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1 一触即连 ( NFC Pairing) FTF-MHW-N2328 畅江高级应用经理 Steven.CJ.Chang@NXP.com 2016 年 9 月 29 日

2 日程表 简介 : NFC 技术与背景, 应用与主要特征 日前 NFC 设备的通信原理 两款用于 NFC 配对连接的芯片介绍,PN7150 与 NTagI2C 应用 NFC 标签配对连接的过程 总结 1 1

3 NFC 背景, 应用与主要特征 2

4 什么是 NFC? 近场通信是一种短距离无线连接技术标准, 主要设计用于两个电子产品间自然而简单的通信 3

5 无源 RFID 标签 类似于具有唯一序列号的无线存储盘 ( 可读写 ), 用于物体的标示 主要的三个工作频段 : 低频 (LF-125kHz) 高频 (HF MHz) 超高频 (UHF MHz) 主要讨论频段 : 高频 (HF/NFC) 电磁 / 近场耦合 UHF (~1 turn for the loop) HF (NFC) (~6 turns) LF (~120 turns) 4

6 NFC 工作原理 与 RFID, 非接触式智能卡, 门禁卡基础工作原理一致 读写设备 ( 例如, 移动设备 ) 提供能量, 发起 RF 通信并捕捉从标签来的数据 ( 或者给标签写入数据 ) 读写器 读写器 无源标签 有源标签 13.56MHz 5

7 RFID, Proximity & NFC 我们经常听到这些术语, 但是每一个术语具体涵盖哪些内容? RFID: 射频识别 非接触近场技术 NFC: 近场通信 无线技术通用术语. 通常指与货品或单品标示的相关的应用 识别距离从几厘米到几米 自动侦测唯一标识码 ( 几个字节 ) 基于不同的技术 : LF ( KHz), HF (13.56 MHz), UHF (433 to 900 MHz) 标准化, ISO18000 RFID 的子集, 局限于一个频段 : MHz. 用于人, 需要主动动作 ( 将卡置于读写器前 ) 用于 : 门禁控制, 电子护照, 支付, 交通等 更多的存储空间, 更高的安全性 短距离 ( 几厘米 ) 标准化 : ISO14443 NFC 由非接近场技术衍生而来, 拓展了点对点和卡模拟功能 短距离 标准化 :NFC 论坛 ( NFC Forum)) 6

8 NFC 发展大事记 NXP 联合创建 NFC Forum, 领导行业内不同的利益相关者协同工作, 并助力标准化工作 NFC Forum 发布点对点 ( Peer-to-Peer ) 标准 Sony 和 Samsung 驱动, 智能标签市场井喷 NXP 出货达到 10 亿片, 用于智能手机安全 NFC 交易 NXP 因 NFC 获得欧洲发明奖的殊荣 以下网址可获得更多的 NFC 最新资讯 NXP me & my smarter world NXP 和 Sony 共同发明了 NFC 技术 Nokia 6131: Nokia 发布了第一款 NFC 手机 Nexus S: Google 发布了第一款 Android NFC 手机 Apple 将 NFC 技术导入 iphone 6 用于 Apple pay 7

9 NFC 三种应用模式 读写模式 与 NFC 设备交互 从设备读取数据或写入数据 点对点模式 两个 NFC 设备建立双向通信 每个设备都是一个节点 卡模拟模式 系统功能如同一张非接触智能卡 * NFC 系统和现有的非接触卡片系统兼容 获得信息或发起动作 被动和主动通信, 例如配对 票务, 支付, 门禁, 控制, 交通 * ISO/IEC 兼容智能卡 8

10 NFC 在手机里的应用 支付手机 = 销售终端 (POS) 交易乘坐公共交通手机 = 公交卡 发现服务从海报获取信息 : 手机 = 票务机 交易小额支付手机 = 信用卡 交易门禁控制 : 手机 = 钥匙 连接信息交换手机 = 电子名片 9

11 NFC 在电脑和消费类电器类的应用 连接快速安全的建立无线网络或蓝牙 交易安全支付 连接快速, 方便得长距离数据传输 10

12 NFC 在物联网中的接受情况 (IoT) The Internet of Things 11

13 接入家庭网络 & 物联网 Tap to pair Tap to login Tap to share Tap to pair Tap to VoD, pay, coupons or diagnostics Tap to connect Tap to listen Tap to pair Tap to share Tap to pair Source: An online survey of 4,927 consumers in three contries (AVG 2013). 12

14 瞬时配对扬声器, 耳机或音响 和声频设备蓝牙或无线网络配对 / 解除配对, 相较按键方式, 快 20 倍 扬声器间互相配对 ( 不需要智能手机 ), 建立真正的无线立体声系统 >20 成功案例 便于集成 需要手机无需后端无需认证 13

15 家庭网关 : 平顺 安全的接入 最佳最终户体验 : 新颖的瞬时注册 无供电要求 无手动介入 安全 ( 近场 ) 信任数据交换 涵盖各种智能网络 易于集成 需要手机需要后端无认证要求 14

16 各种手持设备配对接入家庭设备 轻轻碰触, 轻松配对接入蓝牙和无线网络 无需输入长密码 配对相机, 头戴式耳机, 电子读写器, 平板电脑到打印机, 网关, 路由器, 机顶盒, 智能电视及其它 Picture to be added 易于集成 无需手机无需后端无需认证 15

17 NFC 设备的类型 16

18 NFC 技术一览 非接触近场技术 工作频率 :13.56 MHz 操作距离 : 10 cm 最大速率 : 848 Kbps (106 Kbps) 标准化 ISO/IEC, ECMA and ETSI. 兼容现存的 ISO/IEC 和 FeliCa 非接触式智能卡和读写器设备 读写, 卡模拟和点对点方式可在同一设备全部实现 快速, 无缝和蓝牙,Wi-Fi 配对 NFC Forum 是核心标准化和交互的工作组织 读写模式 : 如同非接触式读写器 无源标签 : 如同无线存储器 EEPROM 主动标签 : 如同拥有一个串行接口的无线存储器 EEPROM 17

19 NFC 通信方式读写器 / 标签被动通信方式 1. Power The RF field oscillates at 13,56MHz. The card is powered through the electromagnetic coupling NFC Device (Reader) 2. The Reader sends commands The Reader modulates its RF field to send commands Card C 3. Answering to the Reader By modifying its consumption, the chip modifies the RF field, which is detected by the Reader (Load Modulation) 18

20 点对点无源通信模式 1. The Initiator generates the RF field This field is used to exchange the data. Both Initiator and Target are powered internally Initiator NFC Device 2. Sending commands The Initiator modulates the RF field to send commands Target NFC Device 3. Target answers Similar to the card case, the Target will use a backward Modulation to transmit its answer. 19

21 点对点有源通信模式 1. The initiator sends its commands The initiator generates his own field, and use it to send its commands. The field is cut once the command is sent Initiator NFC Device Target NFC Device 2. The target answers Once the initiator has stopped emitting RF field, the Target starts emits its own RF Field and use it to transmit its answers back. 20

22 通信数据格式 NDEF 建立数据交换 NDEF message Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 NDEF NFC 设备和标签基础信息交换格式 Header Payload Payload example NFC Forum Well-Known Type [NFC RTD] 0x01 : 0x02 : 0x05 : tel: 0x06 : mailto: Internet media-type (MIME) defined in RFC 2046 Image/jpeg, text/html NDEF 标签存储器数据结构的抽象, 不同类型标签存储结构不同 NDEF P2P 模式下, 一个或多个记录数据交换结构 记录类型定义容许合适的应用控制 NDEF 装载内容 21

23 NFC 产品系列 Category Key features Technical features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board 双界面 NFC 标签解决方案 NXP 的双界面 NFC 标签包含 NFC Forum 定义的 RF 接口, EEPROM 存储器, 电磁场侦测功能 (NTAG F) 或者带 I²C 接口具有电磁场侦测功能 (NTAG I²C). NFC 前端解决方案 NXP 前端可以无缝使用 NFC Reader Library, 是系统中加入 NFC 功能最灵活的一种方式 NFC 控制器解决方案 NFC frontend PN512, CLRC663 Integrated Firmware NXP NFC 控制其解决方案具有更高的整合, 包含 NFC 前端和先进的 32 位的为控制器. 可选项, 内置 firmware, 便于使用的标准化接口, 或者完全开放的客户可内置更多应用的可编程为控制器 PN7150 Customizable Firmware 22

24 PN7150 & NTagI2C 介绍 23

25 PN7150 是各种应用中快速集成 NFC 技术的理想选择 配对 Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee 家电自动化匹配 个人化 个人化您的设备, 童锁控制 支付 实现各种内容提供商的 VOD 点播 逻辑准入控制 给授权个人准入 客户接口 通过智能手机配置 数据传输和产品的注册 维护管理 故障诊断云协助 固件更新 认证 墨水, 电池, 耗材的原厂检测 Set top box/smart TV Printer Appliances IoT home gateway 24

26 Category Key features Technical features PN7150 高性能全 NFC 最好的即插即用方案 Position Markets & Benefits Demo board 内置 NFCI 接口标准的固件, 非常容易集成 5 伏射频供电, 有源负载调制则增强卡模拟的性能 Linux 和 android 驱动极易集成, 快速上市 $ HVQFN40 封装, 可使用低价 PCB, 减少生产费用 全功能, 全兼容 NFC Forum Demo Kit + SW driver, 支持多种平台 25

27 Linux NFC 架构一览 Category Key features Technical features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board The whole stack will available on GitHub for Product Launch 26

28 Android NFC 架构 Category Key features Technical features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board NFC service: API within the Android framework that provides access to the NFC functionality. JNI: Glue code between Java classes and Native classes (written in C/ C++) Libnfc-nci: Native library providing NFC functionality for which extension is added to support NXP proprietary features NXP NCI HAL: NXP hardware specific implementation supporting full capabilities PN5xx_I2C driver: kernel module allowing to access NXP NCI based NFC Controller hardware resource. 27

29 Windows NFC 架构 Category Key features Technical features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board 28

30 NullOS/RTOS 示例 Category Key features Technical features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board {NXP-NCI} module offers high level NFC API: Connection and configuration of the NFC controller Start of the NFC discovery Wait for NFC discovery Process the NFC discovery {NDEF library} module is composed of independent submodule: {RW_NDEF} implements NDEF extraction from NFC Forum tags (all 4 NFC Forum defined tag types) {P2P_NDEF} implements NDEF data exchange with P2P device (over NFC Forum LLCP and SNEP protocols) {T4T_NDEF_emu} implements NDEF message exposure through card emulation (NFC Forum Type 4 Tag protocol) {TML} module brings HW abstraction to NFC library (abstract how the connection to NFC controller IC is managed). 29

31 NTAG I²C plus 产品技术特性 Category Technical features Key features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board 特征 内置 50pF 谐振电容 888 或 1,912 bytes 用于 NDEF 信息格式 (based on EEPROM) 32-bit 密码用于保护非授权的内存操作 可限制从 I2C 接口对内存的操作权限 64-byte SRAM 缓存 数据 Pass Through Mode 场中取电 Energy harvesting 输出 供电范围 : 1.67 V to 3.6V 快速读写指令 支持 ECC 原生检测 工作温度 : -40C, +105C 支持的 RF 协议 ISO/IEC Type A NFC Forum Type 2 Tag 封装 XQFN8 TSSOP8 SO8 plus 主机接口 I²C Slave 100/400 kbit/s 场监测引脚 30

32 Category Technical features Key features NTAG I²C plus 最容易最低成本的 NFC 方案 Position Markets & Benefits Demo board $ 低材料成本 密码认证和原生签名 场中取电和场监测 全兼容 : NFC Forum and ISO/IEC NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit with design and software sources 31

33 Vout (V) 场中取电 Category Technical features Key features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board Generate current and voltage at the Vout pin to power external devices like a MCU from the Energy harvested out of the RF field Energy Harvesting - Vout Load Current H - Field (A/m) 1mA 2mA 3mA 4mA 5mA 6mA 7mA Class 5 antenna with NFC reader [1-7]mA Performance highly dependant on various parameters Field strength available in the datasheet Antenna size & geometry (readers/tags) Implementation recommendation Reader power (NFC phone vs NFC reader), also large spread from NFC phones to NFC phones 32 COMPANY 32 PUBLIC

34 Pass-through 模式 Category Technical features Key features Position Markets & Benefits Demo board 基于中断信号, 寄存器操作和读写 SRAM 缓存, 可以在不打断系统通信进程的进行 通过超快速存储器进行数据传输 基于 EEPROM, 重复使用和可靠性无忧 可通过联合使用 FAST READ 和 FAST WRITE 指令完成快速全 SRAM 缓存读写 FAST READ 指令 可同时读超过 16 bytes FAST WRITE command 可一次写入全 SRAM 缓存 (64 Bytes) 标杆 NTAG I 2 C plus 比现有的 NTAG I 2 C 快四倍 ~ 4kBytes/s 33 COMPANY 33 PUBLIC

35 数据保护 RF and I 2 C access EEPROM Category Technical features Key features Position Un-protected memory access Markets & Benefits Demo board READ & WRITE After 32-bit password authentication only WRITE Protection Or READ & WRITE Protection I 2 C RF/NFC protected memory access I 2 C protected memory access 34 Protected memory access rights can be set independently between I 2 C and RF

36 通过单独的 NFC 标签进行蓝牙配对 BT module Manufacturing Both NFC tag and BT module should match for pairing 1 Initialization of the pairing data BT device 35 Back end 2 Get pairing data NFC reader 3 Encode pairing data Separate NFC tag (inlay or on PCB) BT 模块和 NFC 标签时完全不同的两个设备, 之间无连接 要求通过 NFC 读写器对 NFC 标签进行初始化 双方配对信息要一致

37 Bluetooth 配对, 通过 NTAG I²C plus 1 Back end BT module Initialization of the BT module Manufacturing BT module MCU I²C 2 Both NFC tag and BT module have always matching BT data Direct configuration of the NTAG I²C pairing data BT device NFC 接口和 BT 模块的初始化更方便 例如上电 boot up, 蓝牙模块可直接配置 NTAG I²C plus NFC 标签初始化无读写设备要求 无配对信息不匹配风险 36


39 NFC TECHNOLOGY HUB Your source for everything NFC - Latest news - Latest product news - Technical NFC Community - Downoads - And more to discover... 38


41 ATTRIBUTION STATEMENT NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, CoolFlux, EMBRACE, GREENCHIP, HITAG, I2C BUS, ICODE, JCOP, LIFE VIBES, MIFARE, MIFARE Classic, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE Plus, MIFARE FleX, MANTIS, MIFARE ULTRALIGHT, MIFARE4MOBILE, MIGLO, NTAG, ROADLINK, SMARTLX, SMARTMX, STARPLUG, TOPFET, TrenchMOS, UCODE, Freescale, the Freescale logo, AltiVec, C 5, CodeTEST, CodeWarrior, ColdFire, ColdFire+, C Ware, the Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis, Layerscape, MagniV, mobilegt, PEG, PowerQUICC, Processor Expert, QorIQ, QorIQ Qonverge, Ready Play, SafeAssure, the SafeAssure logo, StarCore, Symphony, VortiQa, Vybrid, Airfast, BeeKit, BeeStack, CoreNet, Flexis, MXC, Platform in a Package, QUICC Engine, SMARTMOS, Tower, TurboLink, and UMEMS are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. ARM, AMBA, ARM Powered, Artisan, Cortex, Jazelle, Keil, SecurCore, Thumb, TrustZone, and μvision are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. ARM7, ARM9, ARM11, big.little, CoreLink, CoreSight, DesignStart, Mali, mbed, NEON, POP, Sensinode, Socrates, ULINK and Versatile are trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. The Power Architecture and Power.org word marks and the Power and Power.org logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by Power.org NXP B.V. 40


43 NTAG I²C Plus Features NFC Forum Type 2 Tag (will be possible to certify) Dual interface NFC & I²C (100 & 400 khz) interface 50 pf input capacitance Either 888 or 1912 Byte EEPROM Energy harvesting functionality to power external device PIN to PIN outlines & fully backward compatible What s NEW? Pass Through Mode performance increased by factor 4 in NFC to I²C with FAST_WRITE command to SRAM Authentication: Originality signature based on ECDSA (compatible with the NTAG 21x(F) family) Access protection: Optional 32-bit password on the full EEPROM and the SRAM buffer SO8 package & XQFN8 package (1.6 x 1.6 x 0.5 mm) & TSSOP8 Increased Compatibility with legacy NFC devices (SRAM and CONFIG on sector 0) 42

44 NFC Commissioning Solution For power management, the whole system may be powered up upon Field Detection FD is asserted low when the field is detected; PMU receives interrupt, switches V CC on NTAG and µc; µc activates I²C Alternatively, V OUT (harvested energy) may be used for low power devices as source of power. 43

45 PN7150 vs. PN7120 RF driver supply voltage 2.7V or 3.3 V 2.7V V More output power to work with smaller antenna or better performance Card Emulation mode NFC forum T4T - ISO/IEC A&B NFC forum T4T - ISO/IEC A&B NFC forum T3T - FeliCa Enable FeliCa use cases (Japan, HK, Singapore) Package VFBGA49 HVQFN40 Decrease PCB manufacturing cost (e.g. no microvias) Load Modulation concept Passive Load Modulation Active Load Modulation Allow decreasing antenna size with same RF performance in Card Emulation and passive Target modes 44


47 ATTRIBUTION STATEMENT NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, CoolFlux, EMBRACE, GREENCHIP, HITAG, I2C BUS, ICODE, JCOP, LIFE VIBES, MIFARE, MIFARE Classic, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE Plus, MIFARE FleX, MANTIS, MIFARE ULTRALIGHT, MIFARE4MOBILE, MIGLO, NTAG, ROADLINK, SMARTLX, SMARTMX, STARPLUG, TOPFET, TrenchMOS, UCODE, Freescale, the Freescale logo, AltiVec, C 5, CodeTEST, CodeWarrior, ColdFire, ColdFire+, C Ware, the Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis, Layerscape, MagniV, mobilegt, PEG, PowerQUICC, Processor Expert, QorIQ, QorIQ Qonverge, Ready Play, SafeAssure, the SafeAssure logo, StarCore, Symphony, VortiQa, Vybrid, Airfast, BeeKit, BeeStack, CoreNet, Flexis, MXC, Platform in a Package, QUICC Engine, SMARTMOS, Tower, TurboLink, and UMEMS are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. ARM, AMBA, ARM Powered, Artisan, Cortex, Jazelle, Keil, SecurCore, Thumb, TrustZone, and μvision are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. ARM7, ARM9, ARM11, big.little, CoreLink, CoreSight, DesignStart, Mali, mbed, NEON, POP, Sensinode, Socrates, ULINK and Versatile are trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. The Power Architecture and Power.org word marks and the Power and Power.org logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by Power.org NXP B.V. 46

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