服務分類項目收費 支票活期存款賬戶 ( 適用於港元 美元及人民幣支票活期存款賬戶 ) 儲蓄存款賬戶 定期存款賬戶 ( 包括零存整付存款 ) 本票 自動轉賬 ( 扣款服務 ) IAHICCASS 自動轉賬 ( 扣款服務 ) 收款服務 ( 收款方 ) 代客發薪 銀行證明 退票因存款不足而退票每張 HK$

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1 服務分類項目收費 支票活期存款賬戶 ( 適用於港元 美元及人民幣支票活期存款賬戶 ) 儲蓄存款賬戶 定期存款賬戶 ( 包括零存整付存款 ) 本票 自動轉賬 ( 扣款服務 ) IAHICCASS 自動轉賬 ( 扣款服務 ) 收款服務 ( 收款方 ) 代客發薪 銀行證明 退票因存款不足而退票每張 HK$150 / US$20 / RMB200 因客戶技術性錯誤而退票 支票因未到期 / 過期而退票 因單一人民幣支票金額超過 RMB80,000 而退票 每張 HK$70 / US$10 / RMB50 每張 RMB200 生效日期 : 2018 年 11 月 30 日 臨時通融 過額透支 / 臨時透支 每筆 HK$120, 另加透支利息 ( 港元最優惠利率 + 年息 9% 或隔夜銀行同業拆息利率, 取高者 )/ 每筆 US$15, 另加透支利息 ( 美元最優惠利率 + 年息 9% 或美元倫敦隔夜同業拆息, 取高者 )/ 每筆 RMB200, 另加透支利息 ( 隔夜上海銀行間同業拆借利率 + 年息 9% 或本行資金成本, 取高者 ) 票據抵用 每張 HK$120 / US$15 / RMB200 客戶要求銀行保兌支票銀行派人保兌每張 HK$200 / US$26( 另加對方銀行收費 ) 客戶自行保兌每張 HK$100 / US$13( 另自付對方銀行收費 ) 止付支票建立 / 取消止付檔案每次 HK$100 / US$13 / RMB100 止付支票 ( 企業網上銀行交易 ) 建立止付檔案 印製専用支票普通 / 熨金收工本費 印製専用入數紙 寄遞支票簿平郵 每次 HK$100 / US$13 / RMB100 收工本費 掛號郵寄每次 HK$25( 最多兩本 ) 寄回退票雙掛號郵寄每次雙掛號郵費 HK$35 開戶後三個月內結清賬戶 美元支票賬戶存入 / 提取美元現鈔 掛失 / 補發存摺 ( 因存摺遺失 / 損毀或圖章遺失 ) 合併補記項目通知書 開戶後三個月內結清賬戶 每戶 HK$200 / US$25 / RMB200 按每筆存入 / 提取金額之 0.25% 計收 每本 HK$100 每份 HK$70 每戶 HK$200 到期前提取每筆 HK$200( 另視乎情況再加罰息 ) 簽發本票 要求在本票背面確證購買者姓名 退回本票 每張 HK$50 每張 HK$50 掛失每張 HK $60( 另加銀行公會 / 香港銀行同業結算有限公司收費 ) 保兌銀行本票 新建立 / 更改自動轉賬檔案 每張 HK$50 每筆 HK$50 / RMB50 退回自動轉賬 存款不足 每筆 HK$150 / RMB150 其他理由 每筆 HK$20 / RMB20 上載批量文檔 - 代付 ( 註 1) 存入本行賬戶 每筆 HK$0.1 / RMB0.1 ( 企業網上銀行 ) 存入其他銀行賬戶 每筆 HK$1 / RMB1 新建立 / 更改自動轉賬檔案 每筆 HK$50 / RMB50 / US$6.5 退回自動轉賬存款不足每筆 HK$150 / RMB150 / US$20 首次建立費 櫃檯繳費服務 使用表格上載批量文檔 - 代收 ( 註 1) ( 企業網上銀行 ) 其他理由 每筆 HK$20 / RMB20 / US$3 每筆 HK$5 / RMB5 / US$0.7 每筆 HK$5 / RMB5( 最低收 HK$100 / RMB100) 每筆 HK$1 / RMB1 使用表格 首次建立費 HK$200 / RMB200 存入本行賬戶 每筆 HK$1 / RMB1( 最低收 HK$50 / RMB50) 存入其他銀行賬戶 使用 USB 首次建立費 HK$200 / RMB200 上載批量文檔 - 發薪 ( 註 1) ( 企業網上銀行 ) 銀行加簽印鑑 存入本行賬戶 存入其他銀行賬戶 存入本行賬戶 存入其他銀行賬戶 每筆 HK$4 / RMB4( 最低收 HK$100 / RMB100) 每筆 HK$1 / RMB1( 最低收 HK$70 / RMB70) 每筆 HK$0.1 / RMB0.1 每筆 HK$1 / RMB1 每份 HK$150 / US$20( 如加簽多份, 其後每份 HK$20 / US$3) 一般性質資料證明賬戶餘額證明每份 HK$150 / US$20( 如加簽多份, 其後每份 HK$20 / US$3) 客戶賬戶 I 服務資料證明 作押物業資料證明 授信額度證明 交易資料證明 每份 HK$300 / US$39( 如加簽多份, 其後每份 HK$20 / US$3) 具評語的資料證明 擔保親屬留學 每份 HK$300 / US$39( 如加簽多份, 其後每份 HK$20 / US$3) 擔保僱員公幹簽證 申請旅遊簽證 聘用海外勞工 一般商務證明 一般個人證明 非常規性資信證明每份 HK$300 / US$39 註 1: 透過上載批量文檔 - 代收 / 代付 / 發薪服務 ( 企業網上銀行交易 ), 款項將於兩個營業日後送到收款銀行 營業日 指香港的銀行營業的任何日子 ( 星期六 日及公眾假期除外 ) 由交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 ( 於中華人民共和國註冊成立 ) 印發 第 1/5 1/4 頁

2 生效日期 : 2018 年 11 月 30 日 服務分類 項 目 收 費 開立特別公司賬戶 信託性質賬戶 每次 HK$15,000 公司架構具有三層以上 每次 HK$15,000 開立海外註冊公司賬戶 每次 HK$15,000 開立本地註冊公司賬戶 每次 HK$1,200 商業登記 / 公司註冊查冊 每份 HK$200, 海外註冊公司另議 ( 最低收 HK$2,000) 客戶要求查取其儲蓄或定期 提供一年資料 每戶 HK$250 存款賬戶歷史資料記錄 提供兩年資料 每戶 HK$750 ( 註 1) 提供三年資料 每戶 HK$1,000 三年以上資料 ( 最多七年 ) 每年加收 HK$1,000 會計師樓交來要求加簽證明賬戶餘額 每賬戶 HK$150( 最低 HK$300 至最高 HK$1,000) 覆同業查詢 每份 HK$350 覆律師樓要求普查客戶資料 每份 HK$100 查閱客戶纪錄資料 每次 HK$300( 如無賬戶亦須繳付 ) 客戶要求影印資料 影印申請日期起計三年或以下的資料每張 HK$50, 影印申請日期起計 超過 三年 ( 最多七年 ) 的資料每張 HK$100 託收票據 收妥或退票 每張票據計收 HK$150, 另加掛號或快遞費如下 ;( 另加代理行費用 ) 一般服務 掛號信件費 : 所有地區一律 HK$30; 快遞信件費 : 澳門 HK$130; 非澳門 HK$250 買人匯款 收妥或退票 每張申請書計收 0.5%( 最低收 HK$100)( 另加代理行費用 ) 書面授權撥款 / 常行指示 每筆 HK$100 / RMB100 大量港元現鈔存入 / 提取 / 處理每位客戶每天交易 ( 必須已分類 ) 張數超過 200 張或 每張 HK$0.3 或按每筆金額之 0.5% 計收, 取高者 ( 最低收 HK$100) 金額超過 H K $ 5 0, 存入 / 提取 / 處理外幣現鈔 ( 不包括美元鈔戶 ) 美元 人民幣 ( 註 3) 其他外幣 ( 祇限英鎊 澳元 加元及日圓 ) 輔幣找換 ( 註 2) 每卷 / 包 HK $4 存入港元輔幣 ( 必須已分類 )( 註 2) 外幣現鈔兌換 ( 不包括人民幣 ) 按每筆存入 / 提取 / 處理金額之 0.25% 計收 按每筆存入 / 提取 / 處理金額之 0.25% 計收 ( 最低收 RMB20) 按每筆存入 / 提取 / 處理金額之 0.375% 計收 300 個輔幣或以下豁 300 個輔幣以上按存入之金額 2% 計收 ( 最低收 HK$50) 本行客戶 ( 註 3) 人民幣現鈔兌換本行客戶 ( 註 3) 每筆 HK$50; 另加收存入 / 提取 / 處理外幣現鈔費用 存入大量支票一日內不超過 30 張 一日內超過 30 張 餘下每張 HK$2 圖文傳真 往香港 HK$50( 五頁以內 ) 往香港以外國家或地區 HK$100( 兩頁以內 ) 收取實物結單 印發月結單副本 ( 包括重印電子綜合結單 ) 超過指定之頁數 一個月以內 每頁另加 HK$50 每份等值 HK$50 一個月至最多七年每份 HK$70 / US$9 / RMB70( 每一結單周期作一份計算 ) 補發通知書 / 收條副本一年以內每頁 HK$50 一至兩年 二至三年 三至四年 四至五年 五至六年 六至七年 ( 最多七年 ) 保安編碼器首次發放 CHATS 轉賬 ( 櫃檯交易 )( 註 4) CHATS 轉賬 ( 企業網上銀行交易 ) ( 註 4) 更換失效 / 損壞保安編碼器 因遺失而重領 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 港元 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行 每頁 HK$100 每頁 HK$150 每頁 HK$200 每頁 HK$250 每頁 HK$300 每頁 HK$350 HK$100 每筆 HK$180 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 美元 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行每筆 US$23 / HK $180 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 歐羅 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行每筆 EUR 17 / HK $180 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 人民幣 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行每筆 RMB 180 / HK $180 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 港元 ) 到深圳銀行每筆 HK $180 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 港元 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 美元 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 歐羅 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行 每筆 HK$50 每筆 US$6 每筆 EUR5 要求以 CHATS 代撥款 ( 人民幣 ) 到其他 CHATS 銀行每筆 RMB50 附言費註 1: 提供一年資料 指提供某一年度 (1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 ) 內的資料, 不足 1 年亦當 提供一年資料 計算, 如此類推 註 2:HK$0.1 HK$0.2 每卷 / 包 HK$20;HK$0.5 每卷 / 包 HK$25;HK$1 HK$2 及 HK$5 每卷 / 包 HK$100;HK$10 每卷 / 包 HK$200 註 3: 本行保留權利對大量現鈔兌換徵收額外費用 註 4: 若客戶指定收款人收取全數, 需另加收款銀行費用 HK$300( 已包郵電費 ), 本行在確定收款行實收費用後, 向客戶另收不足的差額 由交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 ( 於中華人民共和國註冊成立 ) 印發 第 1/5 2/4 頁

3 服務分類項目收費 一般服務 本地電子轉賬服務要求以電子結算系統轉賬 ( 港元 ) 到其他本地銀行 ( 企業網上銀行交易 )( 註 1) 要求以電子結算系統轉賬 ( 人民幣 ) 到其他本地銀行 每筆 HK$5 每筆 RMB5 生效日期 : 2018 年 11 月 30 日 註 1: 透過本地電子轉賬服務 ( 企業網上銀行交易 ), 款項將於兩個營業日後轉至收款賬戶 營業日 指香港的銀行營業的任何日子 ( 星期六 日及公眾假期除外 ) 匯款服務 服務分類項目收費 匯出匯款 匯入匯款 電匯 票匯 發出電報本行客戶匯交本行國內分行 ( 含快匯 ) 每次 HK$170 附言費 ( 超出 10 個字 ) 非本行客戶 ( 註 1) 匯交其他銀行或本行海外分行 ( 註 1) 每次 HK$220 每次 HK$300 每次 HK$80 修改資料 / 查詢 / 退匯每次 HK$220( 另加代理行費用 ) 網上匯款 ( 企業網上銀行交易 ) 網上外幣 / 海外銀行轉賬 ( 註 1) 網上查詢 / 取消外幣 / 海外銀行轉賬 ( 註 2) 附言費 於櫃檯修改 / 查詢 / 退回網上外幣 / 海外銀行轉賬 每次 HK$100 每次 HK$150 發出匯票本行客戶匯交本行國內分行每張 HK$50 非本行客戶 ( 註 3) 匯交其他銀行或本行海外分行 ( 註 3) 每張 HK$100 每張 HK$180 退回匯票每張 HK$150( 另加代理行費用 ) 掛失 / 止付匯票每張 HK$300( 另加銀行公會費用及代理行費用 ) 確證匯款以電報方式向受款銀行確證匯款每次 HK$120 代客以長途電話向付款行查詢匯款解付情況 電匯 / 信匯 / 票匯 每次 HK$120 資料相符 由本行國內分行存入本行賬戶 由其他銀行或本行海外分行存入本行賬戶 每次 HK$60 資料不符, 通融存入本行賬戶 每次 HK$100 收款人提出轉匯轉至其他銀行或本行國內 / 海外分行之同名每次 HK$100( 另加匯出匯款收費 ) 賬戶轉至其他銀行或本行國內 / 海外分行之第三每次 HK$200( 另加匯出匯款收費 ) 者賬戶收款人開立本票每次 HK$100( 另加本票收費 ) 查詢需發電報查詢資料者每次 HK$150 註 1: 若電匯至歐羅地區 / 英國而金額等於或少於 EUR150 / GBP100, 另加收 HK$190 代理行手續費 若選擇的匯款貨幣為非收款國家的當地貨幣 / 非港元 非美元或非歐羅, 另加收 HK$100 郵電費 若客戶指定所有代理行費用由客戶承擔 ( 收款人收取全數 ), 需另加收等值 HK$350 之代理行費 本行在確定代理行實收費用後, 向客戶另收不足的差額 註 2:" 已執行 " 的網上外幣 / 海外銀行轉賬不可取消 ; 如客戶申請退款, 則必須親臨本行辦理, 而有關申請需收取手續費 註 3: 若票匯貨幣為 SEK, 另加收 SEK50 之代理行費用 由交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 ( 於中華人民共和國註冊成立 ) 印發 第 1/5 3/4 頁

4 放款服務服務分類項目收費 手續費 按揭貸款相關費用 其他相關服務 / 費用 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 申請手續費 ( 抵押貸款 ) 申請手續費 ( 無抵押貸款 ) 額度轉期費 開出擔保函手續費 更改按揭計劃條款 ( 例如轉按揭計劃 供款年期 供款日期 供款金額 還款方式 更改按揭人 / 擔保人等 ) 按揭物業出租同意書 ( 另加律師費用 ) 分期貸款於罰息期後提前償還全數 / 部份貸款之手續費 存契費 ( 已清還樓宇按揭貸款但尚未辦理押記註銷 ) 以銀主身份代按揭客戶繳付逾期費用 ( 包括差餉 地租 管理費等 ) 之手續費 提前還款手續費 審批並非由本行指定保險公司所發出的火險保單條款內容之服務費用 逾期還款利息 逾期還款行政管理費 重印分期貸款供款年結紀錄 貸款額度的 0.5%( 最低收費 HK$1,500) 貸款額度的 0.5%( 最低收費 HK$2,000) 生效日期 : 2018 年 11 月 30 日 貸款額度的 0.25%( 最低收費 HK$1,000) 按每張開出擔保函金額全數每月以 0.125% 計收 ( 不足一個月亦作一個月計 ) 每張開出擔保函最低收費 HK$800 每項 HK$1,000 每份 HK$2,000 每次 HK$1,000 每年 HK$3,000 每次 HK$500 若透支額度用款率低於 30%, 按透支額度未用金額部份計收 0.25%p.a. ( 每天計算 ) 貸款後一年內提前還款按還款金額收 3% 或 HK$50,000, 高者為準 貸款後兩年內提前還款按還款金額收 2% 或 HK$30,000, 高者為準 貸款後三年內提前還款按還款金額收 1% 或 HK$10,000, 高者為準 每份保單 HK$500 本行最優惠貸款利率加 4.25%p.a. 每次 HK$500 每份 HK$100 客戶要求影印資料屋契每份 HK$200 其他授信文件 交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 ( 本行 ) 保留不時更改任何收費 優惠或其他服務之權利 本行保留權利徵收賬戶在本行運作之費用 收費未能盡錄, 請向本行職員查詢閣下所需服務的收費 上述收費如有任何調整, 將以最新公佈之收費為準 每頁 HK$50 債務票據投資服務服務分類項目收費 債務票據 買賣交易費 到期贖回費 存倉費 代收利息費 轉出債券每次每隻債務票據 HK$500 ( 或其等值 ) 存入債券每次每隻債務票據 HK$100 ( 或其等值 ) (1) 根據 綜合投資服務條款, 債務票據 指銀行不時願意買賣或處理的任何種類的存款證 債券 票據 匯票或其他債務票據 (2) 客戶要求補發債務票據賬戶之合约單據 / 交易確認書 / 月結單之收費, 將按本行一般服務之補發通知書 / 收條 / 往來戶口印發月結單副本辦理 (3) 本行保留不時對上述收費及服務作出調整的權利, 並以本行認為適當之方式通知客戶 豁 豁 豁 豁 由交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 ( 於中華人民共和國註冊成立 ) 印發 第 1/5 4/4 頁

5 Current Account (Applicable to HKD, USD and RMB Current Account) Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Charges of Banking Services Effective from the "Appointed Day" in the Effective Customer Date: Notification 30 Nov 2018 Returned Cheque Due to insufficient funds HK$150 / US$20 / RMB200 per cheque Due to technical error(s) made by customers HK$70 / US$10 / RMB50 per cheque Undue / Overdue cheque Due to the amount of a single RMB cheque exceeding RMB200 per cheque RMB80,000 Temporary Overdraft O/D exceeds credit limit / O/D HK$120 for each overdraft plus additional interest charges for the exceeded without credit limit amount at our HKD Best Lending Rate + 9%p.a. or HIBOR, whichever is higher / US$15 for each overdraft plus additional interest charges for the exceeded amount at our USD Best Lending Rate + 9%p.a. or LIBOR, whichever is higher / RMB200 for each overdraft plus additional interest charges for the exceeded amount at the overnight Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate + 9%p.a. or our bank s cost of fund,whichever is higher Cheque drawn against uncleared item HK$120 / US$15 / RMB200 per cheque Cheque Marked Good for Sent by bank HK$200 / US$26 per cheque plus other bank charges Payment Sent by customer HK$100 / US$13 per cheque plus other bank charges Stop Payment on Cheque Establishing / Cancelling record HK$100 / US$13 / RMB100 per instruction Stop Payment on Cheque (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction) Establishing record HK$100 / US$13 / RMB100 per instruction Printing of Special Cheques Regular / Gold-plated Handling charge Printing of Special Pay-in Slips Handling charge Delivery of Cheque Book By surface mail By registered mail HK$25 (max. 2 booklets) Delivery of Returned Cheque By double registered mail HK$35 per instruction Account Closure within 3 months from date of Account Opening HK$200 / US$25 / RMB200 per account Deposit / Withdraw USD notes into / from USD Current Account 0.25% of the deposit / withdrawal amount per transaction Report loss of Passbook / Replacement of Passbook (Due to loss / damage of passbook or HK$100 per passbook Savings Account loss of Chop) Consolidated Back Item Advice HK$70 per copy Account Closure within 3 months from date of Account Opening HK$200 per account Time Deposit Early uplift on Time Deposits HK$200 per transaction (interest penalty may be levied) Account (including Club Deposits) Issuance HK$50 per order Banker s endorsement to certify the name of purchaser Cashier s Order Refund HK$50 per order Report loss HK$60 per order plus charge for reporting to HKAB / HKICL Cashier s Order Marked Good by bank HK$50 per order Creation of new record / Amendment of record HK$50 / RMB50 per record Returned Autopay Due to insufficient funds HK$150 / RMB150 per record Due to other reasons HK$20 / RMB20 per record Autopay (Debit Service) IAH/CCASS Autopay (Debit Service) Collection Service (Credit Account) Autopay of Payroll Service Bank Confirmation Upload Batch Document Autopay - Out (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction) (Note 1) Credit into our bank s A/C Credit into other bank s A/C HK$0.1 / RMB0.1 per record HK$1 / RMB1 per record Creation of new record / Amendment of record HK$50 / RMB50 / US$6.5 per record Returned Autopay Due to insufficient funds HK$150 / RMB150 / US$20 per record Due to other reasons HK$20 / RMB20 / US$3 per record Initial set up fee Counter Payment Service HK$5 / RMB5 / US$0.7 per record Written Instruction HK$5 / RMB5 per record (minimum HK$100 / RMB100) Upload Batch Document Autopay In (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction) (Note 1) HK$1 / RMB1 per record Written Instruction Initial set up fee HK$200 / RMB200 Credit into our bank s A/C HK$1 / RMB1 per account (minimum HK$50 / RMB50) Credit into other bank s A/C HK$4 / RMB4 per account (minimum HK$100 / RMB100) USB Initial set up fee HK$200 / RMB200 Credit into our bank s A/C Credit into other bank s A/C HK$1 / RMB1 per account (minimum HK$70 / RMB70) Upload Batch Credit into our bank s A/C HK$0.1 / RMB0.1 per record Document Payroll (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction) (Note Credit into other bank s A/C HK$1 / RMB1 per record 1) Verification of Account Signature Confirmation of Confirmation of Account Balance Account Information Confirmation of Customer Account/Services Information Confirmation of Mortgaged Property Information Confirmation of Banking Facilities Confirmation of Transaction Information Issuance of Bank Sponsorship for relative further studies Reference Letter Staff visa application Tourist visa application Employment of overseas workers General Business Certificate General Personal Certificate Issuance of non-standardized Bank Reference Letter HK$150 / US$20 per copy (HK$20 / US$3 for each additional copy) HK$150 / US$20 per copy (HK$20 / US$3 for each additional copy) HK$300 / US$39 per copy (HK$20 / US$3 for each additional copy) HK$300 / US$39 per copy (HK$20 / US$3 for each additional copy) HK$300 / US$39 per copy Note 1: The Autopay-In/Autopay-Out/ Payroll services via Corporate Internet Banking will be credited to the recipient s account after two business days. The reference to business day means any day on which banks in HKSAR are open for business (except Saturday, Sunday or public holiday). Issued by Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (Incorporated in the People s Republic of China) P.1/4 P.1/5

6 Bank Bank of of Communications Co., Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Charges of of Banking Services Effective from the "Appointed Day" in the Effective Customer Date: Notification 30 Nov 2018 Special Company Trust account HK$15,000 per request Account Opening Company with more than 3 layers in its structure HK$15,000 per request Overseas Company Account Opening HK$15,000 per request Local Company Account Opening HK$1,200 per request BR / CI Search HK$200 per search Negotiable for Overseas Company (minimum HK$2,000) Account History Record within 1 year HK$250 per account Report for Savings Record within 2 years HK$750 per account or Fixed Deposit Record within 3 years HK$1,000 per account Accounts (Note 1) Record more than 3 years (up to 7 years) HK$1,000 per year thereafter Bank Confirmation for Audit Purposes HK$150 per account(minimum HK$300 to maximum HK$1,000) Reference Letter of Customer to Other Banks HK$350 per letter Reference Letter of Customer to Solicitors HK$100 per letter Request for Customer Data HK$300 per request (including no account maintained) Request for copy of documents by Customer Records within 3 years from the date of request will be charged for HK$50 per page, records over 3 years (up to 7 years) from the date of request will be charged HK$100 per page Outward Clean Bills Collection Paid / Return item HK$150 per draft (plus registered mail or courier charges as below arrangement) (plus correspondent bank charges) By Registered Mail; All countries HK$30; By Courier: Macau: HKD130; Non Macau: HKD250 Inward Remittance Bought Paid / Return item 0.5% per application form (minimum HK$100) (plus correspondent bank charges) Written Standing Instructions HK$100 / RMB100 per item Coins Exchange (Note2) HK$4 per sachet Large amount of HKD Note Over 200 notes (must be presorted) or over HK$0.3 per note or 0.5% of the amount per transaction, whichever is deposit / withdrawal / processing HK$50,000 per day per customer higher (minimum HK$100) Foreign Currency Notes deposit USD 0.25% of the deposit / withdrawal / processing amount per transaction / withdraw / processing (USD Renminbi (Note 2) 0.25% of the deposit / withdrawal / processing amount per transaction Notes deposit account (minimum RMB 20) excluded) Other foreign currencies 0.375% of the deposit / withdrawal / processing amount per transaction (GBP, AUD, CAD and JPY only) General HKD Coins Deposit (must be presorted) (Note2) 300 coins or below: free Services 300 coins above: 2% of the total amount for deposit, subject to a minimum fee HK$50 per transaction Foreign Currency Notes Bank Customers (Note 2) Exchange (Renminbi excluded) Renminbi Currency Notes Bank Customers HK$50 per transaction; plus Foreign Currency Notes deposit / withdrawal / Exchange processing charge Bulk Cheque Deposit Up to 30 pieces per day Over 30 pieces per day HK$2 per subsequent piece Facsimile Within Hong Kong HK$50 (up to 5 pages) Outside Hong Kong HK$100 (up to 2 pages) Each additional page (any country) HK$50 per page Receive physical copy of statement Photocopying of Statement Within 1 month HK$50 equivalent per copy (including reprint of 1 month to 7 years (up to 7 years) HK$70 / US$9 / RMB70 per copy e-consolidated statement) (Each statement period counted as one copy) Replacement of Copies of Within 1 year HK$50 per page Advice / Receipt 1 year to 2 years HK$100 per page 2 years to 3 years HK$150 per page 3 years to 4 years HK$200 per page 4 years to 5 years HK$250 per page 5 years to 6 years HK$300 per page 6 years to 7 years (up to 7 years) HK$350 per page Security Device First distribution Replacement due to malfunction /damage of Security Device Re-issue due to loss of Security Device HK$100 CHATS CHATS Outward (HKD) HK$180 per transaction (Counter Transaction) CHATS Outward (USD) US$23 / HK$180 per transaction (Note 4) CHATS Outward (EUR) EUR 17 / HK$180 per transaction CHATS Outward (RMB) RMB180 / HK$180 per transaction CHATS Outward (HKD) to Shenzhen HK$180 per transaction CHATS CHATS Outward (HKD) HK$50 per transaction (Corporate Internet Banking CHATS Outward (USD) US$6 per transaction Transaction) CHATS Outward (EUR) EUR5 per transaction CHATS Outward (RMB) RMB50 per transaction Message Note 1: Record within 1 year means the record within one calendar year (from 1 January to 31 December). Request for less than 1 year record is still charged as Record within 1 year. Note 2: HK$20 per sachet for HK$0.1 & HK$0.2; HK$25 per sachet for HK$0.5; HK$100 per sachet for HK$1, HK$2 & HK$5; HK$200 per sachet for HK$10. Note 3: The bank reserves the right to levy an additional charge on bulk Foreign/ Renminbi Currency Notes Exchange. Note 4: If you have selected the option for all bank charges to be borne by you (the beneficiary receives full amount), an additional recipient bank charges of HK$300 (cable fee included) will be charged. After ascertaining the charges actually charged by recipient bank, our Bank will charge for the difference between the actual charges and our Bank s estimated charges. Issued by Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (Incorporated in the People s Republic of China) P.2/4 P.2/5

7 Bank Bank of of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Charges of of Banking Services Effective Date: 30Nov 2018 Electronic Clearing Transfer Electronic Clearing Transfer Outward (HKD) HK$5 per transaction General Services (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction)(Note 1) Electronic Clearing Transfer Outward (RMB) RMB5 per transaction Note 1: The funds transferred via Electronic Clearing Transfer (Corporate Internet Banking Transaction) will be credited to the recipient s account after two business days. The reference to business day means any day on which banks in HKSAR are open for business (except Saturday, Sunday or public holiday). Remittance Services Outward Remittances Inward Remittances Telegraphic Transfer Demand Draft Send out Bank Customers Remit to our Branches in Mainland China (include Fast Transfer) Remit to other Banks or our Overseas Branches (Note 1) Non-Bank Customers (Note 1) Message (exceed 10 Chinese characters) Amendment/Enquiry/Refund HK$170 per request HK$220 per request HK$300 per request HK$80 per instruction HK$220 per instruction (plus correspondent bank charges) Telegraphic Transfer Internet Foreign Currency / Overseas Bank Transfer (Note HK$100 per request via Internet Banking 1) (Corporate Internet Banking Enquiry / Cancellation of Internet Foreign Currency / Transaction) Overseas Bank Transfer (Note 2) Message Apply for amendment / enquiry / refund of Internet Foreign HK$150 per instruction Currency / Overseas Bank Transfer over Counter Issuance Bank Customers Issue to our Branches in Mainland China HK$50 per draft Refund Report Loss / Stop Payment Issue to other Banks or our Overseas Branches (Note 3) Non-Bank Customers (Note 3) HK$100 per draft Confirmation Telex confirmation to Beneficiary Banks HK$120 per item Confirmation and Enquiry of Remittances by Distance Call to Payment Banks HK$120 per request All information correct Transfer from our Branches in Mainland China to our accounts Telegraphic Transfer/ Mail Transfer/ Demand Draft HK$180 per draft HK$150 per draft (plus correspondent bank charges) HK$300 per draft (An additional charge to HKAB for Report loss of Demand Draft plus correspondent bank charges) Transfer from other Banks or our Overseas Branches to our accounts HK$60 per transaction Inward Remittance credit A/C with discrepancy handling charges HK$100 per transaction Transfer applied by Beneficiary Transfer the fund to the same beneficiary s account in other Banks or our Branches in Mainland China / our Overseas Branches HK$100 per transaction (plus outward remittance charges) Transfer the fund to a third party s account in other Banks or HK$200 per transaction (plus outward remittance charges) our Branches in Mainland China / our Overseas Branches Paid in Cashier s order HK$100 per transaction (plus charges if issuance of cashier s order per transaction) Enquiry Request to issue Cable for Enquiry HK$150 per instruction Note 1: Remittance to the Euro Zone / the UK in the amount equal to or less than EUR150 / GBP100, an additional correspondent commission of HK$190 will be charged. If the remit currency is not the local currency of the recipient country or not HKD / USD / EUR, an additional cable fee of HK$100 will be charged. If you have selected the option for all bank charges to be borne by you (the beneficiary receives full amount), an additional correspondent bank charges of HK$350 equivalent will be charged. After ascertaining the charges actually charged by the correspondent bank, our Bank will charge for the difference between the actual charges and our Bank s estimated charges. Note 2: A Sent Internet Foreign Currency / Overseas Bank Transfer cannot be cancelled. If you would like to apply for a refund, please visit our Bank and bank charges will be levied for such application for refund. Note 3: If you request to issue the demand draft currency in SEK, an additional correspondent bank charge of SEK50 will be charged. Issued by Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (Incorporated in the People s Republic of China) P.3/4 P.3/5

8 Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Charges of Banking Services Effective Date: 30 Nov 2018 Loan Services Handling Charge Mortgage Loan related Fee Application fee (Secured Loans) Application fee (Unsecured Loans) Renewal Fee 0.5% of Loan Limit Amount (Minimum Charge : HK$1,500) 0.5% of Loan Limit Amount (Minimum Charge : HK$2,000) 0.25% of Loan Limit Amount (Minimum Charge : HK$1,000) Letter of Guarantee Issuance Fee 0.125% of Guarantee Amount (calculated on a monthly basis, rounded to 1 month if less than 1 month) Minimum Charge for each Guarantee is HK$800 Change of Mortgage Term (e.g. Change of Mortgage Plan, Loan Tenure, Instalment Due Date, Instalment Amount, Repayment Option, Change of Mortgagor / Guarantor, etc.) Lease Consent Letter on Charged Property (plus Legal Cost) Handling Fee for Early Redemption (Full / Partial) of Instalment Loan after Penalty Period Custody of Non-discharged Deeds after Full Repayment HK$1,000 per item HK$2,000 per Letter HK$1,000 per Transaction HK$3,000 per year Other related Services / Fee Handling fee for settlement of overdue charges (including rates, rent and management fee, etc.) imposed on the Bank as mortgagee due to default of the mortgagors Commitment Fee for Overdraft Limit HK$500 per Transaction 0.25% p.a. on the Unused Overdraft Limit in case the Usage of the Limit is Lower than 30% (calculated on a daily basis) Prepayment Charge If prepayment is made within the first year from the date of advance, 3% on the amount prepaid or HK$50,000, whichever is higher If prepayment is made within the second year from the date of advance, 2% on the amount prepaid or HK$30,000, whichever is higher If prepayment is made within the third year from the date of advance, 1% on the amount prepaid or HK$10,000, whichever is higher Service fee for assessment of the terms of fire insurance policy issued by an insurance company other than the insurance companies nominated by the Bank Default Interest HK$500 per insurance policy Our Best Lending Rate plus 4.25%p.a. Administration Fee for Late Payment Reprint of Annual Statement of Instalment Account HK$500 per Transaction HK$100 per copy (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Request for copy by Customer Title Deeds HK$200 per Deed Other Loan Documents HK$50 per page Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (The bank) reserves the right to revise any fees, charges, special offers and other services from time to time. The bank reserves the right to levy a charge on transactions conducted. For charges not listed above, please contact us for details. The above charges are subject to change according to newly announced charges. This is a translation of the original Chinese version. The above information is for reference only. Debt Instrument Investment Services Debt Instrument Transaction Fee Redemption Fee at maturity Custodian Fee Cash Collection Fee Transfer Out Transfer In Waived Waived Waived Waived HK$500 (or its equivalent) per Debt Instrument per transaction HK$100 (or its equivalent) per Debt Instrument per transaction (1) Debt Instrument means any certificate of deposit, bond, note, bill or other debt instrument of any description which the Bank is prepared to deal or handle from time to time under the Terms and Conditions for General Investment Services. (2) Regarding the charges for re-issuing Contract Note/Trade Confirmation/Monthly statement by customer request, please refer to the Bank Charges for Replacement of Copies of Advice/Receipt/Photocopying of Statement for Current Account. (3) The Bank reserves the right to revise the above fee and services from time to time. Issued by Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (Incorporated in the People s Republic of China) P.4/5 P.4/4

2012 年 4 月 至 6 月 活 動 一 覽 月 份 計 劃 / 項 目 活 動 4 月 竹 園 中 心 活 動 竹 園 中 心 開 放 日 暨 沒 有 巴 掌 日 嘉 年 華 :4 月 28 日 v 迎 新 會 :4 月 21 日 童 歡 部 落 v 義 工 服 務 :5 月 27 日 v 小

2012 年 4 月 至 6 月 活 動 一 覽 月 份 計 劃 / 項 目 活 動 4 月 竹 園 中 心 活 動 竹 園 中 心 開 放 日 暨 沒 有 巴 掌 日 嘉 年 華 :4 月 28 日 v 迎 新 會 :4 月 21 日 童 歡 部 落 v 義 工 服 務 :5 月 27 日 v 小 八 月 通 訊 在 多 名 熱 心 青 年 的 參 與 及 香 港 救 助 兒 童 會 贊 助 下, 本 會 推 出 兒 童 專 網, 透 過 互 動 遊 戲 及 討 論 區, 讓 兒 童 及 青 少 年 認 識 更 多 保 護 兒 童 的 知 識, 包 括 虐 待 兒 童 的 種 類 家 居 安 全 及 自 我 保 護 在 過 去 數 個 月, 兒 童 專 網 的 點 擊 次 數 已 累 積 至

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