文學院通訊第八期 Issue No. 8, Arts Faculty Newsletter 2010 年 11 月第八期 Issue No. 8 November 2010 文學院院長的話 很高興 年入學招生我們收到頂尖的學生 今年文學院最高分的兩位學生, 四科得二十五分, 他們完全

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1 2010 年 11 月第八期 Issue No. 8 November 2010 文學院院長的話 很高興 年入學招生我們收到頂尖的學生 今年文學院最高分的兩位學生, 四科得二十五分, 他們完全可以進中大 港大的同類科系, 但選擇了浸大的中國語言文學系 他們說選擇浸大的原因是, 對在中學教自己的中文老師心存感佩, 這幾位老師都是浸大中文系的校友, 他們也認同浸大中文系的課程和創作風氣, 可見我們的中文系在中學生的心目中有很高的地位 此外, 香港高校競爭激烈的 匯豐海外獎學金, 今年浸大四位得獎者中, 有三位來自文學院 : 一位英國語言文學系 一位翻譯學課程 一位英文與英語教學雙學位課程 他們每位獲得港幣約十九萬至三十一萬元的獎學金, 已經赴世界知名大學交換一年 我為我們文學院的學生感到非常驕傲 文學院院長鍾玲教授 Message from the Dean of Arts Dear Colleagues and Friends, I am extremely pleased that the Arts Faculty admitted in 2010 two students with very high admission scores. They chose our Chinese Department while they could have entered CUHK or HKU. They said the reasons why they chose Newsletter Faculty of Arts HKBU are that the curriculum and creative writing courses of the Chinese Department are liberal and attractive, and that they admire and have developed wonderful relationships with their high-school teachers of Chinese Language and Literature in, who are HKBU alumni. Another piece of good news is that among the four HKBU recipients of the HSBC Overseas Scholarship, three are from the Arts Faculty, including the English Language and Literature, Translation, and English Language and Literature and English Language Teaching programmes. I am very proud of our students. Professor Chung Ling Dean, Arts Faculty 音樂系何慧中教授自 2010 年 9 月起, 出任本院之副院長, 任期至 2011 年 1 月中 她主要負責本院素質監管的工作, 以及推行本院之 角逐研究用途補助金激勵獎金方案, 並主持碩士生和博士生畢業論文口試 Professor Ho Wai Chung from the Department of Music was appointed Associate Dean of Arts in September 2010 for one semester. Her duties mainly fall within the area of quality assurance, and include the running of the Arts Faculty s GRF Incentive Award Scheme and the oral examinations of research postgraduate students. 1 文學院院長的話 Message from the Dean of Arts 2 專題 Feature 5 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 15 校友消息 Alumni Corner 16 出版及演出 Publications and Performances 23 活動預告 Upcoming Events 文學院院長的話 Message from the Dean of Arts 1

2 專題 Feature 文學院兩位新生, 同獲獎學金, 同入中文系 Two Scholarship Winners Admitted to Chinese Department 今年文學院一年級的新生中, 高考成績最高的兩位同學, 都入讀了中國語言文學系, 並分別獲得了獎學金 : 趙修雯獲 顧明均先生獎學金, 羅杰濱獲 文學院及中文系獎學金 Chiu Sau Man and Lo Kit Pan, who attained the highest A-level scores among all first year students in the Arts Faculty, received the Mr. Koo Ming Kown Scholarship and the Faculty of Arts and Department of Chinese Language & Literature Scholarship. 良師的循循善誘令趙修雯對浸大中文系甚為嚮往 你為何會選中文為大學主修科? 我從小對中國傳統文化有濃厚的興趣, 中文一直是我最喜愛的科目 在中學時期, 我遇到幾位好老師, 他們都是中文系出身, 循循善誘, 引導我進入廣闊無邊的語文天地 為了深入了解中國文化和文學, 我選中文為大學主修科 我希望自己能夠把中國傳統文化薪火相傳下去 為何會選擇入讀浸會大學中文系? 無巧不成話, 我的中文科老師皆出自浸會大學中文系 他們不僅精於中國語言及文學, 而且對西方文學理論 宗教哲學 社會文化等領域均有所涉獵 從其言行思想, 可見浸會大學中文系的學生具有廣闊的國際視野 靈活的思考方式及優秀的語文能力 因此, 我對浸大中文系甚為嚮往 身為一年級新生, 你對大學生活的印象如何? 在我的印象中, 大學生活是多采多姿, 學生有極大的自由 但是, 我們要在自由中學會自律自主, 培養自學的態度 在參與課外活動中, 鍛鍊解決困難的能力 享受大學生活, 也要預備未來的人生 你對未來的大學生活有什麼期望或計劃? 我希望自己能夠在學習上更上一層樓, 從學習生活中, 擴闊自己的思想, 建立嶄新的觀念 ; 在不同學術活動中, 拉闊自己的國際視野, 豐富人生的體驗 ; 與其他同學老師建立和諧的交流關係 In high school, Chiu Sau Man received a solid education in Chinese language and literature. Inspired by her teachers, she set her mind on studying the subject at a higher level. A decisive factor in her choice to study at HKBU s Department of Chinese Language and Literature was that her high 趙修雯 Chiu Sau Man school Chinese teachers were all graduates from this department. As a first-year student, Chiu finds herself in an environment of much freedom. She has been learning new strategies for studying, new approaches towards independence, and new problem-solving skills. She looks forward to advancing in scholarship, as well as the new inspiration and international horizons that an exciting university life provides. 全面的課程設計及優良的師資吸引羅杰濱選擇浸大中文系 你為何會選中文為大學主修科? 我選擇中文科為大學主修科完全是興趣使然 我自小便喜歡閱讀, 拉拉雜雜地亂讀一通 日子有功, 我的中文能力隨之而有所提昇 因此, 我在會考及高考修讀中國文學科, 在老師的引領下, 對中國文學產生了濃厚的興趣, 為了對中國語言及文學有更全面更深入的了解, 修讀中文當然是不二法門 2 專題 Feature

3 為何會選擇入讀浸會大學中文系? 我選擇入讀浸會大學中文系是因為浸大中文系的課程設計古今並重, 內容更有概括性, 而且課程著重訓練學生的批判思考和研究方法, 使學生更能應付日後升學就業的各種挑戰 此外, 浸大中文系師資優良, 在學術界享負盛名 最後, 浸大中文系的學生在過去的徵文比賽中屢獲殊榮, 足見浸大中文系創作風氣之盛, 此亦令人嚮往 身為一年級新生, 你對大學生活的印象如何? 坦白而言, 我至今仍難適應大學的生活 大學生活給我的印象便是自由, 可以自由地選擇有興趣的科目 就是過度的自由, 令一貫規行矩步的我難以適應 大學生活賦予學生自由, 也要求學生有更高的自律性 你對未來的大學生活有什麼期望或計劃? 上大學之前, 我對所謂大學生必做幾件事已有所聞, 不過我覺得學生應該以學業為重 所以未來我會先照顧好學業, 在學業成績許可下才會參與其他活動 如果可以的話, 我希望到內地大學作交換生, 一來好感受內地生活文化, 二來也好向內地的學者多多學習 Three Arts Faculty students among the four HKBU awardees received scholarships from the HSBC Scholarship Scheme to study in UK universities in the academic year 2010/11. David Li (Translation, Year 3) and Maria Lo (English Language and Literature, Year 3) will study Economics and English Language and Literature respectively at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Dee Dee Lee (English Language and Literature and English Language Teaching, Year 3) will major in Sociolinguistics at Cardiff University. 文學院三位同學 ( 全校四位 ) 獲得 匯豐海外獎學金計劃 頒發獎學金, 於本學年到英國留學一年 翻譯學 Lo Kit Pan s decision to study Chinese was based on his interests. His insatiable appetite for reading since childhood has contributed to a solid foundation in his Chinese language proficiency. His teachers at high school further guided him into the field. One reason 羅杰濱 Lo Kit Pan Lo chose to study in the Chinese Department at HKBU was its curriculum, which emphasizes both the classical and modern periods. Another the most important was the outstanding academic achievements of the teachers and the literary prizes won by staff and students. Lo says that he still needs time to adjust himself to the new freedom of his university life. He also hopes to have a chance to join an exchange programme and study in the Mainland. Arts Faculty Students Awarded Scholarships to Study Overseas 文學院同學獲匯豐海外獎學金 Dee Dee Lee (first from left) and David Li (first from right) 李孟詩 ( 左一 ) 和李浩淼 ( 右一 ) 課程三年級的李浩淼和英國語言文學系三年級的勞恩慈, 赴倫敦政治經濟學院, 分別修讀經濟和英國語言及文學課程 英國語言文學及英語教學課程三年級的李孟詩, 則到卡地夫大學修讀社會語言學課程 專題 Feature 3

4 Swimming Quietly in the Sea of English Literature: An Interview with Maria Lo 靜靜遨遊英文文學海洋 : 勞慈恩 Maria Lo, a third-year undergrad majoring in English, won six scholarships despite severe hearing impairment. Her story was reported in several newspapers when she attended a scholarship presentation ceremony in late March Here, Maria tells us more about her life at HKBU. What got you interested in English? After finishing primary one, I migrated to Australia, where I roamed the neighborhood chattering away in English with other kids. I never studied English, just lots of interactive games and story-reading. The world of English literature has become a paradise since. Why did you choose to join HKBU s Department of English Language and Literature? The rainbow spectrum of linguistics and literature courses. Here is a tropical resort where I swim in the sea of literatures, journey through the works of masters, and metamorphosize! How have the ENG courses taken so far benefited you? I remember the first time I was called in class. I panicked and instinctively disagreed with something in the textbook. But when my professor smiled, I learnt the value of different perspectives. I developed courage. Sharing led to insights. Every semester became a voyage bound for ports unknown; every course a treasure map. These breathtaking journeys are filled with prose and poetry, the great arts and humane ideals, all to be discovered, through the lens of literature. To see the world in a grain of sand. How many scholarships have you won? Six, including the HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme, Padma & Hari Harilela Scholarship Fund for Outstanding Students, the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships/Scholarships for Disabled Students, and most memorably, the Eden and Ling Kwok Scholarship awarded by our President twice. That was my first scholarship and it freed me from the prison brought by my hearing impairment. This Scholarship motivated me to do things I never dreamed possible. What do you enjoy most at HKBU? The close-knit community which makes learning easier, and more enjoyable and effective. Professors know us by our first names, and share time with us, giving academic and personal guidance. Their warmth and generosity helped my every ride through the storms of difficulty and disappointment in my academic life. 英國語言文學系三年級同學勞恩慈, 雖然患有聽障, 但沒有減退她對英文文學的熱誠 勞同學憑著優越的成績, 迄今已獲得了六項獎學金, 包括 : 匯豐海外獎學金 郭中鄭齡獎學金 夏利萊博士伉儷優秀學生獎學金 尤德爵士紀念基金殘疾學生獎學金等 勞同學認為浸會大學的老師不僅在學習上給予指導, 還樂於與同學分享人生經驗, 令她獲益良多 她非常享受在浸會大學的校園生活 4 專題 Feature

5 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 中 日 韓經學國際學術研討會 An International Conference on Chinese, Japanese and Korean Confucian Classics 由浸會大學中國語言文學系和臺灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所聯合舉辦的 中日韓經學國際學術研討會, 於 2010 年 5 月 27 至 28 日假香港浸會大學召開 來自中國內地 美國 英國 德國 日本 韓國 臺灣 香港和澳門等九個國家和地區的五十多名專家學者參與了是次會議 開幕禮由香港特區政府民政事務局局長曾德成先生 校長吳清輝教授和文學院院長鍾玲教授聯合主禮 是次研討會是首次以 中日韓經學 為主題舉辦的國際性學術研討會, 與會學者廣泛而深入地交流了中日韓經學相關問題的最新研究成果, 提出了很多有價值的新觀點, 既推進了經學研究的發展, 更引起了大家對中日韓經學的關注 大會邀得中央研究院中國文哲研究所林慶彰教授 美國芝加哥大學東亞語言與文明系夏含夷教授及廣島大學大學院文學研究科野間文史教授為專題演講嘉賓 Prof. Edward L. Shaughnessy 夏含夷教授 The Department of Chinese Language, Literature and Philosophy at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan, held a conference on May 2010, which aimed at exploring the development and inheritance of Chinese Confucian culture in the Chinese communities, Japan, and Korea. The conference, which attracted more than 50 scholars from Asia, Europe and the United States, also aimed to conduct a cross-regional review of Confucian culture through scholarly reports. The following guests were invited to officiate at the conference opening: Mr. Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government; Professor Ng Ching-fai, President and Vice- Chancellor; and Professor Chung Ling, Dean of Arts. This was followed by three keynote speeches, delivered by Professor Lin Ching-chang, Researcher at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of the Academia Sinica; Professor Edward L. Shaughnessy of the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago; and Professor Fumichika Noma of the Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima University. 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 5

6 GRF and PPR Projects Supported by the Hong Kong University Grants Committee 文學院獲大學教育資助委員會研究金名錄 Dr. Amy Lee 李慧心博士 Prof. Lo Kwai Cheung 羅貴祥教授 Prof. Clayton MacKenzie Prof. Stephen Palmquist Dr. Ester Leung 梁倩雯博士 There are five academic staff in the Faculty who have received funding, including the General Research Fund (GRF) and Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding, from the University Grants Committee to support their research projects. Dr. Amy Lee, Associate Professor in the Humanities Programme, received a GRF grant for her project entitled The Witch Hunt and its Afterlife: Literary Narratives of the Salem Witch Trials. The project proposes to study the literary extension of the Salem Witch Trials ( ), i.e. literary creations that have used the trials, related figures and details as the main setting, in the plot development, in characterization, or in the discussion of themes such as faith, anxiety during crisis, gender relations, and other related issues of the human condition stemming from this historical event. These narratives are unique cultural documents of our society s selfreflection as postmodernism, postcolonialism and globalisation exert their forces on different aspects of individual identity. Prof. Lo Kwai Cheung, Professor in the Humanities Programme, received the GRF grant for his project Other Chinese(s): Investigating Ethnic Minority Film of China. The project investigates cinematic productions about non- Han ethnic minorities in the People s Republic of China from the 1950s to the present. It examines how the depictions of ethnic minorities are related to the changing meanings of being Chinese under the impacts of political unification in the early years of socialist China and the capitalist modernization in the new global context, with a focus on the self-other dialectics by Han and non-han filmmakers. Prof. Clayton MacKenzie, Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, will use the GRF grant for his project The Danse Macabre in the Drama of the Elizabethan Age. He will study the impact of the danse macabre on English drama of the Elizabethan Age ( ). The danse macabre (or Dance of Death ) is an artistic rendition of Death as an animated skeleton or cadaver, roaming the living world and, typically, seizing those whose life is about to end. The project is most interested in those Elizabethan plays that invite the audience to treat danse macabre references not as static, scholarly symbols but, rather, as dynamically malleable signs that are open to interpretation and re-interpretation. Prof. Stephen Palmquist, Professor of Religion and Philosophy, has been offered a GRF grant for his project, Commentary on Kant s Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason. Kant s 6 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements

7 1792 book, widely misunderstood as depicting religion as nothing but morally good behavior, is among the most influential philosophical analyses of religion ever written. The project will involve writing the first thoroughgoing Englishlanguage commentary on Kant s Religion. The resulting book, tentatively entitled Baring All in Reason s Light, will interact extensively with previous interpreters, highlighting important differences between the three complete English translations by comparing them with the original German text, in order to defend a new, hermeneutically well-informed thesis: that Kant set out to reform Christianity rather than destroy it. Dr. Ester Leung, Associate Professor in the Translation Programme, has been awarded a Public Policy Research grant for a two-year project entitled Community Interpreting in Hong Kong. The study ties in with the enactment of the Racial Discrimination Bill by the Legislative Council and examines how interpreting services could be organized and put into practice in Hong Kong. The project adopts an action-research approach to identify 1) the professional and cultural identities of the community interpreters and 2) the provision of interpreting services to the ethnic minorities in their access to public medical services in Hong Kong. 過去兩個年度, 共有四位教員獲得大學資助委員會 優配研究金, 包括人文學課程的李慧心博士 羅貴祥教授 英國語言文學系的 Clayton MacKenzie 教授, 以及宗教及哲學系 Stephen Palmquist 教授 翻譯學課程的梁倩雯博士則獲得 公共政策研究金 HKBU s newly formed Cantoría Hong Kong Captures Gold Medal in International Choir Festival 浸大新成立室樂合唱團首次出賽揚威海外於捷克國際合唱團音樂節奪金 Just nine months after its establishment, the Cantoría Hong Kong of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) won a gold medal at the Festival of Songs Olomouc 2010 held in the Czech Republic in June. The 38th International Choir Festival attracted more than 2,850 participants, representing 106 choirs from 11 countries in Asia, Europe and America, who competed in 16 categories. The Cantoría Hong Kong is a mixed chamber choir that consists of 24 select students from HKBU s Department of Music with Dr. John Winzenburg, Assistant Professor of Music, as its conductor. The HKBU chamber choir took second place in the Mundi Cantant Chamber Choir category (limited to choirs with no more than 24 singers) with a score of 96 out of 100 for its 15-minute-long performance of five songs in Italian, French, Latin, Chinese and German. All the choirs with a score of more than 90 received a gold medal. 成立只有短短九個月的香港浸會大學室樂合唱團最近揚威海外, 在捷克舉行的 二零一零年歐洛慕奇歌唱音樂節 中贏取了金牌 這次的 第三十八屆國際合唱團音樂節 吸引了來自歐 亞 美共十一個國家的一百零六個合唱團逾二千八百五十位成員參加, 在十六項比賽中展示歌藝 香港浸會大學室樂合唱團在只限二十四位成員的室樂合唱團組別中, 於一百分滿分中取得九十六分, 榮登亞軍寶座, 並由於所得分數超過九十分而奪得了金牌 香港浸會大學室樂合唱團是混聲室樂合唱團, 由二十四位經過嚴格挑選的浸大音樂系學生組成, 指揮是該系助理教授文盛伯博士 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 7

8 傳奇 性別 系譜 : 張愛玲誕辰九十周年紀念活動 Legend, Gender, Genealogy: The Commemoration of the Ninetieth Anniversary of Eileen Chang s Birth 張愛玲遺囑執行人宋以朗先生 ( 圖中 ) 今年為張愛玲誕辰九十周年, 浸會大學中文系於 2010 年 9 月 27 日至 10 月 17 日舉行一連串的活動 活動由中文系主辦, 並與電影學院等校內外單位合辦 內容豐富多元, 除 張愛玲誕辰九十周年國際學術研討會 外, 亦包括有關張氏的大型展覽如 印象. 張愛玲. 首屆繪畫獎及張愛玲繪畫展 張愛玲手稿及書信展 等 而張愛玲與電影之間的不解之緣也作為本次活動關注的重心之一 張愛玲主題紀念舞臺演出 : 情場如戰場 展現了張氏的編劇天分 張愛玲電影工作坊 除重溫名片佳作之外, 亦邀請知名電影人與大眾分享有關這位才女與鎂光燈之間的點點滴滴 張愛玲的新作 雷峯塔 易經 的新書發佈會 也在本次活動期間舉行 雷峰塔 和 易經 聚焦張愛玲的成長階段, 堪稱 張愛玲前傳, 將使讀者進一步瞭解張愛玲的前半生 這兩部作品加上去年出版的 小團圓, 使得張愛玲自傳小說三部曲完整問世 A series of events were held during the week of Eileen Chang s ninetieth birthday, 30 September These events were organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, in association with the Academy of Film, the University Library, and the Academy of Visual Arts, as well as some organizations from the local community. The events achieved their goal of highlighting Chang s multiple talents in visual art, creative writing, and playwriting, and showcased the Chang legacy in relevant fields such as performing art and literature. The components of the series included: an international conference on Chang s literature, an exhibition of the prize-winning works from the first competition in painting Chang s portrait, an exhibition of Chang s manuscripts and letters, a workshop on movies adapted from Chang s novels, and a book launch for the posthumous publication of Chang s two books, Leifengta and Yijing. Along with Xiao tuanyuan, which was published last year, they complete a trilogy of Chang autobiographical novels. 8 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements

9 駱以軍 西夏旅館 獲第三屆 紅樓夢獎 Hotel Xixia by Lo Yi-chin Wins the 3rd Dream of the Red Chamber Award 第三屆 紅樓夢獎 於 2009 年 10 月底開始以提名方式徵集 2008 年與 2009 年出版的長篇小說作品參選, 籌委會除發信邀請合資格的出版社提名作品, 亦從長篇小說中挑選高質素的作品參選 籌委會經過詳細的討論, 提名了全球不同華文地區共二十二部高質素長篇小說 評審工作分為兩個階段, 初審委員會由十五位校內外文學評論者 文學雜誌主編及作家等組成 初審委員於 2010 年 6 月 2 日舉行之會議上選出六部入圍作品進入決審 紅樓夢獎 決審於 7 月 15 日舉行, 決審委員從六部推薦作品中選出了駱以軍的 西夏旅館 為首獎作品 ( 獎金港幣三十萬元 ) 決審委員會另推薦李永平的 大河盡頭 刁斗的 我哥刁北年表 及畢飛宇的 推拿 為決審團獎得主 ; 韓麗珠的 灰花 及張翎的 金山 為專家推薦獎得主 頒獎典禮於 2010 年 9 月 21 日在香港舉行, 首獎 西夏旅館 的作者駱以軍先生, 以及印刻生活雜誌出版有限公司總編輯初安民先生, 應邀來港領獎 文學院為駱以軍先生於 9 月 24 日及 25 日舉辦了兩場座談會, 分享其文學創作經驗 西夏旅館 獲獎的消息自 7 月中公佈以來, 於內地 台灣及海外華文社區內廣為傳播 The third Dream of the Red Chamber Award (HK$300,000) was awarded to Hotel Xixia, by Lo Yi-chin. The author attended the award presentation ceremony on 21 September 2010, along with Chu An-ming, Chief Editor of INK Publishing Co., Ltd. Lo Yi-chin was invited to share his experience of writing the novel at a series of symposia held in late September. The award drew extensive media coverage in Chinese communities around the world. 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 9

10 Visiting Writers 2010: Writers from the Mediterranean 訪問作家 2010: 地中海作家 The Visiting Writers 2010: Writers from the Mediterranean programme started in mid October. This one-month programme, hosted by the International Writers Workshop (IWW), kicked off with a welcome reception and creative works recital, during which the eight invited writers (from Egypt, France, Italy, Syria, Spain, Turkey, Taiwan and Mainland China) were officially introduced to the public. The month was a hectic yet fruitful one. The writers participated in a series of activities, including workshops, public talks, creative writing seminars and public recitals. They also paid class visits and served as judges in the English Poetry Writing Competition IWW also partnered with the Department of Journalism in two events: a media salon and a Lunch with Pulitzer Prize Winners. IWW also collaborated with organizations such as Poetry Outloud, and Alliance Françoise to hold activities outside campus. As in the past few years, two China trips were organized for cultural exchange: a one-day visit to the campus of BNU-HKBU United International College in Zhuhai and a five-day trip to Shandong province (programme co-organized with Shandong University) 年國際作家工作坊以 地中海作家 為主題 文學院邀請八位作家於 10 月至 11 月訪港, 他們分別來自埃及 法國 意大利 敍利亞 西班牙 土耳其 台灣和中國內地 他們在講座 朗誦會等活動中與本校師生及大眾分享自己的創作經驗 BU.com: The First Improv Performance of its Kind 本港大學生首演即興劇 BU.com Awesome, brilliant, creative, delicious, excellent show! These were just some of the reactions from the full house audience after the curtain fell on the first improvisation comedy show staged by university students in Hong Kong. The show, entitled BU.com, was staged on 21 April 2010 at Takeout Comedy Club (SOHO, Central), the only full-time comedy club in Hong Kong. The performance was staged by 16 students from the Department of English Language and Literature after being trained in an interdisciplinary course crossing linguistics and theatre, a project supported by the HKBU Teaching Development Grant (TDG/0809/JUN/02). The audience included performing comedians, tourists, academics from other universities, friends and members of the public. The students have also been invited to collaborate with Takeout Comedy to stage more shows in the future. 英國語言文學系十六位同學於 4 月 21 日假中環 SOHO 區進行了全港首次大專生即興劇公演, 全場滿座 演出與培訓同學的相應課程得到了教育研發金 TDG/0809/JUN/02 支助 10 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements

11 Music for a New Beginning: HKBU s Season Opening Concert Marks President s Inauguration 慶祝新校長就職 : 樂季揭幕音樂會 This autumn, in honour of Prof. Albert S. C. Chan, the Department of Music hosted the Season Opening Concert at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall on 25 October For the concert, Dr. Mary Wu (pianist), Ms. Yuki Ip (soprano) and Mr. Christopher Moyse (trumpeter) were invited to perform as soloists. Under the lead of music director, Prof. Johnny Poon, the soloists joined forces with the Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra to perform a wonderful programme that included Holst s The Planets, Op. 32, Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, Dvorak s Symphony No. 9 in E Minor From the New World, Op. 95 and Wagner s Lohengrin, Act III, Prelude. Other highlights included pieces produced by our faculty s own composers: An Inescapable Entanglement and Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, both by Dr. Christopher Keyes, and Sarabande by Dr. David Urrows. 今年 10 月 25 日, 為慶祝新校長陳新滋教授上任, 浸大音樂系特地於香港大會堂演奏廳舉行 了 浸大交響樂團樂季揭幕音樂會 2010 是次音樂會邀請得著名鋼琴家胡美樂 女高音葉葆青及小號手莫思卓同台演出助慶, 加上浸大交響樂團及巴洛克室樂團的精彩演出, 在音樂總監潘明倫教授的帶領下贏得全場熱烈掌聲 樂團當晚演出多首名曲, 如 : 霍爾斯特的 行星組曲 木星 德弗札克的 新世界交響曲 及華格納的著名歌劇 羅恩格林 等, 又同時演出了浸大音樂系多位教授的作品, 包括郝道緯博士的 An Inescapable Entanglement, 高爾文博士的 Something old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, 以及余樂詩博士的 Sarabande 有風傳雅韻 獅子山古典詩歌朗誦會 The Lion Rock Classical Poetry Reading Event 2010 文學院與中文系每年秋天都舉辦 有風傳雅韻 獅子山古典詩歌朗誦會, 今年已是第七屆 約四百人參加今年的朗誦會於 2010 年 10 月 9 日舉行, 由教育局課程發展處中國語文教育組參與合辦, 邀請本港著名學者及詩人朗誦古代詩歌和自己的詩作 是次活動的亮點, 是加入了中國古典詩學元素, 期能加深觀眾對古典詩歌的認識, 使他們更能體認其中的美感, 從而對活動留下深刻印象 scholars came to recite their own compositions, as well as works by poets of the past. The highlight of this year s event was the addition of elements from classical Chinese poetics. This new feature aimed to foster a more in-depth understanding and appreciation of classical poetry. This yearly event is organized by the Faculty of Arts and Department of Chinese Language and Literature. This year, there was a new co-organizer, namely the Chinese Language Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, the Education Bureau of HKSAR. On 9 October, a number of famous local poets and 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 11

12 活動 Activities 日期 Date 活動名稱 / 合辦或協辦單位 Activities/Co-organizer(s) 簡介 Brief Introduction 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 文學院 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Faculty of Arts 18 May 2010 Public Lecture: Choral Methods and Rehearsal Technique Co-organizer: Music Performance and Composition Incentive Scheme Research Group 協辦單位 : 音樂表演及作曲 學術研究小組 27 May 2010 Merryman on Merryman Presentation of Marjorie Merryman s Works by the Composer Speaker: Professor Jo-Michael Scheibe, University of Southern California 主講者 : 南加州大學 Jo-Michael Scheibe 教授 Speaker: Dr. Marjorie Merryman, Manhattan School of Music 主講者 : 曼哈頓音樂學院 Marjorie Merryman 博士 Co-organizer: Music Performance and Composition Incentive Scheme Research Group 協辦單位 : 音樂表演及作曲 學術研究小組 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 英國語言文學系 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Department of English Language and Literature 12 Oct 2009 Public Lecture: Speech Acts in Context 公開演講 : 語境中的言語行為 25 Jan 2010 Public Lecture: Intonation and Communication 公開演講 : 語調與溝通 16 Apr 2010 Jointly-organized Seminar: A Creative Journey: The Writing of Ilustrado Speaker: Professor Jacob Mey, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University of Southern Denmark 主講者 : 丹麥南方大學 Jacob Mey 教授 Speaker: Professor Martha Pennington, Professor of Writing and Linguistics, Georgia Southern University 主講者 : 南喬治亞州立大學 Martha Pennington 教授 Speaker: Mr. Miguel Syjuco, Writer 主講者 : 作家 Miguel Syjuco 先生 Co-organizer: International Writers Workshop 協辦單位 : 國際作家工作坊 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 語文中心 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Language Centre Oct 2010 US Consulate University Speakers Program Ms. Stephanie Boven, Economic Officer of the US Consulate General, presented a talk on The Changing Face of America: Diversity in the US. 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 音樂系 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Department of Music 29 Apr 2010 Concert: Aurora Sings Aurora Sings 音樂會 25 May 2010 HKBU Symphony Orchestra Annual Gala Concert 2010 香港浸會大學交響樂團周年匯演 2010 The Department of Music presented its new mixed chamber choir Cantoría Hong Kong in a mid-spring concert within the solemn setting of St. John s Cathedral. The concert featured unaccompanied choral classics of the Renaissance era through the 20th century. The Cantoría was joined by special guest Collegium Musicum Hong Kong to perform Baroque string concertos by J.S. Bach and Antonio Vivaldi. 香港浸會大學室樂合唱團特邀香港巴羅克室樂團合作於聖約翰座堂演出 The Annual Gala Concert was conducted by Music Director, Professor Johnny M. Poon and was performed by Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra, musicians from the Central Conservatory of Music and renowned violinist, Ms. Yao Jue. 音樂總監潘明倫教授帶領香港浸會大學交響樂團 中央音樂學院學生及著名小提琴家姚珏演出 12 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements

13 7 Sep 2010 East-West Encounter I 樂匯中西 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 宗教及哲學系 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Department of Religion and Philosophy Jun 2010 從蘭州到敦煌 大西北學術參訪團 From Lanzhou to Dunhuang Study Tour to Northwest China 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 應用倫理學研究中心 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Centre for Applied Ethics 8 Jul 2010 建構中國生命倫理學 研討會 Symposium on Bioethics from Chinese Philosophical/ Religious Perspectives 15 Jul 2010 Public Lecture: Hospital Clinical Ethics Committee: What Went Right and What Went Wrong? 公開講座 : 醫院臨床倫理委員會 : 什麼可行, 什麼不可行? Co-organizer: Hong Kong Hospital Authority Clinical Ethics Committee 協辦機構 : 香港醫院管理局臨床倫理委員會 主辦學系 / 課程 / 中心 : 翻譯學研究中心 Organizing Dept/Prog/Centre: Centre for Translation 16 Jul 2010 Public Lecture: Comparative Rhetorics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics in Intercultural Communication Jul 2010 Hong Kong Translation Research Summer School (TRSS HK) 香港翻譯研究暑期課程 Apr - Nov 2010 Translation Seminar Series 翻譯研討會 Collegium Musicum Hong Kong gave a performance with Feng Consort at the Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. 香港巴羅克室樂團與風之韻坊携手合作於香港文化中心劇場演出 本系與蘭州大學合辦中國西北學術參訪, 此為 當代中國西北宗教 課程之一部份, 今年共有三十四位學生參與 34 students participated in the Lanzhou-Dunhuang Study Tour co-organized by Lanzhou University. The tour constituted part of the course, Religions in Northwest China Today. This annual symposium has been held since 2007 in order to foster interdisciplinary research on Chinese intellectual traditions and contemporary bioethical issues. 研討會自 2007 起每年舉行, 以促進中國傳統倫理觀與當代生命倫理學的研究 會議吸引了二十多名內地及香港學者參與 Speaker: Professor H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Professor of Philosophy, Rice University, and Senior Editor of Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 主講者 : 醫學與哲學 期刊高級主編美國萊斯大學哲學系恩格爾哈特教授 Speaker: Professor Sean Golden, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain 主講者 : 西班牙公立巴賽隆納自治大學 Sean Golden 教授 An intensive two-week training programme in translation research, organized by the Centre for Translation in collaboration with the University of Manchester, University College London, and the University of Edinburgh. Speakers included Professor Sean Golden (Barcelona) and Professor Douglas Robinson (Mississippi/ Lingnan), and the theme was Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translation Studies. 翻譯研究中心舉辦第二期香港翻譯研究暑期課程, 主題為 翻譯學的跨學科研究 A monthly seminar to facilitate dialogue and exchange among scholars and postgraduate students in the field in order to further invigorate the pursuit of knowledge and ideas in translation. Guest speakers included Professor Li Zhaoguo (Shanghai Normal University) and Professor Eugene Eoyang (Indiana and Lingnan Universities). 每月定期舉行, 旨在促進翻譯界的學者與研究生之間的交流, 以期令翻譯理論的探討更趨活躍 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements 13

14 成就 Achievements 教師 / 學生姓名 Name of Staff/students 成就 Achievements 林志華同學 ( 中國語言文學課程本科生 ) Lam Chi Wa (BA in Chinese Language and Literature) 黃梓勇 ( 中文系研究生 ) Wong Tsz Yung (Department of Chinese postgraduate student) 馮啟傑同學 ( 英國語言文學課程本科生 ) Fung Kai Kit Jensen (BA in English Language and Literature) 黃國鉅博士 ( 人文學助理教授 ) Dr. Wong Kwok Kui (Assistant Professor, Humanities Programme) 余文正 ( 音樂系研究生 ) Yu Man Ching, Donald (Department of Music postgraduate student) 陳穎珊同學 ( 音樂課程本科生 ) Chan Wing Shan, Francesca (BA in Music) 羅芷盈同學 ( 音樂課程本科生 ) Law Tsz Ying Joyce (BA in Music) 林慧芝同學 ( 音樂課程本科生 ) Lam Wing Chi Rebecca (BA in Music) 梁志芳 ( 翻譯學課程研究生 ) Liang Zhifang (Translation Programme postgraduate student) 謝伯樂同學 ( 翻譯學課程本科生 ) Tse Pak Lok (BA in Translation) 作品 22 篇日記與一首亂了的詩 及 光纖 分別獲第三十七屆 青年文學獎 散文高級組冠軍及 全港青年中文詩創作比賽 新詩公開組冠軍 Received 1st prize in the 37th Youth Literature Awards (Senior (Prose) Section) and 1st prize in the Hong Kong Youth Cultural and Art Competition Chinese Poetry Creative Writing Competition (Open Section). 論文 章太炎早年的 春秋左傳 學與清代 公羊 學的關係 以 春秋左傳讀 為討論中心 刊載於 中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊, 第 35 期,2009 年 9 月, 頁 獲文學院研究生論文出版獎金 Awarded the Research Postgraduate Student Incentive Award of the Arts Faculty. 第四屆北京大學國際模擬聯合國大會主辯員, 表現出色, 勇奪最佳辯論員獎 Was Head Delegate of the 4th Asian International Model United Nations (AIMUN) Conference held recently by Peking University. He and his partner out-performed 165 delegates in the biggest committee, the General Assembly, capturing the sole Best Delegate Award. 月季與薔薇 獲第二屆小劇場獎最佳導演及最佳女主角獎, 以及最佳劇本提名,101arts.net 藝術新聞網主辦,2010 年 5 月 Performance of Drama awarded Best Director and Best Actress and nominated for Best Playwright in the 2nd Hong Kong Theatre Libre Award by 101arts.net, May 余文正的博士學位作曲作品由 Chernivtsi Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra 演奏並於 Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival 中演出 Yu Man Ching s PhD compositions performed by the Chernivtsi Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and featured in the Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival. 獲 2009 / 2010 年香港賽馬會獎學金 Awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme 獲 2009/2010 年香港兒童合唱團獎學金 Awarded the Hong Kong Children s Choir Scholarship 翻譯 文化 復興 記上海 孤島 時期的一個特殊翻譯機構 復社 及 翻譯研究的社會 心理轉向分別 刊載於 上海翻譯 及 外國話 獲文學院研究生論文出版獎金 Awarded the Research Postgraduate Student Incentive Award of the Arts Faculty. 獲香港浸信聯會傑出學生獎 Received the 11th Baptist Convention of Hong Kong Outstanding Student Award 歡迎我們的新老師 Welcome to Our New Staff Mr. Brian C. BITTNER Lecturer II Language Centre Dr. Ruth HUNG Y. Y. 洪如蕊 Assistant Professor Department of English Language and Literature Dr. Wayne LIANG W. C. 梁文駿 Assistant Professor Translation Programme Dr. NG Wai Hang 伍偉亨 Assistant Professor Department of Religion and Philosophy Mr. Jesse Orin O REILLY Assistant Lecturer Language Centre 14 活動與成就 Activities and Achievements

15 校友消息 Alumni Corner 傑出校友介紹 Outstanding Alumni Dr. Joyce Wai-chung Tang (BA/MPhil Music) had several of her works performed and premiered during the International Computer Music Conference 2010 (New York/Stony Brook), and by the North/South Consonance (New York), the RTHK Quartet and renowned pianist Mary Wu. Dr. Tang was also the featured composer for the Hell Hot! Music Festival held in August in Hong Kong. She has been serving the Hong Kong Composers Guild as one of its directors since 2004, and as its membership secretary since 鄧慧中博士 (BA/MPhil 音樂 ) 的多首作品於數個本地及美國音樂節中首演及演 奏 她同時是香港作曲家聯會的理事會成員與會員事務秘書 Mr. Matthew Yue-chun Lui, a graduate of Department of Religion and Philosophy in 1999, has been appointed by the HKSAR Government as a member of the Commission on Youth (COY), an advisory body to advise the Government on youth matters. Mr. Lui was also a recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 香港特區政府委任呂宇俊先生 ( 宗哲系 99 畢業生 ) 為青年事務委員會委員 人文學課程二十周年聚會 HUM 20th Anniversary Luncheon The Humanities Programme celebrated its 20th Anniversary by holding a luncheon on 24 October in Langham Place Hotel, attended by teachers, alumni and friends of the Programme. 為慶祝成立二十周年, 人文學課程於 10 月 24 日, 假座旺角朗豪酒店舉行午餐會, 歷屆老師 舊生以及友好均出席 翻譯學課程歡慶二十周年 Translation Programme Celebrates 20th Anniversary On 28 October, teachers, students, alumni and advisors of the HKBU Translation Programme, joined by university leaders, colleagues and students from across the University as well as friends and guests of the Programme, gathered at Academic Community Hall to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the HKBU Translation Programme with a music concert by JAM, the renowned world music fusion band from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. 10 月 28 日晚上, 浸大翻譯學課程在大學會堂舉行紀念翻譯學課程創辦二十周年慶典音樂會 校長 院長及教職員 校友以及同學聚首一堂, 共慶翻譯學課程的二十歲生日, 並一同欣賞新疆樂隊 JAM 帶來的精彩音樂表演 校友消息 Alumni Corner 15

16 出版及演出 Publications & Performances ( 至 2010 年 11 月 Up to Nov 2010) 文學院 Faculty of Arts 鍾玲教授 Prof. CHUNG Ling n 中國詩歌英譯文如何在美國成為本土化傳統 : 以簡. 何絲費爾吸納杜甫譯文為例 中國比較文學,79 期 (2010 年第二期 ), 頁 n 英譯中國禪詩集: 中國宗教文學在美國經典化的一個案例, 林精華 李冰梅 周以量編 文學經典化問題研究, 北京..人民文學出版社,2010 年, 頁 n 霧在登山 ( 詩集 ), 香港 : 匯智出版 社,2010 年, 共 226 頁 中國語言文學系 Department of Chinese Language and Literature 陳偉強博士 Dr. Timothy Wai Keung CHAN n Jade Flower and the Motif of Mystic Excursion in Early Religious Daoist Poetry. In Alan K. L. Chan and Y. K. Lo (eds.), Interpretation and Literature in Early Medieval China. New York: State University of New York Press, 2010, pp n Searching for the Bodies of the Drowned: A Folk Tradition of Early China Recovered. Journal of The American Oriental Society (2009), pp n The Quest of Lord of the Great Dao: Textual and Literary Exegeses of a Shangqing Register (HY 1378). T ang Studies, 26 (2008), pp 陳致教授 Prof. CHEN Zhi n 釋 紓, 第二十一屆古文字研究國際學術研討會論文集, 臺北 : 萬卷樓,2010 年, 頁 n 齊思敏著 物性: 早期中國的倫理與身體 書評, 中國文哲研究集刊 34 輯, 頁 n 屈大均詩學研究 序, 董就雄主編 : 屈大均詩學研究 北京 : 學苑出版社,2009 年, 頁 1-12 n 從 周頌 與金文中成語的運用來看古歌詩之用韻及四言詩體的形成, 陳致主編: 跨學科視野下的詩經研究, 上海 : 上海古籍出版社,2010 年, 頁 n 大雅. 文王 篇所見詩經異文與金文成語零釋, 蔣寅 張伯偉主編 : 中國詩學 第 14 輯, 北京:人民文學出版社,2010 年, 頁 宗靜航博士 Dr. CHUNG Ching Hong n 從語言角度探討 尚書 胤征 的成書年代, 徐州師範大學學報, 年第一期, 頁 n 讀阮刻本 尚書注疏 兼論相關問題, 新亞學報, 第二十八卷 (2010 年 ), 頁 葛亮博士 Dr. GE Liang n 戲年 ( 小說 ), 十月,2010 年第三期, 頁 n 外公, 好萊塢 ( 小說 ), 印刻文學生活誌 第 6 卷第十期 (2010 年 ), 頁 n 離島 ( 小說集 ), 香港 : 文匯出版社,2010 年, 共 237 頁 n 尋根 中隱現的缺席歷史, 東嶽論叢, 2010 年第 6 期, 頁 n 全球化語境下的 主體 ( 他者 ) 爭鋒 由 我愛比爾 論 第三世界 文化自處問題, 文史哲,2010 年第 2 期 ( 總第 317 期 ), 頁 葛曉音教授 Prof. GE Xiaoyin n 從江鮑和沈謝看宋齊五言詩的沿革, 學術研究,2010 年第 3 期, 頁 , 出版及演出 Publications and Performances

17 n 江淹 雜擬 的辯體觀念和詩史意義, 晉 陽學刊,2010 年第 4 期, 頁 n 論南朝五言詩體調的古今之變, 中國社會 科學,2010 年第 3 期, 頁 林幸謙博士 Dr. LIM Chin Chown n 身體與社會 / 文化 : 凌叔華的女性身體敘事, 魯迅研究月刊,2010 年 6 月, 頁 盧鳴東博士 Dr. LO Ming Tung n 士昏禮 與朝鮮 家禮 學研究 金長生 家禮輯覽 婚禮述評, 域外漢籍研究集 刊 第 6 輯,2010 年, 頁 張宏生教授 Prof. ZHANG Hongsheng n 宏觀把握與微觀示範 從評點看朱彝尊的詞 學成就, 南京大學學報,2010 年第 2 期, 頁 n 論清初邊塞詞, 清代文學研究集刊 第 2 輯, 北京 : 人民文學出版社, 頁 英國語言文學系 Department of English Language and Literature Dr. Hiroko ITAKURA n Criticisms in English and Japanese in academic writing. In B. Fraser and K. Turner (eds.), Studies in pragmatics: Vol. 6: Language in Life, and a Life in Language: Jacob Mey - A Festschrift, London: Emerald, pp (and TSUI, A.) 祈穎智博士 Dr. Magdalen KI Wing Chi n Diabolical Evil and Poe s The Black Cat, Mississippi Quarterly, 62.4, pp n The Post-Oedipal Father and The Master Builder, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, pp 楊素英博士 Dr. Suying YANG n Gender construction in Zhang Kangkang and Liang Xiaoshen s works. In Kwok-kan Tam and Terry Siu-han Yip (eds.), Gender, Discourse and the self in literature: Issues in Mainland China. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp n Purely Linguistic Taboo/Good Luck Language and its Impact on Behaviors in China. RASK, 30, pp n 語篇模式: 文本的局部結構 核心觀點評介, 當代語言學,11, 頁 (HUANG, Y. Y. and CHEN, Q.) 葉少嫻教授 Prof. Terry YIP S. H. n 個人與地方的互動關係..三篇中港台小說中的身份問題, 載 管見之外 : 影像文化與文學研究周英雄教授七秩壽慶論文集, 李有成及馮品佳編, 台灣 : 書林出版有限公司, 頁 人文學課程 Humanities Programme 朱耀偉教授 Prof. CHU Yiu Wai n 歲月如歌 : 詞話香港粵語流行曲, 香港 : 三聯 書店, 共 235 頁 李慧心博士 Dr. Amy LEE W. S. n The Charmed Realm in the 21st Century: Onmyoji, the Nightmare-eater, and Humanities Education. The International Journal of Humanities, 7 (9), pp n Onmyoji s Enchanted Reality: Crossing Boundaries of Culture, Discipline and Medium using Japanese Popular Culture. The International Journal of Learning, 16 (9), pp n Narratives as Tools for Interpretation: Hong Kong Life through the Lens of the 1970s Cinema. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal, 11 (3), pp 出版及演出 Publications and Performances 17

18 羅貴祥教授 Prof. LO Kwai Cheung n Excess and Masculinity in Asian Cultural Productions. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010, 288 pages. n 劉以鬯與資本主義的時間性, 梁秉鈞 譚國根 黃勁輝 黃淑嫻編 劉以鬯與香港現代主義, 香港 : 香港公開大學出版社,2001 年, 頁 n Hong Kong Ghost in the Japanese Shell? Cross-racial Performance and Transnational Chinese Cinema. In Olivia Khoo and Sean Metzger (eds.), Futures of Chinese Cinema: Technologies and Temporalities in Chinese Screen Cultures. Bristol: Intellect Press, 2009, pp n When China Encounters Asia Again: Rethinking Ethnic Excess in Some Recent Films from the PRC. The China Review, 10.2 (Fall 2010), pp 文潔華教授 Prof. Eva MAN Kit-Wah n 裸睇 中西裸體藝術名作賞析, 香港 : 次文化堂出版社,2010 年, 共 218 頁 n Some Reflections on Confucian Aesthetics and Its Feminist Modalities. The International Journal of the Humanities, 8 (1), June 2010, pp 黃國鉅博士 Dr. WONG Kwok Kui n 歷史記憶與香港意識, 許寶強編 重寫我城的歷史故事, 香港 : 牛津大學出版社,2010 年, 頁 n 變天 ( 劇本 ), 天邊外劇場, 西灣河文娛中心劇院,2010 年 7 月 日 n Kant and the Reality of Time. In Stephen Palmquist (ed.), Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2010, pp n Schelling s Criticism of Kant s Theory of Time. Idealistic Studies, 40 (1-2), pp 語文中心 Language Centre Prof. Kathleen AHRENS 安可思教授 n Finding What You Expect to See, Proceedings of Contextualizing and Understanding: New Advances from Multidisciplinary and Cross-cultural Approaches, Taipei, National Taiwan University, Oct 2009, pp n Conceptual Metaphors (In Chinese). In I. W. Su and Y. O. Biq (eds.), Language, Culture, and Cognition. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2009, pp 朱少璋博士 Dr. CHU Siu Cheung n 傳記文學的各種可能 以蘇曼殊傳記為例, 寒山碧等編 理論探討與文本研究, 香港 : 中華書局,2010 年, 頁 n 賀萬壽詩 之異文 用韻與修辭, 新亞學報, 香港 : 新亞研究所, 第 28 卷,2010 年 3 月, 頁 n 綺羅香裏記鋒芒 高平關取級 唱詞抄記, 黃兆漢主編 長天落彩霞 : 任劍輝的劇藝世界, 香港 : 三聯書店,2009 年 11 月, 頁 何仲光博士 Dr. HO Chung Kwong n Constructing Identities through Request Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(8), pp 黃月園博士 Dr. HUANG Yue Yuan n 句法結構對英語時體系統習得的影響, 蔡金亭主編 中國學生習得英語時體的實證研究, 北京 : 世界圖書出版公司,2009, 頁 (HUANG, Y. Y. and YANG, S. Y.) 李芳琼博士 Dr. Cynthia LEE C. F. n Problems in Intercultural Communication: An Inter-university Ethnographic Study on Chinese Undergraduate Students in Hong 18 出版及演出 Publications and Performances

19 Kong, and Pedagogic Insights. In S.Z. Huang and H.Y. Yu (eds.), College English: Issues and Trends. Taipei: Foreign Language Centre, National Chengchi University, pp n An Exploratory Study of Interlanguage Pragmatic Comprehension of Young Learners of English. Pragmatics, 20(3), pp n Deployment of a Web-based Critiquing System for Essay Writing in Hybrid Learning Environment. In F.L. Wang, J. Fong & R.C. Kwan (eds.), Handbook of Research on Hybrid Learning Models: Advanced Tools, Technologies and Applications, Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference, 2010, pp (LEE F.S.L, WONG, K.C.K., CHEUNG W.K.W. & LEE, C.F.K.) 盧丹懷博士 Dr. Dan LU n A Salutary Lesson from a Computer-based Self-access Language Learning Project. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23 (4), pp 黃偉豪先生 Mr. Hugo WONG W. H. n 夢的筆法 : 南柯太守傳 與 南柯記 的文本 對讀, 周建渝 張洪年 張雙慶編 : 重讀經典 : 中國傳統小說與戲曲的多重透視, 香港 : 牛津 大學出版社,2009, 頁 n 程抱 中國詩畫語言研究 ( 書評 ), 東方文化, 第 42 卷第 1 2 期合刊 (2009 年 ), 頁 胡燕青女士 Ms. WU Yin Ching n 捫石渡河 新詩的欣賞 創作與教學, 香港 : 匯智出版有限公司,2010 年, 共 227 頁 音樂系 Department of Music Prof. Manny BRAND n Music teacher effectiveness: Selected historical and contemporary research approaches. Australian Journal of Music Education, 2009(1), pp n Empirical study of gender performance in peer-to-peer talk in ESL class. Teaching English in China, 32(4), pp (BRAND, M. and LI, X.) Dr. Christopher B. COLEMAN 高爾文博士 n Creativity, Comedy, and Composition. Educating the Creative Mind: Conference Proceedings. Kean University, Union, NJ, 2010, pp 鍾裕森博士 Dr. David CHUNG Y. S. n Solo and Chamber Concert with Hong Kong Virtuosi, He Luting Concert Hall, Shanghai, supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. n French harpsichord collections. Early Music, 38, pp 何慧中教授 Prof. HO Wai Chung n A Review of Values Education in China s School Music Education: from Nationalism to Globalisation. Journal of Curriculum Studies, Routledge, 41(4), 2009, pp (HO, W. C. and LAW, W. W) n China: Socio-political Constructions of School Music. In G. Cox and R. Stevens (eds.), The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: Cross-cultural Historical Studies of Music in Compulsory Schooling. London and New York: Continuum, 2010, pp n Moral Education in China s Music Education: Development and Challenges. International Journal of Music Education, 28, 2010, pp n The Perception of Music Learning among Parents and Students in Hong Kong. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 181, pp 出版及演出 Publications and Performances 19

20 n A Study of Hong Kong Young Students Music Participation in and out of School. Research in Education, 82, 2009, pp Dr. David Francis URROWS 余樂詩博士 n Otto Dresel: Chamber Music, A-R Editions, Inc., 2009, xxiv + 12 plates Dr. John WINZENBURG 文盛伯博士 n Concert: Aurora Sings, St. John s Cathedral, Hong Kong, 29 Apr n Concert: Mozart s Requiem, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong, 1 Apr n Concert: Multi-Cultural Choral Music, The Ninth Music Festival of the Central Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music Concert Hall, Beijing, 19 Dec 楊漢倫博士 Dr. Helan YANG H. L. n The Manifestations of Cultural Processes in the Chinese Symphonic Tradition. In Stephan Gramley and Ralf Schneider (eds.), Cultures in Process: Encounter and Experience. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 2009, pp n Performing Chineseness Girl-Group Style: The 12 Girls Band Traditions, Gender, Globalization and (Inter)national Identity. Asian Music, 41/2, 2010, pp (YANG, H. H. L. and SAFFLE, M.) 宗教及哲學系 Department of Religion and Philosophy 陳強立博士 Dr. Jonathan CHAN K. L. n 馮友蘭的後設哲學 - 從邏輯分析到形上學, 香港浸會大學宗教與哲學系編 當代儒學與精神性, 桂林 : 廣西師範大學,2009 年, 頁 陳慎慶博士 Dr. Seguire CHAN S.H. n Conceptual Difference between Hong Kong Chinese Theologians: A Study of the Cultural Christians Controversy, In Pan-chiu Lai and Jason Lam (eds.), Sino-Christian Theology: A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in Contemporary China, Frankurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010, pp n 社會科學本土化與宗教研究: 邁向中國宗教社會學, 高師寧 楊鳳崗編 從書齋到田野 : 宗教社會科學高峰論壇文集 ( 上卷 ), 北京 : 中國社會科學出版社,2010 年, 頁 張錦青教授 Prof. Leo CHEUNG K. C. n 論 邏輯哲學論 中之算符 N, 哲學研究, 北京 : 中國社會科學院,2009 年 12 月 25 日, 頁 江丕盛教授 Prof. KANG Phee Seng n Believing and Professing in Contexts of Diversity. In J Dinakarlal (ed.), Christian Higher Education and Globalization in Asia/ Oceania: Realities and Challenges. Iowa: Dordt College Press, 2010, pp n 苦難中的人和同苦的上帝, 卓新平 許志偉編 : 基督宗教研究第十二輯, 北京 : 宗教文化出版社,2010 年, 頁 關啟文博士 Dr. KWAN Kai Man n 珠寶商還是尋寶者? 本色神學與處境神學的探討, 何光滬 楊熙楠編 : 漢語神學讀本 ( 上 ), 香港 : 漢語基督教文化研究所道風書社, 年, 頁 n 回應司道生的 作道成肉身的門徒 : 歷史的基礎, 山道期刊, 總第 24 期 ( 卷 12 第 2 期 ),2009 年 12 月, 頁 n Review of Science & Asian Spiritual Traditions by Geoffrey Redmond, Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith, 61.4 (Dec 2009), pp 出版及演出 Publications and Performances

21 李仲驥博士 Dr. LEE Chung Kee n From Aquinas Analogy to Ian Ramsey s Models and Disclosures - the Possibility of Religious Language Then and Now 國立臺灣大學哲學評論, 第 39 期,2010 年 3 月, 頁 1-50 羅秉祥教授 Prof. LO Ping Cheung n 傳統中國醫療倫理對當代美德醫療倫理學可作的貢獻, 中國醫學倫理學,2010 年, 第 23 卷 4 期, 頁 4-6,16 ( 中國科技核心期刊 ) 吳有能博士 Dr. William NG Y. N. n East Asian Religious History. In Peter B. Clarke, Peter Beyer (eds.), The World s Religions: Continuities and Transformations, London: Routledge, 2009, pp n 勞思光先生的比較哲學, 萬戶千門任舒卷, 香港 : 香港中文大學出版社,2009 年, 頁 n 框架與法鼓山共識, 財團法人佛光山文教基金會編 : 人間佛教及參與佛教的模式與展望, 台北 : 財團法人佛光山文教基金會,2009 年, 頁 Prof. Stephen R. PALMQUIST 龐思奮教授 n Chris L. Firestone and Nathan Jacobs, In Defense of Kant s Religion (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008). Journal of Religion 90 (2), 2009, pp n A Christian Philosophy of Work: A Theological and Religious Extension of Hannah Arendt s Conceptual Framework. Philosophia Christi, 11 (2), 2009, pp n Kant s Ethics of Grace: Perspectival Solutions to the Moral Problems with Divine Assistance. The Journal of Religion, 90 (4), 2009, pp Prof. Lauren F. PFISTER 費樂仁教授 n Trumping the Myth of Ruist Secularity: The Missiological Significance of Independent Evidence about Theistic Yearnings among Chinese Literati in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, minima sinica: Zeitschrift zum chinesischen Geist, Wolfgang Kubin, 1 (2010), pp n 理解現代儒家的文化失色與意外的儒基及基儒之間的文化綜合歷史事實, 載 儒家, 基督教與救贖, 黃保羅編著, 周永譯, 宗教文化出版社,2009 年, 頁 n 關於儒基對話批評與黃保羅的通信, 載 儒家, 基督教與救贖, 黃保羅編著, 周永譯, 宗教文化出版社,2009 年, 頁 n Bible Translations and the Protestant Term Question, Attitudes towards Chinese Cultures, and China s Missionary Scholars. In R. G. Tiedemann ed., Handbook of Christianity in China, Volume Two: 1800 to the Present. Leiden: E. J. Brill, pp , pp and pp 張穎博士 Dr. Ellen ZHANG n 墨家思想對當代中國醫改的啟示, 中國醫學倫理學,2010 年, 第 23 卷 4 期, 頁 7-9,29 ( 中國科技核心期刊 ) 翻譯學課程 Translation Programme 張佩瑤教授 Prof. Martha CHEUNG P. Y. n 錢鍾書對翻譯概念的闡釋及其對翻譯研究的啟示, 中國翻譯, 北京 : 中國翻譯雜誌編輯,2009 年第 5 期, 頁 n Rethinking Activism: The Power and Dynamics of Translation in China during the Late Qing Period ( ), In Mona Baker, Maeve Olohan and María Calzada Pérez (eds.), Text and Context: Essays on 出版及演出 Publications and Performances 21

22 Translation and Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason. Manchester: St. Jerome, pp 梁倩雯博士 Dr. Ester LEUNG S. M. n Utterance particles in Cantonese Courtroom Discourse, Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting, 11(2), pp (LEUNG, E. S. M. and GIBBONS, J.) 譚載喜教授 Prof. TAN Zaixi n 翻譯 模糊法則 信息熵, 中國翻譯, 北京 : 中國翻譯雜誌編輯,2010 年第 4 期, 頁 n 試論翻譯學, 結構 解構 建構 : 翻譯理論研究 ( 羅選民主編 ), 上海 : 上海外語教育出版社出版, 頁 邱偉平博士 Dr. YAU Wai Ping n Translating Audiovisual Humour: A Hong Kong Case Study. In Delia Chiaro (ed.), Translation, Humour and the Media, London: Continuum, 2010, pp n Translation, Globalisation and Localisation: A Chinese Perspective [Book Review], The Translator, 15(2), pp 楊慧儀博士 Dr. Jessica YEUNG n 劇院與銀幕: 二十世紀早期京劇兩種新的 感觸結構, 載 文藝研究,2010 年第 2 期, 頁 出版及演出 Publications and Performances

23 活動預告 活動名稱 Event 第六屆大學文學獎 The 6th Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition 查詢 Enquiries: 語文中心 Language Centre % 經學與詩史系列研討會 : 中國詩歌傳統與文本研究國際論壇 Research Symposium series on Ancient Chinese Poetry, Classics and Early Writings: An International Symposium on Poetic Legacy and Textual Studies of Pre-modern China 日期 / 時間 / 地點 Date/Time/Venue 徵稿 Call for Entries: Nov Feb 2011 頒獎典禮 Presentation Ceremony: 28 May 2011 浸會大學逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓 WLB 室 WLB , The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU 4-5 Dec 2010 浸會大學逸夫校園逸夫行政樓 5 樓 5/F, Shaw Tower Shaw Campus, HKBU 主辦 / 協辦單位 Organizer(s)/Coorganizer(s) 語文中心 Language Centre 中文系及中國傳統文化研究中心合辦 Co-organizers: Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage 查詢 Enquiries: 中國語言文學系 Department of Chinese Language & Literature % / 學術會議 : 基督宗教與中外關係 從利瑪竇到司徒雷登 Conference on Christianity and Sino- Western Relations: From Matteo Ricci to John Leighton Stuart 查詢 Enquiries: 中華基督宗教研究中心 Centre for Sino-Christian Studies % 古鋼琴啟用音樂會 Fortepiano Dedication Concert 查詢 Enquiries: 音樂系 Department of Music % 樂匯中西 East-West Encounter II 查詢 Enquiries: 音樂系 Department of Music % 室樂合唱音樂會 Chamber Chior Showcase: Cantonia, Hong Kong Melody Makers, and Hong Kong Voices at City Hall 查詢 Enquiries: 音樂系 Department of Music % Dec 2010 Beijing 北京 11 Feb 2011 Concert Hall Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳 22 Feb 2011 Studio Theatre Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心劇場 5 Apr 2011 Concert Hall Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳 中華基督宗教研究中心 Centre for Sino-Christian Studies 中國社會科學院基督宗教研究中心 Centre for the Study of Christianity, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 音樂系 Department of Music 音樂系 Department of Music 音樂系 Department of Music 活動預告 Upcoming Events 23

24 活動名稱 Event 香港浸會大學交響樂團周年匯演 2011 HKBU Symphony Orchestra Annual Gala Concert 2011 查詢 Enquiries: 音樂系 Department of Music % 日期 / 時間 / 地點 Date/Time/Venue 10 Apr 2011 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心音樂廳 主辦 / 協辦單位 Organizer(s)/Coorganizer(s) 音樂系 Department of Music 跨文化與跨學科視野下的宗教 家庭與性倫理 國際學術會議 International Conference on Religion, Family & Sexual Ethics: Cross-cultural and Multidisciplinary Perspectives May 2011 中華基督宗教研究中心 Centre for Sino-Christian Studies 查詢 Enquiries: 中華基督宗教研究中心 Centre for Sino-Christian Studies % 文學院通訊編輯委員會 Arts Faculty Newsletter Editorial Committee 主席 Chairperson 鍾玲教授 Prof. CHUNG Ling 委員 Members 陳偉強博士 Dr. Timothy Wai Keung CHAN 黃良喜博士 Dr. WEE Lian Hee 盧丹懷博士 Dr. Dan LU 孟皓珣博士 Dr. Esther MANG 吳有能博士 Dr. William NG 黃國鉅博士 Dr. WONG Kwok Kui 倪若誠博士 Dr. Robert NEATHER 執行編輯 Executive Editor 周靄姬小姐 Miss Rebecca CHAU 顧問 Advisors 安可思教授 Prof. Kathleen AHRENS 陳致教授 Prof. CHEN Zhi 張佩瑤教授 Prof. Martha CHEUNG 周國正教授 Prof. CHOW Kwok Ching 朱耀偉教授 Prof. Stephen CHU 何慧中教授 Prof. HO Wai Chung 洪同年教授 Prof. Tong HUNG 羅秉祥教授 Prof. LO Ping Cheung 文潔華教授 Prof. Eva MAN 費樂仁教授 Prof. Lauren PFISTER 潘明倫教授 Prof. Johnny POON 葉少嫻教授 Prof. Terry YIP 香港浸會大學文學院 Arts Faculty, Hong Kong Baptist University 九龍塘窩打老道 224 號香港浸會大學善衡校園溫仁才大樓 11 樓 OEW1100 室 OEW1100, 11/F, OEN Hall, HSH Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong 電話 Tel: (852) 電郵 artd@hkbu.edu.hk 傳真 Fax: (852) 網址 Website: 文學院通訊 ( 半年刊 ) 由香港浸會大學文學院出版 版權所有, 不得翻印 2010 年 11 月 The Arts Faculty Newsletter is published biannually by the Arts Faculty, Hong Kong Baptist University. All rights reserved. November 活動預告 Upcoming Events

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