Microsoft PowerPoint - 1-Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics [相容模式]

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1 固定義齒學概論 Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics 固定義齒學概論 Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics 學習目標 1. KEY TERMS 2. Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics 3. Presentation 台北醫學大學牙醫學系兼任臨床助理教授王茂生醫師 KEY TERMS ABUTMENT 支柱牙 Tooth, root, or implant used for retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis. ALUMINUM CROWN 鋁牙冠 Provisional coverage of thin aluminum used for posterior teeth. ARTICULATOR 咬合器 Dental laboratory device that simulates the movements of the mandible and temporomandibular joint. BEVEL 斜面 - enamel margin of a tooth preparation CAST POST 鑄造 ( 柱 ) metal support fitted into the root canal of an endodontically treated tooth to improve the retention of a cast restoration. CHAMFER 弧形 ( 緣 ) Tapered finish line of the margin at the cervical area of a tooth preparation. ABUTMENT Tooth, root, or implant used for retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis. DIE Replica of the prepared portion of a tooth used in the laboratory during the making of a cast restoration implant ABUTMENT 1

2 ABUTMENT 支柱牙 Tooth, root, or implant used for retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis. DIE 單齒膜 Replica of the prepared portion of a tooth used in the laboratory during the making of a cast restoration ABUTMENT Tooth, root, or implant used for retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis. Cast 鑄造物模型 Restoration 修復體 ABUTMENT Tooth, root, or implant used for retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis. resistance 抵抗力 ARTICULATOR Dental laboratory device that simulates the movements of the mandible and temporomandibular joint 2

3 Dentatus Modulus Dentatus Modulus Panadan BEVEL - enamel margin of a toothpreparation CHAMFER Tapered finish line of the margin at the cervical area of a tooth preparation. SHOULDER 肩台 margins of a tooth preparation for a cast restoration CAST POST metal support fitted into the root canal of an endodontically treated toothto improve the retention of a cast restoration CORE - Portion of a post and core that extends above the tooth structure 3

4 CAST POST metal support fitted into the root canal of an endodontically treated toothto improve the retention of a cast restoration CORE 冠心 - Portion of a post and core that extends above the tooth structure. CUSTOM Referring to provisional coverage that is designed from a preliminary impression or thermoplastic tray resembling the tooth being prepared. DIE 單齒膜 Replica of the prepared portion of a tooth used in the laboratory during the making of a cast restoration. FIXED BRIDGE 固定牙橋 Dental Prosthesis with artificial teeth fixed in place and supported by attachment to the natural teeth. CUSTOM Referring to provisional coverage that is designed from a preliminary impression or thermoplastic tray resembling the tooth being prepared CUSTOM Referring to provisional coverage that is designed from a preliminary impression or thermoplastic tray resembling the tooth being prepared CROWN 牙冠 Cast Restoration that covers the entire anatomic crown of the tooth. GINGIVAL RETARACTION 牙齦排開 Displacement of gingival tissues away from the tooth. HYPERTROPHIED 肥大 referring to overgrown oral tissues. INFUSER Syringe that applies hemostatic solution on the gingival retraction cord. INLAY 嵌體 Cast restoration designed for class II cavity INVESTMENT MATERIAL 包埋材 Special gypsum product able to withstand extreme heat. enamel cementoenamel 4

5 CROWN Cast Restoration that covers the entire anatomic crown of the tooth Anatomic Crown the portion of the natural teeth that extends from its cementoenamel junction to the occlusal surface or incisal edge Clinical Crown the portion of a tooth extends from the occlusal table or incisal edge to the free gingival margin GINGIVAL RETARACTION Displacement of gingival tissues away from the tooth. INLAY Cast restoration designed for class II cavity INVESTMENT MATERIAL Special gypsum product able to withstand extreme heat. MASTER CAST 主模型 Cast created from a final impression used to construct baseplate, bite rims, wax setups and finished prosthesis. ONLAY 冠蓋體 Cast restoration designed for occlusal crown and proximal surfaces of posterior teeth. OPAQUER 不透光 Resin material placed under a porcelain restoration to mask discoloration. POLYCARBONATE CROWN Provisional crown of toothcolored material used for anterior teeth. 5

6 MASTER CAST Cast created from a final impression used to construct baseplate, bite rims, wax setups and finished prosthesis. MASTER CAST Cast created from a final impression used to construct baseplate, bite rims, wax setups and finishe prosthesis. CAST: v 鑄造 n 模型 MASTER CAST Cast created from a final impression used to construct baseplate, bite rims, wax setups and finish prosthesis Baseplate bite rims, wax setups finish prosthesis 6

7 MASTER CAST Cast created from a final impression used to construct baseplate, bite rims, wax setups and finish prosthesis Balance Occlusion ONLAY Cast restoration designed for occlusal crown and proximal surfaces of posterior teeth. OPAQUER Resin material placed under a porcelain restoration to mask discoloration OPAQUER Resin material placed under a porcelain restoration to mask tooth discoloration 7

8 POLYCARBONATE CROWN Provisional crown of tooth-colored material used for anterior teeth. PRE-FORMED Referring to provisional coverage that is already shaped in the appearance needed PONTIC artificial tooththat replaces a missing natural tooth. PONTIC 橋體 artificial tooth that replaces a missing natural tooth. PORCELAIN-FUSED-TO-METAL(PFM) CROWN 陶瓷金屬融合冠 Indirect restoration in which a thin porcelain material is fused to the facial portion of a gold crown. PROSTHESIS 贗復體 Fabricated replacement for a missing tooth. PORCELAIN-FUSED-TO-METAL CROWN Indirect restoration in which a thin porcelain material is fused to the facial portion of a gold crown. PROVISIONAL Referring to temporary coverage made for crown or bridge preparations and worn during cast preparation. RESIN-BONDED BRIDGE Fixed dental prosthesis with wings that are bonded to the lingual surfaces of adjacent teeth; also known as Maryland Bridge. SHADE GUIDE 比色板 Accessory dental item that contains different shades of teeth and is used to match the color of a patient s teeth for the laboratory technician. SHOULDER 肩台 margins of a tooth preparation for a cast restoration. 8

9 PROVISIONAL Referring to temporary coverage made for crown or bridge preparations and worn during cast preparation. RESIN-BONDED BRIDGE Fixed dental prosthesis with wings that are bonded to the lingual surfaces of adjacent teeth; also known as Maryland Bridge Adhesive Bridge Etched Cast restoration SHADE GUIDE Accessory dental item that contains different shades of teeth and is used to match the color of a patient s teeth for the laboratory technician. SOLDER JOINT 焊接點 Point or junction where two metal objects are fused, such as on a bridge. THREE-QUARTER CROWN Cast restorations that covers the anatomic crown of a tooth except for the facial or buccal portion. UNIT Each component of the fixed bridge. VENEER 嵌面 Thin layer of tooth-colored material bonded or cemented to prepared facial surface of a tooth. THREE-QUARTER CROWN Cast restorations that covers the anatomic crown of a tooth except for the facial or buccal portion. 9

10 VENEER Thin layer of tooth-colored material bonded or cemented to prepared facial surface of a tooth. ALUMINUM CROWN Provisional coverage of thin aluminum used for posterior teeth. Fixed Prosthodontics 固定義齒學牙冠牙橋學 A bridge is a non-removable prosthesis, or fixed partial denture (FPD), rigidly attached to one or more abutment teeth, replacing one or more lost or missing teeth. 牙橋不是一個活動假牙, 是一個假牙牢固粘著在一個或二個支台齒同時取代一個或多個缺牙 一 齒列缺損 (dentition defect) 之原因 齲齒 根尖周病 牙周病 外傷 頜骨疾病 先天牙胚缺失等是原因 二 固定假牙與活動假牙的區別 固定假牙 活動假牙 支持方式 支台齒, 黏膜或牙 - 黏膜 固定形式 牙套 + 黏著劑 固位體.+ 連接體 + 基底 適應範圍 較窄, 缺牙數目較少, 適應範圍廣闊, 適應症嚴格 缺牙數及組織缺損量不受限制 支台齒條件 要求高. 位置正常 可有輕度鬆動. 傾斜 舒適度 無異物感 有異物感 發音 不影響 初期有影響 咀嚼效能 好 稍差 齒磨耗量 量多 量少 製作 複雜 樹脂類較簡單. 鑄造支架較複雜 摘戴方式 固定. 不能自行取戴 能自行摘戴 清潔衛生 自潔作用, 口內刷洗 口外刷洗 修理方式 拆除重作 可以修補. 添加 三 Reason for replacing lost tooth 為什麼做假牙 1.Esthetic 美觀恢復面容美觀 2.Function 功能提高咀嚼功能 3.Speech 發音改善發音 4.Occlusion and TMJ dysfunction prevention 避免咬合及顳顎關節障礙 5.Maintenance of dental health 維持牙齒健康剩餘牙 牙周健康 6.Provide a good mental and physical health 有益患者的身心健康, 四 Consequences without replacement 不作假牙的後果 1.Supraoclusion of the opposing teeth or tooth 牙齒往對咬長長 2.Tilting of the adjacent teeth 鄰齒傾斜 3.Loss of proximal contact 接觸點喪失 4.Food impaction, caries, periodontitis, alveolar bone loss, occlusal trauma, TMJ problem,extraction, 10

11 五 Treatment for tooth loss 缺牙之治療 1.Fixed partial denture 固定假牙 2.Implant-supported prostheses 植體支持 3.Removable partial denture 活動假牙 4.Complete denture 全口假牙 Whenever possible, it is advisable to restore edentulous spaces with fixed rather than removal partial denture 六 Component of bridge 牙橋的組合 1.The abutment 支台齒 2.The retainer 牙套 3.The pontic 橋體 4.The connector or the joint 連接部 七 Ante slaw The root surface area of the abutment teeth should be equal or greater than that of the tooth being replaced. 支台齒牙根表面積的總和大於或等於缺牙區牙根表面積的總合 八 Clinical Procedures 臨床操作過程 1.Tooth preparation 牙修形 2.Tissue Management 排齦 3.Impression 印模 4.Provisional restoration 臨時假牙 5.Try-in 試戴 6.Cementation 固定九 Laboratory Procedure 技工室的過程 1.Master cast and die 工作模型及支台齒 2.Wax pattern 臘型 3.Investing and casting 包埋鑄造 4.Polish 磨光 十 Types of Occlusion 1. Balanced Occlusion/Bilateral balanced occlusion 平衡咬合 / 雙側平衡咬合 2. Canine Protected Occlusion/Mutually Protected Occlusion 犬齒咬合 / 前後相互保護咬合 3. Group Functional Occlusion/Unilateral Balanced Occlusion 群功能咬合 / 單側平咬合十ㄧ 印模材料 1.Agar(reversible) 2.Alginate(irreversible) 3.Rubber Base: (a)polysulfide (b)polyether (c)silicone 1. Condensation Silicon 2. Addition Silicon 11

12 ~~ 百分之百的生產力 ~~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 只有必要的知識 (Knowledge) 是不夠的, 那僅能達到百分之九十六 : K N O W L E D G E = 96 態度 影響一生的關鍵 : 個性態度智慧 每個人之所以成功或失敗完全取決於他對別人和自己的態度 還需要埋頭苦幹 (Hardwork), 能才達到百分之九十八 : H A R D W O R K = 98 需要再加上競競業業的工作態度 (Attitude) 就可以達到百分百 : A T T I T U D E = 100 Summary THEN, look how far the love of God will take you : L-O-V-E-O-F-G-O-D =101% 贏家 - 要合群 要謙遜 要肯學習, 才能與工作夥伴有好的交流, 激發出更好的工作成果 小聰明只能贏在一時, 好的品格與正確的價值觀才是永恆立世之本 要懂得感恩 資料來源 Modern Dental Assisting DONIL. BIRD and DEBBIES. ROBINSON SEVENTH EDITION Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics Third edition Herbert T. Shillingburg Jr, DDS Sumiya Hobo, DDS, MSD, PhD Lowell D. Whitsett, DDS Richard Jacobi,DDS Susan E. Brackett, DDS,MS Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics Third Edition Rosenetiel Land Fujimoto 12

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中国 四国支部 平成 20 年度支部学術大会抄録集 西 関 東 支 部 ( 期日 : 平成 21 年 1 月 25 日 ( 日 ), 会場 : 神奈川県歯科保健総合センター / 神奈川県歯科医師会館 ) 関 西 支 部 ( 期日 : 平成 21 年 2 月 8 日 ( 日 ), 会場 : 和歌山県歯 中国 四国支部 平成 20 年度支部学術大会抄録集 西 関 東 支 部 ( 期日 : 平成 21 年 1 月 25 日 ( 日 ), 会場 : 神奈川県歯科保健総合センター / 神奈川県歯科医師会館 ) 関 西 支 部 ( 期日 : 平成 21 年 2 月 8 日 ( 日 ), 会場 : 和歌山県歯科医師会館 ) 東 関 東 支 部 ( 期日 : 平成 21 年 2 月 15 日 ( 日 ), 会場

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