RPN 2 DeepParts 22 part pool 2 3 HOG 12 LBP 13 Harr - like 15 DPM 16 Deformable Parts Model VGG16 X. Wang 14 VGG Convolutiona

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1 CHINESE JOURNAL OF STEREOLOGY AND IMAGE ANALYSIS Vol. 22 No. 2 June DOI /j RPN RPN RPN RPN TP37 A End - to - end monitoring scene pedestrian detection based on improved RPN YANG Dongming 1 2 XU Shibiao 3 MENG Weiliang 3 GE Shuiying 1 YANG Zhen 1 2 ZHANG Xiaopeng 3 1. National Science Library of CAS Beijing China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 3. Institute of Automation of CAS Beijing China Abstract Compared to other scenes pedestrian detection in monitoring scenes gets larger flow of people and higher degree of occlusion. This paper presents an end - to - end detection scheme based on region proposal network RPN. On the one hand we improved RPN by combining with a deep convolution network designed by ourselves to obtain a new deep neural network for pedestrian detection. On the other hand we introduced head - shoulders model to improved detection performance for pedestrian detection at monitoring scenes which improves the detection speed. Eventually we achieved end - to - end detection. The experimental results show that the method effectively improved the detection performance by reducing the missing rate and speeding up the detection. Key words monitor pedestrian detection deep learning RPN network No. 2012BAH42F E - mail shuiying. ge@ rcsc. cas. cn

2 RPN 2 DeepParts 22 part pool 2 3 HOG 12 LBP 13 Harr - like 15 DPM 16 Deformable Parts Model VGG16 X. Wang 14 VGG Convolutional neural R - CNN Region of CNN 18 CNNs selective search region proposals SPP - net Fast - RCNN 20 SPP spatial pyramid pooling ROI region of interest pooling Girshick R Faster R - CNN 20 RPN Region Proposal Network RPN proposal ROI pooling Faster R - CNN RPN 5 RPN anchors R 3. 1 Benenson 7 S Zhang 8 state of art VGG16 23 Oxford Net Andrew Zisserman 2014 ILSVRC localization and classification networks CNNs 17 RPN CNNs Deep ConvNet RPN Classifier Deep JointDeep 9 ConvNet RPN R - CNN 1

3 RPN Deep ConvNet RPN Classifier 1 5 ground - truth IoU Intersection - over - 4 Max pooling union IoU ground - truth Relu IoU 0. 3 rpn_bbox_ 512 pred 2 RPN 4 t i t xi t yi t wi t hi K anchor anchor 4K anchor 2 b L( { p }{ i t }) = 1 i N cls p i p * i + 1 i N reg p * i i L reg t i t * i 2 i i anchor p * i = t * i ground - true box 1 1 anchor box a K anchor = RoI pooling RoI pooling N anchor = W Conv5 H Conv5 K anchor 1 ROIs region of interest W Conv5 H Conv5 rpn_cls_score rpn_bbox_pred rpn_cls_score resize P i 0 or 1 crop /wrap K anchor anchor 2K

4 a b RPN 3 3 K anchor anchors 2 K anchor 4 K anchor % 63% 98% 3 a Chen Q 23 SED - PD 3 a 3 b 4 3 a b CPU Intel R Xeon VOC INRIA Person dataset 26 ImageNet R CPU E GHz GPU 12G momentum 0. 9 weight decay TITAN X Pascal Caffe K train_loss /auc - iteatation RPN 4 train_loss - iteatation auc - iteatation s /iter INRIA Person dataset %

5 RPN s Faster 1 INRIA Person dataset R - CNN VOC VOC VOC % / 2 INRIA Person dataset INRIA Person dataset a 3 a s INRIA Person dataset b 5 a 1 a conv5_2_relu5_2 rpn_cls_score rpn_bbox_pred rpn_output b

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