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4 1. MATLAB PCI-1711 PCI-1712 MATLAB / / / DAQ DAQ / AI A/D AO D/A / DAQ MATLAB MATLAB DAQ (AI A/D) (AO D/A) DAQ MATLAB The Mathworks >> 4


6 3. MATLAB DAQ MATLAB/DAQ MATLAB MATLAB DAQ DAQ MATLAB DAQ Advantech Device Manger PCI-1711 / 1712 MATLAB CD-ROM Programs and Data MATLAB Programs and Data PCI1711 / 1712 CD-ROM Installation->Device Manager CD-ROM Installation-> Individual Drivers DAQ DAQ PCI-1711 PCI-1712 MATLAB CD-ROM mwadvantech.exe Unzip $<matlabroot>\toolbox\daq\daq\private $<matlabroot> MATLAB MATLAB >> matlabroot ans = C:\MATLAB6p5p1 >> daqregister ( advantech ) >> rehash toolboxcache 6

7 4. DAQ MATLAB DAQ MATLAB/DAQ DAQ 4.1. DAQ daqhwinfo DAQ MATLAB DAQ >> out = daqhwinfo out = ToolboxName: 'Data Acquisition Toolbox' ToolboxVersion: '2.2 (R13SP1)' MATLABVersion: '6.5.1 (R13SP1)' InstalledAdaptors: {5x1 cell} DAQ DAQ DAQ DAQ >> out.installedadaptors ans = 'advantech' 'parallel' 'winsound' 2 2 DAQ Advantech Advantech DAQ DAQ DAQ DAQ 3 3 DAQ Advantech Advantech Device Manager 7

8 4.2. DAQ 4.1 DAQ DAQ daqhwinfo >> out = daqhwinfo ('advantech') out = AdaptorDllName: [1x53 char] AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 2.2 (R13) 28-Jun-2002' AdaptorName: 'advantech' BoardNames: {'PCI-1711'} InstalledBoardIds: {'0'} ObjectConstructorName: {1x3 cell} BoardNames InstalledBoardIds BoardNames DAQ DAQ ID InstalledBoardIds PC DAQ DAQ ID DAQ DAQ InstalledBoardIds DAQ PCI-1711 ID 0 8

9 5. (A/D) DAQ MATLAB DAQ daqfcngentm.m GND GND DAQ DAQ GND DAQ DAQ 5.2. daqfcngentm.m daqfcngentm.m 2 GUI >> daqfcngentm 2 9

10 DAQ Daqfcngentm.m 1. Select an analog output channel DAQ Channel 0 SampleRate 100 Hz 2. Frequency 10 Hz PCI-1711 DC Offset 2 V 3. Start 0 10 Hz 1 V 5.3. DAQ 5.2 DAQ analoginput DAQ >> ai = analoginput ( advantech, 0) Display Summary of Analog Input (AI) Object Using 'PCI-1711'. Acquisition Parameters: 1000 samples per second on each channel samples per trigger on each channel. 1 sec. of data to be logged upon START. Log data to 'Memory' on trigger. Trigger Parameters: 1 'Immediate' trigger (s) on START. Engine status: Waiting for START. 0 samples acquired since starting. 0 samples available for GETDATA. AI object contains no channels. ai DAQ AI analoginput 4.2 ID MATLAB addchannel 0 >> ichan = addchannel (ai, 0); addchannel AI Object Channel Number 10

11 ichan AI Object Channel Object get >> get (ai) >> get (ichan) 5.2 AI Object InputType: ( 5.1) SampleRate: SamplesPerTrigger: Channel Object * InputRange: set AI Object 500 Hz >> set (ai, SampleRate, 500); AI Object InputType >> set (ai, InputType ) [ {SingleEnded} Differential ] { } AI Object >> set (ai, InputType, SingleEnded ); >> set (ai, SampleRate, 500); >> set (ai, SamplesPerTrigger, 500); 500 Hz Channel Object daqhwinfo >> daqhwinfo (ai, 'InputRanges') ans = e e e e e e e e e e e e

12 1 V [-5 5] >> set (ichan, InputRange, [-5 5]); start AI Object >> start (ai); SampleRate SamplesPerTrigger MATLAB DAQ getdata 500 >> [data, time] = getdata (ai, 500); data 500 time plot >> plot (time, data); Hz

13 stop AI Object >> stop (ai); delete AI AI Object >> delete (ai); AI Object Channel Object clear daqfcngentm.m GUI Stop Close clear AI Object clear >> ai = analoginput ( advantech, 0); >> clear ai MATLAB daqfind MATLAB daqfind clear ai AI Object obj >> obj = daqfind; daqreset >> daqreset 5.4. M-File MATLAB M-File M-File data_meas.m data_meas daqfcngentm.m 5.2 data_meas.m 3 M-File MATLAB 13

14 5.5. DAQ daqhelp Help DAQ >> daqhelp daqhelp analoginput >> daqhelp ( analoginput ) daqhelp PropertySampleRate >> daqhelp (ai, SampleRate ) 14

15 6. (AO D/A) MATLAB DAQ DAQ 5 daqfcngentm.m DAQ MATLAB DAQ DAQ analogoutput DAQ >> ao = analogoutput ( advantech, 0) Display Summary of Analog Output (AO) Object Using 'PCI-1711'. Output Parameters: 1000 samples per second on each channel. Trigger Parameters: 1 'Immediate' trigger on START. Engine status: Waiting for START. 0 total sec. of data currently queued for START. 0 samples currently queued by PUTDATA. 0 samples sent to output device since START. AO object contains no channels. ao DAQ AO addchannel 0 >> ochan = addchannel (ao, 0); Channel Object ochan AO Object Channel Object get >> get (ao) >> get (ochan) 15

16 Analog Output AO Object RepeatOutput: SampleRate: Channel Object OutputRange: set AO Object >> set (ao, RepeatOutput, Inf); >> set (ao, SampleRate, 100); Inf 100 Hz Channel Object daqhwinfo >> daqhwinfo (ao, 'OutputRanges') ans = DAQ DAQ Analog Output Hz sin y 5 Hz 1 V (') t >> t = (0: 0.01: 0.99)'; >> y= sin (2 * pi * t * 5); >> plot (t, y); 4 16

17 y putdata >> putdata (ao, y); PCI DC +2V >> putdata (ao, y + 2); start AO Object >> start (ao); 4 17

18 RepeatOutput SampleRate Properties 5 Hz / 1 V stop AO Object >> stop (ao); delete AI Object >> delete (ao); data_meas.m >> data_meas (500 Hz) (100 Hz) 5 18

19 7. 6 MATLAB 4 5 start start Immediate Trigger start MATLAB Immediate Trigger AI Object TriggerType set >> set (ai, TriggerType, Software ); Channel Object TriggerChannel >> set (ai, TriggerChannel, ichan); Channel 0 TriggerCondition: / TriggerConditionValue: TriggerDelay: TriggerRepeat: TriggerConditionValue t = PCI-1711 set (ai, 'TriggerConditionValue', value + 2) set (ai, 'TriggerConditionValue', value) >> value = sin (2 * pi * * 5) >> set (ai, 'TriggerConditionValue', value); (V) 0 TriggerRepeat TriggerDelay (-) >> start (ai); >> [data, time] = getdata (ai); >> plot (t, y, time, data);

20 6 8 >> stop (ao); >> delete (ao); data_out.m M-File Adaptor Name ID 6 20

21 8. DAQ daqfcngentm.m M-File M-File data_meas.m Adaptor Name ID M-File InputRange daqfcngentm.m 5.2 1Hz peakmeas.m M-File: peakmeas.m 1 function peakmeas (adaptor, id) 2 data = []; 3 4 ai = analoginput (adaptor, id); 5 ichan = addchannel (ai, 0); 6 set (ichan, 'InputRange', [-5 5]); 7 8 set (ai, 'SamplesPerTrigger', 5000); 9 set (ai, 'InputType', 'SingleEnded'); 10 set (ai, 'SampleRate', 500); 11 set (ai, 12 set (ai, 'SamplesAcquiredFcn', {@view_meas}); 13 set (ai, 'SamplesAcquiredFcnCount', 500); 14 set (ai, 'UserData', data); start (ai); function stop_plot (obj, event) 19 data = get (obj, 'UserData'); 20 figure; plot (data); 21 delete (obj); 22 clear all; function view_meas (obj, event) 25 data = get (obj, 'UserData'); 26 buff = getdata (obj, 500); 27 maxval = max (buff); 28 minval = min (buff); 29 ppdata = maxval minval 30 data = [data; buff]; 31 set (obj, 'UserData', data); peakmeas.m StopFcn 11 SamplesAcquiredFcn 12 Stop SamplesPerTrigger StopFcn 21

22 18~22 18 obj Obj event 21 delete 4 AI 13 SamplesAcquiredFcnCount SamplesAcquiredFcn view_meas K 24~31 14 data UserData view_plot data get view_plot UserData UserData UserData property 22

23 9. DAQ (AI A/D) (AO D/A) DAQ MATLAB DAQ DAQ MATLAB Analog Input InputType MATLAB Device Manager A/D Device Manager Channel Single-Ended /Differential DAQ AnalogOutput 500Hz PCI-1711 AI Object InputType PCI-1711 [0 5] [0 10] +2V start DAQ PCI-1711 >> start (ai)??? Error: ==> daqdevice/start ADVANTECH: DIO port configuration failed. delete analoginput daqreset DAQ PCI-1711 bug start start DAQ PCI

24 A PCI-1711 PCI-1711 PCLD-8710 AI0: 0 DA0OUT: 0 AIGND: AOGND: PCI-1712 AI0: 0 ( ) AI1: 0 ( ) AI0: 0 AO0OUT: 0 AIGND: AOGND: 24


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