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1 35 BIBLID (2005)35p ~ John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past Illustrated. 192 pp. New York: Oxford University Press, * The Landscape of History soc *

2 310 Cold War history George Eastman Visiting Professorship Caspar David The Wanderer above a Sea of Fog historical consciousness inaccessible metaphor recognition of patterns pp

3 John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History 311 M The Historian s Craft Edward What Is History physical and biological sciences; p. xi sciences evolutionary biology surviving structures experiments rerun repeat reproducibility hard sciences actual replicability virtual replicabilitypp landscape 2 Marc Bloch

4 312 elevation Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469~1527The Prince Medici Lorenzo the Magnificent pp. 7-8 reality Alan Brinkley Leopold von Ranke 4 independent dependent variables 4 Alan Brinkley, review of The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis, New York Times Book Review 107 (17 November 2002),

5 John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History 313 interdependen their interconnections through time reductionism ecological view of reality complex causation versus simple causation non-universal generalizations prefer simulations to modeling narrative

6 314 pp Kenneth Waltz bipolar systems multipolar systems asymmetrically evolving capabilities Shi Ruey Joey Long 5 5 Shi Ruey Joey Long, Clio and Sciences: The View from Gaddis, review of The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis, Rethinking History 8:1 (March 2004),

7 John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History 315 hard sciences chaos and complexity interdependency of variables William H. McNeill

8 316 pp p. 114 p. 32 narrative selectivity simultaneity, shifting of scale pp pp. 14-1

9 John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History 317 deliberately provocative, p. 71 paradigm pluralism, p. 108 fit pp rational choice theory Thomas F. Gieryn 6 7 p. 50 p Thomas F. Gieryn, review of The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 40:1 (Winter 2004), Shi Ruey Joey Long, Clio and Sciences: The View from Gaddis,

10 318 time machine p. 3 vision literal and abstract representation, p. 12 vicariously, p. 5 positivistic pretensions New History 8 bold and challenging engaging a grand celebration of the pursuit of knowledge 8 Joseph Mali, review of The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis, American Historical Review 109:2 (April 2004), Gaddis Daniel Snowman History Today 53:5 (May 2003), 90-91

11 John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History 319 clarity, and wit 9 Adams, p. 20John Shakespeare Madden in Lovep. 15, 129 * Brown University Jeffrey M. Muller 9 Brinkley s review, Long s review, a review in Foreign Affairs 82:2 (March/April 2003), 148; and Neil Jumonville, review of The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis, The Journal of American History 90:4 (March 2004),



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