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3 港樂首席薈萃 STARRING PRINCIPALS OF YOUR HK PHIL OZNO ~14 HAYDN ~14 DVORÁK ~35 龐樂思 : 家庭, 第一冊,op. 14a Oikogeneia, Book 1, op. 14a 海頓 : 降 B 大調交響協奏曲,Hob. I: 105 快板行板精神奕奕的快板 Sinfonia Concertante in B flat, Hob. I: 105 Allegro Andante Allegro con spirito 中場休息 interval 德伏扎克 :D 小調第七交響曲,op. 70 莊嚴的快板稍慢板諧謔曲 ( 活潑地 速度稍慢 ) 終曲 ( 快板 ) Symphony no. 7 in D minor, op. 70 Allegro maestoso Poco adagio Scherzo (Vivace poco meno mosso) Finale (Allegro) P. 8 P. 12 P. 15 聆聽首席 ( 管樂篇 )Ask the Principal (Wind Section) P. 17 登記電子報 Sign up for our e-news 梵志登, 指揮 Jaap van Zweden, conductor 龐樂思, 作曲 OZNO, composer 韋爾遜, 雙簧管 Michael Wilson, oboe 莫班文, 巴松管 Benjamin Moermond, bassoon 王敬, 小提琴 Jing Wang, violin 鮑力卓, 大提琴 Richard Bamping, cello P. 18 P. 19 P. 20 P. 21 P. 22 P. 23 請勿飲食 No eating or drinking 演奏期間請保持安靜 Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance 請勿拍照 錄音或錄影 No photography, recording or filming 請留待整首樂曲完結後才報以掌聲鼓勵 Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work 請關掉手提電話及其他電子裝置 Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices 如不欲保留場刊, 請於完場後放回場地入口以便回收 If you don t wish to take this printed programme home, please return it to the admission point for recycling 下載應用程式 Download our app (for ios) 點讚 Like us on 訂閱頻道 Subscribe to our channel

4 你的香港管弦樂 多於 more than 個音樂會系列 concert series 套音樂會節目 concert programmes 場主要音樂會 mainstage concerts 套外展及教育活動接觸多於 40,000 名師生 education and outreach activities for 40,000 students and teachers 位港樂樂師 orchestra members van Zweden has taken the HK Phil to a new level, one that neither the musicians nor their fans knew existed. Time Out Hong Kong (van Zweden) takes the HK Phil to the next level. It is not only a blessing to the HK Phil but also to all fans in Hong Kong. Ming Pao Daily News HK Phil, a Hong Kong Orchestra that we are proud of Audiotechnique Today s HK Phil is absolutely world-class! De Telegraaf hkph

5 團 樂季 2016/17 SEASON 第 每年 位香港音樂家 Hong Kong artists 位新晉香港作曲家 emerging Hong Kong composers 場由梵志登指揮的音樂會 HK Phil concerts conducted by Jaap van Zweden 個樂季 season 個心靈被我們的音樂觸動 people reached annually 今天的港樂團絕對是世界水準! 黃牧 整個演出散發著唯美般的光彩 周凡夫 大公報 香港人引以為傲的樂團 張灼祥 星島日報 登峰造極 ( 梵志登 ) 領導港樂更上一層樓, 不僅是港樂也是香港所有樂迷之福 李歐梵 明報

6 SUPPORT YOUR HK PHIL 支持你的港樂 我為港樂深感自豪, 透過本地及海外的演出和錄音, 令港樂切切實實地成為一個國際知名的樂團 梵志登 I am so proud of this great ensemble. Through our concerts, touring and recordings, the HK Phil has truly become an internationally renowned orchestra. JAAP VAN ZWEDEN 4 4

7 企業贊助 與亞洲首屈一指的管弦樂團合作, 是企業提升品牌形象的最佳方案 透過贊助香港管弦樂團 ( 港樂 ), 企業可以在尊貴的社交場合會見或招待你的目標客戶, 獨享非凡待遇 企業可按其需要, 贊助港樂的個別音樂會或加入 大師會 港樂的全年企業會員計劃 聯絡我們的團隊, 讓我們為你的企業度身訂造一個贊助方案, 以達成企業市場推廣 款待客戶, 及實現社會責任的目標 CORPORATE SUPPORT Connecting your brand with Asia s leading orchestra is the perfect way to raise your company s profile, meet or entertain your target clients in a prestige social environment and access money-can t-buy hospitality opportunities. Concert sponsorship and the HK Phil s year-round corporate membership program the Maestro Circle, provide a range of entry points to suit any budget. Contact our team to find out how we can help you with a flexible package of benefits that achieves your marketing, hospitality and CSR objectives. 個人贊助 香港管弦樂團 ( 港樂 ) 是亞洲最具領導地位的樂團, 致力推廣高水平的管弦樂 作為一所非牟利機構及註冊慈善團體, 各界慷慨的捐款可讓港樂持續製作高質素的節目 INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT The HK Phil is dedicated to presenting the finest orchestral music in Hong Kong. As a non-profit organisation and a registered charity, your generous personal donations ensure that we are able to maintain the very highest standards within the Orchestra. 有關贊助禮遇, 請參閱港樂網址 如欲查詢有關贊助或捐款事宜, 歡迎與發展部聯絡 電話 : 電郵 : Details of the benefits of supporting are available at our website. For enquiries about donations or sponsorships, please contact the Development Department. Tel:

8 6

9 前言 FOREWORD 首席薈萃 STARRING PRINCIPALS 今晚的音樂會, 展現了港樂五位成員的天賦才華 四位是領銜演奏家, 一位是作曲家 與他們同台演出的是我們整個交響樂團, 當中每位樂手都身居此城, 日復日努力練習, 務求在技藝上精益求精 他們很多位都透過 賽馬會音樂密碼教育計劃, 教授樂器和主持大師班, 傳授他們的知識 另有多位則以小樂團的形式表演 不但在全港各地不同學校, 還在各家醫院中, 而對象尚包括特殊教育學童和行動不便人士 一個交響樂團與它所屬城市的生活息息相關 此音樂會由多位跟我們同行的卓越樂手擔綱演出, 請各位細心欣賞, 享受其中 Tonight s concert celebrates the talents of five members of the HK Phil four as featured performers, and one as composer. Alongside them is our whole orchestra, living in this city and working to perfect their art, day by day. Many impart their knowledge by teaching and giving masterclasses through our Jockey Club Keys to Music programme. Others perform in small ensembles in schools around Hong Kong also in hospitals, to children with special educational needs, and to those less mobile. An orchestra is a living part of its city we hope you ll enjoy this concert highlighting the special musicians who walk among us. Photos: Cheung Wai-lok 7

10 龐樂思 家庭 第一冊,op. 14a OZNO (b. 1969) Oikogeneia, Book 1, op. 14a 家庭 是龐樂思送給家人的聖誕禮物 Oikogeneia, is a collection of 21 fantasies OZNO wrote as Christmas presents for his family. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok Photos: Cheung Wai-lok 家庭 是一套由廿一首幻想曲組成的曲集, 原是我為親人所寫的聖誕禮物, 每一首送給一位親人 家庭 就像音樂剪貼簿, 每首幻想曲的標題和特性, 都源自特定的地點 事物 感受, 或者特定人物生命中具有特殊意義的事件 這批聖誕禮物的對象有老有少, 由一歲到八十多歲不等 ; 為了令樂曲更容易讓對方明白, 因此這套作品有別於我過去的十二音列風格 Oiko = 族,Ogeneia = 生於希臘語 Oikogeneia 意思是 家庭 : Oiko 解 族, geneia 則是 生於 生產 的意思 Oikogeneia 正好道出了我所採用的創作手法 所有曲子都沒有轉調, 只選用鋼琴上的白鍵, 象徵基本的 DNA 或者一個家庭 8 Oikogeneia, is a collection of 21 fantasies I wrote as Christmas presents for each member of my family. A musical scrapbook; the title and character of each fantasy are evocations of a particular place, thing, feeling or meaningful event in that particular person s life. The style of this work differs from my usual use of 12 tones in order to be better understood by the recipients of these Christmas gifts (one-year-olds to octogenerians). Oiko = house, Geneia = born of The Greek word for family, Oiko = house, and geneia = born of, or produced, describes the compositional approach I ve used. All of the pieces are non-modulating, and use only the white notes of the piano to symbolize a basic DNA or house of a family. I wanted the challenge of writing a 45-minute work that uses only seven notes, but creates different personalities with great diversity. In these kinds of large-scale works I am interested in giving hommage to the rock music albums of the seventies. Songs that work together making a

11 的 族 我想挑戰自己寫一首 45 分鐘的作品, 只採用七個音符, 但要刻畫不同的人物性格, 還要千變萬化 而且我希望藉著這類大型作品, 向七十年代的搖滾音樂唱片致敬 : 歌曲數量多, 但效果卻像一個整體 家庭 就像 三 LP 黑膠唱片套裝 ; 可以全部演奏 個別演奏或者分為三 冊, 每冊七首樂曲 原本的 MIDI 版本 ( 作品 14) 以 合成樂團 演奏, 每首樂曲都設計成 音樂盒 似的, 會一直播放, 直至發條放鬆為止 選用的樂器本身已經天馬行空 : 像管弦樂自動鋼琴似的, 用上電結他 管風琴 拇指琴 日本箏等等, 最初並不打算由真人演出 用合成樂團, 就可以用音域達六個八度的拇指琴或小號 毋須呼吸的管樂器, 而且速度和複雜節奏對人類的限制也消失了 這首 MIDI 樂曲就這樣過了十年 因為我不覺得自己可以將樂曲配器讓真人演奏 作曲家譚盾鼓勵我嘗試, 於是我就在作品 14a 試著將原曲的神髓移師到音樂廳去 獻給梵志登謹將此曲題獻給梵志登以示感激 我的作品 預言 演出時梵志登不但來捧場, 而且很喜歡 就這樣, 梵志登將指揮港樂為 家庭 第一冊作世界首演 七個樂章一氣呵成 : whole. Oikogeneia is a three LP set. The work may be performed in its entirety, individually, or in three books of seven pieces each. In the original MIDI version (op. 14) for synthetic orchestra, each of these pieces was designed as a music box that could continue to play on until unwound. The instrumentation was itself a fantasy; a kind of orchestral Pianola, comprised of electric guitars, organs, kalimbas, kotos, etc. and was not intended for live performance. I liked the idea that a kalimba or trumpet could have a six-octave range, wind instruments didn t need to take breaths or limits of human restrictions to tempo and complex rhythms didn t exist. The piece stayed in its original format for ten years because I didn t think I could orchestrate these pieces to be played by live musicians. Composer Tan Dun encouraged me to try, and I have found a way in op. 14a to transform the spirit of the originals to the concert hall. Dedicated to Jaap van Zweden The work is dedicated with gratitude to Jaap van Zweden. Jaap came to hear a performance of my piece Nevu ah and he liked it. This has led to him conduct these premiere performances of Book 1 with the HK Phil. The seven movements are played attacca: 1. Vegas: My brother Dean lived for a while in Las Vegas, an amazing, exciting city of fountains and lights in the desert. This music s repeating melody and percussion is hypnotically deceiving. What one hears as the pulse is in fact an illusion not unlike Vegas itself. The music is like a windowless casino, which tries to keep you in. 9

12 家庭 第一冊,op. 14a OZNO (b. 1969) Oikogeneia, Book 1, op. 14a 1. 拉斯維加斯 : 我兄長阿鼎在拉斯維加斯住了一段時間 那是座令人讚歎又刺激的城市, 坐落於荒漠當中, 卻又噴泉處處, 五光十色 樂曲重複又重複的旋律和敲擊樂不斷故弄, 像催眠一樣 聽眾以為是脈搏的聲音其實只是幻覺 這與拉斯維加斯本身不無相似之處 音樂本身像一所無窗的賭場, 就想你一直留在裡面不要離開 2. 一桿入洞 : 我親眼看見舅仔阿添一桿入洞 曾經一桿入洞的人少之又少, 他就是其中一個 樂曲恍如甘美朗放克音樂 ; 當中的寂靜時刻彷彿哥爾夫球掉進洞杯的一瞬 3. 看飛機 : 我太太琳達從來沒見過外公和外婆 外公患上多發性硬化症, 終日與輪椅作伴 不過他顯然很喜歡到機場去看飛機升降 敲擊樂規則與不規則的拍子象徵外公身體狀況的限制, 外婆平靜溫柔的性格就在上方盤旋, 飛翔 4. 蝴蝶效應是為我姨仔維納莎而寫, 意思是微小的事物也足以引發巨大的影響 : 遠方一隻蝴蝶拍動翅膀, 已可以影響 / 造成颶風 不同的線條都能輕推翅膀, 互相影響, 甚至令單簧管響起龍捲風似的樂段 Hole in One: I witnessed my brother-in law Tim hit a hole in one. He is one of those rare hole in one characters. This music is like gamelan funk. The silences are like the golf ball dropping into the cup. 3. Watching Planes: My wife Linda never met her maternal grandparents, Ted and Rose Pearson. Ted suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and was confined to a wheelchair. Evidently he really enjoyed going to the airport to watch the planes take off and land. The regular and irregular percussion beats symbolize the confines of Ted's physical condition, while Rose's calm and gentle personality hovers above the beats flying. 4. The Butterfly Effect was written for my sister in-law, Vanessa Atwood. The butterfly effect is the concept that small causes can have large effects. The flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly could influence/cause a hurricane. The different lines nudge wings and influence each other, which causes a tornado in the clarinets. 5. Sakura was written for my niece Lauren. Japan has a history of gifting cherry blossom trees to countries the world over. Lauren is like that. The music depicts falling blossoms by the sequential falling of the musical themes. Music from Vegas might be heard in the high voices and twinkle-twinkle as a cantus firmus. 6. Descartes was written for my nephew Liam. Descartes said, I think therefor I (Liam). This music is reminiscent of bagpipes and ceilidhs.

13 When I am actually scoring it, I can t help thinking of my colleagues on stage too because I know a particular line is going to be played by a particular person. That s exciting to have that happened. OZNO 當我譜曲時, 自不然想起我的同事在台上的情景, 因為我知道某一旋律會由某一同事演奏 可以讓此實現令人興奮莫名! 龐樂思 5. 櫻花是為姪女勞蘭而寫 日本有將櫻花樹當禮物送給世界各國的傳統 勞蘭也一樣 音樂藉著主題的下行模進, 刻畫飄落而下的櫻花 大家大概聽到 拉斯維加斯 的片段在高聲部重現 ; 而 小星星 則用作固定曲調 7. Krupa s Cataphracted Lion Dance was written for myself. Some scaffolding for this piece was taken from the movement of the same name in my first symphony. Music from my father s piece as well as my children s pieces are quoted as well. The timpanists think it s a solo PROGRAMME NOTES BY OZNO 6. 笛卡兒是為外甥阿來而寫的 笛卡兒說 : 我思故我 ( 來 ) 樂曲令人聯想到風笛和西里兹遊藝會 7. 卡路柏的甲冑舞獅是我為自己而寫的 樂曲部分骨幹取自我第一交響曲的同名樂章 ; 此外我還引用了與我父親和我兒女相關樂曲的選段 定音鼓手還以為這是獨奏曲 樂曲介紹由龐樂思撰寫 編制三支長笛 ( 其一兼短笛 ) 三支雙簧管( 其一兼英國管 ) 三支單簧管 低音單簧管 三支巴松管 ( 其一兼低音巴松管 ) 四支圓號 兩支小號 高音小號 兩支長號 低音長號 大號 定音鼓 敲擊樂器 豎琴 鋼琴及弦樂組 INSTRUMENTATION Three flutes (one doubling piccolo), three oboes (one doubling cor anglais), three clarinets, bass clarinet, three bassoons (one doubling contra bassoon), four horns, two trumpets, piccolo trumpet, two trombones, bass trombone, tuba, timpani, percussion, harp, piano and strings. 11

14 海頓降 B 大調交響協奏曲,Hob. I: 105 FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN ( ) Sinfonia Concertante in B flat, Hob. I: 105 快板行板精神奕奕的快板 Allegro Andante Allegro con spirito 1790 年 12 月 15 日, 海頓在音樂會主辦人薩路曼陪同下, 由維也納出發前往倫敦 旅程共花了十七天, 之後海頓埋怨說 很累, 睡得不好又水土不服, 結果瘦了一圈 可是當他到達倫敦後得到的熱情招待, 卻令他將旅途中一切不快拋諸腦後 : 我來到倫敦令全城都鬧哄哄, 連續三天所有報紙也報導我 人人都想結識我 由第一天到現在 (1 月 8 日 ), 我已經上了六次館子 要是我喜歡, 每天上館子也行 但我首要考慮的是健康, 其次是工作 舊生竟成敵手海頓與薩路曼簽訂合約, 協議寫作一齣歌劇 二十首其他樂曲和六首交響曲, 完成後全部 On 15 th December 1790 Haydn set off from Vienna to London in the company of the impresario, Johann Peter Salomon. The journey took 17 days, after which Haydn complained that he was somewhat thinner owing to fatigue, irregular sleep and unaccustomed diet. But all was forgotten with the reception he received when he arrived in London. My arrival caused a great sensation throughout the whole city. I went the rounds of all the newspapers for three successive days. Everyone wants to know me. I had to dine out six times up to now [8 th January], and if I wanted, I could dine out every day; but first I must consider my health, and second my work. Rivalry from Former Student The contract he had signed for Salomon required him to compose an opera, 20 miscellaneous pieces and six symphonies, all of which he himself would direct in weekly performances in the English capital. So popular were these weekly concerts that a rival organisation imported another Austrian composer in an attempt to siphon off some of the huge profits being made by Salomon. This plan backfired somewhat when the man invited, Ignace Pleyel (a former pupil of Haydn), attempted to attract an audience with a performance (on 27 th February 1792) of a Sinfonia Concertante only to find that, within 10 days, Haydn had come up with his own, infinitely superior one. 海頓 Joseph Haydn By Thomas Hardy (1757-circa 1805), via Wikimedia Commons 12

15 在倫敦由海頓親自指揮演出, 每週一場 由於海頓每週舉行的音樂會實在太受歡迎, 令主辦人賺個滿堂紅, 競爭對手於是把另一位奧地利作曲家請來迎戰, 希望搶點生意 可惜事與願違, 對手請來的作曲家 也就是海頓的舊生伊納斯. 普列耶 希望憑一首交響協奏曲吸引觀眾 ( 1792 年 2 月 27 日演出 ), 卻發現不出十日, 海頓已寫出另一首交響協奏曲 ; 而與普列耶的相比, 簡直小巫見大巫 海頓的交響協奏曲 1792 年 3 月 9 日首演, 觀眾反應奇佳 有報導寫道 : ( 樂曲 ) 深刻 優美 感人又有創意, 演出與創作同樣精采 優雅 平靜 興高采烈第一樂章先由優雅的樂團引子掀開序幕, 四件獨奏樂器輪流響起 音樂漸漸加強, 獨奏樂器你一言我一語似的, 越來越興奮 ; 小提琴奏出短小的華彩樂段 ; 臨近樂章結尾, 四件獨奏樂器奏出錯綜複雜的華彩樂段, 最後以活潑的巴松管樂段作結, 十分奇特 巴松管和小提琴在溫柔的弦樂撥奏襯托下, 奏出平靜的主題, 為第二樂章掀開序幕 ; 主題稍後交由大提琴和雙簧管奏出 樂章大部分時間由四件獨奏樂器為主, 每件樂器幾乎每次加入時都以短小的上行音階作開端 To be honest, we try to make every single time we play the biggest highlight. Richard Bamping, Principal Cello 交響協奏曲先由優雅的樂團引子掀開序幕, 四件獨奏樂器輪流響起, 其中一位獨奏家 港樂的大提琴首席鮑力卓 ( 右二 ) 說 : 我們嘗試令到每次演出都是最精采的 所以今晚的音樂會將會是他們歷來最好的演奏 The Sinfonia Concertante opens with an elegant orchestral introduction during which the four soloists emerge in turn. Our principal cellist, Richard Bamping (second right) is one of the soloists. He says, To be honest, we try to make every single time we play the biggest highlight. So the concert tonight will be the best they ve ever done. Haydn s Sinfonia Concertante was first performed on 9 th March 1792 and was a huge success. One press report wrote: It was profound, airy, affecting and original and the performance was in unison with the merit of the composition. Elegant, Serene and Exuberant The work s first movement opens with an elegant orchestral introduction during which the four soloists emerge in turn. The music becomes gradually more forceful and the soloists indulge in ever more animated discussion. There is a brief cadenza for the violin and, just before the movement concludes, a complex cadenza for all four soloists which ends with a curious burst of energy from the bassoon. Above a gentle string pizzicato accompaniment, the second movement opens with bassoon and violin stating a serene theme. This is then taken over by cello and 13 Photos: Cheung Wai-lok

16 海頓降 B 大調交響協奏曲,Hob. I: 105 FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN ( ) Sinfonia Concertante in B flat, Hob. I: 105 海頓在第三樂章含蓄地提醒觀眾他也有寫作歌劇的本領 短小活潑的樂團引子過後, 一段完美的歌劇宣敘調在小提琴響起 ; 然而樂團卻一點反應也沒有, 這時小提琴更急著要將樂曲變成歌劇一般 可是模仿歌劇的念頭終於還是被遏止了, 小提琴和其他獨奏樂器也先後屈服於樂團的意願, 為全曲畫上精力充沛 興高采烈的句號 oboe. The bulk of the movement is given to the solo quartet, each of whom seems to feel the need to preface almost every appearance with a brief upward scale. In the third movement Haydn gently reminds his audience of his operatic credentials. After a short, sharp orchestral introduction, the violin expounds a perfect operatic recitative. When the orchestra fails to respond, the violin tries with even greater urgency to turn this into a pastiche opera. In the end operatic intentions are thwarted and the violin, followed by the remaining soloists, succumbs to the orchestra s wish to end the work in sprightly and exuberant fashion. 編制長笛 兩支雙簧管 兩支巴松管 兩支圓號 兩支小號 定音鼓及弦樂組 INSTRUMENTATION Flute, two oboes, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets, timpani and strings. 海頓交響協奏曲樂團首席如是說 Our Concertmaster on Sinfonia Concertante 海頓這首交響協奏曲, 是首了不起的作品, 它包含四個獨奏樂器 : 小提琴 大提琴 巴松管和雙簧管 對我來說, 有趣的是你與你的同僚合作 但很少有機會與管樂器演奏者合作 這次合作精采之處, 是可以學習到雙簧管家是如何演奏 巴松管家是如何演奏, 這樣給了我很多音樂上的啟迪 海頓這首作品非常典型 高貴 經典和優美 希望您享受 Haydn s Sinfonia Concertante is a wonderful piece, which involves four solo instruments: violin, cello, bassoon and oboe. For me, it s interesting that you rarely get the chance to work with wind players. What s great about this experience is that you get to learn so much from how an oboist plays, a bassoonist plays, and it really gives you musical ideas. This piece by Haydn is very typical, noble, classy and beautiful too. I hope you enjoy. 樂團首席王敬 Concertmaster Jing Wang Photos: Cheung Wai-lok 14

17 德伏扎克 D 小調第七交響曲,op. 70 ANTONÍN DVORÁK ( ) Symphony no. 7 in D minor, op. 70 莊嚴的快板稍慢板諧謔曲 ( 活潑地 速度稍慢 ) 終曲 ( 快板 ) Allegro maestoso Poco adagio Scherzo (Vivace poco meno mosso) Finale (Allegro) 看在可觀報酬份上而遠赴倫敦的作曲家, 海頓也不是唯一一位 1884 年 3 月, 德伏扎克由布拉格起程前往倫敦, 前後花了三天, 最後一程由多佛乘火車到倫敦維多利亞車站 這段火車旅程看來是英國此行的重點之一 因為他是個火車迷 另一重點則是 3 月 20 日倫敦愛樂協會演出他的第六交響曲 演出十分成功, 協會甚至馬上委約德伏扎克為下一樂季寫作新交響曲一首 轟動世界 的交響曲新曲 ( 也就是他的第七交響曲 )1884 年 12 月動筆 他給朋友寫信道 : 我現在忙著( 為倫敦 ) 寫作新的交響曲 新作必定要能轟動世界, 願神讓這首捷克作品做得到! 樂曲翌年 3 月 17 日脫稿 一個月後, 德伏扎克再度赴英, 在第七交響曲首演前三天抵維多利亞車站 1885 年 4 月 22 日首演, 席上客包括愛丁堡公爵伉儷和愛爾蘭劇作家兼樂評人蕭伯納 蕭伯納寫道 : 由愉快到悲傷的迅速轉變 千變萬化的節奏和音型 活潑的動態 偶然襲來又帶點傷感的停頓, 還有波希米亞音樂的特色和聲進行, 全 Haydn was by no means the only composer to be lured to London by the prospect of healthy financial gains. In March 1884 Antonín Dvorák undertook the journey from Prague. It took three days and ended with a train ride from Dover to London s Victoria Railway Station. This appears to have been a highlight of his time in England, for he loved trains. Another highlight was the performance of his own sixth symphony given by the Philharmonic Society on 20 th March. So successful was this that the society immediately commissioned a new symphony from him for their next season. Stirring the world Symphony Dvorák began work on what was to become his seventh symphony in December 1884, writing to a friend, I am occupied at present with my new symphony (for London) which must be capable of stirring the world, and may God grant that this Czech music will! He completed it in March, and the following month set off once again for England. He arrived at Victoria Station three days before the triumphant premiere of the seventh symphony, which took place on 22 nd April 1885 in the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. The Irish playwright and critic, George Bernard Shaw, was also in the audience. He wrote, The quick translations from liveliness to mourning, the variety of rhythm and figure, the spirited movement, the occasional abrupt and melancholy pauses and the characteristic harmonic progressions of Bohemian music, are all coordinated with rare success. 15

18 德伏扎克 D 小調第七交響曲,op. 70 ANTONÍN DVORÁK ( ) Symphony no. 7 in D minor, op. 70 部配合得天衣無縫, 實在難能可貴 靈感來自火車在布拉格, 德伏扎克習慣每天走路到主要火車站, 看著偌大的火車頭載著各地旅客遠道而來 他寫作第七交響曲時適逢國家節慶, 經常有列車由帕斯特開出, 接載乘客前來參加節慶活動 顯然, 這輛列車就是第一樂章開端主題的靈感來源 第一樂章氣氛雖然莊嚴, 但充滿希望和滿足感, 且傳統波希米亞音樂元素也清晰可聞 : 包括首先在法國號響起的活潑主題, 以及節奏稜角分明的弦樂 ; 至於單簧管與長笛清麗迷人的鄉土主題, 更是波希米亞氣息最強烈的素材 宛如讚美詩的單簧管主題為第二樂章掀開序幕 這個主題也似乎源自波希米亞民間音樂 第三樂章採用了傳統波希米亞舞曲 富利安舞曲 交叉節奏起初還顯得猶豫不決, 可是不久落到銅管樂和敲擊樂手上之後, 馬上變得氣勢如虹 ; 音樂漸見沉寂, 進入心緒不寧的中段 第四樂章開始時, 彷彿一股暴烈的力量即將傾瀉而出似的 ; 可是到了主題浮現的時候, 音樂卻變得堅定剛毅, 毫無咄咄迫人之感 激動人心的主題旋律帶有強烈的波希米亞風格 ; 大提琴奏出溫文爾雅的旋律時, 樂團其他樂器也馬上配合其愉快氣氛, 將樂曲帶到歡欣壯麗才結束 樂曲剖析中譯 : 鄭曉彤 16 Inspired by a Railway Train Back home in Prague Dvorák would walk each day to the main railway station and spend time looking at the great locomotives as they arrived with their passengers from far and wide. It was one of these trains arriving from Pest with passengers planning to attend a festival of national celebration which, apparently, suggested to him the opening theme of the first movement. The mood, although solemn, is full of hope and contentment, and elements of traditional Bohemian music are much in evidence; in the lively theme first heard from a horn, the jagged rhythmic edge in much of the string writing, and most of all in the charming, rural theme given out by the clarinets and flutes. The hymn-like theme from the clarinet which opens the second movement also seems to have its roots in the folk music of Bohemia. For the third movement Dvorák made use of a traditional Bohemian dance, the Furiant. Cross rhythms, which begin a little tentatively, are soon taken up with extreme force by brass and percussion which later dissolve into a somewhat uneasy Trio. With the start of the fourth movement there is a feeling that violent forces are about to be unleashed. However, when the main theme emerges a stirring, strongly Bohemian-style melody it is stern rather than aggressive. And when the cellos introduce a more gentle melody, the rest of the orchestra is quick to adopt this new mood of happiness to take the symphony on to its gloriously triumphant conclusion. PROGRAMME NOTES BY DR MARC ROCHESTER 編制兩支長笛 ( 其一兼短笛 ) 兩支雙簧管 兩支單簧管 兩支巴松管 四支圓號 兩支小號 三支長號 定音鼓及弦樂組 INSTRUMENTATION Two flutes (one doubling piccolo), two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, four horns, two trumpets, three trombones, timpani and strings. Q

19 聆聽首席 ( 管樂篇 ) Ask the Principal (Wind Section) A韋爾遜, 雙簧管 你如何準備音樂會? How do you prepare for a concert? 我們的正常程序是 : 星期三四綵排, 星期五六演出, 所以我們在星期一二要研究音樂 準備簧片, 對我來說, 最重要是有足夠時間為即將演奏的曲目去調整簧片 通常, 在家調整簧片時我會聽那首曲目, 好讓自己能熟悉音樂如何開展, 也讓我熟知身邊每一位會怎樣演奏 莫班文, 巴松管可以有幾個層次 首先身為專業樂師, 你總會不斷努力改善最基本的演奏技巧 而身為管樂吹奏者, 我必須十分自律, 肯定自己有準備好的簧片而可以隨時上台演奏任何曲目 為預備新的曲目, 我們會研習樂譜, 學習相關部分, 然後是練習 Michael Wilson, oboe In a normal week, you have Wednesday, Thursday rehearsals; Friday, Saturday concerts. So we have Monday and Tuesday to learn the music and prepare the reeds. Having enough preparation time for the particular repertoire that s coming up is key to what I do Often when I m making reeds at home, I will have music on of the repertoire that we are doing the following week, just to remind myself how the music goes, and how it actually helps me in my preparation to know what everybody is doing around me as well. Benjamin Moermond, bassoon It can happen on separate levels. As a professional musician, you are always looking to find basic improvement (fundamental playing ability). In addition, being a double wind player, I have to be very well disciplined, and make sure I have reeds that are ready to go for any sort of concert that may be coming up. To prepare a new piece, we study scores. We study parts and also have to practice the parts. 17

20 梵志登 JAAP VAN ZWEDEN 指揮 Conductor Photo: Cheung Chi-wai 生於阿姆斯特丹, 梵志登在過去十年迅速崛起, 成為現今國際古典樂壇最炙手可熱的指揮家之一 自 2012/13 樂季起正式擔任香港管弦樂團音樂總監一職, 最少至 2022 年夏季 本年初, 紐約愛樂宣布梵志登將自 2018/19 樂季起出任樂團的新音樂總監, 並於 2017/18 樂季期間擔任候任音樂總監 梵氏自 2008 年起出任達拉斯交響樂團音樂總監, 並繼續服務樂團至 2017/18 樂季, 其後將成為樂團的桂冠指揮 梵志登於 2016/17 樂季, 將再度指揮紐約愛樂 芝加哥交響樂團 克利夫蘭樂團 洛杉磯愛樂 美國國家交響樂團 巴黎樂團 荷蘭皇家音樂廳樂團, 並將首次指揮上海交響樂團 自去年起, 梵志登聯同達拉斯交響樂團推出了一年一度的日月國際音樂及藝術節 同年, 他與港樂展開了一個為期四年的計劃, 首次在港演出華格納整套聯篇歌劇 尼伯龍的指環, 並由拿索斯唱片錄音發行 其他灌錄曲目包括史特拉汶斯基的 春之祭 及 彼得魯斯卡 布烈頓的 戰爭安魂曲 全套貝多芬交響曲和全套布拉姆斯交響曲 梵氏與妻子於 1997 年成立帕帕堅奴基金會, 為患有自閉症的兒童及其家庭提供協助 基金更為音樂治療師及音樂家提供額外培訓, 令他們能更有效以音樂幫助自閉症兒童及與他們共奏美樂 Jaap van Zweden has risen rapidly in the past decade to become one of today s most distinguished conductors. He is Music Director of the HK Phil, a post he has held since 2012, and will continue to hold until at least In January 2016 the New York Philharmonic announced that Jaap van Zweden will be their new Music Director starting with the season, and will act as Music Director Designate during He has been Music Director of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra since 2008 and will continue in that role through the season, after which he becomes Conductor Laureate. Highlights of the season include return visits to the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, as well as a debut performance with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. With the Dallas Symphony he launched the annual SOLUNA International Music & Arts Festival in 2015, and in that same year with the HK Phil embarked on a four-year project to conduct the first ever performances in Hong Kong of Wagner s Der Ring des Nibelungen, which is being recorded for release on Naxos Records. Other recordings include Stravinsky s Rite of Spring and Petrushka, Britten s War Requiem and the complete Beethoven and Brahms symphonies. In 1997 Jaap and his wife established the Papageno Foundation to support families of children with autism. That support has taken shape through a number of programmes in which professional music therapists and musicians receive additional training in using music as a major tool for working with autistic children

21 龐樂思 OZNO 作曲 Composer 身兼表演者 作曲家及指揮的龐樂思,1969 年出生於芝加哥, 活躍於亞洲 北美洲及歐洲表演舞台 2000 年他加入港樂成為首席定音鼓前, 定期與芝加哥交響樂團合作演出 龐樂思在香港大學及香港演藝學院任職, 並經常為日本金澤市管弦樂團 國立台灣交響樂團及新加坡交響樂團擔任客席首席 他曾參與一些重要演出, 其中包括 : 港樂的三場協奏曲音樂會 ; 聯同芝加哥室樂團於十個歐洲城市作巡迴演出, 演奏布魯杜域茲的馬林巴琴協奏曲 ; 在希臘德里的古代圓形露天劇場演奏史拿加斯的敲擊樂獨奏曲 沙菲亞 ; 為慶賀布烈茲七十五歲壽辰於柏林國家歌劇院演奏 形成 I 及 形成 II, 由布烈茲親自指揮 此外, 他為於美國及亞洲首演的施托克豪森作品 星期四的問候 擔任指揮 龐樂思以 OZNO 為筆名, 撰寫管弦樂 室樂 獨奏樂 聲樂 電子音樂及劇場音樂, 近期在香港首演的作品包括 : 薩克管四重奏曲 沙丘話語 敲擊樂獨奏及 ipod 音樂 慫 由十六種對應樂器演奏的第一首交響樂作品 天王的階梯 為管弦樂團撰寫的合成器管弦樂及錄音帶音樂作品 Google, 以及由六種樂器 六部混聲及合成器管弦樂組合的第一首清唱劇作品 復活 龐樂思的第二首清唱劇作品 預言, 由六部合唱 十九位樂器演奏者及錄音帶音樂組成,2015 年於香港巴赫合唱團首演 A performer, composer and conductor, James Boznos performs throughout Asia, North America and Europe. Prior to his appointment as Principal Timpanist of the HK Phil in 2000, Boznos worked regularly with the Chicago Symphony. James is on staff with Hong Kong University and The Academy for the Performing Arts, and has also been a frequent guest principal with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and the Singapore Symphony. Some highlights of his performing career include: three concerto appearances with the HK Phil; a ten-city European tour with the Chicago Chamber Orchestra performing Brudowicz s Marimba Concerto; performing Iannis Xenakis Psappha for solo percussion in the ancient amphitheatre in Delphi, Greece; and playing Derive I and II at the Berlin Staatsoper for Pierre Boulez 75 th birthday, with Boulez himself conducting. He has conducted the US and Asia premieres of Donnerstags Gruss by Stockhausen. OZNO (nom de plume) has written music for orchestra, chamber, solo, vocal, electronic genres as well as for the theatre. Recent premieres in Hong Kong have included: Locutions of Dune, for saxophone quartet; Zoon, for solo percussionist and ipod; his first symphony Staircase of the Tian-Wang, for 16 antiphonal instruments, synthetic orchestra and tape; Google, for orchestra; and his first cantata, Anesti, for six instruments, six voices and synthetic orchestra. His second cantata, Nevu ah, for six-part chorus, 19 instrumentalists and tape, was premiered by the Hong Kong Bach Choir last year. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok 19

22 韋爾遜 MICHAEL WILSON 雙簧管 Oboe 韋爾遜 2005 年起獲聘為港樂聯合首席雙簧管, 於 2009 年起擢升為首席雙簧管 加盟港樂前, 他經常與倫敦多個樂團合作, 包括倫敦愛樂樂團, 更隨團巡迴德國演出 ( 指揮是該團當時的首席指揮馬素爾 ); 此外, 他曾與英國其他地區樂團合作, 演出韋華第雙簧管與小提琴協奏曲, 由尼高. 甘迺迪指揮 韋爾遜早年就讀於倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院, 以一級榮譽畢業之餘, 更獲頒木管樂系 菲臘. 鍾斯獎 他之後獲邀加入新成立的倫敦南岸交響樂團 來港後, 韋爾遜也獲邀往伯明翰城市交響樂團以及西澳洲交響樂團擔任雙簧管首席 閒暇時間, 韋爾遜常常陪伴他的兩個兒子 奧利弗和查理 嬉戲玩耍 Michael Wilson was appointed Principal Oboe of the HK Phil in Prior to this he was Co-Principal Oboe from Before moving to Hong Kong, he was working regularly with London-based orchestras including the London Philharmonic Orchestra with which he toured extensively in Germany under the direction of then Chief Conductor, Kurt Masur. He also worked with other UK orchestras, which gave rise to the opportunity to play Vivaldi s Concerto for Oboe and Violin, with Nigel Kennedy. Michael studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London where he graduated with First Class Honours and received the Philip Jones prize for woodwind. He was then awarded a place in the newly founded orchestra, the Southbank Sinfonia, based in London. Since moving to Hong Kong he has been invited to play Principal Oboe with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok Any free time Michael has, he spends having fun with his two sons, Oliver and Charlie. 20

23 莫班文 BENJAMIN MOERMOND 巴松管 Bassoon 莫班文自 2010 年起加盟港樂擔任首席巴松管, 並活躍於香港及區內的表演和教學 他的獨奏表演包括海頓交響協奏曲和莫扎特巴松管協奏曲 2016/17 樂季他將演奏泰利文為牧童笛及巴松管而寫的 F 大調協奏曲 莫班文來自美國辛辛那提 在加入港樂前, 他就讀茱利亞音樂學院師隨莉卡萊爾, 並活躍於 PUFF! 木管四重奏的室樂演奏 他曾參與太平洋音樂節 琉森音樂節夏令營 美國青年樂團歐洲巡演及於意大利盧卡參加歌劇院及音樂節的駐團訓練 Benjamin Moermond has been principal bassoonist with the HK Phil since 2010 and is an active teacher and performer in Hong Kong and throughout the region. Previous solo engagements include the Haydn Sinfonia Concertante and Mozart Bassoon Concerto. The 2016/17 season will also include a performance of Telemann's double concerto for Bassoon and Recorder in F major. Prior to joining the HK Phil Benjamin completed his studies at The Juilliard School under the tutelage of Judith LeClair. He was an active chamber musician with the PUFF! woodwind quintet and toured extensively in the summers with festivals including Pacific Music Festival, Lucerne Festival Academy, Youth Orchestra of the Americas, and Opera Theatre and Music festival of Lucca, Italy. Ben is originally from Cincinnati, USA. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok 21

24 王敬 JING WANG 小提琴 Violin 備受讚譽的加拿大籍小提琴家王敬, 是當代最多才多藝及活力充沛的小提琴家之一 他六歲於法國馬賽作個人獨奏首演後, 於多項頂尖國際大賽獲得殊榮, 其中包括於 2007 年歐文克萊恩國際弦樂賽獲得首獎 2003 年, 他獲 Les Radios Francophones Publiques( 涵蓋法國 加拿大 瑞士及比利時的廣播聯網 ) 選為 年度年輕獨奏家 王敬以獨奏者身份隨各大樂團於歐洲及北美演奏, 曾合作的樂團包括捷克廣播愛樂樂團 莫斯科交響樂團 洛林國家樂團 皮卡地交響樂團 蒙特利爾大都會管弦樂團及蒙特利爾交響樂團 此外, 他亦曾與著名指揮如迪普斯 弗洛 塔密 拉孔 雷辛約及曼森等合作 王敬曾於各大主要表演場地, 如位於渥太華的國家藝術中心及林肯中心演出室樂及獨奏音樂會, 獲得擊節讚賞 2013 年王敬出任香港管弦樂團的樂團首席前, 曾任達拉斯歌劇院樂團的樂團首席三年 他所用的托諾尼名琴製於 1700 年, 由加拿大藝術協會稀有弦樂器國際特藏慷慨借出 Critically acclaimed Canadian violinist Jing Wang is one of the most versatile and dynamic violinists of his generation. Since his solo recital debut in Marseilles, France at the age of six, Wang has garnered prizes in top international competitions, including the first prize at the 2007 Irving M. Klein International Strings Competition. In 2003, Wang was awarded the Young Soloist of the Year by Les Radios Francophones Publiques, a broadcast network of four countries including France, Canada, Switzerland, and Belgium. Wang has appeared as a soloist with major orchestras in Europe and North America, including Czech Radio Philharmonic, the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, l Orchestre National de Lorraine, l Orchestre de Picardie, the Metropolitan Orchestra of Montreal, and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Wang has collaborated with renowned conductors such as James DePreist, Claus Peter Flor, Yoav Talmi, Jacques Lacombe, Joseph Rescigno and Anne Manson. Wang s chamber music performances and solo recitals at major venues, such as National Arts Centre in Ottawa, and Lincoln Center, received critical acclaim. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok 22 Wang was Concertmaster for the Dallas Opera for three years before taking up his appointment as Concertmaster with the HK Phil in He plays a 1700 violin by Giovanni Tononi on loan from the Canada Council of Arts Rare Strings International Collection.

25 鮑力卓 RICHARD BAMPING 大提琴 Cello 鮑力卓自 1993 年起擔任港樂的大提琴首席 他曾與多位傑出的音樂家同台表演, 包括曼紐因爵士 卡華高斯 羅斯托波維奇 朱利尼 格爾吉耶夫 伯恩斯坦 馬捷爾 戴維斯爵士和阿巴度等等 鮑力卓曾與遠東至歐洲的樂團合演過多首重要的大提琴獨奏作品, 他亦熱衷於室樂作品, 有機會便經常與朋友和樂團同事合奏 鮑力卓所用的大提琴由安德里亞. 瓜奈里於 1674 年在意大利克里蒙納所製, 全球僅餘八把, 極為罕有 Richard Bamping has been the Principal Cellist of the HK Phil since He has performed with many of the finest musicians of recent history Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Leonidas Kavakos, Mstislav Rostropovich, Carlo Maria Guilini, Valery Gergiev, Leonard Bernstein, Lorin Maazel, Sir Colin Davis and Claudio Abbado, to name but a few. Bamping has performed many of the staples of the solo cello repertoire with orchestras from Europe to the Far East. He has a great passion for playing chamber music with friends and colleagues whenever he gets the chance. Bamping s cello, dated 1674 was made in Cremona by Andrea Guarneri and is one of only nine surviving examples of his work. Photo: Cheung Wai-lok 23



28 香港管弦樂團 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Photo: Cheung Wai-lok 梵志登對音樂高水準的堅持, 而非皆舞台效果嘩眾取寵 他領導港樂更上一層樓, 不僅是港樂也是香港所有樂迷之福 李歐梵, 明報 香港管弦樂團 ( 港樂 ) 被喻為亞洲最前列的古典管弦樂團之一 在為期 44 週的樂季中, 樂團共演出超過一百五十場音樂會, 把音樂帶給超過二十萬名觀眾 梵志登是現今國際古典樂壇最炙手可熱的指揮之一, 他自 2012/13 樂季正式擔任港樂音樂總監一職, 至最少 2022 年夏季 此外, 由 2018/19 樂季開始, 梵志登大師將正式成為紐約愛樂音樂總監 余隆由 2015/16 樂季開始被委任為首席客席指揮, 任期暫為三年 樂團在梵志登的領導下, 正在進行眾多演出計劃, 其中包括為期四年的華格納 尼伯龍的指環 旅程, 以歌劇音樂會形式, 每年演出一齣並灌錄整套聯篇歌劇 港樂剛完成旅程的第二部份, 音樂會由拿索斯唱片進行現場錄音及發行, 令港樂成為中港兩地首個演出這齣鉅著的本地樂團 同為在梵志登的領導下, 港樂完成了台灣和歐洲的海外巡演, 更剛於本年十月第二次到訪中國大陸, 於上海 天津和北京演出 近年和港樂合作過的指揮家和演奏家包括 : 阿殊堅納西 寧峰 葛納 郎朗 余隆 李雲迪 已辭世 26 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) is recognised as Asia s foremost classical orchestra. The Orchestra presents more than 150 concerts over a 44-week season and attracts more than 200,000 music lovers annually. Jaap van Zweden, one of today s most sought-after conductors, has been the Orchestra s Music Director since the 2012/13 concert season, a position he will continue to hold until at least In addition, Maestro van Zweden will also be the next Music Director of the New York Philharmonic starting with the 2018/19 season. Yu Long was appointed for an initial three-year term in the 2015/16 season as Principal Guest Conductor. Under Maestro van Zweden, the HK Phil is undertaking a variety of initiatives including a four-year project to perform and record the complete Ring of the Nibelung (Richard Wagner). The Orchestra is in the second of this four-year journey, performing one opera annually in concert. The performances are being recorded live for the Naxos label and mark the first performances by a Hong Kong or mainland Chinese orchestra of the entire Ring cycle. Also under van Zweden, the orchestra has undertaken tours to Taiwan, Europe and, for a second time to mainland China, with recent concerts in Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing. Conductors and soloists who have recently performed with the orchestra include Vladimir Ashkenazy, Ning Feng, Matthias Goerne, Lang Lang, Yu Long, Yundi Li, the late Lorin Maazel, Anne-Sophie Mutter and Yuja Wang.

29 (van Zweden makes) music at the highest level instead of sensational stage effects. He takes the HK Phil to the next level. It is not only a blessing to the HK Phil but also to all fans in Hong Kong. Prof Leo Lee, Ming Pao Daily News 的馬捷爾 安蘇菲. 慕達及王羽佳等 港樂積極推廣華裔作曲家的作品, 除了委約新作, 更已灌錄由作曲家譚盾和盛宗亮親自指揮其作品的唱片, 由拿索斯唱片發行 此外, 港樂的社區推廣計劃一向備受好評, 每年將音樂帶給數以萬計兒童, 更已向學童免費派發古典音樂唱片, 當中輯錄了布烈頓 青少年管弦樂隊指南 浦羅哥菲夫 彼得與狼 以及利奧波特. 莫扎特 玩具 交響曲 太古集團自 2006 年起成為港樂的首席贊助, 也是本團歷來最大的企業贊助 太古集團透過支持港樂, 致力推廣藝術活動, 在藝術水平上精益求精, 並推動本地的文化參與和發展, 以鞏固香港的國際大都會美譽 港樂獲香港政府慷慨資助, 以及首席贊助太古集團 香港賽馬會和其他支持者的長期贊助, 成為全職樂團, 每年定期舉行古典音樂會 流行音樂會及推出廣泛而全面的教育計劃, 並與香港歌劇院和香港藝術節合作演出歌劇 港樂於 2013/14 樂季慶祝其第四十個職業季度 香港管弦樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助香港管弦樂團首席贊助 : 太古集團香港管弦樂團為香港文化中心場地伙伴 The HK Phil promotes the work of Hong Kong and Chinese composers through an active commissioning programme, and has released recordings featuring Tan Dun and Bright Sheng, each conducting their own compositions, on the Naxos label. Its acclaimed community engagement programme brings music to tens of thousands of children annually. A recording was issued free to schoolchildren throughout Hong Kong of Britten s The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra, Prokofiev s Peter and the Wolf and Leopold Mozart s Toy Symphony. The Swire Group has been the Principal Patron of the HK Phil since Through this sponsorship, which is the largest in the orchestra s history, Swire also endeavours to promote artistic excellence, foster access to classical music and stimulate cultural participation in Hong Kong, and to enhance Hong Kong s reputation as one of the great cities of the world. Thanks to a significant subsidy from the Hong Kong Government and long-term funding from Principal Patron Swire, the Hong Kong Jockey Club and other supporters, the HK Phil now boasts a full-time annual schedule of classical music concerts, pops concerts, an extensive education programme, and collaborations for staged opera with Opera Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Arts Festival. The Orchestra celebrated its 40 th season as a professional orchestra in 2013/14. The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 27

30 香港管弦樂團 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 第一小提琴 FIRST VIOLINS 王敬 / 樂團首席 Jing Wang/ Concertmaster 梁建楓 / 樂團第一副首席 Leung Kin-fung/First Associate Concertmaster 朱蓓 / 樂團第三副首席 Bei de Gaulle/Third Associate Concertmaster 把文晶 Ba Wenjing 程立 Cheng Li 桂麗 Gui Li 許致雨 Anders Hui 余思傑 Domas Juškys 李智勝 Li Zhisheng 龍希 Long Xi 毛華 Mao Hua 梅麗芷 Rachael Mellado 倪瀾 Ni Lan 王亮 Wang Liang 徐姮 Xu Heng 張希 Zhang Xi 第二小提琴 SECOND VIOLINS 范丁 Fan Ting 趙瀅娜 Zhao Yingna 梁文瑄 Leslie Ryang Moonsun 方潔 Fang Jie 何珈樑 Gallant Ho Ka-leung 簡宏道 Russell Kan Wang-to 劉博軒 Liu Boxuan 冒異國 Mao Yiguo 潘廷亮 Martin Poon Ting-leung 華嘉蓮 Katrina Rafferty 韋鈴木美矢香 Miyaka Suzuki Wilson 冒田中知子 Tomoko Tanaka Mao 黃嘉怡 Christine Wong Kar-yee 周騰飛 Zhou Tengfei 28 28

31 中提琴 VIOLAS 凌顯祐 Andrew Ling 李博 Li Bo 熊谷佳織 Kaori Wilson 崔宏偉 Cui Hongwei 付水淼 Fu Shuimiao 洪依凡 Ethan Heath 黎明 Li Ming 林慕華 Damara Lomdaridze 羅舜詩 Alice Rosen 孫斌 Sun Bin 孫圉 Sun Yu 張姝影 Zhang Shu-ying 大提琴 CELLOS 鮑力卓 Richard Bamping 方曉牧 Fang Xiaomu 林穎 Dora Lam 陳屹洲 Chan Ngat Chau 陳怡君 Chen Yi-chun 霍添 Timothy Frank 關統安 Anna Kwan Ton-an 李銘蘆 Li Ming-lu 宋泰美 Tae-mi Song 宋亞林 Yalin Song 低音大提琴 DOUBLE BASSES 林達僑 George Lomdaridze 姜馨來 Jiang Xinlai 張沛姮 Chang Pei-heng 馮榕 Feng Rong 費利亞 Samuel Ferrer 林傑飛 Jeffrey Lehmberg 鮑爾菲 Philip Powell 范戴克 Jonathan Van Dyke 首席 Principal 聯合首席 Co-Principal 副首席 Associate Principal 助理首席 Assistant Principal 29

32 香港管弦樂團 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 長笛 FLUTES 短笛 PICCOLO 史德琳 Megan Sterling 盧韋歐 Olivier Nowak 柯布魯 Ander Erburu 施家蓮 Linda Stuckey 雙簧管 OBOES 英國管 COR ANGLAIS 韋爾遜 Michael Wilson 芭葛 Claire Bagot 韋思芸 Vanessa Howells 布若芙 ( 休假 ) Ruth Bull (On sabbatical leave) 關尚峰 Kwan Sheung-fung 單簧管 CLARINETS 低音單簧管 BASS CLARINET 史安祖 Andrew Simon 史家翰 John Schertle 劉蔚 Lau Wai 艾爾高 Lorenzo Iosco 巴松管 BASSOONS 低音巴松管 CONTRA BASSOON 莫班文 Benjamin Moermond 陳劭桐 Toby Chan 李浩山 Vance Lee 崔祖斯 Adam Treverton Jones 圓號 HORNS 江藺 Jiang Lin 柏如瑟 Russell Bonifede 周智仲 Chow Chi-chung 李少霖 Homer Lee 麥迪拿 Jorge Medina 李妲妮 ( 休假 ) Natalie Lewis (On sabbatical leave) 30

33 小號 TRUMPETS 麥浩威 Joshua MacCluer 莫思卓 Christopher Moyse 華達德 Douglas Waterston 施樂百 Robert Smith 長號 TROMBONES 低音長號 BASS TROMBONE 大號 TUBA 韋雅樂 Jarod Vermette 韋力奇 Maciek Walicki 湯奇雲 Kevin Thompson 韋彼得 Pieter Wyckoff 雷科斯 Paul Luxenberg 定音鼓 TIMPANI 敲擊樂器 PERCUSSION 龐樂思 James Boznos 白亞斯 Aziz D. Barnard Luce 梁偉華 Raymond Leung Wai-wa 胡淑徽 Sophia Woo Shuk-fai 豎琴 HARP 鍵盤 KEYBOARD 特約樂手 FREELANCE PLAYERS 史基道 Christopher Sidenius 葉詠媛 Vivian Ip 葉幸沾 Shirley Ip 助理指揮 ASSISTANT CONDUCTORS 莎朗嘉 Gerard Salonga 大提琴 : 雷愛思 雷泰力 ^ 黃家立 Cello: Iris Regev, Steven Retallick^, Wong Ka-lap 圓號 : 德曼勒 * Horn: Frank Demmler* 定音鼓 : 何銘恩 Timpani: Jojo Ho 定音鼓 / 敲擊樂器 : 邵俊傑 Timpani/Percussion: Louis Siu 敲擊樂器 : 王偉文 Percussion: Raymond Vong * 承蒙柏林國立歌劇院管弦樂團允許參與演出 * With kind permission of the Staatskapelle Berlin ^ 承蒙馬來西亞愛樂樂團允許參與演出 ^ With kind permission of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra 31

34 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 感謝伙伴 THANK YOU PARTNERS 主要贊助 Major Funding Body 首席贊助 Principal Patron 大師席位贊助 Maestro Podium Sponsor 音樂會贊助 Concert Sponsors 透過贊助港樂的個別音樂會或節目, 企業可以在重要的演出中尊享優厚的市場推廣 貴賓門票及款待客戶等方案, 從而提升品牌形象 贊助商亦有機會與藝術家 指揮及你的港樂樂手會面 我們衷心感謝以下節目贊助 : Sponsorship of one concert or programme offers high branding visibility and focuses ticket and hospitality benefits around a key performance for maximum impact for your brand. Sponsors may access artists and conductors as well as your HK Phil musicians. Thank you to our concert sponsors: 義務核數師 Honorary Auditor 義務法律顧問 Pro-bono Legal Counsel 女武神伙伴 Die Walküre Partners 以公司英文名稱排序 In alphabetical order of company name

35 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 感謝伙伴 THANK YOU PARTNERS 賽馬會音樂密碼教育計劃 獨家贊助 The Jockey Club Keys to Music Education Programme is exclusively sponsored by 香港管弦樂團駐團作曲家及新作委約計劃贊助 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Composer-in- Residence Programme and the Commissioning of New Works are sponsored by 香港董氏慈善基金會青少年聽眾計劃贊助 The Tung Foundation Young Audience Scheme is sponsored by 贊助查詢 SPONSORSHIP ENQUIRIES



38 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 大師會 MAESTRO CIRCLE 港樂大師會特別為熱愛音樂的企業而成立, 以支持推動港樂的長遠發展和豐富本港市民的文化生活 港樂謹此向下列各大師會會員致謝 : THE HK PHIL S MAESTRO CIRCLE is an exclusive corporate membership club for the business community. The Circle ensures the long-term development of Hong Kong s homegrown orchestra, and enriches the cultural life of Hong Kong. We are grateful to the following Maestro Circle members: 白金會員 Platinum Members 鑽石會員 Diamond Members 吳守基 SBS 太平紳士 Mr. Wilfred Ng, SBS, JP 綠寶石會員 Emerald Members 珍珠會員 Pearl Members 3636

39 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 港樂常年經費 ANNUAL FUND 常年基金有助港樂與更多本地及國際知名藝術家合作, 邀請出色的指揮家及演奏家來港演出, 為觀眾呈獻更多元化的精彩音樂節目, 基金同時亦提供資源讓港樂推行各項音樂教育及外展活動, 與大眾分享美妙的管弦樂 Donations to our ANNUAL FUND enable us to continue to present diverse and vibrant music with local and internationally renowned artists. They help us programme imaginatively and bring the most exciting conductors and soloists to Hong Kong. Supporting our Annual Fund also ensures that we can bring orchestral music into the community through our Education and Outreach activities. HK$100,000 or above 或以上 Mr & Mrs David Fried Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd 新昌國際集團有限公司 Mr Kung Ming Foo Jackson 龔鳴夫先生 Sin Wai Kin Foundation Limited 冼為堅基金有限公司 Mr & Mrs S H Wong Foundation Ltd 黃少軒江文璣基金有限公司 HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Mr & Mrs E Chan 陳建球伉儷 Mr & Mrs Lowell and Phyllis Chang 張爾惠伉儷 Scott Engle and Penelope Van Niel Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On 梁烈安伉儷 Mr & Mrs Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Joy and John Slosar HK$25,000 HK$49,999 Mr & Mrs Vincent Duhamel and Anne Charron Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan and Rotina Leung 梁卓恩先生夫人 Mr Edwin Choy 蔡維邦先生 Mr & Mrs Frank and Elizabeth Newman Mr Stephen Tan 陳智文先生 Ms Tse Chiu Ming 謝超明女士 The Wang Family Foundation 汪徵祥慈善基金 Mrs Yu Hu Miao Florence HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Anonymous (1) 無名氏 (1) Dr & Mrs B J Buttifant Dr Edmond Chan 陳振漢醫生 Mr & Mrs Joseph W N Cheung 張宏毅律師及夫人 Dr & Mrs Robert John Collins Dr & Mrs Carl Fung Mr & Mrs Patrick Fung 馮柏棟伉儷 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 馮兆林先生夫人 Dr Affandy Hariman 李奮平醫生 Mr Edmond Huang and Ms Shirley Liu 黃翔先生及劉莉女士 Ms Teresa Hung 熊芝華老師 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 高膺伉儷 Dr Lee Kin Hung 李健鴻醫生 Dr Lilian Leong Mr Jan Leung and Ms Emily Chow 梁贊先生及周嘉平女士 HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Ms Li Shuen Pui Agnes Mr & Mrs Candice and Dominic Liang Mr & Mrs William Ma 馬榮楷先生夫人 Dr Mak Lai Wo 麥禮和醫生 Prof John Malpas Mr & Mrs Gilles Martin Craig Merdian and Yelena Zakharova Ms Robyn Meredith Mr & Mrs A Ngan Dr & Mrs Joseph Pang Mrs A M Peyer Mr Poon Chiu Kim Raymond 潘昭劍先生 Poon Yee Ling Eligina Barbara and Anthony Rogers Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang 曾健鵬先生夫人 Dr Tsao Yen Chow 曹延洲醫生 HK$5,000 HK$9,999 Anonymous (1) 無名氏 (1) Mr Bryan Cheng 鄭鈞明 Mrs Evelyn Choi Consigliere Limited Dr William Ho 何兆煒醫生 Mr & Mrs Michael and Angela Grimsdick Marshall Day Acoustics Mr Maurice Hoo 胡立生先生 Lance Lan Lee Tit Sun Mr Paul Leung 梁錦暉先生 Ms D Nam Dr & Mrs Wing F. Pang 彭永福醫生夫人 Ms Tse Wai Shun Susan 謝惠純女士 Mr & Mrs S T Tso Mr & Mrs Matthew Wong & Rachel Lloyd-Wong 王威遠先生及王羅愛欣女士 Mr Patrick Wu 永芳堂 37

40 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 港樂學生票資助基金 STUDENT TICKET FUND 學生票資助基金支持港樂提供半價門票優惠予本港全日制學生, 每港幣 $500 的捐款便可讓六名學生欣賞到香港專業的管弦樂演出 港樂現時透過此基金每年提供逾 15,000 張學生優惠票 The STUDENT TICKET FUND provides a half-price subsidy on concert tickets for local, full-time students. Supporting this fund with just $500 will enable six students to experience the finest orchestral performances in Asia. This programme reaches over 15,000 students each year. HK$100,000 or above 或以上 First Initiative Foundation 領賢慈善基金 Mr & Mrs David Fried Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 Zhilan Foundation 芝蘭基金會 HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Mr & Mrs Alfred W K Chan 陳永堅伉儷 Mr & Mrs E Chan 陳建球伉儷 Ms Doreen Lee and Mr Lawrence Mak 李玉芳女士及麥耀明先生 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Limited 信興教育及慈善基金有限公司 HK$25,000 HK$49,999 Mr & Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul 林定國先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan and Rotina Leung 梁卓恩先生夫人 Tin Ka Ping Foundation 田家炳基金會 Mrs Yu Hu Miao Florence HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Anonymous (1) 無名氏 (1) Mr & Mrs Herbert Au-yeung 歐陽浩榮先生夫人 Mr Chen Chien Hua 陳健華先生 Mr David Chiu Dr York Chow 周一嶽醫生 Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung 馮慶鏘伉儷 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 馮兆林先生夫人 Dr Affandy Hariman 李奮平醫生 Ms Teresa Hung 熊芝華老師 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 高膺伉儷 Mr Jan Leung & Ms Emily Chow 梁贊先生及周嘉平女士 Dr Thomas Leung W T 梁惠棠醫生 Mr & Mrs Candice and Dominic Liang Lo Kar Foon Foundation 羅家驩慈善基金 Mr Stephen Luk Mrs Ruby Master Mr & Mrs A Ngan Poon Yee Ling Eligina Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang 曾健鵬先生夫人 Dr Tsao Yen Chow 曹延洲醫生 Mr Wong Kin On Thomas 黃建安先生 Mr & Mrs Yam Yee Kwan David 任懿君伉儷 Mr Alan Yue and Ms Vivian Poon HK$5,000 HK$9,999 Anonymous (4) 無名氏 (4) Mr Duran Andre and Ms Sham Ting Ting Mr Iain Bruce Mrs Evelyn Choi Mr Philip Lawrence Choy Mr Chu Ming Leong Mr Jean-Christophe Clement La Couture Consultancy Ho Rose Dr Ernest Lee 李樹榮博士 Henry & Angelina Lee Lee Tit Sun Mr Paul Leung 梁錦暉先生 Mr Richard Li 李景行先生 Mustard Seed Foundation 芥籽園基金 Dr & Mrs Wing F. Pang 彭永福醫生夫人 Eddy Poon 潘漢青 Progressive Teacher s Alliance 進步教師同盟 San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Limited 香港生力啤酒廠有限公司 Mr Paul Shieh 石永泰先生 Anna Stephenson and Alan Leigh Mr & Mrs Leland Sun 孫立勳先生夫人 Tse Wai Shun, Susan 謝惠純 Mrs Gertrude Wong 黃鄭國璋女士羅紫媚小姐 & Joe Joe 永芳堂 3838 捐款查詢 DONATION ENQUIRIES

41 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 港樂特別計劃 SPECIAL PROJECTS 贊助基金 ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND 贊助基金於一九八三年由以下機構贊助得以成立 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 置地有限公司 The Hongkong Land Group 怡和有限公司 Jardine, Matheson & Company Ltd The Endowment Trust Fund was set up in 1983 with these initial sponsors. 豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation 花旗銀行 Citibank, NA 香港董氏慈善基金會 The Tung Foundation 商藝匯萃 PAGANINI PROJECT 此計劃由 商藝匯萃 發起及組織 汪穗中先生捐贈艾曼. 謝曼明 (1907) 小提琴. 由冒田中知子小姐使用張爾惠先生捐贈洛治. 希爾 (c.1800) 小提琴. 由王亮先生使用鍾普洋先生捐贈多尼. 哈達 (1991) 大提琴史葛. 羅蘭士先生借出安素度. 普基 (1990). 由張希小姐使用 This project is initiated and organised by Business for Art Foundation. Donated by Mr Patrick Wang Emile Germain (1907) Violin, played by Ms Tomoko Tanaka Mao Donated by Mr Lowell Chang Lockey Hill (c.1800) Violin, played by Mr Wang Liang Donated by Mr Po Chung Dawne Haddad (1991) Violoncello Loaned by Mr Laurence Scofield Ansaldo Poggi (1910) Violin, played by Ms Zhang Xi 樂器捐贈 INSTRUMENT DONATION 香港管弦協會婦女會捐贈 所捐贈之罕有樂器 安域高. 洛卡 (1902) 小提琴. 由程立先生使用 桑. 巴蒂斯. 維爾翁 (1866) 小提琴. 由樂團第三副首席朱蓓小姐使用 約瑟. 加里亞奴 (1788) 小提琴. 由樂團首席王敬先生使用 卡洛. 安東尼奧. 狄斯多尼 (1736) 小提琴. 由倪瀾先生使用 為支持 提升樂團樂器素質計劃 而捐贈之其他樂器 德國轉閥式小號兩支 德國華格納大號乙套 翼號乙支 Donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Rare instruments donated Enrico Rocca (1902) Violin, played by Mr Cheng Li Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1866) Violin, played by Mrs Bei de Gaulle, Third Associate Concertmaster Joseph Gagliano (1788) Violin, played by Mr Jing Wang, Concertmaster Carlo Antonio Testore (1736) Violin, played by Mr Ni Lan Other instruments donated in support of the Instrument Upgrade and Enhancement Project Two German Rotary Trumpets A set of Wagner Tubas A Flugelhorn 39

42 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 香港管弦樂團籌款音樂會 MUSIC IN ACTION THE HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA FUNDRAISING CONCERT 2016 籌備委員會 ORGANISING COMMITTEE 主席 Chair 李何芷韻女士 Mrs Amanda Ho Lee 當然委員 Ex-officio Member 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 港樂籌款委員會主席 The HK Phil Fundraising Committee Chair 副主席 Vice-chairs 忻賢雯女士 Ms Lisa Shing 孫燕華女士 Ms Chloe Suen 謝勤女士 Ms Shirley Tse 贊助者 SPONSORS HK$150,000 or above 或以上香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 莫贊生先生 Mr Mok Tsan San HK$100,000 HK$149,999 龐樂思先生 Mr James Boznos 陳嘉何醫生 Dr Chan Ka-Ho 黃關林先生 Mr Huang Guan Lin 李何芷韻女士 Mrs Amanda Ho Lee 吳國榮先生 Mr Ng Kwok Wing Michael 右思維國際幼兒園暨幼稚園 Rightmind International Nursery & Kindergarten 孫少文基金會 Simon Suen Foundation 黃氏 Wong 王賢訊先生 Mr Vincent Wong HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Dr Duncan Ho Hung Kwong 香港新活力青年智庫 Hong Kong New Youth Energy Think Tank 林文燦博士 Dr Lam Man Chan 李文斌先生 Mr Edmond Lee 李郭靜怡女士 Mrs Lorinda Lee 太古集團慈善信託基金 The Swire Group Charitable Trust Dr Irene Tang Mo Lin 詹耀良先生 Mr Tsim Yiu Leung 眼科黃俊華醫生先生夫人 Dr & Mrs Wong Chun Wah Alex 香港浙江省同鄉會聯合會 Hong Kong Zhejiang United HK$10,000 HK$49,999 卓翹教育顧問 Aces Education Consultancy 無名氏 Anonymous 畢文泰先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Bronco But 戚麗如女士 Ms Chik Lai Yu 趙怡女士 Ms Cindy Chiu 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 英皇金融縱橫財經網站 四洲集團 Four Seas Group 港樂籌款委員會 The HK Phil Fundraising Committee Mr & Mrs Richard Hui Miss Gu Jin Li & Miss Lin Yi Han 林志文先生 Mr Lam Chi Man 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong 李立言醫生 Dr Lee Lip Yen Dennis 呂銘豪先生 Mr Andrew Lui 馬浩文博士 Dr Hoffman Ma 龐維新先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Wilson Pong 太子珠寶鐘錶愛心慈善基金 Prince Jewllery and Watch Love and Care Charitable Foundation 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited 蘇陳偉香女士 Mrs Susan So Chan Wai-hang 蕭劍榮先生 Mr Franki Shiu 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin 譚毓楨女士 Ms Tam Yuk Ching Jenny 詹榮良 Tsim Wing Leung 黃文顯先生 Mr Raymond Wong 其他 Others 無名氏 Anonymous Cao Fujun 陳肯正先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Chan Hang Ching Mr & Mrs Kevin Chan 陳百靈 Chan Pak Ling Juanie 陳偉龍 Chan Wai Lung Franky 陳永翼 Chan Wing Yik 陳炯方先生 Mr Chen Jiong Fang Cheung Theobald Aylwin 鄭志華 Dr Ryan Cho Dr Kelvin Chow 朱申萍 Mr Andrew A. Del Valle 顧東華先生 Dr Wendy Kwan Dr Ku Ka Ming 賴廣麟醫生先生夫人 Dr & Mrs Lai Kwong Lun 林昱妤 Astrea Lam Miss Lois Lam Yu Ka Ms Lan Chia Chen Lee Hui Yen Christine Lee Kam Chuen 李偉文 Lee Wai Man 香港口琴藝術學院李俊樂先生 Lee Yeuk Lui, Rosa 陸智豪 Lek Chi Ho Brian 梁小慧 Leung Siu Wai Annie 李錦玲女士 Ms Li Jinling 盧寵猷醫生 Dr Lo Chung Yau 郎晞喻 Renee Hei Yu Long Charlene Low 馬丁 Martin Ma Bernard Man 森蔚有限公司 Merx Limited 保良局林文燦英文小學 PLK Lam Man Chan English Primary School 蘇霈晴 Valerie So Dr Eric Tang Tsoi Wai Man Vien Ms Flora Wong 王炫舜及家人 Wong Gideon Chester & family 黃嘉贊 Wong Ka Tsan Ms Vickie Wong 楊芷瑩 Yeung Chi Ying 楊禮綽及楊凱晴 Dr Zenon Yeung 葉俊麒 Yip Chun Ki Aidan Yu Kam Yiu Dennis 由於支持者眾多, 未能在此盡錄, 港樂在此謹對所有支持此籌款音樂會的人士及機構致以謝意 The HK Phil would like to express heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported this fundraising concert. Owing to the large number of supporters, we are unable to list them all here. 4040

43 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 香港管弦樂團籌款晚宴 中國夢 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA FUNDRAISING DINNER THE CHINESE DREAM 籌備委員會 ORGANISING COMMITTEE 冠名贊助 Title Sponsor 主席 Chairman 楊俊偉先生 Mr Anthony Yeung 顧問 Advisor 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 捐款及贊助人 DONORS AND SUPPORTERS 鑽石贊助 Diamond Supporters 陳寧先生 Mr Chan Ling 金山能源集團有限公司 King Stone Energy Group Limited 生命泉健康產業基金 / 施小姐 Life Spring Healthcare Fund & Ms Shi 絲路能源服務集團有限公司 Silk Road Energy Services Group Ltd 金贊助 Gold Supporters 拍賣及其他贊助 AUCTION AND OTHER SUPPORTERS HK$50,000 or above 或以上劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu, MH HK$25,000 HK$49,999 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 韓磊先生 Mr Han Lei 余隆先生 Mr Yu Long 現金贊助 Cash Supporters 鄭鐘漢先生 Mr Christopher Cheng 景業控股 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Jingye Holdings (HK) Limited Mr Ken Kwan 李兆麟先生 Mr Edward Lee 蘇彰德先生 Mr Douglas So 中國 9 號健康產業有限公司 China Jiuhao Health Industry Corporation Limited 黃一峰先生 Mr William Huang 生命泉健康產業基金 / 施小姐 Life Spring Healthcare Fund & Ms Shi Cynthia & Hans So 譚銳敏先生 Mr Raymond Tam 譚紹祺先生 Mr Tam Siu Ki 銀贊助 Silver Supporters 華夏能源控股集團 Chinese Energy Holdings Limited 高士輪集團 KOSSILON GROUP 林忠豪先生 Mr Lam Chung Ho Alastair 生命泉健康產業基金 / 施小姐 Life Spring Healthcare Fund & Ms Shi 莫贊生先生 Mr Mok Tsan San 御濠娛樂控股有限公司 Rex Global Entertainment Holdings Limited 紀念品贊助 Souvenir Supporter Rose Avenue 41

44 多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 香港管弦樂團籌款晚宴 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA FUNDRAISING DINNER 冠名贊助 TITLE SPONSOR 港樂籌款晚宴籌備委員會 HK PHIL FUNDRAISING DINNER ORGANISING COMMITTEE 主席 Chair 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho, JP 港樂籌款委員會主席 The HK Phil Fundraising Committee Chair 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 特別嘉賓 SPECIAL GUESTS 馬友友先生 Mr Yo-Yo Ma 吳彤先生 Mr Wu Tong 余隆先生 Mr Yu Long 委員 Members 賀羽嘉女士 Ms Daphne Ho 吳君孟先生 Mr Edward Ng 譚毓楨女士 Ms Jenny Tam 謝勤女士 Ms Shirley Tse 董溫子華女士 Mrs Harriet Tung 應琦泓先生 Mr Steven Ying 捐款及贊助人 DONORS AND SUPPORTERS 白金贊助 Platinum Supporters 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu 呂元祥博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Ronald & Stella Lu 譚毓楨 Tam Yuk Ching Jenny 鴻文慈善基金 Thomas & Linda Lau Family Foundation 亞聯裝飾工程有限公司 Alliance Engineering Company Ltd 陳曾麗娜 Sally Tsang Chan 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 周莉莉小姐 Ms Lily Chow 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho, JP 彭德忠 Pang Tak Chung 董溫子華女士 Mrs Harriet Tung 金贊助 Gold Supporters 李何芷韻女士 Mrs Amanda T. W. Lee 吳君孟先生 Mr Edward Ng 昆士蘭保險 QBE Insurance 唐舟 Tang Zhou 應琦泓先生 Mr Steven Ying 楊莉珊 Judith Yu 榮文蔚女士及盧炯先生 Ms Yvette Yung & Mr Anson Yu 銀贊助 Silver Supporters 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho, JP 廖偉芬慈善基金有限公司 Jennifer W.F. Liu Charitable Foundation Limited 絲路能源服務集團有限公司 Silk Road Energy Services Group Limited 蘇漢珍先生 Mr Hans So 42 銅贊助 Bronze Supporters Ming Lie & Leonard Chan 現金贊助 Cash Supporters 香港天津工商專業婦女委員會 謝勤 林倩如 謝慕蘊 何文琪 Hong Kong Tianjin Business and Professional Women Association - Shirley Tse, Lorraine Lam, Mowana Tse, Angela Ho Dr Alice Lam 蘇彰德先生 Mr Douglas So 拍賣贊助 Auction Supporters 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho, JP Mr Pascal Raffy 劉守良先生 Mr Lau Siew Liang 吳君孟先生 Mr Edward Ng 應琦泓先生 Mr Steven Ying 唐舟先生 Mr Tang Zhou 拍賣及禮品捐贈 Auction and Gift Donors 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 香港港麗酒店 Conrad Hong Kong 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong 鄧鉅明博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Jimmy & Emily Tang 司儀及拍賣官 Master of Ceremony & Auctioneer 金鈴 Jin Ling





49 香港管弦協會有限公司 THE HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY LIMITED 名譽贊助人 Honorary Patron 行政長官 梁振英先生 The Chief Executive The Hon C. Y. Leung, GBM, GBS, JP 董事局 Board of Governors 財務委員會 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu, MH 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 主席 Chairman 主席 Chair 蘇澤光先生 蔡關頴琴律師 Mr Jack C. K. So, GBS, OBE, JP Mrs Janice Choi, MH 副主席 Vice Chairmen 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 湯德信先生 郭永亮先生 劉元生先生 楊顯中博士 Mr David L. Fried Mr Andy Kwok Wing-leung Mr Y. S. Liu, MH Dr John Yeung Hin-chung, SBS, OBE, JP 司庫 Treasurer 陳錦標博士 霍經麟先生 湯德信先生 馮鈺斌博士 郭永亮先生 梁馮令儀醫生 梁卓偉教授 吳君孟先生 蘇兆明先生 史樂山先生 蘇彰德先生 詩柏先生 董溫子華女士 楊俊偉博士 楊顯中博士 應琦泓先生 Dr Joshua Chan Kam-biu Mr Glenn Fok Mr David L. Fried Dr Patrick Fung Yuk-bun, JP Mr Andy Kwok Wing-leung Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP Prof Gabriel Leung, GBS, JP Mr Edward Ng Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Mr John Slosar Mr Douglas So Mr Stephan Spurr Mrs Harriet Tung Dr Anthony Yeung Dr John Yeung Hin-chung, SBS, OBE, JP Mr Steven Ying 籌款委員會 Fundraising Committee 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 主席 Chair 張凱儀女士 賀羽嘉女士 吳君孟先生 楊俊偉博士 應琦泓先生 Ms Cherry Cheung Ms Daphne Ho Mr Edward Ng Dr Anthony Yeung Mr Steven Ying 聽眾拓廣委員會 Audience Development Committee 蘇兆明先生 Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith 主席 Chair 執行委員會 Executive Committee 陳錦標博士 霍經麟先生 湯德信先生 紀大衛教授 李偉安先生 梁馮令儀醫生 梁卓偉教授 羅志力先生 史安祖先生 Dr Joshua Chan Kam-biu Mr Glenn Fok Mr David L. Fried Prof David Gwilt, MBE Mr Warren Lee Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP Prof Gabriel Leung, GBS, JP Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik Mr Andrew Simon 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu, MH 主席 Chair 蘇澤光先生 蔡關頴琴律師 冼雅恩先生 蘇兆明先生 史樂山先生 Mr Jack C. K. So, GBS, OBE, JP Mrs Janice Choi, MH Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Mr John Slosar Finance Committee 47

50 香港管弦協會有限公司 THE HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY LIMITED 行政人員 MANAGEMENT 麥高德 行政總裁 Michael MacLeod Chief Executive 發展部 安嘉莉發展總監 Development Kylie Anania Director of Development 行政及財務部何黎敏怡 行政及財務高級總監 Administration and Finance Vennie Ho Senior Director of Administration and Finance 李嘉盈發展經理曾婷欣發展經理 Jenny Lee Development Manager Renee Tsang Development Manager 李康銘 財務經理 李家榮 資訊科技及項目經理 吳慧妍 人力資源經理 郭文健 行政及財務助理經理 陳碧瑜 行政秘書 Homer Lee Finance Manager Andrew Li IT and Project Manager Annie Ng Human Resources Manager Alex Kwok Assistant Administration and Finance Manager Rida Chan Executive Secretary 陳沛慈發展助理經理李穎勤發展助理經理蘇寶蓮發展助理經理 市場推廣部 夏逸玲市場推廣總監李碧琪傳媒關係經理 Daphne Chan Assistant Development Manager Marinella Li Assistant Development Manager Conny Souw Assistant Development Manager Marketing Deborah Hennig Director of Marketing Becky Lee Media Relations Manager 蘇碧華 行政及財務高級主任 李穎欣 資訊科技及行政主任 黎可澄 行政助理 梁錦龍 辦公室助理 Vonee So Senior Administration and Finance Officer Apple Li IT and Administrative Officer Cherry Lai Administrative Assistant Sammy Leung Office Assistant 余寶茵編輯 劉淳欣市場推廣助理經理何惠嬰票務主管林嘉敏客務主任潘頴詩市場推廣主任 Poyan Yee Publications Editor Sharen Lau Assistant Marketing Manager Agatha Ho Box Office Supervisor Carman Lam Customer Service Officer Renee Poon Marketing Officer 藝術策劃部 Artistic Planning 樂團事務部 Orchestral Operations 韋雲暉 藝術策劃總監 趙桂燕 教育及外展經理 王嘉瑩 藝術策劃經理 林奕榮 教育及外展助理經理 潘盈慧 藝術策劃主任 張慧紅 教育及外展主任 Raff Wilson Director of Artistic Planning Charlotte Chiu Education and Outreach Manager Michelle Wong Artistic Planning Manager Lam Yik-wing Assistant Education and Outreach Manager Christine Poon Artistic Planning Officer Miller Cheung Education and Outreach Officer 鄭浩然樂團事務總監黎樂婷樂團人事經理陳國義舞台經理何思敏樂譜管理陳雅穎樂團事務助理經理李馥丹樂團事務助理經理蘇近邦運輸及舞台主任 Kenny Chen Director of Orchestral Operations Erica Lai Orchestra Personnel Manager Steven Chan Stage Manager Betty Ho Librarian Wing Chan Assistant Orchestral Operations Manager Fanny Li Assistant Orchestral Operations Manager So Kan-pong Transportation and Stage Officer 48



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