台灣生物多樣性研究 稿約 壹 一般說明 一 台灣生物多樣性研究 為行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心出版之學術期刊, 歡迎國內外學者發表有關生物多樣性或自然保育之學術論文與有關物種出現資料之資料論文, 但以未曾在其他刊物發表之原創研究及資料為限 二 本刊為網路期刊, 隨時接受投稿, 並於每年 1

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1 台灣生物多樣性研究 稿約 壹 一般說明 一 台灣生物多樣性研究 為行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心出版之學術期刊, 歡迎國內外學者發表有關生物多樣性或自然保育之學術論文與有關物種出現資料之資料論文, 但以未曾在其他刊物發表之原創研究及資料為限 二 本刊為網路期刊, 隨時接受投稿, 並於每年 1 月 4 月 7 月及 10 月在中心網站 ( 刊登發行 三 撰稿中 英文均可, 來稿以完整微軟 WORD 格式文稿電子檔傳送至 台灣生物多樣性研究 期刊編輯委員會電子信箱 ( 四 經本刊接受刊登之稿件, 投稿著作所有列名作者皆同意授權本刊單位以非專屬授權之方式再授權, 並得為重製 八開傳輸 授權用戶下載 列印等行為 為符合資料庫之需求, 並得進行格式之變更 五 稿件無稿酬, 但經刊登之文稿將提供 PDF 檔給作者, 不另贈送抽印本 公 來稿由本刊送請相關學者專家審查 簽註意見或修改, 如需修改者再送請作者自行補充修正, 作者應於收稿 2 週內完成修正, 如於收稿 2 個月後仍未將修正稿件寄回者, 視同放棄投稿 稿件付印前作者應負責校對 七 通訊作者需在期刊出版前簽署文稿版權轉移同意書給期刊編輯室 貳 文稿章節順序 一 學術論文部份依照 1. 題目,2. 作者姓名 服務單位 地址,3. 通訊作者之 ,4. 摘要,5. 關鍵詞,6. 緒言,7. 材料與方法,8. 結果與討論 ( 可分列 ),9. 結論 ( 可省略 ),10. 謝誌 ( 可省略 ),11. 引用文獻等順序撰寫 ; 其中 1 至 5 項請中英文並列, 本文為中文撰寫者, 依先中文後英文順序 ; 本文為英文撰寫者, 則先英文後中文 文章若屬於研究短報 (Note) 者可不分章節 二 資料論文部份依照 1. 題目,2. 作者姓名 服務單位 地址,3. 通訊作者之 ,4. 摘要,5. 關鍵詞,6. 物種出現資料之資料集 (Dataset) 與詮釋資料 (Metadata) 連結網址, 請依據國際共通之達爾文核心集 (Darwin Core, DwC) 及生態詮釋資料語言 (Ecological Metadata Language, EML) 格式, 儲存於廣用並長存之網路八開空間, 如全球生物多樣性資訊機構 (GBIF) 有關資料集, 作者應確保其正確性及所有權, 並使讀者可讀與清楚瞭解, 如有任何異常值或缺少值, 應特別標示 ; 有關詮釋資料, 至少須包括 1. 資料集概述,2. 資料範圍 ( 含分類 空間 時間等 ),3. 採樣方法,4. 智慧財產權聲明, 為鼓勵可由使用者自由分享 修改之開放資

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3 例 :1. 中 日文期刊 : 柳榗 徍國士 1971 台灣稀有及有絕滅危機之動植物種類 中華林學季刊 4(4): 中 日文書籍 : 徍國士 1980 台灣稀有及有絕滅危機之植物 台灣省教育廳 3. 中 日文彙編書籍 : 徍國士 1987 台灣的稀有植物 周昌弘 彭鏡毅 趙淑妙撰( 編 ) 台灣植物資源與保育 頁 中華民國自然生態保育協會 4. 英文期刊 : Clough, B Mangrove forest productivity and biomass accumulation in Hinchinbrook Channel, Australia. Mangroves and Salt Marshes 2: 英文期刊 :Pimm, S. L. and J. L. Gittleman Biodiversity : Where is it? Science 255: 英文期刊 :Baker, C. S., F. Cipriano and S. R. Palumbi Molecular genetic identification for whale and dolphin products from commercial markets in Korea and Japan. Molecular Ecology 5: 英文書籍 :Soule, M. E. and B. A. Wilco Conservation biology: An evolutionary-ecological, approach. Sinauer Associates, Sunderand, Massachusetts. 8. 英文彙編書籍 :Jinchu, H. and W. Fuwen Development and progress of breeding and rearing giant pandas in captivity within China. pp In: H. Jinchu (ed.). Research and progress in biology of the giant panda. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Sichuan, People s Republic of China.

4 I. General Guides: Notice to Contributors 1. The Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity is an online journal (January, April, July and October, by the Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture. The journal is an academic publication that welcomes the submission of manuscripts of various biological disciplines, including data paper, in the field of biodiversity. The manuscripts are limited to original work and species occurrence data previously unpublished in any other journal. 2. The journal accepts manuscripts written in either Chinese or English. Submission of manuscripts in Microsoft WORD format to be done via 3. Manuscript submitted will be sent to at least two referees in the field of its specialty for peer review and comments. Revised manuscripts will be reexamined by the Editorial Board. Author(s) are responsible for proof correction of the printer s copy to ensure accuracy. 4. Corresponding author is required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement for the paper accepted for publication to the journal publisher, the Endemic Species Research Institute. II. Manuscript Preparation: 1. Research paper: Manuscript should be written in a sequence of 1) Title, 2) Authors full name 3) Author(s) affiliations(s) and address(es), 4) Abstract, 5) Key words, 6) Introduction, 7) Materials and methods, 8) Results, 9) Discussion, 10) Conclusions, 11) Acknowledgements, 12) Literature Cited. Of them 1 to 5 should be written in dual languages, Chinese and English. 2. Data paper: Manuscript should be written in a sequence of 1) Title, 2) Authors full name, 3) Author(s) affiliations(s) and address(es), 4) Abstract, 5) Key words, 6) URL of the website where the dataset and metadata are available. The dataset and metadata should be built in the international standard formats of Darwin Core (DwC) and Ecological Metadata Language (EML). For species occurrence open data repositories, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is suggested. Author(s) must confirm the correctness and authenticity of the data prior to submission. The data should be readable and its meaning obvious for the data user(s). Importantly, if anomalies, outliers, and/or missing values are included in the data, a distinct number or symbol should be used to clearly identify those values. Metadata should be written at least in 1) Dataset content, 2) Coverage (including Taxonomic, Spatial and Temporal aspects), 3) Methods, 4) Intellectual property rights disclaimer. To promote the free dissemination of biodiversity open data, author(s) should not assert any proprietary rights to the dataset and metadata. For example, This {DATA(BASE)} is made available under the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0. ( This {DATA(BASE)- NAME} is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0. ( 3. Cover page should contain title of manuscript, author name(s), author s (s ) affiliation(s),

5 corresponding author s name, telephone number, fax number and address, and a short running title. 4. Title should be less than 30 words. Capitalize the first letter of each word except articles, conjunctions and prepositions. 5. Author s name should be first name first followed by surname. For multiple authors, use a comma to separate the names but the last two names by and. 6. Running title should be less than 50 letters including spaces. 7. Abstract must be a single paragraph not exceeding 500 words. 8. Key words should be no more than 5 words. III.Manuscript Format: 1. Manuscript must be typed using standard software (Microsoft Word) with top, bottom, left and right. Mark page numbers on the bottom. 2 Manuscript should be typed in a uniform character size. There is no need to differentiate paragraph, title, subtitle or contents by using large or small characters. 3. Measurements should use International System of Units (kg, mg, km, m, cm... etc.). All numerals or quantities should be expressed in Arabic numbers. Years in the text should use A.D. universally. 4. Figures and tables in the text should be sequenced by Arabic numbers (e.g. Fig.1 and Table 1). Both graphs and photos use same Fig. designation. 5. Common name of an animal or plant that appears in title and first appears in abstract and text should be accompanied with scientific name. All scientific names in manuscript should be in italics. 6. When citing a reference in text, use surname and year, e.g. (Clough 1998) for single author; use and to link authors, e.g. (Pimm and Gittleman 1992) for double authors; and use et al. e.g. (Baker et al. 1996) for multiple authors. When citing multiple references, separate them with semi-colons in chronological order. 7. Use the following system for arranging references in literature cited. For journals: Clough, B Mangrove forest productivity and biomass accumulation in Hinchinbrook Channel, Australia. Mangroves and Salt Marshes 2: Pimm, S. L. and J. L. Gittleman Biodiversity: Where is it? Science 255: Baker, C. S., F. Cipriano and S. R. Palumbi Molecular genetic identification of whale and dolphin products from commercial markets in Korea and Japan. Molecular Ecology 5: For books and symposiums: Soule, M. E. and B. A. Wilco Conservation biology: An evolutionary-ecological approach. Sinauer Associates, Sunderand, Massachusetts. Jinchu, H. and W. Fuwen Development and progress of breeding and rearing giant pandas in captivity within China. pp In: H. Jinchu (ed). Research and progress in biology of the giant panda. Sichuan Publishing House of Science and Technology, Sichuan, China.

6 8. Table should be typed on a separate sheet and be headed by a title of dual languages (Chinese and English). It consists of only horizontal lines and typed with English terms (if possible) and Arabic numerals. If foot notes are required, mark with superscripts 1, 2, *, #, etc. 9. Figure should be drawn with black ink on a separate white tracing paper with a figure legend of the dual languages below. Computer graph made from laser printer is acceptable. 10. Photograph should be a glossy black and white shot with sufficient resolution to be clearly legible after reduction. When multiple photos are employed, the author should arrange them in plates. Micrographs should include bars indicating scales of magnification. Photos should be pasted on white A4 paper loosely with the figure legend below.

提 纲 1. 概 论 2. 科 学 论 文 各 部 分 的 写 作 3. 科 学 论 文 写 作 经 验 点 滴

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