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1 Visual Basic

2 2004 Visual Basic CIP + Visual Basic /.2004 ISBN I. II. III. Visual Basic IV. TP312 CIP * CD

3 2004 Visual Basic Visual Basic

4 VB Windows autorun.exe 5. VB VB VB VB 5 Turbo C 2.0 VB VB ~ VB.doc help.hlp


6 Visual Basic Visual Basic Visual Basic

7 MsgBox MsgBox Tab For Do GoTo

8 Sub Function KeyPress KeyDown KeyUp

9 Visual Basic DoEvents


11 >>>> % DOS 30


13 Data_Structure=(D S) D S D 2 D D D R B=(D R)

14 n(n 0) a 1 a 2 a 3 a n 2 3 i(1 i n) n in i+1 ii 1 n n i(1 i n)i+1 nn i1 n 1

15 top 2 s(1:m) m s(1:m)s(bottom)s(top) top=0 top=m 3 1 top 1 2 top rear front 4 s(1:m)

16 6 1 rearfront frontrear rear=front=m 1 rear=rear+1 rear=m+1rear=1 s=1 2 front=front+1 front=m+1front=1 s= xia i-1 a i a i 1 p

17 1 7 x*s *p a i 2 i a i 1 p a i a i 1 next pnexta i a i a i n i 1 i n i=n+1 *p *pp =NULL*ppnext =NULL 2 next prior head 3 NULL (a 1 a 2 a n ) (b 1 b 2 b m ) (a 1 a n b 1 b m ) a n b 1 a n

18 8 1 NULL p pnext Treen(n 0) T T Root m(m 0)T l T 2 T m Subtree 1Degree Degree Leaf 2Child Parents Child ParentsSibling 3Ancestor Descendant k k s k k s Ancestork s k Descendant k k

19 1 9 4path k 1 k 2 k i k i k i+1 1 i j k l k j Path j 1 5 Level Height Level 1 1Height Depth 0 6 OrderedTreeUnorderedTree OrderedTreeUnorderedTree 2 1 BinaryTreen(n=0)(n=0) i2 i 1 i 1 2 k 2 k 1k 1 3 n 0 2 n 2 n 0 =n 2 +1 k 2 k 1 Full Binary Tree

20 Complete BinaryTree 1 4 n log 2 n + 3 lchild rchild BinTNode BinTreeroot root root=null n2n n 1 n+1 parent 3 3 1

21 k k k

22 12 1 log 2 n R 1 R 2 R 2 R 1 R 2 R 1 R 2 R 1 2 R 3 3 R n n 1 n 2 n d 1 d 1 d 1 d 2 <d 1 d t =1 d t <d t 1< <d 2 <d 1 3 R 1 R 2 R n i 1 i<n AR i R n R min R min R i R min i R i R min B i 1 n n 1 n 1 n 2 n Quick Sort R[1] R[h] temp R[1] R[i 1] R[i+1] R[h] temp temp tempr[i]r[1] R[i 1] temp.key

23 1 13 R[i+1] R[h] 1 i h R[1] R[i 1] R[i+1] R[h] A B C D D 2. A C B D C 3. A C B D D 4. A C B D A 5. A C B D B 6. A C B D

24 14 1 C 7. A C B D D 8. A B C D E F A ABCDEF B DBEAFC C ABDECF D DEBFCA B 9. A C B D A A B C D D A 32 B 31 C 16 D 15 C 12. n A n+1 B n C (n+1)/2 D n/2 B 13. T T A 8 B 7 C 6 D 5 A

25 n log 2 n DBEAFCABDEFC DEBFCA 4. n(n 1)/ front=6rear= N O(Nlog 2 N)

26 / goto 2 3


28 18 1 A C B D B 2. A C B D A 3. A B C D D 4. A C B D B 5. A C A B D


30 P D C A 2 3 4



33 / / 2


35 PFD A B C D B 2. 3 A B C D D

36 A B C D A 4. A B C D B 5. A B C D C 6. A C B D A 7. 4 A B C D B 8. A B C D B A B C D I D 10. A C B D

37 3 27 A 11. A PAD B SA C SC D DFD A 12. A PAD B PFD C N-S D DFD D 13. A B C D D 14. A C B D D 15. A B C D A A B C D D 17. A C B D C 18.

38 28 1 A B C D C A B C D A Jackson

39 Data Database DB DataBase Management System DBMS DBMS 6 Database Administrator DBA Database system DBS 5 Database Application System DBAS 3 7


41 E-R E-R E-R 3 E-R

42 E-RRDBMS A B C D A 2. A B C D A 3.

43 4 33 A C B D B 4. A B C D B 5. A B C D D 6. A C B D A 7. E-R A B C D B 8. 4 A - E-R C B D A 9. A C B D D A C B D C 11.

44 34 1 A B C D C 12. A B C D A 13. A B C D B 14. A B C D B 15. E-R A B C D C 16. A B C D A 17. A C B D C 18. A C B D D 19. A B C D E-R D

45 E-R 8. E-R

46 2 >>>>

47 5 Visual Basic Visual Basic 1. Visual Basic 2. Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic Windows Visual Basic 1. Visual Basic Visual Basic 2. Visual Basic 5.1.3

48 Visual Basic 1. Visual Basic Form1 2..frm.bas.cls.vbp.vbg.res ActiveX ABCD 1 Visual Basic A Visual BasicWindows B VisualWindows C D Visual BasicOOP Visual BasicWindows C C 2Visual Basic

49 5 Visual Basic 39 A B C D Visual BasicVisual Basic B 3 Visual Basic A res B frm C vbp D cls Visual Basic res Visual Basic frm Visual Basic vbp Visual Basic cls Visual BasicC C 4 A bas B res C fnn D ocx 4 basresfrm ocx ActiveX D D 5Visual Basic A B C D Visual Basic A 6EXE A B C D 4 C 7 Visual Basic A B C Visual BasicREM D

50 40 2 Visual Basic _Visual Basic REM REM Visual Basic Visual Basic Visual Basic B 8 A Visual Basic B Visual Basic C Visual Basic D Visual Basic Visual Basic B 9Visual Basic A B C D Visual Basic A 10Command1 Caption(x) Alt+xCaption Ax & Cx # Bx & Dx # Caption& Alt+ A 11 A CCtrl+N B DF4 Ctrl+NF4

51 5 Visual Basic 41 D 12 A If x=y Then t=x: x=y y=t C If x=y Then t=x x=y y=t B If x=y Then t=x, x=y, y=t D If x=y Then t=x; x=y; y=t Visual Basic A A 13 Visual Basic A C B D Visual Basic Sub MainA A 14 A B C D Visual Basic3 B Visual Basic Visual Basic 3 2 (BorderStyle) BorderStyle6 Windows 6 3Visual Basictwip Visual Basictwip 1=1 440

52 42 2 twip ScaleMode ScaleMode 4 WindowState 3 WindowState

53 Visual Basic 1 Visual Basic Visual Basic 2. = 3 Visual Basic Visual Basic Click DblClick Load MouseDown 4

54 44 2 [.] [] Windows 2 AutoRedraw BackColor ForeColor BackColor BorderStyle CaptionForm1 Form2 ControlBox BorderStyle 0 Enabled Height Width Icon.ico MaxButton MinButton Picture 1 Visual Basic

55 6 45 WindowState Click DblClick Load Unload Activate Deactivate Paint Visual Basic 6.03 Visual Basic.exe Visual Basic 2.2 ActiveX 2 1 Name Visual Basic

56 A B C D Visual Basic 4 B 2Form1 Visual Basic A From1.Caption ="Visual Basic" B From1.Value="Visual Basic" C Form.Caption="Visual Basic" D Form.Value="Visual Basic" Value B D Caption From. = From Form1 C C

57 A C B D C 4 A BorderStyle B WindowState C Height Width D MaxButton BorderStyle Height Width MaxButton WindowState0 1 2 WindowState 2 B 5 A C B D Visual Basic B 6 Form1Label1 A Left Top B Right Top C Right Height D Left Height Left TopLeft Top Label1.Left=Form1.Left Label1.Left Label1.Top=0 A 7 Form2.Caption="Open"Form2 Caption Open

58 48 2 A C B D Visual Basic. = Form2 Caption Open C 8 AName BName C Name DName Name Caption A A 9 A UnloadForm1Form1 BLoad C Enabled False DHeight Width A Unload A 10 A Picutre B Caption C Name D Icon Visual BasicName C 11 Frm1Cmd1 A Form_Click() Command1_Click() B Frm1_Click() Command1_Click() C Form_Click() Cmd1_Click() D Frm1_Click() Cmd1_Click()

59 6 49 Form_Click() ClickC C Text1ABC 6 1 A Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text="ABC" C Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1="ABC" B Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Name=ABC D Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text =Chr(65)&Chr(66)&Chr(67) B 3ABC C Text Text1Text B Label LabelCaption NameLabel1 Caption Name 2 StartUpPosition StartUpPosition 3 2 StyleStyle 0 12

60 50 2 Style 4 Text1 Text2Text2 Text1 SetFocusText1.SetFocus Text1.SetFocus 5 WindowStateMaximized 2 Minimized 1 Normal 0 WindowState

61 Visual Basic 1 1 ASCII 0 Visual Basic E e D d

62 TrueFalse # mm/dd/yyyy mm-dd-yyyy 2. Visual Basic Type Type As As End Type 3. Enum [Public Private]Enum [= ] [= ] End Enum Public Private Public Visual Basic Dim Static

63 Public Global 2 Variant VarType Variant16 3 Dim Static % & $ Visual Basic Visual Basic Visual Basic Visual Basic ^ / \ Mod +&

64 Visual Basic True False Visual Basic00 ASCII 2 Visual Basic Single A Time% B Sheigh t! C Name$ D CXYZ@ Visual BasicDim % A% A & A& A! A! A # A# A@ A $ A$ A B

65 Type Student number As String name As String age As Integer End Type A Student.name="" C Dim s As Type Student S.name="" B Dim s As Student s.name= "" D Dim s As Type s.name="" A C D B B 3Visual Basic A A#A B 4A C?xY D consta A# B C* D D 4 A " "+" " C " "& 150 B " "+ 150 D " "&" " + & + & B B 5 A "01/03/2002" C #1/03/2002# B Date("01/03/2002") D 01/03/2002 ##MM/DD/YYYY# C C 6

66 56 2 Dim TestDate As Date TestDate A TextDate=#1/1/2002# B T estdate=#"1 /1/2002"# C TextDate=date("1/1/2002") D TestDate=Format("m/d/yy","1/1/2002") #mm/dd/yyyy# # #5/1/2004# A 7 Visual BasicSqr(a+B)^3*2 A Sqr B + C ^ D * B 8 cos 2 (a+b)+5e 2 Visual Basic A cos(a+b)^2+5*exp(2) C cos(a+b)^2+5*ln(2) B cos^2(a+b)+5*exp(2) D cos^2(a+b)+5*ln(2) Visual Basic A A 9 String(n, "str") A Bn Cn D n String(n, "str") n n s B 10EOF() A B C D EOF B 11 Mid("abcdefghijk",5,3)

67 7 57 A efg B fgh C efghjik D fghijk Mid(A$,B,C)A$BC abcdefghijk5 3efg A 12True A "1"+ 2 ="12" B "1"+"2"="3" C "1"& 2 ="12" D "1"&"2"=" 3" Visual Basic A "1"+ 2"1"1 3C "1"& 22"2" "12" B D"3""12" C 13 A Rtrim() B Ltrim() C Left() D Trim() Rtrim(A$,x)xLtrim(A$,x)x Trim(A$,x)xLeft(A$,x) x B 14str1 str2 A Left B Mid C String D Instr 4 Left Mid String Instr D 15a="Visual Basic"b="Basic" A b=left(a,8,12) C b=rigth(a,5,5) B b=mid(a,8,5) D b=left(a,8,5) a b B B A Len("1234")+5 B Val("1234")+5

68 58 2 C Str(1234)&5 D Cstr(1234)+ "5" 4 LenA 9 ValB 1239 Str C12345 CstrD12345 B 17 Dim X As Integer Sgn(X)1X A C 0 B 0 D 0 Sgn(X) X X 0Sgn(X) 1X=0 Sgn(X) 0X 0Sgn(X)1 D D 18a10 a 15 Visual Basic A 10 a 15 B a=11 Or a=12 Or a=13 Or a=14 C a 10 And a 15 D Not (a =10) And (a =15) 10 a 15 a 10 a 15 C10 a 15 a Ba 10Not(a =10),a 15Not(a =15) D Visual BasicA A 19a=3 b=5 A a>=b And b>10 C (a<0) Eqv (b>0) B (a>b)or (b>0) D ( 3+5>A)And (b>0) B 20 A="Good Morning. " B="Afternoon,Boys. " Good Boys. A Left(A,5)+Right(B,5) C Mid(A,1,5)+Mid(B,1,6) B Left(A,10)+Right(B,6) D Mid(A+B,1,11)

69 7 59 Left(A,5) A5 Good Right(B,5) B 5 Boys. A Good Boys B Good Morni,Boys. MidMid (A$,B,C)A$B CC Good Aftern D Good Morning A A 21 xx 3 A 0.01*Int(x+0.05) C 0.01*Int (100*(x+0.05)) B 0.01*Int (100*(x+0.005)) D 0.01*Int (x+0.005) B 22 Command13Label1 Label2 Label3 Private x As Integer Private Sub Command1_C1ick() Static y As Integer Dim z As Integer n=10 z= n+z y=y+z x=x+z Label1.Caption=x Label2.Caption=y Label3. Caption=z 3 3 A B C D x yzz y y z C 23 Command1 Private Sub Comma nd1_click() Static A As Integer Static B As Integer B=B+3 A=3+A

70 60 2 Print A,B 3 Command1 A 3 6 B 3 9 C 9 9 D 3 3 Command1 1 Command1 A B32 Command1 A B3 A B 6 3 Command1 A B 9 2Dim A As Integer 3 9 C 24 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Static X As Integer Static Y As Integer Cls Y=1 Y=Y+5 X=5+X Print X,Y 3 Command1 A B 15 6 C D 5 6 X Y ClickY 1 5 X53 X15 Y6B B 25 True A C True Xor "1000" "999" B "1000" "999" D Xor False A False ASCII 1ASCII 9ASCII BTrue TrueFalseXorTrue

71 7 61 Xor False C DFalse B 26 Command1 Dim k As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() k=15 Private Sub Command1_Click() Static b As Integer b=b+k k=k+1 Print k b Command12 A B C D 2 1 kb Command1 b 150 b 31 k A 27 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Strl As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String Dim I A s Integer Str1 = "e" For I = 1 To 2 Str2 = UCase(Str1) Str1 = Str2 & Str1 Str3 = Str3 & Str1 Str1 = Chr(Asc(Str1) + I) Next I Print Str3 A EeFF B eeff C EEFF D eeff Asc(x)ASCII Chr(x) x ASCII Ucase(x) x

72 62 2 ForI=1Str2=E Str1=Ee Str3=Ee Str1=FI=2 Str2=F Str1=FF Str3=EeFF Str1=H EeFF A 28 Private Sub Form_Click() a$ = "*": b$ = "$" For k = 1 To 3 X$ = String$(Len(a$) + k, b$) Print X$; Next k Print A *** ** **** B *$*$*$ C 1*$2*$3*$ D $$$$$$$$$ For 9$ Len(Str) Str String$(n,ChA) n Cha D 29x Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer,x As Integer,I As Integer x = 5 For I = 1 To 20 Step 2 n = I \ 5 x = x + n Next I A 21 B 22 C 23 D 24 \For x =21 A 30 Name Form1 Name Text1 Text2 Name Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() a=text1.text+text2.text Print a Private Sub Form_Load()

73 7 63 Text1.Text="123" Text2.Text ="321" A 444 B C D Text1.Text Text2.Text C 31 Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Dim Char As String Char=Chr(keyAscii) KeyAscii=Asc(Ucase(char)) Print String(6,KeyAscii) A A a B A C aaaaaa D AAAAAA D Asc(x) ASCII Chr $ (x) x ASCII String $ (n, "") n D Fix( 48.65)+Int( 52.15) Fix Int Fix( 48.65)48 Int( 52.15)53 Fix( 48.65)+Int ( 52.15) a=2 b=3 c=4 d=5 Not a<=c Or 4* c=b^2 And b<>a+c Not And Or Not a <= c Or 4 * c = b ^ 2 And b <> a + c

74 64 2 True False True False False False False 3 Text1 C Val C=Val(Text1.Text) C=Val(Text1.Text) Print day (now) <cr> nowday(now) ABC abc ABCDE afgh ASCII afgh 6A AbcDeA Ucase Lcase A=Ucase$(A) 7ABCD Private Sub Command1_Click() a="" For n=65 To 68 a=a+ Next n Print a A B C D ASCII Chr() (ASCII) a ABCDChr$(n) Chr$ (n)

75 Private Sub Command1_C1ick() For i = 1 To 20 x = I nt( * ) If =0 Then Print x S=S+ End If Next i Print "Sum=":S Rnd() Rnd(n) n x Mod 5Int(x/5) x/5 x

76 Print Print [.]Print [][ ] Print Print Print 2. Print Tab Spc Space$ 1 Tab(n) n Print Tab 1nn nn 1 PrintTabTab 2 Spc(n) Print ntab PrintSpc SpcTab 3 Space$(n) n

77 8 67 3Format$ Format$ Format$( ) Str$ 4 InputBox InputBox(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos,ypos][,helpfile,comtext]) prompt title default xpos ypos helpfile comtext InputBox InputBox MsgBox MsgBox MsgBox(msg[,type][,title][,helpfile,context]) msg type title helpfile context InputBox

78 FontNameWindows FontSize 9 FontBold True FontItalic True FontUnderlineTrue Print Printer Printer.Print [] Printer Page NewPage EndDoc 2 PrintForm [.]PrintForm PrintForm AutoRedraw True PrintForm

79 Print "Worker";Spc 3 ; "Peasant" A Worker Peasant C WorkerPeasant B WorkerPeasant D WorkePeasant Spc(n)n PrintC C 2 Print Format $(32556, # # # # # # # );Format$(32556, # # # ) A B C D Format ## # 0 A 3 a=inputbox("today","tomorrow, "Yesterday","Day before yesterday",5) A Today B Tomorrow C Yesterday D Day before yesterday InputBox InputBox(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos,ypos][,helpfile,context]) default Yesterday C 4 age=inputbox(" "," ","38") 20 A age 20 C 38 B D Inputbox 73 B C DInputBox A A 5 x=inputbox("" "0" "")10

80 70 2 A X 10 C 0 BInputBox D X"10" InputBox 30 4 D D 6Temp=MsgBox(" ",vbyes No, " ") A B vbyesno C D Temp MsgBox3 C C 7Command1 Private Sub Command1_C1ick() a$="software and hardware" b$=right(a$,8) c$=mid(a$,1,8) Msgbox a$,,b$,c$,1 A software and hardware B software C hardware D 1 MsgBox MsgBox(prompt[,buttons][,title][,helpfile,comtext]) title b$hardsoft C 8 Temp=MsgBox(" ",vbabortretryignore, "") A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 2 vbabortretryignore 3 C 9

81 8 71 Private Sub Command1_Click() MsgBox Str( ) A B 123 C 246 D MsgBox Str( ) 246 C 10 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a 5 As String Dim b As Integer Dim I As Integer For I =0 To 5 a(i)=i+1 Print a(i); Next I A B 6 C D 0 a A A 11 List1 Private Sub Form_Click() For I = 0 To List1.ListCount 1 If I Mod 2 = 0 Then Print List.List(I); End If Next I End sub Private Sub Form_Load() List1.Additem "" List1.Additem "" List1.Additem "" List1.Additem " " List1.Additem " "

82 72 2 A C B D Form_Load 5List 0Form_Click2 C 12 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim MyString As String Dim MyLen As Integer MyString = "Hello World" MyLen = Len(MyString) MsgBox MyLen A Hello World B HelloWorld C 10 D 11 Len() D 13 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Static A As Integer Static B As Integer Cls B=2 B=B+3 A=3+A Print A,B 3 Command1 A 3 5 B 6 6 C 9 5 D 3 3 Command1 A B 3 5Command1A BA 3 B 5 B 26 5 Command1 9 5 Command1Cls 9 5

83 8 73 C 14Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() For I=1 To 4 For J=0 To 1 Print Chr$(65+I); Next J Print Next I A BB B A C B D AA CC BB CC BBB DDDD CCC DDD CCCC EEEEE DDDD EEEE DDDDD PrintFor Print Print For j i Chr$(65)="A" A 15 Private Sub Command1_Click() x = InputBox(" ") For I = 1 To Len(x) \ 2 If Mid(x, I, 1) <> Mid(x, Len(x) I + 1, 1) Then Exit For End If Next I If I > Len(x) \ 2 Then Print "Yes" Else Print "No" End If Ax Cx Bx Dx Len(x) x Mid(x,i,1)<>Mid(x,Len(x) i+1,1)

84 74 2 C 16 Private Sub Command1_Click() For i=1 To 5 For j=1 T i For k=j To 4 Print "a"; Next k Print Next j Print Next i A 4 B 5 C 38 D 40 i=1 4 i=2 7 i=3 9 i=4 10 i= =40 D Print Int( * )/

85 8 75 Private Sub Command1_Click Dim Password As String Password=Text1.Text If Password="myname" Then Form1.Show Else D=MsgBox( ) End If Refresh Private Sub Command2_Click() PasswordChar Command1 Default MsgBox MsgBox([,][, ][,]) EndUnLoad Me Command1 Default True PasswordChar * Unload Me " " vboknly "" End Text1 * True

86 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim b(3,3) For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 k=k+1 B(i,j)=k Print b(i,j ); Next j Next i For i= For j= Print b(i,j); Next j Next i Print 3 To 1 Step 1 Print Print 3 To 1 Step 1 3 To 1 Step 1 4 Command1 Private Sub Command1_C1ick() Dim a As String a= For i =1 To 5 Print Space(6 i);mid$3(a,6 i,2*i 1) Next i Space Mid

87 8 77 " " " " 5 3Textl Text2 Text3 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim d As Single d = If d > =0 Then Text2.Text = *d Text3.Text = *(d/2)^2 End If d Text1.TextVal() Val(Text1.Text) Private Sub Command1_Click() For j = 1 To 3 Print ; 11*(2*j 1); Next j Tab(n) n Tab Tab(3*j)

88 Caption 1 Alignment0 1 2 AutoSizeTrueCaption BorderStyle Click DblClick 2 1 Text MaxLength0 Locked False True PasswordChar

89 9 79 MultilineTrue False ScrollBars Multiline True SelStart SelLength SelText 2 Change KeyPress LostFocus GotFocus 3 SetFocus [.]SetFocus PictureBox JPEG GIF PictureBox AutoSize True PrintClick DblClickPrint Cls 2 Image ImagePictureBox PictureBox PictureBox StretchImage ImageClick DblClickPrint Cls 2 Picture

90 80 2 LoadPicture [.]Picture = LoadPicture(" ") 3 1 Line BorderWidth BorderStyle X1 X2 Y1 Y2 2 Shape Shape FillStyle FillColor FillStyle Click SetFocus DefaultTrue Style0 Caption 1 Picture Picture.bmp.ico Value0 1 2 Alignment 0 1 Style 01 Click

91 List0 Listindex1 ListCount0List- Count 1 Sorted text MultiSelect 30 None 1 Simple2 Extended Selected 2 Click DblClick 3 AddItem RemoveItem Clear 2 1 Style Click DblClickstyle 1 ChangeStyle 0 1 3

92 Value Max Min LargeChangeValue SmallChangeValue 2 Change Scroll Name EnabledIntervalms 65s 2. Interval timer Font FontSize FontName FontColor Visible Name Enabled Caption Tab 1 Enabled VisibleTrue GotFocus LostFocus

93 9 83 SetFocus LoadShow 2 Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Disabled Invisible Tab TabStop False Tab TabIndex Tab Change A C B D D 2 True A WordWrap B MultiLine C ScrollBars D Locked 4 WordWrap 3 MultiLine True ScrollBase LockedFalseTrue B 3Esc Click True A Value B Default C Cancel D Enabled

94 Cancel Esc 3 Default True Click Enabled TrueFalse Value Cancel Esc Click C 4* A Text * C Password B Caption * D PasswordChar * PasswordChar TextBox D 5Text1 A Tex1.Enabled=False Text1.Alingment=0 C Tex1.Enabled=False Text1.Alignment=1 B Tex1.Enabled=True Text1.Alignment=0 D Tex1.Enable=False Text1.Alignment=2 EnabledTrue Alignment 01 2 D 6 A Change B KeyPress C LostFocus D SetFocus Change KeyPressLostFocusSetFocus D 7 A B C D

95 9 85 B 8 Pic1 temp1.bmp A Pic1="temp1.bmp" C Pic1.Picture="temp1.bmp" B Pic1.Picture=LoadPicture("temp1.bmp") D Pic1=LoadPicture("temp1.bmp") LoadPicture.Picture=LoadPicture(" ") 4 B B 9Form1 Image1 Private Sub Form_Load() Image1.Stretch=True Private Sub Image1_Click() Image1.Height=3000 A Image1.Picture=LoadPictrue("gg1.gif") Image1.Stretch=True B Image1.Picture="gg1.gif" Image1.Stretch=Not Image1.Stretch C Image1.Picture=LoadPictrue("gg1.gif") Image1.Stretch=Not Image1.Stretch D Image1.Picture="gg1.gif" Image1.Stretch=True LoadPicture Image1.Picture= LoadPicture("gg1.gif") StretchTrue FalseStretch Image1.Stretch=Not Image1.Stretch C

96 A Autosize C AutoRedraw B Stretch D Appearance 4 C D Picture AutoSize ImageImage Stretch Picture B B 11 A Caption B Value C Checked D Selected Caption Checked SelectedValue ValueTrue B 12Option1 Option2 Check1Text1 Text A Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=False C Option2.Value=False Check1.Value=True B Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=True D Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=1 Value Option ValueTrue Flash Check Value0 12 D D

97 OptionButton AFrame Image B ComboBox Image C ComboBoxPictureBox DFramePictureBox Visual Basic D 14List1 A List1.Clear B List1.Delete List1.ListIndex C List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex D List1.Clear List1.ListIndex B DeleteClear RemoveItem0 ListIndex C C 15 A List B ListCount C ListIndex D Columns List ListCount ListIndexColumns A 16List List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex A 123 B 456 C 789 D ListIndex 1 RemoveItem ListIndex

98 88 2 1RemoveItem D 17 List1 A List.Sorted=0 B List.Sorted=True List.MultiSelect=0 List.MultiSelect= 0 C List.Sorted=True D List.Sorted=True List.MultiSelect=1 Sorted True MultiSelect 0 None 1 Simple 2 Extended Ctrl Shift Shift D 18 List1Label1 A Private Sub List1_Click() B Private Sub List1_C1ick() Label1.Caption=List1.ListIndex Label1.Name =List1.ListIndex C Private Sub List1_Click() D Private Sub List1_Click() Label1.Name=List1.Text Label1.Caption =List1.Text Caption Name Text ListIndex D D 19 Private Sub Command1_Click() List.RemoveItem 2 Private Sub Form_Load() List.MultiSelect=2

99 9 89 List1.AddItem"" List1.AddItem"" List1.AddItem"" List1.AddItem"" Command1 A B C D Form_Load 4 0 3Command12 C 20 A Max B Large Change C Value D Max Min A 21Timer3Interval A 3 B 30 C 300 D 3000 IntervalTimer D 22 TxtTimeTimer1 Private Sub Timer1 () TxtTime.Text=Time A Enabled B Visible C Interval D Timer D 23HScroll1 LargeChange =5 SmallChange=3 Max=100 Value=45 Value

100 90 2 A 45 B 48 C 50 D 65 Value5C Value Max Min LargeChange Value SmallChangeValue C 24 ShapeFillStyle FillColorBackColor AShape FillStyle 2 7 BackStyle 1 BShape FillStyle 0 1 BackStyle 1 CShape FillStyle 2 7 BackStyle 0 DShape FillStyle 0 1 BackStyle 0 Shape FillStyle0 7 0FillColor Shape BackStyle0 1 0 TransparentBackColor 1 Opaque BackColor A A Text1 Text2 Command1Command1Text2

101 9 91 Private Sub Command1_Click() Text2.SelStart=0 Text2. =Len(Text2.Text) Text2. 3 SelStart SelLength SelText SelStart SelLength SelText SetFocus SelStart0 SelLength SelLength SetFocus SelLength 2 Command1 Text1 Command1 Command1 SetFocus Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled=False Private Sub Text1 () Command1.Enabled=True Change 3 Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text=" " Private Sub Text1_Change() Picture1.Print"" Picture1.Print ""Text1 Change

102 Stretch StretchTrue AutoSize True True 6d:\pic a.jpg Picturel Picture1.Picture=LoadPicture("d:\pic\a.jpg") 7 Interval 8 Timer 9 Timer1 Label1 30 Label1100 Priv ate Sub Form_Load() Label1.Left=Form1.Width Timer1.Interval=30 Timer1.Enabled=True Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label1.Left= Label1.Left 100 If Label1.Left<100 Then End If Form_LoadLabel1 Left Timer1.IntervalTimer 30 Timer1.Enabled True Timer1.Timer Left 100 EnabledFalse

103 9 93 Timer1.Enabled=False LargeChangeValue LargeChange 11Form1 Click Caption Caption Label1.Caption="Visual Basic " Caption Label1 Visual Basic 12OKCmdOK_Click() Caption Click()Caption CmdOK OK 13 ListBox1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Entry,I,Msg Msg="Choose Ok to add 100 tiems to your list box" MsgBox Msg For I =1 To 100 Entry="Entry"& I ListBox1.AddItem Entry Next I AddItem AddItemListBox Label1 List1 Label1 Private Sub Form_load() List1.AddItem "" List1.AddItem ""

104 94 2 List1.AddItem "" Private Sub () Label1.Caption= List1_DblClickListBoxText List1.Text Label1.Caption List1_DblClick List1.Text 15 Visual Basic 16 Value Value=1 Value 17(mnuEditCopy) mneditpaste Private Sub mnueditcopy Click() mneditpaste. =True Enabled Visible Enabled Visible Text1 Text2 Enabled 18 Text1 Text2 Private Sub Text1 () Text2.Text=Text1.Text Change

105 9 95 Text Text Change 19 Label1 Command1 Timer1 1 1 Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval= Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label1.Caption=Now Private Sub Command1_Click() End Timer1.Interval Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Msg As Integer Form1. MsgBox "Choose OK to make the form reappear" Form1. HideShow Hide Show 213Label1 Text1 HScroll1Label1 Label1 Left Private Sub Form_Load( ) HScroll1.Max=Form1.Width HScroll1.Min=0 HScroll1.LargeChange=50 HScroll1.SmallChange=10 Text1.Text=HScroll1.Value HScroll1.Value=0 Label1.Left=HScroll1.Value Private Sub HScroll1 Text1.Text=HScroll1.

106 96 2 Label1.Left=HScroll1.Value Label1 Change Label1 ChangeValueLabel1 Left Change() Value 22 Label1 Label2 Caption HScroll1Min0 Max100 Label2 Private Sub HScroll1 () Label2.Caption=HScroll1. Change Change() ChangeValue Caption Value Change Value 23 3 Picture DownPicture DisabledPicture DownPicture

107 If Then [Else ] True ThenElse 2 If 1 Then 1 ElseIf 2 Then 2 Else n+1 End If 3 IIf IIf(,, ) Select Case Case 1 1 Case 2 2 Case Else n End Select For For

108 98 2 For = To [Step ] [Exit For] Next Exit For Next While [ ] Wend Do 1 Do [{While Until}<>] [Exit Do] Loop 2 Do [Exit Do] Loop [{While Until}<>] 12 While Until {While Until}<>Do LoopExit Do Exit Do Loop

109 GoTo 1 GoTo Go To { } Go To 2 On-GoTo On GoTo For I= To 10 Step 0 k=k+2 Next I A C B D 0 A 2x x=3 For I=1 To 20 Step 2 x = x + I / 3 Next I A 3 B 22 C1 D 4 For 2 x 3 A

110 Command1: Private Sub Command1_Click() x=0 n=inputbox("") For i= 1 To n For j = 1 To i x = x +1 Next j Next i Print x 3 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 36 D 4 sum=0 For I =11 To 1 Step 2 sum=sum+i Next I Print I sum=sum+i I A 73 B 61 C 63 D 71 For I3 A 5 Command1 Label1 Private Sub Command1_C1ick() S=0 For i=1 To 15 x=2*i 1 If x Mod 3=0 Then s=s + 1 Next i Label1.Caption=s

111 A 1 B 5 C 27 D B B 6 Private Sub Sele() Dim n As Integer i=21:n=3 Do While i > n i = i n Loop Print i A 3 B 5 C 6 D 8 While i 3i3 A 7 Private Sub Command1_Click() For i = 1 To 3 For j =5 To 1 Step 1 Print i + j Next j,i End Sud A 12 B 13 C 14 D =15 D 8 n! A Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:x=1 Do x=x*1 i=i+1 Loop While i n Print x B Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5: x=1:i=1

112 102 2 Do x=x * 1 i=i + 1 Loop While i n Print x C Private Sub Command1_Click() n=5:x=1:i=1 Do x=x * 1 i=i + 1 Loop While i<=n Print x D Private Sub Command1_C1ick() n=5:x=1:i=1 Do x=x * 1 i=i + 1 Loop While i n Print x Do Loop WhileWhile C C 9Command1 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(5) As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim Total As Integer a(1)=2 a(2) =5 a(3) =4 a(5) = 6 For k = 1 To 5 Total = Total + a(k) Next k Print Total A 10 B 15 C 27 D 35

113 =27 C 10 Private Sub Command1_Click() For i = 1 To 4 x = 4 For j = 1 To 3 x = 3 For k = 1 To 2 x =x+6 Next k Next j Next i Print x A 7 B 15 C 157 D 538 x=33+6+6=15 B 11 Exit For A Exit For B C Exit For D For Exit For For Exit For D 12 x Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single, b As Single, c As Single, d As Single Dim x As Single a=100 b=20 c=1000 x=a If b>a Then d=a:a=b:b=d End If If b>c Then

114 104 2 x=b Else If a>c Then x=c A 100 B 20 C 1000 D 0 If If x=ax=100 A 13 Text1Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer,n As Integer For i = 0 To 50 i = i + 3 n = n + 1 If i>10 Then exit for Next Text1.Text = Str(n) A 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 For i Ifi10 10 For 1 i=3 n=12i=7 n=23i=11 n=3 i B 14 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I,Mynum Do For I=1 To 1000 Mynum=Int(Rnd*1 000) Select Case Mynum Case 7: Exit For Case 29: Exit Do End Select n=n+1 Next I Loop

115 Print n A 7 C1000 B Do D 0029 Do Loop Exit Do Rnd 0,1Int() D 15 Text1 Text2Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer,n As Integer x=1 n=0 Do While x<20 x=x*3 n=n+1 Loop Text1.Text=Str(x) Text2.Text=Str(n) A 15 1 B 27 3 C D Do While Loop 1x=3 n=12x=9 n=23x=27 n=3x B 16 Private Sub Command1_Click() For I=1 To 4 X=0 For j=1 To 3 X=j For k=1 To 2 X=x+6 Next k Next j Next I Print x

116 106 2 A 7 B 15 C 157 D 538 x=j x=3+6+6=15 B 17 n Private Sub Command1_Click() n=0 For i=1 To 100 If i Mod 4=0 Then n=n+1 Next i Print n A 5050 B 25 C 26 D 33 If /4=25 B 18 2 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim N1 As Integer, N2 As Integer,N3 As Integer N1=1:N2=2 Print N1,N2 Do N3=N1+N2 Print N3; N1=N2:N2=N3 Loop Until N3>=5 A B C D Do Loop Until Until TrueN1 N N3 2 2 N1 1 N2 2 2>=5 False 2 N3 3False3 N3 5True B 19Command1

117 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer,y As Integer a=10:y=0 Do a=a+2:y=y+a Print "a=";a, "y=";y If y>20 Then Exit Do Loop Until a>14 A a=12 y=12 B a=12 y=12 a=14 y=16 a=16 y=28 C a=12 y=12 D a=12 y=12 a=14 y=26 a=14 y=44 a10 y0 Do Loop a=a+2:y=y+aa 12 y 12a=12 y=12 IF y>20 False Exit Do a>14 False a=a+2:y=y+aa 14 y 26a=14 y=26 IF y>20 True Exit Do C 20 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As Integer, n As Integer s=0 : n=1 Do Until n>100 s=s+n n=n+1 Loop Print s A 5050 B 2500 C 3000 D 4000 Do Until Loop Until s s= =5050 n A 21Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, a As Integer Do While I<20 Do While True

118 108 2 If I Mod 10=0 Then Exit Do Else I=I 1 End If Loop I=I+11 a=a+i Loop Print a A 21 B 32 C 33 D 11 I<20I Mod 10=0 B Private Sub Command1_Click() For m=1 To 10 Step 2 a=10 For n=1 To 10 Step 2 a=a+2 Next n Next m Print a a=10 a a=10a S S=5 For i =2.6 To 4.9 Step 0.6 S=S+1 Next i S 9

119 Dim t As Single, k As Single k=0 While k<10 k=k+1 Wend Print t k 0k<10 1t t=t+k t=t+k 4 3 Private Sub Commandl_Click() k =10 Do x = k x = x 2 k = k 1 Loop While k >1 MsgBox x k 10 1 k=0x= a=100 Do Print a a=a+1 Loop Until a <=10 a<=10 a100 1 a<= /3+1/5+ +1/(2n+1) 1/(2n+1)10 4

120 110 2 Private Sub Command1_Click() Sun = 0 : n = 1 Do n= term = 1/ n Sum = Sum +term If term Then Loop Text1.Text = n Text2.Text = Sum Do Loopterm< Exit Do n+2 n+2 Exit Do 7 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As Single,amax As Single,amin As Single x=inputbox("enter a score") amax=x amin=x Do While If x>amax Then Amax=x End If If Then Amin=x End If x=inputbox("enter a score") Print "Max=";amax, "Min=";amin x>=0 IfIf x<amin x>=0 x<amin Private Sub Form_Click() Dim I As integer

121 Dim K As integer For I=100 to 999 For K=2 To I-1 If Then End If Next K If then Print I End If Next I I I2 I 1 I IK 2 I 1 I KI Mod K=0I I Exit For Exit For KI K=I I Mod K=0 Exit For K=I 9 Command1 Function M(x As Integer,y As Integer)As Integer M=IIf(x>y,x,y) End Function Private Sub command1_click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer a=100 b=200 Print M(a,B MIIf M

122 Dim 1[,2][,3] [As ] 0 Option Base 2 ReDim Dim Private Public ReDim For InputBox Print

123 ForEach Next For Each In [Exit For] Next [] 3 Array = Array( ) Variant3 Variant Array text1(0) text1(1) text1(2) m ninteger 1 Dim Arty(m,n) As Integer 3 Print A=A+B;A+B 2 n= Chdrive c: A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 1Print 3Chdrive 4 C

124 Dim Arrl ( 2 to 6) As Integer A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 +1 Arrl6 ( 2)+1=9 D 3 Option Base 1 Dim Arr4(6,5) As Integer A 42 B 30 C 37 D 36 Option Base 1 Dim Arr4(6,5) As Integer Dim Arr4(1 to 6,1 to 5) As Integer 30 B 4 Option Base 0 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a Dim i As Integer a=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) For i=0 To 3 Print a(5 i) Next A B C D Option Base 00 a=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) a(0) a(8) 1 9 For a(5) a(2) C 5Command1 Option Base 0 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim city As Variant city = Array("","","","") Print city(1)

125 A B C D Option Base Array0 D D 6 Command1 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer For I=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 X(I,j)=(I j)*3+j Next j Next I For I=1 To 3 Print x(i,4 I) Next I A B C D For 3 3X 1 3For3 X(1,3) X(2,2) X(3,1) X(1,3)=(1 1) 3+3=3 X(2,2)=(2 1) 3+2=5 X(3,1)=(3 1) 3+1=7 C 7 Text1Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim array1(10,10) As Integer Dim i,j As Integer For i=1 To 3 For j=2 To 4 array1(i,j)=i+j Next j Next I Text1.Text=array1(2,3)+array1(3,4)

126 116 2 A 12 B 13 C 14 D 15 array1(2,3)+array1(3,4)= =12 A 8 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, a(9) As Integer For I=9 To 0 Step 1 a(i)=10 I Next I Print a(2);a(5);a(8) A B C D a10 a(0) a(9) For10 a(0) a(9) 10 1a(2) a(5) a(8) C 9Command1 Private Sub Command1_C1ick() Static b As Variant b=array(1,3,5,7,9) b A For i=0 To 5-1\2 B For i=0 To 5 tmp=b(i) tmp=b(i) b(i)=b(5 i 1) b(i)=b(5 i 1) b(5-i-1)=tmp b(5-i-1)=tmp Next I Next I C For i=0 To 5\2 D For i=1 To 5\2 tmp=b(i) tmp=b(i) b(i)=b(5-i-1) b(i)=b(5-i-1) b(5-i-1)=tmp b(5-i-1)=tmp Next I Next I For B(0 n 1) nb(0) b(n 1) b(1) b(n 1 1) b(i) b(n i 1) i=0 1 2 n\2forn\2

127 b(i) b(n i 1)C C 10 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim MyWeek, MyDay MyWeek=Array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Fri","Sat","Sun") MyDay= MyWeek(2) MyDay= MyWeek(4) MsgBox MyDay A Sat B Tue C Wed D Thu 0 MyWeek(4)5 Sat A 11Form_Click3 Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer a(5,5) As Integer For i=1 to 5 For j=1 to 5 If i=j Then a(i,j)=i+j Else If i>j Then a(i,j)=1 Else a(i,j)=0 End If End If Next j Next i For i=1 to 5 For j =1 to 5 Print a(i,j) Next j Print Next i A B C D a For a

128 a C 12 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer,j As Integer Dim a(10,10)as Integer For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 a(i,j)=(i 1)*3+j Print a(i,j) Next j Print Next j A 123 B 234 C 147 D D D 13 Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, k As Integer Dim a(9) As Integer Dim p(2) As Integer k=5 For i =0 to 9 a(i)=i Next i For i =0 to 2 p(i)=a(i*(i+1)) Next i For i=0 to 2 k=k+p(i)*2 Next i Print k

129 A 20 B 21 C 22 D 23 a p For a a(0) a(9) 0 9 p p(0)=a(0*1)=0 p(1)=a(1*2)=2 p(2)=a(2*3)=6p2 kk 21 B 14 List1Command1List1 MultiSelect 2Command1 Private Sub Command1_Click() For I =List1.ListCount 1 to 0 Step 1 If =True Then List1.Removeitem I End If Next I A List1.select(i) B List1.sort(i) C List1.list(i) D List1.select(List1.listindex) Select TrueFalse Select True A 15 Type Student Num As Integer Name As Integer * 13 End Type Dim stu(30) As Student A C B D Type Student Num Name 30stu B 16Form1_Click Private Sub Form_Click()

130 120 2 Dim M As Integer, K As Integer,t As Integer M=6:K=8 Select Case M Case Is<0 M=M+5 Case 1 To 10 t=m:m=k:k=t Case Is >10 M=K Mod 3 End Select Print M, K, t A B C D Form_Click M K 6 8 Select Case M M 6 2 Caset=M:M=K:K=tt 6 M 8 K 6 D 17Command1 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Variant a=array(1,2,3,4) j=l For I=4 To 1 Step 1 s=s+a(i)*j j=j*10 Next I Print s A 4321 B 1234 C 34 D =1234 B 18Form1_Click3 Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim I As Integer,j As Integer Dim k As Integer,a(5,5) As Integer For I=1 to 5

131 k=1 For j=1 to 5 If I<=j Then a(i,j)=k k=k+1 Else a(i,j)=1 End If Next j Next I For I=1 to 5 For j=1 to 5 Print a(i,j) Next j Print Next I A B C D For For a C 19 A BName C Index D Index D D 203 chkoption

132 122 2 A Tag B Index C ListIndex D Name A D C B B Dim Arr2( 2 to 6,1 to 5) As Integer Dim A (100)A Visual Basic0 Dim A(100)A Option Base 1 Dim Arr5(0 to 6,0 to 5)As Integer A 42 B 30 C 37 D 36 Option Base 1 1 0Arr5 (6 0+1) (5 0+1) =42 A 4 Private Sub Command1_Click() score = Int(Rnd*10)+80 Select Case score Case Is<60 a$ ="F" Case 60 To 69 a$ = "D" Case70 To79 a$="c" Case 80 To 89 a$="b"

133 Case Else a$ ="A" End Select Print a$ score Int(Rnd*10)+80 Rnd Select Case score Case Case 80 To 89 Casea$="B" B B 560 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim d 6 For i=1 To 60 n = d(n) = Next i For i = 1 To 6 Print d(i) Next i 1 6 Int(1+6*RnD) d d(n)+1 Int(1+6*RnD) d(n) Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a(20) As Integer, i As Integer Dim t as Integer,j As Integer Randomize For i=1 to 20 a(i)=10+int(90*rnd Print a(i);

134 124 2 Next i Print i=1: Do while i<j t=a(i): :a(j)=t i=i+1:j=j 1 Loop For i=1 to 20 Print a(i) Next i Print i1j20 a(i) a(j) i j ij j j=20a(i) a(j) a(i)=a(j) j=20 a(i)=a(j) 7 Command1 Text1 Text24 Label1 Label2 Label3 Label Option1 + * / Text1 Text2 Label4 3 Private Sub Command1_Click() For i=0 To 3 If =True then opt=option1(i).caption End If

135 Next Select Case Case"+" Result=Val(Text1.Text)+Val(Text2.Text) Case" " Result=Val(Text1.Text) Val(Text2.Text) Case"*" Result=Val(Text.Text)*Val(Text2.Text) Case"/" Result=Val(Text1.Text)/Val(Text2.Text) End Select =Result Value True 1 Option(i).Value Select opt2optlabel4 3 Label4.Caption Option(i).Value opt Label4.Caption

136 Sub Sub 1 Sub 1 Sub Sub [Static][Public Private]Sub [()] 2 Sub 2 Sub Sub 1 Call [()] 2 [] Sub Function Sub

137 Function 1 Function Function [Static][Public Private]Function ([]) [As ] = End Function 2 Function ([]) 3 Sub Function Sub FunctionFunction Sub Function Function FunctionSub Sub Sub Function

138 ByDef 3. ByVal Optional IsMissing Variant ParamArray Sub ParamArray Variant Form Control

139 A Form_Load B CSub D 0 Form_Load Static A B D C C 2 A BPublic CDim DPublic Dim Visual Basic3/ /Private Dim Public B 3 A B C D C C

140 A B C D D D 5 Command1 Label1 Label2 Private x As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() x=5:y=3 Call proc(x,y) Label1.Caption=x Label2.Caption=y Private Sub proc(byval a As Integer,ByVal b As Integer) x=a * a y=b + b A 5 3 B 25 3 C 25 6 D 5 6 xprivate YCommand1_Click() Proc x25 y 25 3 B 6 A Void play(var a:integer,var b:integer) B Sub play(int a,b) C Void play(int a,int B) D Sub play(a As Integer,b As Integer) Visual Basic Sub 4A Visual Basic Var Void B CInteger D D 7

141 A Static Static B Sub Sub C Sub Sub D Static Static Sub Sub Function Sub Sub Sub 4 D D 8 AShell Windows BShell Visual Basic C Shell < >=Shell() DShellDOS DOS Windows Shell com exe bat pie Shell Visual BasicShellB B 9 Option Base 1 Private Sub fun(a() As Integer,n As Integer) ReDim Preserve a(6) a(6)=a(1)*a(3)*a(5) n=ubound(a Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim arr1() As Integer,k As Integer ReDim arr1(5) For i=1 To 5 Arr1(i)=i Next i k=6 Call fun(arr,k) Print arr1(1); arr1(k)

142 132 2 A 1 3 B 0 0 C 1 15 D 0 15 Command1_Click arr1 5 Forarr1(1) arr1(5)1 5 funk6 funa6 a(6) 1 3 5=15Uboundnn 6 aarr1 nk arr1(1) arr1(6) 1 15 C 10 Command1 F1F1 F11 0 A Private Sub Command1_Click() x=inputbox(" ") a=f1(val(x)) Print a Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End Function B Private Sub Command1_Click() x=inputbox(" ") a=f1(val(x)) Print a Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1=0 Else F1=1 End If End Function C Private Sub Command1_Click() x=inputbox( ) F1(Val(x))

143 Print a Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1=1 Else F1=0 End If End Function D Private Sub Command1_Click() x=inputbox(" ") F1(Val(x)) Print a Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End Function Val(x)x ByRef Return b Mod 2=0b B B 11 Private Sub test(p, m, n) p = p + 1: m = m + 1: n = n + 1 Print "Sub:"; p; m; n Private Sub Command1_Click() a1 = 1: b1 = 2: c1 = 3 Call test(a1, b1 + 3, (c1)) Print "main"; a1; b1; c1 A Sub:26 4 B Sub C Sub: 26 4 D Sub: Main:26 4 Main: Main: 12 3 Main: 2 2 3

144 134 2 testa1 b1+3 (c1)testa1 b1 c1 D D 12 Command1 Text1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x,y,z As Integer x=5 y=7 z=0 Text1.text="" Call P1(x,y,z) Text1.Text=Str(x) Sub P1(ByVal a As Integer,ByVal b As Integer,c As Integer) c=a+b A 0 B 12 C Str(z) D CallP1 c P1 z12 B 13 Private Sub func(a As Integer) Static m As Integer Dim n As Integer m=m+a n=n+a Print m; n Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim k As Integer k=4 Call func(k) Call func(k) A 4 8 B 4 4 C 4 4 D

145 Command1_Clickk4 funckafuncm n m n44 4func m 4n 0 m 8 n B 14 Dim a As Integer, b As Integer Private Function fun() Dim a As Integer a=5 Print a;b End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() b=5 Call fun Print a;b A 5 5 B 0 5 C 5 0 D a a bcommand1_clickb 5 func a5 a a b5 a b 0 5 A A 15 Option Base 1 Private Sub fun (a() As Integer, n As Integer) ReDim Preserve a (n) a(6)=a(1)+a(2)+a(3)+a(4)+a(5) n=3 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim arrl() As Integer,k As Integer ReDim arrl(5) For i=1 To 5 arrl(i)=i Next i k=6

146 136 2 Call fun(arrl,k) Print arrl(i); arrl(k);arrl(6) A B C D Command1_Clickarrl 5 For arrl arrl(1) arrl(5) 1 5 fun arrlaknfun 6a(6) =15n3 a n arrl(1) arrl(5) 1 5arrl(6) 15 k 3 arrl(1) arrl(3) arrl(6) C 16Form_Click Option Explicit Private x As Integer Public y As Integer Sub Test() Dim y As Integer x=2:y=2 Print "x=";x, "y=";y Private Sub Form_Click() x=1:y=1 Test Print "x=";x, "y=";y A x=2 y=2 B x=2 y=2 C x=2 y=1 D x=2 y=1 x=2 y=1 x=2 y=2 x=2 y =2 x=2 y=1 x y x y1 Test y x2y2x y2 x 2 y 1A A 17 Private Sub fun(byval x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer,z As Integer) z=x^3*y^3 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As integer

147 Call fun(2,3,m) Print m A 216 B 0 C 35 D Command1_Clickfun2 3 x y mz fun z=x^3*y^3z 216 m 216 A 18 Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Private Sub fun() a=100 b=200 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer a=5 b=7 Call fun Print a; b A B C D 5 7 a b Command1_Click aa a5 b7 funfun a b a b a5 b 200 B 19 Private Function fun3(x As Integer) Static a As Integer a=a+3 a=a+x fun3=a End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim k As Integer,p As Integer k=2:m=1 n=fun3(k)

148 138 2 n=fun3(m) Print n A 6 B 7 C 9 D 12 Command1_Clickfun3k xfun3 aa 5 5 nfun3 5a 99n n9 C 20 Private Sub fun() Static a As Integer a=a+2 Print a Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m As Integer For m=1 to 3 Call fun Next m A B C D Command1_ClickFor3 3 funfun aa fun a D 21Form_Click2 3 Private a As Integer, c As Integer Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer a=10 :b=10 :c=10 Print a,b,c Call test1(a,b Print a,b,c Private Sub test1(m As Integer,ByVal n As Integer) Dim c As Integer m=5:n=5:c=5 Print m,n,c

149 A B C D a cform_click a b test1 a m b ntest1cm 5 a5nc5 test a b c A 22 Function Fun(S As String) As String Dim s1 As String For i=1 To Len(S) s1=ucase(mid(s,i,1))+s1 Next i Fun=s1 End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Str1 As String,Str2 As String Str1=InputBox("") Str2=Fun(Str1) Print Str2 abcdefg A abcdefg B ABCDEFG C gfedcba D GFEDCBA FunLen(s) Mid(S,i,1) S i1 Ucase( ) s1abcdefg GFEDCBA D 23 Form1 Form2 mdlfunc Form1 Form2 mdlfunc Form1 Private Sub frmfunction1()

150 140 2 Form2 Public Sub frmfunction2() mdlfunc Public Sub mdlfunction() A 3 B frmfunction2 mdlfunction C 3 D mdlfunction PrivateA Public B PublicC D D Function fact(x As Integer) As Long Dim p As Long, I As Integer P=1 For I=1 To x p=p*i Next I fact=p End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() i=val(input Box(" "))

151 a=fact((i)) Print a 5 fact(x)x!5 fact = Private Sub Command1_Click() a = 1: b = 1 Print "a="; a, "b="; b Call mult((a), B) Print "a="; a, "b="; b Sub mult(x, y) x = 2 * x y = 3 * y Print "x="; x, "y="; y 5 Print 1 a 2 b a 1b 35 Printa=1 b=3 a=1 b=3 3 Private Sub Search(a() As Variant,ByVal key As Variant,index%) Dim I% For I=LBound(A)To UBound(A) If key=a(i) Then index=i Exit Sub End If Next I index= 1 Private Sub Form_Load() Show

152 142 2 Dim b() As Variant Dim n As Integer b=array(1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15) Call Search(b,11,n) Print n fact Private Sub Command1_Click() For k = 1 To a = LTrim(Str(k)) n = 0 For i = p = Val(Mid(a, i, 1)) n = Next i If n = k Then Print k Next k Function fact(x) If x <= 1 Then fact = 1 Else fact = End If End Function For1 To Len(A) fact n+fact(p) x * fact(x 1) 1 To Len(A) n+fact(p) x * fact(x 1) Private Sub Form_Click() Dim s As Long,I As Integer s=0 For I=1 to 10

153 s=s+ Next I Print s Private Function fact(byval n As Integer) As Long Dim i As Integer,f As Long f=1 For i=2 To n f=f*i Next i End Function Form_ClickFor 1 10 s factifact(i) fact For2nf fnvisual Basic fact=f fact(i) 6 fact=f Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer a=20:b=50 p1 a,b p2 a,b p3 a,b Print "a=";a,"b=";b Sub p1(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) x=x+10 v=v+20 Sub p2(byval x As Integer, y As Integer) x=x+10 y=y+20 Sub p3(byval x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) x=x+10 y=y+20 a= b= ByVal ByRef 30 70

154 KeyPress KeyPress ASCII KeyPress KeyPressIndex As Integer KeyAscii As Integer KeyAscii KeyPressKeyAscii ASCII KeyPress KeyAscii KeyPress KeyAscii KeyDown KeyUp KeyDown KeyUp KeyDown KeyUpKeyPress KeyDown KeyUp KeyPress ASCII KeyDown KeyUp Index As IntegerKeyCode As Integer Shift As Integer MouseDown MouseUp MouseMove Button Shift x y 2 Button Button

155 Shift Button Shift ShiftCtrlAlt88 4 x y WindowsVisual Basic MousePointer MousePointer DragMode Click MouseDrown DragIcon 2 DragDrop DragOver 3 Move DragDragMode 01 2DragDrop

156 146 2 AKeyUp KeyDownA a KeyCode BKeyUp KeyDown 11 KeyCode C KeyPress D KeyPress 3 KeyPress ASCII Shift ASCII KeyUp KeyDown 4C C 2 Text1ASCII A KeyDown B Change C KeyUp D KeyPress 4 KeyDown KeyUp Keycode Change KeyPressKeyASCIIASCII D 3 A A KeyDown KeyPress KeyUp Change B KeyDown KeyPress KeyUp Change C KeyDown Change KeyUp KeyPress D KeyPress Change KeyDown KeyPress Change KeyUpChange A 4 A 4 Txta Private Sub Txta_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

157 KeyPress A C B D 4 KeyPress D 5 Ctrl a Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) Print KeyCode,Shift A a 2 B 65 2 C 97 1 D 97 2 KeyDownKeyCode Shift KeyCode a65 Shift Shift Ctrl Alt Shift Shift0 1Ctrl Shift1 1 Alt Shift2 1 Ctrl Shift 2 B 6KeyDown KeyPress Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyASCII As Integer) A KeyDownKeyCode KeyPressKeyASCII B 11 KeyCode C KeyCode D KeyASCII KeyDownKeyCode KeyPress KeyASCIIASCII

158 148 2 KeyASCIIC C 7 MouseDown Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer, X As Single,Y As Single) A Button B Shift C X D Y MouseDown4Shift 3 Button A 8 A DragMode B DragOver C DragDrop D DragIcon DragMode10 DragOverDragOver DragDrop Drag DragDrop DragIcon Icon Cur A 9 A Move CLeft B DTop Move LeftTop B B 10MouseIcon

159 MousePointer A 0 B 1 C 64 D 99 MousePointer MouseIcon D 11 Private Sub form MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) If Shift=6 And Button=2 Then Print "BBBB" End If BBBB A Shift C Ctrllt B Shift D Ctrl Alt MouseDown Button Shift Button Shift 30Shift 1Crtl 2Alt 6110CtrlAlt D D 12 Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer, X As Single,Y As Single) If Button=2 then PopupMenu popform End If A B popform C X Y D Button=2

160 150 2 Button12 4 D D Command1_Click Command1 True Default Default 2MousePointer MouseIcon MousePointer Text1 2 Text2Tab Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(Keycode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If Then Text2. End If Text2 SetFocus Text2 KeyDownKeyCode 13KeyCode=13 SetFocus KeyCode=13 SetFocus 4 KeyPress KeyDown True KeyPress KeyPreviewTrue KeyPress KeyUp KeyDown KeyPreview 5 Combo1Label1 Label2 Caption ASCII13 Label2 Label2 3

161 Private Sub Combo1 (KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then For i=0 To Combo1.ListCount 1 If Combo1.Text= Then Label2.Caption=" " Exit Sub End If Next i Label2.Caption="" Combo1. Combo1.Text End lf KeyPress List List AddItem KeyPress Combo1.List(i) AddItem 6 0 Drag 0 21 DragMode01 Drag DragMode


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