Reading Guide to Your Annual Benefit Statement 週年權益報表閱讀指南 For the period from 2015/01/01 to 2015/12/31 SAMPLE 樣本 Reading Guide 閱讀指南 PRINCIPAL MPF - SI

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Download "Reading Guide to Your Annual Benefit Statement 週年權益報表閱讀指南 For the period from 2015/01/01 to 2015/12/31 SAMPLE 樣本 Reading Guide 閱讀指南 PRINCIPAL MPF - SI"


1 PRINCIPAL MPF - SIMPLE PLAN 信安強積金 - 易富之選 Annual Benefit Statement 週年權益報表 1. Membership Number: Your MPF account number in the scheme as your unique MPF account identifier. VV SLR XSRMT 瘑脙牾瘑瘑瘑 IN 3 67/U HSFR PDLP SHV GRM HSFR VHG BFVM LMT MG Ref: GR/00/ / Scheme Number 計劃編號 : GR/00 Employer Name 僱主名稱 : LKT SFNZM IVHLFIXVH RNRGVW Member Name 會員姓名 : VV SLR XSRMT 瘑脙牾瘑瘑瘑 Membership Number 會員編號 : of Joining Scheme 參加計劃 : 2014/07/15 of Employment 受僱 : 2014/07/15 Period Covered by Statement 報表涵蓋期 :2015/01/ /12/31 2. Summary of Account Movements for the Statement Period Ended: Shows the total contribution invested, total transfer in/ out amount, overall investment gain/loss and account balance during the statement reporting period. / / Name of Trustee 受託人名稱 Customer Service Hotline 客戶服務熱線 MPF Customer Service Centre 強積金客戶服務中心 Website 網頁 : PRINCIPAL TRUST CMPANY (HNG KNG) LIMITED 信安信託 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 : : 30/F Millennium City 6, 392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 九龍觀塘觀塘道 392 號創紀之城六期 30 樓 : 3. Summary of Gain/Loss of Account: Shows investment gain/loss since joining scheme and during the statement reporting period. / / 2 1a. Summary of Account Movements for the Statement Period Ended 2015/12/31 截至報表涵蓋期末 2015/12/31 之賬戶變動摘要 pening Balance as at 2015/01/01 之期初結餘 : (a) Total Invested 已投資供款總額 : (b) Total Transferred Into Scheme 轉入計劃資產總額 : (c) Total Transferred ut of Scheme (after fees) 轉出計劃資產總額 ( 已扣除費用 ): (d) Account Gain/(Loss) During Statement Period Note 1 報表涵蓋期間之賬戶盈 /( 虧 ) 註 1: (e) = (f)-(a)-(b)-(c)+(d) Closing Balance 之期末結餘 : (f) (Please read CAUTIN below 請參閱下文 注意 ) 4, , (1,272.08) 21, CAUTIN 注意 : The actual amount that you would have got if you had withdrawn funds from the scheme on the date of this statement may be less than the amounts shown in this statement. This is because there may be other deductions or adjustments made according to the scheme rules, such as fees and charges associated with your withdrawal. For clarification, please contact our Customer Service Hotline 如您於本報表的截數從計劃提取款項, 您所得的實際款額或會較報表列載的結餘為少, 原因是受託人或須按照計劃的規則作出其他款項扣減或調整, 例如扣減權益提取費 如有查詢, 請致電客戶服務熱線 b. Summary of Gain/(Loss) of Account 賬戶盈 /( 虧 ) 摘要 Statement Period 報表涵蓋期 Since Joining Scheme as at 2014/07/15 自參加計劃日 2014/07/15 起計 Account Gain/(Loss) 賬戶盈 /( 虧 ) (1,272.08) (1,166.17) 1

2 4 5 1c. Account Balances by Constituent Fund Note 2 按成分基金劃分之賬戶結餘註 2 Name of Fund 基金名稱 pening Balances as at 2015/01/01 截至 2015/01/01 之期初結餘 Closing Balances 截至 2015/12/31 之期末結餘 Closing Unit Balances 截至 2015/12/31 之期末單位結餘截至 2015/12/31 之單位價格 Principal - RCM Hong Kong Fund 1, , Principal - Fidelity Asia Pacific 1, , Equity Fund Total 總額 2, , N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 1d. Account Balances by Type and Account Type 按供款類別及賬戶類別劃分之賬戶結餘 pening Balances as at 2015/01/01 Closing Balances Vesting % Note 3 歸屬之百分比註 3 Vested Balances 截至 2015/01/01 截至 2015/12/31 (Please read CAUTIN above) 之期初結餘之期末結餘截至 2015/12/31 6 之歸屬結餘 ( 請參閱上文 注意 ) From Current Employment 現時工作供款 (s transferred from your immediate previous employment (if applicable) with an associated company or due to the change of business ownership are included under Current Employment. 若緊接的舊職是由聯系公司或因業務擁有權變動而轉入之供款將包括在現時工作供款之下 ) Employer Mandatory 僱主強制性供款 Member Mandatory 會員強制性供款 Total 總額 2, , % 11, , , % 10, , , N/A 不適用 21, Account Balances by Constituent Fund: Shows account balances according to each of the constituent fund(s) you selected as at opening balances date and closing balances date. 5. Total pening and Closing Balances: Adds up all account balances under each constituent fund. The opening/closing balances would be the same as (a) and (f) in Summary of Account Movements for the Statement Period respectively. / (a) (f) 6. Vested Balances: The vested balance of Employer Voluntary (if any) is calculated in accordance with the vesting scale and vesting period as defined under the scheme. ( ) 7 1e. Total for the Statement Period Note 2 報表涵蓋期間之供款總額 註 2 (after fees) ( 已扣除費用 ) Total 供款總額 18, , Total for the Statement Period: Total amount of contribution made during the statement reporting period. 8 1g. Transfers In for the Statement Period Note 2 報表涵蓋期間之轉入資產 註 2 Type of Transfers In 轉入資產之供款類別 1h. Withdrawals/Transfers ut for the Statement Period Note2 報表涵蓋期間之提取 / 轉出資產 註 2 Type of Withdrawals/Transfers ut 提取 / 轉出資產之供款類別 (after fees) ( 已扣除費用 ) (after fees) ( 已扣除費用 ) 8. Transfers In for the Statement Period: of assets transferred to the scheme during the statement reporting period (if any), including transfer under Employee Choice Arrangement. ( ) 2 Principal Pension Administrator - BestServe Financial Limited 信安退休計劃行政管理人 - 卓譽金融服務有限公司 GR/ Page 頁數 : 3 of 17

3 h. Withdrawals/Transfers ut for the Statement Period Note2 報表涵蓋期間之提取 / 轉出資產 註 2 Type of Withdrawals/Transfers ut 提取 / 轉出資產之供款類別 1j. Investment Mandate 截至 2015/12/31 之投資授權 Employer 僱主供款 Member 會員供款 Principal - RCM Hong Kong Fund 3% 3% Principal - Fidelity Asia Pacific Equity Fund 3% 3% Principal - Fidelity Global Equity Fund 1% 1% 信安 富達環球股票基金 Principal Growth Fund 1% 1% 信安增長基金 Principal Balanced Fund 5.00% 5.00% 信安均衡基金 Principal Stable Fund 5.00% 5.00% 信安平穩基金 Principal - Templeton Global Bond Fund 5.00% 5.00% 信安 鄧普頓環球債券基金 Principal - MPF Conservative Fund 5.00% 5.00% 信安 強積金保守基金 1k. Total Asset Allocation by Constituent Fund 截至 2015/12/31 按成分基金劃分之總資產分佈 Fund Code 基金編號 Name of Fund 基金名稱 Total Unit Holdings 持有單位總數 單位價格 (HKD 港元 ) (after fees) ( 已扣除費用 ) Account Balance 賬戶結餘 (HKD 港元 ) MHK Principal - RCM Hong Kong Fund , MAP Principal - Fidelity Asia Pacific Equity Fund , MGE Principal - Fidelity Global Equity Fund , 信安 富達環球股票基金 MGR Principal Growth Fund , 信安增長基金 MBA Principal Balanced Fund , 信安均衡基金 MST Principal Stable Fund , 信安平穩基金 MGB Principal - Templeton Global Bond Fund , 信安 鄧普頓環球債券基金 MCP Principal - MPF Conservative Fund , 信安 強積金保守基金 9. Withdrawals/Transfers ut for the Statement Period: of assets withdrawn/transferred out from the scheme during the statement reporting period (if any), including transfer under Employee Choice Arrangement. The date in such item is the date on which the new trustee received the transfer form for the transfer you made under Employee Choice Arrangement of the accrued benefits held in your current employment member mandatory contribution sub-account. / / ( ) 10. Investment Mandate: Shows your latest fund choices as at the statement period end date (2015/12/31). This mandate applies to your future contributions and future transfer-in assets (if any). (2015/12/31) ( ) 11. Total Asset Allocation by Constituent Fund: Shows fund allocation percentages of the closing balance of your account as at the statement period end date (2015/12/31). (2015/12/31) 5.0% 5.0% 10.0% 10.5% MHK 29.3% 29.3% 5.1% 5.3% MAP 29.8% MGE 10.5% MGR 10.0% MBA 5.0% MST 5.0% MGB 5.1% MCP 5.3% Total: 100.0% 29.8% 3

4 a. Cont tatement 供款報表 ( 以港元計算 ) Employer 僱主供款 /06/ (after fees) 2015/07/ 供款供款 ( 已扣除費用 ) 2015/08/31 Period End /09/30 相關供款期終結日 Mandatory 75 強制性 Mandatory 75 強制性 /01/31 Sub-total 小計 2, , a. Statement 供款報表 Total 總額 , ,25 of the Employer 僱主供款 Fees Deducted (after fees) 2015/06/30 供款供款 ( 已扣除費用 ) Period of the End /07/31 相關供款期終結日 Member 會員供款 /08/31 75 Fees Deducted 75 (after fees) 2015/09/30 Period End 75 供款 75 供款 ( 已扣除費用 ) 相關供款期終結日 Mandatory 75 強制性 Sub-total 小計 2015/01/31 2,25 2,25 Total 總額 , , of the Member 會員供款 of the (after fees) 2015/06/30 Period Member 會員供款 End 供款 供款 ( 已扣除費用 ) 2015/07/31 相關供款期終結日 Fees Deducted (after fees) 2015/08/31 Period End 75 供款 75 供款 ( 已扣除費用 ) 2015/09/30 相關供款期終結日 Mandatory 75 強制性 Mandatory 75 強制性 /01/ Sub-total 小計 2,25 2, Total 總額 2,25 2, b. 2015/06/30 Period(s) ended with s and/or Surcharges utstanding for the Statement Period 於報表涵蓋期間仍未繳付供款及 2b. Period(s) ended with 2015/07/31 或供款附加費之供款期期末 s and/or Surcharges utstanding for the Statement Period 於報表涵蓋期間仍未繳付供款及 / 或供款附加費之供款期期末 2015/12/ /08/31 75 utstanding 未繳供款 /12/ /09/30 75 utstanding 未繳供款 Sub-total 小計 2,25 2,25 Total 總額 2,25 2, GR/ Page 頁數 : 6 of Statement: Shows all contributions allocated to your account during the statement period (If more than one transaction records found for the same relevant contribution period, the sum up amount is shown). ( ) 13. Period(s) ended with s and/or Surcharges utstanding for the Statement Period: Shows any outstanding or not fully paid mandatory contribution and/or surcharges for the relevant contribution period(s) during the statement period. / / 2b. Period(s) ended with s and/or Surcharges utstanding for the Statement Period 於報表涵蓋期間仍未繳付供款及 / 或供款附加費之供款期期末 2015/12/31 utstanding 未繳供款 GR/ Page 頁數 : 6 of 17 4

5 14 3a. Details of Unit Transactions 單位交易詳情 Principal - RCM Hong Kong Fund Transaction 交易 Transaction Nature 交易項目 2015/01/01 pening Balance 期初結餘 2015/01/14 (subscription) 2015/02/13 (subscription) 2015/03/13 (subscription) 1, 單位價格 Total Unit Holdings 持有單位總數 Transaction Fees Deducted 扣減交易費用 Fee Type 費用類別 (Please refer to Remarks below 請參閱下文 備註 ) 14. Details of Unit Transactions: Shows all transactions during the statement period in respect of each individual fund. It shows the unit price and number of units subscribed/redeemed for each transaction date (If more than one transaction records processed on the same transaction date, the sum up amount is shown). ( ) 2015/04/16 (subscription) /05/13 (subscription) /06/15 (subscription) /07/15 (subscription) /08/14 (subscription) /09/14 (subscription) /10/14 (subscription) /11/13 (subscription) /12/15 (subscription) /12/28 Miscellaneous Adjustment (subscription) 雜項調整 ( 購入 ) /12/31 Closing Balance 6, 期末結餘 Remarks 備註 : "" refers to offer spread. ffer spread is the amount charged by the trustee/sponsor upon acquisition of units of a constituent fund by a scheme member. "" 指賣出差價, 賣出差價是受託人 / 保薦人在計劃會員購入成分基金單位時所收取的款額 "B" refers to bid spread. Bid spread is the amount charged by the trustee/sponsor upon redemption of units of a constituent fund by a scheme member. "B" 指買入差價, 買入差價是受託人 / 保薦人在計劃會員贖回成分基金單位時所收取的款額 5


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