0% 时尚消费品休闲 品及饮料 Fashionconsumergoods Food&beverage 葡萄酒及烈酒 Wine&Spirits 15% 7% 3% 11% 官 机构服务贸易 Officialinstitutions servicetrade 参展商 业分析 Exhibitors Sector 其他 Other

4 Product Categories 展品范围 家居日用品 Household Items 美妆日化 Cosmetics 母婴用品 Maternal and infant Supplies 数码家电 Digital and Home Appliances 休闲食品 红酒及烈酒 咖啡及相关饮品 高端饮品 Snack Food Wine & Spirits Coffee & Coffee Drinks High-end Beverage 创意玩具 Toys 珠宝首饰 / 时尚饰品 Jewelry 服饰及箱包 Clothing and Luggage/Bags 工艺品礼品 Arts and Crafts 服务贸易机构 Service Trade 乳制品 Dairy Product 烘焙食品 Bakery Product 食品半成品及配料 Semi-Finished Products and ingredients Media and Publicity 媒体宣传 Professional Audience Organization 专业观众组织 贯彻 多频次 质量 覆盖 整体传播的投放策略, 在宣传中合理运 线上线下资源, 将传统媒体与互联 新媒体进 有效整合, 全 渗透特定 群 To carry out the overall adversing strategy with more frequency, high quality and wide coverage, reasonably use online and offline resourses, combining the traditional media and new media so as to reach the targeted persons. 商协会组织会员 精准数据电话邀约 同类展会现场宣发 告投放宣传 东省内及重点城市精准采购商拜访邀约 户外广告 大众媒体 行业媒体 Outdoor Mass Industry Advertising Media Media 新媒体 New Media Multidimensional promotion to increase the exposure 网络媒体 Online Media 多维度推 渠道, 增加曝光机会 businessassociationsorganizetheirmembers,phoneinvitation, havingpublicityonsitethroughsimilarexhibitions, goingonbusinesstripswithinshandongprovinceand surroundingcitiestoinvitepreciseandprofessionalpurchasers, advertisementpromotion 线上 online 核 媒体软 分布 视频传播 新闻 告, 增加展会受众覆盖率社交媒体矩阵, 借助新媒体渠道加 展会推 度定期电 快讯, 增加产品推介频率线上展 推介, 效精准对接会, 增加合作机会线下 of ine 专业市场 访, 精准展品推介, 主推提升品牌及产品认知度多形式商务配对, 效接洽采购商, 提 合作转化率现场采访直播, 帮助展商实现品牌传播及曝光最 化官 宣传物料及 告投放, 多种曝光途径, 助 增加现场展位 Usingcoremediaadvertorials,videotransmission,newsadvertisingto increasetheaudiencecoverage Usingsocialmediaandnewmediachannelstoenhance theexhibitionpromotion Launchingregularelectronicnewslettertoincreasethefrequency ofproductpresentation Onlinedisplayandpresentationtoincreasethechancetocooperate Visitingtheprofessionalmarketwithpreciseexhibitspresentationso astoenhancethebrandawareness Conductingbusinessmatchmakingwithdifferentformstoimprove theconversionrateofcooperation Liveinterviewtoenhancethebrandexposure Toconducttheofficialpublicitywithmultipleadvertisingchannelsso astomaketheboothbecomemorepopular

5 BOOTH TYPE 展位类型 A 基础价格 BASE PRICE 光地展位 供参展商或展团 设计搭建 型展位 36 平 起订特装管理费 5 元 / 平 680 元 /m 标准展位 展板 公司名称楣板 咨询桌 1 张 椅 把电源插座 臂射灯 盏 地毯 优越区 6800 元 /9m 标准区 5800 元 /9m Space Only USD 180/ 1sqm (Minimum36sqm) Bare floor space is ideal for large exhibitors or national groups who want to build their own stands. Standard Booth USD 000/ 9sqm walls, lintel with company name, 1 Counter/ Chairs, Power socket, Carpet. B 综合套餐 COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE 多种套餐为您提供量 定制的品牌形象推 案, 完整覆盖展会筹办及举办阶段全 位宣传您的品牌及产品, 享受更超值的参展体验以最 投 赢得最 回报 Different packages with customized schemes To promote the brands in all-round way and enjoy the more valuable exhibition experience Gain the best returns with minimal investment 套餐 案 9 平 标准展位 1 个 外显要位置 告牌 1 个 (4*6m) 1P 会刊整版彩 告 1P 参观指南整版彩 告 1 次官 微信推荐 5000 份参观券直达专业观众 1 stand of 9 square meters 1 outdoor advertising board (4*6m) 1p full page color advertisement 1p tour guide full page color ad 1 official wechat recommendation 5000 tickets to professional visitors OriginalPrice 原价 :RMB19,800 套餐价 PackagePrice RMB1,000 套餐 案 36 平 光地展位 ( 含基础搭建 ) 1P 会刊整版彩 告 外显要位置 告牌 1 个 (4*6m) 1P 参观指南整版彩 告 次官 微信推荐 份参观券直达专业观众 36m² bare space 1p full page color advertisement 1 outdoor advertising board (4*6m) 1p tour guide full page color ad official wechat recommendations tickets to professional visitors OriginalPrice 原价 :RMB47,800 套餐价 PackagePrice RMB30,000 更多广告营销方案请联系组委会索取广告销售手册 Pleasecontacttheorganizingcommitteeformoresdetailsabouttheadvertisingschemes!

6 Organization 组织机构 主办单位 : 中国国际商会山东商会承办单位 : 山东省贸促会贸易投资服务中心青岛骏晟国际会展有限公司 HOSTS: China Chamber of International Commerce Shandong Chamber ORGANIZERS: Trade And Investment Service Center of CCPIT Shandong Qingdao Junsheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 青岛将以更加主动 开放 包容 活力的姿态拥抱世界, 与各参展国共享新时代, 新机遇 Qingdao will embrace the world with a more active, open, inclusive and dynamic attitude and share the opportunities with all participants. 01 关注公众号获取更多行业资讯 Please follow our Wechat Subscription for more information.

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