新光證券投資信託股份有限公司 銷售之先機環球系列境外基金公告 中華民國 106 年 7 月 19 日 新光投信總發字第 號 公告事項 : 一 依據總代理人富盛證券投資顧問股份有限公司通知先機環球系列基金公開說明書所將為之數 項變動乙事, 完整內容請詳後附件 二 前揭境外基金公開說明書

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1 新光證券投資信託股份有限公司 銷售之先機環球系列境外基金公告 中華民國 106 年 7 月 19 日 新光投信總發字第 號 公告事項 : 一 依據總代理人富盛證券投資顧問股份有限公司通知先機環球系列基金公開說明書所將為之數 項變動乙事, 完整內容請詳後附件 二 前揭境外基金公開說明書中譯本變動或增加之內容如下 : ( 一 ) 修改典型投資人屬性 ; ( 二 ) 更新公開說明書中有關本公司董事之簡介內容 ; ( 三 ) 更新公開說明書附件一 受規管市場 中所載之受認可證券交易所與市場清單 該等更新不會導致基金之投資目標與政策發生任何變更 ; ( 四 ) 強化先機新興市場債券基金與先機日本股票基金增補文件中有關交換交易 總報酬交換 / 超額報酬交換之揭露內容, 以符合證券融資法規之相關規定 ; ( 五 ) 強化先機日本股票基金與先機新興市場本地貨幣債券基金增補文件中有關貨幣避險活動與貨幣部位之揭露內容 ; ( 六 ) 其他雜項及編輯性之修訂與更新 ; ( 七 ) 先機美國入息基金之 營業日 定義將修訂為係指都柏林與倫敦之零售銀行開門營業以及紐約之紐約證券交易所開門營業之日 ( 不含週六 週日及國定假日 ); ( 八 ) 先機全球新興市場基金之 營業日 定義將修訂為係指都柏林與倫敦之零售銀行開門營業以及紐約之紐約證券交易所開門營業之日 ( 不含週六 週日及國定假日 ); 三 以上變更已於 2017 年 7 月 4 日生效或其前後生效 SKF-D




5 先機環球基金 此為重要文件, 需要台端立即注意 倘若台端對應採取的行動有任何疑問, 應諮詢台端的投資顧問 稅務顧問及 / 或法律顧問 ( 視情況而定 ) 如台端已出售或轉讓您在先機環球基金 ( 下稱 本公司 ) 的所有股份, 請立即將本文件送交該買受人或受讓人或經手出售或轉讓的股票經紀人 銀行或其他代理人, 以便盡快將本文件轉交買受人或受讓人 本公司董事就本文件所載之資訊負責 於董事之最大所知所信範圍內 ( 已盡一切合理注意確保此為真 ), 本文件所載之資訊與事實相符且未遺漏任何可能影響該資訊意涵之內容 本文件內大寫的用語應與本公司 2016 年 12 月 6 日的公開說明書 ( 下稱 公開說明書 ) 內大寫的用語具有相同定義 公開說明書可於一般營業時間內向本公司之登記營業處索取 請注意, 愛爾蘭中央銀行 ( 下稱 中央銀行 ) 並未審閱本函件 2017 年 6 月 30 日 親愛的股東, 您好 : Re: 本公司相關變更之通知 公開說明書之修訂 A. 引言 本公司經中央銀行許可為 UCITS 傘型基金, 各子基金 ( 下稱 基金 ) 之間責任分別獨立, 並為根據愛爾蘭法律成立的有限責任開放式投資公司 本函旨在通知股東若干即將做出之本公司相關變更 除下文另有說明外, 該等變更, 於取得主管機關核可後, 將於 2017 年 7 月 4 日或該日前後生效 B. 修改典型投資人屬性 根據現行各子基金增補文件中有關典型投資人屬性之規定, 典型投資人係至少以五年為投資期間 董事擬將各子基金之投資期間修訂為典型投資人係採長期投資部署 此一修訂旨在提供投資管理公司認為對本公司旗下各子基金而言較為適當, 且更為客觀之投資期間分類方式 C. 公開說明書之其他變更 公開說明書亦將進行更新, 以反映 ( 除其他變更外之 ) 下列變更 : 將日期為 2017 年 3 月 20 日之公開說明書增補本現行所載之公開說明書修訂內容, 予以納入 ; 更新公開說明書中有關本公司董事之簡介內容 ; 更新公開說明書附件一 受規管市場 中所載之受認可證券交易所與市場清單, 以包括達卡證券交易所 (DSE) 與哈薩克證券交易所, 以及, 就衍生性金融商品之投資而言, 則並包括孟買證券交易所與印度國家證券交易所在內 將額外的證券交 董事 : Adrian Waters Tom Murray Jessica Brescia ( 英國 ) Paul Simpson ( 英國 ) 及 Bronwyn Wright 登記營業處 : 見上文公司註冊編號 : ( 子基金之間責任分別獨立之傘型基金 )

6 先機環球基金 易所與市場納入其中之目的係為使相關基金得使用該等證券交易所與市場 該等更新不會導致基金之投資目標與政策發生任何變更 ; 強化先機新興市場債券基金與先機日本股票基金增補文件中有關交換交易 總報酬交換 / 超額報酬交換之揭露內容, 以符合證券融資法規之相關規定 基金現有投資目標與政策並無任何變動 ; 強化先機日本股票基金與先機新興市場本地貨幣債券基金增補文件中有關貨幣避險活動與貨幣部位之揭露內容 ; 以及 其他雜項及編輯性之修訂與更新 D. 先機美國入息基金 營業日 先機美國入息基金之 營業日 定義將修訂為係指都柏林與倫敦之零售銀行開門營業以及紐約之紐約證券交易所開門營業之日 ( 不含週六 週日及國定假日 ) E. 先機全球新興市場基金 營業日 先機全球新興市場基金之 營業日 定義將修訂為係指都柏林與倫敦之零售銀行開門營業以及紐約之紐約證券交易所開門營業之日 ( 不含週六 週日及國定假日 ) F. 修改公開說明書 G. 結語 公開說明書將進行更新, 以反映 ( 除其他變更外之 ) 前述變更 詳細內容請參考修訂後之公開說明書 公開說明書修訂版本, 於取得主管機關核可後, 將於 2017 年 7 月 4 日左右免費提供索閱, 屆時請於一般營業時間內洽本公司之登記營業處索取該文件 請注意, 前揭變更均不會對本公司基金之管理 應付費用及支出之水位以及基金之風險概況造成任何影響 若台端對於此等事項有任何疑問, 應洽上列地址與我們聯繫, 或應洽詢您的投資顧問 敬祝 鈞安 董事代表先機環球基金 董事 : Adrian Waters Tom Murray Jessica Brescia ( 英國 ) Paul Simpson ( 英國 ) 及 Bronwyn Wright 登記營業處 : 見上文公司註冊編號 : ( 子基金之間責任分別獨立之傘型基金 )

7 OLD MUTUAL GLOBAL INVESTORS SERIES PLC This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you should seek advice from your investment consultant, tax adviser and/or legal adviser as appropriate. If you have sold or transferred all of your Shares in Old Mutual Global Investors Series plc (the Company ), please pass this document at once to the purchaser or transferee or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee as soon as possible. The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the information contained in this document. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this document is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Capitalised terms used herein shall bear the same meaning as capitalised terms used in the prospectus of the Company dated 6 December 2016 (the Prospectus ). A copy of the Prospectus is available upon request during normal business hours from the registered office of the Company. Please note that the Central Bank of Ireland (the Central Bank ) has not reviewed this letter. 30 June 2017 Dear Shareholder, Re: Notification of changes relating to the Company - Amendments to the Prospectus A. INTRODUCTION The Company is authorised by the Central Bank as a UCITS umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds ( Funds ) and is established as an open-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Ireland. The purpose of this letter is to inform Shareholders of certain forthcoming changes to be made in relation to the Company. Unless otherwise provided below, these changes, subject to regulatory approval, will take effect on or about 4 July B. CHANGE IN PROFILE OF A TYPICAL INVESTOR The profile of a typical investor in each of the current sub-funds supplements provides that a typical investor has an investment horizon of 5 years or more. The Directors intend to amend the investment horizon for each sub-fund to provide that a typical investor has a long term investment horizon. The purpose of this amendment is to provide a more objective categorisation of the investment horizon which the Investment Manager believes is more appropriate for the sub-funds of the Company. C. OTHER CHANGES TO THE PROSPECTUS The Prospectus will also be updated, amongst others, to reflect the following changes: Directors: Adrian Waters, Tom Murray, Jessica Brescia (UK), Paul Simpson (UK), and Bronwyn Wright Registered Office: as above Company Registration No (umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds)

8 OLD MUTUAL GLOBAL INVESTORS SERIES PLC Incorporation of the amendments to the Prospectus currently set out in the Supplement dated 20 March 2017; Update of the profile of the Directors of the Company in the Prospectus; Update to the list of recognised stock exchanges and markets as set out in Schedule I The Regulated Markets in the Prospectus to include the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC and also to include, for investments in financial derivative instruments, the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. The inclusion of the additional stock exchanges is to enable the relevant Fund to gain access to such stock exchanges and markets. Such update does not result in any change in the investment objective and policies of the Funds; Enhancement of disclosures on swaps, total return swaps / excess return swaps in the Supplement of the Old Mutual Emerging Market Debt Fund and the Old Mutual Japanese Equity Fund to comply with the relevant requirements under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulations. There is no change to the existing investment objective and policies of the Funds; Enhancement of disclosures on currency hedging activities and currency positions in the Supplement of the Old Mutual Japanese Equity Fund and the Old Mutual Emerging Market Debt Fund; and Other miscellaneous and editorial amendments and updates. D. OLD MUTUAL US DIVIDEND FUND Business Day The definition of Business Day for the Old Mutual US Dividend Fund will be amended to whereby business day will now mean a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) on which retail banks are open for business in Dublin, London and the New York Stock Exchange is open for business in New York. E. OLD MUTUAL GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS FUND Business Day The definition of Business Day for the Old Mutual Global Emerging Markets Fund Supplement will be amended whereby business day will now mean a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) on which retail banks are open for business in Dublin, London and the New York Stock Exchange is open for business in New York. F. CHANGES TO PROSPECTUS The Prospectus will be updated to, amongst others, reflect the aforementioned changes. Please refer to the revised Prospectus for further details. A copy of the revised Prospectus, subject to regulatory approval, will be available free of charge on or about 4 July 2017 upon request during normal business hours from the registered office of the Company. G. CONCLUSION Please note that none of the above changes will have any impact on the management and level of fees and charges payable by the Funds of the Company and the risk profile of the Funds. Should you have any questions relating to these matters, you should either contact us at the above address or alternatively you should contact your investment consultant. Directors: Adrian Waters, Tom Murray, Jessica Brescia (UK), Paul Simpson (UK), and Bronwyn Wright Registered Office: as above Company Registration No (umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds)

9 OLD MUTUAL GLOBAL INVESTORS SERIES PLC Yours sincerely, Director For and on behalf of Old Mutual Global Investors Series plc Directors: Adrian Waters, Tom Murray, Jessica Brescia (UK), Paul Simpson (UK), and Bronwyn Wright Registered Office: as above Company Registration No (umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds)

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