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3 名家選 : 梁喜媛的柴可夫斯基第一鋼琴協奏曲 Great Composers: Joyce Yang s Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 艾度. 迪華特指揮梁喜媛鋼琴 Edo de Waart conductor Joyce Yang piano 全柴可夫斯基節目降 B 小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,Op. 23 莊嚴而不太快的快板 有精神的快板質樸的小行板 極急板 回復原速熱烈的快板 音樂會開始前 45 分鐘, 文化中心 4 樓大堂設有由韋雲暉 (17/6 英語 ) 和賴建群 (18/6 粵語 ) 主持的免費講座 Free pre-concert talks by Raff Wilson (17/6 English) and Calvin Lai (18/6 Cantonese) in the 4/F Foyer of Cultural Centre 45 minutes before each concert. 中場休息 F 小調第四交響曲,Op. 36 較慢的行板 活躍的中板如歌的小行板諧謔曲 ( 以撥弦演奏頑固音型 快板 ) 終曲 ( 火熱的快板 ) 節目約於 10 時結束 ( 上半場 :32 分鐘 ; 下半場 :44 分鐘 ) Concert ends approx. 10:00pm (1st half: 32 mins; 2nd half: 44 mins). An all-tchaikovsky programme Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23 Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso Allegro con spirito Andantino semplice Prestissimo Tempo I Allegro con fuoco Interval Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36 Andante sostenuto moderato con anima Andantino in modo di canzona Scherzo (Pizzicato ostinato Allegro) Finale (Allegro con fuoco) 各位觀眾欣賞美樂前, 請關掉手提電話及其他響鬧裝置 場內不准飲食 攝影 錄音或錄影 我們歡迎閣下保留場刊, 若不欲保留, 請於完場後將場刊交回場地入口, 以作循環再用 祝大家有一個愉快的音樂體驗 Dear patrons For a wonderful concert experience, please kindly switch off your mobile phone and other beeping devices before the concert begins. Photography, recording, filming, eating or drinking are not allowed. We hope you enjoy reading this house programme and wish to retain it. If you don t wish to take your programme home with you, please return it to the admission point after the performance for recycling. We wish you a very enjoyable evening.

4 Swire Ad Conductor

5 Salute to Our Partners 感謝伙伴 香港管弦樂團衷心感謝以下機構的慷慨贊助和支持! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Partners below for their generous sponsorship and support! 主要贊助 M A J O R F U N D I N G B O D Y 首席贊助 P R I N C I PA L PAT R O N 節目贊助 M A J O R S P O N S O R S CIC Investor Services Limited a subsidiary of Crédit Industriel et Commercial, France 如欲查詢有關贊助或捐款事宜, 歡迎致電 (852) 或電郵至 與我們聯絡 For sponsorship and donation enquiries, please call (852) or to 以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name

6 港樂近年馬勒系列中近乎最好的一次, 感覺上較前年海廷克指揮芝加哥交響樂團在香港藝術節的馬勒六更好, 尤其是逾百樂師的整體合奏糅合出來的聲音 節奏變化的掌握, 更重要的是音樂細節 造句都非常有說服力, 有深度和層次感 這是可遇而不可求的國際頂級馬勒 周光蓁博士, 亞洲週刊 PHOTO Keith Hiro "Under his [Edo de Waart] baton, the philharmonic has evolved from a group of talented players able to negotiate the mechanics of tempo changes and timbral effects into an ensemble able to convey the music in genuine emotional terms. Ken Smith, Financial Times

7 香港管弦樂團 ( 港樂 ) 是亞洲區內最具領導地位的樂團之一, 豐富香港文化生命逾一世紀, 並已發展成一個集華人與海外音樂精英的傑出樂團, 吸引世界級藝術家同台獻藝 港樂每年透過超過 150 場精彩演出, 觸動逾 200,000 樂迷的心靈 在藝術總監兼總指揮艾度. 迪華特領導下, 港樂的藝術水平屢創高峰 港樂近年演出馬勒交響曲系列 歌劇音樂會 傳統古典樂曲以外的嶄新曲目, 均為樂迷所熱切期待, 更成為樂團藝術發展的里程碑 2011/12 樂季是迪華特與港樂的第八個及最後一個樂季, 他已精心挑選五套總結他與樂團過往七年成就的節目, 並以貝多芬第九交響曲作壓軸 在這個星光熠熠的新樂季, 港樂邀得沙涵 齊默曼 李維斯 瓦茲 葛蘭姆 華特健斯等樂壇巨星, 以及德爾弗斯 范瑞韋頓 范斯克 拉沙里夫 格拉夫和佛斯特等權威指揮大師同台演出 2006 年 4 月起, 太古集團慈善信託基金成為樂團的首席贊助, 此為港樂史上最大的企業贊助, 令樂團得以在藝術上有更大的發展, 向世界舞台邁進的同時, 將高水準的演出帶給廣大市民, 讓更多人接觸到古典音樂 港樂和香港的城市脈搏深深緊扣, 積極推廣管弦樂至社會各階層, 將精彩的音樂會體驗帶到各家各戶, 當中不少重要演出更透過電台及電視轉播給全港市民欣賞, 包括於跑馬地馬場遊樂場舉行的全年最大型交響演奏 太古 港樂. 星夜. 交響曲 為了提高全港中 小 特殊學生對古典音樂的興趣, 港樂舉辦音樂教育計劃 豐保險創意音符, 提供免費音樂會及各項教育活動 樂團亦經常與其他藝團如香港歌劇院合作, 並與中外流行歌手作跨界演出 港樂的海外巡迴演出, 讓樂團在港外建立聲譽及進一步提升藝術水平 樂團曾參與上海之春國際音樂節及北京國際音樂節,2009 年 1 月, 樂團在迪華特的領導下到廣州 北京及上海作中國巡演 2010 年 9 月, 迪華特再次到中國巡演, 並分別在上海世博會 2010 西安及北京演出 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO) is one of Asia s leading orchestras. Enriching Hong Kong s cultural life for over a century, the Orchestra has grown into a formidable ensemble of Chinese and international talents, attracting world-class artists to collaborate on its stage. HKPO annually touches the lives of over 200,000 music lovers through more than 150 performances. Under the leadership of Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Edo de Waart, HKPO continues to scale new heights in musical excellence. The continuing cycle of Mahler symphonies and challenging programming outside the traditional repertoire have become highly anticipated events as well as musical milestones for the Orchestra. The 2011/12 season will mark Maestro Edo de Waart s eighth and final season with the HKPO. Apart from his own series of five special programmes which are summaries of his achievements with the Orchestra over the last seven years, ending with Beethoven s Ninth Symphony, the new season will also attract a stellar cast of great artists and guest conductors. Star soloists such as Gil Shaham, Frank Peter Zimmerman, Paul Lewis, André Watts, Susan Graham, Paul Watkins and renowned maestros with the likes of Andrea Delfs, Jaap van Zweden, Osmo Vänskä, Alexander Lazarev, Hans Graf and Lawrence Foster will join the Orchestra on stage. From April 2006, The Swire Group Charitable Trust became the Hong Kong Philharmonic s Principal Patron. Swire s sponsorship of the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the largest in the Orchestra s history, supports artistic growth and development as the Orchestra takes its place on the world stage, and brings performances of musical excellence to the widest possible public. HKPO stays in tune with our city by presenting the orchestra in unexpected venues and bringing the excitement of the concert experience to every home through radio and television broadcasts including the largest symphonic event of the year, Swire Symphony under the Stars, at Happy Valley. The Orchestra runs a comprehensive schools education programme, HSBC Insurance Creative Notes, bringing the joy of classical music to primary, secondary and special school kids. The orchestra also collaborates regularly with other performing arts organisations such as Opera Hong Kong in addition to its crossover series with Western and Chinese pop artists. The Orchestra also builds its reputation and raises its artistic standards by touring. Apart from participating in the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and the Beijing Music Festival, the Orchestra undertook a China tour of Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai under the leadership of Maestro de Waart in January In September 2010, de Waart and the HKPO returned to China, performing at the Expo 2010 Shanghai, Xi an and Beijing to critical acclaims. 香港管弦樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助香港管弦樂團首席贊助 : 太古集團香港管弦樂團為香港文化中心場地伙伴 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre

8 PHOTO Keith Hiro

9 艾度. 迪華特香港管弦樂團藝術總監兼總指揮 香港管弦樂團藝術總監兼總指揮艾度. 迪華特享譽國際, 素有 樂團建造者 的美譽, 擅於成功將其帶領的樂團提升至高度卓越的藝術水平 他曾擔任的要職包括 : 悉尼交響樂團及荷蘭電台愛樂樂團的藝術總監兼總指揮 荷蘭歌劇院總指揮, 以及鹿特丹愛樂樂團 三藩市交響樂團和明尼蘇達樂團的音樂總監 他現同時擔任美國密爾沃基交響樂團的音樂總監 聖保羅室樂團的藝術伙伴和荷蘭電台愛樂樂團的桂冠指揮 除指揮交響樂外, 迪華特亦曾於世界各頂尖歌劇院執棒, 如 : 倫敦科芬園 德國拜萊特 巴黎巴士底 紐約大都會, 並曾在三藩市和悉尼指揮全套華格納 指環 歌劇音樂會 他指揮港樂演出李察. 史特勞斯的 莎樂美 深宮情仇 玫瑰騎士 女武神 第一幕 浦契尼的 蝴蝶夫人 和貝多芬的 費黛里奧 歌劇音樂會, 均獲高度評價 迪華特經常應邀到各個世界一流的交響樂團擔任客席指揮及與無數著名音樂家合作, 灌錄過的專輯多不勝數, 他曾為 Philips Virgin EMI Telarc 及 RCA 等著名唱片品牌錄音, 其中更包括為 Octavia/Exton 灌錄 與荷蘭電台愛樂合演的全套拉赫曼尼諾夫管弦樂作品及華格納歌劇序曲 艾度. 迪華特憑藉其傑出的音樂成就榮獲多項殊榮 他分別獲得荷蘭政府頒發雄獅勳位, 以及澳洲政府頒發澳洲勳章, 以表揚他於擔任悉尼交響樂團藝術總監兼總指揮任內期間, 對提升澳洲文化藝術生活所作出的貢獻 他又獲香港演藝學院頒發榮譽院士, 以肯定他於國際間取得的音樂成就, 特別是他對培育香港新一代音樂家所作出的努力 Edo de Waart Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Edo de Waart is Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Renowned as an orchestral builder who has the enviable ability to transform his orchestras into world-class ensembles, de Waart has held such distinguished positions as Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Sydney Symphony and the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic, Chief Conductor of the Netherlands Opera, as well as Music Director of the Rotterdam Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony and Minnesota Orchestras. He is also Music Director of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Artistic Partner of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and Conductor Laureate of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic. As an opera conductor, Edo de Waart has enjoyed success in many of the great opera houses of the world, including Covent Garden, Bayreuth, Bastille and the Metropolitan Opera. He has led highly regarded Wagner Ring Cycles in San Francisco and Sydney and has conducted a series of critically acclaimed concert performances of Richard Strauss s Salome, Elektra, Der Rosenkavalier and Act I of The Valkyrie, Puccini s Madama Butterfly as well as Beethoven s Fidelio with the Hong Kong Philharmonic. Edo de Waart is in constant demand as a guest conductor, regularly appearing with the world s leading symphony orchestras and musicians. His extensive recording catalogue encompasses releases for Philips, Virgin, EMI, Telarc and RCA. For Octavia/Exton, he has recorded the complete orchestral works by Rachmaninov and overtures of Wagner with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic. Maestro de Waart has received a number of awards for his outstanding achievements in music. He is a Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion and he was awarded the Order of Australia a reflection of his invaluable contribution to Australian cultural life during his decade with the Sydney Symphony. He was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in recognition of his contribution to music internationally, and in particular, his commitment to developing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong. 總指揮贊助基金 由 The Octavian Society Limited 及劉元生慈善基金贊助 The Maestro s Chair is endowed by the Octavian Society & Y. S. Liu Foundation.

10 Peninsula Ad

11 梁喜媛鋼琴 Joyce Yang piano 韓籍鋼琴家梁喜媛自贏得第 12 屆范. 克萊本國際鋼琴大賽銀獎後於國際樂壇上嶄露頭角, 她於該屆賽事中同時憑著與 塔卡契四重奏的合作贏得史提芬. 德. 格魯特最佳室樂演奏獎和包法利. 泰勒. 史密夫最佳新作演繹獎, 盡顯其多才多藝的一面 2010 年, 她榮獲古典樂壇其中一個最高榮譽 艾菲力. 費殊事業獎 2006 年, 她於艾菲力. 費殊音樂廳與馬錫爾和紐約愛樂樂團首演, 贏得各方好評, 稍後更隨團到亞洲巡迴演出, 凱旋回歸祖國南韓演出 自此, 他們定期合作, 其中包括 2008 年 9 月在當時最後一季擔任紐約愛樂音樂總監的馬錫爾的特別邀請下, 參演伯恩斯坦節的開幕節目 2010 年夏季, 梁喜媛與蒂拉帕拉及三藩巿交響樂團首演, 並再次與哥倫及芝加哥交響樂團合作, 於拉萬尼亞音樂節亮相, 又參與阿斯本音樂節, 與史拉健和阿斯本節日樂團合作 其他 2010/11 樂季的精彩演出包括與艾度. 迪華特分別在密爾沃基 悉尼 墨爾本 馬來西亞 香港及台灣的協奏曲演出 她又將會到拉夫維夫 康涅狄格 夏威夷 伊利諾斯 內布拉斯加 北卡羅萊納及猶他演繹協奏曲, 以及到阿特蘭大 柏克萊 ( 加州演奏系列 ) 及澳洲悉尼舉行獨奏會, 她亦將首次參加聖達菲室樂音樂節 活躍於室樂演奏的她, 將繼續其與長期合作伙伴塔卡契四重奏的合作, 並與小提琴家捷奇夫及米羅四重奏巡迴演出 生於韓國首爾, 她四歲起隨姨母習琴, 其後數年贏得韓國多項全國大賽, 十歲考進韓國國立藝術大學音樂系,1997 年遠赴美國紐約茱莉亞音樂學院先修班, 師隨卡普連斯基學習 她最近於茱莉亞音樂學院特別榮譽畢業, 並獲得 2010 魯賓斯坦大獎, 現居紐約 Korean pianist Joyce Yang came to international attention when she became the Silver Medalist of the 12th Van Cliburn International Competition. She swept two additional awards as an all-around winner, receiving the Steven De Groote Memorial Award for Best Performance of Chamber Music with the Takàcs Quartet, and the Beverley Taylor Smith Award for Best Performance of a New Work. In 2010 she was awarded an Avery Fisher Career Grant, one of the most prestigious prizes in classical music. In 2006 she made her celebrated New York Philharmonic début with Lorin Maazel at Avery Fisher Hall and performed on their Asian tour, making a triumphant return to her hometown in South Korea. Since then, she has appeared with them frequently, including the opening night of the Leonard Bernstein Festival in September 2008 at the special request of Lorin Maazel in his final season as Music Director. In the summer of 2010, Ms Yang makes her San Francisco Symphony début with Alondra de la Parra, returns to the Chicago Symphony under James Conlon at Ravinia and the Aspen Festival Orchestra led by Leonard Slatkin at the Aspen Music Festival. Other highlights of the 2010/11 season include concerto performances with Edo de Waart in Milwaukee, Sydney, Melbourne, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as appearances as orchestral soloist in Tel Aviv, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Nebraska, North Carolina and Utah. In addition, she performs recitals in Atlanta, Berkeley (Cal Performances) and Sydney, Australia, and makes her first appearance at the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. An avid chamber musician, she continues her longtime collaboration with the Takàcs Quartet, and tours with violinist Stefan Jackiw and the Miró Quartet. Born in Seoul, Korea, Ms. Yang received her first piano lesson at age four from her aunt. Over the next few years, she won several national piano competitions in Korea. By age ten, she had entered the School of Music at the Korea National University of Arts. In 1997, she moved to the United States to begin studies at the Pre-College division of the Juilliard School in New York with Dr. Yoheved Kaplinsky. She recently graduated from Juilliard with special honor, as the recipient of the 2010 Arthur Rubinstein Prize. She currently resides in New York City.

12 費依卡客席團長 Roy Theaker guest concertmaster 費依卡曾以小提琴獨奏身份於世界各地最有名的場地演出, 如倫敦南岸中心 布魯塞爾的歐洲議會 東京三得利音樂廳 ; 他又曾經與墨爾本交響樂團 烏克蘭愛樂 保加利亞國家電台樂團及阿爾加維管弦樂團等合作 他於倫敦畢業後, 便定期與聖馬田樂團及倫敦室樂團合作,2002 年移居葡萄牙, 在當地擔任阿爾加維管弦樂團的團長, 由那時起他活躍於指揮範疇, 並開始指揮交響樂 歌劇 芭蕾舞及其他劇場演出 他曾經與保加利亞國家電台樂團灌錄浦羅哥菲夫及阿拿勞多夫小提琴協奏曲 (Labor 唱片發行 ) 阿爾加維管弦樂團灌錄莫扎特小提琴協奏曲 (FNAC 唱片發行 ), 以客席演奏家身份與布羅德斯基弦樂四重奏合作 (Challenge Classics 發行 ) 及以指揮身份與都柏林銅管樂隊合作灌錄唱片 他以客席團長身份和多個樂團演出, 包括 : 西澳交響樂團 瑞典電台交響樂團 特隆赫姆交響樂團 愛爾蘭電視電台音樂會樂團 特奈里費交響樂團 塞維利亞皇家交響樂團及里斯本鐵路樂團 費依卡現時是墨爾本交響樂團的副團長及墨爾本大學音樂學院樂團的藝術顧問兼指揮 去年他指揮墨爾本交響樂團, 並以獨奏及領奏身份領導一個全莫扎特音樂會系列, 最近更獲澳洲交響樂公司選入指揮發展計劃, 他在該計劃指揮奧克蘭愛樂團 生於英格蘭的費依卡在曼奴軒音樂學院隨李文周學習, 又曾經入讀倫敦皇家音樂學院, 並於維也納音樂學院隨庫喜納學藝 費依卡演奏用的是一把 1840 年製的奧杜赫. 迪哈斯 米賀庫 名琴 As a violin soloist Roy Theaker has performed at some of the world s most prestigious halls, from the Southbank, London, to the European Parliament, Brussels and Suntory Hall, Tokyo with Orchestras such as Melbourne Symphony, Ukrainian Philharmonic, Bulgarian National Radio, and Orquestra do Algarve. After studies in London he worked regularly with the Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields and the London Chamber Orchestra until moving to Portugal in 2002 to take up the position of Concertmaster with the Orquestra do Algarve, where alongside his role as such he became increasingly active as a conductor in symphonic, opera, ballet and theatre performances. CD recordings include, as soloist in the violin concerti of Prokofiev and Arnaoudov with the Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra for Labor Records, Mozart with Orquestra do Algarve on the FNAC label, as a guest with the Brodsky String quartet on the Challenge Classics label, and as conductor, a recent release with Dublin Brass. He has performed as Guest Concertmaster with numerous orchestras including West Australian Symphony, Swedish Radio Symphony, Trondheim Sinfonia, RTE Concert, Sinfonica de Tenerife, Real Sinfonica Sevilla and Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa. Roy is currently the Associate Concertmaster of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Artistic Advisor and conductor of the Melbourne University Conservatorium of Music s Orchestras. Last year he conducted the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, appeared as Soloist/Director in a series of all Mozart programmes with them and was recently selected to take part in Symphony Australia s Conductor Development Program through whom he recently conducted the Auckland Philharmonia. Born in England, he studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School with Wen Zhou Li, the Royal Academy of Music, London and the Vienna Conservatoire with Boris Kuschnir. Roy plays an Honore Derazey, 1840 Mirecourt violin.

13 柴可夫斯基 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 降 B 小調第一鋼琴協奏曲, Op. 23 莊嚴而不太快的快板 有精神的快板質樸的小行板 極急板 回復原速熱烈的快板 Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23 Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso Allegro con spirito Andantino semplice Prestissimo Tempo I Allegro con fuoco 樂團的四音下行音型 一連串驚天動地的鋼琴和弦 柴可夫斯基藉此讓第一鋼琴協奏曲達到先聲奪人的效果 除了貝多芬第五交響曲和巴赫 D 小調觸技曲與賦格曲外, 大概沒有哪首樂曲的開端是同樣膾炙人口 被拿來開玩笑的次數同樣多 被胡亂引用的情況同樣頻繁的了 澳洲傑出鋼琴家 作曲家暨樂壇怪傑格蘭傑形容此曲是他的 戰馬 他騎著這匹戰馬東征西討, 四出征服觀眾 大部分觀眾都對此曲的開端耳熟能詳, 但認識全曲的卻少之又少 ; 儘管如此, 樂曲仍然是最受歡迎 演出機會最多的鋼琴協奏曲之一 With the possible exceptions of Beethoven s Fifth Symphony and Bach s Toccata and Fugue in D minor the opening of no other musical work has become so familiar, so parodied and so frequently used out of context as the pattern of four descending notes, followed by a succession of crashing piano chords with which Tchaikovsky s First Piano Concerto so memorably grabs the listener s attention. The great Australian pianist, composer and eccentric, Percy Grainger, described this as his War-Horse on which he rode into battle countless of times to subdue an audience, and while only a tiny fraction of the people for whom the opening is familiar have any idea of what follows, it still ranks as one of the best loved and frequently performed of all piano concertos.

14 柴可夫斯基 : 第一鋼琴協奏曲 Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 柴可夫斯基創作此曲花了很多的時間和努力, 過程嘔心瀝血, 他自言 要在腦中把迫出樂段來 和 在房間踱來踱去好幾小時 才有靈感寫作 但到了 1875 年 1 月底, 他對樂曲也頗滿意了, 就在聖彼得堡音樂學院為尼古拉. 魯賓斯坦彈奏一遍 柴可夫斯基最初屬意魯賓斯坦負責首演的鋼琴獨奏, 但他後來憶述魯賓斯坦對樂曲反應欠佳 : 他一言不發 一片死寂 我從琴椅上站起來, 問他 : 怎麼樣? 然後他就連珠炮似的 說我的協奏曲一文不值 無法演奏 又差勁又瑣碎又庸俗 僅一 兩頁有少許價值 柴可夫斯基一怒之下在樂譜封面上劃掉了魯賓斯坦的名字, 改把樂曲題獻給傑出德裔大指揮家暨鋼琴家保露 行將巡迴美國演出的保露對樂曲讚賞有加, 認為它 高尚 有力 新穎 ; 樂曲 1875 年 10 月 25 日在美國波士頓首演, 數天後在紐約演出, 美國觀眾反應極為熱烈 第一樂章由圓號聲和震撼的鋼琴和弦構成的開端氣勢如虹, 家傳戶曉 但這些素材隨即消聲匿跡, 無影無蹤 ; 接著的樂段根據烏克蘭民歌寫成, 氣氛輕鬆得多 全樂章長達 20 分鐘 ( 全曲總長度的三分二 ), 因此作曲家有充裕的時間, 既能把多個主題擴充和修飾, 觸及各種情緒和色彩, 又能容納多個難度極高的華采樂段 第二樂章先由長笛掀開序幕, 迷人的主題輾轉由長笛 鋼琴及兩把大提琴 奏出 ; 中段速度加快 ( 譜上標示 越快越好 ), 與前段形成對比 ; 鋼琴在 狂想曲式短段過後重拾開端的柔和氣氛 第三樂章開端的主題以另一烏克蘭民歌為基礎, 然後搖身一變由樂團奏出 舞曲, 過後由小提琴引入新主題 新主題儘管初時平平無奇, 但後來卻演變 成全曲最宏偉壯觀 最富麗堂皇的高潮樂段

15 Tchaikovsky had laboured long and hard over the work. At the time he wrote of having to hammer passages...out of my brain and walk up and down the room for hours before ideas came. But towards the end of January 1875 he felt happy enough with the result that he played it through privately to Nikolai Rubinstein, to whom he had dedicated it in the expectation that he would be the soloist at the work s première. As Tchaikovsky later reported, Rubinstein s reaction was not good. Not one word was said absolute silence...i got up from the piano. Well? I said. Then a torrent burst from Rubinstein... My concerto was worthless and unplayable... bad, trivial, vulgar. Only one or two pages had any value. In anger, Tchaikovsky crossed Rubinstein's name off the title page and re-dedicated the work to the great German conductor and pianist Hans von Bülow who was shortly to embark on a concert tour of the USA. Von Bülow had no reservations about the work, describing it as lofty, strong, and original, and when he premièred the Concerto in Boston on 25th October 1875 and repeated it a few days later in New York, it received rousing ovations from the American audiences. The powerful opening of the first movement with its famous horn call and sledgehammer chords from the piano lays something of a false trail, since this material never again appears in the concerto. It gives way to rather lighter and considerably more nimble music based on a folk melody from the Ukraine and, at over 20 minutes (almost two-thirds of the concerto s overall length), the movement unfolds expansively, passes through the whole gamut of emotions, moods and colours and includes several truly virtuosic cadenzas for the soloist. The second movement is introduced by a charming flute theme which is quickly taken over by the piano which, in turn, passes it on to a pair of cellos. The central section provides a contrast in speed (it is marked as fast as possible ) but a short rhapsodic passage for the piano brings the movement back to the gentle mood of the opening. Another Ukrainian folk song provides the material for the theme with which the third movement opens. This turns into a dance from the orchestra before the violins tentatively introduce a theme which, innocuous as it might seem at first, is going to produce the grandiose, glittering climax to the concerto. 樂隊編制 : 兩支長笛 兩支雙簧管 兩支單簧管 兩支巴松管 四支圓號 兩支小號 三支長號 定音鼓及弦樂組 港樂於 1978 年首次演出此協奏曲, 由蒙瑪指揮 柯吉斯汀. 安里伐斯擔任獨奏 The orchestra for this concerto calls for: two flutes, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, four horns, two trumpets, three trombones, timpani, and strings. The Hong Kong Philharmonic s first performance of this concerto was in 1978, conducted by Hans Günter Mommer. The pianist solo was Agustin Anievas.

16 柴可夫斯基 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky F 小調第四交響曲,Op. 36 較慢的行板 活躍的中板如歌的小行板諧謔曲 ( 以撥弦演奏頑固音型 快板 ) 終曲 ( 火熱的快板 ) Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36 Andante sostenuto moderato con anima Andantino in modo di canzona Scherzo (Pizzicato ostinato Allegro) Finale (Allegro con fuoco) 浪漫派晚期作曲家對交響曲的信念, 來自柴可夫斯基給同事坦尼耶夫信中的一番話 : 我不打算讓筆管寫下只有空洞和弦而無內涵的交響曲 難道交響曲不應交代那些無法言傳 卻有需要表達的東西嗎? 的確, 柴可夫斯基每首交響曲都像有很深刻 很真摯的東西要表達似的, 但他至少也不反對以筆墨交代自己的創作原意 以第四交響曲為例, 柴可夫斯基就曾向梅克夫人詳述樂曲含義 梅克夫人的丈夫於 1876 年去世, 生前是位工程師, 靠在俄羅斯鋪設鐵路發跡 ; 夫人孀居後為扶掖年輕音樂家, 不惜大灑金錢, 費盡心血 由於她對柴可夫斯基的 音樂情有獨鍾, 因此在得悉後者生活捉襟見肘時, 就開始委約他創作新曲 一段奇異的友誼旋即展開 : 兩人雖然只見過兩次面 ( 由於梅克夫人患有近視, 其中一次她其實 看 不見柴可夫斯基 ), 但隨後 13 年間兩人互通書信卻達數千次, 梅克夫人更定期發放豐厚津貼予柴可夫斯基 這種關係對柴可夫斯基而言來得正合時宜,1877 年中, 柴可夫斯基已幾乎完成首三個樂章, 正準備動筆創作第四交響曲的最後一個樂章 他突然和安東蓮娜. 美莉奧高娃結婚, 環繞這段撲朔迷離的婚姻, 衍生了許多疑幻似真的故事 但有一點是可以肯定的, 就是這段婚姻對柴可夫斯基來說的而且確是一場災難 9 月, 他逃離新婚的妻子往瑞士和意大利療養, 整整一年於俄羅斯消聲暱跡, 直至盤川用盡才不得不返回老家投靠梅克夫人 柴可夫斯基 1878 年 1 月 7 日完成全首第四交響曲, 並特意把樂曲題獻給梅克夫人, 並在樂譜上寫上 獻給最要好的摯友 樂曲 1878 年 2 月 10 日在聖彼得堡首演

17 The credo of late Romantic symphonists was set out in a letter Tchaikovsky wrote to his colleague Sergey Taneyev; I should not wish for a symphony to come from my pen which expresses nothing and consisted only of empty chords. Should not a symphony express those things for which there are no words but which still need to be expressed? Certainly every one of Tchaikovsky s symphonies gives the impression of expressing something profound and heartfelt; but he was not against at least trying to express in words what it was that his symphonies set out to portray. In the case of his Fourth Symphony, he expounded at length over its inner message to Nadezhda von Meck. She had been the wife of an engineer who had made a fortune out of the rapid development of Russia s railways, and, following her husband s death in 1876, she devoted her energies and much of her wealth to helping young musicians. She was greatly attracted to Tchaikovsky s music, and when she learnt that he was chronically short of money began to commission new works from him. Very quickly a strange friendship developed between them. They met just twice (and, due to Nadezhda s short-sightedness, on one of those occasions she never actually saw Tchaikovsky) but over the course of the next 13 years they wrote literally thousands of letters to each other. Nadezhda paid him a generous regular allowance. This relationship came at just the right time for Tchaikovsky. In mid-1877 when he was poised to start work on the Fourth Symphony s last movement, having already largely completed the other three, Tchaikovsky suddenly married Antonina Miliukova. Around Tchaikovsky s marriage has developed a fog of myths and unsubstantiated stories. But that the marriage was a disaster for Tchaikovsky is beyond dispute. In September, he fled from his new wife, to convalesce in Switzerland and Italy. He was absent from Russia for a year, only returning because of financial pressures, which Nadezhda von Meck was able to resolve for him through her support. Tchaikovsky completed the Fourth Symphony on 7th January 1878 dedicating it to Nadezhda with the words, To my best Friend. It was premièred in St Petersburg on 10th February 1878.

18 柴可夫斯基 : 第四交響曲 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 第一樂章伊始, 圓號和巴松管奏出激烈 震撼的號角曲, 小號和高音木管樂緊隨其後, 激烈程度猶有過之 作曲家跟梅克夫人詳細說明樂曲內容時, 明言這就是 命運, 大家都渴求快樂, 而命運正是阻礙我們實現願望的元兇 像達摩克利斯的劍 眾人頭上的刀, 永遠在侵害我們的靈魂 哀怨的圓舞曲樂段響起, 張力隨即減弱 ; 但樂章開端的壓迫感卻縈繞不散, 直至柔和的單簧管主題響起, 配合其他木管樂器短小的抖動音型, 氣氛才開始鬆弛下來 至於第二樂章, 柴可夫斯基則解說道 : 那種憂鬱感覺, 常在夜闌人靜 對影獨坐時來襲 悻悻然回首, 感慨時光飛逝, 前塵往事空餘恨 ; 卻又不願重頭活一次 有快樂的時光, 還有愁苦的片段, 都錯過了, 無法挽回 埋首回憶之中, 既傷感又淒美 一開始由雙簧管淒戚訴說極度憂鬱的主題, 之後氣氛驟變, 關於 快樂時刻 的片段重現, 但悲傷的感覺始終縈繞不散 第三樂章氣氛則截然不同, 充滿幽默感 : 活力十足的弦樂撥弦演奏時, 木管樂卻逕自插入一段充滿鄉土風情的農民舞曲 ; 不消一會, 昂首闊步似的閱兵式樂段 ( 以銅管樂代表 ) 又老實不客氣地打斷了舞曲 這三個樂思各有千秋, 不斷爭妍鬥麗, 直至最後三合為一 第三樂章結尾情緒漸漸高漲, 似乎已把整體氣氛提升到適合迎接第四樂章了 第四樂章開端歡欣快樂 作曲家自言這是 大眾歡度佳節的情景 ; 為了加強農民歡慶的形象, 他引用了一首自己很喜歡的俄羅斯傳統民歌 田野裡有棵白樺樹 可是 再次引用作曲家的說法 儘管看到別人歡欣快活, 揮之不去的命運卻再度出現, 令人無法忘形 忘我 樂章中段, 第一樂章開端壓迫感強烈的號角曲再現, 頓時情感澎湃 ; 但看來它已無力扭轉氣氛, 全曲明確地在歡欣中結束 節目介紹中文翻譯 : 鄭曉彤

19 The first movement begins with a dramatic, battering fanfare from the horns and bassoons followed immediately and with increased violence by the trumpets and higher woodwind instruments. In the detailed description of the symphony Tchaikovsky had given Nadezhda, he described this as Fate, the fatal force which prevents our hopes of happiness from being realised...which, like the Sword of Damocles, is suspended over the head and perpetually poisons the soul. The tension subsides as the music turns into a sorrowful Waltz but the menace of the opening continues to hover over the music and only when a gentle clarinet theme emerges, accompanied by little flutters from its fellow woodwind instruments, does the mood begin to lighten. He described the mood of the second movement as that melancholy feeling which comes in the evening when one sits alone. One is sad because so much is gone and one regrets the past, yet has no wish to live all over again. There were happy moments... there were gloomy moments too and irreplaceable losses. It is sad and somehow sweet to bury oneself in the past. A solitary oboe starts the movement with a deeply melancholy theme. Again there are episodes where the mood changes the happy moments but the sense of sorrowful reminiscing never fully recedes. In marked contrast, the third movement finds a great deal of humour when energetic pizzicato strings are interrupted by a rustic peasant dance played by the woodwind instruments. They, in turn, are rudely interrupted by a strutting military parade (represented by the brass). These three opposing ideas compete until all three are combined. This seems to have lifted the Symphony s mood sufficiently for the fourth movement to start with a real sense of rejoicing. In Tchaikovsky s own words, it is a picture of festive popular rejoicing. To enhance the idea of this being the peasants celebration Tchaikovsky incorporates into this movement one of the traditional Russian folk songs he loved so much In the fields there stood a birch. But, again to quote from his description of the symphony, scarcely has one forgotten oneself and been carried away at the sight of someone else s pleasure than indefatigable fate returns and reminds you of yourself. The reappearance of the menacing opening fanfare is a particularly dramatic moment in the middle of this movement, but it seems to have lost its power to poison the mood; the Symphony ends on an unambiguously joyful note. Programme notes by Marc Rochester 編制 : 兩支長笛 短笛 兩支雙簧管 兩支單簧管 兩支巴松管 四支圓號 兩支小號 三支長號 大號 定音鼓 三角鐵 大鼓 鈸及弦樂組 港樂最近於 2009 年演出此交響曲, 由艾度. 迪華特指揮 Instrumentation: two flutes, piccolo, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, four horns, two trumpets, three trombones, tuba, timpani, triangle, bass drum, cymbals, and strings. The Hong Kong Philharmonic s most recent performance was in 2009, conducted by Edo de Waart.

20 Splendour of Russia Ad

21 Splendour of Russia Ad

22 Tchaikovsky Timeline

23 Tchaikovsky Timeline

24 Tchaikovsky Timeline

25 Tchaikovsky Timeline



28 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 第一小提琴 First Violins PHOTO Bobby Lee 梁建楓 Leung Kin-fung 第一副團長 First Associate Concertmaster 王思恆 Wong Sze-hang 第二副團長 Second Associate Concertmaster 朱蓓 Zhu Bei 第三副團長 Third Associate Concertmaster 毛華 Mao Hua 艾度. 迪華特 Edo de Waart 藝術總監兼總指揮 Artistic Director & Chief Conductor 總指揮席位由以下機構贊助 Maestro s Chair endowed by The Octavian Society & Y. S. Liu Foundation 程立 Cheng Li 把文晶 Ba Wenjing 桂麗 Gui Li 許致雨 Anders Hui 李智勝 Li Zhisheng 龍希 Long Xi 梅麗芷 Rachael Mellado 倪瀾 Ni Lan PHOTO Lawrence Chan 蘇柏軒 Perry So 副指揮 Associate Conductor 第二小提琴 Second Violins 王亮 Wang Liang 范丁 Fan Ting # 徐姮 Xu Heng 趙瀅娜 Zhao Yingna 張希 Zhang Xi 梁文瑄 Leslie Ryang Moon-sun 華嘉蓮 Katrina Rafferty 鈴木美矢香 Miyaka Suzuki 冒田中知子 Tomoko Tanaka Mao 李嘉道 Ricardo de Mello 方潔 Fang Jie 何珈樑 Gallant Ho Ka-leung 簡宏道 Russell Kan Wang-to 冒異國 Mao Yiguo 潘廷亮 Martin Poon Ting-leung # 樂師席位由以下機構贊助法國興業私人銀行 # Musician s Chair endowed by Societe Generale Private Banking PHOTOS BY Cheung Chi Wai & Keith Hiro 黃嘉怡 Christine Wong Kar-yee 周騰飛 Zhou Tengfei * 陳怡廷 Chen Yi-ting * 柯雪 Ke Xue

29 第二小提琴 Second Violins * 劉博軒 Liu Boxuan * 劉芳希 Liu Fang-xi 中提琴 Violas PHOTO Natasha Komoda 凌顯祐 Andrew Ling 熊谷佳織 Kaori Wilson 黎明 Li Ming 羅舜詩 Alice Rosen 崔宏偉 Cui Hong-wei 范星 Fan Xing 范欣 Fan Yan 洪依凡 Ethan Heath 孫斌 Sun Bin 王駿 Wang Jun * 付水淼 Fu Shuimiao * 楊帆 Yang Fan * 張姝影 Zhang Shu-ying 大提琴 Cellos 鮑力卓 Richard Bamping 方曉牧 Fang Xiaomu 林穎 Dora Lam 陳怡君 Chen Yi-chun + 關統安 Anna Kwan Ton-an 陳屹洲 Chan Ngat Chau 張明遠 Cheung Ming-yuen 霍添 Timothy Frank 李銘蘆 Li Ming-lu 宋亞林 Yalin Song * 潘 Pan Yan 低音大提琴 Double Basses 林達僑 George Lomdaridze 姜馨來 Jiang Xinlai 馮榕 Feng Rong 費利亞 Samuel Ferrer 首席 Principal 聯合首席 Co-Principal 助理首席 Assistant Principal + 樂師席位由以下機構贊助邱啟楨紀念基金 + Musician s Chair endowed by C. C. Chiu Memorial Fund 林傑飛 Jeffrey Lehmberg 鮑爾菲 Philip Powell 范戴克 Jonathan Van Dyke * 張沛姮 Chang Pei-heng * 何鴻毅家族基金 香港管弦樂團駐團學員培訓 計劃樂手 * Fellows of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Orchestral Fellowship Scheme

30 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 長笛 Flutes 短笛 Piccolo 史德琳 Megan Sterling 盧韋歐 Olivier Nowak 施家蓮 Linda Stuckey 雙簧管 Oboes 英國管 Cor Anglais 韋爾遜 Michael Wilson 布若芙 Ruth Bull 杜爾娜 Sarah Turner 單簧管 Clarinets 低音單簧管 Bass Clarinet 史安祖 Andrew Simon 史家翰 John Schertle 簡博文 Michael Campbell 巴松管 Bassoons 低音巴松管 Contra Bassoon 莫班文 Benjamin Moermond 李浩山 Vance Lee 崔祖斯 Adam Treverton Jones 圓號 Horns 韋麥克 Mark Vines 柏如瑟 Russell Bonifede 周智仲 Chow Chi-chung 高志賢 Marc Gelfo 李少霖 Homer Lee Siu-lam 李妲妮 Natalie Lewis 小號 Trumpets 長號 Trombones 傲高年 Colin Oldberg 莫思卓 Christopher Moyse 華達德 Douglas Waterston 韋雅樂 Jarod Vermette 韋力奇 Maciek Walicki 大號 Tuba 定音鼓 Timpani 陸森柏 Paul Luxenberg 龐樂思 James Boznos 敲擊樂器 Percussion 豎琴 Harp 鍵盤 Keyboard 泰貝桑 Shaun Tilburg 梁偉華 Raymond Leung Wai-wa 胡淑徽 Sophia Woo Shuk-fai 史基道 Christopher Sidenius 葉幸沾 Shirley Ip 特約樂手 Extra players 低音大提琴 Double Bass 低音長號 Bass Trombone 許裕成 Simon Hui 戴凡納 # John Thevenet # # 承蒙拿坡里愛樂樂團允許參與演出 # With kind permission of the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra

31 RHF Ad

32 香港管弦協會 Hong Kong Philharmonic Society 名譽贊助人行政長官曾蔭權先生 HONORARY PATRON The Chief Executive The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, GBM 執行委員會劉元生先生主席 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr Y. S. Liu Chair 董事局劉元生先生主席 蘇澤光先生副主席 陳祖泳女士邱詠筠女士蔡關穎琴律師蔡寬量教授霍經麟先生湯德信先生喬浩華先生林煥光先生梁馮令儀醫生劉靖之教授羅志力先生伍日照先生蘇兆明先生冼雅恩先生詩柏先生鄧永鏘爵士黃錦山先生衛嘉仁先生 贊助基金委員會 伍日照先生主席 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mr Y. S. Liu Chairman Mr Jack C. K. So, JP Vice-Chairman Ms Joanne Chan Ms Winnie Chiu Mrs Janice Choi, MH Prof. Daniel Chua Mr Glenn Fok Mr David Fried Mr Peter Kilgour Mr Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP Prof. Liu Ching-chih Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Mr Stephan Spurr Sir David Tang, KBE Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan Mr David Zacharias ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Chair 蔡關穎琴律師伍日照先生冼雅恩先生蘇澤光先生詩柏先生 財務委員會冼雅恩先生主席 霍經麟先生劉元生先生伍日照先生黃錦山先生黃文耀先生 籌款委員會蔡關穎琴律師主席 邱詠筠女士周董立茂女士 Tasha Lalvani 女士副主席 陳天賜先生湯德信先生伍日照先生施彼德先生蘇澤光先生 Mrs Janice Choi, MH Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Mr Jack C. K. So, JP Mr Stephan Spurr FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Chair Mr Glenn Fok Mr Y. S. Liu Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan Mr Robert T. Wong FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Mrs Janice Choi, MH Chair Ms Winnie Chiu Mrs Leigh Tung Chou Mrs Tasha Lalvani Vice-chair Mr Chan Tin Chi Mr David Fried Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Peter Siembab Mr Jack C. K. So, JP 林煥光先生劉元生先生冼雅恩先生 Mr Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP Mr Y. S. Liu Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 發展委員會詩柏先生主席 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mr Stephan Spurr Chair 名譽顧問陳永華教授張建東博士周永成先生何超瓊女士胡法光先生嘉道理勳爵夫人梁定邦醫生岑才生先生黃英琦女士楊鐵樑爵士 HONORARY ADVISERS Prof. Chan Wing-wah, JP Dr the Hon Marvin Cheung, OBE, SBS, JP Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing, MBE, JP Ms Pansy Ho Chiu-king Mr Hu Fa-kuang, GBS, CBE, JP Lady Kadoorie Dr Ronald Leung, OBE, JP Mr Shum Choi-sang, SBS, OBE, MA, JP Ms Ada Wong Ying-kay, JP The Hon Sir T. L. Yang, GBM, JP 龐樂思先生陳祖泳女士邱詠筠女士蔡寬量教授紀大 教授李偉安先生梁馮令儀醫生鄧永鏘爵士 Mr James Boznos Ms Joanne Chan Ms Winnie Chiu Prof. Daniel Chua Prof. David Gwilt, MBE Mr Warren Lee Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP Sir David Tang, KBE

33 行政人員麥高德先生行政總裁 行政及財務部何黎敏怡女士行政及財務總監 李康銘先生財務經理 張嘉雯小姐人力資源經理 李家榮先生資訊科技及項目經理 郭文健先生行政及財務助理經理 陳碧瑜女士行政秘書 蘇碧華小姐行政及財務高級主任 陳麗嫻小姐接待員 梁錦龍先生辦公室助理 藝術策劃部韋雲暉先生藝術策劃總監 王嘉瑩小姐助理經理 ( 藝術家事務 ) MANAGEMENT Mr Michael MacLeod Chief Executive ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Mrs Vennie Ho Director of Administration and Finance Mr Homer Lee Finance Manager Miss Cherish Cheung Human Resources Manager Mr Andrew Li IT and Project Manager Mr Alex Kwok Assistant Administration and Finance Manager Ms Rida Chan Executive Secretary Miss Vonee So Senior Administration and Finance Officer Miss Pamela Chan Receptionist Mr Sammy Leung Office Assistant ARTISTIC PLANNING Mr Raff Wilson Director of Artistic Planning Miss Michelle Wong Assistant Manager (Artist Liaison) 朱荻恩小姐發展助理經理 韓嘉怡小姐發展助理經理 市場推廣部譚兆民先生市場推廣總監 陳剛濤先生市場推廣經理 梁國順先生巿場及傳訊高級主任 黃穎詩小姐巿場及傳訊主任 陳嘉惠女士編輯 陸可兒小姐企業傳訊主任 林美玲小姐客務主任 樂團事務部邵樂迦先生樂團事務總監 楊劍騰先生樂團人事經理 陳國義先生舞台經理 何思敏小姐樂譜管理 Miss Judy Chu Assistant Development Manager Miss Kary Hon Assistant Development Manager MARKETING Mr Paul Tam Director of Marketing Mr Nick Chan Marketing Manager Mr Gordon Leung Senior Marketing Communications Officer Miss Natalie Wong Marketing Communications Officer Ms Tiphanie Chan Publications Editor Miss Alice Luk Corporate Communications Officer Miss Alice Lam Customer Service Officer ORCHESTRAL OPERATIONS Mr Luke Shaw Director of Orchestral Operations Mr Ambrose Yeung Orchestra Personnel Manager Mr Steven Chan Stage Manager Miss Betty Ho Librarian 羅芷欣小姐藝術策劃助理 Miss Christy Law Artistic Planning Assistant 丁美雲小姐樂團事務助理經理 Miss Natalie Ting Assistant Orchestral Operations Manager 翁瑋瑜小姐教育及外展統籌主任 Miss Flora Yung Education and Outreach Coordinator 蘇近邦先生運輸主任 ( 樂器 ) Mr So Kan Pong Transportation Officer (Musical Instruments) 梁琪琪小姐教育及外展主任 發展部李察先生發展總監 吳凱明女士發展經理 Miss Kiki Leung Education and Outreach Officer DEVELOPMENT Mr Richard Truitt Director of Development Ms Edith Ng Development Manager 聯絡我們香港九龍尖沙咀文化中心行政大樓八樓電話 : 傳真 : Contact us Level 8, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: Fax:

34 Maestro Circle 大師會 大師會特別為熱愛管弦樂的企業及人士而設, 旨在推動香港管弦樂團的長遠發展及豐富市民的文化生活 港樂謹此向下列各大師會會員致謝 Maestro Circle is established for the business community and individuals who are fond of symphonic music. It aims at supporting the long-term development of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and enriching cultural life. We heartily thank the following Maestro Circle members. 白金會員 PLATINUM MEMBERS David M. Webb 鑽石會員 DIAMOND MEMBERS 綠寶石會員 EMERALD MEMBERS Peter Siembab 珍珠會員 PEARL MEMBERS Mrs Joy Chung 以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name

35 多謝支持 Thank You for Your Support 香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support. 樂團席位贊助基金 CHAIR ENDOWMENT FUND 總指揮贊助基金 The Maestro s Chair endowed by The Octavian Society Limited 劉元生慈善基金 Y. S. Liu Foundation 樂師贊助基金 The Musician s Chair endowed by 邱啟楨紀念基金 C. C. Chiu Memorial Fund 法國興業私人銀行 Societe Generale Private Banking 常年經費 ANNUAL FUND 金管贊助人 Gold Patron >HK$100,000 新昌國際集團有限公司 Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited 黃少軒江文璣基金有限公司 Mr & Mrs S H Wong Foundation Ltd 紅寶贊助人 Ruby Patron HK$10,000 HK$29,999 Mr Barry John Buttifant 陳靜娟女士 Ms Vivien C C Chan Mrs Anna Chen 鄭李錦芬女士 Ms Eva Cheng 蔡維邦先生 Mr Edwin Choy Dr & Mrs Carl Fung 馮慶鏘伉儷 Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung 馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 高膺伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 關智健先生及家人 Dr Justin L. Kwan & Family 李健鴻醫生 Dr Lee Kin Hung 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong 麥耀明先生 Mr Lawrence Mak 麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo Dr John Malpas Mrs Anna Marie Peyer 田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation 丁天立伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ivan Ting 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow 汪徵祥慈善基金 The Wang Family Foundation 黃保欣先生 Mr Wong Po Yan 任懿君先生 Mr David Yam Yee Kwan 銀管贊助人 Silver Patron HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Mr & Mrs Alec P Tracy 陳建球伉儷 Mr & Mrs E Chan 張爾惠伉儷 Mr & Mrs Lowell & Phyllis Chang 梁烈安伉儷 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On 翡翠贊助人 Jade Patron HK$5,000 HK$9,999 無名氏 Anonymous (2) 陳振漢醫生 Dr Edmond Chan 陳健華先生 Mr Chen Chien Hua Mr Cheng Kwan Ming Mrs Mitzi Lee 梁冠強先生 Mr Jack Leung 梁贊先生及周嘉平女士 Mr Jan Leung & Ms Emily Chow Mr & Mrs Michael & Angela Grimsdick 何兆煒醫生 Dr William Ho 胡立生先生 Mr Maurice Hoo 龔鳴夫先生 Mr Jackson Kung Ming Foo 梁卓恩先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Cheuk-yan & Rotina Leung 李景行先生 Mr Richard Li Ms Li Shuen Pui Agnes Mr & Mrs John & Coralie Otoshi 彭永福醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs Pang Wing Fuk 潘昭劍先生 Mr Poon Chiu Kim Raymond Ms Carley Shum & Mr Jeff Szeto 銅管贊助人 Bronze Patron HK$30,000 HK$49,999 Mr & Mrs David Fried 金菁女士 Ms Jin Jing 陳智文先生 Mr Stephen Tan 謝超明女士 Ms Tse Chiu Ming 董建成先生夫人紀念鮑復慧女士 Mr C.C. & Mrs Harriet Tung in memory of Ms Ida Pau Fook Wai 明珠贊助人 Pearl Patron HK$3,000 HK$4,999 無名氏 Anonymous (2) 陳鴻遠先生 Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robert 陳葆酉先生及馮永仁先生 Mr Po Chan & Mr Nicholas Fung Mr & Mrs Jonathan Cheng 張德龍先生 Mr Cheung Tak Lung Mr Chow Ping Wah Dr Affandy Hariman Mr Toru Inaoka 關日華醫生 Dr Mike Kwan Yat Wah Mr Lee Chi Wa 陸伯良先生 Dr Joseph Pang Mr Tsunehiko Taketazu 曾文生先生 Mr Eric M S Tsang 胡志剛先生 Mr Wu Chi Kong

36 多謝支持 Thank You for Your Support 香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support. 學生票資助基金 STUDENT TICKET FUND 金管贊助人 Gold Patron >HK$100,000 生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation 紅寶贊助人 Ruby Patron HK$10,000 HK$29,999 無名氏 Anonymous Mr Ian D Boyce 陳求德醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak Mr David Chiu 馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 高膺伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 關智健先生及家人 Dr Justin L. Kwan & Family 李玉芳女士 Ms Doreen Lee 梁惠棠醫生 Dr Thomas W T Leung 羅家驩慈善基金 Lo Kar Foon Foundation 朗軒創意國際有限公司 Long Hin Creative International Ltd. 文本立先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Bernard Man 黃建安先生 Mr Thomas Wong Kin On 任懿君先生 Mr David Yam Yee Kwan 葉謀遵博士 Dr M T Geoffrey Yeh 銀管贊助人 Silver Patron HK$50,000 HK$99,999 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited 信興教育及慈善基金 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund 翡翠贊助人 Jade Patron HK$5,000 HK$9,999 無名氏 Anonymous Mr Iain Bruce Mrs Anna Chen 陳健華先生 Mr Chen Chien Hua Mr Chu Ming Leong 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen 熊芝華老師 Ms Teresa Hung 關家雄醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs Kwan Ka Hung 梁卓恩先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan & Rotina Leung Ms Liu Ying Dr Lo Xina 駱余劍清紀念基金 Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund Nathaniel Foundation Limited 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow Mr Wong Kong Chiu 盛平公證行有限公司 Zennon & Pierre Company Limited 銅管贊助人 Bronze Patron HK$30,000 HK$49,999 李國賢博士 Dr Simon K.Y. Lee 梁家傑伉儷 Mr & Mrs Alan Leong Dr John Shum Ding Ping & Ms Chan Kit Wah Eva 王培麗博士紀念鮑復慧女士 Dr Eleanor Wong in memory of Ms Ida Pau Fook Wai 明珠贊助人 Pearl Patron HK$3,000 HK$4,999 無名氏 Anonymous (3) 陳鴻遠先生 Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robert Mrs K L Chan Dr Chan Man Wai 周慕華女士 Ms Catherine Mo Wah Chau Ms Katherine Cheung 祈大衛教授 Professor David Clarke 馮為佳先生及馮霍幸楹女士 Mr Alex Fung & Mrs Hanne Froseth-Fung 何炳佑先生夫人伉儷 Mr & Mrs Phyllis & Adolf Ho 劉秉勳先生 Mr Philip Lau 劉玉強先生 Mr Matthew Lau Yuk Keung 李慕怡小姐 Ms Morley Lee 李樹榮博士 Dr Lee Shu Wing Ernest 梁錦暉先生 Mr Leung Kam Fai 林燕女士 Ms Lemon Lim Yin 呂永照先生 Mr Lui Wing Chiu 羅紫媚 & Joe Joe Mr Lo Cheung On, Andrew Dr Ingrid Lok Hung 麥輝成先生 Mr Mak Fai Shing 芥籽園基金 Mustard Seed Foundation Oxford Success (Overseas) Ltd 岑才生先生 Mr Shum Choi Sang 蘇展鵬先生 Mr C. P. So Miss Ophelia Tam Ms Tsang Kwai Fong 蔡東豪先生 Mr Tony Tsoi 王立怡小姐 Ms Jennifer Wang 黃星華博士 Dr Dominic S W Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Mr Wu Ken 胡躍民先生及顧曉方女士 Mr Wu Yeuk Man & Ms Ku Hiu Fong Cindy 教育項目資助機構 EDUCATION PROGRAMME SUPPORTER 豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation

37 贊助基金 ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND 贊助基金於一九八三年由以下機構贊助得以成立 The Endowment Trust Fund was set up in 1983 with these initial sponsors. 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 豐銀行慈善基金 置地有限公司 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust The Hongkong Bank Foundation The Hongkong Land Group 花旗銀行 怡和有限公司 香港董氏慈善基金會 Citibank, NA Jardine, Matheson & Company Ltd The Tung Foundation 商藝匯萃 PAGANINI PROJECT 此計劃由 商藝匯萃 發起及組織 This project is initiated and organised by Business for Art Foundation. 汪穗中先生捐贈 艾曼. 謝曼明 (1907) 小提琴. 由冒田中知子小姐使用張爾惠先生捐贈 洛治. 希爾 (c.1800) 小提琴. 由王亮先生使用鍾普洋先生捐贈 多尼. 哈達 (1991) 大提琴. 由張明遠先生使用史葛. 羅蘭士先生捐贈 安素度. 普基 (1910) 小提琴. 由張希小姐使用 Donated by Mr Patrick Wang Emile Germain (1907) Violin, played by Ms Tomoko Tanaka Mao Donated by Mr Lowell Chang Lockey Hill (c.1800) Violin, played by Mr Wang Liang Donated by Mr Po Chung Dawne Haddad (1991) Violoncello, played by Mr Cheung Ming-yuen Donated by Mr Laurence Scofield Ansaldo Poggi (1910) Violin, played by Ms Zhang Xi 香港管弦協會婦女會捐贈 樂器捐贈 INSTRUMENTAL DONATION Donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society 所捐贈之罕有樂器 Rare instruments donated 安域高. 洛卡 (1902) 小提琴. 由程立先生使用 Enrico Rocca (1902) Violin, played by Mr Cheng Li 桑. 巴蒂斯. 維爾翁 (1866) 小提琴由第三副團長 Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1866) Violin, played by Ms Bei Zhu, 朱蓓小姐使用 Third Associate Concertmaster 約瑟. 加里亞奴 (1788) 小提琴由第二副團長 Joseph Gagliano (1788) Violin, played by 王思恆先生使用 Mr Wong Sze-hang, Second Associate Concertmaster 卡洛. 安東尼奧. 狄斯多尼 (1736) 小提琴, Carlo Antonio Testore (1736) Violin, played by Mr Ni Lan 由倪瀾先生使用 為支持 提升樂團樂器素質計劃 而捐贈之其他樂器 德國轉閥式小號兩支 德國華格納大號乙套 翼號乙支 Other instruments donated in support of the Instrument Upgrade and Enhancement Project Two German Rotary Trumpets A set of Wagner Tubas A Flugelhorn

38 Concert Calendar

39 CSS Ad

40 Tom Lee Ad Back Cover

Late-comers are NOT allowed to take the exam. Group 1: Reporting Time in SAR: 14:55 6A 21 CHEUNG HIU KWAN F 6B 32 TAM SHUK CHUN F 6C 2 CHIM HO WANG M

Late-comers are NOT allowed to take the exam. Group 1: Reporting Time in SAR: 14:55 6A 21 CHEUNG HIU KWAN F 6B 32 TAM SHUK CHUN F 6C 2 CHIM HO WANG M Late-comers are NOT allowed to take the exam. Group 1: Reporting Time in SAR: 14:55 6A 21 CHEUNG HIU KWAN F 6B 32 TAM SHUK CHUN F 6C 2 CHIM HO WANG M 6D 3 CHEN KA WANG M Group 2: Reporting Time in SAR:

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