数据结构与算法 - Python基础

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1 Python

2 教材及课件 课件及作业见网址 xpzhang.me 1

3 1. Python (list) (tuple) 4. (dict) (set)

4 Python

5 Python

6 3

7 Python 4

8 Python 1, 100, -8080, 0,... 0x 0-9, a-f 0 xff00, 0 xa432bf 5

9 1.24, 3.14, -9.80, e9, 1.2e -6,... 6

10 " abc, " xyz ",... "" abc a, b, c 3 "" "I m OK" I,, m,, O, K 6 7

11 " \ I\ m \"OK\"! I m "OK "! 8

12 \ \n \t \\ \ print ("I\ ok.") print ("I\ m learning \ npython.") print ( \\\ n\\ ) 9

13 \ \n \t \\ \ print ("I\ ok.") print ("I\ m learning \ npython.") print ( \\\ n\\ ) I ok. I m learning Python. \ \ 9

14 \ Python r print ( \\\ n\\ ) print (r \\\ n\\ ) 10

15 \ Python r print ( \\\ n\\ ) print (r \\\ n\\ ) \ \ \\\ n \\\ 10

16 \n Python... print ( line1 line2 line3 ) print (r hello,\n world ) 11

17 \n Python... print ( line1 line2 line3 ) print (r hello,\n world ) line1 line2 line3 hello,\n world 11

18 Python True False print ( True ) print ( False ) print (3 > 2) print (3 > 5) True False True False 12

19 and, or, not print ( True and True ) print ( True and False ) print ( False and False ) print (5 > 3 and 1 > 3) True False False False print ( True or True ) print ( True or False ) print ( False or False ) print (5 > 3 or 1 > 3) True True False True print ( not True ) print ( not False ) print ( not 1 > 2) False True True 13

20 age = int ( input ( Enter your age : )) if age >= 18: print ( adult ) else : print ( teenager ) 14

21 age = int ( input ( Enter your age : )) if age >= 18: print ( adult ) else : print ( teenager ) Enter your age : 14 teenager Enter your age : 24 adult 14

22 Python None None 0 0 None 15

23 Python

24 n = 1 n a = 1.0 a str = Hello world! str answer = True answer 16

25 Python = a = 123 print (a, type (a)) a = print (a, type (a)) a = ABC print (a, type (a)) a = 5 > 3 or 2 < 1 print (a, type (a)) 123 <class int > 3.14 <class float > ABC <class str > True <class bool > 17

26 C int a = 123; // a is an integer type variable a = " ABC "; // error : cannot assign string to a. 18

27 a = ABC Python ABC a ABC 19

28 a b b a a = ABC b = a a = XYZ print (b) 20

29 a b b a a = ABC b = a a = XYZ print (b) ABC 20

30 a = ABC ABC a a ABC. b = a b b a ABC. a = XYZ XYZ a ABC b. 21

31 Python

32 Python PI = PI Python PI PI 22

33 Python

34 Python /: print ( 10/ 3) / print (9/3)

35 // print (9//3) print (10//3) 3 3 // // 24

36 Python : print (10 % 3) 1 25


38 8 bit byte byte = = =

39 127 ( ) ASCII A 65 z

40 127 ( ) ASCII A 65 z 122 ASCII GB

41 127 ( ) ASCII A 65 z 122 ASCII GB2312 Shift_JIS Euc-kr 27

42 127 ( ) ASCII A 65 z 122 ASCII GB2312 Shift_JIS Euc-kr Unicode 27

43 Unicode Unicode ASCII Unicode ASCII 1 Unicode 2 A ASCII ASCII ASCII Unicode ASCII A Unicode 0 A Unicode

44 Unicode Unicode ASCII 29

45 Unicode Unicode ASCII Unicode UTF-8 UTF-8 UTF-8 Unicode


47 ASCII Unicode UTF-8 Unicode UTF-8 UTF-8 Unicode Unicode UTF-8 31

48 Python

49 Python Python 3 Unicode Python print ( string ) string 32

50 Python Python ord() chr() print ( ord ( A )) print ( ord ( )) print ( chr (66) ) print ( chr (25991) ) B 33

51 Python Python ord() chr() print ( ord ( A )) print ( ord ( )) print ( chr (66) ) print ( chr (25991) ) B print ( \ u4e2d \ u6587 ) 33

52 Python Python r b f 34

53 b Python Unicode str bytes Python bytes b x = b ABC ABC b ABC str bytes print ( type ( ABC )) print ( type (b ABC )) <class str > <class bytes > 35

54 b Unicode str encode() bytes >>> ABC. encode ( utf -8 ) b ABC >>> ABC. encode ( ascii ) b ABC >>>. encode ( utf -8 ) b \ xe4 \ xb8 \ xad \ xe6 \ x96 \ x87 >>>. encode ( ascii ) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " <stdin >", line 1, in <module > UnicodeEncodeError : ascii codec can t encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range (128) str bytes UTF-8 ASCII str UTF-8 bytes ASCII ASCII Python 36

55 b bytes bytes str decode() >>> b ABC. decode ( ascii ) ABC >>> b \ xe4 \ xb8 \ xad \ xe6 \ x96 \ x87. decode ( utf -8 ) 37

56 b bytes decode() >>> b \ xe4 \ xb8 \ xad \ xff. decode ( utf -8 ) Traceback ( most recent call last ):... UnicodeDecodeError : utf -8 codec can t decode byte 0 xff in position 3: invalid start byte bytes errors= ignore >>> b \ xe4 \ xb8 \ xad \ xff. decode ( utf -8, errors = ignore ) 38

57 b str len() >>> len ( ABC ) 3 >>> len ( ) 2 bytes len() >>> len (b ABC ) 3 >>> len (. encode ( utf -8 )) 6 1 UTF

58 b str bytes UTF-8 str bytes Python UTF-8 Python UTF-8 #!/ usr / bin / env python3 # -*- coding : utf -8 -*- Linux/OS X Python Windows Python UTF-8 40


60 %-formatting Python OG(original generation) python C print ( Hello, %s! % world ) name = Ming age = 23 print ( Hello, %s. You are %s. % (name, age )) 41

61 %-formatting Python OG(original generation) python C print ( Hello, %s! % world ) name = Ming age = 23 print ( Hello, %s. You are %s. % (name, age )) Hello, world! Hello, Ming. You are

62 %-formatting 1: %d %f %s %x 42

63 %-formatting print ( %3d -%03 d % (22, 11) ) print ( %.3 f %8.3 e % ( , ) ) 43

64 %-formatting %-formatting first = Ming last = Li age = 23 profession = student affiliation = WHU print ( Hello, %s %s. You are %s. You are a %s. You are a member of % s. % ( first, last, age, profession, affiliation )) 44

65 %-formatting %-formatting first = Ming last = Li age = 23 profession = student affiliation = WHU print ( Hello, %s %s. You are %s. You are a %s. You are a member of % s. % ( first, last, age, profession, affiliation )) Hello, Ming Li. You are 23. You are a student. You are a member of WHU. % 44

66 str.format() Python 2.6 str.format() %-formatting format () str.format() name = Ming age = 23 print ( Hello, {}. You are {}.. format (name, age ) ) Hello, Ming. You are

67 str.format() name = Ming age = 23 print ( Hello, {1}. You are {0}.. format (age, name )) Hello, Ming. You are

68 str.format() person = { name : Ming, age : 23} print ( Hello, { name }. You are { age }.. format ( name = person [ name ], age = person [ age ])) Hello, Ming. You are

69 str.format() ** person = { name : Ming, age : 23} print ( Hello, { name }. You are { age }.. format (** person )) Hello, Ming. You are 23. str.format() %-formatting str.format() 48

70 f f Python 3.6 name = Ming age = 23 print (f Hello, { name }. You are { age }. ) print (F Hello, { name }. You are { age }. ) Hello, Ming. You are 23. Hello, Ming. You are 23. f Python 49

71 f print (f {2 * 37} ) 74 name = Ming print (f { name. lower ()} is funny. ) ming is funny. 50

72 f f class Student : def init (self, first, last, age ): self. first = first self. last = last self. age = age def str ( self ): return f { self. first } { self. last } is { self. age }. def repr ( self ): return f { self. first } { self. last } is { self. age }. Surprise! std = Student ( Ming, Li, 23) print (f { std } ) print (f { std!r} ) Ming Li is 23. Ming Li is 23. Surprise! 51

73 f f name, profession, affiliation = Ming, student, WHU msg1 = (f"hi { name }. " f" You are a { profession }. " f" You were in { affiliation }.") msg2 = (f"hi { name }. " " You are a { profession }. " " You were in { affiliation }.") msg3 = f """ Hi { name }. You are a { profession }. You were in { affiliation }. """ print ( msg1 ) print ( msg2 ) print ( msg3 ) 52

74 f Hi Ming. You are a student. You were in WHU. Hi Ming. You are a { profession }. You were in { affiliation }. Hi Ming. You are a student. You were in WHU. 53

75 (list) (tuple)

76 (list) (tuple)

77 Python courses = [ math, phys, chem ] print ( courses )

78 Python courses = [ math, phys, chem ] print ( courses ) [ math, phys, chem ] 54

79 len() print ( len ( courses )) 3 0 print ( courses [0]) print ( courses [1]) print ( courses [2]) print ( courses [3]) 55

80 len() print ( len ( courses )) 3 0 print ( courses [0]) print ( courses [1]) print ( courses [2]) print ( courses [3]) math phys chem Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " list. py", line 5, in <module > print ( courses [3]) IndexError : list index out of range Python IndexError len(classmates)-1 55

81 1 2 2 print ( courses [ -1]) print ( courses [ -2]) print ( courses [ -3]) # print ( courses [ -4]) 56

82 1 2 2 print ( courses [ -1]) print ( courses [ -2]) print ( courses [ -3]) # print ( courses [ -4]) chem phys math Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " list.py", line 5, in <module > print ( courses [ -4]) IndexError : list index out of range 56

83 append() courses. append ( biology ) print ( courses ) [ math, phys, chem, biology ] insert() courses. insert (1, history ) print ( courses ) [ math, history, phys, chem, biology ] 57

84 pop() courses. pop () print ( courses ) [ math, history, phys, chem ] pop(i) i courses. pop (1) print ( courses ) [ math, phys, chem ] 58

85 courses [1] = chinese print ( courses ) [ math, chinese, chem ] 59

86 1. list1 = [ Apple, 123, 3.14, True ] 2. list2 = [ python, java, [ c, c++, c# ], matlab ] 3. list3 = [] # or list3 = list () 60

87 (list) (tuple) (tuple)

88 (tuple) Python tuple list tuple courses = ( math, phys, chem ) courses tuple append(), insert() list courses[0], courses[-1] 61

89 (tuple) tuple tuple tuple list tuple tuple tuple1 = (1, 2) tuple2 = 1, 2 tuple3 = () tuple4 = (1, ) 62

90 (tuple) tuple t = (1) tuple 1 () tuple Python 1 tuple,: tuple4 = (1, ) 63

91 (tuple) tuple t = ( a, b, [ A, B ]) print (t) t [2][0] = X t [2][1] = Y print (t) ( a, b, [ A, B ]) ( a, b, [ X, Y ]) t a, b 64

92 (tuple) tuple tuple list tuple list list tuple tuple a b list list 65

93 (dict) (set)

94 (dict) (set)

95 Python (dict) map - (key-value pair) list list: courses = [ math, phys, chem ] scores = [95, 90, 85] courses scores list 66

96 dict - info = { math : 95, phys : 90, chem : 85} print ( info [ math ]) 95 67

97 1. dict key info [ chinese ] = 88 print ( info [ chinese ]) key value key value info [ chinese ] = 94 print ( info [ chinese ]) 94 68

98 3 key dict # print ( info [ history ]) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " dict1.py", line 10, in <module > print (d[ history ]) KeyError : history 69

99 4 key : in key print ( history in info ) False dict get() key None value: print ( info. get ( history )) print ( info. get ( history, -1)) None -1 70

100 5 key pop(key) value dict info. pop ( chem ) print ( info ) { math : 95, phys : 90, chinese : 94} 5 dict key dict 71

101 list dict key list 72

102 dict Python dict dict key dict key value key dict key Hash 73

103 hash key Python key list key d = {} print (d) key = [1, 2, 3] d[ key ] = a list {} Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " dict2.py", line 5, in <module > d[ key ] = a list TypeError : unhashable type : list 74

104 (dict) (set) (set)

105 (set) set dict key value key set key 1. set s1 = {1, 2, 3} print ( type (s1)) print (s1) <class set > {1, 2, 3} list s2 = set ([1, 2, 3]) print ( type (s2)) print (s2) <class set > {1, 2, 3} 75

106 (set) 2 set s3 = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3} print (s3) {1, 2, 3} 3 add(key) set s3.add (4) print (s3) s3.add (4) print (s3) {1, 2, 3, 4} {1, 2, 3, 4} 76

107 (set) 4 remove(key) s3. remove (4) print (s3) {1, 2, 3} 5 set set s1 = {1, 2, 3} s2 = set ([2, 3, 4]) print (s1 & s2) print (s1 s2) {2, 3} {1, 2, 3, 4} 77

108 (set) set dict value set dict set 78

109 (dict) (set)

110 str list list a = [ c, b, a ] print (a) a. sort () print (a) [ c, b, a ] [ a, b, c ] 79

111 str list list a = [ c, b, a ] print (a) a. sort () print (a) [ c, b, a ] [ a, b, c ] str a = abc print (a. replace ( a, A )) print (a) Abc abc 79

112 a abc a abc a abc 80

113 a abc a abc a abc a.replace( a, A ) replace abc replace abc replace Abc b a abc b Abc 80


115 if

116 if if condition : statements : age = 20 if age >= 18: print (f your age is { age } ) print ( adult ) your age is 20 adult 81

117 if Python if True print 82

118 if... else...

119 if... else... if condition : statements1 else : statements2 83

120 if... else... : age = 12 if age >= 18: print (f your age is { age } ) print ( adult ) else : print (f your age is { age } ) print ( teenager ) your age is 12 teenager 84

121 if... elif... else...

122 if... elif... else... if condition1 : statements1 elif condition2 : statements2 elif condition3 : statements3 else : statements4 85

123 if... elif... else... : age = 12 if age >= 18: print ( adult ) elif age >= 6: print ( teenager ) else : print ( kid ) teenager 86

124 if... elif... else... if True elif else. age = 20 if age >= 6: print ( teenager ) elif age >= 18: print ( adult ) else : print ( kid )

125 if... elif... else... if True elif else. age = 20 if age >= 6: print ( teenager ) elif age >= 18: print ( adult ) else : print ( kid ) if if x: print ( True ) 87

126 input

127 input age = input ( Enter your age : ) if age >= 18: print ( adult ) elif age >= 6: print ( teenager ) else : print ( kid ) 20 Enter your age : 20 Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " input. py", line 2, in <module > if age >= 18: TypeError : >= not supported between instances of str and int input() str str int str int 88

128 input age = int ( input ( Enter your age : )) if age >= 18: print ( adult ) elif age >= 6: print ( teenager ) else : print ( kid ) Enter your age : 20 adult 89


130 Python for... in while 90

131 for... in

132 for... in for... in list tuple : animals = [ dog, cat, monkey, pig ] for animial in animals : print ( animial ) print () for i, animial in enumerate ( animals ): print (i, animial ) dog cat monkey pig 0 dog 1 cat 2 monkey 3 pig 91

133 for... in : sum = 0 for x in range ( 101) : sum += x print ( sum )

134 while

135 while : 1000 sum = 0 n = 99 while n > 0: sum += n n -= 2 print ( sum )

136 break

137 break break : print ( ==================== ) print ( a. apple b. banana ) print ( o. orange q. quit ) print ( ==================== ) while True : letter = input ( Enter a, b, o and q: ) if letter == a : print ( apple ) elif letter == b : print ( banana ) elif letter == o : print ( orange ) elif letter == q : break print (" Exit!") 94

138 break === ================= a. apple b. banana o. orange q. quit === ================= Enter a, b, o and q: a apple Enter a, b, o and q: b banana Enter a, b, o and q: o orange Enter a, b, o and q: q Exit! 95

139 continue

140 continue continue : 100 sum = 0 for i in range ( 100) : if i % 2 == 0: continue sum += i print ( sum )



143 Python : print ( abs (1000) ) print ( abs ( -20) ) print ( abs (12.34) ) # print ( abs ( a )) print ( max (1, 2)) print ( max (2, 3, -1, 5)) print ( max ([1, 2]) ) print ( max ((2, 3, -1, 5)))

144 Python : print ( int ( 123 )) print ( int (12.34) ) print ( float ( )) print ( str (1.23) ) print ( str (100) ) print ( bool (1) ) print ( bool ( )) True False 98

145 : print ( hex (255) ) print ( hex (1000) ) print ( oct (255) ) print ( oct (1000) ) print ( bin (255) ) print ( bin (1000) ) 0 xff 0 x3e8 0 o377 0 o b b

146 a = abs print (a( -1)) 1 100


148 Python def : return 101

149 Python def : return : my_abs() def my_abs (x): if x >= 0: return x else : return -x if name == main : print ( my_abs ( -1)) 1 101

150 : my_abs() my_functions.py from my_functions import my_abs my_abs() my_functions.py from my_ functions import my_ abs print ( my_abs ( -20) )

151 pass def empty (): pass 103

152 pass def empty (): pass pass 103

153 pass def empty (): pass pass pass pass 103

154 pass def empty (): pass pass pass pass pass if age >= 18: pass pass 103

155 Python TypeError >>> my_abs (1, 2) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File "<stdin >", line 1, in <module > TypeError : my_ abs () takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Python 104

156 my_abs abs >>> my_abs ( A ) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File "<stdin >", line 1, in <module > File "<stdin >", line 2, in my_abs TypeError : unorderable types : str () >= int () >>> abs ( A ) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File "<stdin >", line 1, in <module > TypeError : bad operand type for abs (): str abs my_abs if abs 105

157 my_abs isinstance() def my_abs (x): if not isinstance (x, ( int, float )): raise TypeError ( bad operand type ) if x >= 0: return x else : return -x if name == main : print ( my_abs ( -1)) print ( my_abs ( A )) 106

158 my_abs isinstance() def my_abs (x): if not isinstance (x, ( int, float )): raise TypeError ( bad operand type ) if x >= 0: return x else : return -x if name == main : print ( my_abs ( -1)) print ( my_abs ( A )) 1 Traceback ( most recent call last ): File " src / slide01 / code / my_abs1.py", line 11, in <module > print ( my_abs ( A )) File " src / slide01 / code / my_abs1.py", line 3, in my_abs raise TypeError ( bad operand type ) TypeError : bad operand type 106

159 Python : (x,y) import math def move (x, y, step, angle =0) : nx = x + step * math. cos ( angle ) ny = y - step * math. sin ( angle ) return nx, ny if name == main : x, y = 100, 100 step = 60 angle = math. pi / 6 x_new, y_new = move (x, y, step, angle ) print (f"{ x_new :.3 f}, { y_new :.3 f}") ,

160 import math math math sin cos tuple tuple 108


162 Python 109

163 : x 2. def power (x): return x * x print ( power (5) ) print ( power (15) )

164 : x 2. def power (x): return x * x print ( power (5) ) print ( power (15) ) power() x x 110

165 x 3 power3() x 4,x 5, : x n. def power (x, n): s = 1 while n > 0: n -= 1 s *= x return s print ( power (5, 2)) print ( power (5, 3)) power(x, n) x n x n 111

166 power(x, n) >>> power (5) Traceback ( most recent call last ): File "<stdin >", line 1, in <module > TypeError : power () missing 1 required positional argument : n power() n 112

167 x 2 n 2 : x n. def power (x, n =2) : s = 1 while n > 0: n -= 1 s *= x return s print ( power (5) ) print ( power (5, 2)) power(5) power(5, 2) n 2 power(5, 3) 113

168 1. Python

169 : name gender def enroll (name, gender ): print (f" name : { name }") print (f" gender : { gender }") enroll ( Sarah, F ) name : Sarah gender : F 115

170 : def enroll (name, gender, age =6, city = Wuhan ): print (f" name : { name }, gender : { gender }, age : { age }, city : { city }") enroll ( Sarah, F ) enroll ( Bob, M, 7 ) enroll ( Adam, F, city = Beijing ) name : Sarah, gender : F, age : 6, city : Wuhan name : Bob, gender : M, age : 7, city : Wuhan name : Adam, gender : F, age : 6, city : Beijing 116

171 117

172 enroll( Bob, M, 7) name gender age city enroll( Adam, M, city= Beijing ) city 118

173 Python

174 Python : a,b,c, a 2 +b 2 +c 2 + a,b,c, list tuple def calc ( numbers ): sum = 0 for n in numbers : sum += n* n return sum print ( calc ([1, 2, 3, 4]) ) print ( calc ((1, 3, 5, 7))) list tuple 119

175 : def calc (* numbers ): sum = 0 for n in numbers : sum += n* n return sum print ( calc (1, 2, 3, 4)) print ( calc (1, 3, 5, 7)) print ( calc ())

176 : def calc (* numbers ): sum = 0 for n in numbers : sum += n* n return sum print ( calc (1, 2, 3, 4)) print ( calc (1, 3, 5, 7)) print ( calc ()) * numbers tuple 0 120

177 list tuple nums = [1, 2, 3] print ( calc ( nums [0], nums [1], nums [2]) ) 121

178 list tuple nums = [1, 2, 3] print ( calc ( nums [0], nums [1], nums [2]) ) Python list tuple * list tuple print ( calc (* nums )) 121

179 0 tuple 0 dict 122

180 0 tuple 0 dict def person (name, age, ** kw): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, other : {kw}") person ( Michael, 30) person ( Bob, 35, city = Wuhan ) person ( Sarah, 22, gender = F, city = Beijing ) 122

181 0 tuple 0 dict def person (name, age, ** kw): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, other : {kw}") person ( Michael, 30) person ( Bob, 35, city = Wuhan ) person ( Sarah, 22, gender = F, city = Beijing ) name : Michael, age : 30, other : {} name : Bob, age : 35, other : { city : Wuhan } name : Sarah, age : 22, other : { gender : F, city : Beijing } 122

182 person() name age kw person ( Michael, 30) person ( Bob, 35, city = Beijing ) person ( Adam, 45, gender = M, job = Engineer ) 123

183 person() name age 124

184 dict dict extra = { city : Beijing, job : Engineer } person ( Jack, 24, ** extra ) name : Jack, age : 24, other : { city : Beijing, job : Engineer } **extra extra dict key-value **kw kw dict kw dict extra kw extra 125

185 126

186 : gender city def person (name, age, *, gender, city ): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, gender : { gender }, city : { city }") person ( Sarah, 22, gender = F, city = Beijing ) name : Sarah, age : 22, gender : F, city : Beijing 126

187 : gender city def person (name, age, *, gender, city ): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, gender : { gender }, city : { city }") person ( Sarah, 22, gender = F, city = Beijing ) name : Sarah, age : 22, gender : F, city : Beijing **kw * * 126

188 * def person (name, age, *args, gender, city ): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, args : { args }, gender : { gender }, city : { city }") person ( Sarah, 22, Engineer, gender = F, city = Beijing ) name : Sarah, age : 22, args : ( Engineer,), gender : F, city : Beijing 127

189 def person (name, age, *, gender = M, city ): print (f" name : { name }, age : { age }, gender : { gender }, city : { city }") person ( Sarah, 22, city = Beijing ) name : Sarah, age : 22, gender : M, city : Beijing 128

190 Python 5 : def f1(a, b, c=0, *args, ** kw): print (f a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}, args : { args }, kw: { kw} ) def f2(a, b, c=0, *, d, ** kw): print (f a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}, d: {d}, kw: {kw} ) 129

191 Python f1 (1, 2) f1 (1, 2, c =3) f1 (1, 2, 3, a, b, x =99) f1 (1, 2, d=99, ext = None ) a = 1, b = 2, c = 0, args : (), kw: {} a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, args : (), kw: {} a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, args : ( a, b ), kw: { x : 99} a = 1, b = 2, c = 0, args : (), kw: { d : 99, ext : None } tuple dict args = (1, 2, 3, 4) kw = { d : 99, x : # } f1 (* args, ** kw) args = (11, 22, 33) kw = { d : 44, x : ## } f2 (* args, ** kw) 130

192 func(*args, **kw) 131


新・明解Python入門 !=... 47, 49 "... 14 """... 14, 242, 266 #... 21 #... 30 %... 9 %... 152 %... 152 %=... 91 &... 124 &=... 91 '... 12, 14 '''... 14 ' main '... 296 'ascii'... 359 'cp932'... 359 'euc-jis-2004'... 359 'False'...

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