C/C++ - 结构体、共用体、枚举体

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1 C/C++

2 Table of contents


4 C C (struct) C 2

5 C C (struct) C 2

6 i // book.c: # include < stdio.h> # define MAX_ TITLE 41 # define MAX_ AUTHOR 31 struct book { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; }; int main ( void ) { struct book book ; printf (" Please enter the book title.\ n"); gets ( book. title ); printf (" Please enter the author.\n"); 3

7 ii } gets ( book. author ); printf (" Now enter the price.\n"); scanf ("%f", & book. price ); printf ("%s by %s: %.2 f\n", book. title, book. author, book. price ); return 0; 4

8 Please enter the book title. C primer plus Please enter the author. Stephan Prata Now enter the price. 90 C primer plus by Stephan Prata :

9 struct book { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; }; struct book 3 (member) 6


11 (structure declaration) struct book { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; }; 7

12 (structure declaration) struct book { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; }; char float 7

13 struct book struct book book ; book book C 8

14 9

15 typedef typedef typedef struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } Book ; 10

16 typedef typedef typedef struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } Book ; Book book ; 10

17 i // book1.c: # include < stdio.h> # define MAX_ TITLE 41 # define MAX_ AUTHOR 31 typedef struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } Book ; int main ( void ) { Book book ; printf (" Please enter the book title.\ n"); gets ( book. title ); printf (" Please enter the author.\n"); 11

18 ii } gets ( book. author ); printf (" Now enter the price.\n"); scanf ("%f", & book. price ); printf ("%s by %s: %.2 f\n", book. title, book. author, book. price ); return 0; 12


20 typedef struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } Book ; Book book ; Book book MAX_TITLE char MAX_AUTHOR char float book 13

21 Book int float Book Book book1, book2, * pbook ; 14

22 Book book ; struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } book ; 15

23 struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } book ; 16


25 Book library = { "C primer plus ", " Stephan Prata ", 80 }; 17


27 18

28 . 18

29 . book.price book price float book.price.title.author.price book 18


31 C99 Book price Book surprise = {. price = }; Book gift = {. price = 40.50,. author = " Dennis M. Ritchie ",. title = " The C programming language " }; 19



34 i // manybook.h: # include < stdio.h> # define MAX_ TITLE 41 # define MAX_ AUTHOR 31 # define MAX_ BOOK 100 typedef struct { char title [ MAX_ TITLE ]; char author [ MAX_ AUTHOR ]; float price ; } Book ; 20

35 i // manybook.c: # include " manybook.h" int main ( void ) { Book book [ MAX_BOOK ]; int count = 0; int i; printf (" Enter the book title.\n"); printf (" Press [ enter ] at the start of a line to stop.\n"); while ( count < MAX_ BOOK && gets ( book [ count ]. title )!= NULL && book [ count ]. title [0]!= \0 ) { printf (" Enter the author.\n"); gets ( book [ count ]. author ); printf (" Enter the price.\n"); 21

36 ii } scanf ("%f", & book [ count ++]. price ); while ( getchar ()!= \n ) continue ; if ( count < MAX_ BOOK ) printf (" Enter the next title.\n"); } if ( count > 0) { printf (" Here is the list of your book :\ n"); for ( i = 0; i < count ; i ++) printf ("%s by %s: %.2 f\n", book [i]. title, book [i]. author, book [i]. price ); } else { printf ("No book? Too bad!\n"); } return 0; 22

37 Enter the book title. Press [ enter ] at the start of a line to stop. C primer plus [ enter ] Enter the author. Stephan Prata [ enter ] Enter the price. 80[ enter ] Enter the next title. C programing language [ enter ] Enter the author. Dennis Ritchie [ enter ] Enter the price. 40[ enter ] Enter the next title. 23

38 Here is the list of your book : C primer plus by Stephan Prata : C programing language by Dennis Ritchie :


40 Book book [ MAX_BOOK ]; MAX_BOOK Book book Book 25


42 book [0]. price ; book [4]. title ; book [2]. title [4]; // 1 price // 5 title // 3 title // 5 26


44 John 27

45 i // friend.h # include < stdio.h> # define LEN 20 const char * msgs [5] = { " Thank your for the wonderful evening, ", " You certainly prove that a ", " is a special kind of guy. We must get together ", " over a delicous ", " and have a few laughs " }; typedef struct { char first [ LEN ]; char last [ LEN ]; } Name ; typedef struct { Name name ; 28

46 ii char favfood [ LEN ]; char job [ LEN ]; float income ; } Guy ; 29

47 i // friend.c # include " friend.h" int main ( void ) { Guy guy = { {" Ewen ", " Villard "}, " grilled salmon ", " personality coach ", }; printf (" Dear %s, \n\n", guy. name. first ); printf ("%s%s.\n", msgs [0], guy. name. first ); printf ("%s%s\n", msgs [1], guy. job ); printf ("%s\n", msgs [2]) ; printf ("%s%s%s", msgs [3], guy. favfood, msgs [4]) ; if ( guy. income > ) 30

48 ii } puts ("!!"); else if ( guy. income > ) puts ("!"); else puts ("."); printf ("\n %40 s%s\n", " ", " See you soon, "); printf (" %40 s%s\n", " ", " John "); return 0; 31

49 Dear Ewen, Thank your for the wonderful evening, Ewen. You certainly prove that a personality coach is a special kind of guy. We must get together over a delicous grilled salmonand have a few laughs!! See you soon, John 32

50 guy. name. first 33


52 1. 2. C 3. 34


54 Guy * him ; him Guy john Guy him = & john ; 35

55 Guy * him ; him Guy john Guy him = & john ; & 35

56 fellow Guy fellow [5]; fellow[0] him fellow[0] him = & fellow [0]; 36


58 him fellow[0] 1. -> him -> income is fellow [0]. income if him == & fellow [0] him him->income him 2.. fellow [0]. income == (* him ). income * 37

59 him fellow[0] fellow [0]. income == (* him ). income == him -> income 38




63 int, char, float, double 40

64 int, char, float, double 40

65 // student.h # include <stdio.h> # define LEN 50 typedef struct { char name [ LEN ]; int math, phys, chem ; } Student ; 41

66 # include " student.h" int total ( int math, int phys, int chem ); int main ( void ) { Student std = {" Zhang San ", 90, 85, 80}; printf (" Total score of %s is %d.\n", std.name, total ( std.math, std.phys, std. chem )); } int total ( int math, int phys, int chem ) { return math + phys + chem ; } 42


68 // student2.c # include " student.h" int total ( const Student *); int main ( void ) { Student std = {" Zhang San ", 90, 85, 80}; printf (" Total score of %s is %d.\n", std.name, total (& std )); } int total ( const Student * std ) { return std -> math + std -> phys + std -> chem ; } 43


70 // student3.c # include " student.h" int total ( const Student ); int main ( void ) { Student std = {" Zhang San ", 90, 85, 80}; printf (" Total score of %s is %d.\n", std.name, total ( std )); } int total ( const Student std ) { return std. math + std. phys + std. chem ; } 44


72 C n_data o_data o_data = n_data ; o_data n_data 45

73 Name name1 = {" Ruthie ", " George "}; Name name2 = name1 ; 46

74 C 47

75 i // names.h # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> typedef struct { char first [20]; char last [20]; int letters ; } Name ; void getinfo ( Name *); void makeinfo ( Name *); void showinfo ( const Name *); 48

76 i // info.c # include " names.h" void getinfo ( Name * pname ) { puts (" Enter your first name."); gets ( pname -> first ); puts (" Enter your last name."); gets ( pname -> last ); } void makeinfo ( Name * pname ) { pname -> letters = ( int ) strlen ( pname -> first ) + ( int ) strlen ( pname -> last ); } void showinfo ( const Name * pname ) { 49

77 ii } printf ("%s %s, your name contains %d letters.\n", pname -> first, pname ->last, pname -> letters ); 50

78 i // main.c # include " names.h" int main ( void ) { Name person ; getinfo (& person ); makeinfo (& person ); showinfo (& person ); return 0; } 51

79 Enter your first name. Stepha Enter your last name. Prata Stephan Prata, your name contains 12 letters. 52

80 53

81 i // names.h # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> typedef struct { char first [20]; char last [20]; int letters ; } Name ; Name getinfo ( void ); Name makeinfo ( Name ); void showinfo ( Name ); 54

82 i // info.c # include " names.h" Name getinfo ( void ) { Name name ; puts (" Enter your first name."); gets ( name. first ); puts (" Enter your last name."); gets ( name. last ); return name ; } Name makeinfo ( Name name ) { name. letters = ( int ) strlen ( name. first ) + ( int ) strlen ( name. last ); return name ; 55

83 ii } void showinfo ( Name name ) { printf ("%s %s, your name contains %d letters.\n", name. first, name.last, name. letters ); } 56

84 i // main.c # include " names.h" int main ( void ) { Name person ; person = getinfo (); person = makeinfo ( person ); showinfo ( person ); return 0; } 57


86 58

87 1. C 2. const 59

88 C 2. 60

89 61

90 i # include <stdio.h> # include <math.h> typedef struct { double val [3]; } Vec ; Vec add ( Vec a, Vec b) { Vec c; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) c. val [i] = a. val [i] + b. val [i]; return c; } Vec sub ( Vec a, Vec b) { Vec c; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) 62

91 ii c. val [i] = a. val [i] - b. val [i]; return c; } double dot ( Vec a, Vec b) { return a. val [0]* b. val [0] + a. val [1]* b. val [1] + a. val [2]* b. val [2]; } double norm ( Vec a) { return sqrt ( dot (a, a)); } void show ( Vec a) { 63

92 iii } printf (" <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f >\n", a. val [0], a. val [1], a. val [2]) ; 64

93 # include " vector.h" int main ( void ) { Vec a = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; Vec b = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; Vec c; c = add (a, b); printf ("a + b = "); show (c); c = sub (a, b); printf ("a - b = "); show (c); printf ("(a, b) = %.2 f\n", dot (a, b)); printf (" a = %.2 f\n", norm (a)); return 0; } 65

94 const 66


96 typedef struct { char first [20]; char last [20]; } Name ; typedef struct { char * first ; char * last ; } pname ; 67

97 typedef struct { char first [20]; char last [20]; } Name ; typedef struct { char * first ; char * last ; } pname ; 67

98 Name name1 = {" Stephan ", " Prata "}; pname name2 = {" Dennis ", " Ritche "}; printf ("%s %s", name1. first, name2. last ); 68

99 Name name1 40 pname name pname 69

100 Name boy ; pname girl ; puts (" Enter the last name of the boy "); scanf ("%s", boy. last ); puts (" Enter the last name of the girl "); scanf ("%s", girl. last ); // 70

101 boy boy last girl scanf() girl.last 71

102 malloc() 72

103 malloc()

104 malloc() malloc() malloc() 73

105 malloc() i // names.h # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> typedef struct { char * first ; char * last ; int letters ; } Name ; void getinfo ( Name *); void makeinfo ( Name *); void showinfo ( const Name *); void cleanup ( Name *); 74

106 malloc() i // info.c # include " names.h" void getinfo ( Name * pname ) { char temp [81]; puts (" Enter your first name."); gets ( temp ); pname -> first = ( char *) malloc ( strlen ( temp ) +1) ; strcpy ( pname -> first, temp ); puts (" Enter your last name."); gets ( temp ); pname -> last = ( char *) malloc ( strlen ( temp ) +1) ; strcpy ( pname ->last, temp ); } void makeinfo ( Name * pname ) 75

107 malloc() ii { } pname -> letters = ( int ) strlen ( pname -> first ) + ( int ) strlen ( pname -> last ); void showinfo ( const Name * pname ) { printf ("%s %s, your name contains %d letters.\n", pname -> first, pname ->last, pname -> letters ); } void cleanup ( Name * pname ) { free ( pname -> first ); free ( pname -> last ); } 76

108 malloc() // main.c # include " names.h" int main ( void ) { Name person ; getinfo (& person ); makeinfo (& person ); showinfo (& person ); cleanup (& person ); return 0; } 77

109 malloc() malloc() malloc() free() cleanup() 78


111 (union) 79

112 typedef union { int digit ; double bigfl ; char letter ; } Hold ; int double char 80

113 3 hold Hold fit ; Hold save [10]; Hold * pu; fit double 8 save 10 8 hold 81

114 C99 Hold vala ; vala. letter = R ; Hold valb = vala ; Hold valc = {88}; Hold vald = {. bigfl = }; 82

115 Hold fit ; fit. digit = 23; // 23 fit 2 fit. bigfl = 2.0; // fit. letter = h ; // 2.0 h 1 83

116 -> Hold * pu; Hold fit ; pu = & fit ; x = pu -> digit ; // x = fit.digit fit. letter = A ; flnum = 3.2 * fit. bigfl ; // 84

117 typedef struct { char socsecurity [ 20];... } Owner ; typedef struct { char name [40]; char headquarters [ 40];... } LeaseCompany ; 85

118 typedef union { Owner owncar ; LeaseCompany leasecar ; } Info ; typedef struct { char make [15]; int status ; // 0 = 1 = Info info ;... } CarInfo ; 86

119 honda CarInfo honda.status 0 ( ) honda.info.owncar.socsecurity; honda.status 1 ( ) honda.info.leasecar.name. 87


121 (enumerated type) enum enum int int 88

122 typedef enum { red, orange, yellow, green, blue } Spectrum ; Spectrum color ; Spectrum Spectrum color Spectrum 89

123 int c; color = blue ; if ( color == yellow )... for ( color = red ; color <= blue ; color ++)... Spectrum

124 printf (" red = %d, orange = %d\n", red, orange ); red = 0, orange = 1 red

125 0, 1, 2 nina 3 enum kids { nippy, slats, skippy, nina, liz }; 92

126 typedef enum { low = 100, medium = 500, high = 2000 } Level ; typedef enum { cat, lynx = 10, puma, tiger } Animal ; cat 0 lynx puma tiger

127 enum red blue

128 enum i # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> # include < stdbool.h> typedef enum { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet } Spectrum ; const char * colors [] = { " red ", " orange ", " yellow ", " green ", " blue ", " violet " }; # define LEN 30 int main ( void ) { char choice [ LEN ]; Spectrum color ; bool color_ is_ found = false ; puts (" Enter a color ( empty line to quit ):"); while ( gets ( choice )!= NULL && choice [0]!= \0 ) { 95

129 enum ii for ( color = red ; color <= violet ; color ++) { if ( strcmp ( choice, colors [ color ]) == 0) { color_ is_ found = true ; break ; } } if ( color_is_found ) switch ( color ) { case red : puts (" Roes are red."); break ; case orange : puts (" Poppies are orange."); break ; case yellow : puts (" Sunflowers are yellow."); break ; case green : puts (" Grass is green."); break ; case blue : puts (" Bluebells are blue."); break ; case violet : puts (" Violets are violet."); break ; } 96

130 enum iii } else printf ("I don t know about the color %s.\n", choice ); color_ is_ found = false ; puts (" Next color, please ( empty line to quit ): "); } puts (" Goodbye!"); return 0; 97

131 enum i Enter a color ( empty line to quit ): orange Poppies are orange. Next color, please ( empty line to quit ): blue Bluebells are blue. Next color, please ( empty line to quit ): red Roes are red. Next color, please ( empty line to quit ): sdf I don t know about the color sdf. Next color, please ( empty line to quit ): Goodbye! 98

132 typedef

133 typedef typedef #define #define typedef typedef typedef #define 99

134 typedef typedef unsigned char BYTE ; BYTE x, y [10], * z; unsigned char BYTE BYTE typedef 100

135 typedef typedef char * STRING ; STRING char STRING name, sign ; char * name, * sign ; 101

136 typedef # define STRING char *; STRING name, sign ; char * name, sign ; 102

137 typedef typedef typedef struct complex { float real ; float imag ; } COMPLEX ; COMPLEX struct complex typedef 103

138 typedef typedef typedef struct { double x; double y; } vector ; 104

139 typedef vector v1 = {3.0, 6. 0}; vector v2; v2 = v1; struct { double x; double y; } v1 = {3.0, 6. 0}; struct { double x; double y; } v2; v2 = v1; 105

140 typedef typedef typedef typedef char (* FRPTC ()) [5]; FRPTC 5 char 106

141 typedef typedef 107


143 int board [8][8]; //int int ** ptr ; // int int * risk [10]; // 10 int int (* rusk ) [10]; // 10 int int * oof [3][4]; // 3x4 int int (* uuf ) [3][4]; // 3X4 int int (* uof [3]) [4]; // 3 // 4 int 108

144 char * fump (); // char char (* frump ) (); // char char (* flump [3]) (); // 3 char 109

145 typedef int arr5 [5] typedef arr5 * p_ arr5 ; typedef p_ arr5 arrp10 [ 10]; arr5 togs ; //togs 5 int p_arr5 p2; //p2 5 int arrp10 ap; //ap 10 // 5 int 110



148 int * int * f ( int a, int b); 111

149 i # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> int * f( int a, int b); int main ( void ) { int * q = NULL ; printf (" Memory address of q = %p\n", q); q = f(1, 2); printf (" Memory address of q = %p\n", q); printf ("*q = %d \n", *q); return 0; } int * f( int a, int b) { int * p = ( int *) malloc ( sizeof ( int )); 112

150 ii } printf (" Memory address of p = %p\n", p); *p = a + b; printf ("*p = %d \n", *p); return p; 113

151 Memory address of q = ( nil ) Memory address of p = 0 x5627e8f93670 *p = 3 Memory address of q = 0 x5627e8f93670 *q = 3 114


153 int (* f) ( int a, int b); * 115

154 i int 116

155 i # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> int max ( int a, int b); int min ( int a, int b); int (*f) (int, int ); int main ( void ) { f = max ; printf (" The max value is %d \n", (*f)(1, 2)); f = min ; printf (" The min value is %d \n", (*f)(1, 2)); return 0; } int max ( int a, int b) 117

156 ii { return (a > b? a : b); } int min ( int a, int b) { return (a < b? a : b); } 118

157 The max value is 2 The min value is 1 119

158 i double 120

159 i // fun_ptr1.h # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <math.h> void Add ( double a, double b) { printf (" %8.3 f + %8.3 f = %8.3 f\n", a, b, a + b) ; } void Sub ( double a, double b) { printf (" %8.3 f - %8.3 f = %8.3 f\n", a, b, a - b) ; } 121

160 ii void Mul ( double a, double b) { printf (" %8.3 f * %8.3 f = %8.3 f\n", a, b, a * b) ; } void Div ( double a, double b) { if ( fabs (b) < 1.e -12) { printf (" Denominator is nearly zero!\n"); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } printf (" %8.3 f / %8.3 f = %8.3 f\n", a, b, a / b) ; } 122

161 i // fun_ptr1.c # include " fun_ptr1.h" int main () { void (* mathop []) ( double, double ) = {Add, Sub, Mul, Div }; int choice ; double a = 15.0, b = 3. 0; printf (" Enter choice : 0 for add ; 1 for substract \n"); printf (" 2 for multiply ; 3 for division \n"); scanf ("%d", & choice ); if ( choice > 3) return 0; 123

162 ii } (* mathop [ choice ])(a, b); return 0; 124

163 i double 125

164 i // fun_ptr2.h # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <math.h> double Add ( double a, double b) { return a + b; } double Sub ( double a, double b) { return a - b; } double Mul ( double a, double b) { 126

165 ii return a * b; } double Div ( double a, double b) { if ( abs (b) < 1.e -12) { printf (" Denominator is nearly zero!\n"); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return a / b; } double domath ( double a, double b, double (* mathop )( double, double ) ) { return (* mathop )(a, b); } 127

166 iii 128

167 i // fun_ptr2.c # include " fun_ptr2.h" int main ( void ) { printf (" Add gives : %8.3 f\n", domath (10., 2., Add )); printf (" Sub gives : %8.3 f\n", domath (10., 2., Sub )); printf (" Mul gives : %8.3 f\n", domath (10., 2., Mul )); printf (" Div gives : %8.3 f\n", domath (10., 0., Div )); return 0; } 129


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